When satiety comes. How to suppress the constant feeling of hunger? Haste while eating

, ), then you should have come to today’s topic intuitively. We have intuitive eating, right?

Because eating when you're hungry means not eating when you're full. And because if you feel the taste of what you eat, you do it slowly, then sooner or later the taste will dull.

This is the feeling of satiety.

Note that this is not a feeling of a full stomach. The first signal of satiety is given to us just taste buds. As soon as food begins to lose taste, stop eating. The body has already reported that it is full. Will you continue - unpleasant feeling in the stomach and, God forbid, in the intestines cannot be avoided.

It happens that some taste is no longer felt, but some would still bring joy. Everything is correct. This is how the body makes it clear that it has received enough elements alone. But others would not be out of place. This is the topic of diversity in nutrition, we will talk about it separately.

Now it’s important to monitor your feeling of fullness. Plus, the feelings that arise in the body after eating.

We seem to have sorted out the satiety issue.

Main signal - dullness of taste, which can be expressed in a decrease in pleasure from eating food.

There are also socio-psychological patterns of behavior that force us to continue to eat. Today we'll talk about them more. But first, about the sensations.

Feelings after eating.

This important pointrealize how you feel after eating. Is your stomach heavy? Isn't it seething? No, excuse me, it’s farting? Do you have heartburn or any other discomfort? Be sure to ask yourself these questions!

If you are experiencing discomfort after eating, then most likely you did not eat exactly what the body really wanted. Not even that. Along with what you wanted, you ate something unnecessary. That's why this reaction.

And here we will need to do some analysis. Namely, next time at (WHAT I want to eat) I’ll remember that such and such a dish didn’t make me very happy. The point is that the body really doesn’t ask for specific food(although this also happens). He asks for some missing elements. And they are often interchangeable. Yes, that is often there. Almost always.

Everything is broken down into glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, fiber and glycerol. Plus microelements in the form of vitamins and minerals.

Certainly, It would be nice to understand the composition of the foods you eat. Especially if you are pursuing specific goals - building muscle, losing fat or improving endurance. But this is not necessary.

It’s just that if, for example, you think “I want a banana!”, then immediately figure out what else. Something will come up, believe me. For example, potatoes. This means there's a good chance you need potassium and/or carbohydrates. If one of the products causes you discomfort, then give preference to another.

Yes, this is also more than one day’s work. Nevertheless, it must be carried out. Therefore, wanting to eat, understanding what you want, eating thoughtfully is not enough.

You need to get feedback. And take it into account next time.

Therefore, today we are adding tracking of the feeling of fullness and the sensation of eating. Also in the form of a rule.

Social influences on eating behavior.

Now about social factors and attitudes that may make it difficult to stop eating when you're full. We eliminate the worst one when we turn the process of food consumption into a real meal. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will accidentally overeat, as is the case when you eat while watching a movie or while working. Let's consider this a passed stage (at least theoretically).

No need!

The price you pay for overeating is much higher than the price you pay for not eating enough. Leave it for later or throw it away without regret. Give it to dogs, cats, homeless people.

By the way, if you are tormented by the question of starving children in Africa, then believe me, if you lick your plate, the children will not starve any less.

When you're full, you stop eating, period.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable in a restaurant or at a party. We'll have to overcome this. Thank, apologize, shower with compliments, ask the waiter to tell the cook that you really enjoyed it. Just full.

Also when visiting and on holidays don’t rush to serve yourself a full plate. Then it may be inconvenient. Try a little bit, enjoy it. The Chinese eat this way, by the way. They even have rotating tables and the plates themselves are small. But you can try everything and be grateful for everything.

Do you remember that you can do everything whenever you want? So don’t attack food as if you are eating for the last time.

It was not the easiest to understand, from the point of view that a person who has nothing to do with biology, physiology, medicine, etc. has difficulty perceiving this kind of information. Therefore, today I will try to simplify the article as much as possible. We will talk about how you can use knowledge of physiology to avoid overeating at moments when you don’t feel hunger and satiety, or when they are barely perceptible.

In fact, with eating disorders, this is a very common situation - we do not feel hungry, we do not feel that it is time to eat, we also do not feel full and cannot stop at the right moment.

