Essay on the topic my friend. A story about a friend - a case from real life A story about my friend

Essay on the topic “My best friend”

My best friend

Of all my friends, I consider Karina to be the closest. She and I have been friends since childhood and have been sitting at the same desk for many years. We see each other not only at school, but often go for walks and visit each other.

Karina is 5 months younger than me, she is a little taller than me and very thin. She has long blonde hair, large Blue eyes and a small snub nose. Karina's voice is pleasant and gentle, she sings beautifully. Karina dresses beautifully and has her own interesting style.

We are never bored together. Karina is a very interesting person. She is a cheerful and good-natured girl, she will always cheer you up, knows how to support and lift your spirits even in the saddest moment. We love watching funny films, discussing interesting books and listening to funny music. Karina has universal charisma, has a unique method of thinking, and knows how to find common language with any stranger, and most importantly, he delicately keeps the line between sociability and agility. She always knows how to listen, and when necessary, remain silent.

We are very good friends We never deceive each other and never tell our secrets to anyone. We spend a lot of time together, communicate, laugh, and rejoice. When I was sick, Karina visited me every day and brought me fruits and vitamins. I will never forget her kindness and care.

Sometimes we quarrel, but not a day goes by before we strive to make peace. We are best friends, and we are not at all interested in sitting at home and building grudges against each other. We immediately make up and laugh at what we quarreled about. We are similar in many ways: we look at the world the same way, we have common interests, we value intelligence, kindness and honesty in people, we always help each other.

There are many poems, songs and legends about friendship. Through friendship we can bring out the best in our character. They say that a friend is made in adversity - and so it is. Only when you feel bad do you realize how many friends you have, who helped you and who abandoned you at the most difficult moment. So, Karina didn’t leave me when I felt bad, and I always helped her in difficult moment. Friendship must be protected, because without friends a person cannot live, life becomes boring and uninteresting.

I am very happy that I have such a friend, and I hope that our friendship will never fade away.

a short story about my friend. and got the best answer

Answer from Katka _katka[newbie]
My beloved friend
my most close friend name is Masha. We started being friends back in first grade, since then we always sit at the same desk, and we also spend all our free time together. I feel so good and easy with Masha! She is very smart, kind and fair. My friend probably still can’t be called a beauty, but she has a very attractive appearance.
Masha's face is round, ruddy, her nose is slightly turned up. Light brown hair with a golden hue, they curl unruly over a high, clean forehead. Masha often corrects them with her hand.
The most important thing for me in Mashina’s face is the gray-green big eyes fringed with fluffy black eyelashes. Above them, eyebrows diverge in thin arrows. When Masha smiles, her eyes sparkle with mischievous lights (I call them little devils), and dimples appear on her cheeks.
Masha reads a lot, is interested in poetry, music, and plays the guitar well. I am attracted to her by her attentive attitude towards people, kind and cheerful disposition. That’s why Masha herself seems very attractive to me.

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Best friends are those people who know all our secrets, girlish dreams and little weaknesses. And most importantly, they will always find time to listen, help with advice, or just have a good time, forgetting about all the problems.

website collected 10 stories about the best friends, without whom life would not be so fun.

