Mathematical development of preschool children. Modern requirements for the mathematical development of children of senior preschool age The concept of mathematical development of preschool children definition

Sokolova Taisiya
Mathematical development preschoolers in preschool educational institutions

Sokolova T.K.

One of the annual tasks set for the preschool educational institution team is “Creating the most favorable conditions for development mental abilities and through the use of modern forms of organizing work on FEMP in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

A huge role in mental education and development child's intelligence plays mathematical development. Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. Its study contributes memory development, speech, imagination, emotions; forms perseverance, patience, and creative potential of the individual. Teacher's potential preschool institution is not the transfer of certain mathematical knowledge and skills, and in introducing children to material, giving food to the imagination, affecting not only the purely intellectual, but also emotional sphere child. Teacher preschool The institution must give the child the feeling that he can understand and assimilate not only particular concepts, but also general patterns. And the main thing is to experience joy in overcoming difficulties.

Consequently, one of the most important tasks of preschool teachers is development the child has an interest in mathematics in preschool age.

To implement competent learning preschoolers, their mathematical development The teacher himself must know the subject of science mathematicians, psychological characteristics development of mathematical children's ideas and work methods. Secondary teachers groups: Shubina Nina Aleksandrovna and Poddubnaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna held for teachers open classes on FEMP using didactic material. To compare the methods of conducting classes in senior preparatory groups ah, open classes were held by educators Semeschenko Irina Petrovna and Orlova Marina Ivanovna. The teachers saw a difference in the methods of conducting classes: if in the junior secondary groups classes are held in a playful way, then in the senior preparatory groups they spend more time at tables, working with handouts material, learning skills are developed.

For a child - preschooler's main path of development- empirical generalization, i.e. generalization of one’s own sensory experience. For preschooler the content must be sensually perceived, therefore, when working with preschoolers application is so important entertaining material. Challenges of ingenuity, puzzles, entertaining games arouse great interest among the children. Children can, without distraction, practice transforming figures for a long time, rearranging sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own ideas. In such activities, important qualities of a child’s personality are formed. nka: independence, observation, resourcefulness, intelligence, perseverance is developed, are developing constructive skills.

IN kindergarten competition was held "Best math corner» , where all groups took part. The teachers, together with their parents, filled the corners with various educational games with mathematical content.

For development mental abilities and mathematical representations in preschoolers All conditions have been created in the kindergarten. The circle is working "Logics", where children of senior and preparatory groups study. Head of the circle "Logics" Orlova Marina Ivanovna. Club classes are all done in a playful way using entertaining material. This and "Dyenes Blocks", "Kusener's Sticks", "Tangram", « Math tablet» and much more.

Orderly representations, correctly formed first concepts, on time developed thinking abilities serve as the key to children’s further successful education at school.

Our team has come to this conclusion:

Continue work on FEMP, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, but at the same time focus on "the zone of the closest development» .

Achieve effective results in mathematical development the child and his need to acquire knowledge arises only in close cooperation with the family.

Publications on the topic:

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" for older preschoolers in the NGO "Mathematical Development" What? Where? When? (math quiz) Mind game: "What? Where? When?" By cognitive development(mathematics) for children.

Consultation “Physical development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions” « Physical development preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard" consultation for preschool teachers. The most important stage in the formation of a child’s health and development.

Logical and mathematical development of children 5–6 years old Age-related psychological characteristics of children: Show interest in sign systems, modeling, and independent creative solutions.

Mathematics education in a modern preschool educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education One of the most important tasks of raising a child preschool age is the development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities.

Sensory education, aimed at developing a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the first basis for understanding the world.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the main principles preschool education is to support children's initiatives in various types activities.

The holistic development of a preschool child is a multifaceted process. Personal, mental, speech, emotional and other aspects of development acquire particular significance in it. In mental development, mathematical development plays an important role, which at the same time cannot be carried out outside of personal, speech and emotional development.

The concept of “mathematical development of preschool children” is quite complex, comprehensive and multifaceted. It consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of “everyday” and “scientific” concepts in a child. In the process of mastering elementary mathematical concepts, the preschooler enters into specific socio-psychological relationships with time and space (both physical and social); he develops ideas about relativity, transitivity, discreteness and continuity of magnitude, etc. These ideas can be considered as a special “key” not only to mastering age-specific activities, to insight into the meaning of the surrounding reality, but also to the formation of a holistic “ pictures of the world."

