Solid fiber. Foods rich in plant fiber and their role in the diet

Fiber is one of the the best means for weight loss, maintaining normal bowel function. Therefore, every person who cares about their health should include daily diet products containing fiber to remove waste and toxins from the body, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

What foods contain a lot of fiber?

Fiber is divided into two types:



Products rich in fiber of the first type,- apples, cabbage, citrus fruits, broccoli, wholemeal flour, various berries, seeds, oats. This fiber can be turned into a jelly-like mass; it is more gentle on the stomach.

Insoluble plant fiber contains in foods such as legumes, grains (mainly in their shells), in the peels of vegetables and fruits.

What foods contain fiber?

An adult needs 20-30 grams of fiber to avoid problems with digestion, intestinal microflora, and the elimination of toxins and heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to know which foods contain fiber.

They contain a lot of plant fiber:






The list of foods containing a lot of fiber starts with our usual vegetables. Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, peas, beans, broccoli, radishes - vegetables rich in fiber.

Foods containing fiber also include fruits, berries and nuts. Especially pear, apple, grapes, peaches, pistachios and figs.

But the highest fiber content is:



    other types of whole grains.

Particularly useful bran bread.

Please note that Foods containing a lot of fiber must be eaten fresh, they cannot be subjected to heat treatment.

Avoid the following additives in foods: inulin, polydextrose, maltodextrin.

Many people consume milk, fish, meat, cheese, thinking that they are enriching their body with healthy fiber, but we note that These are foods that do not contain fiber..

Amount of fiber in food

List of foods high in fiber. The amount of fiber in products is indicated per 100 grams:

    Beans and peas - 15%;

    White rice and wheat - 8%;

    Oats and barley - 8–10%;

    Nuts, almonds, olives -10-15%;

    Fresh vegetables - 2–5%. Vegetables with the most fiber: green peas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, carrots;

    Berries - 3–7%. Raspberries and blackberries contain the most fiber;

    Fruits and citrus fruits - 5–10%. The following fruits contain the most fiber: bananas, peaches, pears and apples.

Table of foods containing fiber

You can quickly create a diet for yourself by including foods that contain fiber. published

NA naming


Fiber (grams)


Apples with skin

1 average



3 medium


Apricots, dried

5 parts



1 medium



1 cup


Cantaloupe, cubes

1 cup


Dried dates

2 medium



1/2 medium



1 medium



1 medium


Peaches, dried

3 parts



1 medium



1 medium



1.5 ounces



1 cup



1 cup



Avocado (fruit)

1 medium


Beets, cooked

1 cup


Beet leaves

1 cup


Bok choy, cooked

1 cup


Broccoli, cooked

1 cup


Brussels sprouts

1 cup


Cabbage, cooked

1 cup



1 medium


Carrots, cooked

1 cup


Cauliflower, cooked

1 cup



1 cup


sweet corn

1 cup


Green beans

1 cup



1 stem


Collard greens, cooked

1 cup


Fresh onions

1 cup


Peas, cooked

1 cup


Sweet pepper

1 cup



3 cups


Potatoes baked in their jackets

1 medium


Spinach, cooked

1 cup


Pumpkin, cooked

1 cup


Sweet potatoes, boiled

1 cup


Chard, cooked

1 cup



1 medium


Large-fruited pumpkin, cooked

1 cup


Zucchini, cooked

1 cup


Cereals, grains, pasta

Bran bread

1 cup


Whole grain bread

1 slice



1 cup


Whole grain pasta

1 cup


Cinnamon rice

1 cup


Legumes, nuts, seeds


1 oz (28.35 g)


Black beans, cooked

1 cup


Cashew nuts

1 oz (28.35 g)


Flax seeds

3 spoons


Chickpea fruits (beans), cooked

1 cup


Beans, cooked

1 cup


Lentils, cooked

1 cup


Lima beans, cooked

1 cup



1 oz (28.35 g)



1 oz (28.35 g)


pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup


Soybeans, cooked

1 cup



1/4 cup



1 oz (28.35 g)


Fiber - what is it, and why does everyone unanimously talk about its benefits for beauty and health?

If you also ask yourself similar questions, and want to know more about fiber, make yourself comfortable - it will be interesting!

What is fiber and what types of it exist?

