Goldfish craft made from threads on cardboard. Lesson summary "Goldfish"

Checks students' readiness for the lesson.

Today we are starting to study the new section “Man and Water”. There are many odes on Earth. How do we feel about it? Are we saving water? Let's talk about this in class today. And today you will have to master a new technique of weaving threads

The role of water in life on Earth is great. Living organisms on our planet have adapted to all kinds of conditions: complete darkness, heat and cold. But no living creature can survive without water. All plants and animals contain water, and jellyfish are 96-97% water. But there is more salt water on Earth. There is very little fresh water. And humans, animals and plants need fresh water. A person uses 60 tons of water per year just in the process of nutrition. And 300 tons of water are used to satisfy his other needs.

But fresh water, necessary for all living things, is very, very small compared to salt water. The trouble is that clean water is getting smaller and smaller. Factories and factories discharge dirty water into rivers and lakes, which contains many harmful substances. To ensure that there are fewer of these substances in water bodies, special treatment facilities are built. In them, water passes through various filters. But, unfortunately, not all water is purified. And you and I often forget that the cleanliness of water bodies is the concern of every person. But we often see vacationers washing their cars on the banks of rivers and lakes, heaps of garbage on the shore.

And then we wonder why the water is dirty and you can’t walk along the shore barefoot.

Reads a poem:

Man, remember forever:

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

Save it and take care -

We are not alone on the planet!

E. Yevtushenko

There are many rivers, lakes and seas on the territory of Russia. For the inhabitants of the country, water has always played a big role. Various cargoes were floated along the rivers, and food was obtained in the seas and rivers. After all, in rivers, lakes and seas there were a lot of different fish: from crucian carp to huge catfish, from sprat to whales. Therefore, fishermen provided their families with tasty food both in winter and summer.

Do you know what tools and equipment a fisherman needs? Look at the pictures and read the text in the textbook (pp. 72-73) How are networks made? Nets are woven from fishing line. Today we will also do weaving. We will learn a new technique for working with threads - “isothreading”

Isothread or thread graphics is the creation of an image with thread on a solid base, paper, cardboard, or CD.

Isothread is an original type of DPI, going back to folk craftsmen England. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads. They drove nails into the boards in a certain sequence and pulled threads onto them. The result was openwork lace products that were used to decorate the home. Currently, the art of ison thread is widely used for decorating products and household items, for interior decoration, for making gifts and souvenirs (showing slides or products)

Tools and materials needed for work: cardboard, threads (sewing floss iris), needle, awl, scissors, compass, ruler. The technique of performing isothread attracts with its simplicity of execution and originality and is accessible to people of any age. To master it, it is enough to know two basic techniques: filling an angle and filling a circle. Here's how to apply a graphic thread pattern onto cardboard (tells and shows). Draw the outline of the pattern on the back of the cardboard, divide the image with dots into equal parts and pierce each dot with a thin awl. The smaller the distance between the divisions, the clearer the design will be, but at the same time it will be more difficult and longer to embroider. To master the technique, it is enough to know how an angle, circle, and arc are filled.

Conducts a physical education session

Checks the organization of the workplace

Prepare for work necessary tools and materials

Using simple materials, you can imitate a cobweb and make original toys, flowers and much more. Put in a little effort and imagination and you will get a wonderful result!

You will need:

1. Silicate office glue in a plastic bottle.
2. Spool(s) of white (optional colored) thread? 40-60.
3. Glass jar for spools of thread.
4. Scissors.
5. Thick and long needle.
6. Balloon (preferably a fingertip).
7. PVA glue for gluing parts.
8. Colored paper for the production of parts according to patterns.