The basis for the interpretation of the concept of “mathematical development” of preschool children was also laid in the works of L.A. Wenger. and today it is the most common in the theory and practice of teaching mathematics to preschoolers. “The purpose of teaching in kindergarten classes is for the child to master a certain range of knowledge and skills specified by the program. The development of mental abilities is achieved indirectly: in the process of acquiring knowledge. This is precisely the meaning of the widespread concept of “developmental education”. The developmental effect of training depends on what knowledge is communicated to children and what teaching methods are used.” Here the intended hierarchy of categories is clearly visible: knowledge is primary, teaching method is secondary, i.e. it is implied that the teaching method is “selected” depending on the nature of the knowledge communicated to the child (at the same time, the use of the word “communicated” obviously nullifies the second half of the statement itself, since since “communicated” means the method is “explanatory-illustrative”, and Finally, it is believed that mental development itself is a spontaneous consequence of this training.

This understanding of mathematical development is consistently preserved in the works of preschool education specialists. In the study by Abashina V.V. a definition is given to the concept of “mathematical development”: “the mathematical development of a preschooler is a process of qualitative change in the intellectual sphere of the individual, which occurs as a result of the formation of mathematical ideas and concepts in the child.”

From the research of E.I. Shcherbakova, the mathematical development of preschool children should be understood as shifts and changes in the cognitive activity of the individual that occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and related logical operations. In other words, the mathematical development of preschoolers is qualitative changes in the forms of their cognitive activity that occur as a result of children mastering elementary mathematical concepts and related logical operations.

Standing out from preschool pedagogy, the methodology for forming elementary mathematical concepts has become an independent scientific and educational field. The subject of her research is the study of the basic patterns of the process of formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children in the conditions of public education. The range of mathematical development problems solved by the methodology is quite extensive:

Scientific substantiation of program requirements for the level of development of quantitative, spatial, temporal and other mathematical concepts of children in each age group;

Determining the content of the material to prepare a child in kindergarten for mastering mathematics at school;

Improving material on the formation of mathematical concepts in the kindergarten program;

Development and implementation of effective didactic tools, methods and various forms into practice and organization of the process of development of elementary mathematical concepts;

Implementation of continuity in the formation of basic mathematical concepts in kindergarten and corresponding concepts in school;

Development of content for the training of highly qualified personnel capable of carrying out pedagogical and methodological work on the formation and development of mathematical concepts in children at all levels of the preschool education system;

Development on a scientific basis of methodological recommendations for parents on the development of mathematical concepts in children in a family setting.

Shcherbakova E.I. Among the tasks for the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge and the subsequent mathematical development of children, he identifies the main ones, namely:

acquiring knowledge about set, number, size, shape, space and time as the foundations of mathematical development;

the formation of a broad initial orientation in the quantitative, spatial and temporal relations of the surrounding reality;

formation of skills and abilities in counting, calculations, measurement, modeling, general educational skills;

mastery of mathematical terminology;

development of cognitive interests and abilities, logical thinking, general intellectual development child.

These problems are most often solved by the teacher simultaneously in each mathematics lesson, as well as in the process of organizing various types of independent children's activities. Numerous psychological and pedagogical studies and advanced pedagogical experience in preschool institutions show that only properly organized children's activities and systematic teaching ensure timely mathematical development of a preschooler.

The theoretical basis for the methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers is not only the general, fundamental, initial provisions of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, mathematics and other sciences. As a system of pedagogical knowledge, it has its own theory and its own sources. The latter include:

Scientific research and publications that reflect the main results of scientific research (articles, monographs, collections of scientific papers, etc.);

Program and instructional documents ("Program of education and training in kindergarten", methodological instructions, etc.);

Methodological literature (articles in specialized journals, for example, in " Preschool education", manuals for kindergarten teachers and parents, collections of games and exercises, methodological recommendations etc.);

Advanced collective and individual pedagogical experience in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children in kindergarten and family, experience and ideas of innovative teachers.

The methodology for forming elementary mathematical concepts in children is constantly developing, improving and enriching with the results of scientific research and advanced pedagogical experience.

Currently, thanks to the efforts of scientists and practitioners, a scientifically based methodological system for the development of mathematical concepts in children has been created, is successfully functioning and is being improved. Its main elements - purpose, content, methods, means and forms of organizing work - are closely interconnected and mutually condition each other.

The leading and determining one among them is the goal, since it leads to the fulfillment of the social order of society by the kindergarten, preparing children to study the basics of science (including mathematics) at school.

