School of ascension sanat kumara articles g. Who is sanat kumara

HEALTH INTO THE QUANTUM TRANSITION, READ, WATCH THE VIDEO AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS. “I TELL YOU A MYSTERY: WE WILL NOT ALL DIE, BUT WE WILL ALL CHANGE” (Bible, 1st Cor.) ........................ ........................................................ ..... Recently, things and events have been happening in our environment concerning the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of people, which coincide in many ways, but cannot be described or do not fit any case. These states are not standard, new, but still natural. For those who have noticed this, the following material is collected from various sources, articles and personal observations. “Everyone knows that the Earth is now moving to a new turn of the evolutionary spiral, into a new energy space of the fourth dimension, and this transition is called Quantum. The quantum transition that the Earth and everything living on it (including humans) undergoes affects our emotional, mental and physical well-being and requires a thorough renewal of all spheres of human activity, but special attention still needs to be paid to physical, mental and spiritual health. Why do medications NOT help today? What is happening TODAY at the cellular and atomic-molecular level in the human body? Why do visits to doctors not only do not give the desired result, but often turn out to be, at a minimum, a waste of time and money? All occurring phenomena lead traditional medicine to a complete dead end and, as a result, are neither more nor less ignored. By inertia, the prescription of antibiotics and analgesics that are no longer helping continues. By inertia, incorrect diagnoses are made and incorrect treatment is carried out. WHAT TO DO? How can we help ourselves and our loved ones cope with the panic that is increasingly attacking our consciousness? What should be our competent behavior when incomprehensible symptoms of discomfort fall on us out of the blue? Those who are well acquainted with the Living Ethics of Agni Yoga are perfectly (and for a long time!) aware of the nature of the processes currently taking place, deeply revealed in this Book of Life for Humanity of the Epoch of Transition! And these processes have their place, time, and name. And Oleg Nikitin talks about them today in the article “Why are we “shaking”?..”. More precisely, the material was taken from the pages of one site, but presented quite popularly. “Since April 2012, human DNA began to undergo more intense mutation under the influence of increasing solar activity. More precisely, the transmutation of cells of all living things on the planet has been going on for decades. But I am writing this because many are scared, try to look for doctors, unable to recognize the process of changes in their physical body on a deep level. But the treatment does not work, the government’s medical proposals do not work: all this does not correspond to the challenges that the sun offers to a person. These symptoms come and go unexpectedly, appear for no reason, and go away on their own. These are good signs: the body is sending you a message that it is freeing itself from old biology and old thinking (keep up with it). Symptoms that arise from mutation (rearrangement) of DNA and changes in the body at the cellular level: a feeling of fatigue or emptiness with minor exertion; desire to sleep longer or more often than usual; symptoms of a flu-like condition - high fever, sweat, pain in bones and joints, etc. And all this cannot be treated with antibiotics; dizziness; tinnitus. An important symptom is pain in the heart, cardiac arrhythmia, which occurs due to the adjustment of the heart to accept new energies. Today, for a “transitional” person, it is time to open the 4th heart chakra - the chakra of love and compassion. It is often blocked (in 90% of ordinary people!), and its activation can be accompanied by attacks of melancholy and fear. The 4th chakra is associated with the thymus gland. This organ is located in the front of the lungs and is in its infancy for most. She didn't develop at all. When the 4th chakra begins to open, the thymus begins to grow. At a later stage, it may even be visible on tomography. The growth of the thymus gland is associated with chest pain, suffocation, and again there may be symptoms of bronchitis - pneumonia, in which doctors will mistakenly diagnose influenza or pneumonia... Now, WHAT TO DO? The main thing is no panic! Take a walk. Move! Bicycle, swimming pool... Water contrasts are a must. Be sure to drink soda every day on an empty stomach! (at the same time, extinguish it with boiling water) The body needs to be accustomed to soda gradually, starting with a dose at the tip of a teaspoon and bringing it up to half a teaspoon 2 times a day. You need to drink soda with hot water or hot milk, or better yet, a hot infusion of valerian tea. Valerian and soda are an amazing, indispensable remedy for burning centers. Baking soda also prevents cancer. From the Letters of Helena Roerich - ed.). You can, if it helps, use homeopathy. Use of essential oils. Shiatsu massage, etc. A very good recommendation: hanging for the spine. Stretch. Stretch and stretch your muscles and muscles. Do exercises for your neck - head up, down, left and right, put your ear on your shoulder, then on the other. Try your best. I’ll say a little more from myself: breathe correctly. And this is a whole art. If you feel like it's coming, breathe deeply as you can, and as slowly as you can. And remember this advice for the situation when day X comes, and it will come... If anything, breathe deeply. Here are some psychophysical symptoms and an attempt to explain how to approach it: 1. Feeling as if you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy and, as a result, stress. Remember, to adapt to a higher vibration, you must eventually change. Old patterns of behavior and beliefs come to the surface in a conflicting form. Manage your behavior (self-control!) with the help of thoughts-orders. Tame your EGO, emotions, feelings... 2. Feeling of disorientation, loss of sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore. And on the “fiery front line”. For both body and spirit. 3. Unusual pain in different parts of the body. It is the released previously blocked energies that vibrate in 3D while you vibrate in a higher dimension. 4. Waking up at night between 2 and 4 o'clock. A lot happens to us in our dreams. “Cosmic healers” work with our physical organs and subtle bodies during the night’s rest. Therefore, you may sometimes even need a break during these intense processes and wake up. 5. Forgetfulness. You notice how some details fall out of your memory. And that's putting it mildly! The fact is that from time to time you are in the border zone, in more than one dimension, hanging back and forth, and physical memory can simply be blocked at these moments. In addition: the past is part of the old, and the old is gone forever. 6. Loss of identity. You are trying to access your past self, but it is no longer possible. You may sometimes catch yourself feeling like you don't know who it is when looking at yourself in the mirror. 7. Out-of-body experience. You may feel as if someone is speaking for you, but it is not you. This is a natural survival mechanism when you are under stress. The body is under great pressure, and you are “in the moment” for a split second as if you are leaving the body. So you shouldn't experience what your body is going through right now. It lasts no more than a moment and passes. 8. Increased sensitivity to the environment. Crowds, noise, food, cars, TV, loud voices - you can barely stand it all anymore. You easily fall into a state of depression and, conversely, easily become excited and hyperexcited. Your psyche is adjusted to new, more subtle vibrations! Help yourself in different ways to relax. 9. Don't you feel like doing anything? This is not laziness or depression. This is a “reboot” of your biocomputer. Don't force yourself. Your body knows what it needs. REST! 10. Intolerance of 3D lower vibrational phenomena, conversations, relationships, social structures, etc. They literally make you feel sick. You grow and no longer coincide with much and much of what surrounded you before and did not irritate you at all as it does now. It will disappear on its own, don't worry. 11. The sudden disappearance of some friends from your life, a change in habits, work, place of residence, diet... You are rising spiritually, and these people no longer match your vibrations. A NEW one will come soon and it will be much better. 12. Days or periods of extreme fatigue. Your body loses density, becomes thinner, and undergoes intensive restructuring. 13. If you feel low blood sugar attacks, eat more often. On the contrary, you may not want to eat at all. 14. Emotional destabilization, tearfulness... All the emotions that you experienced before and accumulated in yourself come out. Rejoice! Don't hold them back! 15. The feeling that “the roof is going crazy.” It's OK. You open up out-of-body experience and experience of other frequencies - that is, realities. Much has become more accessible to you now. You're just not used to it. Your inner knowledge and intuition grow stronger and barriers disappear. 