What's happening to Nikas Safronov's son now? Nikas Safronov's son is fatally obese

28-year-old Luka Zatravkin, the son of the famous artist Nikas Safronov, gave an interview in which he spoke about the difficult struggle with excess weight. The young man says that he has always been overweight, and even at the age of 11 he weighed more than a hundred kilograms. Excess weight He has always been unhappy with his body, but it’s very difficult to fight it.

I have been overweight since childhood,” says Luka. - At the age of 11, I weighed 110 kilograms. At seventeen I reached 158. Doctors said that without many operations it would not be possible to lose weight. But I tuned in internally, went on a strict diet, and began to play sports. My diet was minimal: 300-400 calories per day plus daily physical activity. Then in a year I lost almost half my weight and began to weigh 76 kilograms. It was a victory, but a temporary one. I got better again and again.

In 2016, when his weight exceeded two hundred, doctors advised him to urgently lose weight. Luka admits that it is not so easy, but he does not intend to give up and even specially bought a special treadmill for fat people- it costs 250 thousand rubles.

It’s becoming more and more difficult for me to live in a large body,” says Zatravkin. - Recently I flew to a concert in Minsk, then to Makhachkala, to Kaspiysk. I had to move a lot, and it’s not easy. After rehearsals and trips, I try to exercise my muscles on the treadmill. I walk until I feel tired.


Luca is a professional pianist. He admits that the kilograms interfere with his work.

Other musicians play worse than me, but look more presentable. IN modern world appearance is very important! - Luka is sure. - Previously, I tried not to notice the sidelong glances, but every year this became more and more. Today's topic is my excess weight is discussed much more often than my professional merits and skills.

Luka admits that his father, 62-year-old artist Nikas Safronov, knows about his son’s health problems, and this worries him.

People don’t mince words,” Luka sighs. - They ask directly: “How can you look like that? This is indecent, ugly.” Although I seem to lead a normal life and try to treat others with respect. My father is a real dandy, macho. And I feel embarrassed in front of him, because he is constantly asked the same question: “Is this fat guy really your son?” This is a painful topic for him.


Problems in the relationship between the artist and his son intensified when in March 2016, Luka was involved in a serious accident, which resulted in the death of a woman. That day, Luka, in his BMW X6, killed an elderly Muscovite who had stepped out onto a pedestrian crossing at a prohibitory traffic light. A case was initiated against Zatravkin under the article “Violation of the Rules traffic resulting in the death of a person through negligence.” According to him, he still feels terrible guilt:

My inner feeling of remorse and grief cannot be expressed. “It’s not that I don’t justify myself, I don’t know how to punish myself,” Luka asserted.


He also feels guilty before his mother, Safronov’s former common-law wife Inna Zatravkina. He feels involved in her illness. This is not the first year that a woman has been fighting cancer. By the way, on that ill-fated evening when Luka hit the woman, he was returning from his seriously ill mother.

“It all started a few years ago,” said the artist’s son. - Then I learned about the healing Tibetan herb, it supposedly rejuvenates the body and cures all diseases. Mom was already old - she was over sixty, she was very tired, I decided to help. I saved up money and bought her this miracle herb, the course cost $2000. A month later, her joints and bones began to hurt. They thought it was due to fatigue. Nine months later the course was repeated. The condition worsened - my mother could not move. The hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis and prescribed treatment... In 2014, Inna began to fade before our eyes. She was prescribed chemotherapy, continues Luka, but because of it, calcium was washed out of the body, and the bones became weak, and in December, my mother’s spine broke. Now our life is hellish pain, sleepless nights, IVs, a mountain of expensive medications, four injections a week for 100 euros. And it all started because of that grass that provokes cell mutation. I found out that many celebrities who drank this stuff got cancer.


“StarHit” met with the musician in the lobby of the medical center. While preparations for the concert were in full swing: the piano was being installed, small spectators and their parents were seated, Luka told why he decided to perform, as soon as he left the intensive care ward, where he was taken with a diagnosis of pneumonia.

“Lying under a drip, I realized that we are all the same, and it makes no difference whether you are rich or famous when your condition is extremely serious,” notes the composer. “Of the eleven people who were in the room with me, three died literally before my eyes.”

He decided that after leaving the threshold of the Botkin Hospital, he would definitely take part in a charity event. “I called my close friends Dima and Denis, shared the idea, and together we decided to buy gifts,” the pianist recalls.

The choice was made on books, coloring books, construction sets and robots. In total, several copies were purchased for a total amount of 50 thousand rubles. “They cannot be given plush toys, since everything must be processed in a special way, so choosing something suitable is always a problem, but we managed,” emphasizes the laureate of music competitions.

