Coconut oil in cosmetology. Coconut oil, properties and applications Coconut oil properties recipes

The unique properties of coconut oil have been valued since the time of Cleopatra. It was considered the right way save feminine beauty and youth. Due to its composition, coconut oil has been used as a nourishing and skin rejuvenating agent. Today, this valuable product has proven itself in cosmetology, folk medicine and food industry.

It is no secret that coconut oil is produced from coconut pulp, which contains up to 65% of it. The process of obtaining it is quite simple: first, the pulp is separated from the shell, after which it is dried and a valuable oil is obtained by pressing, which can be refined or unrefined. As a rule, refined coconut oil is used for skin and hair care. The use of such oil has no contraindications, it is hypoallergenic, is perfectly stored for several years even without a refrigerator and retains its qualities even with repeated heating.

Useful properties and uses of coconut oil.
Coconut oil has wide range useful properties. It is easily digestible, does not contain cholesterol, and provides the body with a variety of nutrients. It contains a huge amount of valuable oils, among which are oleic, lauric, palmitic, capric, caprylic, arachidonic and others. In addition, it is rich in vitamins (C, A, E), natural antioxidants, and also includes a natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. Thanks to its composition and delicate pleasant aroma, it is actively used in cosmetology as additives in cosmetic products (lipstick, shampoos and other hair care products, natural creams, eye makeup removers, etc.) and as an independent means. Such cosmetics cleanse the skin of dead cells, stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, tones and nourishes it, making it soft, firm, elastic and velvety. The light composition of the oil ensures rapid absorption by the skin and does not clog pores. The use of products with coconut oil is suitable for any skin type, helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminate acne, as well as minor damage and defects of the skin. In addition, due to its cleansing and foaming properties, coconut oil is used in the production of natural soap.

Coconut oil is an ideal product for caring for the delicate skin of babies and children. It also effectively helps with cracked heels and hands, heals eczema, wounds and burns.

Coconut oil is excellent for caring for dry, sensitive, irritation-prone skin with signs of flaking. It perfectly softens and moisturizes it and creates a kind of film that protects the skin from the negative effects of factors environment. That is why it is added to sunscreens and after-sun products, as they protect against ultraviolet rays and soothe the skin after sunbathing.

IN pure form This oil cannot be used. The only exception is hair care. Add no more than 10% coconut oil to face products and 30% for body products.

In addition to caring for the skin of the face and body, the use of coconut oil has an amazing effect in hair care. This oil softens and moisturizes hair, and also effectively relieves scalp irritation and fights dandruff. It is easily and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair, protecting it from protein loss during the washing process, as well as from mechanical and chemical influences (drying, curling, etc.). In addition, coconut oil helps nourish and strengthen hair follicles and hair roots, stimulating their growth. Coconut oil is also used to treat dry and split ends of hair. This oil mixes well with other oils and ready-made cosmetics. Masks with coconut oil make hair strong and manageable, restoring its smoothness and natural shine.

Due to its ability to absorb quickly, coconut oil is used as a massage oil. A massage with this oil relaxes, cools the skin and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, massage with coconut oil improves the condition of the body's skin and increases its tone, slowing down the aging process.

Coconut oil is actively used in the food industry in the manufacture of muffins, cakes, cookies, etc. Due to their crystalline structure and uniform consistency, coconut oil-based leavening agents used in confectionery products improve mixing and also maintain the structure of the dough before adding other components (gelatinizing starches and egg whites), resulting in the preservation of the structure and friability of the finished products. Coconut oil can also be consumed directly as food. For example, it can act as a margarine substitute: 75 g of coconut oil replaces 100 g of butter or margarine. It should be remembered that coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, and the taste of such oil is more delicate. And yet, when using it, there is no effect of fat content.

In addition, coconut oil helps improve digestion and absorption of food. Its regular use reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and some other cardiovascular diseases, helps strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, and also prevents the occurrence of malignant tumor cells.

Coconut oil is recommended by many doctors for women to prevent osteoporosis, as it promotes the process of complete absorption of calcium. Due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of lauric acid contained in this oil, the oil protects the body from many fungi and viruses, in particular measles, herpes and influenza.

The use of coconut oil for joint diseases has a positive effect. It is also used in the treatment of cancer.

The use of coconut oil is also effective in losing weight. For women on diets, coconut oil is recommended because it is not stored in fat. It helps restore thyroid function and is effective for diabetes.

Coconut oil, methods of use.
Massage oil.
Coconut oil is heated in a water bath until a liquid consistency is formed, which is used as a massage product for the body, upper chest, face and neck. This massage is especially effective after taking a bath or shower. The skin becomes soft and velvety.

Sun protection with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil with 1 tsp. peach seed oil, sesame oil, rosehip oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the body immediately before tanning.

Foot softener with coconut oil.
Take 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and mix with 4 drops of essential oil tea tree, as well as lemon balm oil and cypress oil (2 drops each). The resulting mixture should be applied to the feet daily.

Hand and nail treatment with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and glycerin with 1 tsp. chamomile oils and essential oils of orange and lemon (5 drops each). Rub the resulting mixture regularly into your nails and apply to your hands with massage movements.

Hair mask with coconut oil.
Take 1 tsp. coconut and burdock oil, 3 drops each essential oils rosemary, ylang-ylang, thyme and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots half an hour before washing.

Facial scrub with coconut oil.
First mix 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil with half a cup of sea salt, apply the resulting mixture to the face and body with gentle circular movements. Massage for a few minutes, then rinse it all off with warm water. After this, mix a small cup of unleavened yoghurt with 30 ml of full-fat milk and apply to the areas of skin that have been exfoliated. This procedure makes the skin soft, elastic, giving a fresh and healthy look.

