How to introduce the first complementary foods at 6 months. Complementary feeding schedule for breastfeeding

Complementary foods from 6 months - how to introduce it and how to accustom the baby to adult food without problems. Which products should be chosen, and which ones should be delayed. These and other questions torment every young mother. But we hasten to reassure you: you are already done! Why?

Because they did not succumb to the provocations of others, who strongly recommend starting to feed the baby with healthy and meat as soon as possible. These products are really useful, but the child's body is ready to accept them not earlier than 5-6 months of age. Until that time, the most useful juice will only cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of allergies.

Why you need complementary foods at 6 months

At the age of six months, the child's body changes: its internal organs begin to work at full capacity, the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines acquire adult functionality. In the digestive system, enzymes are formed that are necessary for the breakdown of food (of course, not all of its types, but almost!)

The baby's behavior also changes. He is active, interested in everything around. Often at this age, children can, therefore, become full participants in family breakfasts and dinners. They move a lot, and therefore the body needs an additional source of energy. Mom's milk or breast formula can no longer fully satisfy the energetic needs of the young researcher. And although the importance of the first food for the crumbs is still very high (it is from breast milk and the mixture that he receives the vitamins and trace elements necessary for growth), there is a need for additional nutrition.

Baby's first feeding: 6 rules

Complementary foods are the gradual replacement of breastfeeding or formula feeding with regular adult foods. Its introduction implies the rejection of one or more breastfeedings in favor of vegetable and meat dishes, cereals, and desserts. There are several rules for the first feeding.

How to start feeding your baby

At six months, a baby can be introduced to two products: and cereals. Choose in what order to offer them, at your discretion. Usually, preference is given to vegetables, as children's cereals have a sweetish taste and are more pleasant for the child. Having tasted a delicious porridge, he may well refuse a tasteless zucchini or a neutral potato.

Complementary foods for a 6-month-old baby may include vegetables:

Purchase them in the form of ready-made puree in jars (which is very convenient during the first acquaintance of the baby with food) or cook at home yourself.

  1. select 1 vegetable, rinse, pour a little water;
  2. boil over low heat under a lid until tender;
  3. mash with a fork with the addition of vegetable broth, bring the puree to the desired consistency.
  4. Serve warm to your child.

For the first feeding, starchy potatoes, which can provoke the development of allergies, are not suitable. However, after getting to know the crumbs with other vegetables, potatoes can be added to mashed potatoes no more than 1/3 of the total volume. Gradually bring the serving of vegetables for 1 feeding to 150-180 grams.

What to do if the child refuses to eat? Learn simple secrets in this video!

What porridge to start complementary foods with

Choose gluten-free cereals:,. The danger of the sticky substance of gluten is the risk of developing allergic reactions and worsening the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby may be disturbed by pain in the tummy, and bloating.

You can cook porridge yourself or buy one-component dairy-free in the store.

For self-cooking:

  1. grind 2 teaspoons of cereal in a coffee grinder to a state of flour;
  2. dissolve in 2 tablespoons of warm boiled water;
  3. mix well until lumps disappear;
  4. pour in 120 ml of hot water, mix again;
  5. add some sugar to taste.

Why not cook the first porridge with milk? Because the baby's body will be ready to meet him no earlier than 8 months of age. At 6 months in the stomach, the crumbs still do not have enzymes that are responsible for splitting, which can cause unpleasant reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. Over the course of a month, gradually replace 1 breastfeeding or formula feeding with a full meal of cereal or porridge. Then the complementary feeding scheme from 6 months will look something like this:

  • the first 2 feedings - formula or breast milk;
  • feeding at 13-14 hours - 150 grams of vegetable puree and breast milk or mixture (if necessary);
  • the last 2 feedings - again milk or mixture.

And next month, your baby will be ready to meet new products!


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My son was quite active at six months, he was already trying to walk, but crawling, I could not catch up. Accordingly, he never complained about his appetite either, he especially liked buckwheat porridge, and from vegetables at this age, he preferred carrots and pumpkin.

To answer

If you are sure that you can do everything step by step and correctly, then you can start complementary foods at the age of six months. The main thing to remember. that the health of your child is completely in your hands and no one else's.

