Egg white for acne. Egg white face mask: the best folk recipes

If there are any cosmetic defects, the face looks untidy. Blackheads occur regardless of gender and age. Of course, they are more likely to form in people with oily or combination skin as a result of clogged pores. Increased work of the sebaceous glands contributes to this.

Cosmetology and medicine have gone far ahead; many means have been invented to combat this imperfection. Unfortunately, they do not always help, so you should pay attention to home methods. A protein face mask for blackheads can be easily prepared at home. The main ingredient for such a facial skin care product can be found in every housewife’s refrigerator. Its preparation will not take much time, and the result after the procedure will be amazing.

Why do blackheads appear on the face?

Very often, blackheads are confused with blackheads or pimples. But this is not true, in medicine this formation has its own name - open comedones (see reference book). As a rule, they form on the nose, forehead and chin, causing many problems. If bacteria penetrate the comedones, an inflammatory process begins, and then they turn into purulent pimples.

This problem occurs not only in women, but also in men. There are several reasons for the formation of blackheads:

  • improper facial skin care;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • increased hormone levels.

The main reason is still inadequate care. It is necessary to carefully select skin care products and use them regularly. Don't think that it's too expensive; home methods are very effective in this case. They can be used not only to combat blackheads, but also for prevention.

Poor nutrition also leaves its mark. Eating fatty, fried foods increases cholesterol levels in the body and enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You should saturate your diet with all kinds of vitamins, give up flour and sweets in favor of plant foods.

An experienced endocrinologist will help you adjust your hormone levels. To do this, it is necessary to undergo tests, based on the results of which therapy will be prescribed.

There are several reasons for the appearance of blackheads; of course, they need to be dealt with. There are several effective home methods to combat this problem.

Egg white is the best remedy for blackheads

A protein face mask for blackheads has proven itself to be an effective remedy for combating skin imperfections. Protein is an essential component of masks for oily, combination and normal skin. It dries, removes oily shine, makes the skin matte and attractive.

Of course, blackheads also form in those with dry skin, in which case it is worth adding to the protein natural oils to avoid excessive dryness. In this situation, the egg mask should be applied only to the problem area of ​​the face.

Egg white has an anti-inflammatory effect. An egg face mask for blackheads gives results after the first use. As a rule, one protein is enough to complete the procedure.

Egg white is able to thoroughly cleanse the skin without injuring it, and also replenish the nutrients, microelements and vitamins. To extract at home maximum benefit from a prepared egg white-based mask, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Apply the mask to a thoroughly cleansed face. You can use a scrub or steam it.
  2. To apply the product to the skin of the face, you need to use a brush or do it with your fingertips strictly along the massage lines.
  3. The mask film must be removed with a confident, but not too sudden movement, in order to avoid painful sensations. You need to try to remove it in one piece.
  4. After removing the product from your face, you need to wash with cool water.
  5. When finished, you can wipe your face with a soothing lotion and apply moisturizer.

An undoubted advantage is that the protein mask has almost no contraindications. The only thing you need to remember is that you should not apply the composition to affected skin with wounds or scratches.

These masks for cleaning the face at home are very effective in the fight against blackheads. Be sure to try it.

Egg mask for blackheads with napkin

An egg face mask for blackheads with napkins works on the principle of cleansing strips. Effectively removes blackheads and sebaceous plugs. After the first use, the face becomes noticeably cleaner. The mask has not only a cleansing, but also a caring effect, the skin becomes soft, redness disappears:

  1. To prepare the mask, you need to cut out pieces of soft but fairly thick paper; you can use paper towels, napkins or three-ply toilet paper.
  2. The white must be carefully separated from the yolk, to do this, break the egg into two parts, and pour the yolk from one half to the other. The white and yolk need to be beaten. Next, apply the protein to the previously cleansed skin, and place pieces of prepared paper on top.
  3. The remaining egg white can be applied on top of the paper. But it is worth noting that then the mask will take longer to dry. After 30-40 minutes, the napkin should dry and become quite hard.
  4. You need to remove the mask with a sharp movement. After this, you should wash your face and apply egg yolk to your face, rinse after 10 minutes.

The result of the egg film face mask is noticeable immediately. To consolidate the effect, the mask should be done 2-3 times a week for a month.

Anti-blackhead mask with protein and sugar

  1. If your pores are too clogged, you should use a simple face mask for blackheads. To do this, beat the egg white thoroughly with a tablespoon of sugar. The egg should be at room temperature, otherwise the sugar may not dissolve.
  2. Apply half of the mixture to your face, wait a little until it dries. When the mask tightens the skin a little, you need to apply the remaining mixture with patting movements on your face.
  3. The mass is very sticky, so it literally pulls out fat and dust from clogged pores. You need to pat your face until your hands begin to stick. After this, rinse off the composition with warm water and moisturize your face with cream.

You can make this egg mask to remove blackheads on your face at home every day until the desired result is achieved.

A good remedy for blackheads is a cleansing face mask with tar, which effectively draws out dirt from the skin, removes excess sebum, and reduces skin inflammation.

Salon beauty treatments and the latest facial care products are quite expensive. But they are not always effective. By performing simple manipulations with egg whites, you can forget about blackheads forever. The components of egg white face masks are completely natural, so the procedure has no contraindications, and recommends using them to everyone who has similar skin problems.

A person’s “calling card” is his face, or rather, the skin on it. She will “tell” about the state of health, food preferences, bad habits and about the attitude of its owner to the rules of hygiene. All this can be skillfully hidden using facial care products, not least of which is egg mask from acne.

In addition to classifying skin into types, they also distinguish between healthy and problematic. It is on the latter that such hated pimples appear. They do not take into account age - it can be either juvenile acne or an age-related manifestation. The reasons are different - some are determined by external factors, others depend on the state of the internal system. Some people inherit a predisposition to acne.

Whatever influences their appearance, the mechanism is always the same. Once upon a time, all human skin had hair, with sebaceous glands at each follicle. Now you can see a barely noticeable fluff on your face, and the glands continue to actively produce fat, which in optimal quantities is beneficial to the skin.

Problems begin when fat has nowhere to go - the pores are clogged, and the person himself is to blame. Improper care of your appearance and disregard for hygiene rules allow these microscopic tubules through which the epidermis “breathes” to become clogged.

As a result, plugs are first formed, which in addition seal the bacteria that have entered the pores, and then the inflammatory process begins. Acne is evidence of its neglect.

There are many various means to eliminate this problem, the purpose of which is to cleanse the pores and relieve inflammation. A chicken egg mask for acne will do this job perfectly. But you need to take into account that it is not suitable for dry skin types (in this case it is more advisable to use yolk).

Protein properties

Egg acne mask

No wonder eggs are included in diet menus– their benefits for the body are so great. Thanks to their composition, they have become indispensable in folk cosmetology, being included in recipes for various masks.

Protein is a building material needed by cells. The protein included in its composition, entering the skin pores, stimulates cell regeneration and helps relieve inflammation.

The composition of microelements and amino acids helps improve the condition of connective tissues.

In the fight against acne, the cleansing properties of protein are important. A mask based on it dries the skin, allowing you to exfoliate dead particles from the surface and unclog pores.
By regularly using protein-based masks, you can quickly deal with acne and establish sebaceous metabolism in the skin on your face.

Protein masks

The recipes below are exclusively folk remedies, reached modern women from those times when even such a concept as cosmetology did not yet exist. But natural ingredients were always at hand and helped to remain beautiful.

Simple mask recipe

The easiest way to cleanse your skin is to beat 1 egg white into a stable foam and apply it to your face in 3 stages at intervals of 5 minutes. The mask is kept for 15 minutes. and then washed off with warm water or mineral water.

When using masks with protein, one should not forget about the tightening effect. They should not be used in the eye area - they are very sensitive skin, and the mask may damage it.

For deep cleansing

A face mask with activated carbon will help get rid of acne, as well as their predecessors - comedones. 5 crushed tablets are mixed with beaten egg white and applied to the skin. Apply on problem areas more composition, which is gently driven into the skin with your fingers. When the mask is removed, it will pull with it all the debris accumulated in the pores.

Honey recipes

An excellent cleanser, as well as a tonic and healing remedy for the dermis, are masks with honey and eggs. They dilate pores well, which makes it easier to remove comedones and eliminate acne.

Liquid honey (1 tbsp) is mixed with 1 tsp. olive oil, and protein foam is poured into this mixture. Then the oatmeal is crushed and gradually added to the resulting mass until it thickens.

Take 10 g of melted honey and mix with whipped egg white, as well as lemon juice and an oil solution of tocopherol (you need to take 5 drops of these ingredients).
TO honey masks There are contraindications for women with diabetes and rosacea. People with allergies should not use them either.

Fruit compositions

You can reduce the greasiness of the dermis with the following masks, which are also a good vitamin and nutritional product.

  • To the egg white add 17 grams of fruit puree (sweet varieties are taken) or berries (from strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries). To get a homogeneous mass, you should use a blender.
  • You can mix lemon juice (5 ml) with whipped egg white, or replace it with 15 ml of grape (apple or redcurrant).
  • Taking the pulp of one of the fruits you like - peach, kiwi, cherry (15 ml), mix with 0.5 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tsp. melted honey and whipped egg white.

These egg face masks are an excellent cleanser that will also delight your sense of smell with their delicious aromas.

Quail product

By properties quail eggs are superior to chicken products, so they should be included in mask recipes to help cope with acne.

2 tbsp. strawberries should be mixed with 1 tbsp. grapefruit, and then add to the whipped egg white.
Grind fresh cucumber and 1 tsp into a paste. This mass is mixed with the whites of 3 eggs, only then everything is thoroughly beaten.
The tightening properties of egg white masks will also appear here, helping to clear the face of acne and other unpleasant rashes.

If anyone still doubts healing properties egg white, it is worth remembering its main function. Protein is a protein shell that allows the future chicken to form and grow normally.

Home cosmetology is becoming more and more firmly established in the lives of our women. Availability of products, ease of use and effectiveness (with regular use). One of the most useful ingredients used in most masks is a chicken egg. An ancient component that has been helping women find beauty for centuries. The white, yolk and shell are used successfully. Today we will talk about protein.

Miracles of protein mass

Having a delicate, light consistency, the protein is able to penetrate into the deepest epidermal tissues and literally revive cell functions. An egg white face mask will show its results immediately after the first procedure. This unique gift from nature is ideal for:

  • Oily skin . Protein will perfectly tighten pores, cleanse them, and rid your face of blackheads (for a stronger effect it will help). It will eliminate excess shine and pigmentation, restore lipid metabolism and dry out the epidermis.
  • Problematic dermis. Good remedy to combat acne, its consequences (post-acne), inflammation and redness. Eliminates excess fat and moisture deposits.

A face mask made from egg white will require only 10-15 minutes of time in exchange for youth, purity and splendor of the skin. This is exactly how much protein mass should affect the skin. According to leading cosmetologists, a course of protein products consists of 10 procedures. After which the dermis needs a break (3-4 weeks) to rehabilitate the renewed sebaceous glands.

Every problem has its own solution

Protein masks are strictly contraindicated for dry skin! The protein substance effectively tightens the epidermis and works to remove excess fat. This is absolutely not necessary for a parched face. In other cases, the regularity of protein care depends on the problems of the epidermis:

  1. excessive oiliness and shine: twice weekly;
  2. excessive activity of the sebaceous glands: once a week (applied only to problem areas: chin, forehead and nasolabial area);
  3. presence of acne, pimples, inflammation: every 3-4 days;
  4. age-related changes, fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity: once every 7 days;
  5. if pigmented areas or abundant freckles appear: once every 7-10 days.

When you carry out the procedure, do not apply the mixture to the delicate areas around the eyes (you can injure the skin by excessive tightening). After application, the face mask with protein dries and turns into a crust. When removing it, be very careful. The protein mass must be removed warm or mineral water gentle movements. Or carefully rolling the dried film off your face.

The best of folk recipes

When making protein mass, the protein is whipped into a stiff foam, after adding the remaining ingredients, the mass is whipped again (lumps make it difficult to spread the mixture). A blender is suitable for these purposes.

With fruits and berries

A fruit and berry protein mask for the face with the addition of freshly squeezed juices perfectly removes the oiliness of the dermis, while significantly brightening it. When adding pulp from berries and fruits, the protein product completely saturates the epidermis with vitamins (this is especially important during the period of vitamin deficiency).

  • From juice. Mix the protein foam with lemon juice (5 ml). Instead of lemon, you can take juice from sour apples, red currants or grapes (16 ml).
  • From pulp. Add sweet fruit or berry puree (17 grams) to the whipped egg whites. You can take strawberries, raspberries or strawberries.

With honey

A face mask made from egg whites and honey will relieve you of acne, comedones and enlarged pores. This is an excellent tonic that softens and heals the dermis.

  • Oatmeal. We make a mixture of protein foam, liquid honey (24 g), olive oil (5 ml) and ground oatmeal. Add the flakes until the mixture thickens.
  • With tocopherol. Carefully add melted honey (10 g), an oil solution of vitamin E (5 drops) and lemon juice (6 drops) into the whipped egg whites.

The honey-protein mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey, rosacea (we recommend reading the article about) and the presence diabetes mellitus.

With starch

A face mask made of protein and starch is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. Starch effectively supplies epidermal cells with oxygen and restores blood circulation. In combination with protein, it improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps against wrinkles and restores lost elasticity.

  • Oily. One of the most effective means- face mask made from protein, oil tea tree and starch. It is prepared from a mixture of potato starch (15 g), tea tree oil (5 drops) and protein foam.
  • Deep cleansing. Push it activated carbon(5 tablets) and mix it with protein foam. Apply to the face, especially carefully to areas of contaminated pores. As it were, “drive” the mass into these zones. After drying, the mask can be easily removed from the skin along with the contents of dirty pores.

Universal option

  • Combination skin. For the epidermis mixed type A face mask made from egg white and yolk is suitable. Mix a raw egg, melted honey (6 ml), mayonnaise (10 g) and fruit pulp from kiwi, peach or cherry (18 ml).
  • Protein dough. This product is aimed at improving the health of oily, problematic epidermis. Stir cereal flour into the protein foam (you can use wheat, oatmeal or rice). Flour is added until the mass thickens.

Eggs are often used not for their intended purpose - but as an excellent beauty product. In particular, egg white is used as a nutritional component that works real miracles for the skin, of course, subject to certain rules of application. Many cosmetic companies are beginning to actively use this ingredient, creating cosmetic creams and lotions.

Protein mask for acne

In order to get rid of unwanted pimples on your face, you can use protein masks. Due to its drying effect, this ingredient does an excellent job of reducing subcutaneous fat and narrowing pores. In addition, egg whites do an excellent job of destroying various infections and relieving inflammatory effects.

To cook for real effective mask for the face, which will relieve the skin of emerging pimples:

  1. First you need to break the egg and carefully separate the yolk from the white;
  2. Then the protein must be thoroughly beaten until foam forms;
  3. The next step is to add a few drops of fresh lemon juice or one teaspoon of fresh, uncandied honey to the protein, which are also great for fighting acne.

Before applying the resulting mass to your face, you should thoroughly cleanse your face of all impurities using your usual cleanser. Next, use gentle massage movements to apply the resulting mass to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

This mask must be kept on your facial skin for twenty minutes so that the beneficial components have time to penetrate into the pores in sufficient quantities. It is necessary to wash off the mask after the skin on the face has become tense and stiff. You need to wash off the mask without using any products, and then let the skin dry naturally.

In addition, you should also eat a small amount of boiled egg white so that it begins to affect the condition of the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Thus, you can make your skin not only beautiful, but also completely healthy.

Egg whites have such an effect on the condition of the skin due to the high content of various vitamins in them. For example, thanks to vitamin B2, which is contained in protein in huge quantities, acne stops appearing on the skin. In addition, it contains vitamin B3, which also increases blood flow throughout the body. Egg whites are also rich in zinc, which promotes wound healing and strengthens the human immune system.

Egg white for dry face

Many owners of dry skin face a constant feeling of dryness on their face, which cannot be called pleasant. In order to get rid of this, many of them begin to regularly use egg white as a mask.

To prepare this mask, you will need:

  • one protein;
  • one teaspoon of any oil (olive, flaxseed, vegetable);
  • a little bit of any berry juice.

Before applying this mask to your skin, you must wash your face thoroughly using your usual skin product. The mask is applied to the skin with gentle tapping movements, as if rubbing it into the skin. It must be kept on the skin for half an hour so that all the ingredients have time to be thoroughly absorbed into the skin of the face. At the end of this time, there is no need to wash off the mask; you just need to remove the residue using a towel or paper napkin.

You can use the second recipe for a protein face mask, which will relieve your skin from feeling dry.

To create it you will need:

  • 5 grams of boric acid, which can be easily found in a pharmacy;
  • two full teaspoons of cream;
  • gram of crushed alum;
  • one protein.

In order to prepare this mask, you need to thoroughly mix all the components that need to be applied with massage movements to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The entire mask must be kept in this state for about fifteen minutes. After the specified time has passed, you can wash it off with plain warm water, without using any products.

This mask is very useful for all people whose skin is prone not only to dryness, but also to the constant appearance of wrinkles.

Egg white masks to get rid of wrinkles

Masks made from egg whites can be used regularly as an excellent lifting product. Moreover, every housewife always has this product in the refrigerator, which means you won’t have any problems finding the ingredient.

In order to prepare such a mask, you will need to take one egg and carefully separate the white from the yolk. The protein will need to be mixed thoroughly and then applied to facial skin that has been cleansed with a special product. This mask must be kept on your face for fifteen minutes, trying not to smile or talk during this entire time. Gradually, you will have a stronger feeling that your skin is starting to tighten. After the specified time has elapsed, the remaining protein must be washed off the face using plain warm water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Express mask

You can also use egg whites to create an express mask that will tighten your facial skin almost instantly. You may need such a mask if you have unexpected guests and you want to get yourself in order, but there is absolutely no time for it. Thanks to its use, the complexion is instantly evened out, and the skin itself becomes more toned and beautiful.

In order to prepare such a mask, you will need to beat one egg white, add to it three teaspoons of kefir, one spoon of potato starch, and also some thoroughly ground oatmeal. When adding the last ingredient, you should make sure that the mass is not too thick and at the same time, not very liquid. By adding and adding oatmeal, you can easily adjust the thickness of the mass.

This mask must be applied to the skin for fifteen minutes, then carefully rinsed off with regular warm water.

Protein with supplements

In order to not only tighten your facial skin, but also refresh it, you can add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to regular protein. As the mask dries, it is necessary to apply several more layers. When twenty minutes have passed, the mask can be washed off with plain warm water.

In order to rid your skin of various age spots, you can add half a chopped cucumber to the protein mask. The resulting mass must be applied to the skin of the face and left for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the remaining mass with warm water.

To add a cleansing effect to the tightening effect, you can add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to the egg white.

Such a mask should be divided into three equal parts, one of which should be applied to the skin and wait until it dries, and then the rest of the mass should be rubbed into the skin with patting movements, performing a kind of massage. This massage must be done until you feel that your hands no longer stick to the skin.

The mask must be washed off with lukewarm water.

Not so long ago, factory-made products were leaders in the field of cosmetics for women. It was easier for us to buy them and not bother with preparation. But today the question of their quality and price is acute. And we are increasingly turning to homemade cosmetics recipes.

A face mask in a store is not a cheap pleasure. A problematic skin, with pimples and blackheads requires more care and expense. To effectively and inexpensively solve this issue, egg white-based products are suitable.

Causes of acne

Among the causes of acne, there are three main factors:

  1. insufficient care;
  2. hormonal changes;
  3. some stomach diseases.

Pimples are actually clogged pores. The sebum produced by the skin closes the pores, causing inflammations that attract bacteria.

As a rule, acne is caused by internal diseases of the body or hormonal levels. A face mask acts on the surface of the skin and removes cosmetic imperfections.

It will help get rid of acne, as well as improve the structure of the skin, reduce oiliness, and narrow pores only in an integrated approach to the problem.

Properties of egg white

More than 70% of egg white is water.

The rest is due:

  • on various kinds of proteins that have an antibacterial and healing effect. True, some of them can cause allergies;
  • on fats that can create a protective film on the skin;
  • on carbohydrates that have a tonic property;
  • for B vitamins that are so beneficial for the face. They perform many functions: protective and rejuvenating, and also restore cellular metabolism, improve complexion;
  • on macroelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur) and microelements (iron, molybdenum, zinc, iodine, copper, chromium, manganese, cobalt), which are also necessary for facial skin.

Naturally, a home-made product contains more useful components, while a factory-produced product contains less due to additional processing.

The effect that egg white has on the face justifies its use for problem skin.

Among them are the following:

  • dries out acne;
  • cleanses pores;
  • whitens;
  • increases elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • rejuvenates;
  • reduces redness;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.

The mask with protein is quite simple to use.

Before application, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with a number of tips that will make the procedure safe and effective:

  1. Are there any restrictions on facial skin type? Yes, this method is indicated for oily and combination skin types. Those who have dry skin need to be extremely careful or even give it up altogether.
  2. Determine your skin type. A cosmetic napkin will help you here (for example, paper tissues will do). Unfold the napkin and apply it to your face. If there are no spots, the skin is dry, if there are minor spots on the cheeks, it is normal. If there are a lot of greasy marks all over the napkin, it’s oily; if they are located only in the area of ​​the forehead, chin, and nose, it’s combined.
  3. How to choose an egg? Choose domestic eggs whenever possible. They contain more useful elements.
  4. How to prepare? The egg must be chilled before application. So there is no need to take it out of the refrigerator in advance. Prepare two bowls for the white and yolk. Break the egg in the middle (for example, with a knife) and separate the white. This requires a certain skill. If all else fails, find a training video on the Internet.
  5. How to beat? For this you will need either a whisk or a mixer. When whipping, a thick foam should form. But remember, the foam settles quickly, so the remaining components must be added without delay. If necessary, prepare the ingredients before beating the egg whites.
  6. What not to do? At high temperatures the protein folds quickly. The ingredients with which it will be mixed should be no higher than room temperature.
  7. Do I need to cleanse my face before the procedure? Yes, it is necessary. Wash with soap. Open up your pores. To do this, you need to rinse your face with not very hot water. It is best to hold it over steam. At the end of cleansing, use a soft scrub.
  8. How to apply? With a special brush or fingertips. In both options, this is done along massage lines.
  9. How long to keep? Time varies from 10 to 20 minutes.
  10. How to wash it off? Be careful of the crust that forms as it dries. It’s better not to pull it off, but soak a cotton swab or towel in water and roll it into a film or simply rinse it off with warm water.
  11. How often to apply? As a preventive measure - once a week, for the treatment of acne - every other day. In both cases, you need to take breaks (about a month) to avoid addiction.

Protein mask recipes

The result and benefits will depend on the additional components that are present in the composition.

All suggested recipes use the white of one egg.

  1. Acne mask.

Recipe: Mix lemon juice (1 tsp) with egg white (previously whipped into foam).

Time: 15 minutes.

Apply in several layers after the previous one has dried.

Wash off with cold water.

  1. Anti-inflammatory mask with a tightening effect.

Recipe: Mix oatmeal, juice and lemon zest in the amount of one teaspoon with egg white (whipped). Pre-dry the zest and crush it as finely as possible. Grind the flakes using a coffee grinder or blender.

Time: 15 minutes.

Apply in one layer.

Wash off with cold water.

  1. The mask is nourishing.

Recipe No. 1: Take a tablespoon of honey (liquid) and oatmeal (crushed) and a teaspoon of peach oil. Add egg white (not whipped) and mix.

Recipe No. 2: A teaspoon of honey and oil (jojoba, olive, vegetable, grape seeds or other) and a tablespoon of cottage cheese (with a low fat content) is mixed with the egg white (pre-whipped).

Time: 15 minutes.

Both mixtures are applied in one layer.

Wash off with warm water.

  1. Mask against acne and oily shine.

Recipe: Mix apple (1 piece, medium size) with whipped egg white. First peel the apple and finely grate it on a special grater to make a paste.

Time: 20 minutes.

Apply in one layer.

Wash off with warm water. Treat your facial skin with toner.

  1. The mask is drying.

Recipe No. 1: A tablespoon of flour (oatmeal, rice, wheat) is mixed with the protein (no need to beat it). The flour must be sifted.

Recipe No. 2: A teaspoon of starch (potato) is mixed with whipped egg white. If the mixture is thick, add water.

Time: 15 minutes.

In both cases, the mixture is applied in one layer.

Wash off with cool water.

  1. Pore ​​cleansing mask.

Recipe: Floured almonds (hazelnuts, walnut) mix one tablespoon with the egg white (pre-beat).

Time: 15 minutes.

Apply in one layer. Lightly massage your face.

Wash off with cold water.

  1. Anti-inflammatory mask.

Recipe No. 1: Mix a tablespoon of clay (white or blue) with the egg white (no need to beat it).

Recipe No. 2: 20 g of clay is mixed with half a teaspoon of baking soda and whipped egg white. Dilute with water.

In both cases, it is better to sift the clay powder so that there are no lumps. The mixing container should be either glass or ceramic.

Time: 10 minutes.

Both mixtures are applied in one layer. Avoid any facial movements. If the mixture cracks, it may harm your skin.

Wash off with cool water without using soap or other cosmetics.

  1. Whitening mask.

Recipe: Mix parsley or dill (2 tbsp) with egg white (pre-whipped). Chop the greens.

Time: 20 minutes.

Apply in one layer.

Wash off with cold water.

  1. Moisturizing mask.

Recipe: A tablespoon of grated cucumber is mixed with whipped egg white.

Time: 15 minutes.

Apply in one layer.

Wash off with cool water.

  1. Summer mask, vitamin.

Recipe: 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of berry juice (raspberries, currants, strawberries, strawberries) with egg white (whipped into foam). Grind the berries in a blender or mash with a masher to make a puree. Squeeze out the juice.

Time: 15 minutes (excluding time for applying layers).

Apply in three layers with an interval of 5 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

Reviews and contraindications

The protein mask has one contraindication: allergy to the components.

Pre-check your reaction if the composition contains ingredients such as honey, raspberries, strawberries, baking soda, lemon juice or others that you have never used. It is better to postpone their use if there is any damage to the skin of the face. If these ingredients get into wounds, they can cause irritation.

Among the reviews from those who chose protein products, positive ones predominate. Negative reviews are mainly found when preparing and applying incorrectly or when choosing this method for a dry face type.

In this case, the mixture causes dryness and flaking.

With regular use of egg whites as part of facial products, there is a decrease in rashes, increased elasticity, cleansing of pores, and improvement of complexion. Those who have chosen this method for themselves do not recommend applying the mixture more than once a week, as it really dries out the skin.