How to correctly calculate calories and nutritional supplements for weight loss? The expert answers. How to calculate your calorie consumption: basic and additional How many kcal do you need to lose weight calculator

Calories are the energy that our body spends for its full functioning. How many calories you need to consume per day is determined by criteria such as gender and age, the presence or absence of physical activity in everyday life, and lifestyle.

This is due to the fact that a young body requires more energy for development and growth, the daily rate of calories expended by men and women differs, and various types Activity consumes different amounts of calories.

In order to determine, first find out how many of them are required normally for ordinary person. Especially for those who are not going to lose weight.

How many calories is normal for men to consume per day?

With a sedentary lifestyle that does not include sports, two thousand calories per day is enough for men over the age of fifty.

With the same lifestyle, a man from thirty to fifty will need 2200 kcal per day.

If the same men lead a moderately active lifestyle, for example, do daily exercises and walk for an hour a day, then they should add another 200 - 400 calories per day to the above figures.

With an active, athletic lifestyle, men from eighteen to thirty years old should adhere to a daily allowance of three thousand calories. Men over thirty can reduce this figure by 100 - 200 calories. And for representatives of the stronger sex after fifty, it is recommended to consume from 2500 to 2800 calories.

Calories per day in foods that women should normally consume

With a sedentary lifestyle, ladies after fifty need no more than 1600 calories per day. Women in the age group from 26 to 50 need 1800 kcal, and girls under 26 - two thousand.

With a moderate active lifestyle, the same indicators need to be increased by 200 units.

And with full activity, the average daily caloric intake for women under thirty is 2400 kcal, for women from 30 to 60 - 2200, and for women from sixty and above - two thousand calories.

The number of calories per day for weight loss, of course, will be less than the usual norm. But if a person wants to get better, then vice versa.

In addition to the above factors, the calculation of calories per day should also be based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the food consumed. These are key microelements that provide strength and energy to the body.

A Brief Overview of Micronutrients

When you are losing weight, you need to strive not only to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but also to ensure that these calories are correctly distributed and bring maximum benefit body.

First microelement

Carbohydrates are the body's main energy resource. And they should account for 60% of calories consumed per day.

Carbohydrates can be simple and complex, or in another way - harmful and beneficial. A person who wants to lose weight should only consume complex foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and products made from them. It is advisable to completely exclude chocolate, buns, ice cream, pasta and potatoes (especially fried ones) from the diet. What is their difference? Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, this leads to a sharp rise in blood, but it also falls sharply, after which the person begins to feel severe hunger and fatigue. It takes longer for the body to process them, and they are also more nutritious, meaning satiety remains for a longer time. When they are absorbed, blood sugar remains at a normal level, which does not cause fluctuations in mood and well-being.

Second microelement

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Human nails and hair, organs and muscles are made up of protein.

Its daily rate should be 15%. When making your daily calorie menu, make sure that at least 200 of them come from protein.

Proteins can be of animal or plant origin. Which ones to choose depends on your preferences. So-called “animal” products contain this microelement in larger quantities. But you can eat more plant foods without exceeding the maximum number of calories per day for weight loss.

Third trace element

Fats are the main component for activating the body's protective function. Also, these microelements are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Fats should be 25-30% in the daily diet. For example, out of 1000 calories per day, 250 should be allocated specifically to fats. However, more than half of them should be unsaturated. They are also called “healthy”. They are found in milk and dairy products, fish and nuts, and olive oil. The amount should be reduced as much as possible in the diet. They are not only harmful to your figure, but also contribute to the acquisition of various heart diseases.

Count calories and lose weight

If you want to always stay in shape, you need to learn how to calculate calories per day. To do this, you need to find out the number corresponding to your basal metabolic rate.

For men, it is one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. For the weaker sex, this is 0.9 calories per kilogram per hour.

If you are a woman and you weigh 70 kg, then the basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

0.9 calories x 70 kilograms x 24 hours. That would be 1701.6 calories, round up to get 1702 calories per day.

In order to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss up to desired result, you need to replace the existing weight in the formula with the one you want to get.

For example, you want to weigh 60 kilograms.

0.9 calories x 60 kilograms x 24 hours = 1296 calories. This is your daily requirement to lose weight.

However, these calculations are correct for people with a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, if you play sports and you are a man, then add 400 - 500 to the resulting figure. If you play sports and you are a woman, then add another 250 - 350 kcal.

