Words that attract customers' attention. Best Selling Phrases

Tell me, what is your favorite dish? Describe it. How about potatoes sizzling in a frying pan with butter and onions? Or juicy chicken, fried until crispy and with garlic? Yes...Okay. The dishes are imaginary, but the salivation is real. Such is the magical power of words to influence our consciousness.

But, as you understand, you can influence in different ways. After all, if you don’t like fried potatoes or chicken, then my example is unlikely to inspire you. Also in sales. Some words may evoke unpleasant associations in the client. Why create unnecessary resistance? Such words have no place in our vocabulary.

Sales Vocabulary

Sales and selling are the first words that should be forgotten. They don’t like sellers, but they are afraid of sales. Everyone loves to buy, and no one likes to be sold to. For the client, sales are pressure and manipulation. So stop selling, help buy. Become a consultant, an assistant, and don’t sell, but recommend and offer. A consultation or recommendation does not oblige the client to purchase, and he feels much more comfortable.

Sale => offer, consultation
Sell ​​=> recommend, offer
Buy, buy => acquire, acquire
Purchase => acquisition

Another reason why people don't like sales is parting with money. Everyone loves money, but not many people like to spend it.

“Price”, “cost”, “expenses”, “expenses” - these words tell the client one thing: they will have to say goodbye to money.

All people love to possess, own and invest. Turn the sale into an investment that brings dividends to the client, talk not about price and costs, but about investments. As a last resort, talk about the amount; it is perceived more neutrally.

Price, cost, costs, expenses => investments, investments
Payment, contribution => investment
It costs => it will, it turns out, it amounts to
Price => amount

Is the sale accompanied by a contract in your company? If so, then such concepts as “agreement”, “contract” or “documents” should be handled very delicately.

Agreements and contracts raise concerns and oblige you to something, and they also need to be read. By the way, make sure that your agreement is in a readable font - small font is alarming to the client.

Instead of concluding a contract or agreement, offer to confirm the agreement or agree on papers. The word “agreement” does not contain a threat and is perceived as confirmation of cooperation.

And note, not to sign, but to confirm; you can, of course, say “endorse”, but this is in especially official cases.

I would especially like to dwell on such a word as “deal”. It has a negative connotation and evokes thoughts of something not entirely honest, just remember the common expression “a deal with the devil.” Isn't it better to offer cooperation instead of a deal?

Agreement, contract, documents => papers, agreement
Deal => cooperation
Conclude a deal => conclude an agreement, agree on papers
Sign => accept, approve, confirm, endorse

Forget about “NOT”

The use of the particle “not” gives an additional negative connotation to our speech. In addition, our consciousness does not perceive this particle. So, when the mother asks the child: “Don’t play around,” the baby only hears “Play around” and continues to play around. Think about what your client hears when you tell him: “inexpensive”, “not bad”?

But there can’t be an “if”

When you use the “if” conjunction in negotiations with a client, you are setting a condition for him. The client does not like having conditions dictated to him, and this should be taken into account. Your speech will not seem so categorical if you replace “if” with “when”. Feel the difference:

If we make an agreement...
When we make an agreement...

At the same time, “if” can be used to push the client to purchase, for example:

There is only a white teapot on display, but if you take it, I will bring you a black one from the warehouse.

The client owes nothing

Is it appropriate to say that the client does not owe you anything? Just in case, check yourself whether you are sinning by using words with a hint of obligation: “must”, “obliged”, “necessary”.

Must, obliged, necessary => should

Words that help you sell

Opportunity, you, benefit, achieve, ideal, investment, maximum, sweet, reliable, victory, useful, advantage, pleasant, productive, joy, decisive, agreement, save, satisfy, smile, success, character, good, valuable.

Who to tell and who to show

When communicating with a client, listen to what he says, what words he uses to express his thoughts and feelings. By observing the client, you can determine which method of perception is a priority for him.

For example, if a client uses in his speech such words and phrases as “clear”, “look”, “apparently”, “obviously”, “I see it like this”, then you have a visual person - a person who comprehends the world with his eyes.

He needs not to be told, but to be shown and drawn bright prospects.

A client who listens attentively, with a good rhythmic or melodic voice, perceives all information by ear (auditory). To convince him, words are needed, he attaches great importance to them.

You can say: “Just listen...”

The perception of the world through aromas and touch is characteristic of kinesthetics.

