A child up to one year old sleeps in a separate room. How to put a child to sleep? Co-sleeping with a newborn, what's next? How to help your child not be afraid to sleep alone


The newborn should be surrounded by light and soft colors. Pastel, light peach, light blue, olive are the most suitable shades in terms of mental health. Bright colors cause anxiety and can adversely affect vision. By the way, a comfortable, calm environment is no less important for a young mother.

Color range

Leave bright, saturated colors until your child grows up. You can refresh the interior for your baby with natural patterns on wallpaper, curtains, photo frames, simple drawings on the walls.

If the crib is dark in color, then make the walls, ceiling and window opening as light as possible. Suitable for accents simple geometry more dark shades. For example, squares.


A newborn spends most of its life in a crib or in mom/dad's arms. If the baby has a separate room, then it needs a sleeping area for the child, a changing area and an area for sharing with the mother.

Also consider the storage area. There are several options here. This is a separate closet, a changing chest of drawers, shelves in the parents' closet, drawers in the crib. As your living space and imagination allow.

The care area (changing room) is a place where the baby is changed and hygiene procedures are carried out. Usually this requires a changing table with shelves or a chest of drawers. A more compact option is a crib-chest. She can be a transformer for older people.

Finishing materials: 3 important qualities

A newborn human is very tender and sensitive. His immunity is just developing. Therefore, interior items and especially should be as natural, environmentally friendly, and hygienic as possible.

  • Environmentally friendly. Choose high-quality building materials for finishing. Natural or with minimal toxic substances. Such materials are usually sold with the label “suitable for decorating a child’s room.”
  • Naturalness. The crib should be made of natural wood. Paint and impregnation are non-toxic. Also choose textiles of natural origin: linen, cotton, bamboo.
  • Hygiene. Any decorative elements in the baby’s room need to be washed and dusted frequently.

Choosing a style: Provence and country

Provence and country styles suggest an atmosphere close to rustic. Elements of this style can be used in the design of a room for a newborn. This is antique-style furniture, white or pastel base tone, natural curtains, natural wooden floors.

Floral patterns and checkered patterns on textile elements and wallpaper will refresh such an interior and add color accents.

Scandinavian style

The main tenets of the Scandinavian style are environmental friendliness, functionality and minimalism of decorative elements. This is a very ergonomic solution for the baby and his parents. What elements are suitable for a newborn's room?

A crib made of natural wood, a white changing chest, a rocking chair for comfortable feeding and relaxation, a bright window, decor made from natural materials.

The walls are plain pastel, soft pink or light cornflower blue. Wall decor in the style of children's drawings, large multi-colored letters. Older siblings or friends' children can help create this design element.

Hang simple shelves, rectangular or house shelves on the walls.

Classic style

Pink Princess World

Walls can be covered with paper wallpaper pink color with a pattern of white, olive, gray. It can be stripes, circles, polka dots, clouds, flowers.

White furniture made of natural wood will look harmonious in a pink nursery.

If the room turns out to be monochromatic, a brighter textile finish will add expressiveness. For example, curtains, roller blinds with a pattern.

For a boy

The most popular tone for a boy's nursery in a classic style is light blue. But this color in the interior of a baby’s room can also be diversified by combinations with light and dark decorative elements.

White trim on a blue background will add lightness and space. Vertical images from floor to ceiling will visually raise the ceiling.

Universal themes

Many young parents prefer to keep the gender of their child a secret until birth. In this case, it is appropriate to decorate the premises for the future resident in a universal color scheme.

White- Very fashionable color nursery decoration. The more we get tired of city smog, the more popular this color becomes, despite its impracticality in terms of cleaning.

In combination with undiluted main colors color range(yellow, green, blue) white is perfect for the design of a newborn’s nursery.

It harmonizes with all tones of unpainted natural materials.

Various pastel shades combine harmoniously with each other.

The combination of white or in the interior of a nursery for a newborn baby looks stylish and modern.

Even mouse gray in combination with white furniture and accessories creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Fresh green color.

Childhood corner in a one-room apartment

It often happens that a young family lives in one room. When another resident appears, parents are faced with the question: how to organize the baby’s territory?

A shelving partition or a light textile or plasterboard partition will separate the children's and adult areas and add storage space.

Accessories and lamps

The walls can be decorated with photo frames, casts of the baby’s legs and arms. Maintain balance, do not overload the situation, especially in a confined space.

