Pedagogical characteristics for preschoolers are ready. Characteristics of a child for PMPK material on the topic Psychological presentation for a preschooler, ready-made sample

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“Methodological development “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler””

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler

The material for writing the psychological and pedagogical characteristics was collected in the period from November 11, 2015 to December 5, 2015. In the process of collecting material, the following methods were used: observation; conversation with a preschooler, teacher, psychologist, parents; testing; questionnaires, study of documentation, personal files.

General information about the child:

Tishin Konstantin Aleksandrovich, 6 years old. According to the results of a medical examination, he is listed in the 1st health group. The medical group for physical education is the main one. Medical workers have given recommendations for hardening. The child’s appearance is appropriate: clothes are neat, gait is balanced, no scars or other injuries were detected on the body.

The family in which Tishin Konstantin lives is complete. Father - Tishin Alexander Andreevich - works as a driver, mother - Tishina Natalya Mikhailovna - as a cook. In a conversation with the teacher, it turned out that the psychological situation in the family contributes to the development of the child. Friendly relationships between family members play a fundamental role in the full development of a boy. Parents pay sufficient attention to raising their son. All conditions for normal development have been created for Konstantin. From the questionnaire provided to the parents (Appendix 1), it turned out that the boy has a place for privacy - his own room where he can calmly spend his free time. From a conversation with his parents, it was found out that the boy also has responsibilities around the house: putting away toys, taking out the trash, the boy especially likes to water the flowers (Appendix 2). This indicates that parents instill in their son hard work, neatness, and a love of order. According to the teacher, Tishin Konstantin’s parents regularly attend parent-teacher meetings and participate in the social life of the kindergarten. They are also interested in their son’s successes, consult with the teacher on issues of upbringing, the development of certain inclinations of Kostya, which indicates responsibility and an active parental position.

Features of mental development

Establishes cause-and-effect relationships; when completing a task, does not need to rely on a model or the help of an adult; consistent and logical in his judgments.

The active vocabulary is rich. Uses complex sentences in independent statements. At the same time, errors in the use of grammatical structures are noted, and there is agreement between adjectives and nouns. Passive vocabulary is unlimited, a subject and verb dictionary has been formed. Phonemic representations are sufficiently formed.

The sound side of speech has disturbances in the pronunciation of hissing sounds ("Ш" - "Ж", "Ш"); sonors (“P” - “Rb”; “L” - “L”);

Konstantin knows how to concentrate on something for a long time; capable of distributing and switching attention from one type of activity to another. Shows dispersion of attention to the secondary with loss of the main one, a sufficient level of arbitrariness of attention.

Using the “Memorizing 10 Pictures” method, we can draw the following conclusion: the boy has a predominant visual memory, and retention of information is present. When reproducing material, he does not forget about the details, practically does not need leading questions, can almost always state the main meaning, makes a few errors in the sequence of reproduction, does not distort the meaning, and captures the main idea of ​​the content.

The child is creative. Loves art and music classes.

The originality of the products of creative imagination is revealed. The most common sources of imagination are cartoons and books.

Child's position in the group

Konstantin is quite sociable. He is characterized by such communicative qualities as expressiveness and imagery, accuracy and logic, appropriateness, etc.

From the conversation (Appendix 3) with the boy, the following information was obtained: he has quite a lot of friends in the group.
Mostly his friends are boys. The preschooler has a disdainful attitude towards girls. In addition to his group friends, Konstantin has a wide social circle outside the garden. The boy's position in the team is favorable. He doesn't feel any discomfort. The boy has a clearly expressed desire to be independent and independent. This tendency can also be used in educational aspects, for example, entrusting a child with a responsible task within the life of a preschool team.
Not prone to conflicts, good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is adequate (Appendix 4), tries to comply with accepted rules and regulations.

Emotional sphere of the child

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; In an unfamiliar environment, slight timidity appears. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, communication is easy and quick.

Constantly animated, very active in all areas of preschool life, interferes in everything, takes on all matters, emotional outbursts are very rare.

The child knows how to be restrained and can hide fear, aggression and tears. But this happens when it is very, very necessary. Able to control his emotions.

Features of character and temperament

Observing the child and using methods for diagnosing character traits allows us to characterize Konstantin as a friendly, sociable, cheerful child.
A boy is characterized by such traits as demanding attention to his own person, striving to satisfy his needs, and striving for self-affirmation.

The boy is persistent in achieving significant goals, but failures unsettle him. If he fails to do something, then the child subsequently devalues ​​its importance in his life and makes minimal efforts to achieve success in this area.
It is difficult for a child to organize purposeful activities, this is due to the poor development of volitional processes. Overcoming difficulties causes negative experiences in Konstantin, and he uses the withdrawal method.

Child's aptitudes and abilities

Shows interest in listening to works of art (reads poetry expressively, participates in dramatizations)

The boy demonstrates the following skills in productive activities:

Knows different methods of sculpting (can sculpt animals, birds, various objects);

Creates compositions using appliqué technique;

Can draw with different materials and means

In music classes he is distinguished by his activity and artistry. Responsible for performing leading roles. Loves listening to music, drawing, communicating with children. Strives for new knowledge and has a wide range of interests. Active development of imagination and improvement of perception become the basis of it creativity which is reflected in productive activity. Thus, Kostik’s drawings become more detailed and their color range is enriched. The image of a person becomes more detailed and proportional (Appendices 5).

Konstantin is a fairly formed personality, having his own advantages (active, inquisitive, self-sufficient) and disadvantages (features of speech development, character).

A necessary condition for character education is the formation of a worldview, beliefs, and ideals.