When it is important for the client that it is soft, comfortable, pleasant, environmentally friendly, comfortable, it is better for him to immediately give the product in his hands to touch, touch, feel.

By understanding how your client perceives information, you will always choose the right words and the best way to convey them.

If you think a social media headline isn't that important, consider why some almost identical posts receive different responses. This may seem like an exaggeration, but in reality just one element - the headline - can make a difference, regardless of the network. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, and only 2 out of 10 read the rest of the text. There have been cases where replacing one word in a bad post title resulted in a 46% increase in response to it!

Do you need headlines on social networks?

Headings on social networks, like headings to regular texts, catch the reader’s attention and draw him into the content itself. It does not matter what kind of text is titled - selling, entertaining or educational. The title is an intrigue, an eye-stopper, an obligatory element of the text. This is what will “sell” your post.

On Facebook, posts 100-250 characters long receive 60% more engagement than posts longer than 250 characters. But long posts can also be popular and read to the end thanks to “tasty” headings. They should be meaningful, intriguing and short - optimally 7+/-2 words.

For posts of up to 100 characters, the first sentence in the text can play an engaging role, provided that it is formatted properly. A sentence heading can, for example, be separated by a blank line, emoticons or emojis, and each word in it written in capital letters.

Top 30 templates for selling phrases

Use these header templates for inspiration and to get you started if you haven't gotten the hang of it yet. In the future, you will be able to automatically write headlines on your own that will sell on social networks very effectively.

  1. Secret ________
  2. Top 10 ways ___________
  3. Why _________ will never work
  4. How ___________ will help you succeed
  5. What __________ doesn't want you to know
  6. Why __________ is not as bad as you think
  7. 5 tips for helping ____________
  8. How ___________
  9. If you _________, then you can ____________
  10. What everyone should know _____________
  11. Beginner's Guide _______________
  12. 4 keys to _____________
  13. 10 tools (formulas, products) used by experts _____(in what field)
  14. How many times have you tried ____________ and it didn’t work? (for example, they tried to change a tire and failed)
  15. 20 mistakes in _________ and ways to avoid them
  16. The truth about _________________
  17. Complete Guide By ________________
  18. ___________ make it simple
  19. 5 minutes until the best _____________
  20. This is what happens when ______________
  21. Before you __________, read this article.
  22. What happens when _____________
  23. You too can ______________
  24. How to ____________ in less than an hour a day
  25. 7 types ___________. This will help you __________
  26. Examples that prove ______________
  27. Do ___________ like a pro
  28. 20 genius hacks that will help you ____________
  29. 10 examples _____________
  30. 5 things I wish I knew about _____________

The most popular headlines on Facebook and Twitter

On Facebook and Instagram, users are very active in response to emotional headlines: “SHOCK,” “Very touching,” or “Crying with happiness.”

Headlines that catch inquisitive users are also very popular: “Then the incredible happened,” “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to...” and the like.

Twitter works great with headlines that tell you to download something (“Click here to download”). They are very effective and get 13% more clicks.

How to write good headlines for social media posts yourself

Writing headlines is always difficult at first, so feel free to use popular headlines from others as a basis. Google a specific topic, find the most relevant title you see frequently, and think about how you can use it. At the same time, be unique. Don't copy headlines just because they've worked for others - add your own ideas and personality by making them original.

  • Emphasize urgency. For example, “Ten things you should do right now” or “Fix these common mistakes or you risk losing everything.”
  • Use the negative form of the word instead of the positive one. For example, a post titled “5 Worst Blogging Practices” will likely outperform “5 best advice on blogging."
  • Use more present tense verbs and adverbs, especially such as “earn”, “act now”, “launch”, “achieve”. These words get incomparably more clicks due to their relevance, ease of reading and perception.
  • Present information in list form. Using lists in text is still a popular and effective way to attract attention, and although they are often overused, lists still get a fair amount of clicks.
  • Keep nouns and adjectives to a minimum. Overusing adjectives in your headline can make your title sound sound but overly pompous, wordy and, frankly, boring.
  • Be specific. Using a more general title may seem like it will attract the widest audience, but this is often not the case. The title should clearly indicate the topic of your content.
  • Show the benefit. Your headline should communicate HOW your product or information will HELP people, not how good it is per se.
  • Use question words. Using question words like “how”, “what”, “when” and “why” in headlines is always effective in attracting attention and getting a good response.
  • Evoke emotions. A headline that evokes feelings of happiness, anger or even fear may increase clicks, but be careful: there is a fine line between evoking feelings and manipulating them.
  • Use inside information. Messages that promise to reveal this or that secret are always popular.
  • Don't get carried away. Fancy title with lots of long and smart words may seem successful to you, but you are unlikely to get the interest you need. Instead, give your readers a simple, clear idea of ​​what you're talking about and how it will help them.