Interior stickers or photo wallpapers will enliven the interior and add visual impressions to the baby. After all, very soon the child will become interested in the situation around him. Choose wall decorations with simple, uncomplicated images in 2-3 different colors.

Organize natural lighting. That is why the walls should be light. One powerful lamp in the middle of the ceiling is enough. If there is no brightness adjustment, hang a night light.

Decorate a small window with curtains that will leave the window opening free (roller blinds, blinds).

Classic curtains are suitable for a bright room.

Textile accessories will add charm and joy. You can hang large letters on the wall - the name of the baby or some phrase with a meaning like “our baby”, “our princess”. A bright baby blanket for newborns will also brighten up the interior.

2. DO NOT use halftones, purple, or deep red in large quantities.

3. Do not hang lamps or wall decorations directly above the crib. This is dangerous and absolutely unnecessary.

Compact furniture

If the baby’s room is small or even shared with a brother or sister, then a compact crib-chest with lower drawers will help.

For a shared room with an older child, a bunk bed with a lower tier for a newborn is suitable.

More calm - so that mom and the whole family get enough sleep. This is how it appears in a child’s life. The baby is growing, and it seems to the parents that he is ready for greater independence and can sleep in his own bed. But the habit of sleeping with parents has already been formed, and it is not so easy now to put the child to sleep differently. What to do, says psychologist Larisa Surkova.

Co-sleeping: 9 popular questions

Before the birth of a child, most expectant parents say categorically: “Children should sleep in their own bed.” Afterwards, parents are divided into two camps - for or against co-sleeping.

Let me start by saying that there is no right answer to this question. Each family chooses its own path and its own decision - this is normal.

The child’s personality matures during the period of the “three-year crisis,” but even then it only goes through the first stages of maturity. Until this age, the baby identifies himself only with loved ones and considers himself part of them. Imagine for a second that you are tired, your strength has left you. At this moment, you will want to fall into the arms of your husband, feel the warmth and attention. That's how it is with children. For them, sleeping together is, first of all, an emotional recharge. Next to their mother they are safe, comfortable, calm.

Whether your child sleeps alone or with you is a matter of your convenience. Many children, who sleep separately from birth, begin to ask their parents at the age of one and a half years. This is understandable: the flow of information increases, the workload increases - and the baby hurries to his mother. Next to her, sleep is calmer, and development moves forward.

Nevertheless, heated discussions do not subside around co-sleeping. I propose to discuss some popular questions.

Is it possible to put a child to sleep in a separate room from birth?

It's possible, but not necessary. This is inconvenient for the mother (she will have to run back and forth) and for the baby, who does not feel safe. If we're going to have a separate bed, it should be next to yours.

Is it possible to move a child into your own bed at 6 months, when complementary feeding begins?

It's not about the way you consume food, but about psychological comfort and a sense of security. At the age of six months, a separate room for the baby is early, but a crib next to you is acceptable.

When is it better for a child to start sleeping separately: before or after one year? What is the most best time?

The best time is when the child is ready for this. Typically, such readiness is formed in him about three years, in the wake of the “I myself” crisis. The baby becomes interested in his own room, bright bedding with his favorite characters or an unusual bed.

What if we are expecting a second child?

Well, it's not the elder's fault. You should not expose him to double stress: from the appearance of a brother or sister and transfer to a separate bed. Start sleeping separately 4-5 months before the baby is born, in a soft form.

I think all children are different. There are those who sleep on their own from birth, and there are those who run into their parents’ bed at night until they are 6 years old. It is important to maintain general comfort and avoid comparison between children.

Is co-sleeping with a baby the death of parents' sex life?

Are there really those who believe that sex is something that only happens at night, in the bedroom, under the covers? There are other places and times of day. You can make love even after the child falls asleep. Do you fall asleep with him? What does co-sleeping have to do with it? It's just mom's fatigue!

If a boy sleeps with his mother, he feels attracted to her...

“Thank you” to Freud! In fact, there are no studies other than his theories on this topic. Personally, I consider these fears unproven, as well as the fact that boys should not be kissed or played with dolls.

Co-sleeping inhibits speech development.

The development of speech is slowed down by the tablet from 8 months and a bunch of other factors. Co-sleeping is not among them.

A child will never leave his parents' bed.

Soon you yourself will ask him to lie with you. Once the child's personality begins to mature and develop (around 3 years old), he will want his own bed, room and everything else. So watch for signs of readiness.