To answer

I didn’t manage to introduce complementary foods step by step, the baby refused to eat “human food” for up to a year. Our main food was mother's milk, but in weight we always sorted out up to 300-400 grams. I believe that every child has individual nutritional needs.

To answer

Something I doubt about corn porridge. As you know, this is a "heavy" food. Probably, for infants, after all, it is better not to start complementary foods with it. We started with oatmeal - miraculously the child took this porridge. of course, there are no problems with buckwheat. But about rice, I can say that you need to be careful with it - it can cause constipation.

To answer

My daughter, Monika, immediately fell in love with buckwheat and rice, but she still hates oatmeal, and now she is already 8 years old. As we did not persuade her to "healthy porridge" and beautifully chopped vegetables - no results.

To answer

I agree with Valeria Burko. There are some technologies, norms, recommendations that you should try to adhere to. But still, each child has a different attitude to complementary foods and each case must be considered individually. And there is no need to immediately panic if the baby refuses to eat something.

To answer

It so happened that from the age of 2 months my child was artificially fed, so we started feeding with soups earlier. We gave carrots, broccoli to our son, but he didn’t like zucchini with us, he flatly refused. And I cooked exactly as described in the article.

To answer

My pediatrician taught me how to boil beef, lay it out in portions and freeze it. Take out as needed, mix with vegetable puree and feed the baby. Very comfortably. I did chicken and beef. Saves a lot of time. The son ate with pleasure.

To answer

Personally, I started complementary foods at 4 months of age. My son enjoyed eating porridge from a mixture of rice and buckwheat. However, in my opinion, complementary foods should be given, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. For example, I started giving such a porridge to my daughter at six months. I am one of those mothers who, in the matter of nutrition, first of all, take into account the children.

To answer

I started introducing complementary foods to the older one at six months, before that I had it exclusively for breastfeeding. I cooked, as described in the article, the baby liked everything, did not refuse anything, even now, at three and a half years old, he loves to eat. And the youngest had to introduce complementary foods earlier, there was not enough breast milk, and the baby did not eat enough. All products were well perceived, nothing caused allergies. I continued to breastfeed for a long time, the eldest until 14 months, the youngest until 16. At the same time, already in the year the children ate along with adults. And I am also against baby food "out of a jar".

To answer

Complementary foods at this point in the baby's age will noticeably change the menu and rational nutrition, so you need to adhere to all these subtleties and rules, otherwise you can do harm already in the initial feeding. Soups, cereals, purees, everything is natural and perfectly digestible.

To answer

For example, I started introducing complementary foods to a baby exactly at four months. I understood at that moment that I need to approach complementary foods very carefully. To begin with, I bought mashed potatoes and I fed the child one spoon at a time. Every day I tried to add a portion of complementary foods, variety. In about a week, my child began to eat both mashed vegetables and potatoes, and was always full.

To answer

I know many mothers who have started to introduce the first complementary foods at three or four months. It seems to me that this is not entirely correct. The ventricle is not yet able to digest such food. It is best to start complementary foods, as recommended by WHO, from six months. We ate Bibikol puree. Excellent purees, and tasty and nutritious and there are a lot of vitamins.

To answer

about "adding sugar to porridge" - this is certainly strange, usually they don't add it at that age, pediatricians don't recommend it. just porridge on the water and that's it. in general, right now, many people think that it’s better to start complementary foods with cereals, and not even with vegetables - it seems to be more beneficial for the digestive system ... I started with cereals too, but after two weeks we already ate both cereals and vegetable purees. and everything was ok with us))) and, of course, I envy those who are on the GW - I breastfed and didn’t need to wash or sterilize anything, it’s so convenient ... we are on the IV, I’m used to it, of course, but at first it was hard - we didn’t manage to pick up the mixture right away, so we jumped from one mixture to another and suffered from constipation and rashes (((well, then we really picked up a normal mixture of nuppi gold (at 7 nannies in Perm), there probiotics and the problem with constipation was solved. and the mixture is digested well, and there are no rashes. now we have already switched to 6-12, since we are already seven months old)))))) we have tried everything vegetables, right now we are getting ready to try the meat in a couple of weeks)

To answer

Irina, I overcame wrinkles very simply - the Zdorov cream helped. I found out about him from an interview about Rotaru ... Look here for more details if you are interested ◄◄ (copy_link_to_browser)

For a newborn, the main food is mother's milk. From it he receives all the nutrients, but gradually it becomes necessary to get used to ordinary food. It is important to know the features of complementary foods at 6 months while breastfeeding so that the baby has fewer digestive problems.

