Main muscles: serratus posterior superior. Latissimus dorsi muscle

There are a lot of different muscles in the human body. In particular, there are those on the back that allow the ribs to rise and fall.

With certain diseases of the spine, characteristic pain is felt at the location of the serratus back muscles. To eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, special treatment is provided.

General characteristics

In the spine area, parallel to the ribs, there are two thin and flat muscles - the serratus dorsi. They are the connecting link between the intercostal muscles and the pectoral muscles.

With the correct development of the serrated organs, consisting of muscle tissue, any of their bundles will be clearly visible.

Muscles should be distinguished:

  • upper posterior dentate,
  • lower serrated

The place where the rear upper serratus muscle back, – area under . It originates from where the spinous processes of the vertebrae are present - I-II thoracic and VI-VII cervical.

Attachment to the back of the II-V ribs is carried out using four teeth (branches), while the serratus superioris muscle is located in the direction from top to bottom along an oblique line.

The second type begins at the location of the spinous processes of the vertebrae - XI-XII thoracic and I-II lumbar. At the very beginning, the lower posterior serratus dorsi muscle looks like a tendon plate, like the previous organ.

The posterior muscle is attached by separate branches to the IX-XII ribs.

Both the first and second organs accept active participation in the respiratory process. The task of the upper muscle is to raise the ribs, the lower, in turn, lowers them.

With the simultaneous action of these organs, expansion occurs chest.

Upper muscle lesion

When osteochondrosis of the upper thoracic vertebrae occurs, doctors diagnose serratus superioris syndrome. The pathology may be accompanied by dull and deep pain in the area:

  • upper edge of the scapula,
  • shoulder,
  • triceps muscle.

Such signs can be taken as a manifestation of compression of the nerve roots. True, no neurological disorders are detected.

On palpation, thickening and painful discomfort are felt. The patient may feel pain in the chest.

An external examination will show that there is no roundness of the shoulders, as happens when the rhomboid and pectoralis major muscles are affected. The shoulders and shoulder girdle area are not limited in movement.

Physical activity has practically no effect on the intensity of manifestations. However, if you lift weights in such a way that the shoulder blade presses on the affected area, the pain will intensify.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor uses the palpation method. The patient, sitting on a chair, should bend slightly. The arm that is on the side where the examination is being carried out should hang freely.

Or you can place the hand in the muscle cavity on the opposite side to fully abduct the shoulder blade.

Elimination of the syndrome is carried out using:

  • post-isometric relaxation,
  • ischemic compression.

When using the second method, the patient is allowed to both sit and lie, turning onto his stomach.

Lower muscle damage

The serratus inferior dorsi muscle may lose its function when the upper and lower thoracic vertebral segments are affected. Location of pain:

  • lower back,
  • area of ​​the lower ribs.

This symptom is characterized by aching, chronic nature. Due to severe tension, movements of the thoracolumbar region are limited.

If such signs appear, the spinal column and chest organs must be examined to exclude the development of pleurisy.

Palpation helps identify tender, painful areas in the area where the muscles connect to the ribs.

To treat the syndrome, the same methods are prescribed as in the previous case.

When performing post-isometric relaxation, the patient can sit or lie on his side. If the patient is sitting, do the following:

  1. By moving the shoulder forward, the doctor first stretches the muscle. At the same time, the patient’s torso is slightly bent so that there is a slight and comfortable feeling of tissue tension. Getting used to stretching lasts approximately 3-5 seconds.
  2. The patient should inhale smoothly and slowly, and then, stopping breathing, try to assume a neutral position. In this case, there is slight resistance on the part of the specialist. The effort required is minimal.
  3. A slow exhalation is made, the back relaxes, and the doctor performs a passive stretch with an increase in the initial displacement of the body.
  4. The procedure should be carried out without stopping 4-6 times.

To perform ischemic compression, the patient must lie on his stomach or side. In the first case, the specialist will perform sliding thumbs hands on the muscle.

If a very painful point is identified, then a slow deep massage is performed in this place.