Revitalizing lip balm with coconut oil.
Grate a small piece of beeswax on a fine grater and melt over the fire until liquid. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. coconut oil, 1 tsp. shea butter and cocoa butter. Stir until smooth and remove from heat. After this, add a few drops of essential oils (violet, rose or lavender) to the mixture. If you still have an empty tube of lip balm or lipstick, then pour the resulting mass into it, and when it cools down, use it as a natural balm.

Revitalizing hair mask with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, add one egg yolk, 1 tsp. l. cognac Apply the resulting mixture to your hair a couple of hours before washing.

Coconut oil for cellulite.
Mix coconut, cocoa, shea, jojoba oils in equal proportions with 10 drops of a mixture of orange, cypress, grapefruit essential oils, as well as fennel oil. Rub the mixture with massage movements into problem areas.

Coconut oil for stretch marks.
Apply with massaging movements a mixture of cocoa and coconut oils and essential oils of cypress, neroli, and sage.

Anti-cellulite peeling with coconut oil.
Mix coffee with coconut oil to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to damp body skin, massage for ten minutes, paying special attention to problem areas, then rinse with water. Before using this scrub, you should not use gels or other shower and bath products. After peeling, apply coconut oil to the skin.

Facial scrub bar with coconut oil.
Heat 200 g of a mixture of coconut, shea and cocoa butters over a fire. Add rolled oats ground in a coffee grinder and medicinal herbs(St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano) in an arbitrary ratio. Remove from heat. Leave the mixture for a day, then form into small pieces and put in the freezer. Apply frozen tiles along facial massage lines when showering.

The properties of coconut oil are invaluable. Use skin and hair care products and be beautiful!

This amazing remedy, which came to us from tropical countries, today can be found in the kitchen of skilled housewives, in the cosmetic bag of modern beauties, and even in the medicine cabinet of the most caring and thrifty. Coconut oil has wonderful properties: its use in various fields is constantly expanding, and more and more new horizons are opening up in its development. The invaluable benefits of this amazing remedy are due to its unique chemical composition.

Useful properties of coconut oil

Why is coconut oil so in demand today in a variety of areas? The fact is that coconut oil has not only medicinal but also preventive properties, due to its chemical composition. After all, it consists exclusively of acids, each of which has a specific effect: lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic, caprylic, capric, stearic, linoleic and capronic. Thanks to their complex and comprehensive effects on the human body, coconut oil turns out to be so invaluable in cosmetology, medicine, and cooking. Natural cold-pressed coconut oil (it contains the maximum concentration of nutrients) is capable of:

  • make the skin soft and velvety;
  • strengthen hair;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • burn subcutaneous fats, ensuring weight loss;
  • slow down the aging process in the body;
  • relieve anxiety and stress;
  • eliminate tumors;
  • relieve pain;
  • speed up the blood clotting process and promote fast healing wounds;
  • localize and eliminate inflammatory foci;
  • improve the taste of many dishes.

If you know about such wonderful properties of coconut oil and know how to use it for its intended purpose, you can short terms solve many of your cosmetic problems, improve your health, improve your well-being and become an excellent cook in your own kitchen, turning it into a restaurant. The main thing is to know the precise dosage and courses of treatment and prevention approved by the doctor when it comes to health and beauty. It is important for housewives to find good recipes based on this amazing product and delight your family with a variety of goodies.

The use of coconut oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the use of coconut oil is limitless, since on its basis you can buy and even make all kinds of cosmetics at home with your own hands for the hair, face, hands, feet, and body skin in general. The fatty acids contained in this unique product can regularly, carefully and very gently care for hair and skin if these products are used correctly.

  • Coconut oil for hair

If you become the happy owner of unrefined coconut oil, which contains a lot of useful substances, remember one thing: it is not recommended to apply it to the hair roots. Such experiments can cause irritation. But you can distribute it along the length of your hair: it will restore its damaged structure, eliminate fragility and split ends, moisturize excessively dry hair, and give it volume and strength. If the oil is refined, it can be safely applied to the scalp, but it still will not give such a bright effect. Coconut oil in hair masks, shampoos and conditioners works real wonders on the most lifeless hair. Moreover, you can effectively use both store-bought and home-made products.

  • Coconut oil for skin

Coconut oil can also be used in masks and face creams, or you can simply lubricate your skin with it 2 times a week. It copes well with various rashes (acne, pimples, blackheads), moisturizes dry skin, eliminates flaky spots, and makes the skin unusually soft and delicate to the touch. If you lubricate your skin with it before sunbathing, the tan will turn out amazing. beautiful color- chocolate. In addition, coconut oil is considered one of the best massage products, which perfectly warms the skin and improves blood circulation.

If among your cosmetics There are those prepared with coconut oil, they are probably among your favorites. It is impossible not to appreciate their careful and gentle care for even the most delicate and sensitive skin, for the most problematic and damaged hair. With such cosmetics you can easily forget about many appearance problems and always shine with beauty and freshness. But cosmetology is not the only area of ​​application for the miraculous coconut oil.

Coconut oil: medical uses

Possessing antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, the fatty acids in coconut oil have found another area of ​​application that is very important for the life of every person - medicine. Exotic coconut oil is increasingly expanding its healing functionality: its properties are still being studied in medical laboratories. Of course, it is not an independent medicine, but as an addition to the main therapy it perfectly helps to cope with many diseases, including:

  • eczema, dermatitis, allergic skin reactions;
  • ulcer, heartburn;
  • migraine;
  • jaundice;
  • diabetes;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • thrush;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous and mental disorders up to epilepsy;
  • rickets;
  • scurvy;
  • obesity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • bleeding;
  • wounds, scars, scars, postoperative sutures.