The most important means of character education is creative, collective, socially useful work.

Purposeful and consistent pedagogical work, involving the use of an arsenal of special pedagogical methods and the child’s own speech exercises, will help cope with speech deficiencies.

Pedagogical characteristics for a preschooler sample

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler: content and sample

When your child enters a kindergarten or preschool educational institution, a so-called psychological and pedagogical profile of a preschooler will be drawn up for him. It will also be needed if it is necessary to determine the profile of education in correctional groups or kindergartens, when transferring to another preschool educational institution and when sending for examination by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler is an official document that is filled out by a kindergarten teacher. It is sealed and signed by the head of the preschool educational institution and is the main document for a psychologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist and other specialists who take part in a psychological and pedagogical examination.

This article will introduce you, dear parents, to the main points contained in the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child. Objectivity and literacy are the two main requirements for this document. It should contain the following basic information:

1. The time during which the child attends kindergarten.

2. Features of adaptation to the institution.

3. Age of entry into school, degree of readiness.

4. Progress and difficulties in mastering the program and individual subjects.

5. Behavior in class: attentiveness, perseverance, discipline. Details such as increased fatigue, lack of composure, etc. should be indicated here.

6. The child’s position and behavior in the group of peers: aggression, passivity, pugnacity, etc. How do other children treat him?

7. Corrective measures applied and their effect.

Unfortunately, many teachers do not take due responsibility for drawing up such an important document as the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler. Let us note the main shortcomings:

1. Characteristics are incomplete.

2. She doesn't meet the requirements.

3. Does not contain an analysis of the child’s mastery of the curriculum.

4. Unnecessary information, too detailed description of minor details.

5. There are no generalized conclusions of the educator or teacher with justification.

Below is a sample of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschooler (main points to fill out) for informational purposes:

1. Date of completion.

3. Date of birth.

14. Difficulties in communication.

15. Speech development.

16. Social and everyday skills.

How to write a character reference for a child

In order to know how to write a character reference for a child. you need to figure out what it is and what recommendations exist for writing it.

The characteristics of the child are given after preliminary examination. The study of preschool children must be carried out in their usual conditions of upbringing and education.

When studying the question of how to write a character reference for a child. it is necessary to pay attention not only to what personality traits the child exhibits, whether his cognitive activity is developed, but also to find out the motives of his behavior and actions, as well as the reasons for his high or low intellectual development.

The study of preschoolers takes place on materials of psychological observation of the behavior of children, their different types of activities - play, household, educational, work, art, communication. In order to correctly write a description of a child, educators must also use psychological methods such as conversations, analysis of drawings, crafts, and various tests.

You can write a character reference for a child based on the fact of the behavior of a preschool child, his actions, deeds, and statements.

How to write a character reference for a child. if the conditions of his upbringing in the family, the relationship between the child and the adult are unknown? It is impossible to write a description of a child without a full and comprehensive study of these aspects of his life!

The characterization of the child should include a comprehensive analysis of his relationships with other children. This aspect fits into the characterization against the background of a study of a group of children.

To compile a profile, you should use material obtained from conversations with parents, from health workers, i.e. child development history material.

In the final part of the child’s characteristics, the dynamics of the preschooler’s mental development should be succinctly and clearly stated and his prognosis given. If some of the child’s traits need to be corrected, this must also be indicated. If the child requires increased attention, then the description should be more complete and detailed, indicating the reasons for the child’s negative manifestations and written recommendations for their correction.

Sample characteristics for a child:

Pedagogical characteristics of a kindergarten student:

1. General information about the child

Full name, diagnosis, date of birth, address, date of admission to kindergarten, where the child came from (from home or from another preschool), if there were breaks in visiting the preschool, how many and why

2. Family characteristics

Mother's name, place of work.

Father's name, place of work.

Who is raising the child, does this person pay enough attention to the upbringing and education of the preschooler.

3. Somatic health

How he gets sick: rarely, often, only colds, has chronic diseases, eats poorly, sleeps restlessly.

4. Knowledge, skills and abilities:

Mathematics: quantity and counting, color and its perception, shape, size and their perception, time, space.

Speech: vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, whether speech is coherent.

5. Motor sphere

Gross and manual motor skills.

Educational and methodological material (junior group) on the topic:

Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child

2. Age (date of birth) -

3. Institution - MBDOU "Kindergarten No." The group is average.

Year of study 2012-2013

5. Mastery of educational areas:

Perceives the demonstration as a model, performs it with uncertainty (general developmental exercises, basic movements, sports exercises). Complies with, but does not control, the rules in outdoor games.

Positive attitude towards hygiene processes and food culture. Knows the sequence of actions in the processes of washing and dressing, the rules of behavior at the table.

There are ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world and ways of behavior in them.

Reflects stories from the life of cartoons and computer games in role-playing games. Participates in individual board games (“Put the puzzle together,” “Geometric shapes,” “Counting sticks”). Shows interest in construction games and theatrical play activities. Able to answer questions about the game: “What game are you playing?” “What are you doing?” “Who do you like to play with?” Enters into dialogue with peers and adults. Shows a friendly attitude towards the teacher, parents and loved ones. Knows family members and immediate relatives. Not active in demonstrating independent actions. The child maintains a predominantly cheerful, friendly mood.

Hardworking. Transfers knowledge about the household work of adults to his own work activities (helps with cleaning the site during a walk, cares for flowers in a group). Treats the results of work with care.

Counts between 4-7. Performs game and practical actions in a certain sequence. Does not establish connections between actions (what comes first, what comes next). Difficulty in making statements or explanations.