Take care of your weight loss safety

If you really have problems with weight, then lose weight only under the supervision of a doctor. If you just decide to lose a few kilograms, for example, for the beach season, then it will be enough to exclude simple carbohydrates and saturated fats from your daily menu and add more physical activity to your daily routine.

Losing weight should promote health and beauty, and not harm them.

When you lose weight very quickly, your liver suffers greatly. After all, the fats we hate are not burned anywhere and do not disappear from the body, as is commonly thought, they are simply processed into other chemical elements. The first sign is excessive fast weight loss- the appearance of fatty acids in the blood plasma in large quantities. This is poison for her, and the liver rushes to the rescue and begins to cleanse the blood. These fats are already accumulating in it, but in a different form. This may well lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and as you know, people die from it.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to starve or take any special medications. This hasn't benefited anyone yet. You shouldn’t trust advertisements about miracle remedies that will allow you to eat as much as you want, whatever you want, and lose weight at the same time. This doesn't happen. You can't fool the body. You just need to control yourself to spend more calories daily than you consume. Exhausting diets, among other things, cause hair loss and nails to deteriorate. Fasting has a detrimental effect on the heart and muscle function.

In addition to maintaining the balance of microelements, you also need to consume the required amount of fiber and fluid per day. It is advisable to eat food at the same time every day. For people losing weight, three meals a day with the last meal three to three and a half hours before bedtime would be ideal. Before drawing up the menu, study the ratios in them in advance essential microelements. Prepare delicious, healthy, balanced and beautiful food.

Remember that losing weight should be safe and bring joy and ease.

Let's get straight to practice.

Scales It is best to choose electronic ones. This way you will know the exact weight. It’s easy to check the scales before purchasing: take small item(or several objects) whose weight you know, and put it on the scale several times. Reboot the scale and test again. If the number does not change, the scales are not lying. Many manufacturers allow an error of +/- 5 grams. Tables of weights and measures for determining the weight of products are not helpful here: After cooking, the dish will need to be weighed in order to calculate its total calorie content, and then your one serving.

It is best to choose electronic scales

Collection of calorie tables can be found in any bookstore, and you will always have it at hand. The calorie content of the product is also indicated on the packaging. The numbers may vary slightly in different tables. Choose one table for yourself and use only that one.

All kitchen utensils It is advisable to weigh it in advance so that later you can easily subtract the weight of the dishes or plates.

When preparing dishes, it is important to remember: calorie content of water, salt- 0 (zero) kcal. But water adds weight and thereby changes the overall calorie content of the dish.

The more water you add, the more weight and the fewer calories per 100 grams

The dish you counted once is more no need to recalculate, if its composition does not change. Just write down the quantities of ingredients you need in your notebook.

And most importantly - formula to calculate the calorie content in 100 grams of a finished dish:

How to understand the symbols in this formula?

A (grams) - total weight of the finished dish in grams;

B (kcal) - the total caloric content of foods in the finished dish.

How to use this formula?

We multiply the two numbers diagonally by each other and divide by the number that is diagonally with X:

B × 100: A= the number of calories in 100 g of the dish you prepared.

Is the formula not very clear? Let's look at detailed examples of how to apply it in practice.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and calculate the calorie content of ordinary rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal

. Rice - 300 g
. Water
. Salt

1. 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge we took 300 g of cereal: 330 kcal × 3 = 990 kcal.
3. The entire volume of cooked rice porridge will have calorie content 990 kcal: Apart from water and salt, which, as we already know, have no calories, we did not add anything else.
4. From 300 g of dry rice you get about 900 g of ready-made porridge.
5. Using the formula, we calculate the calorie content of rice porridge per 100 grams:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X kcal

990 × 100: 900 = 110 kcal (990 multiplied by 100 and divided by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

Using a similar scheme, we calculate the calorie content of boiled pasta, beans, and lentils. Before cooking, weigh the dry pasta and calculate the calorie content of the dry weight. Boil the pasta, drain the water and weigh the finished pasta: the weight will be greater because the pasta has absorbed water. Then we calculate the calorie content per 100 g ((WIDGET-6490))

Complex dishes: cream soup and apple sambuca

Calorie content of a multi-component dish is not much more difficult to calculate than the calorie content of simple porridge. Let's cook some hearty food pumpkin soup.

