Diet to increase metabolism haley pomoroy. Hayley pomeroy diet to speed up metabolism

The developed sample diet menu for Hayley Pomeroy is aimed at speeding up metabolism, and this, as experts say, is the main component of losing weight. The nutritionist claims that by following all the recommendations you can lose 10 kg in a month, sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

Rules and menu for every day of the Hayley Pomeroy diet

To create her own method of losing weight, Hayley, according to her, discovered new laws of biochemistry and physiology. She assures that body weight does not depend at all on the number of calories consumed by a person, and the main enemy of obesity is a slow metabolism. Pomeroy does not prohibit eating various desserts, but she is against any serious restrictions on food.

The menu for each day of the Hayley Pomeroy diet is designed for a month, with each week divided into three phases with its own tasks: At the first stage, the diet is selected to get rid of stress, and it lasts two days. The basis of the menu is that the amount of fat and protein should be reduced. Cardio exercise is of great importance.

At the second stage, fat reserves are unblocked, and it also lasts two days. Hayley Pomeroy's diet menu is based on proteins, but it is important to reduce the amount of other substances. It is recommended to supplement the diet with strength training.

At the third stage, fats are intensively burned, and it lasts three days. The menu is mainly designed for the consumption of fats and fruits, but the amount of proteins and carbohydrates should be reduced. As for physical activity, you should give preference to gymnastics, yoga and massage.

To correctly create a menu, it is necessary to exclude from it unnatural and low-fat products, as well as dried fruits, juices, corn, wheat and soy. The forbidden category includes dairy products, as well as coffee and alcohol.

The menu is based on fractional meals, that is, you need to eat five times a day, and at equal intervals of 3-4 hours. Another rule is that you need to have breakfast no later than half an hour after waking up. Nutritionists recommend eating frozen foods, which have a better effect on your figure. It is imperative to drink water, which is important for metabolism.

Hayley Pomeroy's menu looks like this:

If a month is not enough to get rid of excess weight, then the diet should be repeated from the very beginning. To consolidate the results and not be afraid that the weight will come back, you need to exit the diet correctly. The nutritionist recommends continuing to follow the nutritional recommendations, leading an active lifestyle and taking vitamins.

The secret to the slimness of Hollywood stars has been revealed! Robert Downey and JLo sped up their metabolism with a special diet. Find out how and what you need to eat to lose up to 15 kg in just a month!

Among the many well-known diets, there are very few truly reliable ones. It would seem that if you supply your body with fewer calories than it consumes, you will lose weight. But some diets give an effect that is far from the promised one; after a while, the body simply stops responding to others. But the most unpleasant thing is that after a person stops following the diet regimen, the lost kilograms return and often in even greater quantities.

Bachelor of Science, nutritionist from the USA, Hayley Pomeroy, is known as the author of a unique diet to speed up metabolism, which allows you to lose 10-15 kg in a month, without starving at all and without fear of gaining weight in the future. Her nutrition system has helped many Hollywood stars lose weight. Thus, it was used by famous movie actors Robert Downey and JLo. The technique is based on the principles separate power supply, whose effectiveness has long been proven.

Mechanism of action

Metabolism or metabolism is a set of processes occurring in the body to maintain its viability. These processes can be aimed either at processing energy obtained from food into heat, or at building new cells (blood, muscles, bones, fat), or at creating reserves in the form of fat deposits. Some people can eat fatty, sweet, starchy foods while maintaining a slim figure. For others, even if you eat lettuce all day long, you won’t be able to lose weight.

It has been proven that the main aspect that explains difficulties with losing weight is low intensity. metabolic processes. Metabolic speed, which determines the degree of predisposition to obesity, is only 10% determined genetically, the remaining 90% is the result of lifestyle.

Metabolic processes are “guided” by hormones, and therefore the reasons for the low effectiveness of many weight loss methods are the inevitable changes in hormonal levels caused by their limited diet. It has been established that low-calorie diets reduce the dynamics of the thyroid gland and increase the activity of the adrenal glands.

And since the thyroid gland produces a hormone that accelerates fat burning, and the adrenal glands produce a hormone that protects fats from breakdown, the result is predictable - fat goes into “storage areas”. The Pomeroy diet speeds up metabolic processes and directs them in the right direction, not for accumulation, but for burning fat.