Preschoolers actively master counting, use numbers, carry out basic calculations visually and orally, master the simplest temporal and spatial relationships, and transform objects of various shapes and sizes. The child, without realizing it, practically gets involved in simple mathematical activities, while mastering properties, relationships, connections and dependencies on objects and the numerical level.

The need for modern requirements is caused by high level modern school for the mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten in connection with the transition to schooling from the age of six.

Mathematical preparation of children for school involves not only the assimilation of certain knowledge by children, but also the formation of quantitative spatial and temporal concepts in them. The most important thing is the development of preschoolers’ thinking abilities and the ability to solve various problems. The teacher must know not only how to teach preschoolers, but also what he teaches them, that is, the mathematical essence of the concepts that he forms in children must be clear to him. Widespread use of oral folk art It is also important for awakening preschoolers’ interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activity, and general mental development.

Thus, mathematical development is seen as a consequence of learning mathematical knowledge. To some extent, this is certainly observed in some cases, but it does not always happen. If this approach to the mathematical development of a child were correct, then it would be enough to select the range of knowledge imparted to the child and select the appropriate teaching method “for it” in order to make this process really productive, i.e. result in “universal” high mathematical development in all children.

One of the mainx tasks of preschool education- mathematical development of the child. It is not just about teaching how to count, measure and solve arithmetic problems. It also implies the development of the ability to see, discover properties, relationships, dependencies in the surrounding world, and be able to convey them with the help of signs and symbols.

The formation of initial mathematical concepts and actions goes through the same stages as any mental action. At the first stage The child carries out counting operations only with the support of external objects. At the second stage, mathematical operations are carried out in terms of loud speech. This stage is divided into two stages. On the first, the child cannot complete the “2 + 2” task, but can easily complete “add 2 apples to 2 apples.” Thus, at the first stage, reliance on the visual image of the situation is a necessary condition performing a mathematical operation. Second stage is defined as the stage of abstract speech, when the child performs actions based only on the naming of numerals. At the third stage mathematical operations are carried out in terms of internal speech (P. Ya. Galperin, L. S. Georgiev).

In the implementation of cognitive activity(and mathematical activity is a specific cognitive activity) the leading role belongs to speech. When performing a practical action, the child must be able to verbalize this action. The ability to describe one’s action develops the ability to reason and justify a particular decision. In mathematics, when describing the properties of objects and their relationships, precise words are required - terms. The phrases used in mathematics classes are distinguished by a strictly specified order of word combinations. To successfully master counting operations, it is first necessary to master a certain linguistic level. To perceive definitions, a child must master the necessary vocabulary, understand their meaning, accurately determine the nature of the logical-grammatical connections between words and sentences. The formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is extremely important when solving arithmetic problems. Analyzing the text of the problem, the child must establish dependencies between the task data and highlight their logical connections.

Thus, a necessary condition for successful mastery of mathematics is the formation of many mental functions and processes. And, undoubtedly, one of the most important prerequisites for mastering counting operations is speech.

In the process of working to enhance speech activity in FEMP classes, the following tasks are solved:

1. Formation of solid knowledge in all sections of elementary mathematics (quantity and counting, shape and size, orientation in space and on a plane, orientation in time) in accordance with the program.

2. Enrichment and activation of children’s vocabulary, using a variety of speech material and folklore in their work.
To form a vocabulary, it is advisable to use visual and verbal material: funny poems about numbers; fairy tales, stories in which numbers are present; riddles; puzzles; counters; sayings; teasing, etc. All this enriches vocabulary (including mathematics), trains attention and memory, lays the foundations for creativity, and develops explanatory and demonstrative speech. Folklore helps to create an emotional mood and activate the child’s mental activity.

3. Learning to use mathematical terms in your speech in accordance with the program material:

Names of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, quadrangle, polygon, oval, rhombus);
- elements of shapes (corner, side, vertex);
- computational actions (add, subtract, get, equal, quantity, figure, number, etc.);
- comparative actions (more, less, longer, shorter, higher - lower, narrower - wider, thicker - thinner, etc.);
- spatial relationships (top - bottom, in front - behind, left - right, nearby - far, etc.);

4. Activation of children's mental activity.

5. Development of attention, memory, imagination, thinking.

Work on activating speech activity in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is carried out in stages.

I. It begins with survey actions: feeling the number made of plastic, plywood, sandpaper and other materials. In the process of this type of activity, children learn to talk about their feelings and guesses, they develop motor and visual memory, thinking, attention, and speech.