Last time I talked about how this is quite possible, given that we actively suppress hunger when losing weight, and then with the development of bulimia (anorexia, compulsive overeating) we stop feeling full, because psychology comes into force, i.e. eating problems, feelings and emotions. This means that normal physiological reactions go far into the background; we simply don’t hear them behind the heap of our experiences. But! This does not mean that they do not exist, and that we will never again be able to feel a normal feeling of satisfaction after eating, or normal hunger, which can be detected in time. I don’t mean that hunger that is unbearable and forces us to “eat.” Please forgive me for being rude, but this word now maximally reflects what happens when we suppress hunger for a long time with impulses from the cerebral cortex (read “willpower”).

Well, now, as promised, simple but effective recommendations on the topic: “What should I do if I don’t feel hungry or full?”

First question: Are you sure you don’t feel hungry? Quite, completely? Or maybe you are ignoring him? Perhaps you are walking down the street and thinking: “It would be nice to eat a chocolate bar now, otherwise I want to eat something!” Oh, no, you can’t, you can’t!” - if so, then you “hear” hunger, but purposefully ignore its voice. For what? To then overeat? Or to lose weight? Or... Well, in general, this is a question for you, look deeper into yourself and be extremely honest!

And one more question: Are you sure you don’t feel full? Quite, completely? Or maybe you ignore it? But why? What feelings and emotions make you continue to eat even if your stomach is full? (these questions also all relate to your dialogue with yourself).

Let’s assume that the answer to all questions is “I don’t feel anything!” I don’t know what to do!”

The key word is “DO”. Those. If at this stage the feelings of hunger and satiety are lost and their voices are not distinguishable in the general cacophony of thoughts and feelings. Then you need to know that THEY ARE, you just can’t hear them yet, which means you need to do something to make them distinguishable.

The word “do” refers to practice, and you will have to practice with food, no other way! Many people here will have doubts: “I can’t!”, “I don’t know how to eat!”, “what if it doesn’t work out!”, “what if I never hear the feeling of hunger and satiety?” Friends, how do you plan to LEARN to eat (hear hunger, fullness, what you want) if you are not ready to learn? When you go to the pool for the first time, do you immediately know how to swim? When you go to first grade, do you immediately masterfully know how to write, read, and count? Well, a very simple question - as soon as you were born, you immediately knew how to walk and never fell or tripped and ran a marathon?

Those who recover from bulimia (anorexia, compulsive overeating) are those who are committed to the process and are ready to fall and rise, fall and rise, fall and rise, fall and rise... They are the ones who succeed!!! This is a topic beyond the scope of this article, let’s return to ours... feelings of hunger and satiety :)

So there you go! In order for these feelings to return in an adequate form to your life, you need to hear them. Tune in to their wavelength. Don't try to suppress them.

And after setting a goal, proceed to action. It’s simple, I’m not discovering America, I’m not claiming exclusivity - start learning to eat like ordinary person, adjusted for those physiological phenomena discussed in the previous article. Those. You know a lot. For example, that one meal a day is not physiological, hunger will be excessive, which means there is a high probability of overeating. Eating cookies and sweets alone is not physiological, because they quickly increase the blood sugar level and it also drops quickly, which provokes hunger, plus they do not stretch the walls of the stomach enough for the mechanical receptors in them to signal saturation. You can get enough of salad and chicken breast, but! It takes a lot of time to digest them, which means you will feel satisfied with food after about an hour, because the blood sugar level will rise extremely slowly and the signal to the brain about saturation will not arrive for a long time - are you ready to wait? Breakfast (oh, how much I talk about it :)) is a separate story and sooo important! The level of blood sugar after sleep is low, which means that if it is not increased by eating, then the body will feel bad and hard, and as a result it will not develop the feeling “ WantBy There is", and the feeling " Wantre There is».

Every third person faces the problem of not feeling full after eating.

This is especially true for those who stick to a diet, but sometimes hunger after eating can also signal various problems in the body, and this can and should be dealt with.

No feeling of fullness after eating: reasons ^

Satisfying appetite and obtaining energy is the main essence of eating, because it is from food that a person receives all the substances his body needs. The feeling of hunger is a signal that it’s time to sit down at the table, but what if it bothers you even after several dishes have already been eaten?