Fiber is dense dietary fiber that has a huge impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cabbage leaves, the shell of legumes and various seeds - all this is fiber.

In other words, fiber is complex fiber that does not supply human body energy, but are necessary for its life.

First of all, fiber can be divided into soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is the pulp of fruits and vegetables, while insoluble fiber is the peel and husk. Both types are useful and necessary for our body.

Soluble fiber includes:

Pectin. It is found in large quantities in apples, carrots, citrus fruits, cabbage and even regular potatoes. Pectin helps reduce cholesterol levels and slows down the absorption of sugar, which makes it indispensable for diabetics.

Gum. Oatmeal and dried beans are the main sources of gum. Like pectin, this type of fiber affects the digestibility of food.

Lignin. Without knowing it, we often consume lignin at breakfast - it is found in the greatest quantities in cereals. Another source of lignin is stale vegetables (this does not mean spoiled, but slightly wilted products).

The insoluble type includes two types of fiber:

Cellulose. It can be found in a variety of products - bran, cabbage, apples, green young peas and even in the peel of cucumbers.

Hemicellulose. IN large quantities this type of fiber is found in grains, bran, beets and Brussels sprouts.

The greatest benefit of insoluble fiber is to remove waste and toxins from the body.

What are the benefits, and does fiber have harmful properties?

The beneficial properties of fiber are undeniable:

  • It maintains the normal composition of intestinal microflora and fights inflammatory processes.
  • Reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  • Regular intake of fiber will help cope with dysbiosis and constipation, and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Another important advantage of fiber is its low calorie content, which makes its consumption safe for your figure. This is why high fiber foods are included in many diets.

About the disadvantages of fiber All that should be said is that when used correctly, it is not at all dangerous. The main thing is not to overeat!

Excess fiber content can:

  • Lead to constipation, flatulence and diarrhea.
  • Cause exacerbation in people with diseases of the pancreas and intestines.
  • Another danger of fiber is that it absorbs a lot of moisture and fluid entering the digestive system, which can lead to dehydration and constipation. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, drink more water - at least one and a half liters a day.

List of foods rich in fiber

As already mentioned, the most fiber is found in bran and legumes. But it is also found in other products. After reading this list, you can create a healthy and varied menu for yourself.

Fiber-rich foods (per 100 g):

  • White cabbage – 2.4 g
  • Carrots – 2.4 g
  • Boiled beets – 3 g
  • Stewed cauliflower – 2.1 g
  • Corn – 7.1
  • Boiled pumpkin – 3.2 g
  • – 6.7 g
  • Apple with peel – 4 g
  • Banana – 1.7 g
  • Pear with peel – 2.8 g
  • Raisins – 9.6 g
  • Dried apricots – 18 g
  • Wheat bran – 43.6 g
  • Whole grain bread – 9.2 g
  • Rye bread – 5.2 g
  • Oatmeal – 6 g
  • Boiled buckwheat – 3.7 g
  • Lentils – 11.5 g
  • Beans – 12.4
  • Chickpeas – 9.9 g
  • Flax seeds – 27.3 g
  • Raw peanuts – 8.1 g

It is very important to get fiber in adequate quantities.

To do this, follow these simple tips:

  1. Eat fresh fruit instead of store-bought fruit juices.
  2. Instead of white rice, bread and pasta, eat brown rice and whole grains.
  3. Replace harmful products(chips, crackers, candies) for fresh vegetables rich in fiber.
  4. Prepare dishes with beans or boiled vegetables 2-3 times a week.
  5. Divide your fiber intake into several servings throughout the day, and be sure to drink enough fluids.
  6. Remember: natural fiber is much healthier than its analogues sold in pharmacies.

Nutritionists answer important questions

What role does dietary fiber play for pregnant and breastfeeding women?

Fiber will help expectant mothers cope with a delicate but very common problem - constipation. It is extremely undesirable to take medications during pregnancy, so as not to harm the fetus, so fiber can be safely called a panacea in the fight against intestinal problems. In addition, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds- both before and after childbirth.

Eating fiber prevents the development of various metabolic diseases. It is no secret that during lactation the female body undergoes hormonal changes, which causes the level of glucose in the blood to increase. It is fiber that stabilizes blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes.

Fiber in the diet of diabetics

Since fiber balances blood sugar levels, it is a must-have for diabetics.