The child is active in conversational communication, answers questions, and requires assistance in explanatory speech. His speech has grammatical errors and his speech is slurred. When retelling, it becomes difficult, requires the help of an adult, and disrupts the sequence of events. Descriptive stories are poor in content. Identifies sounds in a word only with the help of an adult; does not distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard and soft sounds.

8. “Reading fiction”

Willingly responds to invitations to listen to readings, but sometimes gets distracted while listening. Memorizes and reproduces poems, participates in games based on literary plots.

9. “Artistic creativity”

There are ideas about the process of artistic activity, some types of art, but it does not always achieve a positive result. Masters materials and tools; visual skills and abilities require further consolidation. With an active position, an adult can show creativity and simply express his own assessment of what is perceived.

He does not know how to listen to the entire work to the end, to delve into its content. Cannot answer questions about the music he listened to. Interest in music is shallow and unstable. In singing, diction is characterized by incorrect pronunciation of unstressed vowels, breathing is shallow, the sound is harsh, the melody is distorted. Inattentive while playing musical instruments.

6. Group behavior

During NOD, he is often distracted and cannot cope with the task on his own, only with the help of an adult.

During independent active activities, he plays and communicates with peers, he can offend, play pranks and not admit his wrongdoing.

7. Relationships with peers are friendly.

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Characteristics for a preschooler sample

Today, characteristics have again begun to be called letters of recommendation. During the time of the USSR, the recommendation of a guarantor was replaced by a banal characteristic. If you had to choose a job, or had the opportunity to take an elective position. It's one thing to receive a testimonial, and another to give it out. Everyone had to operate with the concept as a characteristic. Here is a sample that will save time in issuing a good document. As a rule, they asked to present a reference from the previous place. In document circulation, the capitalist concept as a letter of recommendation enters into business use.

Material on the topic: characteristics of a preschooler

Characteristics of the pupil

MBDOU "Kindergarten No._____"___________"

1. Full name child ________________________________________________

Group (age) __________________Name_________________

Home address _____________________________________________

Date of birth __________________

Since when has he been attending the preschool educational institution where he came from (from family, another kindergarten), this group _______________________

Full name parents, place of work:

Place of work: ___________________________________________________

Dad: ____________________________education: __________________

Family composition: complete, single-parent, large, presence of brothers and sisters.

Who is involved in raising the child (mother, father, grandmother, others)

Parenting style and control over free time:

Hypoprotection and neglect

Overprotection (petty control)

“Cinderella” type (in conditions of increased demands and rigor)

Like a “family idol” (with constant admiration and revaluation of the child)

Proper upbringing in conditions conducive to the comprehensive development of the child.

3.Contact between educators and parents (relatives) has been established/not established (they avoid communication, currently in conflict), other (specify)

4.Manner, style of communication of the child with others:

  • Dominant style (self-confident, seeks to impose his opinion, easily interrupts, but does not allow himself to be interrupted, does not easily admit that he is wrong)
  • Non-dominant style (shy, compliant, easily admits being wrong, needs encouragement when talking)
  • Extrovert (constantly focused on communication, easily makes contact, curious, open, full of attention to others)
  • Introvert (not prone to contacts, withdrawn, prefers activity to communication, not verbose in conversation).

    Attitude to public opinion of the child:

  • Active - positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, etc.)
  • Passive - positive (understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct shortcomings)
  • Indifferent (does not respond to criticism, does not change behavior)
  • Negative (argues, disagrees with comments, does not change behavior)

    Relationships with the child’s teachers are trusting, makes contact/avoids communication/is aggressive/other (specify) does not fulfill a request or requirement, although he hears and understands the content.

    Somatic health – rarely gets sick/ often gets colds/ has chronic diseases/ eats poorly/ has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps restlessly/ other (specify)

  • Adequate (correctly assesses one’s positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements)
  • Overstated (not critical of himself, exaggerates his achievements)
  • Understated (overly critical, underestimates one’s positive qualities and personal achievements).

    5.Features of personality development and emotional-volitional sphere:

    Stable, not stable enough, unstable (easily changes due to minor reasons).

    Depressed, good (joyful).

    Volitional features are:

    Purposefulness, independence, initiative, decisiveness, perseverance, activity/passivity, activity/inertia, vigor/lethargy, weakness of willpower, inappropriate behavior, motor disinhibition, aggressiveness, spoiledness

    Steady, works with interest

    Unsustainable, lacks motivation, works formally

    Reaction to request and comment:

    Adequate (corrects behavior in accordance with the requirement. remark)

    Inadequate (negative: acts out of spite, is offended, does not react, is indifferent to him).

    Reaction to approval:

    Adequate (happy, waiting)

    Inadequate (does not react, is indifferent to him)

    Not observed, observed (under what conditions).

    The change in emotional state is associated with (the arrival/departure of parents, a change in type of activity, etc.).

    Manage your behavior:

    He can, he can’t always, he can’t.

    Calm / restless (animated) balanced / impulsive, easily excitable,

    noisy/quiet, timid, passive, slow, sleepy and lethargic during the day, characterized by getting stuck, desire for loneliness, moody, irritable

    Confident / insecure, relaxed / tense, with morbid fantasies, embarrassed in unfamiliar surroundings, withdrawn

    Non-conflict/conflict (pugnacious, cocky, attacks comrades, takes away toys), with a negative attitude towards requests and demands,

    Kind, affectionate, cruel, harsh, rude, aggressive, stubborn.

    Neat, thrifty, sloppy.