First of all, a lack of feeling of satiety can occur for several reasons:

  • Reduced blood glucose levels. In such cases, appetite increases and thirst may bother you. If this happens systematically, it is necessary to monitor the sugar content daily, and if it deviates from the norm, this may indicate diabetes mellitus;
  • Really empty stomach: The food center gives signals that it is time to eat, and this is a natural moment. The stomach makes a rumbling sound and begins to “suck in the pit of the stomach,” but if this bothers you constantly, there is a high probability of having gastrointestinal diseases;

  • False hunger: most often it occurs against the background of psycho-emotional problems, when a person tries to improve his mood through food, or, as they say in another way, “eat stress.” Most often, products containing fast carbohydrates- chocolate, buns, sweets, - because They are the ones who can almost instantly increase the level of serotonin – the hormone of happiness;
  • Diets: when switching to a low-calorie diet, especially at the very beginning, the body experiences stress, because it already receives less energy from food than before. Gradually, addiction occurs, and the feeling of satiety comes as quickly as before;
  • Lack of the satiety hormone leptin also manifests itself in the form of increased appetite;
  • Abuse of fatty foods: if a person is used to constantly eating fried or fatty foods, the body requires more and more calories, as a result of which the usual portions may no longer be enough.

In any case, if you can’t get enough food, this can lead to overeating – a problem that provokes the appearance of excess weight and other more serious health problems.

There is no feeling of fullness after eating: symptoms and consequences of overeating

The main symptoms of overeating, when there is no satiety after eating, are the following:

  • Constant weight fluctuations;
  • A sharp increase in body weight;
  • Bloating, flatulence;
  • The desire to eat something, even if there is no feeling of hunger;
  • The habit of eating in front of the TV, while reading or before bed;
  • Depression that occurs against the background of a lack of satiety and dissatisfaction with one’s figure due to the appearance of excess pounds.

The consequences of overeating due to a lack of satiety in the stomach can be very different: problems arise in the functioning of the heart, hypertension, obesity, the risk of pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis increases, hormonal levels or the menstrual cycle in women can be disrupted.

Why there is no feeling of fullness: reasons and ways to combat constant hunger ^

How to get satiated quickly

How does the feeling of satiety occur?

  • As with the feeling of hunger, the feeling of fullness occurs through the stimulation of the nerve centers, which appears after filling the stomach with food.
  • Most often, people who say “I don’t feel full” are experiencing severe stress, contributing to the suppression of such food centers.
  • When the stomach is full and there are no factors contributing to overeating, the appetite is satisfied and does not bother you for several hours after eating.

What foods make you feel full?

One of the main ways to combat increased appetite is to quickly satiate yourself with food using products that provide this:

  • Natural coffee: it stimulates the nervous system and dulls the effect of appetite receptors for several hours, however, drinking it in the afternoon is not recommended to avoid problems with sleep;
  • Avocado: contains monounsaturated fats, thanks to which hunger is quickly satisfied;
  • Natural yogurt: It contains a lot of calcium, which sends a signal to the brain that you are full. This also includes low-fat kefir;
  • Warm milk: when heated, it releases a lot of beneficial elements that increase serotonin levels, so it is recommended to drink it at night for relaxation;
  • Bananas: despite the high content of starch and carbohydrates, they are very useful during the diet, but not more than 1 per day. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and a small piece of banana can quickly relieve hunger.

To get rid of a constantly increased appetite, you must adhere to special rules:

  • Eat often (every 2-3 hours), but in small portions;
  • Get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger;
  • Avoid eating sweets, flour, fried and smoked foods: such foods cause obesity and other health problems;
  • Lead an active lifestyle: it has been proven that sedentary people very often suffer from obesity due to overeating;
  • Use in diet healthy products: fruits, vegetables, berries, lean fish and meats, greens, legumes, mushrooms. They supply the body with everything essential vitamins and are great for curbing appetite.

Feeling hungry after eating - why and why does this happen?

Let's try to understand this a little.

If you are on a diet, then the feeling of hunger will be your constant companion, and the article will probably not be useful for you.

First of all, you need to understand - do you really want to eat, or are your body and your mind sending you false signals about feeling hungry?

How can you judge whether you are hungry or not?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How long has it been since your last meal?
  • How nutritious and satisfying was your meal?
  • How do you read hunger signals?

Now let's look at these points a little:

  1. How and when do you feel full?

A person begins to eat: food is first chewed, then enters the stomach, but already in the process of chewing, carbohydrates begin to break down into sugars and enter the blood.

An increase in sugar levels is the first signal that food is entering the body, this is, so to speak, primary satiation, and does not create a feeling of complete satiety, just inner feeling hunger becomes less obvious.