The dosage must be prescribed by a doctor, since in some cases coconut oil is used externally in the form of compresses and lotions, and in some cases it may be necessary to take it internally. However, not everyone can withstand treatment fatty oil, if you need to drink it: it has a specific taste and smell. It is worth remembering that medicine is the area where it is recommended to use coconut oil only on the recommendations of a doctor. You should not risk your own health and self-medicate, thinking that a folk, natural remedy like coconut oil will cure all ailments in a couple of days. Cooking is a completely different matter, where you can become a real queen and do whatever your heart desires with this product (within the framework of recipes, of course).

How is coconut oil used in cooking?

Coconut oil purchased at a grocery store will have slightly different properties than cosmetic or medicinal oil. It will contain a concentration of those acids that have taste qualities and can help any housewife make many dishes much tastier and more satisfying. Do you want familiar products to please your household with a more refined taste and pleasantly surprise them? Then go in search of edible coconut oil and add it to various homemade dishes for success in the kitchen. How to use it in cooking?

  1. Coconut oil can be used as a substitute in the kitchen: dishes with it acquire a refined and very unusual taste.
  2. The uniqueness of coconut oil is that during heat treatment it does not release any carcinogens harmful to health, which distinguishes it from other oils for cooking various dishes. It is this property that allows you to use this product in various diets completely fearlessly: you will not gain extra pounds - that’s for sure.
  3. Sweet dishes and baked goods are especially delicious with coconut oil.
  4. It can also be added to cereals and vegetable dishes, salads.
  5. If you cook seafood ( or ) with coconut oil, it will surely become a favorite on your kitchen table for a long time.
  6. But the fastest way to consume coconut oil is with drinks: it is added to various hot drinks, milk, coffee, hot chocolate.

Those who have discovered coconut oil in various areas of their lives have probably already appreciated its unique properties and benefits. That’s why coconut oil receives only the most positive and grateful reviews. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects- but it has a maximum beneficial effect on the body. Both cosmetologists, doctors, and chefs recommend actively using and consuming this product to change your life for the better, even in such pleasant little things.

Coconut oil is something that is definitely worth bringing from Thailand (Asia). It's not only great gift, but also a real treasure if you know how to use it. And also a real salvation for those who return to Russia after wintering or a long stay in a humid climate. Coconut oil applied to damp skin while taking a bath or shower is more effective than any body moisturizer in Russia against unusual dry skin. (from personal experience, after 5 years of living in the tropics). In general, this post is dedicated to coconut oil - let's discover 100,500 ways to use this miracle for your benefit.

Coconut oil obtained by cold pressing from dried coconut pulp. Coconut oil is enriched with lauric acid (in unrefined oil up to 50%), which enhances metabolic processes in the body.

Appearance: White, creamy liquid; hardens at temperatures below 25 degrees; light coconut aroma.
Chemical composition: Lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, caprylic acid, oleic acid, capric acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, caproic acid.

For me personally, coconut oil has been a real salvation for split ends for a couple of years. brittle hair. You can say a discovery made only in Thailand. But thanks to my miracle hairdresser, I stopped using it almost in time after I had done long-term styling. The point is that It is advisable to apply any oil only to healthy hair.

If your hair is damaged by dyeing or curling, then the oil can be harmful - at least before active use, you should check it and take a closer look at the effect on your hair. This is due to the fact that already dehydrated hair is enveloped in an oil film and has nowhere to take moisture from.

Coconut oil hair mask

Apply a couple of hours before washing your hair or at night. Hindus smear it on their hair all the time, and I, following their example, sometimes leave coconut oil on my hair all night or even a day.

How to apply oil to hair? There are several ways and different sources write differently. In short and to the point:

→each of us has our own hair and skin type, and even if the scalp is oily, then this oil can have 100 different reasons in 100 people. Therefore, there are no uniform recipes for applying coconut oil to hair for all people, but you can find your own recipes through experimentation, using ready-made recipes first and understanding that they can be completely different↓

First use case: Apply coconut oil only to your hair, avoiding the roots and scalp. For long hair 1-2 tablespoons of oil, which says that it is suitable for hair, is enough.

Second option: Rub coconut oil into your scalp, applying it to your hair roots. This mask is not suitable for everyone and you can do it infrequently, but it’s worth a try - personally, my oily scalp feels great after this, plus, if there is no curl, then I apply oil to the entire hair. The mask can be applied a couple of hours before washing your hair, or left overnight. Do it no more than 4 times a month.

Quick hair masks

Even a very good and expensive shampoo deprives hair of shine and “stretches out” structural protein. Coconut oil applied before shower protects hair from the harmful effects of shampoo. Hair is much less damaged during the drying process and when combing.

  1. Quick mask Apply for 30-40 minutes before washing your hair and can consist of pure coconut oil or a mixture of coconut oil and honey.
  2. Mask against hair loss. Add coconut oil to salt and rub the resulting scrub into the scalp before washing for 2-5 minutes. You can make this mask no more than 2 times a week for a month, then take a break for a couple of months. Be sure to look at the effect specifically on your scalp - it is not suitable for everyone.
  3. In shampoo or conditioner. The oil can also be added (a few drops per wash or a couple of spoons in a bottle) to shampoo or balm, and it is not advisable to apply the balm to the roots of the hair, but only to the hair itself, because it clogs the pores.
  4. After washing. Coconut oil dries, nourishes and adds shine to hair at the same time, so if you apply it to your hair after washing (2-3 drops, avoiding the roots of your hair), your hair will not feel greasy and your thinning ends will be very happy. If you first trim your hair - cut off split ends, then using coconut oil it can stay healthy much longer. Whether this mask is suitable for you should be clear from the first time (it is not suitable for everyone).