    High, shows interest in acquiring knowledge, completes tasks independently, transfers the shown method of action to similar tasks, moves from a simpler way of performing tasks to a more complex one, notices mistakes made and eliminates them without outside help

    The average one, when transferring the shown method of action to similar tasks, makes inaccuracies and errors, which he eliminates with the help of an adult

    Low, shows a negative attitude towards learning, has difficulty mastering the necessary skills

    volume of knowledge (experiences difficulties in mastering the material), does not use enough help, transferring knowledge to similar tasks is difficult

    Extremely low, exhibits frequent reactions of protest and persistent violation of disciplinary norms, does not use help, there is no transfer of the shown method of action to similar tasks.

    Occupations (activities) include

    – with expressed interest that persists until the end of the lesson (activity)

    With interest, but not always accurately understands the overall goal and content of the task, willingly takes on tasks without listening to the explanation

    With interest in the general situation, but not in the content of the lesson, he easily becomes interested, but quickly loses interest in the work, is restless, does not complete the task, interferes with the teacher and quickly exhausts the children.

    With indifference (negative attitude) to the content of the lesson and its situation, he is unable to control his activities.

    Play activity: indifference or interest in toys, brings favorite toys with him, (does not) understand the rules of the game, (does not) follow the rules of the game, (does not) make changes to the content of the game, accessibility of an imaginary situation, role in a collective game, behavior in a conflict situation, (does not) reflect his experience in the game, (does not) know how to support the game.

    Moral qualities: adequacy of relationships with family, peers, other people, a sense of affection, kindness, a tendency to help or harm, to offend others, aggressiveness, liveliness, etc. (in)ability to obey the demands of adults, accuracy, cleanliness, adequacy of emotional reactions to approval and censure.

    The main difficulty when interacting with a child and his family: parents do not hide their negative attitude towards kindergarten staff, expressing a negative opinion in front of the child; tearfulness, conflict; difficulty falling asleep and restlessness; does not take into account the desires and interests of peers in joint activities or relationships; intrusive when communicating; aggressive , insults children and employees with obscene words and interferes with classes

    Teacher-psychologist: _____________________________________________________

    Example of characteristics for a preschooler and document structure

    An example of a profile for a preschooler for a teacher working with children of this age is important to have in his arsenal for a number of reasons. Firstly, this will facilitate the process of writing such documents, and secondly, it will help track the dynamics of the development of kindergarten students and build the right plan of work with them.

    In the example characteristics of a preschooler, it is important to include generalized data about the child, which will describe his physical and psychological development, the manifestation of personal characteristics and the pedagogical influence that contributes to their fullest development. The sample can be compiled according to the following key parameters:

    • general personal information and family information;
    • health status;
    • development of mental functions and qualities;
    • features of assimilation of pedagogical influence;
    • recommendations for working with a child.

    Pedagogical characteristics for a preschooler: sample structure

    The pedagogical part of the testimonial consists of important information that you need to include in your sample. An example of a characteristic for a preschooler in this case will have the following structure:

    • the child’s assimilation of the program;
    • pace of work in class and fatigue;
    • expressiveness of cognitive interest;
    • showing initiative;
    • behavior with teachers and children.

    Psychological characteristics of the child

    In an example of a characteristic for a preschooler, you can include key phrases and formulations that will further facilitate the process of working on a real document:

    • psychological atmosphere and emotional background in the family: friendly, conflictual, warmth and care, detachment, desire/unwillingness to spend time together and communicate;
    • psychology of gaming activity: acts as a leader in group games, takes a passive position, likes to play alone, understands/does not understand the rules of the game, chooses role-playing games/prefers objective activities, active/passive;
    • attitude towards creative activity: does not show interest, prefers music/drawing/design;
    • temperament: balanced/unbalanced emotionally, mobile/inert;
    • character: self-confident/not confident, reacts adequately/inappropriately to criticism, sociable/closed;
    • arbitrariness, switchability, stability of attention, memory developed sufficiently/insufficiently;
    • general and fine motor skills, speech are developed in accordance with age/weakly developed.

    From such general information, a fairly complete profile of a preschooler can be compiled. Its sample can be supplemented with some data that relates to the characteristics of a particular preschool institution (speech therapy specialization, correctional groups, etc.). The main thing is that the example is as close as possible to the realities of the institution in which it was compiled.

    Example characteristics for a preschooler

    Daria Stanislavovna Petrova, born in 2011, has been attending the Solnyshko preschool educational institution since 2014. Currently studying in a school preparation group.

    The adaptation process in kindergarten was successful. The girl expressed interest in the new place, she quickly found a common language with the children, and fell in love with the teachers.

    Dasha is physically healthy and follows her daily routine well.

    He is brought up in a complete, prosperous family in an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. He likes to spend time with his grandmother, learns household skills from his mother (knows how to dress, comb his hair, wash his face, brush his teeth), and goes to the swimming pool with his father.

    General awareness of herself and the world corresponds to her age: Dasha knows the names of her relatives, her address, and is oriented towards gender differences, seasons and space.

  • Characteristics of the student.

    F., I. pupil ___________________________________________________________________

    Date of birth____________________ Age ___________ Class ________________

    2.1. Level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, attention, memory), learning prognosis


    Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. He is never distracted in class and does not make careless mistakes in class.

    Listens quite carefully to the teacher's explanation. He is rarely distracted; sometimes he makes mistakes due to inattention.

    Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.

    He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, and does not always correct them when checking.

    As a rule, he is slow and has difficulty focusing his attention on the lesson, and learns little from the teacher’s explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking.


    When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires mechanical memorization is easily remembered by him.