Why not earlier?

According to research, the sixth month is the right time to feed an infant. If the baby was breastfed for the first 6 months, his body already produces the necessary enzymes to digest new food. With an earlier start of complementary foods, the products will not be processed by the body, will not be absorbed and will be useless.

You should not rush into the introduction of complementary foods, it is optimal to start at 6 months. Even a teaspoon of puree is a serious burden on the baby's digestive system. There is increased gas formation, colic, diarrhea, decreased immunity.

Baby menu

The basic rule of complementary foods: start giving 5 g per day, gradually increasing the daily amount, bring it up to 100-150 g within a week.

They give new food during lunch: first mashed potatoes, then the baby is supplemented with breast milk. You need to offer a new type of product to a hungry child. Complementary feeding table for a 6-month-old baby for breastfeeding:

type of productWhat form to takeQuantity
Vegetable pureeRub one stewed or steamed vegetable. After getting used to the child, you can mix several types.Start with 1/2 tsp, work up to 100-200 g
Dairy-free cerealsCook buckwheat, corn, rice or oatmeal, the consistency should be waterywith 1/2 tsp. up to 100-200 g
Vegetable oilMix with mashed potatoes or porridge, vegetable, olive will do.from 3 drops to 1 tsp.
KefirNon-greasy, children'sWith 1/2 tsp. up to 150 ml
Cottage cheeseFat content up to 5%, rub with kefir, give after a week of kefir complementary foods30 g

The feeding scheme is as follows: for the first month, the baby needs to be accustomed to one type of food, from the next to introduce another.

Vegetables come first, then cereals. If the baby is underweight, the sequence changes: you need to start with cereals.

vegetable puree

First, they are accustomed to products with low allergenicity. It's best to give at first. Then you can feed, after another week -. , can cause allergies, they are introduced into the diet last.

At first, the puree should include one vegetable. You can mix vegetables only after a 6-month-old baby tries them separately, and he does not show signs of allergies. Carrots should not be given more than 3 times a week, it must be mixed with other vegetable purees. Otherwise, the baby may develop yellow-orange pigment spots on the feet and palms.

To prepare mashed potatoes, you need to thoroughly wash, peel and finely chop one type of vegetable. Simmer for 10-15 minutes, adding a little water, you can steam. Then grind the vegetables with a blender or wipe through a sieve. The consistency should be liquidish, if necessary, you can dilute a little with boiled water. When the baby gets used to the new food, you can make the puree thicker.

Not suitable for starting complementary foods: onions, white cabbage, eggplant. They are introduced into the diet of children older than a year, the same applies,. Potatoes can be given after 9 months.

Porridge to start feeding

Children 6 months old while breastfeeding should be given water cereals, because milk protein can cause. You can fill them: first a few drops, gradually bring the amount to 1 tsp. It is recommended to start with those that are hypoallergenic. Then you can add a 6 month old baby to the menu,. Some people add breast milk to porridge to improve the taste. Not suitable for this purpose, sugar syrup, butter.

For self-preparation, you need to sort out, rinse and chop the cereal. Then add water and cook over low heat. Before feeding, the porridge can be crushed again for uniformity, you need to make sure that it does not turn out too thick.

Dairy products

Opinions of pediatricians about products for the first complementary foods differ. Most experts believe that fermented milk products can be introduced into the diet of an infant from 9 months. This is associated with a high content of calcium - it contributes to the fast on the crown of the child.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends the first to introduce low-fat about 10-20 g into the baby's diet, gradually increasing the amount. He says that the structure of fermented milk products is more similar to the usual nutrition of the baby, and the calcium content in them is no more than in breast milk. Sudden changes in diet can provoke disturbances in the digestive system, because vegetable puree is very different from mother's milk.