Most useful look fiber for diabetes - natural cellulose. To enhance the antidiabetic effect, it is better to consume fiber along with complex carbohydrates (especially starch).

The diet of people with diabetes should include vegetables containing a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of fiber, as well as bran bread and various cereals. Cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage - all these vegetables are rich in fiber and form the basis proper nutrition for diabetes.

Allergy to foods rich in fiber

With the exception of individual intolerance to specific foods, fiber itself is practically safe for allergy sufferers. Moreover, for many types of food allergies, it is recommended to include it in the diet - dietary fiber restores the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the permeability of the digestive tract mucosa, thereby reducing the number of allergens that penetrate the blood.

The main rule when consuming fiber is not to overeat and eat small portions throughout the day.

Menu for adults and children

By consuming fiber and not forgetting about a balanced diet, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your body’s health. The diet below will help you get rid of extra centimeters, improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and normalize intestinal function.


1st Breakfast. 1 egg omelette, cucumber, whole grain bread, black tea.
2nd Breakfast. 1 apple or pear.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, whole grain bread, 150 g of boiled lean meat.
Afternoon snack. 25 g raisins, herbal tea.
Dinner. 100 g of boiled Brussels sprouts or green beans, 150 g of cottage cheese 2% fat, a glass of kefir with 2 teaspoons of bran.


1st Breakfast. Oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk, herbal tea.
2nd Breakfast. 1 pear or banana.
Dinner. Chicken broth soup, 100 g boiled chicken fillet, cucumber, lettuce, water.
Afternoon snack. Salad of grated carrots, beets and walnuts, tea.
Dinner. 150 g of boiled green beans, a glass of kefir with 2 teaspoons of bran.


1st Breakfast. 150 g cottage cheese, 2 walnuts, tea.
2nd Breakfast. 1 banana or grapefruit.
Dinner. 150 g of baked red fish, 100 g of boiled lentils, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. 25 g dried apricots.
Dinner. Sweet pepper baked in the oven, 100 g of lettuce, a glass of kefir with 2 teaspoons of bran.


1st Breakfast. 100 g of boiled pasta, yogurt, tea or coffee without sugar.
2nd Breakfast. 1 apple or orange.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, 150 g of boiled lean meat, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. 25 g cashews or almonds.
Dinner. 100 g boiled cauliflower, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 whole grain bread.


1st Breakfast. 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 cucumbers or tomatoes, herbal tea.
2nd Breakfast. 1 pear or apple.
Dinner. Veal with vegetables, avocado salad, tea.
Afternoon snack. 3 prunes.
Dinner. Pumpkin baked with vegetables, a glass of kefir with 2 teaspoons of bran.


1st Breakfast. 100 g of boiled white rice with green peas, tea or coffee.
2nd Breakfast. 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner. Cabbage soup, 1 whole grain bread, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. 25 g raw peanuts.
Dinner. Boiled vegetables (broccoli, carrots, beets), a glass of kefir with 2 teaspoons of bran.


1st Breakfast. Oatmeal, 100 g grated carrots, seasoned olive oil, tea.
2nd Breakfast. 1 apple.
Dinner. Fish fillet with baked vegetables, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. 25 g dried apricots or raisins.
Dinner. Boiled buckwheat with tomatoes, whole grain bread, a glass of kefir.

How to increase fiber content in children's diets?

Fiber in a child's diet will help prevent the appearance of dysbiosis and cope with constipation.

The recommended age at which fiber should be included in a child’s diet is 8 months. The daily fiber intake should increase gradually, 1-2 g per week. Babies from 8 months to 3 years need about 18 g of fiber daily, and children under 8 years old need 25 g.

You should not get carried away with various dietary supplements containing fiber - natural products will bring much more benefit to your child.

You can easily diversify your child’s diet by following simple rules:

  • Add vegetables to different dishes - sandwiches can also be made with vegetables.
  • Introduce corn porridge, rye and oat flakes into the diet of children over 9 months - they are very healthy and contain a large amount of fiber.
  • Instead of store-bought sweets, use fresh fruits picked at your dacha.

Fiber for weight loss - rules for creating a diet

Losing weight with fiber is an effective and gentle method. And the rules for consuming fiber depend on the products in which it is contained.