As medical practice shows, the effectiveness of treatment increases when ischemic compression is performed before the stretching procedure.

All back muscles have their own purpose. And if problems arise with them, unpleasant manifestations will not take long to appear. To ensure your back always remains healthy, you need to consult a specialist in time.

Advanced pathologies require long-term treatment and often result in complications. Therefore, you should pay attention to the slightest discomfort in the back and follow all medical instructions.

By the way, now you can get my free e-books and courses that will help you improve your health and well-being.

In addition, if you want to restore the health of your spine and joints, and also maintain it for a long time, then I have special step-by-step exercise programs that I recommend that you do regularly.

In addition, you can also order my first printed book entitled "A Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks: 86 Essential Exercises" from online bookstores.


The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Raises II, III, IV, V ribs (Fig. 13a).

Start: from the spinous processes of the last two cervical vertebrae and the first two thoracic vertebrae

Attachment: II - V rib

Innervation: nn. intercostales Thl-Th4

The patient sits slightly leaning forward, the arm on the side being examined hangs freely; You can place her hand in the opposite armpit for more complete abduction of the scapula. The scapula should be displaced laterally and retracted to expose the TZ located in the muscle. The serratus posterior superior muscle is palpated through the trapezius and.

Rice. 13a. Serratus posterior superior muscle - m. serratus posterior superior

Vigorous palpation produces a local twitch response in the trapezius muscle fibers, which are recognized by their horizontal orientation. TZ localized in the posterior superior serratus muscle is revealed as an area of ​​extremely deep pain in the muscle band when it is pressed against the underlying rib. Pressure on these TZs clearly produces a characteristic pattern of referred pain.

Rice. 13b. Referred pain

(Fig. 13b): TK of this muscle often causes pain in the scapula and shoulder area. Characteristic of damage to the posterior superior serratus muscle is a dull, deep pain under the upper edge of the scapula. The pain is localized even deeper than the pain pattern caused by TZ in the middle portion of the trapezius muscle. Along with this, quite intense pain is felt over the posterior edge of the deltoid and long head of the triceps brachii muscle.

It often affects the entire area of ​​the triceps muscle with its epicenter in the area of ​​the internal epicondyle of the shoulder, and sometimes spreads along the ulnar surface of the forearm and metacarpus, including the entire little finger. Anteriorly, the pain may spread to the chest.
Shifts the lower ribs posteriorly and downward and thereby promotes expansion of the chest in the lower part (deep breath).

from the spinous processes of the XII thoracic vertebra and the first three lumbar vertebrae (Fig. 14a)

Rice. 14a. Serratus posterior inferior muscle - m. serratus posterior inferior

IX - XII rib.

Innervation: nn. intercostales T9-T12

Diagnostics: Painful TZs are detected by superficial palpation at the sites of muscle attachment to the ribs.

Rice. 14b. Referred pain

(Fig. 14b): Active TZ in the serratus inferior posterior muscle causes pain in the lower back and lower ribs.

R.G. Esin, O.R. Esin, G.D. Akhmadeeva, G.V. Salikhova

The serratus posterior superior muscle is located on the human back and is one of the superficial muscles. It is paired, attached directly to the rib and, in comparison with other superficial ones, lies deep.

General information

The named muscle is located under the rhomboid. It belongs to the third layer of muscles covering the human back. In structure, this organ is flat. Nuchal ligament - its lower part is the place where the serratus muscle is attached. The bundles of the latter are directed downward, obliquely, passing to the outer surface of 2-5 ribs, to which they are attached, lateral to their corners.

The muscle, the beginning of which is the nuchal ligament, depending on the fitness of the body, may have large number bunches, or maybe completely absent.

When it contracts, the upper part of the ribs that make up the chest rises, which allows a person to breathe.

nearest neighbor

The superior serratus posterior muscle is located in close proximity to the inferior muscle of the same name. And that one is next to the widest spinal muscle, directly in front of her. The muscle also originates from the tendon plate, but located on the 1st and 2nd lumbar, as well as on the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.