16. Anxiety and panic. Your EGO loses most of itself and is afraid. Your physiological system is experiencing overload. Something is happening to you that you cannot fully understand, but ALLOW IT!.. 17. You are also losing the low vibration behavior patterns that you once worked for yourself to survive in 3D. This can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. You will soon no longer need these patterns and patterns of behavior. Just be patient and calm, wait. 18. Depression. The outside world does not correspond to your needs and emotions. You are releasing the dark energies that were inside you. Do not be afraid and do not interfere with their exit, but try to transform them (into bright energies - love, kindness, joy, mercy, compassion, non-judgment, tolerance, patience - ed.) so that they do not harm others. 19. Dreams. Many people are aware that they are experiencing unusually intense dreams. 20. Unexpected sweating and temperature fluctuations. Your body changes its “heating” system, cellular wastes burn, remnants of the past are burned in your subtle fields. 21. Your plans suddenly change midway and you start going in a completely different direction. Your soul is trying to balance your energy. Your soul knows more than you. Listen and trust your heart! In your mind there are repressed, unmet needs for KINDNESS, PERFECTION, INTEGRITY, LAW, JUSTICE AND ORDER. Perhaps because of this, you have or may experience such pathological conditions as antipathy, distrust, reliance only on yourself and for yourself, disintegration, anger, cynicism, complete selfishness... Do you know what “medicine” you really lack? - KNOWLEDGE! The Fiery Age has the peculiarity of being also called the Age of Blue Fire, which means that the belief of believers is absolutely correct. Blue spatial fire is a hard, penetrating vibration that interacts with all types of intelligent life on the surface of the planet. Each creation has passed a certain evolutionary level and currently has in its vibrational arsenal that set of vibrations that corresponds to its level of consciousness. The magnetic component of the consciousness of creation (the ability to love) also plays a role. So, if a person’s Soul is black and sinful, that is, vibrates at low emotional and mental frequencies, for it the arrival of subtle and penetrating vibrations of spatial fire will be especially painful. Consequently, there is no contradiction with the ideas of believers about the features of the new era of Blue Fire. After all, it is the “sinner” who thinks and feels in the lowest levels, and therefore is subject to burning in the Blue Fire. It should be noted that among fanatical believers there may be so many truly sinful ones, that is, those with low vibrations of consciousness, which will be a paradox for them, because among non-believers there may be a lot of clear, bright - sinless consciousnesses. Spatial Fire does not note the number of bows before icons, nor the presence of a cross or crescent on a person’s chest, nor the number of mantrams pronounced. Spatial Fire simply tests the conformity of a person’s consciousness to the new era, and anyone who does not fit into the subtlest “pattern” of Blue Fire burns out in it automatically, without the opportunity to receive an answer to requests for salvation and prayers. ........................................................ .. ........................................................ ................... QUANTUM TRANSITION (THREE WORLDS) channeling There are many worlds in parallel to our planet. In the sphere of direct interests of earthlings there are now three worlds: - the dense world, that is, the 3-dimensional Earth, - the dense 4-dimensional Astral world, called Maldena, - the normal 5-dimensional Astral world. The Quantum Transition is the replacement of the Earth by Maldena, that is, the 3-dimensional dense world with the 4-dimensional densified Astral world. The replacement will occur in the same way as a sunburned person's old skin is replaced by new skin, that is, not all at once. First of all, the land of Russia will change, and then, gradually, the remaining regions of the planet. Since November 2012, the Earth has entered the photon beam energy band, and in the future there will only be an intensification of its irradiation. The frequency of vibration of the Earth's magnetic field is steadily increasing. Until recently, it was 7.8 hertz, by 1996 it rose to 8.6 hertz, by 2007 - to 12 hertz, and at the end of 2012 - 12.4 hertz: “Space begins to change really very intensely, and if in the last millennium the resonant frequency of the Earth, or the pulsation of the “heart” of the Planet, was fixed as a constant value at the level of 7.8 hertz, then in recent years the resonant frequency of the Earth has increased to the level of 12 hertz. If the resonant frequency of the Earth reaches a value of 13 hertz, then in! under these conditions, a “heart attack” for the “heart” of the Earth will already be inevitable! Do not think of the number 13 as a fatal number, because in this case 13 hertz has nothing to do with superstition, but is a quantitative frequency characteristic of the stability of the Planet." The main process of the Transition will take place in three stages: “The Quantum Transition will not be a sharp change in Space and, like every process, has three main stages: beginning, reaching the maximum and ending.” First stage (2008 - 2016). The body of the Earth and the bodies of people become thinner under the influence of high-frequency vibration from the outside. The beginning of the transformation of people is December 21, 2012. Changing consciousness, preparing it for the Transition is the main content of the First Stage. In the First Stage, the dense bodies of earthlings will also be transformed to one degree or another. - Particularly spiritually developed people (about 1%) will transform their earthly body into a normal astral body and move into the fifth-dimensional Astral world. - The bodies of spiritually developed people (about 24%) will be refined to varying degrees of a densified astral body. It has already been tested and allows you to live in a four-dimensional densified Astral world, that is, on Malden, where some of these people will move. The other part (less ready) will move to the second stage. - Most people (75%) will transform their body to a lesser extent, and will not yet be ready for the Transition and will continue to live on Earth. According to the Creator: "the first stage ends at the end of 2016" The second stage (2016 -2024). True Babylon will reign on the planet. There will be many people who have made the Transition to the densified and normal Astral worlds. They will live there. There will remain many people on the dense Earth who are at one or another stage of transformation and many who are not going to move anywhere: “After the first stage of the Quantum Transition, your World will receive even greater diversity, because at the same time the “past” and “future” will be nearby ”, therefore, the “present” will represent the Chaos of manifestations, from which the Sixth Race “Third Stage” (2024 - 2033) will then crystallize. By the end of the third stage, the Transition will be completed. - A small, especially developed part of the population will move to the normal Astral world. - Most of the current earthlings will also become subtle-material, and will already live on Malden, in the densified Astral world: “You have very little left, because your Consciousness, like a sponge, absorbs My New Words about the upcoming Transition without panic at all, since most of you already understands that there will be no physical violence, and the World will remain the same, but transferred to the Astral!” - People who have not made the Transition, that is, remaining in their dense bodies, after the natural end of life, will go to two other planets - they will not be able to live in a dense body on thin Maldena, and by that time the dense Earth will disappear, it will be completely replaced by subtle-material Maldena where life in the Sixth Race begins. These terms are relative; they will not be shortened, but can only lengthen. THE EARTH IS PASSING A QUANTUM TRANSITION, VERY MANY PEOPLE ON EARTH HAVE RECEIVED A CHANNELING (MESSAGE) IN ORDER TO PREPARE PEOPLE FOR THE EVENTS THAT ARE OCCURRING ON EARTH. Channeling in English means “transmission through a channel.” This is a unique way of connecting to the vast repository of information that is located in the Universal Mind. DEFINITION OF CHANNELING WHAT IT IS: Inspired divine words (or energy) of the Creator transmitted to people through a person. The above definition is what channeling actually IS. It means that not only most of the scriptures (of all religions) existing on this planet were channeled in their original form, but also most of the works of art and music! This is a very common phenomenon, however, like many other processes that reappear on Earth in the New Age era, it has been labeled as a “strange phenomenon”. God did not write the Holy was done by Men inspired by God.