    When memorizing, he can only remember what he has previously understood and understood. Material that requires rote learning is difficult to learn.

    Material that requires mechanical memorization is learned very easily; it is enough to look at it 1-2 times. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being learned.

    When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but conveys the meaning accurately.

    To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, without analysis or comprehension, and makes semantic errors.


    He quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, and often offers his own original solutions.

    He understands the material quickly enough, solves problems faster than many, and sometimes offers his own original solutions.

    Understands the material satisfactorily after the teacher’s explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions.

    Among the latter, he grasps the essence of the teacher’s explanations and is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

    Understands materials only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly, and blindly uses known “patterns” when solving problems.

    2.2. Motivation for learning and selectivity.

    2.3. Possession of rational methods of organizing educational work.

    2.4. General learning skills.


    Voluntary attention is quite stable, can quickly be involved in work and remain operational during the lesson. Memory development corresponds to the age norm. The learning prognosis is positive. Capable of studying educational subjects. Has a satisfactory level of diligence, shows diligence and perseverance in educational activities, but needs help and support, positive stimulation. The student has a desire to understand and master the educational material. The main problem of the student is large gaps in knowledge in all subjects of the educational cycle. However, during the 2 months of the student’s stay in special care. PU, thanks to the persistence and attention of teachers, managed to eliminate a number of significant gaps, especially in the subjects of the humanities, for which the student showed special abilities to study. The main concerns of teachers are the pupil's learning of mathematics. The current level of knowledge in this subject corresponds to the mark “2”. At the moment, the student partially masters general academic skills, reads in accordance with the age norm, knows how to retell, and tries to write correctly. Does not have computing skills, does not know how to productively use a textbook and other teaching aids, highlight the main points, draw conclusions and generalizations. At the moment, he cannot independently organize his educational work, while he still needs constant help from adults.

    2.5. Level of knowledge in subjects.

    Successfully studies in the following subjects: _____________________________________________


    Studying which subjects is difficult, for what reasons _________________________________


    Manifestation of personal qualities in a child’s behavior.

    Hard work.

    The student always does any work willingly, looks for the work himself and tries to do it well.

    As a rule, he willingly takes on work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

    Rarely takes on work willingly.

    Most often he tries to avoid any work.

    Always avoids doing any task.


    He always completes any task assigned to him well and on time.

    In most cases, he performs the work assigned to him well and on time.

    Often does not complete the work assigned to him on time (or does it poorly).

    He very rarely does the work assigned to him.

    He never completes the tasks assigned to him.


    Always keeps his things in perfect order. He always walks neatly and smartly - both at his desk and at the blackboard. He takes care of public property and always tries to put it in order.

    Keeps his own and those lent to him in proper order (books, notes). Helps to put public property in order (desks, equipment, etc.) rather out of duty.

    Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt and sloppily dressed. Indifferent to those who damage public property.

    Often does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books; things, does not protect public property, even spoils it.

    Does not care at all about keeping his things in proper order, he is always unkempt and sloppy. On occasion, without hesitation, he damages public property.

    Attitude towards people:


    He always shows concern for people he knows and doesn’t know, and tries to provide help and support to anyone.

    He is inclined to show concern for strangers if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.

    He often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns if it does not affect him personally.

    As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others and does not help them on his own initiative.

    He considers it unnecessary to show concern for unfamiliar members of society; he lives by the motto: “Mind your own business.”

    Honesty. Truthfulness.

    Always truthful towards your parents, teachers, and comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is unprofitable for him.

    Almost always truthful in relation to educators, teachers and comrades.

    Often tells lies for his own benefit.

    He almost always tells lies if it benefits him.

    Always inclined to tell lies.


    Actively fights what he considers unfair.

    He does not always fight what he considers unfair.

    Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.

    Doesn't seek justice.

    Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.


    In his actions he is always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or other people, and not to his own benefit.

    Almost always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or other people.

    He is rarely guided in his actions by considerations of benefit, rather than his own benefit.

    His actions are often guided by considerations of his own benefit.

    His actions are always guided by considerations of his own benefit.

    Sociability .

    Always willing to come into contact with people, loves to work and relax with others.

    As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.

    Try to communicate with a limited circle of people.

    Prefers individual forms of work and rest.

    Closed, uncommunicative.

    Politeness, tact.

    All his actions and words demonstrate respect for other people.

    Almost always shows due respect for other people.

    He is often impolite and tactless.

    Often unacceptably harsh and rude. Often starts quarrels.

    Always harsh, uncontrolled both in communication with peers and in communication with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others and is rude.

    Attitude towards yourself:

    Self Confidence

    Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

    Completes all tasks and assignments without the help of others. Ask for help only when truly necessary.

    Sometimes, when performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.

    Often, when completing tasks or assignments, he asks for help and support from others, even if he can handle it himself.

    Constantly, even in simple matters, needs the encouragement and help of others.


    He always listens attentively to fair criticism and is persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.

    In most cases, he reacts correctly to fair criticism and listens to good advice.

    Sometimes he listens to fair comments and tries to take them into account.

    Critical comments and advice are treated inattentively and no attempt is made to correct shortcomings.

    Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes and does nothing to correct them.

    The desire for success, championship.

    He always strives to be the first in everything (in studies, sports, etc.), and persistently achieves this.

    Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.

    He strives to achieve recognition and success in one thing, especially one that interests him.

    It is very rare to strive for success in any activity; one is easily content with the position of “middle peasant”.

    He never strives to be the first in anything and gets satisfaction from the activity itself.


    Always carefully weighs his words and actions.