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal. For your convenience, all data is given in the table.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)



Butter 82.5%


1630.5 kcal

1. The total weight of products needed to prepare pumpkin puree soup is - 2675 g.
2. Total calorie content of foods - 1630.5 kcal.
3. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion in butter, then add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour in milk, add salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 30-40 minutes. After this, grind the vegetables together with milk in a blender into a puree.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630.5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. Using the formula, we calculate the calorie content of pumpkin soup per 100 g:

In 2562 g of soup = 1630.5 kcal

100 grams of soup = X kcal

1630.5 × 100: 2562 = 63.6 kcal (rounded to 64 kcal)

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal.

And let's not forget about light dessert. Today on our menu airy apple sambuca with an amazing cinnamon aroma.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Calorie weight of the product according to the recipe

Apples (peeled and seeded)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we will need to prepare the apple cinnamon dessert is - 790 g.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 479.4 kcal.
3. Let's prepare apple sambuca.

Sambuca is a gelled dessert based on whipped egg whites. Cut the apples into quarters, peel and remove seeds. Place in a mold, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes (until soft). Cool the finished apples, and in the meantime, dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package and heat it to 40-50°C, after which we also cool it. Grind the apples into puree using a blender, add sugar and beat with a whisk (attachment) or mixer for about 1 minute. Then add to apples egg whites, beat for at least 5 minutes: the mass will turn white and increase in volume. Then pour in the gelatin and beat for about 1 more minute. Pour the mixture into bowls and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with apple slices and a sprig of mint.
4. The weight of the finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Let’s calculate the calorie content of apple sambuca per 100 g:

675 g of dessert = 479.4 kcal

100 g of dessert = X kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 = 71 kcal

100 g of apple sambuca contains 71 kcal.

Fry cutlets, chops and meat in batter

When calculating the calorie content of fried foods, you need to consider one thing: key point: 20% the amount of oil that you pour into the frying pan is absorbed into the product (cutlets, chops). However, if you fry potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not lose sight of the fact that these dishes absorb oil almost 100%. This is especially true for zucchini, eggplant, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil like a sponge and always require additional “feeding”. When you sauté vegetables with oil, all the oil ends up in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all the fats used in cooking.

Eggplants absorb oil like a sponge.

I suggest you have a hearty lunch fried chicken fillet with sour cream and garlic sauce.


Product weight

Calorie content per 100 grams

Calorie weight of the product according to the recipe

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20%*

Salt, pepper


768 kcal

*20% of the indicated calorie content of the oil is 180 kcal, which will be absorbed into the chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in the pan.

1. To prepare fried chicken fillet we need 650 g products.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Let's start preparing lunch. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts and lightly beat it. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Let's prepare the sauce for the chicken fillet. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt. Squeeze the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens, combine with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or grind all ingredients with an immersion blender. The calorie content of sour cream sauce will be equal to the calorie content of your sour cream: greens and garlic are very low-calorie foods.
4. The weight of chicken fillet after cooking is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now let’s calculate the weight of fried chicken fillet in 100 g using the formula:

400 g fried chicken = 768 kcal

100 g fried chicken = X kcal

768 × 100: 400 = 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of sour cream sauce).

If you want to cook meat in batter, then the caloric content of meat and vegetable oil you need to add the calorie content of the batter (flour, milk, egg).

How many calories are in broth and compote?

When cooking, part of the calories is transferred from the food to the broth: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruit - 30%, dumplings, manti and khinkali - 20%. These numbers may fluctuate: it all depends on the cooking time of the products.

Let's calculate the calorie content of salmon fish broth. Take a salmon steak weighing 300 g and 1 liter of water. Calorie content of salmon in 100 g = 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish = 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% = 63.9 kcal (rounded to 64 kcal).

1 liter of salmon broth contains 64 kcal. 100 ml of broth contains only 6.4 kcal!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have for dinner boiled beef, a glass of kefir and salad. The calorie content of kefir is written on the packaging, but we will calculate the calorie content of meat and salad ourselves. With a salad, everything is simple: add up the calorie content of all its components. We count the meat.

When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into broth

. Beef shoulder (boneless meat) - 1 kg
. Salt

1. 100 g of beef shoulder contains 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of shoulder blade: 208 kcal × 10 = 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking, the weight of boiled meat is about 700 g: boiled meat has decreased in volume and weight.
4. When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth, so 2080 kcal - 20% = 416 kcal, this is exactly how much was boiled into the broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and there are 1664 kcal left in the meat itself.
5. Now let’s calculate the calorie content of boiled beef per 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat = 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat = X kcal

1664 × 100: 700 = 237.7 kcal

100 grams of boiled beef shoulder contains 237.7 kcal (rounded to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion I want to give you useful advice: the calorie content of fruit compote (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, herbs, and many dry spices is so small that you should not focus on it. You won’t be able to drink enough broth in a day to catastrophically go over your calorie intake. And, moreover, you are unlikely to handle so much garlic. But if you cook using fats, then you can reduce the calorie content of the first or second courses: after cooking, remove the fatty film from the surface of the dish with a spoon.