Again, I repeat! — Coconut oil is not suitable for everyone; if it is ideal for the body, then for hair I eventually switched to Che or Argan oil. I order them on or find them while traveling. In Russia, you can buy moisturizers, shampoos and conditioners with argan oil in professional stores. These oils are applied in small quantities after washing to damp hair.

Coconut oil for face

Refined coconut oil is beneficial for any skin type. It smoothes the skin and the shallow wrinkles present on it, increases the overall tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin. This is an excellent product for caring for dull, sagging and aging skin.

I learned from Indians that they apply coconut oil to their facial skin every day and consider this the secret of youthful skin.

In its pure form, coconut oil has a strong drying effect, but does not dehydrate the skin, but regulates the production of sebum. These qualities are simply irreplaceable when caring for oily skin of the face and scalp. Coconut oil can also treat wounds, various types of dermatitis and long-healing eczema.

Before actively using coconut oil on your skin, make sure you are not allergic to it. Unpleasant sensations may also be associated with the quality of the oil.

Coconut oil face masks:

Only Exrta-vergin Coconut Oil is suitable for facial care!

First of all, I will list recipes from Arina Voronina, a beauty trainer, who says that even if you have the opportunity to buy expensive creams, she primarily uses coconut oil (her Instagram: @ara_bublik):

Coconut oil instead of cream: rub a drop of oil on your palms and lightly blot your face without rubbing the oil into the skin. After five minutes, blot off the remaining oil paper napkin. If the skin is still oily, then use a hot, damp towel.

Face mask: apply coconut oil to a cleansed face for 10-15 minutes, after applying a compress from a towel moistened with hot water for a few seconds. You can make such masks 2-3 times a week. Wash off with micellar gel.

Other masks, if you want variety:

  1. To prepare a cream mask with coconut oil, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream or milk, 1 spoon of honey, 10-15 drops of coconut oil. The finished mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  2. A mixture of coconut oil and baking soda Apply with massaging movements to the skin of the face, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Apply a mixture of coconut oil and honey to clean skin face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. *The mask is considered antibacterial, and honey dilates pores, so you should not use this mask often.
  4. Make neck wraps from pure coconut oil for 20-30 minutes. As a result, the neck skin becomes hydrated and smooth.
  5. It is also useful to make a mask for the face and whole body from a mixture of coconut milk and cow's milk.
  6. Coconut oil can be used to remove makeup and instead of shaving cream (I haven’t tried the latter, but they say it’s good for sensitive skin :).

Coconut oil for body

Research suggests that coconut oil is highly absorbable and quickly absorbed by human skin. Personally, my research says the same thing after every coconut oil bath. Coconut oil perfectly moisturizes, tones and softens the skin, making it velvety and very pleasant. The thin film formed on the skin protects it from the harmful effects of the environment, so coconut oil in creams or in its pure form can act as sunscreen. It is recommended to use it before and after sunbathing. This helps to avoid sunburn and get an even, beautiful tan.

Coconut oil can also be used in the care of sensitive, inflamed and irritated skin, because... it has good anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing effects. Including after hair removal.

Moisturizing dry body skin

The most important thing for me personally is to moisturize dry skin with coconut oil while taking a bath or shower. This is especially true if you lived in Thailand for a long time and came to Russia (winter workers will understand).

In principle, I never come from tropical countries into the cold without coconut oil!

  1. Moisturizing the skin after a shower. Enough to moisturize the skin after a shower pour 1 tablespoon of oil into your palm and apply to damp skin immediately after a shower or right while taking it with massaging movements. Then wipe the skin with a towel.
  2. Baths with coconut oil. You can add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your bath water. If the skin is very dry, the amount of oil can be increased.

For me personally, no moisturizing cream can compare with the effect of regular coconut oil in combating dry skin in Siberia in winter.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Mixing coconut oil with salt or brown sugar makes a great moisturizing body scrub.

Can be used on the entire body or on areas with rough skin, e.g. for dry skin on elbows.

Coconut oil for cuticles

Rubbing the oil into the skin around the nail plates moisturizes and helps get rid of flaking and dry cuticles.

To moisturize the skin of the feet

If you massage and cleanse the skin of your feet using coconut oil, it becomes softer and softer.

External use for problems

  1. Candidiasis, thrush. Coconut oil, as I already wrote, has antibacterial effect and can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of yeast infections. Coconut oil can be lightly soaked in tampons or applied to the skin as an ointment 1-2 times a day.
  2. For microcracks in the anus.

Coconut oil for internal use

Scientific studies have shown that lauric acid in coconut oil is ideal for maintaining cholesterol levels within a normal range.

Coconut oil has a lot of beneficial properties and prescriptions for use in a variety of diseases: it improves digestion and mental activity. Consuming coconut oil internally helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer; the body becomes resistant to viral diseases and all kinds of infections, due to the fact that the oil strengthens the immune system and at the same time reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics. Coconut oil promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium and is not deposited in human body in the form of fat, unlike many other oils.

Natural coconut oil is one of the most harmless and safe officially registered dietary supplements with no known side effects.

How to use coconut oil internally?

