A wedding in Ukrainian style is a beautiful tradition. Wedding script in Ukrainian Venue for the event

The wedding cortege arrives at the restaurant. The newlyweds are greeted on the porch by: the toastmaster, the parents of the bride and groom, and guests. Mothers stand in the center, fathers stand at the edges, and guests stand in a semicircle. The bride's mother holds an icon in her hands, the groom's mother holds a loaf of bread with a salt shaker on a painted towel, and father has two glasses of champagne. The toastmaster gives all the guests a handful of sweets, wheat (millet, rice), small money.

Toastmaster: Let’s meet our “young people”, may God carry them in his arms!
Guests shower the bride and groom with candy, wheat and money, which symbolizes good luck in life, beautiful children and wealth. Then, to thunderous applause, the newlyweds approach their parents.
Mother of the bride: I bless you for this union and may your family be strong and friendly! Crosses the newlyweds with the icon and kisses the bride and groom.
Groom's mother: According to the ancient custom, so that your house is a full cup, try bread and salt.

Toastmaster: First you need to salt the loaf. Whoever adds the most salt will play the lead role in the family! Now break the loaf. Whoever breaks the most will be the head of the family! Now take a bite from the piece that you broke off. Whoever bites off the most will be the first...(after a pause) to give in in all disagreements!
After the “young couple” have tasted the bread and salt, the toastmaster or folk ensemble sings the song “My Charochka,” and the fathers bring glasses of champagne to the newlyweds (the father of the bride to the groom, the father of the groom to the bride). The newlyweds drink champagne and throw the glasses over their left shoulders for good luck. Glasses break and a storm of applause breaks out. Next, the toastmaster invites everyone to go to the center of the hall and asks the guests to congratulate the newlyweds and present flowers.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds and guests to the table and talks about the seating rules for wedding table(the table is usually placed with the letter “P” or the letter “T”).

Toastmaster: Dear friends, I ask everyone to festive table. The “young people” sit at the head of the table, next to the witnesses, then parents, grandparents and close relatives, then friends and acquaintances.

After the newlyweds and guests have taken their places, the toastmaster continues:
Dear friends and guests, I ask you to fill your glasses and draw your attention to our young couple.
In Russia it’s customary that guests drink wine at a wedding.
Let us support, by gathering together here, the custom of the first Russians
Let's raise our first glass to the happiness of the bride and groom!

Toastmaster together with guests: Advice and love!
Guests: Bitter, bitter!

Toastmaster: At our celebration (wedding) there are people to whom our newlyweds literally owe their lives. These wonderful people guided the newlyweds along the path of life, worried about them and shared their joys and failures. These people are the parents of our “young”. And I am pleased to give the floor to the groom’s parents - the parents’ middle names.

Toast of the groom's parents.
And now I am pleased to give the floor to the bride’s parents - the parents’ middle names.

Musical break.

Toastmaster: Many wedding ceremonies and traditions change over time. Literally some 20-30 years ago, everything went differently. And in our hall there are people with enormous life and family experience, these are the grandparents of our “young people”. It is to them that I now want to give the floor.
Wedding toast grandparents.

Toastmaster: After the wedding, the newlyweds often have disagreements about who will do what at home. To prevent these disputes, the division of family responsibilities will now take place.
The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to go to the center of the hall, where there are 10 balloons, in which are enclosed 9 pieces of paper with the responsibilities of the “young couple”, example:
I will give birth to children,
I will raise the children,
I will earn money
I will spend the money
I will drive the car
I will clean the apartment,
I'll bring coffee to bed,
I'll wash the dishes
I will go on vacation.

100 USD is placed in the tenth ball; whoever gets this ball will be the family financier. Also, there is a tradition that you need to save these 100 USD and seal them in a frame, and they will bring good luck in prosperity and in the family business.
The newlyweds take turns puncturing the balloons and reading out their family responsibilities.

Newlyweds' dance - the toastmaster invites the newlyweds to their first wedding dance. After the dance of the “young people,” the toastmaster announces the dance of the witnesses and the dance of the parents.

Dance break.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds and guests to the table.

