Latvian wedding. Latgale wedding in Ukrainian traditions

Since January 1, 2013, changes to the civil law have been in force and now officially the marriage registration ceremony can be held in any places equipped for marriage registration. This innovation opens up wide opportunities for foreigners to hold celebrations in Latvia.

Based on Art. 57. paragraph 1 Civil Law Latvia, the marriage registration ceremony can take place in the premises of the registry office or other places equipped (!!) for this purpose.

What is needed to carry out on-site marriage registration in Latvia?

To register a marriage outdoors, when submitting an application, the newlyweds must present documents confirming that:

The site they have chosen has the necessary equipment and is equipped for marriage registration;

The venue for an outdoor wedding must be equipped with an entrance and passage to the place of registration of the marriage, have a registration table, an arch or a dome for registering the marriage;

It is advisable to have photographs of the proposed place of registration and/or a plan for realizing your dream - a sketch, sketch, 3D visualization of a decorated and landscaped place for registering a marriage;

It is also advisable to provide a map indicating the exact coordinates of the place of marriage registration.

If you do not provide a complete package of supporting documents, the registry office employees have every right to refuse to hold an on-site marriage registration ceremony.

Requirements for technical equipment for a destination wedding in Latvia

A destination wedding must be technically equipped - namely, a microphone and speakers/speakers. If not, the registry office registrar also has the right to refuse on-site marriage registration. One of the requirements of registry offices in Latvia is that the bride, groom, witnesses and those present must hear (!) the words of the registrar, otherwise the registrar cannot perform the function legally assigned to him.

And please, do not try to convince the registry office employee that when registering a marriage at sea in the presence of 100 people, all the guests and the last rows will hear him (the registrar) even without equipment.

How much does a destination marriage ceremony cost in Latvia?

The state fee for the registrar to travel to the wedding venue is paid separately, according to the established tariffs (Provisions of the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers).

For example, in Riga, an outdoor ceremony costs 300 euros; it can only be held in the municipal territory. On average, during the summer season, employees of the Riga Civil Registry Office register at least two dozen away marriages.

The amount of the duty in other cities and regions can be clarified on site.

Wedding in Latvia - by the sea, in a castle or in the forest... Dream or reality?

External marriage registration in Latvia today is not just an official and strict ceremony within the registry office. This is a magnificent holiday, thought out to the smallest detail. Weddings with outdoor rituals - the possibilities know no bounds!

The main thing is to choose a suitable agency that will arrange the wedding of your dreams on a turnkey basis. Traditionally, wedding agencies in Latvia offer all wedding services together, coordinate and organize weddings of any size not only in Latvia, but also in the EU countries.

Where can you organize a destination wedding in Latvia?

Venues for weddings in Latvia are castles and estates, the seashore, rivers or lakes, forests or parks, rural or urban atmosphere.... The main thing is that it is possible to equip the place you choose in accordance with the requirements of the registry office (see above). Don’t be lazy - discuss in advance with the employees (registry office registrars) all the technical details so that the main day in your life goes smoothly and without surprises.

What do you need for a destination wedding?

For your wedding you will need - a covered terrace in case of bad weather or an open area (for example, for a wedding by the sea), arches, tents, paths, various wedding decor...

Wedding agency specialists will be happy to help you with the selection and selection of all equipment, wedding accessories and decor. And the style and color combination for your wedding ceremony is only your choice!

Today, special wedding flip flops are offered for weddings at sea. For guests - elegant beach slippers, decorated with flowers, rhinestones, ribbons, and for newlyweds - beach slippers that leave Just Married marks on the sand...

Destination wedding in Latvia - what should you take care of?

✓ Wedding dress, jewelry(rings) and wedding jewelry

✓ Catering - discussion of the event menu, wedding cake design

✓ Wedding decor - floral design, wedding floristry, fabric draping of tables, chairs, tents and terraces, decoration of all wedding details in the same style

✓ Wedding transport - luxury car rental, helicopter for a wedding, carriage for a wedding, buses and minibuses for guests...

✓ Wedding show program - musicians, presenters/entertainers, show program, fireworks/fireworks...

✓ Organization of photo and video shooting, rental of banquet equipment, tents, awnings, paths...