The patients were not left without sweets that day either - a batch of designer natural marmalade was prepared especially for them, which does not contain sugar or components that are contraindicated for children undergoing treatment. The dessert was prepared by Luka’s good friend and one of the best pastry chefs in Moscow, Oleg Ilyin.

The life of every patient at the medical center literally hangs in the balance. The medical center has 315 rooms, where there are almost no free seats. Every day a group of specialists fights for the health of each child.

“Supporting such children, helping and giving them gifts is a serious task, because we too may end up in such a hospital where we need care and attention, especially for those who do not have it,” says the artist’s 26-year-old son.

The pianist ended the performance with a touching speech, where he wished everyone to get well and return to a full life as soon as possible, promising to delight everyone with his concert again in the near future. The children and their parents thanked Luka with loud applause and expressed their gratitude with the warmest words.

So, for eight-year-old Vanya Zhogolev, this concert became a miracle. His parents accepted the diagnosis of embryonal rhabdomyososaocoma of the anterior chest"as a sentence. But thanks to the work of experienced doctors and a strong desire to recover, Ivan underwent four complex operations, one of which lasted 11 hours. On this day he received from Luka Safronov Lego constructor, which I really dreamed about.

“Now the boy has neither a tumor nor metastases. This gift that was brought to him is a well-deserved reward, his little medal,” says Vanya’s attending physician.

Despite the fact that the child’s condition has stabilized, medication is needed for a full recovery. Unfortunately, the boy's family at the moment can't afford it. “We spent everything we had. Medicines are now very expensive, we even New Year“We couldn’t buy Vanya the construction set that he asked from Grandfather Frost,” says Ivan’s mother Milana Zhogoleva. “But Luke arranged a real holiday for us.”

The composer was not released for a long time; parents and employees of the center came up one by one to personally shake hands and thank him. Joy and hope for a happy future appeared in the children's eyes. “I think I'll be back home soon. Now I’ve learned to cook soup, I’ll help my mother with lunch, and when I grow up, I’ll become a builder or a superhero like Iron Man,” Vanya Zhogolev shared his dreams.

// Photo: Still from the program

The 25-year-old son of Nikas Safronov is in critical condition. Luka weighs more than two hundred kilograms. Doctors are sounding the alarm - if the young man does not take care of his health, he may die.

Acquaintances of the star family, experts and doctors gathered in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program. Luke made it clear that the roots of his problem go back to his distant childhood. As an example, the young man recalled one of the dialogues with his famous father.

“My father didn’t give me a painting for my bedroom. I always dreamed of a painting with a naked lady, and he said: “If you lose weight, I’ll give it to you.” I lost weight once, as they say, for fun. But he had no intention of giving anything, it turns out. And I decided to get fat again, so that the second time would be certain...” Luka laughed it off.

// Photo: Still from the program

However, no one in the studio found his words funny. Viewers did not even immediately believe that the famous artist raised a child in this way. However, Nikas Safronov appeared and justified himself for his words.

“My son is an independent person, of course, but I’m worried. This is physiology, and I have agreed with a hypnotist who may influence him. He has a predisposition from his mother, and it is very difficult for him to cope with this now. When Luka was 16 years old, he was dependent on me, and I supported them. But I set a condition: “Come on, lose weight, otherwise I will end the relationship with you.” He started to lose weight and lost weight. But at the same time he became withdrawn. Stopped answering calls. Some kind of stressful moment arose, and he began to communicate little with people,” Safronov said frankly.

Nikas admitted that he regrets that he did not pay enough attention to his son. “I would, of course, go to the pool with him, swim, I myself sports man. I only supported when it was necessary to give money for concerts, competitions, roads, hotels. But I didn’t have such a feeling with him - breathing over a sick child,” said the artist.

// Photo: Still from the program

One of the participants in the discussion that unfolded after Safronov’s words, Irina Agibalova, spoke harshly about what she heard. The ex-participant of “House-2” herself lost 40 kilograms of excess weight several years ago.

“I am not embarrassed by this form of education. I believe that Nikas is trying to make a man out of a boy. And in front of me I see a cowardly, weak man who is trying to depend on his father. If you constantly think about whether dad will help or not, then you will not succeed. Dad is doing the right thing. He throws you into the water so that you learn to swim,” Agibalova said.

// Photo: Still from the program

Meanwhile, Nikas admitted that he did not turn away from his son. The artist understands that his heir is a deeply vulnerable person who has experienced lately a lot of stressful situations.

In addition, it turned out that Safronov was generally unaware of the real state of his son’s health. Luka did not tell his father that his weight was critical. Doctors diagnosed young man a form of obesity incompatible with life. He was recommended to be hospitalized. The famous artist admitted that he was saddened by what was happening and promised to begin to deal more seriously with his son’s problems after the program.

“I think that from today we will start studying together,” the artist assured the audience.