Pros and cons

The obvious advantages of this technique include:

  • high efficiency, confirmed by the results of almost five years of use;
  • varied and tasty diet;
  • low probability of “breakdowns” and the ability not to torture yourself with hunger strikes that are dangerous to your health due to the absence of strict restrictions on portion sizes;
  • The Hayley Pomeroy diet can be used at any age; it is not contraindicated in the presence of most chronic diseases. The limitation is the state of rehabilitation after a recent serious illness or surgery.

From a medical point of view, this nutrition system has no disadvantages. True, some nutritionists consider the calorie content of the diet to be too low for the body to function properly - on some days it does not exceed 700 kcal. Reviews from those who have lost weight indicate a fairly high cost of the daily menu, because one of the requirements is the preparation of dishes from fresh and high-quality products.

Basic rules

The technique was developed taking into account the biorhythms of the human body and is designed for 4 weeks. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Include in the menu only products listed in the list of permitted for a particular phase of the diet. They must be natural and not contain food additives, flavors, dyes or preservatives. If the body is forced to spend energy on removing harmful substances, its metabolism slows down, which contradicts the idea of ​​​​a dietary program.
  2. Have breakfast within half an hour of waking up. When metabolic processes start in the morning, the result will be higher.
  3. The diet includes three main meals and two snacks, with a break between main meals of at least 3 hours. This regime will keep digestive system in constant tone, creating conditions for complete digestion of food and consumption of previously accumulated fat reserves.
  4. The order of the phases must be strictly observed: since each has its own purpose, the diet will only be effective if they are followed exactly.
  5. You should not endure hunger, food should be enjoyable, and scrupulous calorie counting is not included in its program.
  6. Food can be prepared in any way.
  7. To gradually reduce the volume of the stomach, the author of the technique advises limiting the amount of food for one meal to a 250-gram cup. For people with large body weight, this amount can be increased to 1.5 cups.
  8. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid. You can drink still water, herbal teas, homemade lemonades with citrus juice and xylitol or stevia. Water is needed to maintain hydrobalance and remove toxins.
  9. Try to minimize stressful situations. It has been proven that a positive attitude helps you lose weight and boosts metabolism, while the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which are released during stress, force the body to switch on fat storage mode.
  10. The diet regimen must be combined with an active lifestyle. There is no need to exhaust yourself with daily long-term heavy training; moderate exercise 2-3 times a week is quite enough.

Prohibited Products

Products that reduce the rate of metabolic processes are excluded from the diet. These include:

  • sugar;
  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • milk;
  • fruit nectars and packaged juices;
  • sweet dried fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee, black tea.

Diet phases

Hayley Pomeroy's weight loss program lasts 28 days. The diet is scheduled for one week, each week consists of three phases designed to solve specific problems.

First phase

The duration of this period is two days, the main task is a smooth transition to new scheme nutrition. The diet is based on animal and plant proteins and complex carbohydrates. Easily digestible food will allow the body to avoid biological stress.

Authorized products:

  • all grains except wheat;
  • poultry, lean pork or beef;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • vegetables;
  • any fruit, including bananas and grapes.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - porridge;
  • lunch - fruits;
  • lunch – a portion of meat or fish, salad or stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and whole grain bread;
  • dinner - meat or fish, porridge, vegetables.

Second phase

The duration of the period is two days, the goal is to unblock fat reserves. The daily diet includes dishes rich in fiber and proteins. There are no carbohydrate products at this stage.

Authorized products:

  • fish;
  • white poultry meat;
  • lean veal;
  • any vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - a portion of meat or fish, vegetable salad;
  • lunch - apple, strawberry or grapefruit;
  • lunch - a meat or fish dish with a vegetable side dish;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - meat or fish, vegetables.

Third phase

The goal of the last, three-day stage is to actively stimulate heat exchange and burn already formed fat deposits. The menu includes dishes with moderate protein content, rich healthy fats, vitamins and fiber.

Authorized products:

  • fish, including fatty fish;
  • seafood;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • all types of vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • once a day not large number bread and cereals.

Power scheme:

  • breakfast - a portion of porridge with vegetable or oil, egg, salad;
  • lunch – fruit or fruit smoothie;
  • lunch - stewed meat or fish, vegetable salad (optionally - fish or meat soup with vegetables);
  • afternoon snack - a couple of eggs salad, nuts, seeds;
  • dinner - seafood, meat or fish, vegetables.