Dear readers! Friends and guests!

Natalia Kotelnikova

“To me, Enlightenment means going within ourselves and realizing who we really are and that we can change for the better by loving and taking care of ourselves.”

These words of Louise Hay express in simple form the essence of the Teachings of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters. We transmit this Teaching in the books of Sanat Kumara and in our School, opened in the city of Yekaterinburg, which is called “School of Awakening the Fifth Dimension Consciousness”, where we ourselves, teachers, also learn by teaching others. The Path of Knowledge will last until the Transition itself, but in reality, the path of Self-Knowledge is eternal!

At the School, students learn themselves and learn to educate other people in love and acceptance, trust and compassion. Each of us strives every day to become a little brighter and little by little accustom ourselves to the idea that we can love ourselves and the world through ourselves as only we can, completely freely, in our own unique way, not at all in the way that the media instills in us: to love yourself, if you meet the standards of fashion and beauty, are successful and healthy, smart and rich. No, to love yourself in any way: not very beautiful, and no longer young, and not too enlightened... After all, inside you is someone who was born on the basis of love and feeds on these energies of love. And he, this Angel, cannot live without love. To yourself. First of all, to yourself. And through yourself – and to the world.

Man is meant to love. He cannot live without love. But how often does he look for love in the outside world! It seems to us that if He or She doesn’t love us, then we are worthless and useless people. Well, how can we not understand that that luxurious or modest flower that blooms in our chest grows on our soil, inside us, and only we ourselves can give birth to it in our hearts, and we either destroy it, or grow it, water it and cherish. With your own thoughts and feelings, looking closely into your soul and pulling out into the light everything that grows there. And a lot of things grow there. But how to see it? How to understand yourself? How to hear yourself, that call that is very quiet, much quieter than a whisper. This is the call of the soul, our Angel, who lives with us every day, every lesson, every victory and defeat. He never judges. Never. He is neutral and knows that everything that happens to us happens because we wanted to have such an experience. At our School we learn to listen to the Angel in ourselves.

No one in the whole world is able to give us love if it is not in our heart. There are no such ways to teach love. One can only sincerely open up towards the sun and what is contained in the seeds sown back in the World from which we came here. From these seeds will grow, if we fertilize and water the soil every day, a beautiful Flower of Unconditional Love. See yourself in the True Light and cleanse yourself so that you can put all your thoughts on display. Become crystalline. Clean, clear, honest. Without double philosophy: I think one thing, I say a second thing, I do a third thing, and I mean a fourth thing. Then you are ready for Ascension.

What is Ascension? This is an invitation to all people from the Ascended Masters to move into a new vibrational layer of life. Become a Sun Man. Become a person of Christ consciousness. This means Reunion with Truth. Become an Ascended Teacher. Yes, simply, ascended. Live in the Cities of Light of the fifth, and then higher dimensions. Where El Morya, Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Serapis Bey and many other personalities now live, who have chosen their mission to become Teachers for those who have not yet realized their multidimensionality and purpose. For those they passionately want to enlighten and brighten.

Please note that these words have the same root: enlighten and brighten. Because Knowledge is light, and by becoming informed, i.e. By putting the information received into practice in our lives, we thereby become brighter. We are learning Ascension. We learn that we must first choose this path and declare to our Angels and Teachers that we are walking this road. And then we will see how they will begin to push us and bring us together with special people and give us the information that will lead us to the Path of Initiation.

And, if this is your path, you will come to a School like ours, and maybe organize your own School. After all, we all came with only one main goal - to help each other awaken, to push each other towards our common task - Ascension to the vibrational level of Life in the Light.

“The one who walks will master the road.” This is our motto, which says that everything is doable for those who choose this path. Readers who call me note that everything in Sanat Kumara’s teachings is simple and accessible. But we have to do it. Simply visiting a school and checking the box “checked in here” is useless. One reader calls me and says: “I have been doing esotericism for 15 years, but I have not practiced. Where to start? He, thank God, came to the conclusion that it is not enough to be enlightened; one must also follow what one reads about.

You may ask, some of you, where can I get them, like me? I'm alone, but I just need to share my thoughts and knowledge! Look at the people around you. They are all the same as you, they just don’t know it yet. But they can find out from you. Love these people around, make them like you. Maybe that's why you came here? Find and raise a friend, enlighten him and walk together along the road to light and love.

What do you think is the most important force in the Universe? The one that moves the stars and planets? This power is the Love of the Creator. To yourself. Everything. For, Everything is He. And we, His manifestations, created in His likeness, grow in ourselves a new consciousness of Unity and Divine Love, uniting us with our Creator, Creator, uniting us in One Consciousness and One Body - in the Spirit.

We are grateful to our Teachers, Archangels and Creator for everything that we have created around us, for the new things that we can build and create through joint efforts, for what we are all awakening to in this wonderful life. For the amazing moment in which we now live, breaking everything that we have accumulated in our earthly memory over thousands of incarnations. We are grateful for our unique experience, for which you and I came here deliberately. His name is Ascension - into a new World filled with Light and Love.

Our dear beloved!

The present period is characterized by a global rise in the mass consciousness of people, the adoption of a new paradigm of multidimensionality and cooperation with those. who we don't see yet. We are called to become the mouthpiece of the Ascension, bringing to the masses new knowledge and new practices aimed specifically at awakening a new consciousness and working with it. Ascension is not new on the planet. But earlier, only a few Saints, Yogis, Enlightened Ones, Gurus, etc. ascended. Now we are talking about millions, and potentially billions of people who are capable of ascending if they choose this path. Ascension is a process that should lead not just to liberation from suffering or expansion of our abilities, it is, first of all, a transition to a qualitatively new level of consciousness corresponding to our True Nature, which is sat-chit-ananda, or in other words, it is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss, filled with selfless service to the One Whole, our Creator. Our task is to simply tell people about this and show by our example the Path of Ascension. We, those who work with the new consciousness, came from the Transcendental World in order to catalyze the process of raising vibrations and facilitate the transition of the Planet and all living things to higher levels of consciousness, to Light and Love, drawing other people with us.

Universe and creation

Great Goddess:

The entire universe consists of small honeycomb cells reminiscent of human skin. Every cell is reality.

Below are dense layers with cells with heavy reality. There is a lack of light and fire, but a strong mind, trying to make up for this lack by generating its own light and other energies.

At the top there is open space and the cells located in this layer of reality have almost no need for anything. They celebrate, rejoice and live easily. Their condition is good.

But if the lower layers do not generate their energy, then due to their death, all layers will descend into lower registers and begin to try to learn how to work and generate their light.

What register are we in?

Exactly in the middle. You feed on what the lower and upper registers produce. You connect them with yourself and learn to be everything that is. I would say that this is the most fertile layer. You are no longer in the lower energy layers, but not in the upper ones either, which is why you are growing your mind.

The middle way is neither poor nor rich. But is it bad to enter the upper layers of reality and celebrate?

Updated (05.12.2019 13:48)

Autumn reviews - 2

Thank you to everyone who wrote me their reviews this fall!