The toastmaster announces the beginning of the official ceremony of congratulations and presenting gifts to the newlyweds. This ritual is popularly called a “ceremonial circumambulation.”
Guests approach the young family, congratulate the bride and groom, give a gift and raise a glass to the happiness and health of the newlyweds. There is also another version of the “ceremonial bypass”, when witnesses with a tray in their hands go around the table clockwise, while each is presented with a glass of wine and collects gifts.

Before the musical break, in order to prepare the guests for dancing, the toastmaster holds a competition, which is as follows: the host of the program invites 3-4 pairs of participants and gives each pair one balloon three-quarters inflated. A pair of participants, without using their hands, clamps the ball between them. Cheerful music is played, for example “lambada”. The goal is to make the ball explode while dancing.

Dance break.

The toastmaster invites everyone to the table.

The toastmaster provides 2-3 toasts upon request.

Toastmaster: Dear newlyweds, the sages say that love brings people together, this is true. But, in order not to be unfounded, I invite you to the center of the hall and ask you to move 10 steps away from each other. Now I ask each of you in turn to take steps towards meeting your betrothed and betrothed, while calling each other kind words.
When the newlyweds embrace each other, the toastmaster proclaims: Love truly unites!

Dance break.

The toastmaster invites everyone to the table and announces the culmination of the wedding program. Solemn music is heard, and a wedding cake is brought into the hall.
The newlyweds cut the cake, taste it themselves and treat the guests.

The toastmaster talks about the tradition of the wedding bouquet and garter, and invites the bride and groom to the center of the hall. Then, the toastmaster invites unmarried girls to the center of the hall, it is to them that the bride throws the wedding bouquet, and after that the unmarried men who fight for possession of the wedding garter. According to tradition, those who catch the bouquet and garter will meet their love within a year and then get married.

And the wedding evening ends with an official speech by the newlyweds, in which they thank their parents, friends and relatives for their assistance in organizing (holding) the wedding and for coming to congratulate the newlyweds on this significant day.

If you want your wedding to be bright, cheerful, with fiery national dances, then it will be a wedding in the Ukrainian style. You must immediately decide whether this will be a modern, stylized event, with elements in the Ukrainian style, or whether it will be a real, traditional Ukrainian wedding. In order to arrange such a wedding and think through interesting scenario, you will need a person who knows Ukrainian customs and traditions.

Invitations for guests

Invitations to a Ukrainian wedding can be issued:

  • bright flowers with satin ribbons,
  • in the form of envelopes with Ukrainian ornaments,
  • in the form of an ancient scroll, sealed with wax and tied with twine.

Compose the text of the invitation in a comic form in Ukrainian. Exactly Ukrainian will be able to convey in the best possible way the atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm that is to be experienced.


To carry out Ukrainian wedding choose a Ukrainian-style restaurant or organize an outdoor celebration. A restaurant with a newfangled modern design will not be suitable for this purpose. Decorate the venue with simple wildflowers such as poppies, sunflowers, periwinkles. To decorate the hall, use pottery, embroidered towels and tablecloths, wicker furniture, decorate fences with pots and cauldrons, motanka dolls - decor in the style of a Ukrainian village.

The ideal place for such a wedding would be a picturesque village or small town in western Ukraine or in the Carpathians. In that region of the country, ancient customs and traditions have been preserved, which are honored to this day.

Decorate the wedding cake for such a wedding with bright flowers, Ukrainian patterns, ears of wheat

Outfits for the bride and groom

Depending on what is coming up: a stylized celebration or a real Ukrainian “vesilya” (wedding), there are two options for wedding dresses.

For a stylized wedding, use the following elements:

  • Ukrainian wreath with ribbons, dress with embroidery in Ukrainian style, for the bride;

  • embroidered shirt, wide red belt, vest in Ukrainian style for the groom.

For a traditional wedding - national dresses corresponding to a specific region. (as they may differ significantly).

A white dress with national embroidery, over the dress - a red skirt, a wide belt, coral beads, a voluminous wreath of flowers and ribbons - for the bride.

For the groom - red trousers with a wide belt and embroidered shirt, national headdress - kubanka with shlyok. (red cap, sometimes with a tassel at the end).

In the western regions of the country, embroidered vests are worn for the bride and groom. In winter - national kaftans, warm outerwear.