After a few days, you can add a little to kefir, about 30 g. Stir the components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. Do not increase the amount of cottage cheese until the age of 8 months, then you can bring it to a maximum of 50 g, you can not give more at a time until the baby is 12 months old. This is a rather heavy product for children's digestion.

Cottage cheese should be chosen from a children's series with low fat content, without additives, it is better to cook it yourself. To do this, heat the milk over low heat so that it is slightly warm, add 4 tbsp. l. sour cream. Mix well, wrap, leave for 12-15 hours. Then bring the milk to a boil so that it curdles and strain.

Dairy products restore intestinal microflora, normalize digestion and metabolism. Do not give them to babies with kidney disease or intolerance to casein.

Cook or buy?

Parents often argue about whether to give the baby canned food and store-bought baby cereals. The benefits are:

  • Saving time on cooking;
  • Variety of flavors and combinations;
  • The content of additional vitamins and trace elements;
  • Balanced composition adapted to the age of the child.

If a decision is made to buy ready-made complementary foods for the baby, you need to look at the expiration date: the food should be the freshest, it is unacceptable to buy an expired product or with corrections in the date of manufacture. The long shelf life indicated on the packaging indicates the content of preservatives. You need to carefully study the composition: the fewer components, the better. It is important to look at what age the food is intended for: manufacturers indicate it on the packaging.

With self-preparation of food for the baby, you can be sure of the quality and freshness of the product. Puree cannot be stored. For each feeding, you need to prepare a new portion

What can't be given?

The list of products prohibited for a child’s menu at 6 months includes:

  1. . You should not give either purchased or freshly squeezed up to a year. They contain almost no useful fiber, but they contain a lot of sugar and acids that irritate the gastric mucosa. It is not recommended to drink them and an older child;
  2. Porridge from - contains gluten, which is poorly absorbed, can cause intolerance, disrupt bowel function. It also contains millet, pearl barley. They are recommended for children older than a year;
  3. Fresh vegetables are poorly absorbed by the child's body, cause bloating;
  4. Fruits, berries;
  5. Sweets, cookies;
  6. - contains heavier forms of casein, compared to women's. It is difficult to digest and can cause allergies.

Some of the products are poorly digested by the body of even an adult; you can’t expose a baby to such a load.

General rules

  1. You need to feed with a spoon, at 9-11 o'clock in the morning, in extreme cases, at lunch;
  2. You can not introduce more than one new product per week and immediately give a multi-component puree from several components, to which the reaction of the baby is not yet known. In case of an allergy, you will have to find out which of the products did not suit the child;
  3. Complementary foods do not replace good nutrition and are combined with breastfeeding. It should be a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals. You can’t experiment, treat complementary foods as a treat;
  4. Do not give the baby prohibited foods - they can adversely affect the digestion and health of the child in the future;
  5. You can not salt mashed potatoes, add to porridge. To an adult, they seem tasteless, and children normally perceive a simple zucchini or boiled cereals. Salt is already in the composition of the products, its addition leads to an extra load on the work of the kidneys of the baby;
  6. An infant on GV usually has enough fluid from milk; at the beginning of complementary foods, it is necessary to supplement it, if this has not been done before;
  7. If the baby refuses a new product, you can not force it. You can offer it again in a couple of weeks.

Getting used to a new way of eating may be accompanied by a slight upset in the intestines. If symptoms are noticeable, do not increase the portion, but give the same amount for several days. If the stool has not returned to normal, the child suffers from colic, you need to stop giving complementary foods or replace it with another. After a few weeks, you can try re-introduction of the product, starting with a small amount.

You should not be led by friends, relatives and start complementary foods before six months or with products intended for later introduction. The health of the baby depends on this. If you have allergies, digestive problems, you should temporarily stop complementary foods and consult a doctor.

A six-month-old baby often shows interest in adult food, which his body begins to need. From the table, parents will learn how to properly feed a child for 6 months. A correct change in diet will allow you to switch to new dishes without disturbing digestion.

Specialists of the online store "Daughters-Sonochki" will introduce the range of baby food used as complementary foods.