There is no section on quitting the diet in Hayley Pomeroy’s method. The author believes that a smooth transition from a limited diet to a regular diet is ensured by the third phase of the dietary regimen. In order not to dial overweight in the future, it is recommended to adhere to such a not too high-calorie, but quite nutritious diet for the rest of your life.


The dishes proposed in Hayley Pomeroy's book “The Metabolism Diet” are low-calorie. They are easy to prepare, look delicious and taste good. The only requirement is that everything you take for cooking must be fresh! Canned food, flavorings and other food additives should not be used.

Spicy pearl barley soup with chicken fillet

Soak pearl barley for several hours. Lightly fry the grated carrots and chopped onions, adding a spoonful of olive oil. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add water or low-fat meat broth. Cook until the cereal grains become soft. Add fresh tomato pieces, lemon juice, pepper, salt, finely chopped garlic, parsley and dill, cook for another 5 minutes.

Trout soup

For the dish you will need:

  • diced trout fillet, potatoes and tomatoes;
  • grated carrots and onions cut into half rings sautéed in olive oil;
  • halves of olives;
  • green.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add water and cook until the potatoes are ready.

Pilaf with chicken meat

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil. Place pieces of chicken fillet, steamed rice, a few barberries and a pinch of cumin or pilaf seasoning and salt on top. Carefully pour in water so that its level is 2-3 cm above the rice layer. Let it boil and cook over low heat for about half an hour.

Veal liver pancakes

Pass the liver and onion, peeled from films, through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add a beaten egg, a little semolina, salt and pepper, stir well. Spoon onto greased vegetable oil frying pan and fry over low heat on both sides.

Steamed turkey roulade

Grind the turkey fillet and apple in a blender, add salt and pepper, mix and spread in a thin layer on cling film. Place a layer of grated cheese and green beans on top. Roll up the film and place the roll in the steamer for half an hour. Cool, remove the film and carefully cut the roll into slices.

Vegetable stew

Cut onion, carrots, zucchini, white cabbage, eggplant into cubes. Mix everything, add salt, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and salt. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, at the end add tomato paste or tomato slices, simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Dietary fish in foil

Place lean large fish, cut along the ridge, in soy sauce for half an hour. Then place it on foil, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil, cover with a layer of chopped onion and garlic. Wrap tightly in foil and bake in the oven for about half an hour.

Baked potatoes with egg and cheese

Place the peeled and cut potatoes into circles in a mold greased with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Pour in a mixture of beaten egg and grated cheese. Bake in the oven for approximately 40 minutes. You can determine if the dish is ready by piercing the potatoes with a toothpick.

Fruit salad with honey

Cut pears, persimmons, oranges, kiwis, bananas into small cubes. Add a tablespoon of honey, juice and grated lemon zest. Stir and pour into glasses, garnishing with pomegranate seeds.

Fruit and berry smoothie

Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 grapefruit, 3 apricots, 0.5 cup strawberries, ¼ cup grape juice. Berries and fruits are crushed in a blender, grape juice is added to the mixture. The finished drink is poured into glasses, garnished with a couple of blueberries or currants on top.

Not long ago, the world learned about a new diet that helps get rid of extra pounds without starving or refusing food. Hayley Pomeroy, the creator of this miracle diet, claims that the type of nutrition she suggests speeds up the metabolism, which causes fat to “burn.” A diet to improve metabolism is described in the book by Hayley Pomeroy.

There is no clear opinion about this diet yet: it helped some, not others, some lost ten kilograms with it, others only five. This is explained by the characteristics of the body, the initial data, and also by the fact that the diet that Pomeroy offers is not suitable for everyone.

Diet principles

The author says that all diets based on one product or their restriction only slow down the metabolism. Due to the fact that it slows down, a decrease in overall activity begins, the thyroid gland no longer works as actively. The hormone required to burn fat is produced in smaller quantities. As a result, after dieting and returning to normal nutrition, a person gains even more.

The essence of a diet to accelerate metabolism is to use proper nutrition, healthy food. Throughout the Pomeroy diet, metabolic processes in the body will be accelerated due to frequent meals, but in small portions. This approach will help avoid overeating, and the body will always receive energy.

The diet lasts 4 weeks. Each new week is a consolidation of the results of the old one. Pomeroy recommends starting on Monday so that each stage ends with the week.

First week

This week's goal is to:

Monday + Tuesday: The first thing you should do is divide your meals into 3 main meals and 2 snacks. These days, the main meals will be cereals, and snacks will be fruits. We add physical activity to our life (running, jumping rope, stepper, etc.).