Modern designers offer very beautiful Ukrainian embroidered wedding dresses, ranging from traditional to modern design models. For men there is a large selection of elegant embroidered shirts.

The bride's bouquet is not provided for in such a wedding; according to tradition, she wears a wreath of flowers on her head, woven with her own hands. If you still want a traditional bridal bouquet, make it from wildflowers and decorate it satin ribbons, bringing it as close as possible to the Ukrainian theme.

Makeup can and should be bright. Scarlet lips, blush, bright shadows. Weave bright flowers with colorful ribbons into the bride's hair. Depending on the time of year, the bride’s image can be completed perfectly with red shoes or Chervoni Cherevichki - red boots.

Wedding photo shoot

For wedding photos choose a rural landscape that reflects Ukrainian life. Conduct a photo session on a picturesque bank of a river or lake, in a field with wheat. Photos on horses will turn out to be romantic.

Folk traditions - ideas for the script

First, the groom buys the bride from her parents' house. To do this, he will have to pass a test, solve a riddle, and find a bride among his blindfolded friends. In a word, demonstrate ingenuity, dexterity and physical strength. If the groom does not pass the test, he pays off with money or alcohol. And only then will he take his bride from her parents’ house. Parents bless the young, wishing them a long and happy life, then they can get married.

When leaving the church, the newlyweds are showered with grains of wheat, rye, coins and candies. This symbolizes a future family life in prosperity and prosperity. After the wedding of the newly-minted husband and wife, relatives greet them with a loaf of bread on a towel. According to tradition, the young must break off a loaf; whoever has the larger piece will be the head of the family.

An interesting tradition called “chobots”. The groom must buy boots for his mother-in-law in advance. At the wedding, he washes her feet very carefully, showing respect, and puts on new boots. The ceremony ends with the son-in-law dancing with his mother-in-law.

The ceremony that ends the wedding

At the end of the wedding, the mother-in-law and husband remove the bride’s veil, unravel her braid, and tie a scarf on her head. Now the girl is her husband’s wife, the ritual symbolizes the beginning of a new, already family life. Just like the bouquet, the bride throws her wreath towards her unmarried friends, whoever catches it will be the next to get married.

Video selection:

School graduation party


Scenario of the local part of the holy school graduation

And learn from others,
Don't fight yourselves.

Let your heart not know the pain,
Hai deceive mrii hour beg"
And your youth will be like this,
Don't let anyone get hurt!

The script is partially in Ukrainian.

(Ukrainian lyrical melody sounds, presenters exit)

The land where we were born,
We grow - we live,
Batkivshchina is gentle
I know with love.

Fox, cat and rooster (in Ukrainian)

Scenario for high school students.
Cossack "Fox, Cat and Pivnik"

The script was put together
students 11-B class
SZSH І-ІІІ stages No. 1
Shargorodsky district
Vinnytsia region
Babich Pavlo (Lisichka)
Bilous Andriy (Pivnik)
Trizna Mikola (Kitty)

Diy individuals:
Pratsivnik, also Tsar
Senior Tsarevich
Middle Tsarevich
Young Tsarevich
Clerk clerk
Named the eldest prince
Named the middle prince
Harem of a young prince (3-5 girls)
Santa Claus
Snow Queen
Baba Yaga
Well done from the audience

On the stage there is a table for the president to ask veterans and honored women.
A short confession to give Marchenko V.D.
Congratulations on the holy day from the director of the technical school Gerasimenko V.A. (presentation of certificates and deeds).
You are visiting the ensemble “Arabesques” with the composition “Merry Parasols”, the Moscow School of Mysteries.

(behind the scenes)
Spring has come! Just a little more
The winter song will last
And again the yellow road of the sun
Will illuminate the green bed of grass.

Times change, and with them traditions. Have you ever heard of the girl herself wooing the guy? Let him love, let him bewitch, but to get married?! This also happened, and it was considered a great sin to kick a girl out of the hut with her elders. They treated honest girls with respect, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, they had only to say: “He will marry me - let him go” - and the life of the newly made groom was saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rituals of neighboring villages, even in small details, there was a difference. Some had a round loaf, others had a square one, some had a Christmas tree branch, others had a pine one. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and bitter.