Parents begin to think about this problem when all the mistakes have already been made, and the child sleeps only with the breast in his mouth, or while rhythmically swinging on a fitball, or while dynamically dancing around the apartment with him in his arms. That’s when they ask the question: “How can I put a child to sleep without these complex manipulations?”

As always, let us turn to those who have not yet made this mistake: “Dear parents, do not teach your child anything that you will later want to wean off!”

  1. When the child is very young, you can choose two main tactics. The first is physical contact. The baby eats and falls asleep in your arms or next to you when mom or dad's hand is on top. This creates the effect of presence and fulfills the child’s basic need for safety. The second way is that the child eats and falls asleep, usually in the mother’s arms, but then the baby is placed in a crib or cradle. Everyone wants to use this method when the child is 6-7 months old, but then the basic habits have already been formed, and it is difficult to do this.
  2. Child psychologists and neuropsychologists (Weissbluth, Estiville) rightly oppose traumatic methods of teaching falling asleep independently. Firstly, “fading cry” in the parents’ version often turns into “let me scream.” Secondly, it threatens delayed psychological problems at the age of 3-6 years.
  3. From the moment a child is born, it is very important to distinguish between the concepts of “day and night.” During the day there is no need to create artificial darkness and silence.
  4. “Sleep” does not mean “eating” and vice versa. A newborn lives precisely in this mode, but at 6-7 months the baby can be safely taken away from this pattern. You gave the baby the breast, then lay down on the bed and stroked his back, then he fell asleep. So feeding will not be the only method to put the baby to sleep.
  5. The most rational way, which demonstrates good results when it is impossible to put the child to sleep in any other way, is a sequence of actions and rituals. Day after day, the baby must get used to the fact that bathing is followed by feeding, and feeding is followed by sleep.
  6. Remember the main thing: the psyche and brain mature gradually, and at 14-20 months the baby is simply not ready to sleep without waking up. Mothers often confuse light sleep with waking up and immediately put the baby to the breast. Pause for at least 1-2 minutes. Maybe the baby will roll over from side to side and go back to sleep. But if a child under 2 years of age sleeps less than 10 hours a day and screams in his sleep, consider visiting a child psychologist.
  7. To decide whether to place your baby in a separate bed, I suggest using the goal setting method. Think about what is important to you, why did you decide to move your child out of your bed? To do it yourself, or to lead a normal sex life, or because a new baby is due to be born soon, or because the child has already grown up and it’s time? Or maybe because “my grandmother and everyone around me shame me and say that I’m a bad mother”? Disassemble your motivation and find the real reason, the one that is dictated by the interests of you and your child, and not the “good aunt”.
  8. Respect your child's opinion. Perhaps he doesn’t want to sleep here and now because he’s busy? Playing? Doesn't want to be interrupted? Give him the opportunity to finish his business, accept that he is a living person and can have his own plans.
  9. Remember that “everything at once” does not happen. We often want too much from our children. At the same time, wean the child off the breast, do not put diapers on him at night and persuade him to sleep in his own bed? Isn't it too much? Set your priorities, choose what is most important for you and your child, and follow that path!

Parents are ready to do anything for their beloved baby, but do not overdo it when decorating a room for a newborn. You don't need too much furniture, toys, or clothes. Just try to keep everything safe, of good quality, and made from natural materials.

By three months, it is recommended to hang a carousel (aka mobile) above the crib. The child looks forward at bright toys, which promotes normal vision development. Choose a carousel with pleasant music and large toys, and make sure it is not mounted too low. When the baby begins to reach for the toys, it is better to remove the carousel so that it does not fall on him.

Now about electronic assistants. A wonderful invention of the last century - a baby monitor! Mom can freely do household chores, go to the bathroom and be calm about the baby. A video function in a baby monitor would be useful. But only the mother needs a night light to find the baby in the dark, although you can just go crying! The baby must get used to sleeping in complete darkness, and then recent studies show that sleeping under the light of a night light leads to irritability, sometimes even to mental disorders, as the brain does not rest properly.

Now in all sets of children's bed linen a canopy enters - also a dubious object. Of course, it makes the crib look very cute, but there is a risk that the baby will get tangled in the fabric, and the fabric collects excess dust. If you still cannot do without a canopy (to protect the child from insects flying into the window), choose reliable fasteners and make sure that the ends of the fabric do not fall inside the crib.