Galina Kulak

Natasha, my dear! What a soulful, very sensual and amazing meditation practice (according to E. Tolla 11/19/19)! I have books by this author, which you once recommended to me, they have become my constant reading, and I read and re-read them, but I missed this wonderful moment to feel it with every cell! Now I know how to do it! In this meditation I found answers to my questions. How timely and very useful it was for me! I felt everything so great to the last drop. such grace, peace, and I really saw myself as a huge Angel with dazzling wings - I’ve never had anything like this before! You are our real sorceress, no, the conductor of a wonderful orchestra in which we are all your instruments, each of which sounds in its own way - subtle and beautiful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I have already attended 2 meditations - the sensations are still preserved and a feeling of joy and happiness appeared inside - it’s just wonderful! Thank you, my beloved, the best, for such work - well, simply aerobatics! This cannot be conveyed. I really, really love you and look forward to meeting you again! Good night, our sunshine!! What book did we work from? What is it called? write, please, I want to have it too.

Sincerely, Galina Kulak

Natasha, my dear! A new day has come, but this wonderful feeling that appeared after yesterday’s meditation cannot leave me. Such quiet, pleasant inner grace throughout the body, but also beyond! What a magnificent condition this is! Before my eyes is the Angel that I saw myself as. He is very big, there is a round head, but I don’t notice or feel the shape, but I can see the wings and my whole space is pure white, not golden like in the Kryon book = Journey Home =, but it’s great! I really want to practice this state so that I can be in it, thereby healing my hearing, I don’t lose hope of hearing again without hearing aids, so yesterday I forgot to ask if it was possible to send a recording, if one was made, to me by email? This is my kind request and I express my deepest gratitude in advance. Once again, thank you very much for being with me and all of us! LOVE_YU_YU_YU!!

Sincerely, Galina Kulak

Updated (05.12.2019 13:29)

Getting ready for New Year's seminars

Discipleship and Suffering

“The sons of God who know and see and hear (and, knowing, know that they know), suffer, conscious of limitation. In the hidden depths of conscious existence, they are tormented by the loss of the state of freedom. Suffering, illness, poverty, misfortune and loss are seen as such, and every son of God protests against them. He knows within himself that before he entered the form as a prisoner, he knew no pain. Suffering and death, aging and illness did not affect him. The riches of the universe belonged to him, and he did not know the feeling of loss.

“The lives that come into form with the self-conscious lives are the deva lives that build the forms in which all the sons of God dwell; they do not know pain, loss and troubles. Some forms disintegrate, other forms leave, and what needs to be nourished and made strong on the external plane does not remain. But lacking the will and systematic intention, they do not experience deterioration and do not know any expressed protest.”

A few words about suffering may be in order here, although it is not my intention to impart any secrets regarding the evolution of the human hierarchy through the medium of suffering. Devas do not suffer the way humanity does. Their rhythm speed is more stable, although it is in accordance with the Law. They learn through effort in the work of building and incorporating, or incorporating, into the form of what is built.

They grow through correct perception of built forms and enjoyment of these forms and the completed work. The Devas build and humanity destroys, and through the throwing away of forms man learns through his discontent. This is how (forced) consent to participate in the work of the great Builders is achieved.

Updated (03.12.2019 11:30)

Dreaming about the future

Friends! I continue with pleasure and attention the topic of the future, which has already been covered in one article.The topic is vast and leaves us room for discussion and imagination. Today at a session with the Great Goddess we discussed this burning topic.

The day before there was a meeting with colleagues - former students, and I was saddened by both my lack of imagination and our guests... We limit ourselves only to the physical manifestation of development - how schools and hospitals will be arranged, relationships in the family, but the area of ​​​​the soul and the development of the mind remains behind the scenes...

Great Goddess:I advise you to dream about the qualities of the soul, about the development of the mind, and what kind of infrastructure will be attached to this is a second matter. Of course, you can dream about free energy, about how you will be free beings, traveling through space and communicating with other races, interacting with Me on a higher level. Create an image of what will happen in 50 years.

I was dreaming: huge islands of forests and lakes, separate from people, where birds, fish and animals would live. We no longer need them as food and left them free. We filled the planet with forests, clean water... And between these green “islands” there are human settlements. Roads connect these cities. But the cities are not huge, they are all with low buildings, and there is also a lot of greenery inside the cities. We can move factories and production to asteroids and planetoids, to ships and bases. Where the substance is mined, there the products are created. We live in symbiosis with the planet and do not leave waste; all waste is used in production.

Updated (03.12.2019 18:53)

Building our future

Dear friends! Channeled by Maria Simonenko Lucifer called on us to be thoughtful in shaping our future. And indeed, if we don’t imagine it in any way, build new social relations, laws of society and simply the everyday life of people, then what are we building? New hospitals and schools? Factories and prisons?

“Now you can help yourself if you start keeping a list. Give it a name, for example: “What would I like to change in this world”, or “The world of my future”. Constantly add into it everything that you would like to do in the future and that you would like to change and correct. Do you want a new world? What will it be like? Write in detail on the list everything you want to see, regardless of whether it seems realistic to you to achieve it.

Think about what you want on a large scale in the scope of all humanity, visualize, bring your future closer, attract it with your thoughts.

Get your act together. Create a powerful vortex in your mental space. He will twist the energy inside himself for implementation. The more people have a new bright future in mind, the sooner the time of its arrival will approach. And remember, it all starts here and now!”

I wanted to dream together with our Sanat Kumara School about how we could imagine our future. I think that free energy can help us solve most of the planet’s problems - remove garbage, drill wells in deserts, and create a healthy ecological environment, grow vegetables in the north and in the desert. To bring new medical discoveries to everyone in order to make many people healthy, and make their lives easier with proper care.

When I think about something, I always find a hint from the Teachers. This was the case yesterday: while reading Kuklin’s review from the World Channeling magazine, I turned to those old articles of mine that the author used in the review. They also talked about the future. Take a look at some thoughts about the way the future is built.

Updated (12/01/2019 09:58)



November 25, 2019

This channeling began with questions from my friend, Olga R. I will present some of our dialogues with minor amendments and additions, as I find them very interesting.

Olga: ...I’m also thinking about how to get (big) money. What does Lucifer say about this?

Olga asked Lucifer to ask the question about money more than once. I always ignored him as frivolous, but today her persistence won. I contact the channel with her question. I don’t plan to write down the answer, because I don’t expect there to be one. However, Lucifer begins to explain, saying that money is closely related to the resource of human energy, and in order for it to increase, you need to expand your influence on people and/or become popular.

I am writing to Olga:

We ourselves don’t want this, apparently, since financial flow is closely connected with people, with a large number of people. You need to expand to an ever larger circle of people so that the masses recognize you. (*And for them to love you, you need to indulge them). Humanity has a low consciousness, and now tying oneself to the masses is a heavy burden for the soul. She doesn't just need it.

All the rich and powerful are connected to the karma of a large number of people. It probably further aggravates them. I think that the masses impose certain projections (*including negative ones) on their idols. So their low consciousness and low deeds are connected, among other things, with the low consciousness of the people.

Olga: I think there is no need to connect. There are different types of earnings. You can be a billionaire incognito.