Weddings in Latvia for foreigners

Carrying out a marriage registration ceremony for citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries looks exactly the same, but with one small amendment.

In order for the marriage to be recognized as valid in the territory of the country where the newlyweds permanently reside, marriage registration documents must be submitted to the Consulate of Russia/Ukraine/Belarus (country of permanent residence) in Latvia.

That is, the official procedure for registering a marriage, as well as issuing an official certificate of marriage registration, is handled by the Consulate of the country of permanent residence.

How can Russian citizens register a marriage in Latvia?

For Russian citizens, to apply for marriage registration at the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Latvia, you must fill out an application, attach copies of passports (bride and groom, a copy of 1 page of the passport and page with a visa or residence permit), as well as the original certificate confirming that the newlyweds are not have obstacles to getting married, and pay the state fee.

Registering a marriage at the Consulate is a legal procedure that takes no more than 10 minutes. Therefore, most often newlyweds plan their wedding day so that before wedding day stop by the Consulate and officially sign their names, and then they could go to an off-site marriage registration ceremony, which is conducted by the registry office registrar. The registry office employee reads out the ceremonial text, the newlyweds exchange rings and are given an official marriage registration certificate.

If there is no desire or opportunity to go to the consulate for legal processing of documents on the wedding day, then this procedure can be completed a few days before the wedding or at any time after the marriage registration ceremony itself.

(Residence permit in Latvia based on family unification).

Latvia is a great place for a wedding if you want to hold the ceremony outdoors. When traveling around this country, I regularly encounter wedding processions and small, purely family, off-site registrations, and locals literally find a place for a photo shoot “on the road.” Take a look at Kemeri Park, for example. Even on a swamp trail you can take amazing pictures wedding photos, if this trail is so picturesque =) The main thing is to stock up on repellent =)

Ceremony options

Most Latvians adhere to two types of celebrations. The first type is a “Baltic” wedding, paying tribute to the traditions of these places. The newlyweds and guests wear oak wreaths and national costumes, their cars are decorated in the same style, and the photo shoot takes place outdoors.

The second option is a secular wedding or a church wedding. Sometimes a wedding includes both marriage and wedding ceremonies. For a banquet, they book a restaurant or cafe, and a photo session is carried out in a studio, on the streets of Riga, or they travel with a photographer to particularly picturesque places. You can also get great photos in winter, when the “demand” for weddings is obviously lower than in the rest of the year, and you can save on many services.

Offers and prices

Since Russians often travel to Latvia, and many Russians and Russian speakers live here, finding a photographer and wedding agency who will speak Russian with you will not be difficult. If we are talking about the cost of the celebration, then it all depends on your budget.

For example, there is the Baltic Beach Hotel, located in Jurmala, where weddings are often organized. Below are photos of the hotel from the outside and banquet hall, below is a photo from the portfolio of photographer Yuri, who photographed the wedding of Inna and Pavel organized in this place. Unfortunately, neither the hotel nor the photographer directly inform you about the cost of their services, but ask you to contact them. I got the impression that this is not the most budget option, but definitely not premium class.

On the other hand, photographer Maris Zalans definitely charges a lot of money. This is evident from his list of awards, his equipment, his willingness to travel anywhere in the world to photograph an event, and the quality of his photographs.

All the reviews I found about the cost of weddings in Latvian castles, on yachts, in fashionable restaurants, as well as prices for invitations, food and drinks and, most importantly, wedding dresses compiled before the introduction of the euro in Latvia. If you estimate the exchange rate when switching from lats to euros (1.422 euros per lat), it turns out that a dress could be sewn for several hundred euros up to 45,000 euros, and the cost of renting a castle ranged from several tens of euros per hour (without food) up to several thousand euros for 4 hours with food.

Naturally, over the past years everything has become more expensive, but, compared to Russian prices, Latvia remains a very economical option for holding a wedding celebration. For example, I know a couple who chose Belarus over Russia and saved significantly on expenses. I read similar stories from brides on Latvian forums, but married beauties are modest about expenses =(

Preparation plan

If you have decided that you want to celebrate your wedding in Latvia, I suggest you step by step plan actions in organizing this celebration.