“Good day, shanovni! Let me ask, where are you so cheerful and happy, with such garish bills? Names suggests that he came for his kohana. Friend: “Do you really live here? Didn't you have mercy? If so, then why should you go up and go into which apartment and find that girl you arrived to?” “Don’t you live here yourself? Didn't you have mercy? If so, then why should you go up and go into which apartment and find that girl you arrived to?” The adverbs confirm. Friend: “Yes! This apartment is truly robotic, kind, and beautiful. Your groom is ostentatious and garniy, and our betrothed will not compromise on anything. And you just won’t bother with her. Why should you pass through the fire, the water and the copper pipes, so that we could overflow, so that the year of the names has arrived? "So! This apartment is truly robotic, kind, and beautiful. Your groom is ostentatious and garniy, and our betrothed will not compromise on anything. And you just won’t bother with her. Why should you pass through the fire, the water and the copper pipes, so that we could overflow, so that the year of the names has arrived? The adverbs will be fine.

Sincere songs, cheerful dances, a richly laid table and people - simple, open, hospitable. A bright and noisy party in Ukrainian style will be a great gift for the birthday of a lover of relaxation on a truly Slavic scale!


The degree of difficulty of preparation largely depends on the meeting location. If this is a cafe/restaurant of Slavic cuisine (which one does not play a big role), introducing national flavor into a suitable interior is quite simple. In the courtyard of a private house or in nature, a few bright details are enough, because... nothing distracts from the topic.

In a modern apartment it is more difficult to organize a Ukrainian party with your own hands, but it is also possible if you approach the implementation of ideas creatively. Hundreds of MKs from the network, simple materials and time, which will take quite a lot to decorate a Ukrainian party, will help. We offer ideas:

  • The stove is the main attribute of the hut; it is where you should start transforming the room. Cut out a silhouette from white cardboard and paint it with bright bird flowers (the patterns are very simple, a child can do it). From the same cardboard, the grip, the pots - all together with the stove to the free wall. You will get a bright decoration and a gorgeous photo zone;

National ornament – ​​tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, napkins, sofa cushions. And also grandma’s striped rugs. Ethnic patterns instantly transform the interior, indicating a given direction.

  • Be sure to hang a horseshoe at the entrance. Decorate the walls with wreaths, bast shoes, and village landscapes. Place them on shelves and make mini-scenes from dolls in national costumes(rag, straw). Find a secluded but visible place for the colorful brownie. All these attributes of a Ukrainian party are easy to make with your own hands;
  • a fence of twigs along one wall, in the background there is a hut with a thatched roof painted with flowers. You can cut out a goat from cardboard, place buckets next to it, hang fake jars and other symbolic attributes. If there is little space, a few miniature fragments of a fence will suffice;

  • At a Ukrainian-style party you can’t do without the gifts of nature. Apples and other fruits in baskets, vegetables in buckets, garlands of bunches of aromatic herbs, beads of mushrooms, braids of onions and garlic on the walls, under the ceiling, above the table with treats;
  • bright ribbons radiating from a common center will create a festive atmosphere. And also ears of cereals, flowers in bouquets and wreaths - poppies, sunflowers, bells, cornflowers (can be artificial, now you can’t immediately distinguish them from real ones);

Ethnic ambience is emphasized musical instruments(cardboard bandura, kobza), a massive chest in the corner, simple and painted pottery - jars, pots, jugs.

To make an original invitation in Ukrainian style, decorate a white blank with your own hands. Along the edges there is braid with ethnic ornament(print or draw according to the example). In the center is a loaf and spikelets, a mud hut with a thatched roof and a garna maiden standing next to it, or a flower wreath with colorful ribbons.


If you have time to prepare, you can organize a full-fledged costume party - national Ukrainian clothes will not hurt your pocket. Of course, we're talking about stylization, not handmade. And still very beautiful!

Depending on the region, ethnic costumes have significant differences. But embroidered shirt is always associated with Ukraine, and this is what we recommend choosing. For men, this is a simple loose shirt with trim at the collar and sleeves. Tie bloomers or tapered trousers with a sash or braided rope.