Updated (11/30/2019 10:07)


Accepted 07/25/2019

“The extent to which you can retain the light within yourself, the extent to which your potential will grow, regardless of natal forecasts and karmic predispositions”

- To hold the light within yourself is to always be in the flow of the Source, to be aware of yourself and expand your consciousness, which means increasing the luminosity and power of radiation. Therefore, expanding consciousness is only possible when you not only accept the light/love of the Source, but also give it away and ground it. In other words, not only internal expansion is necessary, but also expansion of the external space of light/love, for, as the law says, what is inside is also outside. Thus, it is impossible to just hold the light, accumulate it, without giving it away.

Naturally. For example, when an object heats up, it simultaneously begins to give off heat to the surrounding space. There is an exchange of energies. And if you do not connect the object to a heating source, it will cool down, giving off heat to the surrounding space. This is a physical law.

But man is the same physical system, built into the general energy system of earthly space. The difference is that man's intelligence is such that he can experiment with energies. This is also creativity. And the ability to consciously create is already a skill, isn’t it?

Updated (11/29/2019 11:41)

Graduated from the Music College named after. Tchaikovsky in Yekaterinburg and the Ural State Conservatory. Mussorgsky in harp classes.

She has more than 30 years of professional concert experience as a harpist, soloist of the Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra, as artistic director of the Elegy Philharmonic Quartet and soloist-harpist of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, as well as a teacher at the Music College named after. Tchaikovsky in Yekaterinburg.

Family – husband and daughter.

He is certified as a healer by the Russian National Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists.

Accreditation of an instructor of health practices from the Council of Entrepreneurs under the mayor and government of Moscow.

Certificate from the School of Family Relationship Counselors.

Certificate of the International Academy of Mental Ecology of Clairvoyance and Healing.

Certificate “Ericksonian hypnosis” from the Ural-Siberian NLP Center and the Center for Neuro-Linguistic Education in Programming.

Continues training at the NLP Center in Yekaterinburg and the School of Coaching at the “School of Consultants” Irina Udilova and Anton Uspalova.

Has an esoteric channel of channeling with the Ascended Masters and Archangels.

Channel of the healing energy of the Great Goddess (fire healing energies) (discs, sessions and webinars since 2010).

I have traveled to many cities with seminars from the Sanat Kumara School, from Vladivostok and Khabarovsk to Hamburg and Kempten (since 2007).

In 2009-2013, she conducted mass trips to places of power in Russia and abroad - with the activation of the energy of man and the Earth.

Provides personal consultations and coaching on various health and psychological issues.

She built a house on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg and, together with her husband, is growing the Garden of Eden of her dreams.

Head of the Sanat Kumara School

under the general heading "Sanat Kumara"

Natalya Nikolaevna Kotelnikova

Author's Sanat Kumara School of Ascension “Awakening the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness” was opened in November 2007 in Yekaterinburg by Natalya Kotelnikova. She is an author and channeler for the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and other Masters and Archangels. She has currently written thirteen books on esoteric topics. Channeling is a rare gift given to her by nature, receiving information about the life of the planet and the universe through channels from the Higher Self.

Students from different cities come to the School’s classes. We tell everyone about what the Path of Ascension is, the path opened to all people by the Leaders of the Solar System at the end of the 20th century.Our tasks are to connect with the Higher Self and open our channel with the Teacher. The Ascension Path includes awareness of one’s multidimensionality, cleansing and healing of all bodies, activation of all human capabilities, increasing vibrations, manifestation of all DNA and subtle bodies,complete physical healing.

We talk about all the tools and practices of the new quantum consciousness, we lead to enlightenment along a path that is open to everyone, using the most modern methods. We engage in practices and meditations, open channels with the Higher Consciousness. Our knowledge and energies, which permeate the School’s classes, come from the Teachers and Ascended Masters of the Solar System, the Archangels and the Creator Father of our universe.

The second form of work of the School is seminars. Our seminars are held in different cities and countries. Usually the seminars end with the creation of spiritual Centers and Ascension Schools on the ground. They arise in many cities and Russian-speaking republics. We are pleased to expand our interaction and mutual assistance and encourage other spiritual centers that are moving toward Ascension to cooperate. On our website sanatkumara. ru There are contact numbers for many esoteric schools in Russia and abroad under the heading “Network of Schools.”

The third form of school work is trips to places of power And activation. This work began in 2009 in the Urals. We held in 2009 -11. several activations - in the Ural Mountains and in Arkaim. This is the most massive work, more than 1000 people took part in it. Activations took place under the leadership of N. Kotelnikova. The purpose of the activations is to unite the forces of all participants and help the Earth connect with the Great Central Sun. Currently, the geography of esoteric trips has expanded - these are Altai, Baikal, the Far East, the USA, Greece, Germany. All information is also on the website sanatkumara. ru

The fourth form of work is our sites “Sanat Kumara’s School of Ascension” and “Planetary Ascension” . Website "Sanat Kumara School"was created to publish channelings, meditations, chapters of books by Natalia Kotelnikova and other esotericists, and information about the work of the School. From this site a subsidiary site “Planetary Ascension” spun off, which is intended for the exchange of information and practices, other forms of work of our friends from different cities and countries, as well as for the publication of channelings of other authors and works of poets, artists, songwriters, whose themes correspond to our worldview. This site consists entirely of materials sent to us. We invite you to publish here your materials, travel reports, photographs, practices, meditations, etc.

Under the guidance and instructions of Teachers Natalya Kotelnikova in 2012. created the Union of Christ Consciousness of the Planet. This union works on a subtle plane, through the Higher Selves of humanity.

Personal online consultations with Natalia Kotelnikova are regularly held on Skype by appointment. Sign up for a consultation via e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Ascension Chair Ceremony of the Sanat Kumara School has become very popular, and people even come from other cities. The ceremony promotes awareness of the motives of behavior hidden in the subconscious, promotes awareness of the purpose of the soul of a particular incarnation, and cleanses of entities. Together with the Akashic Chronicles and the Karmic Council, a person’s karmic problems are solved. Often listeners during the Ceremony receive Dedications and Initiations from the Lords and the Creator Father (as they are ready).

Natalya Kotelnikova is a musician by profession, and creates new CDs with meditations and practices accompanied by beautiful, harmonious music conducive to relaxation. Discs heal, harmonize and teach practices. There is also music for meditation.

Allbooks by Natalia Kotelnikova sold on the website sanatkumara. ru in the Shop section, and also published by esoteric publishing houses in Moscow and sold in bookstores in Russia and abroad.

All the details of the life of the Sanat Kumara School, seminar programs, activation programs, festivals, etc., the School’s lesson programs, student reviews, an online store selling Natalia Kotelnikova’s copyrighted audio and video discs can be found on the website . School news, articles and new chapters of books by Sanat Kumara are published here.

You can invite N. Kotelnikova to seminars in your cities.

This work is an attempt to present to the world the Image of the Great Sage and Leader of humanity on Earth - Sanat Kumara.

For many centuries the Name of Sanat Kumara was known to the sages of the East, but hidden from Western humanity. In the religious traditions of the East, Sanat Kumara appears in different roles. And each reveals the facets of his Divine Self.

In Hinduism, he is revered as one of the seven sons of Brahma. They are depicted as young men who have retained their purity. In Sanskrit, the name "Sa-nat Kumara" means "eternally young". Hindu sacred texts also call Sanat Kumara an "eminent sage" and one who knew Brahman.