First, use word of mouth and the theory of six handshakes =) and look among friends, acquaintances, friends of friends and acquaintances of acquaintances for those who got married in Latvia. They will tell you about the pros and cons and shed light on the cost of this event.

Secondly, contact Latvian wedding agencies and find out which of them is willing to give you a tour of the places available for rent. Such a service does not have to be expensive, and may even be free.

Thirdly, go to Latvia and visit those places that you have previously looked at on the Internet. Compare the photo with the original, study the infrastructure, ask locals about wedding banquets and ceremonies that are held in a particular city.

Fourthly, during your trip, visit the ZAKS and wedding palaces of Latvia or any administrative government agencies and find out what is needed for a marriage registered in this Baltic country to be recognized as valid in Russia.

More and more Russians dream of getting married in Latvia. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Light sea views combined with clean beaches.
  2. Affordable prices for wedding banquets and weddings.
  3. Ancient architecture that has survived to this day in good condition.
  4. Magnificent nature that allows you to take gorgeous wedding photos.
  5. Large selection of restaurants and hotels with European level of service.
  6. Simple paperwork.
  7. Very tasty cuisine.
  8. Possible short term stay.
  9. Services of professional wedding agencies that allow you to organize a truly amazing wedding.

Latvia allows you to make all your dreams come true at the best price!

This amazing country offers many opportunities for organizing a wedding. For example, young couples are offered:

Rent a yacht;

Go on a sea cruise;

Rent a fashionable restaurant with national and European cuisine;

Sign and do a photo shoot in one of the castles in Latvia;

Get married in one of the country's ancient churches and cathedrals.

Latvia is famous for its magnificent nature. Here every couple can find something for themselves. The country is famous for its blue lakes, medieval castles, massive forests, fortresses from the times of knights, and modern resorts, which are visited by people from all over the world. Latvia has an old history, delicious cuisine, and beautiful nature. This is probably why more and more young couples want to spend their wedding day here.

Where to celebrate a wedding in Latvia?

The country has many interesting and beautiful places, among which everyone will find something suitable for themselves. For example, wedding photo session can be done:

  • In one of the castles that have survived to this day in excellent condition. Many of them are rented specifically so that newlyweds can do a photo shoot. We'll talk about which lock to choose below.
  • In nature. A wedding photo shoot on the shores of the Baltic Sea is a great opportunity to get bright emotions and unforgettable wedding photos. The beaches in Latvia are very clean, beautiful and large. The water is crystal clear, transparent with turquoise shade. The photos here will turn out stylish and bright.
  • On the ancient streets of cities. Latvia has many ancient cobbled streets where you can have a beautiful wedding photo shoot. The country is famous for its amazing history and ancient traditions. By choosing a professional photographer, you can rest assured that the photos will turn out bright and impressive.

In order to enter Latvia, you must obtain a Schengen visa. On the one hand, this is a waste of time, and on the other hand, you will invite only your closest relatives and friends to the holiday. By contacting a wedding agency, they will help you collect the necessary documents and obtain visas. Please note that foreigners have the opportunity to sign officially in Latvia. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents.

How to organize a wedding in Latvia?

Of course, it is best to seek professional help from a wedding agency. Its services include:

Restaurant rental;

Organization of the wedding venue and painting;

Hotel rental;

Delivery of a limousine or other vehicle;

Decoration of the wedding hall, wedding venue and painting;

Preparation of the bride and groom;

Preparation of documents, etc.

The staff of the wedding agency will create an entertainment program taking into account the wishes of the newlyweds.

Choosing a castle for a wedding celebration in Latvia

A wedding in a castle is becoming more and more fashionable. It is solemn, beautiful and original. Today in Latvia you can easily rent a castle, where you can officially register a marriage and take unusual wedding photos. If you dream of such a wedding, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the popular Latvian castles:


In this beautiful castle you can not only sign your name, but also have a gala dinner. For four hours you will have to pay 2400 lats. Guests can use the park and halls, which are located on different floors. The treat costs up to 30 lats per person. You will have to pay six lats separately for the service. This is a very popular castle, where Karlisa Guna’s daughter held her wedding. In addition, many other famous personalities spent their wedding day here.