The feeling of complete satiety occurs after our stomach is filled with food and stretches to a certain size (usual size), and then a signal comes to our brain that the stomach is full and everything is in order.

Then our internal feeling of hunger turns off.
The problem is that the signal comes with a slight delay, 10-15 minutes after the stomach is already full, and the person, unfortunately, continues to eat until he overeats.

But this, as they say, is a slightly different story - I mean overeating (if you suffer from overeating, you can get acquainted with the materials in the section)

Physiological hunger occurs 3-4 hours after the last meal.

  1. How nutritious and satisfying was your meal?

In order for satiety to remain as long as possible, the diet must be balanced. This means that proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present in the quantities required for the body.

If you, for example, are on a diet, then it is quite possible that you experience a constant feeling of hunger, and this will be a natural and natural feeling for your body.

But if you are not on a diet and do not limit yourself in nutrition, then in this case you definitely need to look at your diet.

Long, lasting satiety is provided by foods containing protein and complex (slow) carbohydrates.

If you eat fruit or something sweet (fast carbohydrates), the feeling of fullness will not last long. And, literally in an hour, you will feel that you want to eat.

  1. How do you read your hunger signal?

And you need to answer this question in as much detail as possible, because hunger is not only physiological, but also emotional, or false, as it is called.

How can you determine what type of hunger you have?

Everything is quite simple: if you are experiencing unbearable hunger, and it seems to you that you are literally dying of hunger, although you ate that day, or maybe even a few hours ago, then this is definitely emotional hunger.

Emotional hunger is almost impossible to tolerate, while you have all the signs of hunger - a feeling in the pit of your stomach, your stomach may hurt, your stomach is rumbling, you feel dizzy, your hands are shaking, etc.

If your hands are shaking and your head is dizzy, then I would recommend seeing a doctor and getting tested for sugar.

Physiological hunger

Physiological hunger occurs when the body really needs to eat, when the blood sugar level drops to a minimum, the stomach empties and becomes smaller. These signals are read, and a special hunger hormone, ghrelin, is produced.

The most interesting thing is that physiological hunger can be tolerated or forgotten about. If hunger could not be tolerated, there would be no healthy fasting.

I also want to note that when you are actually hungry and experience physiological hunger, you do not lose weight, since the hormone ghrelin blocks the waste of fat reserves and the body’s metabolism slows down.

Constant feeling of hunger even after eating – what to do?

If you feel hungry after eating, and you know for sure that you ate a normal portion of normal food, not diet food, then relieving stress and calming your emotions may help you.

If you think that you can eat or drink something and the feeling of hunger will go away, then this is a misconception.

And if you are one of such people, then you should think about the fact that you do not read body signals very well, and most likely, you do not really feel and accept your body.

The center of satiety and the center of thirst are quite close, and therefore the signals are often confused; and although the body requires water, a person mistakes thirst for hunger.

There is one interesting fact: it is practically impossible to “drink too much water”; we immediately feel that we have enough. But it’s quite easy to overeat, which is what happens most often.

Another reason for the constant feeling of hunger may be your life experience.

If you were on a strict diet or starved for various reasons, then your psyche is “scared” and is trying to make up for that terrible time for the body with food.

If you are currently on a diet or restricting yourself in food, and in fact you eat very little, then it is completely useless to do anything to combat hunger.

You will lose in this battle because the body does not understand your desire to lose weight at all, and for it there is only one task - to survive.

In this case, only one way will help you - improve your diet and get rid of overeating.

If, of course, you have it during “non-diet” periods of your life.

What if your stomach hurts when you feel hungry?

I would advise you to immediately consult a doctor and have your stomach checked. Pain after eating, pain during hunger - this indicates that you have a disease, gastritis or an ulcer. And to know for sure, you definitely need to get examined and not self-medicate.

How to stop the feeling of hunger?

Fast carbohydrates – sweets – help to curb the feeling of hunger.

But this method is fraught with weight gain: when you eat sweets, your blood sugar level rises, and if you eat a lot of sweets and nothing else (neither proteins nor slow carbohydrates), then the pancreas immediately produces insulin.

The more sugar in the blood, the more insulin, and the more insulin, the less adipose tissue (fat) will be used.

And one more factor: a lot of sugar - a lot of insulin, and the blood sugar level drops, the brain reads this, and you want to eat even more.