Coconut oil comes in varying degrees of purification and for internal use you need to look for and buy oil that says "can be taken internally".

For food:

  1. Add coconut oil to salads instead of sunflower or olive oil.
  2. Use for preparing fried foods.
  3. Add to tea, coffee, smoothies (a few drops).
  4. Blend the nuts and coconut oil in a blender or coffee grinder to create homemade nut butter.

Internal uses of coconut oil for health:

  1. You can drink coconut oil in its pure form, starting with 1 teaspoon per day and increasing the “dose” to 2-3 tablespoons per day (before meals), washing it down with the required amount of water.
  2. Tea with a few drops of coconut oil relieves throat irritation when coughing.
  3. To cleanse the mouth and whiten teeth, it is recommended to keep 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in your mouth daily for 10 minutes (if you tried this recipe, write about your experience in the comments - I still don’t dare to do this :)

Coconut oil: reviews

I’ll write my personal review about coconut oil here and will be glad to see your feedback in the comments (you don’t need to register to leave a comment: just share your experience and everyone will be happy :)↓

Since I travel a lot and often live for a long time in countries of Southeast Asia with high humidity, upon returning to Siberia and after a sharp climate change, I simply cannot do without coconut oil.

First of all, I use coconut oil to soften the skin and so far it has the best remedy against dry skin of the whole body. Better than expensive creams and moisturizers.

I gradually stopped using it for my hair, because I stopped noticing the special effect, or even vice versa - the effect of drying the hair appeared and discomfort, but most likely this is due to the fact that I did long-term styling and ruined my hair with it. Many of my friends use coconut oil for their hair even after coloring (although applying oil to damaged hair is not recommended) and are delighted with this product.

Click on point No. 3 - how to use coconut oil in food, doses, methods, secrets.

Quick navigation through the article:

Appearance and composition of the product

Oh, fried potatoes with onions and garlic - a favorite childhood treat...

We stepped over our usual tastes and began to study “horror stories” about carcinogens and trans fats. Having quickly come across coconut oil, we delved deeply into the topic based on reliable nutraceutical data.


Let's talk about cold pressed oil, which saves everything beneficial properties. It is the most beneficial to eat.

The first thing that inspires you to try the product is the not catchy, but noticeable smell of coconut. The second thing that arouses curiosity is the change in oil texture when the temperature drops below +25 degrees. From the refrigerator you will get something pleasantly white, fragrant, similar in consistency to butter.

  • The calorie content per 100 grams is high, like all fats - about 860 kcal.
  • 1 tablespoon contains 130-140 kcal.

Included high in saturated fatty acids (SFAs)- up to 90%:

  • Lauric - up to 55%
  • Oleic - 11%
  • Caprylic - 10%
  • Capric - 9.7%
  • Myristic - 8%
  • Palmitic - 5%
  • Stearic - 1.3%

The oil also contains polyphenols (aroma and taste!), vitamin E, some calcium, phosphorus, iron and organic sulfur.

Beneficial properties for health and beauty

“Saturated fats? It's harmful." Let's debunk an old myth!

The fight against saturated fatty acids (hereinafter referred to as SFAs) since the mid-20th century has only led to the fact that the leading cause of death in developed countries has become vascular accidents - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis. The basis of the disease is atherosclerosis, i.e. deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels, which narrows their lumen.

We began to replace products with EFAs with fats with unsaturated acids. But sunflower and other popular oils are very high in omega-6 fatty acids. As a result, the imbalance of omegas in our diet is catastrophic.

The body benefits from a ratio of omega 3 to 6 of no more than 1:4.

  • Due to the abundance of unbalanced vegetable oils, we eat at least 1:16, or even 1:20. This alignment increases systemic senile inflammation and brings illness and death closer.

Let's stop being afraid of saturated fats

It has been proven that manically removing cholesterol from food cannot significantly affect atherosclerosis. Only 20-25% of cholesterol is absorbed from food.

The rest of the cholesterol is the result of synthesis in the liver to patch up inflamed areas inside the blood vessels. The cause of atherosclerosis is inflammation of the intima of blood vessels. It is provoked by excess carbohydrates, trans fats and the dominance of omega-6 over omega-3.

NLCs stand aside from this disgrace. A lot of research has already accumulated that returns nutrients from disgrace. Every cell in the body needs them for growth, development and health.

More than 1,600 studies support the nutritional benefits of coconut oil.

The listed acids in coconut oil are: medium chain triglycerides. The main things learned about each:

  • Either good for the heart and other aspects of health;
  • Or it’s enough not to eat too much (in this case, on a therapeutic ketogenic diet, such acids play a leading role);
  • Or combine with olive oil to balance the composition of acids and neutralize modest harm.

Let's take lauric fatty acid, which is the most in coconut oil (up to 55%). It has a special structure for easy absorption. In our body, the acid is converted into monolaurin. An amazing substance that was also found in breast milk women and has powerful antiviral, antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

Other properties of lauric acid are illustrated below, according to scientific research from the PubMed database.

The most scrupulous Nutritionists advise the following.

To reduce even a small one, but still possible harm for lauric fatty acid, consume coconut oil accompanied by extra virgin olive or peanut oil. These products contain oleic acid, which helps lauric acid to exhibit only positive properties.