Modern women's embroidery for a party in the Ukrainian style is clothing of almost any cut (blouses, tunics, shirts, sundresses, even cocktail dresses). A bright skirt just above the ankles and a white tunic will do. Light makeup, red beads, simple hairstyle– loose curls, a braid or two braids.

A wreath with ribbons will complement the look (there is a tutorial online on how to make a wreath with your own hands from paper buds, it’s easy). A striking element of the costume is the famous red caps!

Or maybe the Ukrainian party scenario will take place on a farm near Dikanka? Or remember folk tales? Vakula and Oksana, godfather and godfather, Cossack robbers, devils and witches, Viy himself or the hero Kotigoroshko and... it’s impossible to list them all! Of course, it is better to distribute the images of folklore/literary characters in advance.

Menu, serving

Cooking for a Ukrainian party with your own hands is a real pleasure. Simple recipes and affordable products guarantee a lush Slavic feast! True, you will have to forget about the diet. Dumplings with potatoes, homemade sausage, pampushki, cheesecakes, potato pancakes, pancakes - and that’s just the “snacks”.

Set the table at home, without any frills. Treats in large dishes with generous heaps. It would be great if you could find clay and wooden dishes, an embroidered tablecloth, and napkins. The table should be decorated with abundant, tasty, satisfying food, and not with thematic decor.

For main course, stewed pork or whole roasted pig, fried sea fish or roast. Or maybe a goose? Pickles, vegetable salads, sauerkraut, horseradish, mustard and, of course, lard! Garlic onion, jelly, herring, mushrooms...

Have the guests burst yet? Then pies for dessert, pancakes with sour cream or jam and... is that enough? Oh, drinks! Vodka, honey and kvass must be on the table for ambience, but otherwise to the taste of the guests. For your birthday, order a Ukrainian-style cake blooming with sweet poppies, sunflowers and cornflowers.


Whether it is urban in the center of Kyiv or ordinary people on a distant farm near Dikanka, Ukrainian national holidays are unthinkable without dances and songs. Download folk and modern music, conduct a humorous master class on hopak or Cossack music. Having divided into boys and girls, arrange a battle of voices - who will better sing the song chosen by the presenter/birthday boy?

The host’s monologues destroy the atmosphere of general rage, so it’s hardly worth coming up with a plot scenario for a Ukrainian party. Let competitions and entertainment be introduced into the process as if by chance, at the suggestion of the “toastmaster-barker.” This course of the holiday is more consistent folk festival in Ukrainian style. We offer competitions:

Five cans

Tin cans are placed one on top of another in a vertical tower. You need to throw a stick (a soft ball indoors) so as to knock down the top can. Did it work? One more throw. Did you miss or did a few cans fall? The tower is being restored, next move. They play until they reach 20 points (plus a point for each can they knock down) or if someone manages to knock down all five cans in a row.

Cossack agility

While sitting on a chair to the song “Esaul-Esaul”, jump with your butt on a foot pump (from a mattress, a gymnastic ball - ask your friends), holding a ball in your hand, put on a hose. The goal is to burst your balloon faster than your opponent.

Maiden beauty (for guys)

Slice inexpensive fabric ribbons of the same length. Tie them to the backs of chairs according to the number of players. You need to braid the ribbons into a braid to the very tip faster than your opponents, sit on a chair, wrap the braid around your waist (as if tied to the chair) and shout: “You caught me on the braid!”


Crocodile with tasks in the Ukrainian style, make cards for the competition (random choice - draw a Cossack, a hut, a jug, little slippers, etc.). Draw with both hands, the right side of the drawing with the right hand and vice versa. There is a yellow marker in one hand and a blue marker in the other.

Natsedi-ko (for girls)

You will need boards/cardboards with drawn cows and holes in the place of the udder. Depending on the number of participants, it can be done in pairs. Pour white water (flour, gouache) into a rubber glove, insert the cuff into the hole and tie a knot with reverse side. Just before the competition, use a needle to make a hole. The goal is to strain more “milk” into the bucket in the allotted time.

MK or handicraft competitions (motanka dolls, wreaths), strength games for guys, performances by artists - folk dances and songs, Cossack tricks with weapons - will fit perfectly into the scenario of a Ukrainian party. Don't forget souvenirs: mugs, stationery, keychains, magnets or amulets, towels, dishes in Ukrainian style.