II. Outlining numbers, shading, coloring. Children learn to coordinate the actions of both hands, develop an eye, precision of movements, neatness; in the course of completing the task, children’s knowledge of color, the location of numbers on a sheet, the ability to navigate on a plane, etc. is refined.

III. Composing a number from “Numbers” cubes and composing it from parts (the “Numbers” constructor) are aimed at developing analytical and synthetic activity, attention, memory, development of motor skills, and the ability to navigate in space.

IV. To develop imagination, the task “What does a number look like?” is carried out. Children learn to compare objects, identify signs of similarity and difference; in the process of carrying out this task, children develop creativity, fantasy and speech.

V. Drawing numbers with a wet finger on a board in the sand. In this task, the image of a number is consolidated, not only visually, but also motorically, children learn to correlate the verbal designation of a number with its graphic image.

VI. Reading poems about numbers, fairy tales that mention numbers, tongue twisters, etc. This helps children see the need to know numbers and their use in artistic creativity.

VII. Creating a collage of mathematical content from children's drawings, based on which children come up with fairy tales and stories. In the process of this type of work, children’s coherent speech develops, their vocabulary, the ability to speak in front of listeners is formed, and the expressiveness of speech develops.

VIII. Coming up with first-person stories about numbers, for example: “I am one. I have a sharp nose. I’m very curious, I stick it everywhere, that’s why it became so long for me. Don’t come near me, otherwise I’ll inject you.” Such stories are written down in the “Baby Book”, which every child in the group has.
The same principle applies to the sequence of work to get acquainted with geometric shapes.

In the work on activating the speech activity of children in FEMP classes It is advisable to use Dienesh blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, teaching aids M. Montessori, J. Piaget, M. Fiedler, etc. In the process of working with manuals, children learn to verbalize their actions using mathematical terms, compare objects by color, size, quantity, shape. By creating images of birds and animals (“Tangram”), children remember songs, poems, stories, and come up with riddles.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory group.
Topic: “Ordinal and quantitative calculation.”
Goal: Consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting within ten.

- Practice counting objects by touch.
- Develop the ability to compare numbers within ten, using mathematical terms “more”, “less”, “equal”.
- Practice solving problems involving addition and subtraction within ten.
- Develop the ability to navigate in space according to a diagram and on a plane according to the cells.
- Practice comparing objects by length, using the words “shortest”, “longer”, “shorter”, “longest” in speech.
- Practice distinguishing geometric shapes by color, shape, size, thickness and classification in accordance with the symbol card.
- Develop attention logical thinking, fine motor skills hands
- Learn to transform deformed phrases into correct statements
- Develop the ability to expressively tell poems about numbers.
- Foster mutual assistance.

Demo material

Telegram, toy train, images for flannelograph: Barmaley, Aibolit; elephant, monkey, lion, rhinoceros, giraffe, numbers from 1 to 10, mathematical signs (“greater than”, “less than”, “equal”); suitcase, soft toys.
Handout material. Didactic game “Fly”, pencil cases with numbers and mathematical signs (“plus”, “minus”, “equals”), soft toys, hoops, Dienesh blocks, caterpillars, sheets of checkered paper and pencils.

Progress of the lesson
Teacher. This morning a telegram arrived. Guess who it's from.
Heals small animals, Heals adults and children, Heals everyone, Heals the Good Doctor...
Children: Aibolit.
Teacher. The telegram arrived not simple, but encrypted. Let's decipher it.
Barmaley, animals, kidnap Children. The Barmaley animals were kidnapped by the Teacher. Rather, Africa, to, come.
Children. Come to Africa soon. Teacher. Help, animals, save. Children. Help save the animals. Teacher. Guys, let's help Aibolit? Children. Yes.
Teacher. What can we use to go to Africa? Let's go by train. But what is it? We can't leave, the train has no wheels. Shall we fix the train? Shall we tighten the wheels?
Children. Yes.
Teacher. Wheels will be selected in order from 1 to 10.
Children “screw the wheels” and apply lids from plastic bottles with numbers from 1 to 10 written on them. They are built in a column.

Teacher. Well done, they fixed the train. Who is traveling in which carriage?

1st child. I'm in the first one.
2nd child. I'm in the second one. (Etc.) Teacher. Let's give the signal for departure: "Oooh."
I'm puffing, puffing, puffing, I'm knocking, knocking, knocking, I'm flying, flying, flying I don't want to be late!