In the Supreme God of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda, we recognize Sanat Kumara. The name "Ahura Mazda" means "Wise Lord" or "Lord who bestows knowledge." He represents the principle of Good, being the defender of humanity and the opponent of the principle of Evil.

In the Old Testament Sanat Kumara is called the Ancient of Days. The Prophet Daniel says: “The Ancient of Days sat down; His robe was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool” (Dan. 7:9).

In the twentieth century, the name of Sanat Kumara became widely known to Western humanity. This Name was openly sounded in the book “The Secret Doctrine”, which, as is now known, Elena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote with the direct participation of spiritual Beings who have reached a high stage of evolution and are now helping people climb the same steps. Therefore, this source of information deserves special attention.

In the “Secret Doctrine” the Sacred Name is written together: “Sanatkumara”. Sanatkumara is called the Radiant Son of the Dawn of Manvantara, Dhyani, Dhyan-Kogan, Anupadaka, one of the Seven Mind-born Sons of Brahma, Manu, the Son of Fire, the Ancient of Days, the highest Being on the ladder of Being and many other titles. If we draw an analogy with a person, then a certain person also appears in many guises: he is simultaneously a son, a husband, a father, has a profession, an academic title, is a member of some organization, and therefore acts in many roles in his life. Likewise, Sanat Kumara has many titles and names depending on his origin, spiritual nature and type of activity.

In order to understand who Sanat Kumara is and His greatness, we need to briefly become acquainted with the basics of ancient Knowledge, revealed to the Western world at the end of the 19th century in the “Secret Doctrine”.

This work is based on the Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan. As E.P. writes Blavatsky in the Introduction, “...the main work from which the Stanzas are taken is not available in European libraries. THE BOOK OF DZIAN (or DZAN) is completely unknown to our philologists, or, in any case, they have never heard of it under this name. ...but for students of Occultism and for all true Occultists this is of little importance. The main basis of this Doctrine is found in hundreds and thousands of Sanskrit manuscripts, some of which have already been translated and, as usual, distorted by interpretation, while others are still awaiting their turn.”

Also in the Introduction, the author reports that the Secret Doctrine was a common religion of the Ancient World. Evidence of its prevalence and “its presence in every country, together with the teachings of all its great Adepts, exist to this day in the secret sanctuaries and libraries belonging to the Occult Brotherhood.” All documents are carefully and carefully preserved in order to appear in a more enlightened time.

The book "The Secret Doctrine" presents the Stanzas themselves and numerous commentaries on them, which "are given from Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit translations, original Senzar commentaries and interpretations from Dzyan Books given for the first time in a European language." In addition, in every second part of both volumes, the author provides additional explanations of symbols and concepts.

The seven Stanzas given in this volume represent the seven terms of this abstract formula. They relate to and describe the seven great stages of the evolutionary process spoken of in " Puranas", as about the "Seven Creations", and in Bible, as about the “Days of Creation”. Moreover, the “Book of Dzyan” is much older than the Indian Vedas, not to mention the Bible.

Any act of creation includes the origin of an idea and its subsequent implementation. The act of creation of the Universe, according to the Secret Doctrine, begins with the fact that the Supreme Deity, which is also called the Absolute, the absolute Principle, Atman, the eternally unknowable Deity, Parabrahman (among the Hindus), etc., passes from the unmanifested state into the manifested. It becomes “Brahma (Bisexual Power) and unfolds into the manifested Universe,” becoming “the manifested Word of the Logos.” And then there is multiple differentiation and the creation of ever new “forms”, starting from Divine consciousness and ending with physical matter.

Among those who are the first to awaken to active life at a certain stage of Creation, the so-called primordial Beings of Dhyani-Buddha, or Dhyan-Chohans - the Builders of the visible World are known. These few vehicles are intermediaries between the Higher and the lower. “Thus, from the Spirit, or the Cosmic Thought-base, our consciousness comes, from the Cosmic Substance those several vehicles in which this consciousness is individualized and reaches self-awareness - or reflective - consciousness.”

Christians call the Dhyan-Khans Archangels, Hindus call them Rishi-Prajapatis, and Jews call them Elohim or Sons of God. They are Planetary Spirits of all peoples who have become Gods for people. In the comments to Stanza I, the essence of the Dhyan-Kohans is figuratively revealed: “Ah-hi (Dhyan-Khohans) are a host of spiritual Beings - the Angelic Orders of Christianity, the Elohim and the “Messengers” of the Jews - who are Guides for the manifestation of the Divine or Universal Thought and Will. They are the Intelligent Forces that give and establish its “Laws” in Nature and, at the same time, they themselves act in accordance with the Laws imposed on them in a similar way by even higher Forces; but they are not “personifications” of the Forces of Nature, as is often mistakenly thought. This Hierarchy of spiritual Beings, through which the Universal Mind manifests itself, is like an army - a Host, truly, through which the warlike power of the people manifests itself; it consists of corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, etc.; each has its own individuality or its own special life, with a certain amount of freedom of action and corresponding responsibility; each is included in an even larger Individuality, to which its personal interests are subordinated, and each contains even smaller individuals.” Let us pay attention to the fact that the Dhyan-Cohans occupy a high position in the Hierarchy of spiritual Beings - they are “generals” who control their numerous “troops” and at the same time submit to the “Generalissimo”. And in these spiritual “troops” there is a clear hierarchical subordination and distribution of duties and responsibilities.

In the commentary to Stanza IV of the Dhyan Chohans the Kumaras, the Sons of Fire, the Agnishwattas, the Seven Mystic Sages are called. “They are the “Sons of Fire,” for they are the first Beings who proceeded and evolved from the Primordial Fire, called “Minds” in the Secret Doctrine. “For the Lord God... is a consuming Fire.” The author explains: “Fire is Ether in its purest form and therefore is not considered as matter, but is the unity of Ether - a secondary manifested deity.”

The Dhyan Chohans are also mentioned as Manus (in the commentary to Stanza III). Manu is the patron of his own special cycle (or Circle), "each Manu is a special god, creator and shaper of everything that appears in the continuation of his corresponding cycle of being, or Manvantara."

The author cites the description of Kumar given in one of the Esoteric texts: “ The Kumaras are Dhyanis, directly emanating from the Supreme Principle, who reappear in the Vaivasvata Period of Manu for the advancement of humanity." .

There are seven Kumars in total. Four of them are often mentioned in exoteric texts, but three Kumaras are sacred. “The four exoteric Kumaras are Sanatkumara, Sananda, Sanaka and Sanatana: and the three esoteric ones are Sana, Kapila and Sanatsujata.” But these Names are only pseudonyms, the author claims.

Kumaras under different names are present in every religion. The number of Deities is mentioned as seven or ten. “Our races... originated from the Divine Races, no matter what name the latter were called. Whether we are dealing with Hindu Rishis or Pitris; with the Chinese Chin-nan and Zhang-gi - their “Divine Man”; and Demi-gods with Dingir and Mul-lil of the Acadians - the Creating God, and the “Gods of the Kingdom of Shadows”; with the Egyptian Isis-Osiris and Thoth; with the Jewish Elohim; or with Manco-Capac and his Peruvian descendants - the legend remains unchanged everywhere. Every nationality has seven or ten Rishi-Manu and Prajapati; seven and ten Ki-i; or ten And seven Ameshaspents(six exoterically); ten and seven Chaldean Annedoti; ten and seven Sephiroth, etc. All of them descended from the original Dhyan-Khohans of the Esoteric Doctrine, or from the “Builders” mentioned in the Stanzas of the first volume.