When choosing a crib, give preference to transformers. When the baby is very small, the bottom should rise high so that the mother does not have to dive inside, and it is also very inconvenient to immerse the baby so deep without disturbing him or hurting her back. By the age of two, it is better to remove the front board, since the child already stands up on his own, sometimes before his parents. If he tries to get out, he may fall and get hurt. As for the changing table, this is not the most necessary piece of furniture in a room for a newborn. You can get by with a regular table. Just place a box or basket with the necessary hygiene products nearby.

Follow sunlight coming from the windows. A newborn should not be exposed to direct rays: overheating at this age is more harmful than hypothermia. Do not place the crib in the room next to the window, or near the radiator. In winter, the air in the room is dry due to the operation of heating devices, which has a bad effect on the mucous membranes of not only children, but also adults. Here it is necessary to humidify the air either with special devices, or simply by placing a wide container of clean water on the windowsill above the radiator.

First of all, you need to do a general cleaning of the entire apartment, and the room for a newborn requires special attention. Not a single gram of dust should remain, either on the chandelier, or on the curtains, or on the tall cabinets. Use safe wet cleaning of all surfaces. It's better not to do this to the expectant mother to avoid overexertion and inhalation chemicals. Subsequently, do wet cleaning at least every other day, as dust can harm the developing respiratory system baby.

Most often, the baby does not have a separate room, but part of the parents’ room. This is facilitated by the housing issue, which is so popular in our country. On the other hand, this is more correct, since a newborn needs care 24 hours a day. If the mother is far away, she simply will not hear at night that the child has woken up. It is best for a mother to prepare for a long move from a shared bed with her husband if they decide to make a separate room for the newborn. Alternatively, the child can sleep in the same bed with his mother; it has now been proven that such an experience has a positive effect on the emotional and physical development baby.

It is better to plan a room for a newborn 2-3 months before the birth. Start by studying information in magazines, the Internet, read reviews of potential purchases, listen to friends, because you have quite a difficult job ahead of you: you need to choose furniture, clothes, hygiene products, and your first toys.

Arrangement of a newborn's room, into which the most long-awaited tenant will arrive, is one of the primary tasks of future parents. This is such an interesting and exciting process that a pregnant woman forgets about the fear of childbirth.

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Where is the best place for your baby to sleep?

Whether you're expecting or already have one, you, like many others in a similar situation, may be concerned about where your baby should sleep. Do you need a separate nursery for your child, or will it be better if he sleeps in the same room where you sleep? These are the questions that you really need to find answers to before you pursue one option or another.

You must decide what is more convenient for you: put the baby in a separate room or leave it in your own. Both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages, and so they can be applicable depending on the person, figuring out what is right for them.

For many new parents, the challenge may be that they can't put their baby to bed in another room where they can't see him. The unreliability of this option is that you may not hear the baby cry at night, and this is a significant factor for parents when making a decision. This is understandable, but in fact you should not worry too much due to the fact that you do not sleep very soundly or that the children's room is far from your room that you may not hear the baby cry.

Once the baby is born, the mother is automatically tuned in to the baby's cries and doesn't have to worry too much about not hearing the baby's cries if that is a deciding factor when it comes to choosing separate bedrooms for you and your baby. Another thing that new parents often do is constantly need to check if the baby is okay and breathing. This is quite normal, and you are not the only one who does this.

In the first few months after your baby is born, there is a need to walk around and check on him. This can be a bit of an inconvenience if the baby has his own room, and you will have to get out of bed every time you feel like you need to go check on the baby. If you are breastfeeding your baby, it will be much more comfortable to keep the baby in your room because you will not have the urgent need to wake up. All you have to do is tuck your baby into bed with you.

If you have already started putting your child to sleep in your room, then you should know that it will be quite difficult to teach him to fall asleep on his own. By the time you decide to give your child his own room, he will have become accustomed to being around you and hearing familiar sounds from you and your spouse. This has a calming effect on the child if he is used to it, and placing him in his own room may take quite some time before he adjusts to this new and unfamiliar place. You may have the bitter experience of not being able to sleep for several nights.

Providing your child with a separate room to sleep from the start can be beneficial for both you and your spouse. This will give you both a place to recharge and find privacy, a place just for the two of you where you won't disturb your baby by going into the room, watching TV, reading or just spending time together. For many people this is the most optimal solution. Your room is a place where they can still find peace and privacy after baby care has taken over the rest of their time.

By allowing your child to have his own room from the start, you eliminate the hassle of adjusting to a room later, which can, as mentioned earlier, be an inconvenience. So, before you decide where your baby should sleep, figure out what's best for you first and foremost. None of these options are wrong or right - just do as you see fit.