Detailed scheme for the introduction of complementary foods from 6 months

Before starting feeding, it is important to know what food and in what portions can be given to the baby in the first days. The scheme for introducing complementary foods from 6 months is designed for 7-10 days and implies that the child consumes half or one teaspoon of additional food. This is the portion for the first day. The main dish of complementary foods should be milk porridge, vegetable or fruit puree.

Complementary feeding schedule from 6 months. The first complementary foods are signed by day throughout the week. Each day of the week has its own portion:

  • breakfast of the first day - 2.5-5 g (up to 1 tsp);
  • breakfast of the second day - 10 g (2 tsp);
  • breakfast of the third day - 15-20 g (3-4 tsp);
  • lunch of the fourth day - 20-30 g (4-6 tsp);
  • lunch of the fifth day - 50-75 g (10-15 tsp);
  • lunch of the sixth day - 100-120 g (10-12 dessert spoons);
  • seventh day lunch - 150-160 g (15-16 dessert spoons).


The scheme of feeding a child at 6 months provides for the gradual introduction of new foods of a thick consistency (without pieces). It is better to start complementary feeding before the first, second or third main feeding with breast milk or formula. In the afternoon there will be time to follow the reaction of the baby's body to a new product.

We introduce complementary foods at 6 months. Table in grams

From the second week of successful feeding, a portion of corn, buckwheat, rice milk porridge or mashed marrow, cauliflower, pumpkin should be 150-160 g per day. The complementary feeding scheme looks optimal from 6 months, when the table includes low-fat cottage cheese and vegetable or butter that are useful for the formation of bone and muscle tissue. In the main dish (porridge, mashed potatoes), you can add no more than 4 g of oil.

The complementary feeding table from 6 months is designed with the introduction of exclusively one-component dishes and products into it. This means that six-month-old babies are not recommended to prepare food from several ingredients at once, since it will be difficult to determine the allergenic component.


The feeding table from 6 months includes few foods and dishes, and the portions in the first week are very small. However, half a month after the start of complementary foods, the daily amount of additional food is enough to replace one day's feeding.

Complementary foods from 6 months. Menu in the table

For a six-month-old child with underweight, the main dish of complementary foods should be milk porridge made from buckwheat or corn. It is porridge that will contribute to the rapid weight gain. The table of the first complementary foods from 6 months also includes mashed potatoes from anti-allergenic green vegetables. This dish is recommended for children with stool problems.

In our online store you can choose healthy complementary foods for six-month-old babies: vegetable purees (“Grandmother's basket” broccoli, Hipp zucchini with potatoes), fruit purees (“Agusha” apple-banana, apple-cottage cheese, “FrutoNyanya” apple-apricot with
cream, apple-pear with cream), various cereals (Heinz, Fleur Alpine Organic, "Malyutka") and other dishes.

When preparing food for complementary foods, it is impossible to:

  • the dish contained food additives (spices, salt, sugar, thickeners);
  • the food had a non-puree-like consistency;
  • gluten cereals (barley, rye, wheat) were used.


The feeding scheme for a baby from 6 months is based on the gradual introduction of new products into the diet for 10 days. The initial dosage is 2.5-5 g of porridge or puree with a daily increase in the daily volume of food by 1.5-2 times. After the second week of problem-free complementary feeding, one feeding can be replaced with complementary foods.

The table of introduction of complementary foods from 6 months contains foods and dishes that are extremely useful for the development of the child. Before entering them into the menu, you need to consult with a pediatrician to get additional recommendations on the nutrition of your particular baby.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend that nursing mothers start complementary foods from six months. By six months, the baby can already sit, the first teeth appear, and often he himself reaches for new food. The body, strengthened and adapted during this time, is ready for adult products.