The quality of your headlines - both on social media and on your blog - can have a huge impact on the success of all your content. So take your time and test different titles to see which ones work best.

Every sale begins with a greeting and a phrase to establish contact. What is important here is the client’s disposition and openness, on the one hand, and the expert’s ability to attract the client’s attention and interest him, on the other hand.

Whether the phrase you say when establishing contact with the client will arouse the buyer’s interest and stimulate his activity depends only on you.

After greeting the Client who enters the store, give the Client the opportunity to “look around” for no more than 1-1.5 minutes (if a group of 2-4 people entered, then 2-3 minutes), and politely offer your help.

Phrases for establishing contact that can arouse the client’s interest and activate it:

Statement of fact (manufacturer’s advantages, new products, promotions, compliment).

Offering help through action.

Open question.

Non-standard phrase.

Not effective phrases! These are: “Can I help you?”, “Can I tell you something?”, “What are you interested in?”, “What are you looking for?”.

They are prohibited here!!!

Because these phrases can cause negative emotions at the Client's.

Also undesirable are phrases (closed) that require a short answer “Yes” or “No”, which leads to an interruption of the dialogue, instead of arousing the Client’s interest and setting him up for communication, inducing him to make a purchase decision “Here and Now” .

In addition, these phrases are very confusing and are used by sellers in many stores!

It is important to remember that:

Closed questions to which the interlocutor can only answer “Yes” and “No” are good in a situation with an overly talkative person or when we want to quickly end the conversation or direct it in a strictly defined direction. In other circumstances, questions of this type demotivate the interlocutor because they do not allow him to show his knowledge and beliefs in the conversation. Asked one after another during the needs identification stage, they give the impression of interrogation.

Open questions encourage you to give a detailed answer and get as much information as possible. Open questions begin with the words: “What...”, “What...”, “About what...”, “What is connected with...”, “When...”, “Based on what...”. They are useful if you want to get the other person to "talk", they will help in starting a conversation, or if you want to find out the interests and positions of the interlocutor.

Alternative questions give the right to choose and receive information regarding the direction of the conversation. Use to summarize interim results, as well as to determine further actions. It is very effective to use such questions in order to push the Client to the necessary actions when he has almost already decided: “Have you already decided in what color you will buy the Atlant-21 bed: wenge, mahogany or walnut?”, “Have you already have we decided which bedroom set we will order: oak or beech?”

Alternative questions, the first part of the question is an open question, but at the end the interlocutor is offered answer options. “Are you focusing on the middle or premium segment?”, “Are you interested in the quality (comfort) of the mattress or the design too?”

Clarifying questions help clarify the ambiguity of what the buyer said and obtain more accurate information.

This is a specific request for clarification and clarification. “What do you mean by “reliable”?

Statement of fact

Promotion. « Good afternoon Please note that we currently have many promotional offers from Guten+kauf! I’m sure they will be of interest to you” or “You came in on time, today there are special discounts for you...” or “Hello! You came to the most best store our city! How do you feel about exclusive offers?

New. "Good afternoon! You came in on time, we just got a new product from MatroLux... I’m sure you will appreciate it”

Nice phrase or compliment . "Good afternoon! Glad to see you again. We love our clients and know them by sight!” or “Good afternoon, I see you noticed Hamburg by Guten+kauf! You have good taste - this is a bestseller and a combination of price + quality! I'm sure he will be able to interest you" or " Good mood– this is always great, and the impressions of a new comfortable mattress are even more pleasant!!! I suggest you get acquainted right now..."

Manufacturer's advantages . "Hello! Mattresses from Guten+kauf are an excellent investment, especially with such a crazy discount.”

Offer of help with action (appropriate to use when the buyer is interested in a specific model):

- "Please! Only here you can not only look, but also lie down” (At the same time, bring the Client to the desired model and offer to lie down).

— “To feel all the advantages of this model, you need to get closer to it, you will be satisfied”

- “I want to make you fall in love with this model, let’s take a closer look...”