Counting calories may seem difficult at first glance. Already the second or third time you will do better, and after a while you will do it automatically.

Now spring is the most beautiful time of the year, when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to be in a fresh mood and vigorously move towards your intended goal.

Best regards, Natalie Lissi

Photo by Anna Makarova

Text by Irina Matveeva

How to maintain the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates? Should everyone do this or only those who want to lose weight? And in general, is it necessary to count calories, or is this already a thing of the past, and there are more progressive methods? We asked nutritionist Anna Makarova these questions. Anna looks great - looking at her slender, athletic figure (at 46 years old she looks 35), you immediately want to become her client, but for now an expert in the field of fitness and proper nutrition shared her knowledge with the readers of the site.

How to calculate calories correctly?

To begin with, I will explain what basal metabolic rate (BM) is - this is the minimum amount of energy that our body needs per day to ensure normal functioning (blood circulation, breathing, maintaining body temperature) in conditions of complete rest. Simply put, when we sleep and practically do not move, our body continues to perform a rather labor-intensive process: the heart beats, the liver and kidneys work, hair and nails grow, cells are renewed. Our body never sleeps and therefore spends a certain amount of kilocalories.

Calculation of OO for men: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (g) + 5

Calculation of OO for women: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (g) – 161

The result obtained is the value of your basal metabolic rate. Having determined the value of OO, you can calculate how many kcal per day you need to maintain your body at a given level of load. To do this, OO needs to be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity (it is different for everyone):

  • 1.2, – for sedentary people (there is little training, they are of low intensity or absent);
  • 1.3 – for people with low activity (light workouts 1-3 times a week);
  • 1.5 – for moderately active people (moderate work or moderate intensity training 3-5 days a week);
  • 1.7 – for active people ( physical work plus training or intense training 6-7 times a week);
  • 1.9 – for extremely active people (physical work plus very intense sports).

The resulting value is your daily kcal requirement. Based on this figure, you can calculate the required caloric content of your diet.

To maintain your current weight

Calorie intake must equal calculated expenditure. For example, your OO is 1300 kcal, your daily requirement is 1887 kcal, your diet should be 1887 kcal.

For weight loss

You need to create a kcal deficit of about 10-30% less than your daily intake (depending on your current weight). For example, your OO is 1300 kcal, daily requirement is 1887 kcal (factor 1.3: training 1-3 times a week), your weight loss diet will be 1500 kcal (reduced by 20%). It must be remembered that the resulting calorie content should not be below OO, in this case below 1300 kcal. Since the body will not receive in full every day the minimum amount of energy that is necessary to ensure normal functioning. As a result, everything metabolic processes the body will slow down.

To enlarge muscle mass and also for pregnant women

A calorie surplus is required. For example, in order to gain the missing weight, the excess energy will be about 200 kcal/day (this is just an example, everything is individual).

How to calculate BJU?

To maintain your current weight:

  • proteins > 14% of the diet (1–1.5 g of protein per kilogram of weight);
  • fats – 26–30% (1–1.2 g/kg);
  • carbohydrates – 56–60% (6–6.5 g/kg).

To increase body weight:

  • proteins > 18% of the diet (2–2.5 g of protein per kilogram of weight);
  • fats – 26–30% (0.8-1.0 g/kg);
  • carbohydrates > 56% (6.5–7 g/kg).

To lose weight:

  • proteins > 18% of diet (1.2–1.8 g protein per kilogram of weight);
  • carbohydrates

Material on the topic

Do I need to count calories and dietary supplements?

In order to effectively change your body and weight, such calculation is the most reliable and accurate method. With the only caveat that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that need to be counted and taken into account, that is, not only calorie content, but also the composition of the diet according to BJU.

It is the calorie balance starting point for all calculations. And it's impossible do it by eye or intuitively.

In my work I practice this exact method, and all my clients keep a food diary and count calories. Yes, most people don’t like it at first, many resist, but then they say thank you. Because only thanks to this method, firstly, everyone loses weight due to fat mass, while muscle mass remains or even increases.