Here we are in Africa, Aibolit and Barmaley meet us, greet us and invite us to sit at the tables.
Images of Aibolit, Barmaley and animals in cages are on flannelgraph.
Aibolit. Barmaley kidnapped the animals and put them in a cage. The animals became sad and sick.
Teacher. Let's help Aibolit save the animals. But getting to them is not easy; you have to go through a labyrinth. And the entrance to the labyrinth is locked. Let's try to open it.

Conducted graphic dictation. Children work on checkered pieces of paper. Under the dictation of the teacher, move the pencil in the indicated direction. As a result, the sheets should have an image of the key.
Teacher. With this key we can open the door to the labyrinth.
Guys, look at the flannel count, how many animals did Barmaley kidnap? (Children's answers.) Where is the elephant? (Children's answers.) Where is the lion? (Children's answers.) (Etc.)

Now we know who is where. We can go save the animals.

Didactic game "Fly"
As instructed by the teacher, the children move the “fly”.
Teacher. Where did you stop? Who are we saving? (Children's answers.) There is a lock on the cage. To open it, you need to select a code - put the desired mathematical sign: “greater than”, “less than”, “equal”.

Children “travel” through the cells, compare numbers, put the desired sign between the numbers, “save” the animal and place its image at the top, above the cell.

Teacher. So we saved all the animals. Now we need to cure them. But Barmaley took his suitcase with medicines from Aibolit and hid it. We need to find him. Leave the tables and stand in a row. Here's a map with arrows showing where to go, and numbers indicating the number of steps. If we go all the way correctly, we will find the doctor's suitcase.

Children complete the task.

Teacher. We found the suitcase. But the evil Barmaley mixed all the medicines. We need to take them apart. You need to determine what is hurting the animal and select the right medicine according to the prescription.
A didactic game is played with Ayenesha blocks.
Teacher. There are hoops on the floor, with an animal sitting in each hoop. Come and see what part of his body is bandaged. The hoop contains a symbol card. This is a recipe that will help you find the right medicine.
Children complete the task.

Teacher. We have cured all the animals. Now they're not sad anymore
They invite us to board a plane and look down from the plane at how beautiful Africa is.

Physical education minute
Started the engines: rrr! Hands to the sides. We're sending the plane into flight. Right wing forward. Left wing forward. One, two, three, four, our plane took off.
Perform appropriate movements.
Teacher. What do you see from above?
Children. Palm trees, giraffe, river.
Teacher. And now the animals want to play hide and seek with us. Count how many animals there are in total? Remember who is in what place. Now you close your eyes, and one of the animals will hide.
The game “Who is gone?” is being played.
Teacher. And now the lion wants to ask you riddles. You will solve them and display the solutions using numbers on the carpet. (The task is performed on the floor)

The monkey brought it to the elephant
Four bananas -
I made you happy with a gift
He had one banana, Look,
Now how much is everything? Tell me!
Children. There are five bananas: one plus four. Teacher.
On the swing, on the swing
Sat down at the zoo
Five spotted leopards,
They smile at the sun
And with the good old lion
Swinging merrily.
How many animals are there in total? Children. Six animals. Teacher.
Seven monkeys, seven neighbors, ran away from their branches, all of them hung upside down on their tails,
They swayed, shouted, and fought among themselves. Got it the most
in a fight The most important bully. They threw her off the branch. How long will it be without her?
Children. Six monkeys.
Teacher. Guys, look what beautiful caterpillars have crawled to us. How are they similar?
Children. They are made from “kinder surprises”.
Teacher. How are they different?
Children Color and length.
Teacher. The caterpillars also want to play with you. Take one caterpillar at a time and hide it behind your back. Count by touch how many balls your caterpillar has. How many balls you count, that’s how old she is. Now tell us about your caterpillar: what color it is and how old it is.
Children complete the task.
Teacher. Now let's release the caterpillars into the clearing.
Children place caterpillars on a green piece of paper.
Teacher. Place them in order: from shortest to longest. Name their length.
Children complete the task (“The shortest, the longest, even longer...”).
Teacher. Now say it in reverse order.
Children complete the task (“The longest, shorter, even shorter..., shortest”).
Teacher. That's how much fun we had! But now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's dance with our animals.
Children dance to the song “Africa” from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood”).
Teacher. Barmaley wants to tell you that he really liked the way you played together. He promises that he will no longer offend animals, but will be friends with them. Let's say goodbye to Barmaley, Doctor Aibolit and the animals. Let's get on the train and go to kindergarten. Goodbye, friends!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

At present, and even more so in the future, mathematics will be needed by a huge number of people in various professions. Mathematics has enormous potential for developing children's thinking as they learn from a very early age. Preschool age is the most favorable period for the intensive development of the physical and mental functions of the child’s body, including mathematical development. The skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - school.