Please note that at the end of the phrase there is a period, not a question mark.

The key word here is action.

The rule of this technique is Until the words are finished, an action must take place on the part of the expert to activate the client.

Open question

- “What brought you to our store?”

- “What is the purpose of your visit to our store?”

- “How can I be useful to you?”

— “We are currently running a promotion on mattresses from Guten+kauf and Comer-for, conditions may change tomorrow. How do you feel about lucrative offers?

- “Are you coming to us for a mattress or a bed?”

- “Are you choosing a mattress for yourself or someone else?”

— “Sleeping on a high-quality and comfortable mattress is as important as eating well. How do you feel about a quality product?

Non-standard approach

- " Good afternoon! Come in, come in, it’s very warm and cozy here!”

- “Hello, you have a wonderful child! Where did you get it?

- “Finally you’ve come in, we’ve been waiting for you for so long!”

- “Your face is so familiar. You are definitely our regular customer!”

- "Good afternoon! Please tell me what the score was in the Dynamo-Shakhtar match yesterday?”

- “It’s a great day to make a purchase, where should we start?”

Where should I start to surprise you?

- “Great, you compare prices before deciding to buy! How do you evaluate our proposal for ....?”

It is important to remember that non-standard phrases, therefore non-standard, because they are born directly in a specific situation. Be creative!


Sergey Karamzin, HR expert at the ProfRost Training and Consulting Center http://www.profrost.ru
Sergey Alexandrov, general director of the company

Practical advice for sales consultants.

These two hackneyed phrases are heard probably in 90% of cases, regardless of the type and cost of the product. You yourself know their “performance” well, since you have repeatedly encountered them as a buyer. It would seem that people’s behavior options are endlessly varied, but in fact, the behavior of customers at a retail outlet, if you don’t go into small details, can be divided into only three groups. Here are ways to establish contact with the buyer, selected depending on his behavior.

1. The buyer “walks” around the outlet, does not linger anywhere, and avoids contact

Obviously, calling a self-absorbed person into dialogue is a futile exercise. At best, you will receive a polite refusal, at worst, undisguised irritation. In this situation, we are considering five different methods of provoking contact. One of the most effective is called “Information Stuffing”. The seller, remaining at a respectful distance from the buyer and without addressing him directly, utters phrases that may interest him. He can tell, for example, about current discounts, ongoing promotions, features of working with suppliers that beneficially affect the price-quality ratio. Phrases should be short, not refer to a specific product, since the buyer has not yet decided, and directly address the buyer's benefits. As a rule, having heard information that is interesting to them, the buyer himself asks a clarifying question.


— This week we are running a promotion: when you purchase a kitchen, you get a table as a gift!

— Not everything is on display; you can also look at the catalogue.

— Many of the models on display are in stock and can be delivered this week.

The buyer will not always want to clarify something, and may even leave. But! First, he will hear some of your differences from others. Secondly, he will take with him information that he can pass on, for example, to a friend who is interested.

2. The buyer stops and looks at a specific product

It is clear that the question “Are you interested in the cabinet (table, refrigerator)?” will cause confusion in this situation. For this case, there are at least three effective techniques. Let's consider the simplest and most effective - “Showing hidden advantages”.

The technique is that the seller, approaching the buyer and the product he is considering, describes and, if possible, demonstrates the non-obvious advantages of the product: design and material features, special functions, that is, something that does not immediately catch the eye. The main thing is that the seller’s phrases and actions do not simply indicate technical characteristics (sizes, materials, design features), but directly indicate the benefits and conveniences that they promise to the buyer.


— Pay attention to the fastening of the hatch, which allows you to easily rearrange it so that it opens in the direction convenient for you (about the washing machine).

— A special mechanism allows you to pull out the cabinet drawer completely without the risk of dropping it, which provides convenient access to the contents.

It is clear that none of the above techniques guarantees instant sales. But their main advantage is that they provide the opportunity to try other options. The answer is “thank you, I’m just looking” to the question “how can I help you?” leaves virtually no chance for repeated attempts.

What are effective techniques for persuading customers when selling shoes and accessories?