Operating procedure:

inflate balloon about the size of an apple, tie it well, cut the ends of the thread.
Place the spool in a glass jar so that the thread unwinds from it easily and freely.
Thread the end of the thread into a needle and pierce a bottle of silicate glue with it, then you can wipe the needle and put it away; you won’t need it anymore.
Pull the thread several times in different directions, check whether it easily passes through the punctures in the bottle.
Then take in left hand balloon and, slowly, wrap it with glue-soaked thread - this is how a cocoon is made.
If you use the whole spool, the cocoon will be too dense. The fewer threads, the lighter and more delicate it is. Two very beautiful cocoons can come out of one coil.
The wet cocoon should be placed to dry on oilcloth away from heating devices. It will be ready in about 4 hours.
If the drying cocoon crackles, it means that air is escaping from the ball and the cocoon will not be rigid enough, which in turn will affect the quality of the product.
When the cocoon dries, you need to remove the balloon from it. Carefully pierce it with a needle and pull it out through the cell in the bottom wall. If you still need a balloon for one product, carefully untie the thread and deflate the air.
You have in your hands a weightless openwork product made from a magic cobweb.

In order to make such a charming goldfish, you need to make an oval cocoon from white threads. To do this, take a fingertip, inflate it harder and tie it tightly with thread. Next, using the technique you are already familiar with, make a cocoon from white threads, and while the cocoon dries, prepare the remaining parts. It is best to make them from colored foil, but you can also use colored paper.

The eye is assembled from three parts - yellow, red and black. The parts should be cut out, placed on top of each other and connected with drops of PVA glue.

The tail is also assembled from three parts - two on the sides (identical) and one in the middle. Place the side parts onto the paper circle by the flaps towards each other. Halfway between them, pour in the middle part of the tail.

Crown. Cut the flap on the crown with a fringe and bend it inward. Then close the crown into a ring and glue the edges.

Mouth and lower fins. Cut out these parts and bend the flaps.

Dorsal. Cut out the development of the fin, bend it in the middle along the fold lines. Then, before gluing the fin together, attach it to the back of the goldfish - to the cocoon itself. To do this, tie a long thread to the cocoon from the top in the middle. Pierce the open dorsal fin in the middle and, passing a thread through the hole, connect it to the cocoon. Lubricate the bottom of the fin with glue and glue it to the cocoon. Then lift the edges of the fin and glue them together.

Assembly should be carried out only after the cocoon has completely dried.

Glue the eyes, mouth and lower fins (behind the valves) onto the cocoon with the dorsal fin. On the crown, lubricate the valve bent inward with glue and press firmly to the head. Lastly, glue the tail assembled on the mug (press the circle coated with glue to the cocoon). Hang the finished fish by a thread released from the upper fin.


Applique made from threads, as a rule, is not more difficult than any another application. In addition, it is very simple in its technique even for the little ones, which makes it even more popular among other types of arts and crafts.

As an introduction, let's find out how to glue fish onto paper from threads using PVA glue and, most importantly, this will be 2nd class technology.

To make a fish from threads, we will need:

1. PVA glue;
2. Threads (woolen, different colors);
3. Scissors;
4. Pencil;
5. Eraser.

Now we begin to master the art of thread applique.

1. Take a pencil and start drawing.

2. You can also prepare a stencil for your child in advance, which he will later trace with a pencil or pen.

3. We start with the largest plane (in this case, this is both the head and torso). Apply PVA glue to the body of the fish.

5. We move in a spiral.

6. We get this silhouette.

7. After this, we fill in the most obvious gaps.

8. Now we make sponges for ours. To do this, take a pink thread, cut it to 3-3.5 cm and apply it to the edge of the upper part of the body.

9. Now we make a fin out of threads.

10. Then the fish tail.

11. We take into account that the tail must be filled with threads gradually. First we apply glue to one and then to the second part.

12. Don't forget about the back fins. Carefully cut the threads by eye, starting from long ones and ending with shorter ones.

13. Make an eye for the fish (twist a spiral of purple thread and glue it near the lips. Then cut a little pink thread for a beautiful pupil). We also decorate the fins with pink threads.

14. We leave a little room for imagination and make scales from different threads. There are many options for how this can be done. In this case, we make the scales in a wave, alternating all the colors. On the contrary, you can cut the thread into small pieces and stick them with an arc. You can just stripes. As you know, children are more courageous and free when it comes to creativity.