Wednesday + Thursday: main dishes - fish, meat, poultry and vegetables. You can snack on fruit. These days we give preference to working with barbells and dumbbells.

Friday + Saturday + Sunday: the diet remains the same - 3 main meals and 2 snacks. We eat meat, poultry and cereals. You can snack on fruit. It is allowed to add legumes, seafood and some seeds to the diet. These days we do yoga and enjoy a massage. Even such a passive type of activity brings a lot of benefits.

Second week

Hayley Pomeroy asks to pay attention to the psychological state. Remove stressful situations, overcome guilt, avoid fears. The diet menu remains the same as in the first week. The training remains the same.

Hayley claims that the main thing is to survive the first week, as this will be the hardest. After a successful first phase it will be much easier. The body will get used to the new diet and training regimen.

The menu for this week might look something like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge with egg or vegetables; a piece of rye bread and a slice of cheese.
  • Snack: fruit salad.
  • Lunch: meat with porridge or vegetables.
  • Snack: any fruit.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish with vegetables.

Third week

The food remains the same, but some rules are added.

  • We have breakfast half an hour after we wake up and drink water.
  • We remove snacks and get 5 main meals.
  • The hour interval between doses should not be more than 4 hours (sleep is an exception).
  • Drink a lot of water (2−2.5 l).

A sample menu for the day looks like this:

Fourth week

Last week of the diet. Everything remains the same, but new rules are added that should be followed not only during this week, but preferably throughout life:

  • whenever possible, consume only natural products;
  • have breakfast 30 minutes after waking up and drinking a glass of water;
  • exclude from the diet foods that slow down metabolic processes, or reduce them to a minimum;
  • It’s better to eat what you yourself have prepared;
  • consume vitamins and vitamin complexes.

The menu for the day could be something like this:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water + fruit.
  • Snack: pear, banana or apple.
  • Lunch: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken fillet and a little oil.
  • Snack: any fruit.
  • Dinner: a piece of lean fish and a vegetable salad.

Authorized products

On this diet, you are allowed to consume a fairly large number of foods.

Prohibited products

As with any other diet, the Pomeroy diet does not allow the consumption of the following foods:

  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • carbonated drinks, chewing gum, chips, crackers;
  • chocolate, candies, bars, cookies, cakes;
  • juices and dried fruits;
  • dairy products.

Hayley claims that by following all the rules, you can lose 10-15 kilograms.

  • Eat food in small portions. This will help maintain your metabolism at the right level and eliminate overeating.
  • You can't skip meals. There should be five of them - three main and two snacks, or all five main.
  • Drink enough water, at least two liters per day. This will help quickly remove stagnant water from the body and improve metabolism.
  • You can do physical activity only after breakfast. Activity before meals will have a bad effect on your metabolism.
  • Nutrition should be combined with physical activity. We must not forget about sports, because it is the one that best accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Do not consume prohibited foods that were mentioned earlier.
  • Eliminate stress and bad thoughts. Think positively and love your reflection in the mirror, then you will want to change.

Despite the tempting results, many are simply unable to withstand such a number of demands, or their conditions and lifestyle do not allow them to fully comply. Therefore, in some cases you can hear reviews of this diet as not working. But in fact, it’s enough to try and decide whether it will help you personally.

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Attention, TODAY only!

A relatively new, yet popular diet, Hayley Pomeroy is designed to speed up metabolism. The diet, beloved by Hollywood stars, reconfigures the entire body in such a way that all incoming substances are burned faster than they can be stored as fat.

Using the diet proposed by Pomeroy, you can actually lose up to 10 kg per month without restricting yourself in food.

Nutritionist Pomeroy outlined her knowledge and experience of working with Hollywood stars in terms of weight loss in her book “Diet to Accelerate Metabolism.” Hayley Pomeroy's book talks about the absence of the need for fasting, giving up delicious foods, you just need to follow the principles of the diet.

Many diets, according to the author of the technique, cause a slowdown in metabolism, since dietary restrictions reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. In this case, the T3 hormone, necessary for burning fat, cannot reach problem areas. The body, having received serious stress after fasting, upon completion of the diet in short term gaining unnecessary pounds.