You need to be very careful when starting to introduce adult food into the baby’s menu while breastfeeding and follow the recommendations of the expert. Otherwise, the child develops allergies, colic or diarrhea. Let's take a closer look at how to properly introduce complementary foods.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

  1. For a child who is breastfed, complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 6 months after birth. For babies on artificial feeding - you can start as early as 4-5 months;
  2. Pay attention to the child's behavior. If he is already sitting on his own, does not push away the spoon and reaches for food himself, you can start complementary foods;
  3. Feed your baby with a teaspoon. Start with small portions of half to one spoon. Then every day increase the dosage as recommended;
  4. Pay close attention to your child's well-being. If the baby has a negative reaction, then do not increase the dose or try giving food to a friend. If you do not feel better, then postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a while;
  5. Don't force feed your baby! This will lead to a decrease in appetite. In addition, the baby in the future may refuse adult food for a long time;
  6. Don't try two new foods at the same time. Let the baby first get used to the new product;
  7. The first complementary foods during breastfeeding are arranged in the interval of 9-11 am after the first morning feeding with breast milk;
  8. When you start complementary foods, don't stop breastfeeding! Gradually replace attachments with spoon-feeding;
  9. At the first feeding, you can give vegetable purees and dairy products with a low fat content, which are designed specifically for feeding children;
  10. Choose products carefully, view the date of manufacture and expiration date. Choose only ripe and fresh vegetables and fruits, or use frozen ones. Study the packaging carefully, as the nutrition for children indicates at what age it is suitable.

Where to start complementary foods: vegetables and dairy products

As we have determined, the first complementary foods can be started from the age of six months. But what foods to give the baby while breastfeeding? Most experts are sure that you should start with mashed vegetables. For the dish, choose one type of light-colored vegetable. It can be pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, broccoli, etc. If the child does not have allergies, then carrots can also be used.

However, the well-known pediatrician and TV presenter Komarovsky recommends starting complementary foods with dairy products. For the first time, he advises giving children's low-fat kefir at a dosage of 10-20 grams. Portions are increased every day.

On the fourth or fifth day, 30 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 3-5% can be added to kefir. Cottage cheese must be crushed and mixed with kefir until smooth.

Vegetable puree is very different from the composition of breast milk. Therefore, according to Komarovsky, a sharp change in habitual nutrition can lead to severe indigestion. Dairy products are the most suitable in consistency. More details with the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky can be found in the article “”.

However, keep in mind that cottage cheese is a heavy product for the body of an infant. Therefore, only low-fat cottage cheese should be given in small doses. By one year, the baby should consume no more than 50 grams of the product!

From the age of seven months, start giving fruit puree to the baby. For the dish, one type of soft-colored fruit is also chosen. Do not use citrus fruits, as they contain a strong allergen. Green apples are best. Well, if they are from their own garden. Such fruits do not contain pesticides and other chemicals.

Vegetable and fruit puree can also be bought at the store. Such jars are convenient in that the product is already ready for use. The composition of the puree is balanced and intended for a child of a certain age.

However, a dish prepared at home is more useful. You will be confident in the quality of the products and the date of manufacture. After the baby gets used to various vegetables and fruits, the types in mashed potatoes can be mixed.

It is up to each mother to choose which product to start introducing complementary foods with. If a child suddenly has an allergy or other ailment, the dish can always be replaced with another one. If you feel worse, stop increasing the dosage. With severe disorders, complementary foods need to be returned to the usual feeding for a while.

How and when to correctly introduce foods into the baby's menu while breastfeeding, will tell.

What is useful vegetable puree: cooking at home

To prepare puree for the first feeding, take a vegetable of one type. Rinse thoroughly and chop finely. Pour in a small amount of water so that it slightly covers the vegetables. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then puree the mixture in a blender until smooth.

After the baby is used to new vegetables, you can mix several types. What vegetables can be eaten by the baby at the first dose, the table will tell.

Vegetable Useful elements Action Peculiarities
Potato Thiamine, potassium and phosphorus, beneficial amino acids Removes excess fluid and salt from the body, improves metabolism High-calorie product - contains 2-3 times more calories than other vegetables.
Cauliflower and broccoli Vitamins C and group B, folic acid, a complete set of macronutrients (iron, zinc, etc.) Ensures normal growth and development, prevents cancer, protects against viruses The hypoallergenic product, unlike fresh cabbage, is easier to digest and does not cause bloating in the baby.
Pumpkin Vitamins B, C and PP; potassium and copper Ensures the work of the intestines and digestion, removes excess fluid from the body Low-calorie product, but the keratins in the composition can cause allergies!
vegetable marrow Vitamins B, C and E; sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc Normalizes the work of the intestines, cleanses the body and removes toxins, activates the growth of the newborn A dietary and hypoallergenic product, it will be an excellent substitute for beets in case of allergies to the latter.
Carrot Vitamins A, B, C, E and PP Improves the condition of the skin and hair, maintains visual acuity, strengthens the immune system, promotes bone growth Beta-keratin in the composition can cause allergies!