The mathematical development of a child is not only the preschooler’s ability to count and solve arithmetic problems, it is also the development of the ability to see relationships and dependencies in the world around him, and to operate with objects, signs, and symbols. Our task is to develop these abilities, to give the little person the opportunity to explore the world at every stage of his growing up. But we must remember that mathematical development is a long and very labor-intensive process for preschoolers, since the formation of basic techniques of logical cognition requires not only high mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality.

The mathematical development of students takes into account:

  • patterns and logic of preschool children’s initial understanding of the mathematical organization of the world (number, shape, etc.);
  • accounting for age, individual characteristics, the level of development of each child when selecting content;
  • orientation towards personal development, self-development and self-realization of the child;
  • integrated approach to the learning process.

Mathematical development is carried out in all structures pedagogical process: in joint activities of an adult with children (direct educational activities and routine moments), independent children's activities, thereby children are given the opportunity to analyze, compare, and generalize.

The developmental environment acts as a stimulator, a driving force in the mathematical development of preschool children. To form elementary mathematical concepts in children, it is important to create such an environment and such a system of relationships that would stimulate the most diverse mental activity and would develop in the child exactly what is capable of developing most effectively at the appropriate moment. The form of organizing activities for mathematical development is individual and group work in a specially created subject-development environment in a group - the “Center for Mathematical Development”. The “Center for Mathematical Development” houses didactic games aimed at children mastering the basic techniques of cognition, developing sensory skills, temporal and spatial concepts, and so on. Didactic material in the "Center for Mathematical Development" is available for children and is constantly updated with new didactic material. The changeability of the subject-development environment is ensured by new attributes, games, toys, and gaming equipment in accordance with the new content of the games.

In our toy library there are many interesting games that attract the attention of children with their entertainment: “Fold the pattern”, “Miracle tree”, “Fold the square”, “Cubes for everyone”, “Geometric mosaic”, “Lego”, puzzle mosaics, Dienesha blocks, Cuisenaire colored sticks, counting sticks, educational games by V. Voskobovich ("Miracle Honeycomb", "Transparent Square", "Transparent Number", "Geovisor", "Four-Color Square", "Geocont"). These games are universal and suitable for children of different ages, as they have different degrees of difficulty, so they do not lose their relevance for older children. Games made with your own hands and the hands of your parents are a great help in the development of elementary mathematical concepts: “Name the figure”, “Find out by touch”, “Fun counting”, “Collect a picture”, “Fold the figure”, “Tangram”, “Mongolian game” ", games with a flat version of Dienesh blocks ("Logical figures", "Treat for bear cubs", "Artists", "Shop"), masks with numbers, a colorful series of natural numbers and so on. Children improve their mental skills by completing tasks with the wording: “Unravel the rule by which the figures are located in each row”, “Find the extra figure”, “What has changed”, “How are they similar? How are they different?” etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of such a form as direct educational activities for mathematical development. Since this activity is cognitive in nature and requires mental effort, children need to concentrate, as a result of which they get tired and, as a result, the material is poorly absorbed. Alarming data about a systemic deterioration in health status and a decrease in the level of physical and motor fitness of preschool children are becoming commonplace.

Currently, special attention is paid to introducing structural components into direct educational activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the child’s health, increasing his functional capabilities, and the level of physical and motor activity.

Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly organize directly educational activities, that is:

  • do not overload children with unnecessary knowledge and excessive information, which can lead to overwork and overstrain of the nervous system;
  • limit the duration in accordance with the age and individual capabilities of the children;
  • do not force the child to complete a task if he is tired, refuses to work, or his attention is distracted;
  • avoid unnecessary repetitions that reduce the child’s interest and activity;
  • do not allow the child to remain in a sedentary (static) position for a long time;
  • increase the performance of children by including attention-activating techniques: didactic games, motor elements, technical teaching aids;
  • taking into account the state of the children (degree of interest, frequency of distractions, etc.), change the content and form of activity throughout the entire educational activity;
  • do not carry out direct educational activities against the background of even slight fatigue (for example, immediately after intense physical activity, after previous difficult activities), immediately after sleep.