Secondly, this method allows you to analyze your diet and see mistakes. For example, one man discovered that almost 30% of his diet was spent on olive oil, and another girl was wildly afraid of even one piece of bread for breakfast, but when she saw how much it was in kcal, she calmed down and now eats and enjoys it, as her main mistake was in another. And she discovered it only by calculating the ratio of BZHU.

Eating to lose weight does not necessarily mean giving up many foods. If you count calories, you can eat anything. This method of losing weight helps you to go on a diet easily and maintain it. slim figure after its completion.

What calories are and how their daily amount in the diet affects body weight has been known since the beginning of the last century. After all, any product has energy value. And when a person takes in fewer calories from food than he expends, he loses weight. And if the amount of energy supplied from food is the same as that consumed, it is possible to maintain stable weight. This is what makes calorie counting necessary.

It is important to correctly determine how many units you need to a specific person for weight loss. When playing sports or physical labor, caloric intake should be higher than for those who lead a passive lifestyle. Women need less energy than men.

Pros and cons of mathematics for weight loss

The calorie-counting diet has many adherents due to its undeniable advantages:

  • You can eat everything without notifying others about your diet. After all, there are no prohibited products, there is only a need to limit their quantity.
  • It is not difficult to calculate the energy value of the most complex dishes. To do this, just find out the calorie content of each product used. This is convenient for those who are used to eating only self-cooked food.
  • Errors in nutrition are easy to correct. If the person losing weight consumed a little more calories at lunch, for dinner you can eat something that does not have a high energy value.
  • The need to count calories leads to the fact that a person begins to eat properly. After all, the most unhealthy food has the greatest energy value.
  • Counting calories is easy once you get used to it. Most people who lose weight name the amount in their plate within 10-14 days without prompting.
  • Limiting the energy value of food does not harm the body. After all, all the ingredients necessary for health are present on the table. Therefore, many continue to count calories even after losing weight, only increasing their number.
  • You can choose an individual menu that suits the tastes of those losing weight. A unique approach to diet composition achieves optimal results.
  • Weight loss occurs smoothly and gradually, without much stress on the body. This helps to avoid problems such as sagging skin that accompanies getting rid of a significant amount of excess.

Controlling the energy value of the diet also has disadvantages:

  • inevitably reducing portions, which is not easy for everyone;
  • counting calories may seem tedious;
  • Allowing yourself to eat anything can lead to your weight staying the same (if carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed);
  • You won't be able to lose weight quickly.

How to count calories in foods and dishes

Controlling the calorie content of food requires following the following rules:

  • 100 g of product is taken as a basis; for this there is a table with average values. Knowing the calorie content of such an amount, an indicator of a smaller or larger volume is calculated. For example, an egg, a dessert plate of oatmeal with water will “pull” 120 units. A sandwich with cheese, a cutlet, a pie - for 350 units. And a glass of juice, milk, a plate of vegetable salad - for 100 units.
  • Calories are counted at every meal. If the dish is multi-component, calculate the energy value of the products separately, add them up and get the total figure.
  • Calorie content depends on the cooking method. Cooking does not add energy value to food. And fried food forces the calorie content of foods to add 20%.
  • Tea and coffee without additives do not contain calories. For other products, be sure to have a table with you. To make it easier to control your diet, you need to write down everything you eat.

Calorie table for drinks
  • When calculating calorie content, you should take into account your own characteristics. For women, there is a formula for determining the required number of units for weight loss: 650 + (9.6 x body weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age). With a sedentary lifestyle, the resulting figure is multiplied by 1.2, when playing sports - by 1.4, and with heavy workload - by 1.55. For men, the calculation is a little different: 66 + (13.7 x body weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age). The additional coefficients are the same.
  • You should eat 5 times a day. This way of eating is the most physiological. In addition, it is easier to survive the reduction in the energy value of the diet and not fall off the diet. The last meal should be 3 - 4 hours before going to bed.

In order for food to be digested without problems, energy is spent, and not stored “in reserve”, you need to eat 25% of calories in the morning, 10% for the second meal, 30% for lunch, 25% for a snack, 10% in the evening.

  • For self-control you need to keep a food diary. It records not only the caloric content of what was eaten, but also what was spent, that is, the amount of physical activity per day. This includes sports, household chores, moving around the city, etc. For example, 8 hours of sleep consumes 340 calories, 1.5 hours of food preparation - 257. It is imperative to record your success in losing weight. To do this, weigh yourself every day in the morning and record the results in a diary.
  • Every day you should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water. This also helps speed up metabolism and also helps get rid of hunger.