Benefits of food use

The list of benefits of coconut oil covers almost all organs and systems:

  • Luxurious hair and skin care, incl. smoothing wrinkles and cellulite (which we will talk about later);
  • Maintaining harmony in the lipid profile (cholesterol and atherosclerosis hide here);
  • Strengthening the immune system (mainly thanks to the invaluable monolaurin and vitamin E);
  • Strengthening bones and teeth, because oil promotes the absorption of vitamin D and calcium;
  • Healing nutrition for Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and oncology;
  • High-quality digestion, incl. support of beneficial microflora and suppression of candida fungi (nod to monolaurin and caprylic acid);
  • Stabilization of healthy hormonal levels;
  • Helps with weight loss and blood glucose balance.

Coconut oil for weight loss

The issue deserves separate clarification.

  1. The benefit is determined by the dose limitation: up to 2 tablespoons per day, not daily.
  2. And also the feature of medium chain triglycerides. They are very easily digestible, do not require excess enzymes and bile, and quickly enter the liver for energy synthesis. This speeds up metabolism (up to 46%!) and protects against the transfer of incoming fat to harmful reserves on the waist and hips. Ketone bodies are actively formed, which significantly reduce appetite. The result is long-lasting satiety and a lot of energy.

Overweight is often accompanied by hyperinsulinism and gall bladder problems. Coconut oil is not overloading internal organs, as happens when consuming well-known vegetable oils (where long-chain triglycerides predominate).

Harmonization of hormonal levels, which ensures stable slimness, is another merit of medium-chain fatty acids. They help convert cholesterol into the sterone pregnenolone, a precursor to our hormones.

And a few words about the mysteries of the intestines. The imbalance of intestinal flora into Candida fungi is the reason for the insatiable craving for sugar. Coconut oil suppresses candida and strengthens microbiota balance.

For frying in cooking: a rare advantage

Unrefined coconut oil has a high smoke point. According to various sources, from 177°C. Refined coconut oil has an even higher value (from 204°C, but it also has much less benefits).

At the same time, there are very few polyunsaturated fatty acids in coconut oil (up to 2-3%). There is almost nothing for harmful trans fats to form from, even at very high temperatures.

When frying, the average temperature ranges from 120 to 170°C, less often up to 200°C. When extinguishing it is even lower: up to 100°C.

Let's put the facts together.

  1. The “smoke point” of coconut oil is almost 2 times higher than the stewing temperature, and even quick frying in a hot frying pan is unlikely to heat this fat to dangerous levels.
  2. Even if the temperature soars, coconut oil is primarily composed of fatty acids that are more heat-resistant (saturated).

Here's why frying with coconut oil is safe, although not cheap.

And constantly frying refined sunflower or corn is directly harmful to health. Because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids (more than 50%). These oils are dangerous after refining, and unrefined ones have a low smoke point (about 107°C).

  • Of all the heat treatment methods It is safest to stew and steam. Frying and even baking from 180 degrees is a dubious choice for products containing a lot of easily oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is especially important in children's and medical nutrition.

Use in food: 10 simple recipes

How tasty and healthy is it to use coconut oil in food?

Safely sauté, fry and bake.

This is a clear advantage compared to sunflower or corn, which are unstable when heated. Start with an omelet: you will be surprised at how economical this product is due to its solid consistency when stored in the refrigerator. A small amount on a fork will grease a wide, hot pan normally.

It’s very tasty to bake vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes). Try to bake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees Celsius. Pairs well with curry and other spicy seasonings. All dishes with an Asian twist are ideal for your first introduction to the rich possibilities of fat.

Healthier baking is within our power!

We replace oils that are unsafe when heated with coconut oil - in the amount specified in the recipe. If solid fat is required, freeze the product first. Grease your pans and baking sheets is another good choice.

We enrich breakfast: in coffee or on toast.

  • Just add 1 heaping teaspoon to your morning coffee. And whipping it in a blender and sweetening it slightly is the easiest way to get used to a healthy substitute for cream.
  • Spread toast with whole grain bran bread. An affordable snack with a pleasant coconut aroma.

We prepare healing homemade mayonnaise.

  1. We need 2 oils: 0.5 cups olive and 1 cup liquid coconut.
  2. If necessary, let the second one melt: place the container with it in a slightly larger bowl with warm water.
  3. Mix 4 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon in a blender apple cider vinegar and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard powder.
  4. Reduce the speed to minimum and very slowly (!), in a stream, add 2 oils - coconut and olive.

Fondue with dark chocolate and fruits.

(70%+) and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Bananas, apples, strawberries, wild strawberries and nectarines - this recipe is a hit! everything will work.

Add healthy fats to smoothies.

For any recipe - 1 teaspoon per 1-2 glasses. It is especially good to fortify drinks with a low-fat base (juice, kefir, water).

Relieves colds and sore throats.

Method number 1. We brush our teeth. Slowly dissolve and swallow ½-1 teaspoon of oil 3 times a day.

Method number 2. We also use oil with powder: for 1-2 glasses - 1 teaspoon. Mix well with a fork and store in the refrigerator.

A delicious choice for raw vegan desserts.

Raw candies and cakes include coconut oil as an ingredient that holds its shape well after cooling. A special delight is the creamy taste and strong friendship with nuts and dried fruits.

Possible harm and contraindications

Everything is medicine. Or poison if the dose is wrong.

Start using coconut oil in your food c 0.5-1 teaspoon per day.

Monitor your reaction, especially in the skin and digestive tract. The first day is for acute intolerance and a little later (1-2 weeks of use). It happens that pathological sensitivity to a product from a different climate zone manifests itself over time according to a cumulative principle.

If you are on a balanced diet, the average daily dose limit is 2 tablespoons, not daily. It's best to save this fat for quick frying. And for food without heating, focus on olive oil.