This muscle is also oblique, it is directed upward and laterally. The muscle is involved in the act of inhalation and exhalation, as it lowers the ribs of the chest in its lower half.


Both muscles described are classified as the main respiratory muscles, since their contractions provide the ability to inhale.

In order for the serratus posterior superior muscle to function correctly, blood flow to it is carried out by an artery located between the ribs. Another source of necessary nutrients- deep cervical artery. Intercostal nerves provide innervation to the organ.

Why does the muscle hurt?

The serratus posterior superior muscle tends to be of concern in cases of osteochondrosis affecting the intervertebral discs in the upper part of the chest. The first symptom of the disease is dull severe pain in the depths, near the shoulder blade.

To diagnose the problem, palpation is carried out by slightly moving the scapula followed by placing the hand in armpit on the opposite side of the body. In this case, the patient’s torso should be slightly tilted forward, allowing the arms to hang freely.

Myofascial syndrome

MFPS is diagnosed by dull, constant, severe pain, which is local and segmental in nature. In this case, so-called trigger points are observed where the pain is concentrated. When palpating along the muscle, nodules can be detected. The neoplasms are located strictly along the muscle fibers and grow 2-5 mm in diameter.

Palpation is accompanied by severe local, referred pain. Each has its own pain zone and paresthesia. Upon contact with the area, “jumping syndrome” occurs, when the patient reflexively tries to move away from the source of sensations. This sign is considered a typical manifestation of MFPS.

In addition to active trigger points, there are latent ones. The first are characterized by spontaneous sharp sensations that accompany muscle loading and palpation. For the latter, spontaneity of the pain syndrome is not typical.

If the described points are present in a latent form, the upper posterior dentate organ weakens, is depressed, and fatigue increases. If there are 2-3 points in an organ, between which there is a nerve or a bundle of them, there is a high probability of developing neurovascular compression.

MFPS is formed when a muscle is stretched or undergoes sudden movements. There is a high probability of MFPS if the patient spent a long time in an uncomfortable antiphysiological position, was exposed to abnormally low or high temperature. The syndrome is observed with different leg lengths, anomalies in the development of the pelvic ring and foot. In some cases the reasons will be:

  • mental disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • poor nutrition.

Trigger points are activated when:

  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • asthma.

The pain associated with MFPS is reflected in the lower ribs, in the sternum from below. The syndrome can be triggered by work that forces a person to spend a long time standing with his arms raised.


The serratus posterior superior muscle is pumped up during comprehensive back muscle training. The most useful exercise is called “pullover”. In addition to this, they practice:

  • deadlift;
  • bent over row;
  • traction horizontally;
  • shrugs (using dumbbells, barbells);
  • tilts, weighted with a barbell;
  • T-bar row.
  1. Exercise regularly 2-3 times a week. The first results will be noticeable in just 3 weeks.
  2. Warm up before starting class. If you experience pain, you need to reduce the load or even stop the practice completely until the body recovers. Remember: excess weight displaces the vertebrae, causing hernias and injuries.
  3. Carefully control your breathing.
  4. Follow the technique of each exercise, keeping your back straight.
  5. Increase the load gradually.
  6. Eat right.
  7. Control your sleep and wakefulness patterns.

Don't try to do all the exercises in one workout. Alternate them according to a pre-designed program so that the load is different days was on different areas of the back. An integrated approach will help you become stronger, train your muscles, achieve beautiful figure. Don't try to focus solely on the serratus posterior superior muscle; instead, engage your entire back in the program.




On the back, as in the chest area, the intrinsic muscles lie deep and are covered with alien muscles that move the upper limbs and strengthen them on the body.

The intrinsic muscles of the back of ventral origin include two underdeveloped muscles ending on the ribs: the posterior superior and posterior inferior serratus.

  • Serratus posterior superior muscle(i.e. serratus posterior superior) starts from the spinous processes of the two lower cervical and two upper thoracic vertebrae.
  • Serratus posterior inferior muscle(t. serratus posterior inferior) starts from the lumbar-dorsal fascia at the level of the two lower thoracic and two upper lumbar vertebrae. Both muscles are involved in the respiratory act: the upper one – raising, and the lower one – lowering the ribs. Acting simultaneously, they expand the chest.