What role did the Kumaras play in the development of humanity?

The Sons of Fire (Solar Deities) were the progenitors of the “true spiritual Self” (the Christ Self, or Supreme Manas) in physical man, in contrast to the Pitris (Moon Gods), who became the Fathers of “the pattern or type of his physical form, created “in the likeness of their» .

Let us turn to the second volume of the Secret Doctrine, which describes the formation of the Root Races of humanity.

"12. The Great Kogans called upon the Lords of the Moon about the Aerial Bodies [and told them]: “Give birth to People, People of your nature. Give them their inner Forms. They will lay down the outer Shells [external bodies]...

13. They [the Moon Gods] went, each to his assigned Earth; Seven of them, each for his own Destiny. The Lords of Flame were left behind. They didn’t want to go, they didn’t want to create.”

Among those who “refused to create offspring,” the author names Sanat Kumara. The Kumaras "...appear on the field of action, 'refusing' - as Sanatkumara and Sananda did - 'to create offspring.' However, they are called the "creators" of (thinking) man."

The esoteric meaning of the refusal of the Sons of Fire to “create offspring” in the “Secret Doctrine” is explained as follows: “The Risen” did not want to create weak-willed, irresponsible people, as the “obedient” Angels did; nor could they bestow upon human beings even even temporary reflections of their personal properties, for the latter, belonging to another and much higher plane of consciousness, would still leave man irresponsible, and therefore would prevent any possibility of higher advancement. No spiritual and psychic evolution is possible on Earth - on the lowest and most material plane - for someone who, at least on this plane, is essentially perfect and cannot accumulate either merit or vice. If man remained a pale reflection of the inert, unchanging and immovable Perfection, the only negative and passive attribute of the true I am what I am, he would be condemned to go through life on Earth as if immersed in a heavy, dreamless sleep; therefore, it would be an unsuccessful attempt on this plane.”

So, the Moon Deities, who have no mind, emitted creatures similar to themselves and created their air-transparent doubles, that is, the future bodily forms of man. Why did the Fiery Deities “did not want to create” from an objective point of view? Because the fiery substance is too thin to create the future bodies of people, but the astral matter of the Moon Gods is much closer to the physical plane, although it differs significantly from it in density. That is why it took many millions of years for the astral matter to be compacted into the matter of the physical plane, so that a person would acquire a bone skeleton and flesh and become what he looks like now.

And only during the time of the Third Root Race (about 18 million years ago) an outstanding event for humanity occurred: the Sons of Fire endowed human forms with a “spark” of reason, that is, the ability to think. When humanity became physically ready, the Fire Gods (Kumaras, or Dhyan-Kohans) “descended” (“fell”) into matter, thereby accelerating the evolution of earthly humanity. They not only endowed most of humanity with reason. They also incarnated in some human bodies and thereby added knowledge and will to them - that is, something without which a person would never have become what he is now.

"27. The Third Race became the Carrier [Conductor] of the Lords of Wisdom. She created the Sons of Will and Yoga, by the power of Kriyashakti she created them, the Holy Fathers, the Ancestors of the Arhats...”

The author comments on this Stanza of the Book of Dzyan as follows: “The Third Race thus created the so-called “Sons of Will and Yoga” or “Ancestors” - Spiritual Forefathers - all subsequent and present Arhats or Mahatmas... Creation is only the result of Will acting on phenomenal Matter, evoking from it the Primordial Divine Light and Eternal Life. They were the "Hidden Seeds" of the future Saviors of Humanity."

The "Sons of Wisdom", who... incarnated in this [Third] Root Race, gave birth through Kriashakti to offspring called... "Sons of Will and Yoga." They were a conscious creation, for part of this Race was already animated by the divine spark of spiritual, higher intelligence. This offspring was not a Race. In the beginning, it was a Miraculous Being called the “Initiator”, and after him a group of half-divine, half-human Beings. ...they are those in whom the highest Dhyanis are said to have incarnated - "Muni and Rishis of the previous Manvantaras" - to create a nursery for future human Adepts on this Earth and throughout the present Cycle. These "Sons of Will and Yoga", born, so to speak, in an immaculate way, remained, as explained, completely separated from the rest of humanity. The "creature" just mentioned, which must remain unnamed, is Tree, from which all the great ones branched off in subsequent centuries, historically famous Sages and Hierophants like Rishi Kapila, Hermes, Enoch, Orpheus, etc.” .

If the Dhyan Chohans had not endowed the human forms of the Third Race with the Highest Light of Reason (the Christ Self, or the Higher Manas), how many more hundreds of millions of years would have been needed for man to become conscious! Animal man could never achieve this goal through personal efforts. He would continue to exist almost unconsciously, as can be observed in animals.

Having made such a priceless gift to humanity, the Kumaras did not leave it without further help. They further incarnated in the Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan Races in the roles of Sages and Hierophants, great Rulers and Founders of religions. All the sages of antiquity “tell us... about the seven primary and dual Gods who descend from their heavenly abode and reign on Earth, teaching humanity astronomy, architecture and all other sciences that have come down to us. These Beings first appear as Gods and Creators; then they flow into the nascent man to appear finally as “Divine Kings and Rulers.” But this fact was gradually forgotten."

The Sons of Wisdom are another name for the same seven Dhyan Chohans. In the Bhagavad Gita they are also called the seven great Rishis. “Let us remember that the seven Rishis, the Saptarshis, are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear and therefore they are of the same nature as the Angels of the Planets or the seven Great Planetary Spirits. All of them incarnated as people on earth, in various Kalpas and Races."

Studying the role of Kumara in the development of humanity, it is impossible to remain silent about the greatest misconception of earthly minds regarding this role. In many religions of the world, the act of Higher help, performed in accordance with the Law of Evolution (the Higher is intended to help the lower), is considered as the fall of the angels “into the darkness of hell.” Whereas in the "Secret Doctrine" this act is called a great "self-sacrifice for the good of humanity."
“The Secret Teaching says that the Devas of Fire, the Rudras and Kumaras, the Virgin Angels (to which Archangel Michael and Gabriel belong), the Divine “Rebels”... preferred curse of the incarnation and long cycles of earthly existence and reincarnation, rather than seeing disaster, even unconscious, beings who were revealed as reflections of their Brothers through the semi-passive energy of their too spiritual Creators. If “a person must use his life so as not to become like an animal, not to spiritualize, but humanize his “I”, then for this he must be born person, not an angel. Therefore, tradition indicates that the heavenly Yogis voluntarily sacrificed themselves to redeem Humanity, which was created at first in the likeness of God and perfect, endowing it with human affections and aspirations. To accomplish this, they had to abandon their characteristic state and descend to our Sphere and establish their stay on it for the entire cycle of Mahayuga, thus replacing their impersonal Individualities with individual Personalities - the bliss of superstellar existence for the curse of earthly life. This voluntary sacrifice of the Fiery Angels, whose nature was Knowledge And Love, has been distorted by exoteric theologies into a statement showing that the "Risen Angels" were cast into the "Darkness of Hell" - our Earth.