When preparing mashed potatoes for six-month-old children, it is not recommended to use onions, beets, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers and white cabbage. Such vegetables can be introduced into the menu after 10-12 months.

Puree is started with ½ teaspoon and supplemented with breast milk or high-quality formula. The dose is gradually increased to 150-200 grams. This corresponds to the standard portion of one feeding. Double each dose as compared to the previous one. Do not forget to monitor the reaction of the baby!

What porridge to choose for the first feeding

From six months, babies are given porridge without milk. For cooking, use buckwheat or rice groats, which are more easily absorbed by the body and do not cause an allergic reaction.

To cook porridge on water for feeding, rice or buckwheat groats must be carefully sorted and ground. The crushed cereals are poured with cold water and boiled over low heat until tender.

For children under one year old, doctors do not recommend putting pure sugar and salt in dishes. To enhance the taste, you can use saline or sugar syrup. How to prepare a solution and syrup, read in. Many nursing mothers add breast milk to porridge.

Porridges on cow's milk begin to cook after eight months. Cow protein is a strong allergen that causes rashes, redness, and other negative reactions. Milk porridges are also cooked from buckwheat or rice groats. Sometimes they give oatmeal with good tolerance.

Semolina, millet and barley porridge are best given to babies from one year old. These cereals contain gluten. This vegetable protein is long and hard to digest in the body. It can lead to intestinal problems and allergies.

From seven months, butter can be added to porridge. Start with ⅛ teaspoon and gradually increase to 10-20 grams. Also, after one year, you can give multi-cereal cereals.

Cottage cheese for the first feeding: pros and cons

Pediatricians did not agree on whether or not to give cottage cheese as complementary foods for children at the age of six months. Many talk about an excess of calcium in the composition of the product and difficult absorption in the child's body. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product no earlier than 7-8 months.

Komarovsky argues that the amount of calcium in cottage cheese is only slightly greater in the composition of breast milk. In addition, the curd mass in small quantities will not harm the body. Therefore, he advises adding cottage cheese to kefir already in the first week of complementary foods.

Cottage cheese is a useful product for a child. It has a beneficial effect on the body and performs a number of important functions:

  • forms a bone skeleton and strengthens muscles;
  • improves memory and brain function;
  • strengthens the immune system, protects against infectious diseases;
  • improves bowel function;
  • stimulates growth and improves the condition of hair, teeth and nails.

Thus, in small quantities, cottage cheese can be added to kefir from six to seven months. In its pure form, it is better to introduce complementary foods after eight months. If you buy cottage cheese in a store, choose a fat content of less than 5%. but it's better to cook at home. Moreover, it will not be difficult. And with additives in the form of fruit after a year.

To cook cottage cheese at home, you need to heat the milk over low heat and add four tablespoons of sour cream. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, wrapped and left overnight.

The next day, the resulting mass is brought to a boil and then filtered through a sieve with gauze. By the way, the remaining whey is used to make delicious and satisfying pancakes.

Principles of cooking for the first complementary foods

When preparing meals for children, especially at the first feeding and under the age of one, certain principles must be followed. Then you can provide the baby with proper and tasty nutrition.

  • Vegetables, meat, let's only boiled or stewed;
  • Use the minimum amount of water to stew vegetables. The main thing is that she covers the products a little. Then the vegetables will retain their beneficial properties and get a rich taste;
  • The smaller the food, the easier the dish will digest the child's body. In addition, at the time of the eruption of the first teeth, the baby cannot chew on its own. Therefore, there should be a maximum rub;
  • Do not use sugar and salt. As mentioned earlier, natural supplements should be replaced with a salt solution and sugar syrup. And it is better to do without additives at all, so that the baby gets used to the natural taste of food;
  • Vegetable oil can be added to dishes. It will enhance the taste and will be beneficial for the child.
  • Olive and sunflower oil can be safely given to babies from six months. Start with 3-5 drops and gradually increase the dosage to one teaspoon;
  • Prepare food for only one meal, because the products should be as fresh as possible and retain their beneficial properties.