    Does not always carefully control his words and actions.

    For the most part, he acts rashly and counts on “luck.”

    He almost always acts rashly and does not control himself carefully enough.

    Constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck.”

    Volitional personality traits


    Always enters into a fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.

    In most cases, he enters into a fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

    He cannot always bring himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.

    In most cases, he retreats before force.

    He always retreats before force, he is a coward.


    Always independently, without hesitation, makes responsible decisions.

    In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.

    Sometimes he hesitates before making a responsible decision.

    Rarely does one decide to make any responsible decision.

    Unable to make any responsible decision on his own.


    Always achieves what is planned, even if long efforts are required, and does not give up in the face of difficulties.

    As a rule, he tries to accomplish what is planned, even if difficulties are encountered. Opposite cases are rare.

    He completes his plans only if the difficulties of completing them are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

    He very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

    When faced with difficulties, he immediately gives up trying to accomplish what he has planned.


    Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

    As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

    Sometimes he doesn’t know how to cope with his emotions.

    Often cannot suppress unwanted emotions.

    Poor control of his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, etc.

    The position of the child in the children's team.

    Position of the student in the team:


    He is the favorite of the class and some shortcomings are forgiven.

    In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.

    He is liked only by some of his classmates.

    He is liked by some guys.

    They don't like him in the class.

    General emotional tone:

    He is constantly animated, very active in all areas of school life, intervenes in everything, takes on all matters.

    He is lively and moderately active in all areas of school life.

    Lively, active only in some areas of school life.

    Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.

    Almost always lethargic and apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

    Emotional balance:

    He is always calm and does not have strong emotional outbursts.

    Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.

    Emotionally balanced.

    Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations.

    Hot-tempered: frequent strong emotional outbursts over minor issues.

    Strengths of the student:__________________________________________________________


    Problematic aspects of the pupil (area of ​​special attention)______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


    Individual pedagogical work program:





    "______" _______________________ 20____

    Class teacher ______________________ /________________________________________________/

    Last name First name

    Preschool: MBDOU No.___ group No.___

    Age at the time of examination: 6 years 8 months

    The child easily and quickly makes contact, understands the adult’s instructions, but does not retain them until the end of the task, and often asks again. Has difficulty getting involved in work, the pace is slow, is often distracted, and easily switches from one type of activity to another. With external support from an adult, the child works with concentration; a decline in performance is noted towards the end of the lesson.

    Features of the development of mental processes

    Features of perception: an idea of ​​the color, shape, size of an object is formed, visual synthesis and holistic perception of the object is formed in accordance with the age norm. Collects a cut-out picture based on visual correlation.

    Memory Features: the level of development of voluntary verbal memory corresponds to age, the memorization curve is increasing. The volume of visual memory is sufficient.

    Features attention: attention is unstable, often distracted even in the absence of external stimuli, concentration is reduced, the overall level of development of voluntary attention is below the age norm.

    Features of thinking: generalization and classification skills are formed in accordance with the age norm; when compared, they do not independently identify an essential feature. Analytical and synthetic activities are not sufficiently developed. Establishes cause-and-effect relationships in a visual situation independently, in a verbal situation - with the help of an adult.

    Characteristics of motor skills, incl. graphic activities: The level of development of fine motor skills does not correspond to age; there is a low level of graphic activity and hand-eye coordination. The leading hand is left.

    Emotional-volitional sphere and personality traits

    The emotional background is unstable, mood swings are typical throughout the day. The prevailing mood in class is depressed; while completing tasks, there is increased anxiety, nervousness, uncertainty, and a desire for support and help from an adult. The level of development of self-esteem corresponds to the age norm.

    Voluntary regulation of one's own activities is reduced; external control and support from an adult are required. Behavior is not organized, does not independently regulate its behavior, activity is chaotic. The ability to exert volition is reduced and does not show persistence in the face of difficulties.

    The attitude towards peers is non-conflict, the majority plays in a group, strives for emotional contact with peers and adults. Does not show initiative in games and in classes, often follows the example of others. The activity of verbal communication corresponds to the age norm.

    Conclusion of an educational psychologist: the general level of development of mental processes is reduced compared to the age norm. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere, decreased volitionality, poor development of fine motor skills and attention, and features of mental activity come to the fore.

    Date: Educational psychologist _____________ / _________

    Head of MBDOU Kindergarten No. ____________ / _________

    Vocabulary is poor. A child’s speech consists of individual words, often incomprehensible to adults and children. The pupil rarely constructs sentences of three or four words, using only those words that he often uses: “I want to eat”, “My toy”. To achieve the desired result, teachers often have to repeat memorized words with the child; when repeating, the boy rearranges the sounds. The child does not participate in the conversation, trying to turn away from the children. He cannot compose a story based on a plot picture, a set of pictures, retell short works, or compose a story based on a picture - he only names individual words, sometimes not even related to each other. He has a very difficult time remembering poetry, cannot determine the place of a sound in a word, and sometimes does not understand what is being asked of him. To learn a couple of lines of a poem with a child, you need to put in a lot of effort, sometimes more than one day.

    For preschoolers

    To pass the PMPK or ITU commission, a pedagogical characteristic for a child is required. It can be written on specific points or in any form.

    I offer a sample of my characteristics of a child aged 3.5 years, which was attached to the documents for passing the MSE to determine the status of a disabled child. The description was written in free form and was completely appropriate.

    It must also be certified by the seal of the kindergarten and necessarily the signatures of the teacher and the head. Sergey Viktorovich Ivanov, born on October 15, 2010. The child attends the 1st junior group “Petushok” at MDOU No. 10.