The above-mentioned Miraculous Being, or “Initiator,” created by the Dhyan Chohans, from whom the “Sons of Will and Yoga” came (“were separated,” so to speak, in an immaculate way), is also called the GREAT SACRIFICE, about which it is very poetically said in the book:

“He is the “Initiator,” called the “GREAT SACRIFICE.” For, being at the threshold Sveta, He looks at him from within the Circle of Darkness, which He will not transgress; and until the last Day of this Cycle of Life He will not leave His post. Why does the Lone Guardian remain in his chosen position? Why does He sit at the Fountain of Eternal Wisdom, from which He no longer drinks, for He has nothing to learn that He does not already know - neither on this Earth nor in its Heavens? - Because lonely, tired travelers, returning home, are never sure, even until the last minute, that they will not lose their path in this boundless desert of Illusion and Matter, called Earthly Life. Because He longs to show every prisoner who has managed to free himself from the bonds of flesh and illusion, the path to that area of ​​freedom and Light, from which He Himself is a voluntary exile. Because, in short, He sacrificed Himself for the Salvation of Mankind, although only a select few can benefit from this GREAT SACRIFICE.

Under the direct silent leadership of this MAHAGURU, from the time of the first awakening of human consciousness, all other, less divine Teachers and Mentors of Humanity became the leaders of early Humanity. Through the agency of these "Sons of God" infant Humanity received its first concepts of all the arts and sciences, as well as of spiritual knowledge. It was They who laid the first foundation stone of those ancient civilizations that so rightly cause the wonder of our modern generation of scientists and researchers.”

Fortunately for humanity, the Great Sons of Wisdom, the Dhyan Chohans, will remain with us until our human evolution reaches its final goal.

Since the Dhyan Chohans are our Ancestors, our spiritual bodies (principles) are identical with Their spiritual nature. And our task is to go through all the stages of evolution through many cycles of reincarnation, according to the Law of Karma, until each of us, as they say in the “Secret Doctrine,” acquires “individuality; first by force of innate impulse, and then by personal spontaneous efforts controlled by her Karma, thus rising through all degrees of intelligence, from the lowest to the highest Manas, from mineral and plant to the highest Archangel (Dhyani-Buddha)."

This means that according to the Creator’s plan, every person following the path of evolution will someday become the same as Sanat Kumara!

At all times, Sanat Kumara and other Divine Mentors help the people of the Earth. We know about the Old Testament prophet Daniel and John the Theologian, who saw the Ancient of Days. We know that outstanding Rulers and Founders of religions channeled Divine energies to Earth in one way or another. Recent centuries are no exception.

Teachers of humanity send knowledge into the world that people who have reached a high level of consciousness can accept. Such a person in the 19th century was Elena Petrovna Blavatsky. In the 20th century, the New Teaching of Agni Yoga was accepted by Elena Ivanovna Roerich; Messages from the Lords of Wisdom were received by Guy and Edna Ballard and Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophets. In the 21st century, help to modern humanity comes through Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina, endowed with the mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in 2004.

Since 2005, T.N. Mikushina received over 470 Messages from more than 60 Beings of Light. The Messages speak about the peculiarities of today's times and the need for changes in our consciousness.

Nowadays, cycles are changing. Humanity has passed the lowest point of materiality and is heading Home to the Kingdom of Spirit. The cosmic pendulum began its movement in the opposite direction - from the descent of the spirit into matter to its ascent into true reality, and its path will be long. Over the next millions of years, there will be a process of decompression, thinning of matter and people acquiring ever new levels of consciousness, up to the consciousness of the Dhyan-Kogans, i.e. divine state of consciousness.

The Lords of Wisdom, and first of all, Sanat Kumara, remind us of our Divine origin and call us to awaken to the Supreme reality, since the Divine reality surpasses in its love, wisdom and beauty any of the most beautiful manifestations of our physical world.

Sanat Kumara addresses us through his Messenger Tatyana Mikushina:

“You are on the physical plane, and you are concerned, first of all, with everything that happens around you on the physical plane. But we call you higher, we call you to the mountain peaks, to our world. And in our world you can feel completely safe under reliable control and supervision.

You are accustomed to the fact that from incarnation to incarnation you came to your cozy physical world. You feel an inextricable connection with your physical world. You created this world. I am telling you that the time has come when you must understand and accept in your consciousness that your world will be transformed. And for those individuals who have not reached a certain level of consciousness, the current incarnation may be the last manifestation of their individuality on the physical plane.

Therefore, while there is still time, consider my words. Accept in your hearts and try to implement the Great Divine Law in your lives.

Everything transitory that is created by your imperfect consciousness will cease to exist. Only that which is eternal will remain. Your best manifestations of the Spirit. Selflessness, self-sacrifice, dedication, the highest manifestation of Love and many other things will exist with you in the New World. Then, when the old world goes into oblivion, the New World will take its place.

And in this world there will be no place for any human negative manifestations. In this world, only that which is eternal will remain to exist, only that which is a manifestation of the best human qualities. And these qualities will multiply and grow. And everything that has become obsolete will be swept away and destroyed.

You have nothing to worry about or grieve about. Trust the Great Law of this Universe. Those who believe, those who love, those who hope, nothing will or will not happen to them. Believe me.

I'm with you. All the Ascended Hosts are with you. And we will help to the end everyone in whom the Divine monad is alive, in whom the Divine essence is manifested.

None of our people are allowed to sink into oblivion. Everything will be as it is written in the sacred books of the past and present.
God be with you! Don't be afraid of change! .

As in the "Secret Doctrine", modern Epistles also tell about the Great Feat of Sanat Kumara. Thus, in the Message of Zarathustra dated December 27, 2012, it is said with the greatest respect:

“Thanks to this Spirit, all humanity on Earth was able to continue its evolution. And it is too unfair to forget the feat of the Spirit of this high individuality. It is too unworthy to consign to oblivion that Being, thanks to whom humanity still continues its evolution.

This was many millions of years ago. And then the situation on the planet was very similar to the situation that developed in your time.

There was no one on the entire planet who could support the Flame of Life, the Divine Fire in their chakras. There was not a single being on the planet that would channel Divine energy into the world.

According to the Law, a world that cut itself off from God was subject to destruction as a failed civilization.

God has already planned a new lila for planet Earth.

However, there was a very high individual who vouched for the planet and its evolution.

And literally at the last moment a decision was made: the evolutions of planet Earth will continue to exist, but only as long as there remains on Earth at least one person in embodiment who can maintain the level of Divine consciousness.

The first who took upon himself the cross of incarnation on the dark planet was Sanat Kumara. He sacrificed all his achievements in order to come into incarnation and give the evolutions of planet Earth Divine principles of management and understanding of the Divine Law.

Thanks to this feat of the Spirit, millions of lifestreams were able to continue their evolution on planet Earth.

It is a great mercy for the world that Sanat Kumara continues to serve for the benefit of the evolutions of planet Earth.

And now that you know to whom you owe the continuation of your evolution, you will no longer be able to irresponsibly dispose of your Divine energy. For millions of years Sanat Kumara has been crucified on the cross of matter so that your souls can be strengthened and take responsibility for the planet and for their own evolution.

You can't pretend like you don't know anything anymore. You must be fully aware and in awe of the great sacrifice that Sanat Kumara made for your lifestreams."