How to properly consume fiber for weight loss:

  • It is better to eat vegetables together with fish or meat - this combination promotes better absorption and saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • But fruits, on the contrary, should be eaten separately, not mixed with other foods.
  • IN diet menu Bran or pure fiber must be included - they are diluted with water or kefir in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per glass, or added to various porridges.
  • The main rule in creating a diet for weight loss is a balanced diet, a sufficient amount of fluid and replacing various sweets and pickles with healthy vegetables and fruits.
  • In addition, once a week you can have a fiber fasting day - even one day will help cleanse your body and restore your feeling of lightness!

Nutritionist opinions

Before fiber was thoroughly researched, it was considered a kind of plant waste, and was not recommended for consumption.

Since the 70s of the last century, the opinion of nutritionists has changed dramatically: now fiber is called the key to slimness and health and is recommended to be included in the diet of everyone who cares about their body.

Fiber supplied with food - soluble and water-insoluble fiber - is not susceptible to the action of gastrointestinal enzymes. They bind and remove waste from the body. Foods rich in fiber cleanse the intestinal walls and are good for digestive system, large intestine, metabolic processes, with.

What is fiber

Fiber is a fairly strong and tough substance. It is part of the cell walls of plants, with the exception of algae.

At high magnification, it looks like a bundle of long fibers connected to each other. They are elastic and durable, resistant to the action of digestive enzymes.

Fiber provides little energy and is almost not digestible. But dietary fiber is necessary for the functioning of the body and the prevention of diseases.

Types of dietary fiber:

  1. Cellulose.
  2. Hemicellulose.
  3. Pectins.
  4. Lignin.
  5. Slime.
  6. Comedy.

The walls of plant cells are made of cellulose. Hemicellulose, pectins and lignin are intercellular. Mucus is isolated from seaweed and the seeds of some plants. Gums - from the stems and seeds of tropical flora.

Dietary fiber absorbs moisture well, swells, and doubles its volume. The grain shells () absorb water five times their mass.

Flour products contain almost no fiber. It is completely absent from animal products.

Insoluble fiber

Water-insoluble fibers - cellulose, lignin - are found in cabbage, green peas, and cucumber peels.

Cellulose absorbs moisture from waste, gives it volume and moisture, and speeds up passage and evacuation.

Lignin binds bile acids and reduces the level in the blood. Reduces the risk of gallstones. Storing vegetables increases its quantity.

Insoluble fiber increases the volume of waste after the breakdown of food, which stimulates peristalsis - wave-like contractions of the intestinal walls, irritates them for regular bowel movements, and prevents constipation.

Pathogenic microflora produces its own waste, which penetrates the blood through the intestinal walls, destroys the mucous membrane, and causes diseases of the digestive system and tumors.

The body counteracts, consumes protective forces. The maintenance of natural physiological processes in the intestines by insoluble fiber preserves and normalizes.

Water-soluble fibers

Water-soluble fibers - pectins, resins (legumes), alginase (algae), hemicellulose (, barley) - when absorbing water, do not swell like cellulose, but form a voluminous jelly with astringent properties.

Pectin substances give firmness and elasticity to plant tissues and help counteract drought. Pectins and resins contribute to long-term storage of the product.

Water-soluble fiber contains few calories, quickly saturates, and inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. A slow increase in blood sugar levels requires less insulin, which promotes fat deposition and excess weight.

Microflora breaks down pectins in the large intestine, which increases the acidic environment, which helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Products rich in water-soluble fiber maintain microflora balance and reduce the content of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Norm of products with fiber

The generally accepted norm is to consume foods containing up to 30g of fiber throughout the day.

Some researchers are convinced that daily norm Dietary fiber determines age, so it is recommended to take:

  • up to 50 years: women – 25g, men – 38g;
  • after 50 years: women – 21 years, men – 30 years.

The beneficial effect of fiber is enhanced by the content of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene in foods.

How to take fiber

Include greens, fruits, vegetables, and grains in your diet, which are consumed in their natural form, and not as puree or juice.

Dishes after mechanical and thermal processing are useful as an alternative - when natural products rich in fiber injure weakened mucous membranes and worsen the condition in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Replace cakes and buns with bran bread or wholemeal bread.

Eat fiber foods throughout the day, not just for breakfast.

  • vegetable salads, greens – 1/4;
  • fresh fruits – 1/4;
  • root vegetables after heat treatment – ​​1/4.