Dose for children weighing from 20 to 40 kg - up to 2 teaspoons per day+ gradual, careful introduction of the product.

For older people - depending on the reaction: 1-2 tablespoons daily. For problems of the central nervous system (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.) - up to 3-4 tablespoons.

Where to buy, how to choose and store correctly

We store it simply: glass, darkness, refrigerator.

Pharmacies most often sell hot-pressed coconut oil, which is relatively suitable for cosmetics.

For food consumption, our task is to find unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil. It must be a pure product with only one ingredient - coconut oil:

  1. On the label the production method is “cold pressed” or “extra virgin”;
  2. The quality of the raw materials is “organic”, preferably without the use of hexane. Names of popular strict certifications: BDIH, NaTrue, USDA Organic.

For us, shopping in online stores is most convenient. Take your time and study the information on the product card. If the store is large, pay attention to reviews and ratings. Detailed customer opinions and a rating of 4.5 are a good sign.

Where to buy coconut oil for food?

The online store is relevant for Moscow.

We use the giant iHerb. its wide range. The store ships worldwide and is very well organized in terms of product cards, reviews and ratings.

Four products we love.

  1. From TM Nutiva: economical large packaging.
  2. From TM Nature’s Way: a successful jar to try (454 g)
  3. From TM Jarrow Formulas: great pleasure.
  4. For the first test, the jar is 2 times smaller.

High-quality coconut oil is not cheap, but it is better to pay for health than to spend money on illnesses.

We will be happy to hear your experience with the hero of the review, and also answer questions about coconut oil and its use in food. The product is unique with great healing potential, but our body most of all strengthens the sense of proportion. Eat deliciously, check the given doses and recipes and be healthy!

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The uses of coconut oil are so vast and varied that an entire encyclopedia could be dedicated to them.

The product is used in cosmetology, medicine, and cooking.

Below are only the most popular and accessible methods.

Use as food

  1. Frying, baking and stewing. Coconut oil is an ideal fat for cooking with it. high temperature. Being a saturated fat, it does not oxidize when heated. While everyone else vegetable oils, even those famous for their benefits, like olive oil, do this. At the same time, it is oxidized fat that can harm the body.
  2. Making sandwiches. Great for making sandwiches. Can be used instead of cream. Gives the snack a light coconut flavor.
  3. Energy snack with chia seeds. Among others is their ability to give the body a boost of energy. Especially during the midday loss of strength and after intense physical activity. Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconut have similar properties. Therefore, to increase strength at the moment of their decline, it is useful to mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and ½ tbsp. spoons of seeds. You can eat it just like that – dry. Or you can dilute it with water and get a wonderful sports drink.
  4. Additive to coffee. Place 1 teaspoon per cup. This gives the drink a creamy texture and gives it the ability to provide more energy to the body.
  5. Chocolate coconut fondue. Perhaps this is the most useful way eating chocolate. 1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of butter with 2 cups of chopped chocolate (necessarily bitter black). And slowly melt. If it turns out too thick, add a little more fat. Served with fresh strawberries, bananas and apples.
  6. Addition to smoothies. Suitable for any similar drinks. Gives them a creamy structure and the ability to provide the body with a greater boost of energy. Place 1-2 tbsp on a glass. spoons.
  7. Making popcorn. If you make this baby snack yourself at home, make it with coconut fat. This will give her at least some benefit.
  8. Making homemade mayonnaise. Harmful refined sunflower oil in this recipe can be replaced with healing tropical fat. True, mayonnaise will turn out to be very expensive, since it should be replaced in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  9. Adding to Baking. Coconut oil can not only replace harmful vegetable fat in mayonnaise, but also any other fat in any baked goods. Also replaced in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  10. Making homemade muesli (granola). Combine 3 cups oatmeal (regular), 1 cup chopped nuts (any to taste), 2 teaspoons cinnamon, ½ teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup honey. Melt the coconut oil and pour it into the mixture. Stir. Bake at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Then reduce the oven heat to low and bake for another 5-7 minutes. Next, turn off the oven and keep your food in it for another half hour.

Don't forget that regular consumption of coconut oil helps:

  • eliminate inflammation in the body, which can be of a latent, sluggish nature, and the presence of which you may not even be aware of;
  • strengthen immunity; lose weight and normalize hormonal status;
  • prevent the development of osteoporosis;
  • protect the brain from the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, as well as improve sleep quality;
  • eliminate fungal infection caused by microorganisms of the genus Candida;
  • save the body from cancer;
  • improve digestion and normalize the functioning of intestinal microflora;
  • stabilize sugar levels to prevent diabetes and improve lipid profile to prevent atherosclerosis.