In the modern world, a significant part of communication between people takes place indirectly, using Internet technologies, mobile phones and other devices. Nevertheless, personal communication is still capable of helping to achieve the goal of communication, and, as a rule, much faster than in the indirect version. In the last 3 years, there has been a huge deficit in communication skills among those who occupy the positions of “sales consultant” or “consultant/sales floor manager”, i.e. communicates directly with visitors and customers of shoe and accessories retail stores. But the final economic result of the store’s operation largely depends on how the seller speaks, what techniques he uses and what speech modules he uses. In this article we will discuss simple and effective techniques for constructing effective speech when communicating with potential and current clients of shoe and accessories stores.

In the process of training shoe retail employees, we can highlight: The main mistakes that a shoe store salesperson makes when communicating with visitors to the sales floor:

We start communicating with different visitors/groups of visitors using the same phrases

Does not diagnose the type of shoe store visitor, and as a result, minimizes the result of product presentation

Uses aggressive (or provoking non-acceptance of information and actions) statements

Has a narrow vocabulary, when communicating with potential or current clients, uses a limited supply of arguments and speech modules

Diminutive expressions are used (skidochka, boots, spoon). Remember and teach your consultants - the only effective way to use a diminutive version of a product name may be the word “boots” instead of “boots”

The consequence of these errors and their regular repetitions is stable stagnation of sales, while increasing costs for training and development of employees. In many ways, close attention to the techniques and capabilities of business rhetoric is due to the fact that many potential buyers at the initial (and not only) stage of communication refuse to communicate with a representative of a retail store. The reason for this behavior is most often the client’s emotional fatigue from the monotonous and largely formulaic communication of salespeople. Everyone who selects shoes or accessories for themselves knows by heart the phrases that an employee will use on the sales floor: “Is the heel comfortable?”, “How do you like the last?”, “The shoes are very comfortable,” etc. Everyone knows what phrases a shoe store employee will start his work with: “Can I help you with something?”, “Are you looking for something specific?” Having received the first refusal, we will always hear “If you are interested in something, I will be there...”. Tired of it, right?

It is important for the manager of a shoe and accessories store to remember that the training of sales consultants begins with mastering the skill of differentiating the type of visitor to the sales floor. The main types of clients are easy to understand thanks to the following table:

Types of buyers in shoe and accessory stores

Type Emotional Rational
Behavior Prone to impulse purchases. They react positively to discounts, promotions, and coupons. They make purchasing decisions quickly. They often buy something at the checkout area. They ask questions about quality, service life, warranty. They choose a product slowly and may visit the store several times. Get acquainted with all similar offers. They come with a shopping list and stick to it.
Positive reaction to Listing the benefits of purchasing and using the product Transfer technical characteristics goods
Reaction to loyalty programs The discount is not a decisive argument when making a purchase decision. Discounts and additional opportunities from loyalty programs are a powerful argument when making a purchasing decision. They can methodically accumulate bonus points. The greatest activity occurs during sales periods. Sometimes they may ask for a call if the product you like is included in the sale.
Return of goods No more than 10% of all purchases Up to 30% of purchases
Loyalty to the store and seller Low – the buyer often experiments, willingly enters new stores High – the buyer is inclined to make purchases in trusted stores, often consults with the same seller, trying to come exactly on the day of his opening.
Recommendations to friends and acquaintances Rarely - the buyer may forget in which store he purchased the product. Often - most acquaintances and friends become customers of the store
Purchasing motives Exclusivity, originality, brand, status, success, environmental friendliness, safety, aesthetics, manufacturability Saving time, saving money, saving effort, saving attention
Emphasis in communication Verbs, facts, numbers Adjectives, compliments

Both rational and emotional customers are equally beneficial for the store. The first one buys constantly, the second one buys rarely, but a lot.

Using the principle “1 characteristic – 1 benefit”, the sales consultant reduces the risk of incorrectly determining the type of client, and also increases his chances of talking about the product in an interesting and “tasty” way, which is what is needed for sales.

When dealing with a premium product, you should know that most buyers respond better to listing the benefits of the product rather than to the characteristics.

- yes, the boots cost 29,860 rubles, but these are the boots that will protect your feet from the autumn weather!

- I don’t argue, shoes are sold at a high price, but this price includes leather treatment so that in the next 3-5 seasons you don’t think about anything. Related to shoe repair.

Very often, salespeople in a shoe store find it difficult to work with products and prices, because... make mistakes in communication. How to communicate and in what words to tell the client about the purchase?

You should start offering options with the highest priced product. All subsequent options will seem affordable to the buyer (compared to the first option) and there will be fewer price objections.