Direct educational activities on mathematical development are most effective if organized in the form of gaming activities. Play is the leading activity in preschool age. During the game, tasks are solved that help accelerate the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Having mastered logical operations, children become more attentive, are able to think clearly and clearly, are able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right moment, and convince others that they are right. Playful activities allow you to satisfy children's curiosity, involve children in active knowledge of the world around them and themselves in it, and help them master ways of establishing connections between objects and phenomena. By playing didactic games, children do not even suspect that they are acquiring knowledge, mastering the skills of operating with certain objects, and learning a culture of communication and interaction with each other.

During direct educational activities on mathematical development, the combination and successful implementation of tasks from different sections of the program (study of different topics), the activity of both individual children and the entire group through the use of a variety of methods and didactic means, assimilation and consolidation of new material, and repetition of what has been learned are ensured . New material is given in the first structural parts of the educational activity itself; as it is mastered, it moves to other parts. The last parts of direct educational activities are usually carried out in the form of a didactic game, one of the functions of which is to consolidate and apply children’s knowledge in new conditions. In the process of direct educational activities, usually after the first or second part, short-term physical education sessions are held physical exercise to relieve fatigue and restore performance in children. An indicator of the need for physical education is the so-called motor restlessness, weakening of attention, distraction, and so on. Physical education includes 2-3 exercises for the muscles of the torso and limbs (arm movements, bending, jumping, etc.). The greatest emotional impact on children is exerted by physical education minutes, in which movements are accompanied by poetic text, song, and music. The content of some physical education minutes is related to the formation of elementary mathematical concepts: for example, make as many and such movements as the teacher says, jump on the spot one time more (less) than the circles on the card; raise your right hand up, stamp your left foot three times, etc. Such a physical education minute becomes an independent part of the educational activity itself, it takes more time, since, in addition to the usual one, it also performs an additional function - teaching. Didactic games of varying degrees of mobility can also successfully act as physical education.

It is necessary to include healthy breaks in the structure of direct educational activities on mathematical development.

For recreational breaks, small forms of folklore are used: nursery rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes. The duration of the wellness break is 2-3 minutes. When pronouncing the words of nursery rhymes or jokes, children must combine them with movements aimed at increasing motor activity or with elements of self-massage, breathing and finger exercises, and eye exercises that help relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional tension. Health breaks are carried out taking into account physical activity, the emotional state of pupils, and their need for physical activity. When organizing recreational breaks with children, teachers can introduce a game character and use musical accompaniment.

Modern demands on life are such that an increase in information load and more complex programs for preschoolers is inevitable. One of the new approaches to compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual load is the use of such a form as integrated direct educational activities. Integrated Direct educational activities will help eliminate all those inevitable contradictions that will undoubtedly arise between the development of the child’s personality and the pedagogical process, and will smooth out all those inconsistencies between the process of acquiring new knowledge and the mobile nature of the child. During integrated direct educational activities, elements of mathematical development and physical, social, constructive, and visual activities are combined in the required proportion into one whole, while keeping the attention of children of different temperaments to the maximum. This is achieved due to the fact that each child will find topics that are close to them.

Integrated Direct educational activity fully corresponds to the active and mobile nature of children, allows them to examine the object of study in different planes and, at the same time, consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. The preschooler simply does not have time to “get tired” of the amount of new information received in class, because at the right moment he switches to a new form of presenting the material. The greatest interest among children is in travel games, plot-based didactic games, and project games, which allow any phenomenon to be seen and understood holistically, and not in a piecemeal form, as is often the case during ordinary direct educational activities. I bring to the attention of readers a summary of direct educational activities on mathematical development in the form of a travel game with the inclusion of health-saving technologies.

"Journey to the Land of Mathematics"

Goal: development of mathematical concepts through gaming activities.

  • To consolidate children's knowledge about time concepts: seasons, parts of the day, hours and their signs.
  • Continue to practice your ability to increase and decrease a number by one.
  • Practice the correct use of the prepositions “for” and “under”.
  • To consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes and volumetric geometric bodies, to find similarities and differences between them.
  • Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
  • Develop children's speech, logical thinking, attention, and communication skills.
  • Create a need for healthy way life.

Materials: clock model, “Path” module, artificial spruce, seven-flowered cardboard flower with tasks, different types hours, pictures depicting activities in different times days, paper snowflakes, geometric bodies and cards with geometric shapes, bagels.