To lose weight once and for all, without fear of gaining unnecessary pounds again, will help a regime, the main components of which are healthy natural foods and a balanced psychological emotional state. The Hayley Pomeroy diet promotes good metabolism throughout the entire diet - This is achieved by frequent small meals, which protects a person from overeating and maintains a sufficient energy level in the body.

The recommended duration of the diet to obtain long-term results is 4 weeks. Each week contains 3 mandatory stages. The author of the method recommends starting the diet on Monday, then each stage will end with the end of the week.

Menu for every day

The diet will last 4 weeks, each of them consolidates the results of the previous one.

Start week

The main stages of the first week of the diet:

  1. Relieve tension, combat stress;
  2. Unblocking fat deposits;
  3. Activation of hormones and heat exchange processes that affect fat burning.

Monday and Tuesday:

  • We divide food into 3 main meals and 2 snacks;
  • We prepare main dishes from cereals, additional ones from fruits;
  • We do aerobic exercises and perform cardio exercises (running, jumping).

Wednesday and Thursday:

  • We prepare fish and meat dishes with vegetables;
  • Snack on fruit;
  • From physical exercise We choose to work with dumbbells and barbells. Strength training at this time will speed up your metabolism.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday:

  • The diet remains unchanged - 3 main meals, 2 snacks;
  • The diet consists largely of fruits, fresh vegetables and cereals. Allowed to add seafood, seeds and legumes;
  • We do breathing practices and enjoy a massage. Despite the fact that massage is considered a passive activity, it activates blood flow to fat deposits.

Second week

The second week's menu is the same as the first. At this time, Hayley Pomeroy advises focusing most of your attention on psychological components:

  1. Elimination of stressful conditions;
  2. Preventing the emergence of fears;
  3. Eradicating feelings of guilt.

Third week

The menu remains unchanged. Rules are added:

  1. We sit down at the table 5 times a day, completely eliminating snacks;
  2. The time interval between all meals should not exceed 4 hours (with the exception of sleep time);
  3. We have breakfast in the first half hour after we get out of bed;
  4. We use a lot clean water(2–3 liters daily).

Fourth week

The period of apogee of fat burning and acceleration of the weight loss process. During the last week of the diet, as throughout the rest of your life, it is useful to follow the rules:

  1. Eat only natural products whenever possible;
  2. Breakfast is necessary immediately after waking up;
  3. Give preference to home cooking;
  4. Eliminate from the diet foods that slow down metabolism (coffee, salt, sugar, alcoholic beverages);
  5. There are vitamins.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: with fruit or ; toast made from gray whole grain bread;
  • Snack: Chinese pear ;
  • Lunch: chicory salad with tuna or three eggs with tomatoes;
  • Snack: 2 kiwis ;
  • Dinner: 2 cups of pearl barley soup with chicken.

Authorized Products

  • Oat flakes, buckwheat and other whole grain products rich in carbohydrates and beneficial microelements. Eating such foods accelerates metabolism without increasing insulin;
  • Calcium-rich foods;
  • Natural spices;
  • Cabbage, containing fiber necessary for natural cleansing of the body;
  • Green or herbal tea;
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits, apples, pears;
  • Hot peppers, according to studies, improve metabolism by a quarter;
  • Products rich in ;
  • Purified water.

Prohibited Products

To effectively get rid of unnecessary fat, you should not eat the following foods:

  • Wheat and corn;
  • Dairy and soy products;
  • Dried fruits and any fruit juices;
  • Sodas and chewing gums;
  • Any chemical additives, including sweeteners;
  • Coffee, black tea, chocolate;
  • Alcohol-containing products.

Recipes to speed up your metabolism

Fruit smoothie:

  • Cut the mango into small pieces;
  • Add the same amount of ice and water;
  • Beat thoroughly;
  • Squeeze half a lemon;
  • Garnish the smoothie with a mint leaf.

Tuna salad:

  • Place tuna pieces on a plate;
  • Chop an apple, carrot, cucumber and onion, preferably red;
  • Stir, sprinkle with lemon juice and garnish with spinach.
  • Eat in small portions so that the body has time to process all the incoming food;
  • Follow a daily regimen of 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Don't skip meals;
  • The interval between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours (with the exception of sleep time). If you had to stay up late, you are allowed to add a snack appropriate for the phase;
  • Have breakfast in the first half hour after waking up. Do not do morning exercises before breakfast - this will negatively affect your metabolism;
  • Follow the recommended menu every day;
  • Drink a sufficient amount of clean water (not tea or juice) per day, 2–3 liters;
  • Select natural, environmentally friendly food products;
  • Make sure that the meat you eat does not contain nitrites and other dangerous substances;
  • The recommended diet and menu should be combined with special physical exercises;
  • Eliminate from the diet the prohibited foods mentioned earlier;
  • Think positively every day and not expose your body to any stress;
  • Maintain a good emotional and psychological state throughout the diet, do not focus on counting calories;
  • Follow the regime and rules for at least 28 days.