The remaining 1/4 of the daily diet:

  • Carbohydrates: cereals, bread, sugar – 1/10.
  • : nuts, milk, fermented milk products – 1/10.
  • Fats: animal and vegetable fats – 1/20.

Include fiber in your diet gradually, reaching the recommended level within a month or two. Otherwise, the stool becomes bloated and the stool is disturbed.

A diet low in fat and high in fiber is beneficial for diabetes.

The benefits of fiber for women

Dietary fiber products are especially beneficial female body. Fiber accelerates the evacuation of excess sex hormones estrogen - the cause of tumors of the genital area.

Estrogens enter the intestines with bile. Their retention in the body for a day or longer causes reabsorption into the blood. Foods rich in fiber remove excess hormones as waste, thereby reducing their levels.

Thus, plant fibers reduce the risk of developing female tumors.

Fiber and constipation

A possible cause of constipation (constipation) is retention of stool for more than two days, difficulty in bowel movements - lack of fiber products.

Stool retention causes prolonged contact of feces with the mucous membrane of the colon, its destruction by carcinogens.

If you are prone to constipation, exclude or limit easily digestible dishes - fish and meat soups, white bread, mashed potatoes, etc.

Include foods rich in plant fiber in your diet, such as nuts. They are high in calories and contain dietary fiber. A table of which foods contain fiber is presented below in this article.

On the other hand, constipation is caused by the inclusion of dietary fiber in the menu without sufficient fluid intake - up to 2 liters per day. The recommended amount includes water, tea, coffee, milk, soup, etc. If there is a lack of moisture, fiber does not bring benefits; it takes water from the body.

An indicator of sufficient fluid intake is the color of urine. If it is light, there is enough water. A rich yellow tint indicates a deficiency and the risk of constipation.

Drinking liquid immediately after eating fruit (for example, apples) causes increased gas formation.

Recipes for constipation with foods containing fiber

  • Coarsely grate 100g carrots and 100g cucumbers, add 5g, 5g seeds.

Eat at night.

  • Grate 200g of fresh pumpkin with peel, add 100g of grated boiled pumpkin.

Use in three doses.

  • Coarsely grate 300g of boiled beets, add 50g without shells, 150g of prunes.

Consume 100g of the mixture three times a day. Treat constipation for two days.

List and table of foods containing fiber

Vegetables and fruits often contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. For example, the peel of apples contains insoluble fiber, and the pulp contains soluble fiber.

Sometimes the peels of vegetables and fruits contain harmful substances. For example, cucumbers cleanse the body and have a diuretic effect. But their peel accumulates nitrates. Therefore, it is better to peel a store-bought cucumber before using it.

Raw foods without heat and machining(mashed potatoes) contain more fiber.

Porridges are rich in it:

  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which envelops and relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Wheat promotes the activity of the brain, heart, blood vessels, and organs of the digestive system.
  • Millet improves intestinal motility, normalizes fat metabolism and blood glucose levels.
  • Barley is useful for metabolic disorders, creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, and has a mild laxative effect.

It is useful to add berries, nuts, fruits, and raisins to porridge.

Below is a list of foods containing dietary fiber:

Table of foods containing the most fiber
Product (100g)Fiber content (grams)
Green peas6,00
Lettuce with dense leaves2,10
Green salad0,50
Wheat bran12,00
Unpeeled rice9,00
Puffed corn3,90
Boiled corn3,10
Oatmeal "Hercules"3,10
Bran bread2,20
Rye bread1,10
Wheat bread0,20
Millet groats2,70
Pearl barley2,00
Rice groats1,40
Barley groats1,40
Brussels sprouts3,00
Horseradish (root)2,80
White cabbage2,00
Sweet pepper1,10
Unpeeled apples4,10
Dried apricot3,50
Dried apricots3,20
  • Rye. Easier to digest.
  • Oatmeal. The roughest structure.
  • To improve your health and lose weight, start taking it with a wheat or rye variety.

    Take bran gradually:

    1. Add 1 teaspoon to food three times a day.
    2. Within two weeks, increase the daily dose to 3 tbsp.

    After two months, stop taking it and eat other foods rich in fiber.

    Harm and contraindications

    Long-term intake of fiber in excessive quantities causes nutritional diseases - associated with improper or insufficient nutrition.

    Plant fibers are contraindicated for children under 5-6 months - they cause diarrhea and intestinal paroxysmal pain (colic). Little ones benefit from clarified juices without pulp.

    Fiber-rich foods can cause...

    Taking too much plant fiber in old age for constipation can lead to fecal incontinence.

    Products with plant fibers are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of the duodenum. Use only during periods of weakening or complete disappearance of symptoms (remission).

    Plant fibers are contraindicated for diarrhea until stool is completely restored.

    Long-term use thickens the mucous membrane, reduces its sensitivity and ability to absorb nutrients.

    Excess intake of coarse insoluble fiber or lack of dietary fiber - possible reasons decreased digestibility of food, spasms, adhesion of intestinal walls, ulcerative colitis, and other gastrointestinal diseases.

    Modified: 12/05/2019

    Every day we all eat something, and most people are interested in the beneficial properties of the food they eat. So, everyone knows about the benefits of plant foods, but most often they talk about the high content of all kinds of vitamins and nutrients in them, and rarely mention such an important element as fiber. Meanwhile, it has already been called one of the components of the recipe for longevity and an excellent means for maintaining good health. It is worth understanding in more detail the benefits of this element for our body and finding out which foods contain fiber, so as not to miss the opportunity and include it in your diet.

    Few people know what fiber actually is, what it looks like and why it is so useful. Accordingly, our knowledge about the need for its consumption leaves much to be desired. Scientifically speaking, fiber is complex carbohydrate, consisting of non-starch polysaccharides, resistant starch and cellulose. It’s unlikely that anything will become clear from this definition, so let’s try to explain it differently. Fiber is a coarse and practically indigestible part of the plant by our body. You can imagine fiber as a plexus of plant fibers. Now it becomes clear what foods contain fiber, these are all kinds of leaves, for example, lettuce or cabbage, beans, fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains.

    The question may naturally arise: if our body is not able to digest fiber, then what is the benefit of it? Fiber is considered nutrient, along with vitamins and minerals, it does not provide our body with energy, but, nevertheless, plays an important role in the process of life and is a necessary element of our nutrition. Therefore, it is important to know not only what foods contain fiber, but also how exactly it affects the body. To understand the benefits of fiber for our body, we need to understand the mechanism of its action. Fiber is a hollow fiber that, when released into a liquid medium, increases significantly in volume. It is this feature that makes fiber especially important for our digestive system.

    There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Soluble substances include resins, pectins and insulin. Soluble fiber stabilizes blood sugar levels, slows down the digestion of food and the absorption of glucose, maintains acidity, and also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Insoluble fiber is lingin and cellulose. It is called insoluble because it does not undergo the process of decomposition in water, which means it improves intestinal permeability and promotes faster saturation. This fiber helps cleanse the body, protects against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of obesity - why not find out which foods contain fiber!

    Since fiber is not broken down or digested, it can be used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, to stimulate its functioning and more effectively absorb nutrients contained in foods. In addition, fiber lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which leads to a reduced risk of heart disease. It is not for nothing that many diets include foods rich in fiber; they slow down the absorption of fats, promote rapid saturation and a long-lasting feeling of fullness, thereby maintaining the slimness of your figure. In addition, fiber contains virtually no calories, which many women hate, so if you want to lose weight, you just need to know which foods contain fiber.

    So, let's take a closer look at which foods contain fiber.

    1. Vegetables. These are usually the first foods we think of when it comes to fiber. Particularly rich in fiber are zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, lettuce, as well as parsley and dill. All these are quite affordable and tasty products that are the basis of many dishes, which means it won’t be difficult to include them in your daily diet.

    2. Fruits. The richest source of plant fiber, such as fiber, is fruit. The fact is that fruits contain a large amount of pectin, a source of soluble fiber; in addition, fruits contain cellulose, an insoluble fiber that improves digestion. Record holders for fiber content include apples, pears, prunes, plums, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, bananas and apricots. We should not forget about dried fruits, from which most of the moisture has been removed and left maximum quantity fiber. So, you shouldn’t ignore dried apricots, apricots and raisins.

    3. Berry. When looking for an answer to the question of which foods contain fiber, you should not ignore berries. Almost any berry can be an excellent source of dietary fiber. It is especially worth noting raspberries and strawberries, which contain the highest amount of fiber.

    4. Nuts. It is worth including them in your daily diet. Everyone knows beneficial properties nuts and their value for our body. Despite their calorie content, a small portion of nuts can provide our body with fiber every day. The largest amount of dietary fiber is found in almonds, pistachios, forest and walnuts, and also in peanuts.

    5. Whole grains. Many have already heard about whole grain bread and other products made from whole grain flour, as well as bran and sprouted grains of cereal plants. All of these whole grains contain soluble fiber and lower blood cholesterol levels. So, it is worth including whole grain bread, bran in your diet, adding sprouted grains to your dishes, as well as oatmeal, buckwheat and corn.

    6. Legumes. Include beans, peas and lentils in your diet - legumes that are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. So, just one serving of lentils can contain up to 16 grams of fiber!

    Now, knowing which foods contain fiber, you need to find out the norms for its consumption. Nutritionists recommend consuming at least 25 grams of fiber daily. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to immediately radically change their diet and start eating 500 grams daily. beans, 1 kg of oatmeal or 100 gr. bread You should start with your usual snacks and eat a handful of nuts or a couple of fruits instead of chocolates or sweets. And instead of the usual pasta for lunch, use vegetables you like from the list as a side dish. Start gradually increasing your fiber intake, and after a couple of weeks you will reach the recommended daily intake. A sharp increase in fiber in the diet can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as bloating.

    Don’t forget about the mechanism of how fiber works, so along with increasing its consumption, it is worth increasing your water intake. If possible, eat only fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been cooked; in extreme cases, vegetables can be stewed or baked in the oven. You can try to replace the usual sweet desserts with ones that are no less sweet, but more healthy fruits or a berry. To provide the body with fiber, it is enough to eat at least 3 fruits a day, at least 300 grams. vegetables, 4 slices of whole grain bread, 4 servings of oatmeal or rice, and 2 servings of beans, peas or corn.

    How can you fit at least some of these products into your daily menu? Remember what our mothers and grandmothers taught us. So, you should get into the habit of having breakfast. oatmeal, you can replace it with homemade muesli with the addition of your favorite fresh and dried fruits, as well as milk, natural yogurt, honey or juice. If it is not possible to organize a three-course lunch and include vegetables for the first and second, and prepare compote for the third, then leave at least vegetable soup or bean soup. Knowing which foods contain fiber can help you include them in your diet every day, and we offer several recipe options using the foods mentioned above.

    Muesli with berries and seasonal fruits

    1/» art. oatmeal,
    ½ tbsp. yogurt,
    2 tbsp. mixtures of dried fruits and nuts,
    2 tbsp. strawberries or raspberries,
    1 any seasonal fruit.

    Place half of the oatmeal in a deep cup, place half of the yogurt on it, then again oatmeal and yogurt. Wash the fruit you have chosen and cut it into very small cubes. Also chop the strawberries; if you took raspberries, you don’t have to chop them. Finely chop the dried fruits and chop the nuts. Place fruit, berries and a mixture of nuts and dried fruits on top of the yogurt, cover the muesli with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, stir the muesli and serve.

    3/; Art. lentils,
    300 gr. eggplant,
    2 tomatoes
    1 onion,
    3 cloves of garlic,
    4 tbsp. vegetable oil,

    Rinse the lentils and pour 1 liter of boiling water, put it on the fire and cook over moderate heat, covering with a lid. Pay attention to the color of the lentils; red ones cook much faster than green ones. Peel the eggplants, cut into slices and fry a little in vegetable oil. Wash the tomatoes and make a cross-shaped cut on them, put them in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skins. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil, then add the tomatoes and simmer for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly. When the lentils are ready, salt them, add more boiling water, add the eggplants and continue cooking. After 5 minutes, add tomatoes and onions to the soup and leave the soup to simmer for 3 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the garlic and add it to the soup, cook for another 1 minute, then remove from heat. When serving, season the soup with parsley.

    3 zucchini,
    150 gr. hard cheese,
    1 tbsp. milk,
    ½ tbsp. breadcrumbs,
    4 eggs,
    vegetable oil,
    ground pepper,

    Wash the zucchini, peel and cut into cubes. Boil the zucchini in a small amount of salted water. Then mash them and cool. Add breadcrumbs, a glass of milk and coarsely grated cheese. Beat 4 eggs and chop the parsley, add them to the zucchini. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, add the zucchini mixture and place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

    Speaking about which foods contain fiber, we should not forget that we should not abuse it, since its excess, as well as its deficiency, can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of digestive disorders. However, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and legumes are not only an excellent source of fiber, all these foods are rich in other beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements, so their inclusion in the daily menu will have a beneficial effect on health. At the same time, try to maintain a balance of all nutrients and make your menu not only healthy, but also tasty and varied!

    To avoid digestive problems, a person needs to consume enough fiber daily. The inclusion of fiber-rich foods in the diet allows you to ensure your daily intake.

    This is a special type of carbohydrate called dietary fiber that is not digested by the human body. When they enter the stomach, they are transformed into sugar molecules, do not decompose, and are excreted from the body.

    Fiber normalizes blood sugar, which has a direct effect on feelings of satiety and hunger. Thanks to these special carbohydrates, food moves through the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). A deficiency of dietary fiber in the body causes constipation and metabolic disorders.

    Daily fiber requirement

    Adults and children, according to nutritionists, require about 20-30 g of dietary fiber daily. The diet of the average person, as a rule, does not include products that can cover this standard. Typically, people at any age consume a maximum of 15 g of fiber per day.

    Physical activity increases the need for dietary fiber. For athletes involved in strength training, the daily figure increases to 38-40 g. This is due to an increase in the volume and calorie content of food.

    Fiber - synthesized or plant-based?

    Fiber can be taken in the form of tablets and sports supplements. Synthesized analogues are inferior to plant sources of dietary fiber. In a 150-200 g jar, fiber accounts for 5-10%, that is, two daily requirements.

    In 100 g of additives, the basis of which are flax seeds and milkweed, the shells of millet grains, cake, there are 5-15 g of dietary fiber. They are included in the product as a carbohydrate, and, therefore, a teaspoon contains 1-2 g of fiber.

    Why does modern man experience fiber deficiency?

    The reason lies in the diet, which consists of sweets, snacks, products made from refined flour, white rice as a side dish, packaged juices and other products that are practically devoid of vitamins and fiber. It is impossible to compensate for this deficiency by taking complex vitamins and synthesized fiber.

    If there are no vegetables on the menu, and fruits are consumed in candied or other form with fast carbohydrates, this negatively affects health, increases the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity. This can be avoided by eating natural foods, which form a healthy and balanced diet.

    Which foods contain the most fiber?

    Legumes, Turkish and regular peas, whole grain wheat flour, bran and avocado contain about 10-15% of dietary fiber from their own dry mass. A small serving of any of these products provides about 5-10 g of this carbohydrate.

    Fiber comes from lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, unpeeled potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, asparagus, whole wheat pasta, pears, bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, raisins. , mango, nuts.

    Proper consumption of fiber

    Excess fiber also has its own negative consequences. Eating a lot of dietary fiber can cause bloating. This particular carbohydrate reduces the absorption of nutrients needed by athletes dieting to gain muscle mass.

    The daily dose is best consumed in several doses:

    • 5 g at breakfast - porridge or muesli;
    • 10-15 g for lunch - legumes or brown rice, fruit;
    • from 10 to 15 g at dinner - avocado, green vegetables.

    Menu may vary. The main thing is to follow the recommended norm.

    Fiber Content Tables

    The tabular data is based on “ideal indicators” and cannot be perceived as a source of 100% truthful information. The amount of dietary fiber depends on the growing method used and further preparation. Cooking softens the fiber, making it easier for the body to digest and absorb this carbohydrate.

    Not all tables are reliable. Many places grapefruit at the top of the list of fiber sources. One hundred grams of fruit contains a maximum of 1.5 g. It is better to focus on which foods have more fiber than just by numbers.

    Products, 100 g dry
    Bran40-45 g
    Flax-seed25-30 g
    Dried mushrooms20-25 g
    Dried fruits12-15 g
    Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.)9-13 g
    Whole wheat bread8-9 g
    Various berries (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.)5-8 g
    Avocado7 g
    Sweet fruits (peaches, oranges, strawberries, etc.)2-4 g


    Fiber is essential for maintaining normal digestive system function. It cannot be fully replaced by synthesized analogues, but must enter the body along with natural food.