Having named the price, there is no need to justify it or justify it in any way. After announcing the price, the seller needs to pause. The client needs time to decide on his attitude towards the price and this product.

When working with clients, the principle of perspective is very effective, which is as follows: the buyer reacts more to the opportunity to save something, to save something, than to the prospect of winning. For example, from two options:

the second option is more stimulating to purchase, because shows the buyer the prospect of saving effort, time and money.

3. Examples of effective/ineffective phrases in relation to price, product description or handling objections.

To begin with, let us remember that the description/presentation of any product has 2 components:

— technical parameters (characteristics) that tell WHAT the client is buying

- benefits that answer the question “WHY?” the product needs to be purchased

Most often in practice, a situation occurs when in the structure of training of sales personnel the emphasis is shifted to the product part and, as a result, sales consultants really accumulate a huge amount of knowledge about the product (for example, in shoe retail, sales people intensively study the stages of creating sketches and producing shoes and leather goods, they know the types of leather and its processing techniques, they can even tell you something about the brand and its glorious history). But what does this information give the buyer? To what extent does increasing knowledge about sole attachment technology bring the client closer to the act of purchase?

According to my observations, in trading floors it is most effective if the sales consultant applies the principle “1 characteristic - 1 benefit”. It's easy to remember and easy to put into practice.

For example:

Since the initial levels of competencies of sales personnel do not always allow them to describe the product, its properties in such a variety of ways, and argue to the client the benefits of purchasing and using the product, it is important to develop and implement for active (daily use) so-called “speech modules” that take into account the specifics of your product and allow sellers to communicate with maximum efficiency. Many of my clients have cheat sheets for sellers in their stores, which list the parameters and benefits for each product. The seller can only memorize the text and use it when communicating with store visitors. Make a similar memo for your employees. Post a list of product benefits in the salespeople's break room and keep it visible at all times. The information is updated before the arrival of a new product, you can involve the employees themselves in the description, so you can simultaneously prepare a cheat sheet and conduct a free mini-training on the presentation of the product! Conduct training in rhetoric and acting for the sales staff of your stores at least once every 6 months. The skills acquired during such training are much more useful than classical training programs, with the transfer of scripts and the friendly execution of monotonous exercises. Choose your business coach carefully.

The one who doesn't wear it himself good shoes and doesn’t like beautiful bags, will not be able to convey the philosophy of the brand and will not teach how to communicate with wealthy clients.

What else needs to be taken into account to improve the efficiency of communication with customers on the sales floor of a shoe and accessories store?

First of all, you need to watch what words and expressions consultants use. Often employees do not notice that they are using the so-called. “stupid expressions” that prevent immediate purchase, for example:

- we also have cheaper shoes

- Maybe we should look at some expensive boots?

- if you are interested in this option...

- if you decide to buy, we will give you a discount

- these are the best boots in the world

- very high quality item

Any of these phrases and similar ones can, on a subconscious level, lead the buyer to doubts, and sometimes even turn them away from purchasing from your store.

Practice effective phrases with sellers:

Stupid expressions Resultative Expressions
If you decide....once you decide..... When you decide, once you select a product
Very high quality item The properties of this item are determined by the characteristics of the materials used in production, see.....
Now I will tell you about the product... Try…, look….., touch…., touch…., try on…..
We also have cheaper products Let's look again...
Maybe we should look at something expensive? I know what to offer you!

Spend several hours on the sales floor and observe the consultants, write down all the most dangerous phrases from sellers from the point of view of raising objections, and in the future, for example, at a morning planning meeting, analyze situations, involving employees, make a list of the most effective “selling” phrases (remember , have you also compiled a list of product benefits?) and distribute this information to everyone who interacts with customers.

What other “chips” can be used:

- remember, there is no discount on the first purchase, even if the client blackmails the seller and threatens to leave the store if he is not given a concession. You will never create an image of a worthy store if your products and services are available to the majority of people who come in. Keep your price. Remember that each discount does not increase customer loyalty, but deprives you of part of the profit.