We create a menu for every day

The diet needs to be thought out in advance. It should contain vitamins in the form of vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, spinach, beans, potatoes, etc.). Proteins are required, that is, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. You need grains, which means bread and cereals, as well as fruits and. A necessary component of nutrition are polyunsaturated fatty acids, that is, vegetable oils.

What could be the menu for 7 days:

For an afternoon snack - yogurt. Dinner is a vegetable salad (potatoes, lettuce, chicken and a spoonful of natural yogurt). All food will cost 1750 calories.

  • Tuesday. In the morning they eat an egg, toast with butter, and carrot juice. Snack on grapes. During the day they eat pea soup, mashed potatoes with chicken, and compote. For an afternoon snack, prepare a salad of radishes and herbs with a spoonful of sour cream. In the evening they eat sliced ​​tomatoes with onions and an orange. Total calorie content – ​​1600 units.
  • Wednesday. In the morning they prepare toast with cheese, slices of tomatoes with lettuce leaves, and coffee. Snack on grapefruit. For lunch they cook borscht with meat, zucchini puree, and fruit jelly. Your next snack should consist of yogurt. For dinner you can eat strawberries. This will give you 1500 calories per day.
  • Thursday. Having breakfast oatmeal with milk and tea. For a snack, choose a banana. During the day they eat fish soup, rice with meat, and carrot and pumpkin juice. An apple and kefir will be enough for an afternoon snack. They dine on baked fish and boiled potatoes. This amount of food has an energy value of 1400 calories.
  • Friday. They have breakfast with honey and a cup of coffee. The second meal consists of a handful of dried fruits. During the day they eat lentil soup, stew, and juice. Snack on yogurt. A glass of kefir and an apple is enough for the evening. That's a total of 1,250 calories.
  • Saturday. In the morning I eat with and drink a herbal decoction. For a snack, choose an orange. Having lunch vegetable soup, baked potatoes with turkey, apple juice. Cocoa with a piece of cheese is enough for an afternoon snack. In the evening they prepare meat salad and tea with lemon balm. That's all - 1100 calories.
  • Sunday. On this day you can arrange unloading. For example, there is only a Menu for 1 day 5 times a day

    What to limit in food

    • Sausage, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, fast food, canned food, nuts, baked goods, sweets, caviar. Sometimes you can afford something from the list. But if you make concessions, you will then have to endure hunger, since the daily caloric intake will be exhausted. This is not healthy and can lead to you breaking your diet.

    Prohibited Products
    • Pepper and any hot seasonings. The ability of these products to speed up metabolism, that is, fat burning, is known. But at the same time, spicy food increases appetite. And this can become a difficult test for someone losing weight, because they will have to restrain it.
    • Alcohol. Alcohol is very high in calories, even if it is dry red wine. Therefore, you can only drink it and in limited quantities. The calorie content of wine should also be taken into account in the total energy value of food.
    • Salt. If possible, it is better to abandon it altogether. Salt retains fluid in tissues, that is, it slows down the breakdown of fats. If you can’t completely forget about it, you should at least put it in ready-made dishes. This will reduce the total number.

    Don't expect quick results from a low-calorie diet. Progress will become noticeable in 4 - 5 days. But this diet is one of the most reliable, safe ways not only to lose weight, but also to maintain health.

    Useful video

    To learn about what calories are and how to properly keep a food diary, watch this video:

Calories are a unit of measurement of energy entering the body during food. Calculation of energy value daily diet will allow you to maintain the correct percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, control the rate of receipt of necessary nutrients in accordance with individual parameters: age, gender, weight, height, lifestyle. The result will be a slim, toned body and excellent health.

The term “calories” was coined in 1918 by American nutritionist Lulu Hunt Peters. Since then, the developed system for calculating the nutritional properties of foods has not lost popularity.

From food a person receives the energy necessary for the functioning of the body. Each product consumed has its own calorie content. Counting is important for meeting your daily energy intake.

If the calorie content of the daily menu is too low, too little energy comes from food, loss of strength and apathy occur, dizziness and fainting are possible. The body experiences stress and often begins to postpone nutrients for future use, creating fat reserves. A clear excess of calories leads to the conversion of unspent energy into fats and contributes to the appearance of excess weight.