Use for skin

  1. Natural moisturizer. Simply warm the oil in your hands and apply it to clean, dry skin before bed. Hold for 5 minutes. Then wipe off what is not absorbed with a napkin.
  2. Remedy for wrinkles around the eyes. Gently apply a small amount of product to the eye area. And leave it on all night. To make the product more effective, add a little incense oil to it.
  3. Makeup remover. It has many advantages over commercial analogues, as it does not irritate the skin around the eyes. But it moisturizes it perfectly. To remove makeup, gently lubricate the areas of skin that require cleaning and then remove with a tissue.
  4. Cleanser. Apply to skin instead of soap. And rinse with water. Can be mixed with lavender or tea tree essential oils for added benefits and aroma.
  5. Body moisturizer after shower. Spread a thin layer over the entire surface of the skin. This will help it stay moist longer. And protects against the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays.
  6. Bath salt. Mix together a quarter cup each of coconut fat and Epsom salts. And add the mixture to the bath. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Epsom salts will help detoxify your skin, while adding coconut will hydrate and soothe your skin.
  7. Natural deodorant. The product can be applied to the skin in the armpit area as a deodorant. Since it has significant antifungal activity, it prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odor sweat. Those wishing to use a more fragrant mixture can add a little of their favorite essential oil.
  8. Cellulite Remedy. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon with 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil. And apply the mixture to problem areas. Massage. You can also rub with a dry brush to increase blood circulation.
  9. Shaving cream. The product can be used as a regular shaving cream. To do this, you need to heat the razor in your palm so that the oil on it melts. And shave. Helps prevent irritation after shaving. Eliminates the problem of ingrown hairs. Can even be used on particularly sensitive areas, such as the bikini area.
  10. Sunscreen. Has a degree of ultraviolet protection SPF 4. If you are in the sun for a long time, be sure to apply to the skin several times. If you do get burned, this will help speed up healing and relieve pain.
  11. Massage oil. It is not necessary to massage problematic cellulite areas of the body. Can also be used for general massage. Helps you relax. Eliminates muscle pain. It would be a good idea to add a few drops of lavender or mint oil to the coconut product.
  12. A product for softening rough skin on the feet. Helps eliminate cracked heels. You need to rub in at least 2 tbsp. spoons into each foot. Leave until completely absorbed.
  13. Scrub. Mix with a small amount of ground coffee beans. And you will get a wonderful scrub for your face and body. Use it as you would normally apply this cosmetic product.
  14. Highlighter. Coconut oil gives a natural youthful glow to the skin on the cheeks and eyelids. Does not require the use of any additional cosmetics or removal procedures.
  15. Soap self made . If you are interested in soap making, then you can use coconut oil as a fat base.

For teeth, gums, lips

  1. Toothpaste . Mix ½ cup with 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Add 10-20 drops of cinnamon and/or peppermint essential oil.
  2. Mouth rinse. Take 1 tbsp into your mouth. spoon. Slowly roll it around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, trying to ensure that it gets into all the cracks. Spit it out and brush your teeth. The procedure may seem somewhat tedious. But it helps reduce the symptoms of gingivitis by 56% and pathological plaque by 68%. For some people, this is almost the only opportunity to save their teeth.
  3. Lip balm. Combine 2 tbsp. spoons with 1 tbsp. spoon of shea butter and 2 tbsp. spoons of beeswax. Let the mixture sit for 6 hours. And then use it as a regular balm to moisturize your lips.
  4. Lip gloss. If you want to not only moisturize your lips, but also slightly tint them, add beet juice, cocoa, turmeric or cinnamon to the previous recipe until you obtain the desired shade.

For hair and nails

  1. Shampoo. Add a little apple cider vinegar to the oil and use it like regular shampoo. Helps maintain bright hair color and shine. Does not contain those harmful chemical compounds that are present in almost all commercial shampoos.
  2. Hair conditioner. Apply to hair and distribute over its entire length. Indicated for use on weakened, dry hair. For absolutely short haircut It will be enough to use 1 teaspoon, for long hair – 2 tbsp. spoons
  3. Anti-dandruff remedy. Rub vigorously into the scalp. Then rinse thoroughly.
  4. Styling product. Apply to the ends of the hair. In addition to allowing you to style your hair without using commercial styling products with harmful chemicals, this treatment prevents split ends and adds extra shine to your hair.
  5. Taking care of your nails. If you regularly visit a nail salon, it is useful to treat your nails with coconut oil, as this significantly reduces the risk of developing a fungal infection. In addition, it accelerates nail growth and facilitates cuticle removal.

For medical purposes

  1. Sore throat remedy. Eat ½-1 teaspoon 3 times a day for severe pain in the throat. And this will make your condition easier. You can also prepare a decoction of licorice and add oil to it. This type of drink is also good for pain relief when swallowing.
  2. Strengthening immunity against colds. To not only relieve a sore throat, but also speed up overall recovery, prepare a decoction of or licorice. Add honey, coconut oil and lemon to it.
  3. intimate lubricant. The product has good antifungal and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it not only moisturizes the vagina, but also protects against infections. Its only drawback is that it cannot be used with latex condoms, as it dissolves latex.
  4. Acceleration of healing of wounds and burns. Is a natural neosporin. Works especially well when combined with frankincense and lavender oil.
  5. Repellent. 1 tbsp. a spoon should be mixed with a few drops of essential oils of tea tree, mint and rosemary. It can be used without fear on all parts of the body by both children and adults. Repels midges, mosquitoes, flies and bees.
  6. Antifungal ointment . It should be regularly applied to the affected areas of the skin, as well as to the feet to prevent the development of fungal infections.
  7. Herpes remedy. If you lubricate the fever on your lips several times a day, it will disappear much faster.
  8. Rubbing for colds. Mix coconut oil with a small amount of eucalyptus and rub the mixture onto your chest. This will open respiratory tract, will make breathing easier. Helps you sleep better during illness.
  9. Remedy for eczema and psoriasis. Mix with geranium and shea butter. Apply regularly on affected skin areas.
  10. Remedy for diaper rash in children. Lubricate your baby's skin that is irritated by diapers. This will help eliminate swelling, redness, burning and itching. You need to start with a dose of 1 tbsp. spoon.
  11. Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy. Apply regularly to the abdominal area. This prevents the occurrence of stretch marks, redness, dark spots etc.

The following selection of uses of coconut oil is incomplete. For example, the product is often used for household needs: cleaning shoes and wiping furniture. However, such methods of application are quite expensive for our country, and therefore are not described in detail.