- discount - either for regular customers, or when purchasing for a very significant amount (for example, such an amount will be equal to 3 average checks)

— use the principles of effective pricing:

— Russian buyers perceive even numbers better

- do not round to an order of magnitude (for example, 9800 is perceived worse than 9816), the rounder the number, the more distrust it causes (“probably rounded on purpose”), while an even number with a non-round value causes more confidence - “fair price »

—Russian buyers remember numbers from left to right, so for them 3,417 and 3,822 feel like the same prices (with the exception of very educated buyers who know the intricacies of pricing)

- do not use 999 at the end (the so-called “Eldorado”), many buyers, after widely advertised sales, have an extremely negative attitude towards such numbers

— if you want to give the buyer a discount, then write it in numbers, not as percentages

— if you voice a discount in a conversation with a client, do not use round values ​​(5, 10, 15%, etc.), such a discount is easy to calculate and it will be easy for the buyer to bargain with you. The most effective way is an even discount, for example, 8, 12.6%; in their minds, rarely will any buyer be able to perform such calculations and, most likely, will agree to your price option.

When working with shoes and accessories, sales consultants will regularly face customer distrust. Many of them will ask questions to sellers and monitor how the consultant behaves, how confident he is in the product he is talking about. Basic tips for sales personnel:

— identify the type of buyer (rational or emotional)

— remember the principle “1 characteristic – 1 benefit”

— try not to provide each client with detailed information, the more information you provide, the less chance of a purchase

- monitor the client’s reaction, whether he listens to you, whether he agrees with you, whether his fears decrease

— ask clarifying questions (“Did I tell you everything?”, “Is this what you were interested in?”, “Do you agree with me?”, “Are you ready to choose?”)

- use emotional arguments, when demonstrating goods, attract the client - the more the buyer tried himself, the longer he spent with the product, the more difficult it is to refuse the purchase. This is called the “loss effect,” and the best salespeople reinforce it by saying, “Let me take the item back,” or “I’ll put it back.”

- do not mention similar products and competing stores in the conversation; if a buyer asks to compare your product with a similar one, you can say: “Unfortunately, I am only familiar with our product, because I’ve been selling it for…..years”

- do not fuss in front of the buyer, the best impression is made by the seller who calmly and confidently works with the client

- do not curry favor with the buyer, for him you are a product specialist, an assistant in choosing, this is not a subordinate role, but an equal one. It is important to keep your distance and not go to the other extreme - getting closer to the client. It is extremely dangerous to give advice and recommend buying a specific product. If a buyer persistently asks to make a choice for him, the phrase “People most often buy from us...” works effectively. Therefore, you are not responsible for the client's choice.

— use persuasion strategies when dealing with buyer objections. In retail sales, due to time constraints when communicating with a potential buyer, three simple persuasion strategies bring the best results:

- “pictures of the past” - we use it when the buyer does not trust the product or the seller, doubts the quality and reasonableness of the price for the product. The main idea is that if something once happened to a similar product, this does not mean that you should limit yourself for the rest of your life. Just choose more carefully

Client: I already bought expensive shoes once, they were ruined by the end of the season, so I don’t see the need to spend so much money on buying shoes again.

Seller: I now understand your doubts. But you still buy shoes, you haven’t walked barefoot since then?

Client: no, of course not.

Seller: it’s just that you now choose shoes more carefully and trust proven stores. I'll show you this pair, try how soft the leather is...

- “pictures of the future” - we use it when we need to “ignite” the buyer, motivate him to buy, especially if the buyer is accustomed to the comfort around him

Client: why would I spend 16,000 rubles on this bag when there are so many similar models for much cheaper.

Seller: What seems like savings now may turn out to be a loss in the future. I have been working at this store for 4 years now and I believe that the model you chose is one of the most reasonable options. In terms of the properties of the leather and the manufacturing technology, this bag will be ahead of other models for a long time. By purchasing today, you can go out with this bag tomorrow and receive compliments from people you know. Don't you deserve a little joy in life?

—catch phrases and sayings—statements that are well known to everyone cause less resistance from the buyer. Remember what proverbs and sayings can be used in sales:

The miser pays twice.

Measure seven times and cut once.

We are not rich enough to buy cheap things.

Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.

- do not use comparative and evaluative degrees in communication, this may give the buyer the opportunity to leave without purchasing. The most dangerous words for a seller are: expensive, cheap, more expensive, cheaper. Replace price estimates with words that are more comfortable for the client:

As you can see, in general, selling premium products is not difficult. It is only important to master the above techniques and require the sales staff to strictly implement these techniques.

Every sales manager in the process of communicating with a potential buyer should use phrases to attract customers that help sell. By skillfully using the examples of phrases given below, the seller will be able to appease the buyer, inspire his trust and persuade him to.