With strict adherence to the rules, according to Hayley Pomeroy, weight loss accelerates during the final week of the diet. Having completed the whole cycle, you will lose 10–15 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Unlike numerous popular diets, Hayley Pomeroy's diet book received positive reviews from the outside medical workers various countries. The system works to reduce weight without harming your health, on the contrary – for your benefit.

The positive side of the system in question is that there is no need to go off the diet. This diet can be maintained continuously.

Among the disadvantages of the Pomeroy system, opponents of the diet highlight an expensive menu and a large number of rules that are difficult to follow. These nuances are easily resolved. Seafood, avocados and other expensive products can be easily replaced with inexpensive analogues - lean meat, local seasonal vegetables. The main thing is to understand the principles of proper nutrition, follow the regime and maintain a good psycho-emotional state.

The topic of the article is Hayley Pomeroy's diet. We will talk about the effects of diet to speed up metabolism, sample menu, we will give recommendations on how to follow this weight loss technique.

The essence of Hayley Pomeroy's diet

This weight loss technique was developed by Hayley Pomeroy, who formerly worked as a livestock technician and currently runs her own weight loss clinic. Hayley Pomeroy helps many Hollywood stars get rid of excess weight and obesity.

In her book “The Metabolism Diet,” Haley suggests losing weight without fasting or counting calories. The author is sure that she knows the main reason why a person does not lose weight on any of the diets, even if he is cutting or actively involved in sports. Pomeroy claims that her diet is effective and strikingly different from other weight loss methods.

Hayley herself positions her diet as a revolution in eating behavior, claiming that in 4 weeks a person can lose 10 kg or more.

Pomeroy insists that overweight the body does not arise due to overeating, but due to problems in the functioning of metabolic processes. In the form of a psychological trick, Pomeroy uses a statement in which a person is not to blame for being overweight, it’s just the way circumstances have developed.

About metabolism

According to recent scientific research, genes determine only 10 percent of a person's metabolism. The remaining 90 percent depends only on each individual.

Determining factors of metabolism:

  • physical activity;
  • nutrition;
  • presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • age;
  • daily routine;
  • exposure to stress.

Proponents of the metabolic theory believe that by body type one can determine the metabolic rate and also select a metabolic diet for it.

Shape types:

  • mesomorphic - with this type of figure, the metabolism is considered normal, the body is usually athletic, has the correct proportions, the accumulation of fat deposits occurs slowly;
  • ectomorphic - with this type of figure, there is an accelerated metabolism, a thin physique, and there is practically no weight gain;
  • endomorphic - with this type of figure, there is a slow metabolism, the physique is round, plump, a person easily gains excess weight, fat and muscle mass.

The latter body type needs metabolic correction in the form of changing the usual lifestyle, paying attention to physical activity and proper nutrition.

Main requirements of the diet

Before you begin to follow the proposed weight loss method, familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the diet:

  • eat at least 3 times a day;
  • have no more than 2 snacks between meals;
  • the break between meals should not be more than 3 hours;
  • eat only after the previously eaten food has been completely digested;
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean and still water per day.

Permitted and prohibited products

During the process of losing weight, you are allowed to consume:

  • cereals;
  • lean meat;
  • oatmeal;
  • brown rice;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • berries;
  • vegetable oil;
  • legumes;
  • red fish.
  • dairy products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruit juices;
  • coffee;
  • granulated sugar;
  • any dishes made from wheat, corn.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of the proposed weight loss technique include:

  • no need to count calories;
  • varied diet;
  • any portions of food;
  • sustainable results;
  • lack of feeling of hunger;
  • If followed correctly, you will experience rapid weight loss.


  • high cost of products;
  • the need to adapt to a new diet;
  • mandatory daily physical exercise;
  • not suitable for vegetarians;
  • low daily calorie intake;
  • during intense exercise, lack of carbohydrates
  • It’s difficult to figure it out and not break it.

Many people have been skeptical about this diet, as they believe that there is no metabolic effect and it is just a publicity stunt.