It turns out to be a vicious circle, and there is only one way out - a complete, balanced diet.

Sometimes I get asked what I think is a very funny question:

How to satisfy hunger without food?

Of course, this question is asked by people who are losing weight through diets, because on a diet you will almost never be full.

Of course, you can drink some water, but if you are really hungry, then you will be able to deceive your body, at best, for 20-30 minutes, because there is no food in your stomach and it is empty.

Of course, the stomach fills with water and stretches, but as soon as the water warms up in the stomach, it will immediately “go” into the duodenum, and the stomach will shrink again and send signals that it is empty.

I would also like to say a few words about the fact that stress and lack of sleep cause hunger.

When stressed, the body is constantly in tension, and food is a good way to relax.

And if you are constantly under stress, and at the same time you sleep little and do not get enough sleep, then you are guaranteed an increase in appetite.

And here no methods of dealing with the feeling of hunger will help, the body is a self-healing system, and if something is missing in one thing, it makes up for it through another.

Be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, and for some people more.

What to do with stress?

How to get rid of it?

Rest more and change your emotional reactions. It’s no secret that it is our emotional reactions that trigger the production of the stress hormone cortisol (read the article and how it affects weight gain)

Another reason for feeling hungry may be a lack of vitamins and microelements in your diet, as well as when the quality of food is replaced by quantity.

Let's say you eat few foods containing animal protein, so your body requires food containing protein from you, but for some reason you do not eat such foods (financial reasons or vegetarianism).

And you have a desire to eat as many foods containing plant protein as possible.

But perhaps you know that plant proteins do not contain all the necessary amino acids, or are contained in small quantities, which is why it turns out that a lot of food is eaten, but little of the necessary components enter the body.

This is how the body copes with the lack of microelements.

So how to get rid of the feeling of hunger?

Let's summarize briefly:

  • Finding out the reasons for the feeling of hunger - physiological or emotional?
  • Health status – are there any diseases present or not? Examination by a doctor;
  • Pay attention to your diet – are all the necessary nutrients present?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Do you have a constant state of stress?
  • Have there been episodes of hunger in your life?

And based on your reasons, you need to take the necessary actions.

Hello. The feeling of fullness should physiologically come after 20-30 minutes, depending on the amount of food eaten, but if you feel hungry after eating after 30 minutes, 1 hour, then you should check your stomach and rule out ulcers or gastritis.

Clarification question


Hello! I have initial stage gastritis! Even after half an hour I don’t feel full from food! The doctors at my clinic cannot explain to me why this is happening! After eating I still feel empty in my stomach! Maybe I should take some pills?

ANSWERED: 12/12/2012

Good afternoon, Diana! This state can occur when you are distracted by something while eating food. For example, sit at the computer, watch TV, talk with colleagues, read, etc. It is very important that food intake is self-employment when you concentrate only on food. It’s also good if you have a clear eating schedule - at the same time every day - by this time enzymes will be prepared and digestive system. Try to avoid long breaks in eating - eat every 3-4 hours. Because after a long period of fasting, it may actually be difficult for you to feel full. Among the preparations, there are those containing fiber, which increase in the stomach and make you full, but I do not recommend them for gastritis. How are you doing with your weight?

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 12.12.2012 Sabirova Diana, Naberezhnye Chelny

Thank you for your attention to my question! Unfortunately, no matter how much I eat, I constantly lose weight; over the past month I’ve lost 1.5 kg! And I’ve never been on a diet! I’m trying to gain at least a little weight and it doesn’t work, I just lose it. In principle, when I eat I don’t watch TV, I can talk a little and that’s all!

ANSWERED: 12/13/2012

You should contact an endocrinologist, I don’t want to scare you, but this happens in some diseases. well, to a therapist at your place of residence to take certain tests (at least general analysis blood, blood biochemistry, feces for worm eggs)

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 14.12.2012 Sabirova Diana, Naberezhnye Chelny

How serious can this be? And what kind of diseases do you mean?

ANSWERED: 12/15/2012

A variant is hyperthyroidism, a condition in which everything metabolic processes proceed faster. Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by various conditions, so I recommend consulting an endocrinologist. I recommend taking tests to make sure that there is no anemia, which is also a syndrome of various diseases. Well, feces on the eggs of worms - to make sure that there is no helminthic infestation. In these conditions, the sensations you describe may occur.

Clarification question

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