With the correct ratio of BJU and systematic training, body weight will increase due to muscle tissue. In this case, the extra calories will contribute to muscle gain.

  • Those who want to lose weight: a lack of calories leads to the fact that body weight decreases from the waste of fat reserves produced by the body to cover the energy deficit;
  • Those looking to build muscle: an excess of calories guarantees an increase in body weight; you can achieve growth not in the fat layer, but in muscles, by consuming a sufficient amount of protein and regularly training in the gym;
  • Adherents healthy image life, determined to maintain the existing physical form: the balance of calories received and spent is necessary to maintain normal weight, and the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will make nutrition complete, ensuring the healthy functioning of the body.

Algorithm for calculating KBJU for weight maintenance

To organize proper nutrition and maintain your existing weight, if you are completely satisfied with it, it is important to calculate the daily calorie intake and the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Calorie content

It will help you determine your daily calorie intake Harris-Benedict formula.

Step 1. Calculate your basal metabolic rate.

Basic metabolism is the number of calories that ensures the normal functioning of the body in a state of absolute rest.

For men: Basal metabolic rate = 88.36 + (13.4 x weight, kg) + (4.8 x height, cm) – (5.7 x age, years).

For women: Basal metabolic rate = 447.6 + (9.2 x weight, kg) + (3.1 x height, cm) – (4.3 x age, years).

Step 2. Take into account the activity coefficient.

  • 1.2 - minimal (no activity at all, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle);
  • 1.375 - low (light physical activity 1-3 times a week);
  • 1.55 - average (workouts, active walks, physical work 4-5 times a week);
  • 1.725 - high (training 6-7 days a week);
  • 1.9 - very high (several training sessions a day, the usual regimen for athletes before competitions).

Step 3. Multiply the first digit by the desired coefficient.

Having carried out all the simple manipulations, we will get the result to maintain the existing weight.

For example:

  • A 30 year old man with a height of 172 cm and a weight of 80 kg, exercises 4 times a week, should consume daily (88.36 + (13.4 x 80) + (4.8 x 172) – (5.7 x 30)) x 1.55 = 2814 kcal.
  • A 32-year-old woman with a height of 158 and a weight of 50 kg, attends 3 light workouts per week, should consume daily: (447.6 + (9.2 x 50) + (3.1 x 158) – (4.3 x 32) ) x 1.375 = 1732 kcal.

Find out how to reduce the caloric content of your usual diet.

Calculation of BZHU

You can eat only sandwiches, stay within the calorie limit and lose excess weight. But you will have to forget about body quality and muscle tone. And health will deteriorate in the foreseeable future.

To get the figure of your dreams and avoid health problems, a person needs a balanced diet:

  • Proteins act as building materials for all cells, and therefore for organs and muscles;
  • Complex carbohydrates supply the body with energy and regulate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fats regulate hormonal levels and promote the absorption of vitamins and microelements.

Standard BZHU ratio scheme for maintaining current weight (as a percentage): 30 / 20 / 50.

  • 1 g protein = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g fat = 9 kcal;
  • 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kcal.

For example, with a norm of 2814 kcal per day:

  • protein (30%) = 844 kcal / 4 = 211 g;
  • fat (20%) = 563 kcal / 9 = 62.5 g;
  • carbohydrates (50%) = 1407 kcal / 4 = 352 g.

At a norm of 1732 kcal:

  • protein (30%) = 520 kcal / 4 = 130 g;
  • fat (20%) = 346 kcal / 9 = 38 g;
  • carbohydrates (50%) = 866 kcal / 4 = 216.5 g.

How to count KBJU for weight loss or weight gain

To lose weight, create a calorie deficit: daily norm KBJU is reduced by 10-20%, depending on the amount of extra pounds.

It is dangerous to create a deficit above 20% even with a large overweight, this is fraught with serious health problems.

  • Let's consider the KBZHU norm using the example of a woman who wants to lose weight, who is still 32 years old, height 158 ​​cm, but her weight is already 65 kg, she trains 3 times a week:

Using the above formula, we calculate the daily calorie intake: 1922 kcal.

Subtract 10-20%.

To lose weight without harm to health, our heroine should maintain calorie content in the range of 1538-1730 kcal.

Of these:

  • protein (40%) = 615-692 kcal = 154-173 g;
  • fat (35%) = 538-605 kcal = 59-67 g;
  • carbohydrates (25%) = 385-433 kcal = 96-108 g.

To gain muscle mass, the daily calorie intake needs to be increased by 10-20%.