When counting the calories in the dishes proposed by Hayley Pomeroy, you can find that they do not exceed 1,500 per day. This amount is enough to lose 10 kg in 28 days.

This weight loss technique is similar to.

Physical activity while losing weight

Proper nutrition, although balanced, does not always allow you to achieve the desired weight. Nutritionists like sports trainers, they advise combining systematic exercise with healthy food. This is what the weight loss program is all about.

You don't need to visit the fitness center every day and exhaust yourself with strength training. It is enough to do cardio training and aerobic exercise three times a week. Run, swim, walk more, buy yourself an exercise bike and exercise at home.

And if you do or, you can achieve not only weight loss, but also a thin waist and elastic butt.

3 phases of the metabolic diet

All weeks of the diet are divided into 3 phases.

The goal of the first phase is to relieve tension and calm the adrenal glands. The phase lasts 2 days, during which metabolism gradually increases and adaptation to the new diet and lifestyle occurs.

Pomeroy advises eating foods with a high glycemic index these days, as well as complex carbohydrates. At the same time, the amount of protein consumed should be small and fat should be minimal.

During the second stage (3-4 days), rapid breakdown of fat reserves occurs, growth muscle mass. This phase is called “unblocking”, since during this time fat deposits are consumed by the body to maintain vital functions. The basis of the diet is protein with a low amount of fat, moderate consumption of fiber (carbohydrates). Fruits and cereals are prohibited at this stage.

The main task of phase 3 is to accelerate fat burning and stabilize metabolic processes. The final stage of the diet occurs in the last 3 days of weight loss. Accelerated fat burning occurs by increasing the consumption of natural fatty foods and reducing the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed.

Power supply diagram by phases

Below is the power supply diagram in the table.

Hayley Pomeroy's diet - menu for every day

Only 4 weeks separate you from a slim figure and lost weight. During these 28 days you must strictly follow the proposed menu. If you make a mistake or eat something forbidden, start the diet again.

Below is a table with a menu for each day in 2 options.

Option one

Mondayfruit saladbananaporridge made from sweet fruits and whole grainsmandarin220 ml kefir, fruit salad
Tuesdayfruit smoothie, oatmeal pancakessteamed Chinese pear220 ml chicken broth, chicken breast with arugulafruit salad250 ml pearl barley soup with chicken
Wednesdaycucumber, turkey meatballsshrimpscucumber,

250 ml turkey broth

shrimpscabbage and cucumber salad without oil, egg whites
Thursdaychicken breast, cucumberturkey rollcod with spinach saladturkey ham with celery rootstew with cabbage
Fridayoatmeal with steamed pearcalf liver pancakessalad of 1 egg, spinach, chicken breast15 almonds250 g fried vegetables with shrimp and brown rice
Saturdayavocado,half an avocadolentil and chicken soup, onion and orange salad dressed with sesame oilpeanut2 chicken and pike cutlets,

vegetable salad

Sunday2 tbsp. hummus, whole grain toasthalf an avocadopiece of white meat, vegetables, 150 g porridgealmondscutlet with radish and carrot salad with sesame oil

Option two

Mondayoatmeal with appleorangewhole grain toast with chicken breast and vegetablesapplesoup with barley and chicken, vegetables
Tuesdaysmoothie with tangerine and apple with added oatmealcarrotthick soup with vegetables and chicken,

vegetable salad with soy sauce and lemon juice

tomatochicken and pike cutlet,

green onion and radish salad

Wednesdayomelette of 2 egg whites, tomato, pepper, onionchicken meatballsboiled beef, tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper saladmussels with onionsfish with fresh cucumbers
Thursdayegg white omelette,

salad of lettuce, cucumbers with lemon juice,

half a grapefruit

hambaked veal with cauliflower garnishtunabaked chicken with steamed broccoli
Fridaywhole grain porridge with fruit,

egg with cucumber

stew with cucumber,meat, vegetable salad with butter, pearstew, lettucegrilled red fish with vegetables, apple

cod liver with whole grain tortillas

toast with butter and berries, walnutshalf a bowl of hummus with cucumbershrimp with fried vegetablescelery stalk,

2 tbsp. unrefined almond butter, turkey pita rolls

Sundaytoast with boiled egg, onion,

fresh tomato

half an avocadosalad with Chinese cabbage and tunasea ​​cocktailchicken with vegetables and curry