    Kazan. Before entering kindergarten, he was at home. The adaptation period was quite difficult. It was difficult to make contact with adults and children. Reacts painfully to a change in teacher.

    The family in which the child lives and is raised is complete and prosperous. Besides him, there is an older brother in the family.

    Characteristics and presentation for PMPK for a preschool child

    Psychological and pedagogical presentation at PMPK (EXAMPLE). Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, date of birth: 06/08/2009. Lives at: p.
    ...., st. …. house…., apartment…. Visits…. MADOU group No.... since... years. The child is raised in a complete, prosperous family. Mother: ...., father: .... Relationships between family members are good.


    The boy is provided with all the necessary conditions for normal development. The adaptation period proceeded calmly. active, cheerful, cheerful child.

    Willingly plays with peers. Difficulties in mastering program material are noted. Difficulties in relating objects by size, shape, color.
    Attention is unstable. Poorly understands the essence of spatial relationships. Difficulties in classifying objects and selecting generalizing words.
    The development of fine motor skills does not correspond to the age norm.

    Material on the topic: characteristics of a child at PMPK

    • Features of the child in the process of eating (does he choke while eating, does he chew it thoroughly, does he have difficulty using cutlery, etc.).
    • The teacher analyzes how calmly the child falls asleep and whether his sleep is disturbed.

    Such a detailed pedagogical characterization of a child allows us to predict the child’s optimal adaptation to new conditions and painless entry into a new team. Tkacheva Marina Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 135,

    Characteristics of a kindergarten student for primary education

    Does not show independence in using songs, but if songs are often sung (in preparation for matinees) he sings. The child is independent in self-care, knows how to use cutlery, quickly dresses and undresses, brushes his teeth independently, notices problems in his appearance, but does not always keep his closet in order (he throws things around, does not turn them inside out), folds his things when reminded, and is often stubborn .

    For the full text of the material Characteristics of a kindergarten student for PMPK, see the downloadable file. The page contains a fragment. Author: Stupnikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna → Publisher 09/18/20150798943909 Comment Thank you for your assessment.
    If you want your name to be known to the author, log in to the site as a user and click Thank you again. Your name will appear on this page.

    Sample characteristics of a child for PMPK

    From the quantities he independently distinguishes “big - small”, height, length. Has no difficulty in classifying objects or selecting generalizing words.

    Knows such general concepts as “vegetables”, “fruits”, “clothing”, “dishes”, “furniture”, “pets”. Uses to name the sequence of seasons. The development of fine motor skills corresponds to the age norm. He is disciplined and reacts calmly to adults’ comments. He has good self-care skills, but is not always willing to clean up toys after himself. Sociable and friendly towards peers. Willingly joins the game, plays calmly without conflicts.

    Prefers role-playing games and enjoys fantasizing. He does not avoid contact with the teacher and willingly communicates with him.

    The family is complete, the mother is balanced and proactive. Always takes an active interest in working with children and conscientiously follows teachers’ recommendations.

    Pedagogical characteristics for a preschooler for PMPK sample

    The information provided in the characteristics must be comprehensive and objective. We have developed an approximate diagram of characteristics of a kindergarten student that will help educators in their work.

    Organizational aspects The document is drawn up with the participation of a psychologist, speech therapist and teacher. A ready-made description of a kindergarten student is provided for:

    • Admission to school.
    • Solutions to legal issues.
    • Consultations with a psychiatrist.
    • Commissions for transfer to a speech therapy group or specialized educational institution.
    • Children with disabilities who attend kindergarten.
    • Guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

    The pedagogical characteristics of a preschool educational institution student is an official document that is invalid without the signature of all persons filling out the form.

    The seal and signature of the head of the institution is also required.
    Difficulties in relating objects by size, shape, color. Attention is not stable enough. Poor understanding of the essence of spatial relationships. Difficulties in classifying objects and selecting generalizing words. The development of fine motor skills corresponds to the age norm. The child’s speech development is below the age norm; there are difficulties in pronouncing sounds. The vocabulary is poor; in speech he uses simple, uncommon sentences. Speech is ungrammatical. Social and everyday skills correspond to age development, meaningful use of personal hygiene items. What kind of help was provided to the child previously: sessions with a psychologist. Purpose of identification at PMPK: On the recommendation of a speech therapist and psychologist.

    Knows geometric shapes, but does not always name them correctly. Does not define or express in words the location of the object to itself or other objects.

    The student does not know how to navigate on a sheet of paper, lining up all the geometric shapes in a line from top to bottom. Confuses the left and right sides, does not name the current day of the week, confuses the changing parts of the day, seasons. Knows primary colors, confuses white with brown, does not know shades. Visual activity. The student shows interest in works of art and responds emotionally to beautiful things.

    He draws and sculpts on his own. Holds the brush and pencil correctly. When drawing the outline of an object with a simple pencil, he cannot control the pressure on the pencil, leaving rough lines.

    When working individually with a boy, the boy uses a variety of techniques in brush painting.

    Sample characteristics for a preschooler's primary medical education

    • To what extent is adult assistance needed?
    • What games does he pay more attention to (moving, board, didactic, etc.);
    • Does he use substitute items?
    • Prefers to play alone or with friends;
    • Plays silently or verbalizes the actions being performed;
    • How does he resolve conflict situations in the game: crying, complaining to an adult, resorting to forceful methods, etc.

    Characterizing the implementation of routine moments, the teacher notes:

    • Child's activity during a walk
    • The degree of development of self-service skills (the ability to dress, undress, fasten buttons, etc.)