Kristaps Valters and his wife got married in this castle. The cost of an 8-hour rental is 2040 lats. For five hundred lats you can rent a Rolls Royce for eight hours. Service at the castle is open until two o'clock in the morning. It is worth renting in advance, as the castle is very popular among newlyweds.

Rundāle Castle

Rented for 4 hours. They will cost young people 1700 rubles. Tenants are offered three halls, which differ in price. White is the most expensive. The cost of treating one guest ranges from 20 to 800 lats. Note that this castle was rented for three years in advance.


Another Latvian castle where conductor Karel Mark and opera singer Elina Garanca. It is rented between four o'clock in the evening and four in the morning. During this time you will have to pay two thousand lats. Having chosen the wedding date, you will have to make an advance payment.

Jaunpils Castle

A small and cozy castle can be rented for 900 lats. It has Pink, Green and Great halls.

Zvartavsky and Alsungsky castles

They are considered the most budget-friendly in Latvia. The cost of the first is 20 lats per hour, the cost of the second is 5 lats per hour.

Do you want your wedding in Latvia to be unforgettable and bright? Then use the services of a wedding agency that has established connections and a wide range of programs for celebrating your wedding day! With the help of professionals, your wedding will take place in the best possible way and will remain in memory for a lifetime. This is a worthy start to a new one family life.

Wedding traditions of Latvia.

Latvia is one of the beautiful Baltic countries, which, in addition, is rich in romantic wedding traditions, as you will see below.

Wedding traditions of Latvia. Latvian wedding

  • Since ancient times, there has been a tradition in Latvia to celebrate weddings in the fall under the new moon or under the full moon. According to ancient tradition, this custom promises the newlyweds a happy and prosperous life.
  • In the old days, the wedding day was the last time for girls when they had the right to put a wreath on their heads. Afterwards, when entering into marital relations, married girls were not allowed to do this.
  • Then the fashion for the veil came, and along with it another ritual appeared, observing which, at exactly midnight in the presence of guests, the bride had to take it off. Instead of a veil, the girls put a scarf on their head and tied an apron. In turn, the groom was given a hat. This ritual signified the entry of young people into an independent family life.
  • for many married girls it is of particular value. Most of them carefully preserve their wedding dresses, as a kind of symbol of their marital status.
  • Especially beautiful tradition in Latvia- this is a mandatory visit for a young couple to seven different bridges. According to local beliefs, this ritual is intended to provide newlyweds with a happy and prosperous life. Crossing the bridge, the newlyweds launch into the sky balloon with one of your cherished desires, sincerely hoping for its speedy fulfillment.
  • But this is not all the rituals associated with the bridge. The newlyweds attach a lock to the bridge railing , on which, as a rule, the names of the newlyweds are written. This tradition means that from now on the loving couple is bound by strong bonds of marriage.
  • Approaching the last bridge, without fail, the groom carries his chosen one in his arms. Isn't it really romantic??
  • Wedding table in Latvia - this is a wealth of traditional dishes that are prepared strictly following the recipes of Latvian cuisine. Undoubtedly, it is customary to serve broth and meat pies as the first course at weddings. For the second course there are veal rolls, steaks, etc. Well, at the end, guests are treated to dessert, namely a gorgeous wedding cake.
  • In the old days, weddings were celebrated with quite on a large scale , and often the festivities on this occasion dragged on for several days. Today modern weddings in Latvia it is customary to celebrate more modestly.

A wedding is a serious matter, because ideally the newlyweds will live together for the rest of their lives.
For a long time, when getting married, people tried to observe special traditions that would make family life happy and protect newly-made spouses from problems. It is not surprising that magic was often called upon for help...

In Germany, guests specially present new plates as a wedding gift, which at the wedding... are broken. It is believed that the sound of broken dishes scares away evil spirits from a young family. And at a wedding, the bride and groom cut a log together. The meaning of the custom is that to build family relationships- a lot of work, and efforts must be made to preserve them...

In Ireland, during the wedding dance, the bride must not take her feet off the ground. Otherwise, the Irish believe, evil fairies may carry her away... And in the Baltics, the bride, while dancing, steps on the groom’s foot with all her might so that he screams in pain. This is an echo of the old belief that devils once took on human form and kidnapped brides. So they carried out a check during the dance - if the betrothed does not feel pain, it means that he has hooves, not legs!