  • The KBZH norm for a 30-year-old man with a height of 172 cm and a weight of 60 kg, who goes to the gym 4 times a week in order to build muscle:

Daily calorie intake: 2398 kcal.

Add 10-20%.

To achieve the goal, a man must consume from 2638 to 2878 kcal every day.

Of these:

  • protein (30%) = 791-863 kcal = 198-215 g;
  • fat (25%) = 660-720 kcal = 73-80 g;
  • carbohydrates (45%) = 1187-1295 kcal = 297-324 g.

Don’t forget, recalculation of the KBZHU norm must be done every ±5 kg. Then the transition to a new nutrition system will be as smooth and painless as possible for the body.

How to count KBJU dishes

Let's analyze the calculation of KBZHU for simple example: Let's cook dietary crumbly buckwheat porridge.

The calorie content of 100 g of buckwheat is 340 kcal, BZHU: 13 / 3.5 / 64.

From 200 g of cereal (calorie content 680 kcal) you get 400 g of ready-made porridge (same calorie content 680 kcal), BZHU: 26 / 7 / 128.

Formula for calculating calories in one serving of a prepared dish:

BZHU is considered similarly.

For example: By eating a 150-gram portion of delicious buckwheat at a time without oil and other additives, you will get

680 kcal / 400 g x 150 g = 250 kcal, BZHU 9.75 / 2.63 / 48.

  • To calculate the calorie content of a complex dish from large quantity ingredients, you need to weigh all the ingredients before cooking, determine their energy capacity and add up the results.

The calorie content of a vegetable salad is calculated as follows:

tomatoes 300 g, 54 kcal, BJU: 2.64 / 0.6 / 8.07;

cucumbers 300 g, 45 kcal, BJU: 2.4 / 0.3 / 8.4;

lettuce 100 g, 15 kcal, BJU: 1.36 / 0.15 / 2.79;

radish 50 g, 10 kcal, BJU: 0.6 / 0.05 / 1.7;

olive oil 15 g, 135 kcal, BJU: 0 / 14.97 / 0.

Total weight 765 g, total calorie content 259 kcal, BJU: 7 / 16.07 / 20.96.

The calorie content of a 200-gram serving will be: 259 kcal / 765 g x 200 g = 68 kcal

Proteins: 7 g / 765 g x 200 g = 1.83 g,

Fat: 16.07 g / 765 g x 200 g = 4.2 g,

Carbohydrates: 20.96 g / 765 g x 200 g = 5.5 g.

It is important to note that when calculating, only the weight of the finished product is used, and not the total weight of all components.

Tips for those who want to calculate the daily calorie content of their diet as accurately as possible

  • Keep a food diary where you write down all your meals, including snacks. Don't rely on your excellent memory, it often fails. All calories consumed must be recorded and accounted for. Only then will you get the maximum exact result at the end of the day.
  • Buy a kitchen scale; do not determine the weight of food by eye. Small errors result in a noticeable difference in the final calorie content of the daily diet.
  • Weigh food before cooking.
  • Consider the calorie content of butter, sauce, sugar and other auxiliary products in the dish.
  • Place on the scale only that part of the product that will be directly consumed as food (boneless meat, pulp of fruits and vegetables without peels and seeds, eggs without shells).
  • Don’t look for the calorie content of a multi-ingredient dish on the Internet and mobile apps, calculate it yourself. Before cooking, weigh the ingredients, calculate their energy value and add up the results. The final data will be more accurate.
  • Try to avoid eating at food establishments. The calorie content of the dishes on the menu is very approximate. Only you can calculate the KBZHU for yourself as accurately as possible.

Where to look for KBJU products

  • Please read the product packaging carefully. The manufacturer always indicates accurate information on it.
  • If the product does not have packaging, data on calorie content and nutrient content can be easily found on the Internet: there are a great many tables. By entering a query about the product you are interested in in the search bar, you will receive comprehensive information. For maximum reliability, compare results from several sources.
  • Numerous mobile applications used for calorie counting already contain a wide list of products with calculated calorie values. Enjoy it for your health!

Counting calories is a matter of habit. The troublesome and tedious process becomes easy and understandable over time. Start counting with simple products, gradually add complex recipes with many ingredients. One day you will bring your actions to automaticity. You no longer have to go on diets, giving up delicious food. You will receive aesthetic pleasure when looking at yourself in the mirror. And the body will thank you for your care with the smooth functioning of all vital organs.

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