Finally, carefully fill the places where even a small part of the paper is visible with threads (of the appropriate color). Now our fish made of thread and glue on paper is ready!


You will need

Thick blue or light blue cardboard, red, orange, yellow threads, needle, scissors.

Work progress

1. Use a needle to make working holes for the sketch of the drawing on the cardboard. They must be applied to the reverse side in a mirror image in accordance with the picture.

2. Sew a fish circle inside the body using red thread based on the basic “circle” element. Then, using orange thread, sew an oval on the body based on the basic “arc” element.

3. Using yellow threads, make a fin based on the basic “triangle” element. Moreover, the lower side of this figure is at the same time top part torso.

4. Use yellow threads to make the tail of the fish based on the basic element “triangle” (Fig. 56).

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Isothread for beginners schemes with numbers flowers step by step

Isothread for beginners schemes with numbers flowers step by step

allows you to create true masterpieces. It’s so easy to master that even every novice needlewoman will soon be able to become proficient in embroidery beautiful cards, still lifes, ornaments and even portraits. In order to bring this moment closer, you need to learn how to create beautiful flowers using this technique.

Necessary equipment

To work with the isothread technique, you will need to prepare the following “ingredients”:

  • Base (it is assumed to use velvet cardboard or paper);
  • A safety pin (it is advisable for novice craftswomen to “arm themselves” with an awl);
  • Sewing threads (any);
  • Igloo;
  • Foam plastic (for lining).
  • Basic rules

    The pattern with numbers you choose will help you make beautiful flowers, as well as tips for beginners that our master class offers. If you already know how an angle and a circle are worked out, then you will have to act as follows:

    Enhancing the effect Once you start working with the isothread technique, you will soon see that it, like no other, is perfect for creating truly luxurious products. If you initially have complex patterns in your hands, then to enhance the decorative effects, act as it tells you. Otherwise, our master class for beginners will help you.
    You have to do the following manipulations:

    Schemes always indicate each of the stages with Roman numerals.
    Petal elaboration
    A flower petal embroidered using the isothread technique should be worked out like incomplete stitching of an oval. You should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • work should begin from the sharp end of the embroidered element;
    • work should end there;
    • choose the distance between 2 points equal to the line that touches the bottom of the embroidered element.

    We embroider flowers for the holiday

    How about embroidering delicate chamomile, forget-me-not and cornflowers using the iso-thread technique? Choose the schemes that suit you and act boldly!
    To make a chamomile flower using the isothread technique, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

    • embroider several petals;
    • in the middle of each of the resulting flowers, sew a beautiful bead;
    • work out the buds (the diagrams will tell you exactly how to do this);
    • work the leaves and stems in the same way.

    Forget-me-not You can get a beautiful and delicate forget-me-not that will decorate your interior by following these steps:

    • embroider flowers;
    • carefully work through the leaves (as indicated in the diagrams);
    • draw stems in steps of one to three.

    Would you like to have a flower in your home - a symbol of purity, tenderness and holiness? Then, without further delay, start embroidering the cornflower. This wildflower will fit perfectly into the interior or will a great gift dear person. And you will need to do the following:

    • work out the core of the flower (steps one to ten);
    • carefully sew a bead along the contour;
    • depict the petals of a plant;
    • work through the leaves (steps one to eight);
    • embroider the stems (steps one to three);
    • finalize the remaining elements.

    The work is ready!

    To ensure your work is perfect, try to follow the tips below:

  • When you fill the corner, make sure that on the “face” of the embroidery the threads are pulled from one side of the element to the other (on the wrong side the stitches are arranged in the form of dashes);
  • On wrong side the contour of the circle should be exactly repeated;
  • If you need to make the thread longer, then, having secured it on the wrong side, you can safely introduce a new one;
  • To avoid tangling, do not measure the thread short.
  • Finally
    The finished picture with flowers can be pasted onto a cardboard sheet. If you wish, you can make a frame, and then give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

    Schemes with flowers


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