Representatives of the Chinese Tujia people cry bitterly before their wedding. But not as you have to, but for a strictly regulated time - an hour a day. They begin to carry out the ritual a month before the wedding. After 10 days, her mother joins the crying bride, and after another 10 days, her grandmother. Then the rest of the women of the family join them...

Among the Daurs of Inner Mongolia, the wedding date is set after the bride and groom jointly slaughter a chicken with a knife. Having killed him, they remove the entrails and carefully examine the liver. If she is healthy, then she is allowed to choose the wedding day. If there is something wrong with it, then it is too early to schedule a celebration, and the ceremony will be repeated until a suitable organ is found...

In some regions of India, marriages with... trees are practiced. This is done if there are any obstacles to entering into an ordinary marriage, for example, a person was born in an inappropriate astrological period and may bring a curse on the future spouse, or plans to marry for the third time, which is prohibited by Indian laws (and a symbolic wedding with tree opens the way to a fourth marriage). Usually after the “wedding” the tree is cut down and the “marriage” is considered dissolved. Also in India, marriages with... animals are practiced. This is done to protect yourself from evil spirits. Typically, girls born with some kind of defect - a milk tooth erupting through the gum or blemishes on the face - are married off in this way. Most often the “groom” is a dog or a goat. Some time after this, the girl can enter into a regular marriage... In India, the groom must take off his shoes before approaching the wedding altar. After this, the bride's relatives try to steal his shoes, and the task of the groom's relatives is to prevent them from doing this. If the first one succeeds, the groom and his relatives will have to pay a ransom.

In Russia, it is believed that under no circumstances should the bride and groom be photographed together before going to the registry office, otherwise the wedding will be upset. There will always be someone who, looking at this photo, will envy your happiness and say an unkind word. The consequences may be the most dire.

The groom is not allowed to see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding - it is not good. To one of the newlyweds wedding ring it turned out not to fit, or during the wedding it slipped out of the fingers and rolled - therefore, the marriage will be unsuccessful. Sometimes poor people borrow wedding suits and dresses for rent. But things absorb the energy of previous “carriers”! And what good awaits a girl if she wears the dress and veil of a friend who has already divorced her husband?

But the bride, oddly enough, should get married in old shoes. And this is not just a sign, but rather a manifestation of worldly wisdom. Usually girls want to buy new shoes for their wedding. They forget that they will first have to greet guests and then dance until the night. A new shoes, as a rule, it presses. Of course, you shouldn’t wear used shoes to a wedding, but you can easily buy new shoes a couple of months before the celebration and wear them out by the wedding day. Guests will not notice anything, and you will be comfortable.

By the way, in many countries it is believed that the bride should wear “something new, something old, something foreign and something blue” to her wedding. And there are reasons for this: when a young woman gets married, she begins new life with her husband, but past life experiences remain with her. If she wears something from a friend who is happily married, then happiness in her family life will also await her. Well, blue is a symbol of fidelity...

Here are some more interesting wedding customs. How and why they arose - no one now remembers.

For example, you can’t let anyone measure wedding dress and wedding rings.

Before the wedding, it doesn’t hurt the bride to put a silver coin in her shoe.

You need to go to the registry office or church along one road, and return along another.

When the newlyweds begin to enter the house, they must step through the open padlock. Then it must be immediately locked and given to the spouses for safekeeping, and the key thrown into the
some kind of pond. Then the young people will live in harmony.

Before sitting down at the table, two safety pins must be pinned to the clothes of the bride and groom.

In the hallway in front of the threshold, spread a towel. Whoever steps on it first will become the master of the house.

Wedding photographs should be given only to the closest and most trusted people in order to avoid the evil eye.

After the bride and groom take a bite from the wedding loaf, it should be removed. Only the newlyweds themselves and their parents have the right to finish it.

It is a bad omen to keep flowers from a wedding bouquet. As soon as they wither, the bouquet should be thrown away.

It’s a good idea for a young wife to fluff her pillows herself before her wedding night. Then everything will be fine in your intimate life.