Beneath both serratus posterior muscles along the spinal column lie the deep back muscles. These are the own muscles of the trunk, having a dorsal origin. In humans they retain a primitive, more or less metameric arrangement.

The deep back muscles lie on either side of the spinous processes of the spine, extending from the sacrum to the skull. They can be distinguished four muscle tracts, sequentially located in the direction inward.

Splenius muscle of the head and neck




I tract(only on the neck) is represented by the splenius muscle of the head and neck (i.e. splenius capitis et cervicis), which starts from the spinous processes of the upper thoracic and lower cervical vertebrae and is attached to the transverse processes of the I and II cervical vertebrae and to the mastoid process temporal bone. With a bilateral contraction, the muscle bends the head and neck back; with a unilateral contraction, it turns them.

Erector spinae muscle




II tract formed by the erector spinae, which starts from the posterior surface of the bone and the thoracolumbar fascia. The muscle extends the spine and plays a large role in its statics.

Below the XII rib, the erector spinae is divided into three muscles: the iliocostal, longissimus and spinalis muscles.

Iliocostal muscle




The iliocostalis muscle is the most lateral muscle, attached to the ribs and transverse processes of the lower cervical vertebrae.

Longissimus dorsi muscle




Longissimus muscle the back is attached to the transverse processes of all the thoracic and cervical vertebrae and ends on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Spinalis dorsi




The spinalis dorsi muscle is attached to the spinous processes of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae up to the epistrophy.

  • III tract consists of the transverse spinalis muscle (i.e. transversospinalis), which stretches from the sacrum to the occipital bone, and its bundles are directed from the transverse processes to the spinous ones. The muscles of this tract extend the spine, tilt it to the sides, and also rotate it.
  • IV tract form the short intertransverse and interspinous muscles of the back in the cervical and lumbar regions, and the short occipitovertebral muscles.

Intertransverse muscles




The intertransverse muscles are located between the transverse processes of adjacent vertebrae: when contracted, they participate in abducting the spine to the sides.

Interspinous muscles




The interspinous muscles are located between the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae; during contraction, they participate in the extension of the spine.

Short occipitovertebral muscles




The four short occipitovertebral muscles are located between the occipital bone, the atlas and the epistropheus. The muscles extend and rotate the head.

The diversity of the deep muscles of the back is associated with a great differentiation of movements of the spine and the whole body. The power of this muscle ensures a person’s vertical position. Without the deep back muscles, a person's torso would bend forward because its center of gravity lies in front of the spine.

The group of alien muscles on the back associated with the upper limbs is located in two layers. In the superficial layer lie the trapezius muscle that came from the head (branchial origin) and that came from upper limb latissimus dorsi muscle.

Trapezius muscle




The trapezius muscle (t. trapezius) originates from the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, the nuchal ligament and the spinous processes of all thoracic vertebrae. The muscle fibers converge outward and attach to the outer end of the clavicle, to the spine and acromial process of the scapula. The lower muscle bundles, contracting, lower the shoulder girdle, the middle ones pull it towards the spine, the upper ones lift it; the superior bundles work as synergists of the serratus posterior muscle when it abducts the arm above the level shoulder joint. At fixed shoulder girdle The trapezius muscle pulls the head back.

Serratus posterior superior, m. serratus posterior superior, is a thin muscle, covered by the rhomboid muscle and forms the third layer of the superficial muscles of the back.

It starts from the lower part of the nuchal ligament and the spinous processes of the two lower cervical and two upper thoracic vertebrae. Its bundles are directed obliquely downwards and laterally and are attached by four teeth to the outer surface of the II-V ribs, somewhat lateral to their corners.

Function: raises the upper ribs, participating in the act of inhalation.

Innervation:nn. intercostales (ThI-ThIV).

Blood supply: ah. intercostales, cervicalis profunda.

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