    To pass the PMPK or ITU commission, a pedagogical characteristic for a child is required. It can be written on specific points or in any form. I offer a sample of my characteristics of a child aged 3.5 years, which was attached to the documents for passing the MSE to determine the status of a disabled child. The description was written in free form and was completely appropriate. It must also be certified by the seal of the kindergarten and necessarily the signatures of the teacher and the head.

    Ivanov Sergey Viktorovich

    15.10 year of birth

    The child attends the 1st junior group “Petushok” of MDOU No. 10 in Kazan. Before entering kindergarten, he was at home. The adaptation period was quite difficult. It was difficult to make contact with adults and children. Reacts painfully to a change in teacher.

    The family in which the child lives and is raised is complete and prosperous. Besides him, there is an older brother in the family. The child is provided with all the necessary conditions for normal development.

    Mastery of program requirements is at an average level. Spoken speech is not always understandable. Shows interest in cognitive activities. The child is assiduous. Recognizes some animals and can name various objects in pictures. He listens with interest to fairy tales and stories from the teacher, and looks at the illustrations. It is difficult to sculpt with plasticine, and defects in fine manual motor skills are noted. Knows that one can draw with pencils, paints and a brush; does not depict specific images or figures in the drawings.

    As for toys, he mainly prefers cars; some board games and mosaics are of interest. In a group of children he does not initiate new games or ideas. Always takes a secondary role.

    The child’s self-care skills are not sufficiently developed. Dresses with the help of adults, does not have the skills of fastening buttons, locks, or tying shoelaces. Eating is mostly independent; sometimes assistance is required to eat more accurately.

    The child's appetite is moderate, sleep is calm during the day, and he falls asleep quickly. Often suffers from colds.

    When conflict situations arise with children, she worries and cries. Quite compliant, does not offend other children, no aggressiveness has been noted. Adequate emotional reaction to approval and blame. Submits to adult demands.

    All relatives' phones are in a visible and accessible place, in case of an emergency call.

    Teacher of preschool educational institution No. 10 ______________

    Head of preschool educational institution No. 10 ______________

    Characteristics of a kindergarten student: for whom and how is it compiled?

    Drawing up a profile for a child is the responsibility of preschool employees. The information provided in the characteristics must be comprehensive and objective. We have developed an approximate diagram of characteristics of a kindergarten student that will help educators in their work.

    Organizational aspects

    The document is prepared with the participation of a psychologist, speech therapist and teacher. A ready-made description of a kindergarten student is provided for:

    • Admission to school.
    • Solutions to legal issues.
    • Consultations with a psychiatrist.
    • Commissions for transfer to a speech therapy group or specialized educational institution.
    • Children with disabilities who attend kindergarten.
    • Guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

    The pedagogical characteristics of a preschool educational institution student is an official document that is invalid without the signature of all persons filling out the form. The seal and signature of the head of the institution is also required.

    Kindergarten student characteristics template

    A person working on writing a document is guided by an educational program. The teacher draws conclusions, taking into account the child’s fulfillment of her goals and objectives. In the description of a kindergarten student at PMPK, he describes the features of mastering educational skills.

    The document is written according to an approximate plan:

    • General information about the preschooler.
    • Physical development.
    • Communication with other children.
    • Attitude to work.
    • Features of the cognitive sphere.
    • General and specific abilities.
    • Temperament.
    • Predominant character traits.
    • Conclusion.

    A detailed sample description of a kindergarten student will help create optimal conditions for his adaptation to school: using information about the child and his family, the teacher will help the child painlessly integrate into an unfamiliar team.

    On our website you will find samples of ready-made characteristics compiled by practicing educators based on their work experience.

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    The child’s characteristics for PMPK indicate from what time the child has been attending kindergarten and where he came from (from a family, from another preschool institution).

    Pedagogical characteristics for a child for PMPK(psychological-medical-pedagogical commission) reveals the features of mastering educational skills and abilities in the process of studying the kindergarten program. At the same time, the teacher notes:

    • How much interest the child shows in the activity;
    • What types of work cause the greatest difficulties;
    • How diligent is the child during classes?
    • How quickly the child switches from one activity to another;
    • How critical is the child in assessing his results when completing tasks;
    • How to receive adult help in case of difficulties;
    • What is the degree of independent activity in solving educational problems?

    Particularly appreciated Child's play activity. Considering that by older preschool age children develop such complex types of games as role-playing games, dramatization games, and so on, it is important to evaluate:

    • Can the child organize such games;
    • What role does he assign to himself?
    • Can gaming relationships be regulated verbally (i.e., with the help of speech);
    • To what extent is adult assistance needed?
    • What games does he pay more attention to (moving, board, didactic, etc.);
    • Does he use substitute items?
    • Prefers to play alone or with friends;
    • Plays silently or verbalizes the actions being performed;
    • How does he resolve conflict situations in the game: crying, complaining to an adult, resorting to forceful methods, etc.

    Characterizing the implementation of routine moments, the teacher notes:

    • Child's activity during a walk
    • The degree of development of self-service skills (the ability to dress, undress, fasten buttons, etc.) and the desire to keep your clothes clean and tidy,
    • Features of the child in the process of eating (does he choke while eating, does he chew it thoroughly, does he have difficulty using cutlery, etc.).
    • The teacher analyzes how calmly the child falls asleep and whether his sleep is disturbed.

    Such a detailed pedagogical characterization of a child allows us to predict the child’s optimal adaptation to new conditions and painless entry into a new team.

    Tkacheva Marina Nikolaevna,
    speech therapist teacher,
    MDOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 135,