  • I had an accident, nothing serious, but my face was severely cut by glass. I didn’t leave the house for the first two days because there were scratches in the green paint. A friend came and, having painted exactly the same stripes on herself with green paint, pulled me out.
  • A friend decided that it was time to get ready for summer and need to sign up for a gym. Yesterday I came with bags of food and clothes: “ Damn, why put a gym on the 3rd floor! On the first there is a food store, and on the second - clothes! When I got to the third, I realized that I no longer had money, and I decided that I’m already gorgeous!”
  • I often hear the expression that female friendship does not exist. Today my friends did not eat the cake without me, which they bought to meet and drink tea. At all! They didn't even open it! Cake! If that's not friendship, then I don't know what is.
  • She called her friend choleric, and she, in denial, broke a cup against the wall.
  • My best friend is studying to be a surgeon. When I asked why surgery, she replied: “You kill everyone, and they also pay for it.”
  • That awkward feeling when your friend, in tears and snot, asked you to come and take a pregnancy test with you, and you are standing with this test at the checkout in the supermarket, and everyone looks at you like you’re crazy because you have twins in your belly.
  • Today on the street I heard a phrase that delighted me. One friend was going to get a tattoo, and the second asked about it: “Damn, it must hurt?!” And then this brilliant phrase flies in response: “Sveta, I gave birth to triplets! I don't feel pain anymore!
  • When I was in high school, my athlete friend’s parents put her under house arrest. They didn’t agree to let me go anywhere. And we, led by the physical education teacher, had to steal it from the second floor of a private house so as not to miss the competition. It was a complex operation involving rope climbing and acrobatics. Her parents burned us only when we brought her back. There was a scandal but my friend took second place at the competition!
  • My friend and I went to the bathhouse. They told us where our bathhouse and locker room were, and explained that there was a pool behind the door to plunge our hot bodies into the cold water. Well, we undressed, got steamed and decided to jump into the pool. We run out of the bathhouse, open the door to the pool and stumble upon the astonished looks of people... It turned out that the pool was shared.
  • Today I was on the bus. At the bus stop, a grandmother comes in and, seeing her old friend, joyfully shouts: “Alive!” And they hug.

>Essays by topic

My friend

Every person has many true friends, with whom it is always fun and interesting. We spend with them large number of our free time, share secrets, discuss various incidents from life and books we have read. I have one such faithful friend, Veronica. She is very beautiful brown eyes, long braid and in general, unlike me, she is somehow very agile and dexterous. With her cheerful character, she is always the leader in any company.

We have been friends for a very long time, ever since we started going to school. kindergarten. Our friendship, it seems to me, is still so strong, because we have a lot of common interests: our parents are friends, we study in the same class from the very beginning of our schooling, we have similar tastes in choosing clothes, even flowers, and we like them the same. I love my girlfriend very much, I’m never bored with her. She always comes to the rescue herself, you don’t even have to ask for it, I try to imitate her in many ways. She probably has a stronger character. My Veronica has a great sense of humor, she never gets angry. She studies better than me. It’s not difficult for me to ask her if I don’t understand something. school curriculum. I know for sure that she will not laugh at me, but will simply explain. This is it true friendship. After all, mutual assistance is a very important quality that true friends should have. Veronica belongs to the category of people whom you can trust and know for sure that she will not tell anyone anything.

She is not shy about admitting her mistakes, although she has very few of them. She can laugh at herself, but not at anyone else. Together with her, we prepared a whole number in the class KVN and everyone really liked it. Recently Veronica had her birthday. I thought for a very long time about what to give her. I learned from my grandmother how to weave various trinkets from beads, including jewelry. After consulting with grandma, we decided that a handmade gift would be pleasant surprise And a good gift. So I did. When I came to Veronica to congratulate her, I presented her with a bracelet in a beautiful box, which I myself had woven from multi-colored beads. I know for sure that she liked him, it was evident from her radiant smile. She immediately put the gift on her wrist and then didn’t take it off all evening, constantly looking at it and admiring it. Now I'm teaching Veronica beading. If she wants something, she will definitely achieve it. And I’m very glad that I can help her with this, because we are the best friends. I really value our friendship with Veronica.

I have a girlfriend. Her name is Katya. She and I live in the same house and go to the same school. She has a little brother. She helps his parents take care of him.

My friend has a dog. His name is Gosha. We sometimes go for walks with him.

Katya and I loved to play with dolls. She brings her favorite doll to me and we play with it. Besides dolls, we love to play shop. We have toy money and we sell toys and books. Sometimes our parents play with us in the store.

Katya and I are very good friends, I can always rely on her.

Essay about a friend

As everyone knows, every person has a father and a mother. But there are also friends. For example, I have a friend and her name is Lera. I trust her, why I’ll tell you now. One sunny day, my friend Lera and I went for a walk in the park. We weren’t the only ones there; there were also some hooligan boys hanging out there. I was shy. And then these boys came up to us. One of them began to tease me. Lera, without thinking twice, stood up for me and rebuffed him. After that, when Lera and I came to the park for a walk, they didn’t touch me. I then realized that Lera is the most true friend. I will appreciate and respect her for this all my life.

Option 3

Where does friendship begin? The question seems easy at first, but in reality it is much more complex. There is no uniform principle, no template according to which friendship between people begins. It doesn't depend on age intellectual development, social status. Quite a lot has been said and written about love, but very little about friendship.

I started making friends with Nastya in 3rd grade. We lived nearby and studied in the same class. In grades 1 and 2, our parents picked us up from school, and then we had the opportunity to choose our own way home. It was, of course, longer, but much more interesting. After a long hike around the school, we walked along the road to a few trees growing like an island at the fork between my house and hers. There we stopped, chatted, discussed school. Then we started visiting each other.

I won’t forget the first time I went to visit Nastya. Everything was interesting to me, especially her mother’s work, because she is an airport employee and wears a uniform. She always treated me to something tasty. We began to spend more and more time with Nastya. We sit at a desk together, do general tasks, chat on the phone in the evenings, and on weekends we go to my grandmother’s garden to help her a little and get a “reward” for it: peaches, nuts or grapes. Our favorite sport is badminton. We play in the yard until late in the evening. Sometimes other guys join us and we start the competition. It gets a lot more interesting.

The distinguishing feature of my friend is her long hair. They are fiery red. Nastya says that over time they will become darker. She is thin, has been dancing for many years, almost since early childhood. She always has a smile on her face. She often helps her classmates with their homework, but Russian language and literature are not good for her. I try to help her with these items. Her handwriting is round and large. We tried changing it, but nothing worked. They say that handwriting reflects a person's character. Nastya is a very soft, open person, always ready to help.

In the life of every person there should be at least one true friend. He will be with you in difficult moments life and happy. Friendship is tested by time. I hope my friendship will last a lifetime.

Essay for 5th grade

In every person’s life there should be people who can support, come to the rescue in difficult times, listen, give good advice. Not every person you know can be called a friend. I believe that finding a truly true friend is very difficult in these days. Luckily I got very lucky with this.

my best friend name is Victoria. Our friendship is very strong. Vika is exactly the person who can listen and support. For the past 10 years we have been very good friends. We live nearby and study in the same class. After school we like to go for walks; you will never get bored with my friend. She is a very kind and cheerful girl. Vicky is very beautiful wavy hair. We really like to walk after school, especially when it's warm spring days, when nature begins to wake up, the trees are covered with magical flowers and the birds sing.

Vika and I rarely quarrel, and if this happens, we try to put aside all adversity and grievances. We have similar tastes in both clothing and food, so it’s easy for us to find common topics of conversation. My friend and I constantly get into some funny situations. One of these situations happened to me during the winter period. We always really liked to ride on swings, since there weren’t any in our yard and we had to run to the next one. My parents forbade us to ride there because it was dangerous, but we didn’t always listen to them. In one of winter days My friend and I, as always, went for a ride. The swing was already old and rusty. A lot of snow fell that day, but even that couldn’t stop us. I sat down on the swing, rolled out very hard, and suddenly it broke off on one side and I buried myself in a snowdrift. It's good that they were huge. Vika helped me get out of it, since I was unable to do it myself. From that moment on, we always remember this situation with a smile.

My friendship with Vika is very dear to me. I'm very glad I met her. I hope that we will be able to maintain our friendship throughout many years. Maybe someday in the future our children will also communicate just as closely.

4, 5, 6, 7 grade

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