Examples of phrases to attract clients

The impression that the seller makes on others must be positive. In retail, impression is primarily influenced by appearance specialist, his posture, friendly expression, but during a conversation on the phone it is important what and how he says, in what tone, timbre, in what mood he pronounces the words.

Customers should be able to tell immediately which employees have provided good or bad service to them. In retail, it helps to sell a badge with the name of a specialist, and during telephone communication, the manager must introduce himself at the very beginning of the conversation.

Some sellers or managers are panicked by the visitor’s reaction: “I’m just looking,” or when making a cold call, “We don’t need anything.” Such responses are expected if the seller begins the dialogue with the phrase: “Good afternoon, you did the right thing by visiting our store. We have an excellent range of products, the best prices. Here you will definitely find everything you need. You will also be pleasantly surprised by our prices. Yes, what are you looking for? Let me help you…” - in this case, the buyer will run away from the seller or the store.

In the sales process, those phrases that are effective in attracting customers are those that are expressed naturally, with sincerity, and not in the form of a memorized template.

The first words that the visitor hears should be about him (the client), and not about the store, the success of the seller, the benefits of purchasing, promotions, etc. Phrases that help sell should mention the problem that the interlocutor came to solve. This is exactly how the sales increase technique works.

Before practicing and memorizing phrases for clients, the training manager needs to visit a retail outlet and listen to how salespeople communicate with visitors. If you are an employee of a retail outlet and are engaged in sales techniques yourself, ask your colleagues to record the conversation with the client on a voice recorder. Or record your colleagues yourself, and then listen to the recordings, trying to identify mistakes during transactions. After this, you can learn examples of phrases that will help you sell.

Trap phrases to attract customers should sound natural, be easy to remember and correspond to the usual spoken language of the staff, otherwise the buyer will notice the cramming in the interlocutor’s expressions and think about poor preparation.

Words and figures of speech that attract attention should be spoken in a natural, conversational manner. Business speech sounds dry and cold, so it is used during work contacts with mature people holding high positions.

In order for a dialogue with an interlocutor - in person or over the phone - to take place, it is important to understand that “attracting customer attention” does not mean successfully selling a product. This means gaining the right and opportunity to exchange information with him. Following this principle, you should not try to blurt out as much information about yourself, the company, product or service in the first 2-3 phrases. By respecting the time and attention of the person entering, you will make the dialogue more natural and will not scare away the potential visitor.

Experienced sellers immediately feel that the visitor needs a product, and see when his eyes are fixed on a suitable item (often the client touches and looks at the product), and only then establish contact. However, in some retail chains, according to company standards, the manager is required to approach the client at a set time, which is not always true.

Remember the important rule of successful selling - the buyer must first show interest in the product.

Clients also perceive negatively the phrase “What are you looking for?”, a characteristic phrase that, as a rule, the sales assistant says with a stern expression on his face. Negativity scares away the client of any retail outlet, but positivity and smiling, on the contrary, attract.

Additionally, you can watch the following videos on the topic:

Phrases for clients that interfere with successful sales

  • The client hears: “What are you interested in?” — He thinks: “What difference does it make to you?”, “Why should I report to you,” “What kind of service is this store?!”
  • “How can I help you?” - “With money, of course!
  • “What can I tell you?” - “Tell me, where do crayfish spend the winter?”

A competent sales manager effectively uses phrases to attract clients to help sell. He feels the buyer well, his problems and current needs, knows how to approach on time, establish contact, correctly identifies needs, sells and packages the purchase.

Phrases to attract clients

that help sell

Each manager should be able to use the following phrases to attract the attention of clients and help sell, depending on the type of their behavior:

  • With questioning behavior(at the " " stage): What colors do you prefer? How do you like this design? What can you say about this? A convenient thing (with an affirming intonation), what do you think?
  • During explanatory behavior(identifying needs, working with objections): I see that you are confused by what... Did I understand you correctly...?
  • Show support(helps to instill trust, remove the last doubts): If this thing sat on me like that, I would have no doubts...! I think you will be satisfied.. The right decision!
  • Understanding emotions, empathy(to attract the attention of the interlocutor, it is important to listen carefully to the client to the end): I understand you. Several customers have already come forward with this problem over the past week. It is being solved (this way and that way)... Now we all have one task - to save money. This model is more economical, look...

We draw your attention to the fact that the question “What can I tell you?” is obsolete and is not a phrase that helps sell.

Now watch this little training: