Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol": for brave guys! Disposable tableware and decor for decorating a children's party, birthday party in the PAW Patrol style PAW Patrol everything for the holiday.

If the whole family knows who Ryder and his brave team are, and the future birthday boy dreams of meeting them or turning into one of the characters for a while, why not make his dream come true?

A Paw Patrol themed birthday is not only a great idea for organizing a party, but also a gift! You can easily handle the preparation of a themed party on your own. The main thing is to start early.

Room decoration

Children's parties are not complete without tea with all kinds of sweets, so pay special attention to the table or candy bar.

  1. The color scheme plays an important role in the design of this area. Choose blue, red and white colors - these are the colors that are present on the screensaver for the animated series. You can use them like this: cover the table with a white tablecloth and place a piece of red cloth through the center. Make a backdrop out of blue fabric, and hang red material along its edges (like curtains).
  2. The festive table itself also requires appropriate decoration. For example, what should you serve your treats in? Just not in plates! Buy multi-colored plastic bowls for animals (according to the colors of each puppy: pink, green, orange, etc.), cut out the bones from self-adhesive film and stick them on the bowls.
  3. Fill the “plates” with various goodies such as gelatin bears, popcorn, sweet pillows, corn pops and similar “crumbly” treats.
  4. If you do your own baking, be sure to bake cookies in the shape of a dog’s footprints or bones.

You can also decorate chairs with high backs. Draw doghouses on a piece of cardboard, cut them out and tie them to the backs. Hang homemade paper garlands and badges throughout the room. And now the “base” is ready to welcome guests!

Guest images

Of course, a themed party cannot be complete without the main characters! And therefore, without their characteristic attributes: suits and cars.

To create a costume for any of the puppies, all you need is:

If you can’t make a mask, then don’t be upset: invite your guests and the birthday person to apply it on their faces. No one will refuse such a fun idea!

Patrol vehicles

If you have a lot of creative energy and free time, then make a car for each puppy. The building material will be a sheet of cardboard or a cardboard box.

  1. If the boxes are small, cut a wide hole in the bottom and lid so that a child can fit into it. Cover the box with film of the desired color, glue on the headlights and radiator grille. At the end, attach a ribbon or string to the box, which will be tied around the child’s neck.
  2. When the cardboard box you have is of impressive size, you can make the car “more serious.” Cover the box with colored film (or paint it), making wheels, headlights, etc. Cut a hole on top for the seat. Glue borders made of plastic pipes or plinths along the edges.
  3. Then, depending on the chosen machine, you need to make individual elements. For example, for the Racer's car - sirens and safety cones. The sirens can be red and blue plastic deep plates turned upside down, and the figures can be orange cardboard folded into a cone.

Use your imagination and you will see that you can use many things at hand to create a toy car. Let's say, balloons for puppy Zuma's boat car, which, glued around the perimeter of the box, will perfectly imitate an air cushion.

Fun for a team of brave pups

You definitely need to come up with an interesting entertainment program that would continue the theme of the party.

In one of the episodes of the animated series, Ryder finds a treasure map. This story can be taken as the basis for future adventures of children at the holiday. Prepare a treasure map, six locations within the apartment or other place where you plan to celebrate the holiday, props (tape, cubes, blindfolds, traffic cones (made of cardboard), a syringe or sprinkler, string, bottle) and, in fact, the treasures themselves. All tasks are designed to be completed by one character in a given time (determine it depending on the difficulty).

All tasks are completed, and the children receive a long-awaited treasure - a delicious cake or the bonus game “Yap-Yap-Boogie” (a game with a dance mat). And if the children want a little more adventure, then invite them to go through this game again, but by switching roles! Go ahead, patrol!

Do you know the names Rider, Racer, Marshall, Strong, Sky, Zuma, Rocky? If yes, then most likely you have heard them from your child’s lips more than once. If your little one has a birthday soon, you can delight him in this way - spend a holiday in the style of “Paw Patrol”! What do we need to make our baby’s “jam day” as fun and exciting as the plot of our favorite cartoon?

Room decoration

The animated series is mainly dominated by red, white and blue colors, so when decorating a room it is necessary to use them predominantly. What can serve as decoration:

Festive table

The design of the birthday table also requires a unified style. What you will need for this:

Costumes and accessories

A team of young rescuers must look the part! To do this, for a PAW Patrol-themed birthday, buy T-shirts with bright prints of images from the cartoon in advance for the child or all children who will come to visit. All cartoon puppies also wear vests, each in a different color. You can use this option, or you can just get by with a T-shirt. You can also use the following ideas:

Birthday with an animator

An animator is a real salvation for parents who spin like squirrels in a wheel on a special day.

Children will be absolutely delighted if a whole team of puppies comes to visit them. You can order one of your child’s favorite characters.

Colorful costumes usually leave no one indifferent. Children - guests will be part of the participants in a fun and exciting adventure! Competitions and events can be discussed in advance with the holiday agency and you can choose what you like best. In addition to the main program, the services of the animator can be expanded - the puppies can make magnets with the children, conduct a master class on making figures from balloons, and paint their faces. If desired, you can order a foam, paper or soap bubble show. Everyone will be happy with such a holiday - both children and their parents.

Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol" without an animator: script and competitions

If you don’t like strangers in the house or just want to hold a children’s party yourself, you can do without an animator. It won’t be difficult to hold interesting competitions and events with your children:

After the children have run around and played enough, give them prizes so that no one is offended and take them to the table so that they can eat and relax.

A great idea is to throw a PAW Patrol themed party. You can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the impressions of the celebration will be with your little one all year until the next holiday.

Children dress up in costumes of cartoon puppies. A bright vest, a matching backpack and a mask will allow every child to feel like a real member of a dog team that goes to save people and animals in trouble under the leadership of Zeke Ryder.


Creating a festive mood, developing intelligence and resourcefulness.


The room is designed as a rescue station: car, helicopters, lifebuoys, images of various landscapes. Balloons are a must. Sweet bones are used as a treat, and plates can be replaced with dog bowls.

Required attributes:

  • Images of cartoon characters;
  • Things to change: shorts, vest, mask and backpack of the desired color;
  • Sweet bones;
  • Multi-colored paper bones and bowls of the desired color;
  • Towel and toy cat;
  • Obstacles, scarves, horn - cardboard rolled into a cone;
  • Cubes;
  • Syringe without needle, candles;
  • Apple, orange, carrot to test your sense of smell;
  • Traces;
  • Paper airplanes and hoop;
  • Straws;
  • Certificates, prizes.


  • Zeke Ryder

Progress of the event

Zeke: Guys, hello! I am Zeke Ryder. I'm only 10 years old, but I already have my own rescue team. Do you know what their names are?

The children answer.

Zeke: Well done, remember! But do you know what they look like?

Children: Yes.

Zeke: We'll check this now.

Conducts game "Guess who I am?". Names the breed of the puppy, the children say the name. If the guys are at a loss, then they show a picture of a puppy. Cockerpoodle - Skye, English bulldog - Strong, Dalmatian - Marshall, mongrel - Rocky, shepherd - Racer, Labrador - Zuma, husky - Everest. The child who is the first to name the correct answer receives a card with a picture of the hero.

Zeke: Well done! We have heroes for the next competition. I ask you to line up in one line. As you noticed, I am alone today - I gave my team members a day to rest. But work doesn’t allow for rest, so you have to cope alone. And this is very difficult. I ask you guys to help me patrol our city. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Zeke: In this case, you need a special uniform so that everyone can distinguish you.

Conducts a “Dress Up” competition. Chairs with clothes of the required color are placed near the children: shorts, vest, mask and backpack. The guys try to change their clothes as quickly as possible while listening to the music. The winner receives a sweet bone. If there are more children, then after this competition you can give the rest the opportunity to change clothes so that each of them takes part in the patrol.

Zeke: Is everyone ready to go?

Children: Yes.

Zeke: Let's remember the mottos of each of you. I read the phrase, and the puppy who thinks that this is his motto must raise his paw and yelp. Agreed?

Children: Yes.

Zeke reads the phrases, the children determine who they belong to:

  • Feel free to get down to business! (Racer);
  • Heaven is my home! (Sky);
  • Dive deeper! (Zuma);
  • I was born to glide! (Everest);
  • Swarm deeper! (Strong);
  • Well, shall we light it up? (Marshal);
  • I give the green light! (Rocky).

Zeke: Well done! Now let's check if you remember these phrases. At my signal, name your mottos one by one.

The presenter points to any of the children, he says a phrase. For the correct answer you get a sweet bone.

Zeke: And now questions for each of you. Raise your hand, who is the youngest on the team!

The child representing Sturdy raises his hand.

Zeke: Strong man, who are you afraid of?


Zeke: Which one of you is a policeman?

The Racer raises his hand.

Zeke: Do you suffer from allergies? For what?

Racer: On cats.

Zeke: Question for the fireman!

Marshall raises his hand.

Zeke: Marshall, where do you always fall?

Marshal: In the elevator.

Zeke: The very first girl in our squad is... that's right, Skye! Tell me, what color is your helicopter?

Sky: Pink.

Zeke: Now our repairman! Where are you? Show yourself!

Rocky raises his hand.

Zeke: Rocky, where do you keep all your unnecessary things?

Rocky: In his truck.

Zeke: What does the water rescuer on our team like to do?

Zuma: Swim and scuba dive.

Zeke: Question for the last team member. Everest, tell me, what color are your eyes?

Everest: Blue.

Zeke: Guys, you passed all the tests for the right to be on the team with dignity! Congratulations on joining the PAW Patrol. Well, now it's time to get to work! Let's remember our motto: “Brave puppies can handle anything!”

Children pronounce the motto together with the leader. Then rescue operations are performed:

"Favorite Bones"

Puppies just need a snack before work. But here’s the problem – Callie, Katie’s cat, mixed up all the bones. Now you need to arrange all the bones by color in the desired plate: Racer - in blue, Marshall - in red, Sturdy - in yellow, Rocky - in green, Zuma - in orange, Sky - in pink, and Everest - in white.

"Save Callie"

The cat climbed a tree and cannot get out. To save her, you need to stretch the towel and catch her on it. Children take the towel by the corners, stretch it, and the leader places a toy cat. The children's task is to throw the cat, trying to prevent it from falling on the floor.

"Mushroom Picker's Rescue"

Mushroom pickers get lost in the forest: all participants, except one, are blindfolded with a scarf. Various objects are placed around. To save them, they use the Racer's mouthpiece - cardboard rolled into a cone. Through this megaphone, commands are given to those who are lost so that they can get out of the dark forest without any harm.

"Clearing the rubble"

The road was blocked with stones, and now no one can drive along it. To correct the situation, you need to quickly remove all the stones - cubes. This must be done without using your hands!

"Bridge Rescue"

If the bridge burns, crossing the river will simply be impossible. Therefore, something needs to be done urgently! Marshall helps here. He gives everyone a syringe without a needle filled with water. There are lit candles on the plate - a burning bridge. The children's task is to put out the fire at a certain distance.

"Development of olfactory abilities"

All dogs have a well-developed sense of smell. It is thanks to this that they can find criminals and lost things. Let's check whether our pets' sense of smell is well developed. Children are blindfolded and asked to smell what is on the plate (apple, orange, carrot).

"Looking for a trace"

The dog attacked the trail of the troublemaker. But what exactly is the trail that leads to the right place? To do this, children are asked to find certain traces among many others and find in which cave the criminal is hiding. A labyrinth of traces can be made on a sheet of whatman paper, where you can also draw caves where different traces lead: for example, the traces of a hare lead into the first cave, a bird into the second, and a criminal into the third.


Skye is a very agile puppy who can fly even through narrow crevices. Will the guys be able to pull off her trick? For this competition you will need a paper airplane and a hoop. The players' task is to launch the airplane from a certain distance so that it flies into the hoop.

"Best Friends"

All puppies are very friendly with each other, they share with each other. Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given an edible straw, which they must eat at the same time, without using their hands!

We had four “puppies” in total (a 5-year-old girl, and 6-year-old boys, 3 years 7 months, 3 years 10 months). The roles were assigned in advance :) Mosi were painted with face painting for all the children (this was already enough to “turn” them into puppies - they began to yap, walk on all fours - humorous))).

Then Ryder (that is, me) suggested checking how well the guys knew the cartoon. We arranged a little quiz:

1.Who says what?
Racer: “Bravely get down to business!”, “It’s all about safe paws!”, “The super agent is ready to take the trail.” Marshall: “I’m eager to start!”, “Well, shall we light it?”, “Ready for roar-roar-work!” Sky: “The sky is my home”, “Puppies are born to fly”, “The sky is calling you to fly!”. Strong: “Dig deeper!”, “Duty calls -..., forward!”, “I like work!” Rocky: “No landfill - yes ingenuity!”, “I give the green light!” Zuma: “Cut!”, “Dive deeper!”, “At the start, attention, splash!” Everest: “I was born to glide!”, “I’m walking through the snow, I’ll come to the rescue!”, “Ice or snow, I’m ready to go!”

2. Riddles about puppies: So cheerful and good-natured! Curly ears hanging down, Flying is her goal in the cartoon. What breed? ...(Spaniel - Skye). A look from under a cap, an upturned nose, a very serious and affectionate dog. Short fur, plump side - This is a puppy of the breed... (bulldog - Sturdy). He is easy to recognize by his spots, and running is a pleasure for him! Somehow there were one hundred and one of them, He serves on patrol... (Dalmatian - Marshall). He will make and fix everything in one go, “No,” he says to breakdowns and rubbish, Even if without breed, even without embellishment, All puppies love and appreciate... (mongrel - Rocky). Her home is in the mountains, in the snow, And there is so much affection in her eyes, She will always save you - Our puppy of the breed... (husky - Everest) This puppy has a wonderful sense of smell - There is no better gift for a policeman, He is mischievous and a very loyal friend, And we are talking about a puppy... (shepherd - Racer) He is not afraid of water, he will save you from water troubles, he loves surfing very much, scuba gear is usually with him. I’m having this conversation about a wonderful puppy... (Labrador - Zuma)

3.Woof quiz: Who is the youngest of the puppies? (Strong) How old is Ryder? (10) What color is Sky's helicopter? (Pink) What is the name of Captain Halibut's ship? (“Flounder”) What is Katie's cat's name? (Callie) What makes Racer sneeze? (For cat allergies) Is the mayor of Adventure Bay a man or a woman? (Woman, Mayor Goodway) Which team are the main enemies of the PAW Patrol? (Team "KOTOstropha") Who can scare Sturdy? (Spiders) Where does Marshall always fall? (In the elevator) Who is most afraid of swimming? (Rocky)Who is afraid to perform on stage? (Marshal or Racer)Who understands the language of owls? (Racer)What is the name of Captain Halibut's pet walrus? (Wally)What is the name of Mayor Goodway's chicken? (Cipoleta).

Next: “Puppies, it looks like someone stole your cars!” With your sense of smell you can find what's missing! I suggest everyone take a trace of their color! “They opened the nursery door, and there were traces of four colors laid out (I had a blue elephant, a yellow giraffe, a green frog, a pink hare - I cut it out of colored paper). Each track led to its own room, there stood a car made from a box (it was done every night, on average it took 1.5-2 hours for one car), an animal sat on it that “stole” the vehicle, and there was a piece of map (useful for further assignment). The “puppies” followed the trail, found their cars - joy knew no bounds! At this moment, the adults went to the table, and the children played on their own; they didn’t need anyone at that moment))

After about half an hour we continued. Ryder invited the puppies to eat before an important task - searching for treasure! The children sat down at the table, but it’s not like they actually ate (although I assumed so, but they drank a lot - we had cherry compote).

“So, someone tore the map and now we need to collect it! This is a task for the whole team.” Quite quickly the puzzle was assembled and sealed with tape.

The first point is a narrow tunnel! The adults (and we had 10 of them) took hands in pairs and stood as if in the game Brook - one after another. Some sat down, some stood. the children had to step over or “crawl” through the tunnel - everyone did it with a bang!

The second point is a dump of tools! On a large sheet of paper, I drew the outlines of the toy tools and piled them in the center. This was a task for Rocky! Put everything in its place. While Rocky was doing it, the other puppies told him what the tools were called and where to put them.

The third point is a dark forest! The children ran into the room, and on the way out I placed a basin with a burning candle. “While you were walking through the forest, a fire started here! We need to put it out urgently!” This was a task for the Racer (more logical, of course, for the Marshall, but that was the choice of puppies we had). The racer, with my help, put out the flames from the water pistol. "Let's move on!"

And then we heard a strange cry (a monkey pressed the button on the music poster). The children entered the room, and there was a monkey stuck in a tree (sports complex), and it urgently needed to be rescued! Of course, this is a task for Skye. Our Sky herself rushed to save the poor animal - safely)))

And the last point is a stone blockage! It was up to Krepysh to disassemble it (the passage to the room was blocked with pillows). After the rubble was cleared, the children saw a large box - a treasure! They opened it and out came the PAW Patrol balloons and one Skye balloon. The children were very happy! Then they presented the main gift - the PAW Patrol Base with new flying puppies. The children selflessly began to play independently in the nursery. At the end of the evening, Ryder awarded each puppy a medal (PAW Patrol medals), and gave gifts - a PAW Patrol puzzle in a chest, a camera with pictures from the cartoon, and a PAW Patrol book. They set off a fireworks display - they clapped the PAW Patrol with a firecracker.

We had a round dance, ate cake - everything as usual:) When leaving, in addition to their gifts, the guests asked to take the cars with them (I’m very pleased that the children liked them so much )

In conclusion, I want to say that many of the scripts that I read involve competitions between children. In my scenario, the children acted as a team, each had their own task, there was no competition - there was a common goal, which brings them together and unites them :) At the request of the children, we then “played through” the scenario again, having already exchanged tasks :)

For the holiday I bought a large Paw Patrol poster (it’s really very big), a Happy Birthday garland, glasses, napkins, straws, plates, medals, cameras, books, puzzles, pipes, caps, a cracker, balloons -
- that’s all Paw Patrol, if necessary, I’ll share links to stores, since I’ve been looking for them for a long time.

Several photos

Do you know the names Rider, Racer, Marshall, Strong, Sky, Zuma, Rocky? If yes, then most likely you have heard them from your child’s lips more than once. If your little one has a birthday soon, you can delight him in this way - spend a holiday in the style of “Paw Patrol”! What do we need to make our baby’s “jam day” as fun and exciting as the plot of our favorite cartoon?

Room decoration

The animated series is mainly dominated by red, white and blue colors, so when decorating a room it is necessary to use them predominantly. What can serve as decoration:

Festive table

The design of the birthday table also requires a unified style. What you will need for this:

Costumes and accessories

A team of young rescuers must look the part! To do this, for a PAW Patrol-themed birthday, buy T-shirts with bright prints of images from the cartoon in advance for the child or all children who will come to visit. All cartoon puppies also wear vests, each in a different color. You can use this option, or you can just get by with a T-shirt. You can also use the following ideas:

Birthday with an animator

An animator is a real salvation for parents who spin like squirrels in a wheel on a special day.

Children will be absolutely delighted if a whole team of puppies comes to visit them. You can order one of your child’s favorite characters.

Colorful costumes usually leave no one indifferent. Children - guests will be part of the participants in a fun and exciting adventure! Competitions and events can be discussed in advance with the holiday agency and you can choose what you like best. In addition to the main program, the services of the animator can be expanded - the puppies can make magnets with the children, conduct a master class on making figures from balloons, and paint their faces. If desired, you can order a foam, paper or soap bubble show. Everyone will be happy with such a holiday - both children and their parents.

Birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol" without an animator: script and competitions

If you don’t like strangers in the house or just want to hold a children’s party yourself, you can do without an animator. It will be very easy to organize activities with children:

After the children have run around and played enough, give them prizes so that no one is offended and take them to the table so that they can eat and relax.

A great idea is to throw a PAW Patrol themed party. You can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the impressions of the celebration will be with your little one all year until the next holiday.

Even at a very early age, a person has his own preferences in entertainment. Little children love cartoons and are fans of fairy-tale characters. It is not at all difficult for them to remember even a large number of names of their favorite characters. They can easily distinguish them by their clothes, know what magic this or that fairy has, or what a certain object can be transformed into when casting a spell.

Does your child want a PAW Patrol themed birthday party? It’s not surprising at all, this is one of the kids’ favorite cartoons. We recommend that you first delve into the theme of the cartoon and watch a few episodes. And you can get the rest of the organization from us.

Scenario for a children's themed event

To make it easier for us to navigate, let's conditionally divide the whole holiday into four parts.

  1. Paw Patrol style decoration
  2. Children's meeting
  3. Table part
  4. Entertainment part

1. The surrounding atmosphere is quite important for children. It greatly affects their mood. Therefore, by spending a little time decorating a room, you will be fully rewarded for your work in the form of children's admiration. Of course, you can just hang balloons around the apartment. But since you’ve decided on a Paw Patrol themed birthday party, the paraphernalia around it should match. If you think that registration can cost you a pretty penny, then this is not so. All this can be done with your own hands, significantly reducing your consumption. Just print the files below on your printer.

If you need flags, print as many sheets as you need for the length you need.

It would be nice to print a poster for decoration.

You can also use invitations. Give each child a personalized puppy-style ticket in advance. They will be waiting with double joy for the approaching birthday of your angel.

2. Well, the long-awaited holiday has arrived! The kids are slowly starting to flock to your house. When you meet, give them holiday accessories prepared in advance - caps.

When all your friends have gathered, you can arrange a small competition for the distribution of roles.

Don't forget that the main character on this day should be the birthday boy

The rest can be offered a lottery by which they will receive roles. Although you can hold a small competition. For example, this role will be given to the one who barks the loudest or who growls the loudest, etc. The main thing is that there are enough roles for everyone.

And don’t forget to explain to children that different roles are needed, and all sorts of roles are important. You can involve adults in the game; children willingly repeat various actions after their mothers and fathers. They take them into their games with great pleasure.

After the roles have been distributed and all the accessories have been dressed, do not rush to seat the children at the table. Give them 20-30 minutes of free communication. They must adapt and integrate into the general atmosphere of the holiday. In addition, the birthday boy just needs to show off his gifts and throw out his emotions, because he was looking forward to it so much.

3. After the children have gotten comfortable, accepted the rules of the game, and most importantly are hungry, it’s time to sit them down at the table. A festive birthday feast needs to be planned and interesting. You can prepare a comic congratulation for the birthday boy.

You grow, big, big,
Just don't be a noodle!
Love mom, dad and friends,
You will live more cheerfully!

During the meal, let each child congratulate your birthday boy personally, recite a poem or his wish.

Often, one of the children gets full first. As a result, it turns out that one part of the guests is already ready to run, while the second is still chewing their food. At this moment, it’s time to play a table game to keep the already sated people occupied with something.

“Sweet tooth”: A sweet (candy, chocolate, cake, cookie, etc.) is placed in an opaque deep container. Those who have already eaten are asked to guess what kind of sweet it is. You can smell it, shake it. If they can’t guess for a long time, you can give hints. Of course, whoever guesses correctly gets this sweet.
Or you can attract their attention with riddles. But since our topic is “Paw Patrol,” the questions will be about them. Let's see if you can guess the puppies.

On average, children should be kept at the table for 25-30 minutes; they simply won’t sit for more.

4. This is the most important part of your holiday. From this moment the fun begins. It is necessary to intrigue the children by announcing that competitions and, most importantly, gifts are waiting for them.

“Dear friends, we have a problem, the PAW Patrol has disappeared! In our adventure bay, there is not a single lifeguard left! I am announcing an urgent recruitment for a new team. The task of the new patrol is to restore order in the adventure bay and find the puppies!”
But they don’t just take just anyone into the patrol; in order to become a rescuer and receive a badge of distinction, you must first pass the Paw Patrol knowledge exam.

“Don’t tell me, I know”: You have to ask questions on a given topic, the answerer receives a badge of honor. Those who receive the medal become a new patrol. Need to guess whose motto this is?

“Boldly get down to business!” - Racer Chase
“I’m eager to start!” - Marshal
“The sky is calling you to fly!” - Sky
“Duty calls - Forward, strong!” - Sturdy
“I give the green light!” - Rocky
“Ready, attention, splash!” - Zuma

Now that the team has been formed, we hit the road.

“Race for survival”: For this we will need two cars and a starting flag (the latter can be replaced simply with a handkerchief). Rules of the game - divide the guests into two teams, choose from the adults who will give the start with a flag. After the start, the participants run around the starter one by one and hand the car to their teammate. The game continues until the last participant. The team that finishes the race first wins.

It is easy to make such a machine. To do this, you need a cardboard box, adhesive tape or electrical tape of different colors. Well, the day before the appointed holiday, with joint efforts, you can set up a car workshop for the manufacture of cars.

“Dog trail”: Cut out a dog trail from plain A4 size white paper. You will need as many of them as there are players.
Place your blanks on the floor in a circle, one less than the number of players. On command to the music, the children begin to run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to step on some footprint. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated. After each lap, remove one piece at a time until there is only one track and two players left. The last round is decisive. Make it more difficult and force players to run backwards. The dropouts will have a lot of fun with this. I would like to say that such elimination games are classics of the genre. If you use your imagination a little, you can come up with your own configuration for such a game.

"Puppy Cafe": A very simple speed competition. Two bowls are placed in front of the participants, juice is poured into one, and cookies, preferably not large ones, are placed in the other. Whoever empties their bowls faster after the “Start” wins. All this is done, of course, without hands, like real puppies from patrol.

"Crash": This is very simple entertainment, but always causes a storm of emotions. The presenter announces that there has been an accident on the road. Two trucks collided, one of them was carrying Karakum candies, the other was carrying Snickers candies. During the accident, everything fell apart and got mixed up. The players' task is to collect all the candies and sort them into different boxes.
You will need: two containers and two types of candies. After the game, everyone can be rewarded with the collected material.

"Tow Truck": Divide the participants into two teams and give them a strong rope. Determine the boundaries of the playing space. Opponents can pull the rope one at a time or all together, it’s at your discretion. The end of the game, in order to smooth out the rivalry of the guests, becomes an additional round. Friends, all together, must tow one of the adults beyond the victory line.
For example: “Dear rescuers, our largest dump truck “Bilaz” has broken down, let’s tow it to the base for repairs.” Children really like this process and are ready to drag dad or uncle around the room until they are completely exhausted.

“Fueling cars”: This competition is perfect after active games. The kids are tired and thirsty. Invite them to fill up their “cars” with fuel.
To carry out this prank, you need to distribute glasses and cocktail tubes to everyone and pour drink or juice into them in equal proportions. According to a conditioned signal, you need to quickly drink the drink through a straw, the one who drank must raise his hand up and shout: “I’m refueled.”
You can modify this fun a little. Take two deep bowls and pour the drink into them. Divide the children into teams and, after distributing straws to everyone, arrange a mass refill. The squad that drinks from its bowl the fastest wins.

There are six main characters in this cartoon. There should be approximately the same number of events in your script. After each task, you can take out a card with one of the puppies and announce that we saved him. By the end of the game you will find the entire patrol and report the reward. Of course, the gift will be a cake with candles.

The scenario, a birthday party in the style of Paw Patrol, can be made for a child of 3 years old, or for older children. It will be equally interesting for children of different ages. I would like to express my opinion that holding and organizing a holiday yourself is not at all difficult. But the best thing for a child’s birthday is to hire a professional (animator), then your holiday will definitely be a success. And you will be able to pay more attention to your baby, rather than wasting time on holiday chores. Trust me, it's worth it. Happy birthday to you!

"Paw Patrol" is one of the most favorite animated series of many children. Patrol heroes are valiant helpers, loyal friends, and role models.

Children's birthday party in the style of "Paw Patrol"

Children will be delighted if there is a team of rescue puppies at the party. The patrol needs helpers, so why not let the kids be part of the exciting adventure?! Invite animators dressed as star puppies to your birthday party. You can order one or several heroes. The more there are, the more fun and varied the competitions will be.

Racer Chase is the leader of the team, he keeps order on the city streets. Skye is cheerful and lively, patrolling in the sky with the help of a helicopter backpack. Dalmatian Marshall is a nurse and firefighter, and despite his absent-mindedness, he does his job well. The sentimental Strongman in the team is responsible for installation and construction work. Different tasks will also be useful. For example, you can learn new construction tools, learn more about spy gadgets and first aid, be smart in riddles, prepare for a rescue operation, make appliques, and do twisting. Not only kids, but also parents will be pleased with this themed holiday.

Birthday decoration in the style of "Paw Patrol"

Don't limit yourself to animators. Prepare props related to four-legged friends, for example, a PAW Patrol poster for a birthday, puzzles, coloring books. Invitations, caps, masks, balls, badges can also be made in this theme.

The story about a cheerful and kind boy Zik and his six puppies fell in love with kids. The animated series teaches you to help others in difficult situations and to be kind. At the same time, the cartoon characters are very cheerful and mischievous, which is what kids like so much. So don't be surprised if your child asks to celebrate his birthday in PAW Patrol style.

The design of such a holiday is dominated by a “dog” theme. For organization, we can use anything related to dogs - kennels, bowls, bones, paw marks.

If we talk about the color scheme of the holiday, then there is no single solution; you can choose colors for decoration based on your preferences. Often, a children's birthday party in the Paw Patrol style is made in the color scheme of the emblem - a combination of light blue, blue and red. You can also use yellow and white colors.

Another nuance of this theme is that it can be tailored to both the birthday boy and the birthday girl, because in the cartoon there is a girl puppy - Skye. For a little birthday girl, you can make a holiday only in the Sky theme and in the appropriate color scheme, but we will consider a more general and more versatile option.

Well, now let’s learn more about how to organize a birthday party in the Paw Patrol style with your own hands.

Traditionally, we consider two options for postcards - rectangular and non-standard. To make a rectangular card look more fun, we give it a colorful, bright frame. And of course, we decorate with images of cartoon characters.

A shaped postcard can be made in the shape of a fire hydrant or a bone. You can also use the rescue logo template as a basis.

Decorating the room

Perhaps the main attribute of a birthday is a congratulatory banner. We decorate it with dog paw prints and images of the main cartoon characters. You can also make an original banner from emblems with paws and bones.

The walls will be decorated with a garland of circles in the holiday colors, and the ceiling will be decorated with spiral pendants with cartoon characters and images of paws at the ends.

A holiday wouldn't be complete without balloons. If the foil balloons are made in the shape of heroes or with their image, the latex balloons will have to be transformed a little to fit into our puppy theme.

Here are a few ideas for designing a topper number, three-dimensional number or letter:

Well, to complement the doggy style of the birthday party, you can build a booth from a cardboard box.

Image of the birthday boy

Since this holiday theme is more suitable for a boy, we will consider an outfit option for a boy. One of the most striking images in the cartoon is the image of the Dalmatian Marshall. In order for the birthday boy to look like this hero, you will need a white raglan with black spots that you can draw yourself, a red vest and a red helmet.

The helmet can be purchased at any toy store - they are usually sold in sets for young firemen. Well, there shouldn’t be any problems with the vest - you can buy it or sew it yourself using the simplest pattern.

We welcome guests

To let guests know that they have come to the right address, we decorate the front door with a sign in the shape of the rescuers’ emblem, and paint the path to the door with dog paw prints.

Immediately upon entering, we dress up guests in Paw Patrol style. Themed caps or hoops with dog ears are suitable for these purposes. Also, each guest can wear an emblem on which to write his name - this way the children will get to know each other faster if they don’t already know each other.

Serving and refreshments

We use a combination of blue and red colors for table setting. And to make the festive table look more cheerful, we complement it with bright yellow napkins.

An original idea is to serve food in dog bowls. Just use new bowls for these purposes, please)

We also decorate the dishes themselves in puppy style: we cut out “bones” from hard cheese, sausage and vegetables. You can do this using a cookie cutter in the shape of a bone. The same form will be needed for the cookies themselves, which we will bake for a sweet table in puppy style.

We select the same bright spoons and forks to match the color of the tablecloth and plates. If there are no such items, then ordinary white cutlery can be wrapped in colored napkins - it will be no less elegant.

We put labels with pictures of puppies on drink cups.

Candy bar

This is what the sweet table looks like in red, blue and blue colors:

If this option seems too cold to you, you can try diluting the candy bar with yellow. It will look something like this:

One of the main treats on the sweet table is cupcakes. It’s easy to decorate them yourself; just put a dog’s paw print out of jelly beans.

The candy bar will be decorated with gingerbread cookies painted in the Paw Patrol style.

But even the birthday boy himself can bake such cookies:

The cake can be made in a traditional round shape, or you can approach this moment more creatively and decorate the main sweetness of the holiday in the form of a paw or a bone. Moreover, even a novice pastry chef can do this.

Don’t forget about drinks at the holiday: we decorate water containers and straws.


The birthday will pass, and all that will remain from it are funny photos. Therefore, diversify your photographs with the help of themed props.

Games, competitions

After refreshments and photography, it's time to get some exercise and have some fun. Here are several options for outdoor competitions for guests:

Bowl relay

Props: two plastic bowls. We divide the participants into two identical teams. The first participant crawls on all fours to the bowl, takes it and returns back, passing it to the next participant. The next participant takes the bowl to the finish line and returns. So the participants alternate with each other until everyone has covered the distance. The fastest team wins.

Musical feet

Competition based on musical chairs. Props - sheets of paper with painted paws. Participants dance to the music, and when the music ends, they jump on a piece of paper with a paw. But there are one fewer leaves than there are participants, and the one who did not have time to jump is eliminated from the game.

The most accurate

You will need a column or pipe and rings of disposable plates. The one who throws the most rings onto the pipe wins.


The most difficult competition to prepare, as you will need a stand in the shape of a burning house, as well as several small pillows. The goal of the participants is to throw as many pillows as possible into the windows of the house, that is, to put out the fire.

Well, when everyone is running around and dancing, it’s time to hold calm competitions and games, get the kids interested in drawing and collecting. Here are some ideas for similar activities:


A favorite activity for many kids. We choose or print coloring pages with the main characters of the cartoon and give the little guests the opportunity to show their imagination and creativity.


You can also paint a paper bone. You can draw anything on it - patterns, drawings, your name.


If you don’t have a suitable ready-made puzzle, just cut the cards with pictures of puppies into several pieces. Participants must complete puzzles at speed.

Tic Tac Toe

Let's transform the well-known game, replacing the crosses and toes with paws and bones.

Prizes in competitions

The winners are supposed to be awarded prizes. At a Paw Patrol-themed birthday party, such prizes can be holiday-themed sweets, notebooks or books with puppies, as well as the puppies themselves - small soft toys that will remain as a keepsake for guests to remember the fun holiday.

This article uses images from

The story about a cheerful and kind boy Zik and his six puppies fell in love with kids. The animated series teaches you to help others in difficult situations and to be kind. At the same time, the cartoon characters are very cheerful and mischievous, which is what kids like so much. So don't be surprised if your child asks to celebrate his birthday in PAW Patrol style.

The design of such a holiday is dominated by a “dog” theme. For organization, we can use anything related to dogs—kennels, bowls, bones, paw marks.

If we talk about the color scheme of the holiday, then there is no single solution; you can choose colors for decoration based on your preferences. Often, a children's birthday party in the Paw Patrol style is made in the colors of the emblem - a combination of light blue, dark blue and red. You can also use yellow and white colors.

Another nuance of this theme is that it can be tailored to both the birthday boy and the birthday girl, because in the cartoon there is a girl puppy - Skye. For a little birthday girl, you can make a holiday only in the Sky theme and in the appropriate color scheme, but we will consider a more general and more versatile option.

Well, now let’s learn more about how to organize a birthday party in the Paw Patrol style with your own hands.

Traditionally, we consider two options for postcards - rectangular and non-standard. To make a rectangular card look more fun, we give it a colorful, bright frame. And of course, we decorate with images of cartoon characters.

A shaped postcard can be made in the shape of a fire hydrant or a bone. You can also use the rescue logo template as a basis.

Decorating the room

Perhaps the main attribute of a birthday is a congratulatory banner. We decorate it with dog paw prints and images of the main cartoon characters. You can also make an original banner from emblems with paws and bones.

The walls will be decorated with a garland of circles in the holiday colors, and the ceiling will be decorated with spiral pendants with cartoon characters and images of paws at the ends.

A holiday wouldn't be complete without balloons. If the foil balloons are made in the shape of heroes or with their image, the latex balloons will have to be transformed a little to fit into our puppy theme.

Here are a few ideas for designing a topper number, three-dimensional number or letter:

Well, to complement the doggy style of the birthday party, you can build a booth from a cardboard box.

Image of the birthday boy

Since this holiday theme is more suitable for a boy, we will consider an outfit option for a boy. One of the most striking images in the cartoon is the image of the Dalmatian Marshall. In order for the birthday boy to look like this hero, you will need a white raglan with black spots that you can draw yourself, a red vest and a red helmet.

The helmet can be purchased at any toy store - they are usually sold in sets for young firemen. Well, there shouldn’t be any problems with the vest - you can buy it or sew it yourself using the simplest pattern.

We welcome guests

To let guests know that they have come to the right address, we decorate the front door with a sign in the shape of the rescuers’ emblem, and paint the path to the door with dog paw prints.

Immediately upon entering, we dress up guests in PAW Patrol style. Themed caps or hoops with dog ears are suitable for these purposes. Also, each guest can wear an emblem on which to write his name - this way the children will get to know each other faster if they don’t already know each other.

Serving and refreshments

We use a combination of blue and red colors for table setting. And to make the festive table look more cheerful, we complement it with bright yellow napkins.

An original idea is to serve food in dog bowls. Just use new bowls for these purposes, please)

We also decorate the dishes themselves in puppy style: we cut out “bones” from hard cheese, sausage and vegetables. You can do this using a cookie cutter in the shape of a bone. The same form will be needed for the cookies themselves, which we will bake for a sweet table in puppy style.

We select the same bright spoons and forks to match the color of the tablecloth and plates. If there are no such items, then ordinary white cutlery can be wrapped in colored napkins - it will be no less elegant.

We put labels with pictures of puppies on drink cups.

Candy bar

This is what the sweet table looks like in red, blue and blue colors:

If this option seems too cold to you, you can try diluting the candy bar with yellow. It will look something like this:

One of the main treats on the sweet table is cupcakes. It’s easy to decorate them yourself; just put a dog’s paw print out of jelly beans.

The candy bar will be decorated with gingerbread cookies painted in the Paw Patrol style.

But even the birthday boy himself can bake such cookies:

The cake can be made in a traditional round shape, or you can approach this moment more creatively and decorate the main sweetness of the holiday in the form of a paw or a bone. Moreover, even a novice pastry chef can do this.

Don’t forget about drinks at the holiday: we decorate water containers and straws.


The birthday will pass, and all that will remain from it are funny photos. Therefore, diversify your photographs with the help of themed props.

Games, competitions

After refreshments and photography, it's time to get some exercise and have some fun. Here are several options for outdoor competitions for guests:

Bowl relay

Props: two plastic bowls. We divide the participants into two equal teams. The first participant crawls on all fours to the bowl, takes it and returns back, passing it to the next participant. The next participant takes the bowl to the finish line and returns. So the participants alternate with each other until everyone has covered the distance. The fastest team wins.

Musical feet

Competition based on musical chairs. Props: sheets of paper with painted paws. Participants dance to the music, and when the music ends, they jump on a piece of paper with a paw. But there are one fewer leaves than there are participants, and the one who did not have time to jump is eliminated from the game.

The most accurate

You will need a column or pipe and rings of disposable plates. The one who throws the most rings onto the pipe wins.


The most difficult competition to prepare, as you will need a stand in the shape of a burning house, as well as several small pillows. The goal of the participants is to throw as many pillows as possible into the windows of the house, that is, to put out the fire.

Well, when everyone is running around and dancing, it’s time to hold calm competitions and games, get the kids interested in drawing and collecting. Here are some ideas for similar activities:


A favorite activity for many kids. We choose or print coloring pages with the main characters of the cartoon and give the little guests the opportunity to show their imagination and creativity.


You can also paint a paper bone. You can draw anything on it - patterns, drawings, your name.


If you don’t have a suitable ready-made puzzle, just cut the cards with pictures of puppies into several pieces. Participants must complete puzzles at speed.

Tic Tac Toe

Let's transform the well-known game, replacing the crosses and toes with paws and bones.

Prizes in competitions

The winners are supposed to be awarded prizes. At a Paw Patrol-themed birthday party, such prizes can be holiday-themed sweets, notebooks or books with puppies, as well as the puppies themselves - small soft toys that will remain as a keepsake for guests to remember the fun holiday.

This article uses images from