Preliminary work: Reading V. Kataev's fairy tale "The Flower - the Seven-Colored Flower", getting acquainted with the clock.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Today, guys, a very interesting journey awaits us to the Land of Mathematics, and the seven-flowered flower will help us with this. The girl Zhenya from the fairy tale "The Flower of Seven Flowers" invites you to solve the tasks indicated on the petals. Do you agree? (Yes) Before you go outside and travel, you need to dress for the weather. Will everyone show what they are wearing, and others will guess?

Game "Guess what I'll show you."

To protect against colds We need to massage the magic points of our ears.

Self-massage "Let's play with the ears."

Come to me, my friend, quickly join the circle. Children stand in a circle
Find your ears and show them quickly.
We play cleverly with them, flapping our ears like this.
Children hold their earlobes and move them back and forth
And now we’re pulling everything down, don’t let go of your ear. Children stretch their ears up and down with their hands
The ear seems to be frozen, you can warm it up this way
One, two, one, two, the game is over.
Children's index and thumb pinch ears

Educator: Now you can go on a trip, but I must say magic words (children pronounce any magic words from a fairy tale). Here we are in a magical land . Guys, you said that we need to dress warmly. What time of year did we dress warmly for? (Winter). Please prove to me that it is winter now (Children's answers). What time still happens, what time can you tell me about now? (Times of Day) Then select pictures and tell us what people do at different times of the day? (Children divide into groups of three, select pictures and answer the question asked).

You told me the time of year, the time of day, but there is another time, to find out about it, you need to tear off a petal (the first petal is torn off). There is a riddle on it, guess it.

On the arm and on the back,
And on the tower above,
They walk, they walk at the same pace
From sunrise to sunset. ( Watch)

That's right, it's a watch. Why do you think they are needed? What is the name of the clock you see? ( Wall, table, wrist)

How do watches differ from each other? ( Shape, size, color, location, arrows of different lengths.)

How are all these watches similar? ( All clocks have hands and numbers).

The numbers are printed on the dial. Moving arrows show what time it is at the moment. The arrows are different: one is longer, the other is shorter. The long (large) arrow moves faster. It shows the minutes. The short (small) one goes around the circle very slowly. She shows her watch. A minute is a short period of time, but an hour is long. If the large hand goes all the way around the dial, it means an hour has passed. During this time, the short one will move from one digit to the next. To find out what time it is, you need to look at how the arrows are positioned. Let's play with the clock.

Game "Find out the time and name it."

Task: play a ball game called "Say the number." I say a number and you increase or decrease the number by one.

Educator: We continue the journey, tear off the third petal.

Task: walk along the health path in a certain direction ( children jump over bumps in a given direction: circle, circle, triangle, square, circle, circle).

Educator: Guys, we found ourselves in a mathematical forest, but you worked a lot, let's take a break and do some gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Educator: Guys, let's close our eyes for a minute to see the surprise on our palms ( puts snowflakes in children's hands). We tear off the fourth petal. And now we need to complete the tasks: according to the task, put a snowflake and say where you put it.

Game task "Snowfall".

Educator: Guys, we tear off the fifth petal. In a snowdrift, from a photograph you need to recognize the volumetric geometric bodies that are dusted with snow.

Game "Guess and name".

Educator: You can cope with all the tasks. Tear off the sixth petal. Zhenya suggests that you place these figures on a sheet of paper so that they are no longer covered with snow. But first, let's warm up a little.

Physical exercise "Tick-Tock"

The clock is ticking loudly ( walk in place).
Tick-tock, tick-tock ( ).
It's time to go to the tables ( walking in place).
Tick-tock, tick-tock ( head tilts left, right).
We collected all the figures ( cotton).
Tick-tock, tick-tock ( head tilts left, right).
And everyone walked together in unison ( walking in place).
Tick-tock, tick-tock ( head tilts left, right).

Children perform graphic dictation.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks. The last petal remains. Please remember how Zhenya used it?

(She tore off the last seventh petal and wished that the boy Vitya, who could not walk, would become healthy). You cannot be completely happy if someone next to you is suffering. Let us tear off the last petal and express our wishes to each other ( children pass the ball around in a circle and express their wishes).

Children, I wish you to smile more often.
Don't get upset over trifles.
Always look cheerful
Never know where, what hurts!

Our journey has come to an end. I'm glad you completed such difficult tasks. And Zhenya has prepared a surprise for you under the tree - delicious bagels for tea

Let's say the magic words and go to our group ( children say any magic words from a fairy tale and go drink tea).


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