The artist's heir weighs more than 200 kilograms. Luka Safronov revealed the truth that his problems come from childhood.

Nikas Safronov promised that he would support his son in his quest to regain his health.

Luka Safronov
The 25-year-old son of Nikas Safronov is in critical condition. Luka weighs more than two hundred kilograms. Doctors are sounding the alarm - if the young man does not take care of his health, he may die.
Acquaintances of the star family, experts and doctors gathered in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program. Luke made it clear that the roots of his problem go back to his distant childhood. As an example, the young man recalled one of the dialogues with his famous father.
“My father didn’t give me a painting for my bedroom. I always dreamed of a painting with a naked lady, and he said: “If you lose weight, I’ll give it to you.” I lost weight once, as they say, for fun. But he had no intention of giving anything, it turns out. And I decided to get fat again, so that the second time would be certain...” Luka laughed it off.

Young man needs help to recover
However, no one in the studio found his words funny. Viewers did not even immediately believe that the famous artist raised a child in this way. However, Nikas Safronov appeared and justified himself for his words.
“My son is an independent person, of course, but I’m worried. This is physiology, and I have agreed with a hypnotist who may influence him. He has a predisposition from his mother, and it is very difficult for him to cope with this now. When Luka was 16 years old, he was dependent on me, and I supported them. But I set a condition: “Come on, lose weight, otherwise I will end the relationship with you.” He started to lose weight and lost weight. But at the same time he became withdrawn. Stopped answering calls. Some kind of stressful moment arose, and he began to communicate little with people,” Safronov said frankly.
Nikas admitted that he regrets that he did not pay enough attention to his son. “I would, of course, go to the pool with him, swim, I am a sports person myself. I only supported when it was necessary to give money for concerts, competitions, roads, hotels. But I didn’t have the same feeling with him – breathing over a sick child,” said the artist.

Nikas Safronov said that he set a condition for his son to lose weight
One of the participants in the discussion that followed Safronov’s words, Irina Agibalova, spoke harshly about what she heard. The ex-participant of “House-2” herself lost 40 kilograms of excess weight several years ago.
“I am not embarrassed by this form of education. I believe that Nikas is trying to make a man out of a boy. And in front of me I see a cowardly, weak man who is trying to depend on his father. If you constantly think about whether dad will help or not, then you will not succeed. Dad is doing the right thing. He throws you into the water so that you learn to swim,” Agibalova said.

Irina Agibalova supported the harsh method of raising Nikas Safronov
Meanwhile, Nikas admitted that he did not turn away from his son. The artist understands that his heir is a deeply vulnerable person who has recently experienced a lot of stressful situations.

In addition, it turned out that Safronov was generally unaware of the real state of his son’s health. Luka did not tell his father that his weight was critical. Doctors diagnosed the young man with a form of obesity incompatible with life. He was recommended to be hospitalized. The famous artist admitted that he was saddened by what was happening and promised to begin to deal more seriously with his son’s problems after the program.
“I think that from today we will start studying together,” the artist assured the audience.

At the end of the program, father and son hugged

On the evening of March 11, a terrible accident occurred in the north of Moscow. Son of a famous Russian artist Nikas Safronova(59) - talented pianist Luka Zatravkin(25) - killed an elderly woman crossing the road. The musician took the incident very hard. The police did not detain him.

It is reported that the tragedy occurred around 20:30 on Friday, but it became known only on Saturday thanks to a lawyer Sergei Zhorin(39). According to available information, Luka was driving his car BMW X6 along Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, while a 78-year-old pensioner got out of a nearby car and decided to cross the road at a red light two meters from the pedestrian crossing. Unfortunately, the woman died on the spot from her injuries before the ambulance arrived.

After the incident, Luka waited for the arrival of doctors and police representatives who carried out examinations. It turned out that the young man was absolutely sober and was moving at a speed not exceeding the norm.

“Now the investigation is underway... I spent Friday evening at home with my mother, who is now very ill,” Luka himself told the publication “ Komsomolskaya Pravda " - And then he left on business. At about 20:30 I take the green light on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya. Suddenly I see an elderly woman on the left who has stepped out of the pedestrian crossing and is walking on the red light! I sharply try to dodge, but the car has already caught her on the left side... I run out, try to help, but, alas, the woman is no longer breathing. Then they took me under escort to “take a breather” to check whether I had been drinking when I got behind the wheel. We carried out all the necessary tests.”

In addition, Luke added that he considers himself to be guilty. “Yes, she jumped out at red. There are many witnesses that she ran a red light and left the pedestrian zone. But how can she be to blame? The pedestrian is always right. I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased,” the musician said.

Tomorrow, March 14, Luka and one of the eyewitnesses of the accident will have to appear for questioning at the Investigative Committee. We hope that government officials will be objective and justice will soon prevail.

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