For more information on what foods and when you can use a baby while breastfeeding, the table in the article will tell. In addition, from the article you will learn recipes for delicious and healthy dishes for a child.

WHO believes that a six-month-old baby is absolutely prepared to get acquainted with food. Although mother's milk is still the main resource for obtaining all the necessary components for full development, the baby ceases to have enough nutrients. Therefore, complementary foods at 6 months with breastfeeding become an urgent need.

Things to remember

It is permissible to acquaint an exceptionally healthy baby with food: there are no failures with the stool, vaccination is not planned in the coming days;

First of all, food is given to the child, and only then the breast;

The dish should be liquid and warm;

While eating, the baby should sit;

How to introduce: the baby is fed with new food once every 24 hours, you need to start with half a dessert spoon and increase in 14 days to 150 g, thereby replacing one breastfeeding;

You should monitor the well-being of the crumbs, see if there are any allergies;

A new product is introduced when the baby adapts to the previous one;

At first, the food should be one-component, you should not mix several varieties of vegetables or fruits.

Together with complementary foods, you should try to teach your baby to eat 5 times a day.

What is the best place to start

Food is selected based on the personal characteristics of the child's body. In the event that the baby is underweight, it is required to start complementary foods with gluten-free cereals, such as buckwheat and rice.

If there are problems with stool or excess weight, then it is better to start acquaintance with food from vegetables.

You can start complementary foods with zucchini, or with broccoli. Also good for cauliflower.

There is also another variation of introducing complementary foods. The popular doctor Dr. Komarovsky advises introducing food from milk products into the child's diet.

After 5 days, it is possible to add thirty grams of cottage cheese with three to five percent fat content to kefir.

Before use, you need to carefully move everything to get a uniform consistency.

Vegetables have practically nothing to do with mother's milk, therefore, according to Dr. Komarovsky, such an indelicate change in everyday nutrition can respond with an upset stomach.

And dairy products are the best.

But you should understand that cottage cheese is not an easy dish for a baby, so you need to use only a low-fat product for feeding and a little bit.

Sugar and salt are not needed in the child's menu.

If the child has loose stools and acne appears, then the product should be removed for at least a couple of weeks.

Then you can try again to introduce it into the diet. If the negative reaction recurs, then you should contact your pediatrician.

How to prepare complementary foods at 6 months while breastfeeding

Food for babies should be steamed and chopped with a blender, or rubbed through a sieve.

With this cooking option, quite a lot of useful substances will remain in the food.

The dish should be liquid, because the child cannot yet swallow thick food.

Porridges are originally prepared from one variety of cereals. On the twenty-first day, it is possible to start mixing the cereals, first you need to grind them in a coffee grinder and then cook.

For cooking use water or mother's milk. It is possible to add butter to cooked porridge.

If possible, it is better to give the baby specialized food for children. It is balanced and contains everything a child needs.

Such food is perfectly chopped, and prepared in such a way that all useful microelements and vitamins are preserved in it.


Additional drinking when introducing complementary foods is not necessary for a child who is breastfeeding, because his body will take the right amount of liquid from mother's milk.

Complementary foods from 6 months

Fruit puree, juice65 milliliters
Yolk0.3 grams
Vegetable puree160 grams
Cottage cheese40 grams
Porridge160 grams
Vegetable oil3 grams
Milk formula200 milliliters
Butter4 grams

Starting to accustom the baby to food, it is imperative to continue to breastfeed, because the child takes the bulk of the nutritional components from the mother's milk.

Complementary foods are an addition to breastfeeding, not a replacement for it.

Each mother herself has the right to decide with which product to start the introduction of complementary foods. In case of allergies, the dish can always be replaced with another one.

Feeding must be timely. You should not rush, but you don’t need to exclusively breastfeed your baby for a long time, it will not be useful.

The well-being of the child and consultation with the doctor will help to think rationally about daily nutrition.