Deodorizing talc for feet. Talc for feet What else helps

Talc for feet is a foot care product that is available in powder or liquid gel form.

What is talc for feet used for?

Currently, there are many cosmetic products for foot care. Some of them at first glance seem completely useless, for example, talc. In fact, talc is essential for foot care. Talc is, first of all, natural material. Currently, the cosmetic industry has learned to replace it with synthetic substances, which is rare. Talc prevents and reduces foot sweating, which often occurs when wearing low-quality synthetic and tight shoes. Talc for feet also has deodorizing properties and removes sweating feet. bad smell. Apply talc to clean, dry feet. Usually talc for feet is produced in special tubes or jars with holes. When applying, excess talc must be removed, because Lumps may form, which can injure the skin and cause discomfort.

scholl deo-talc for feet and shoes

Talc production

The basis of talc for feet is a mineral with the same name “talc”. This is a layered silicate that occurs at considerable depth at elevated pressures and temperatures. There are several varieties of talc, such as the greenish-gray “Minnesotaite” or the slightly green “Willemseite”. Depending on the deposit, talc can take different forms.

Talc is a very soft mineral, it can even be scratched with a fingernail. It is slippery and greasy to the touch. It does not burn, does not melt, and can withstand large temperature changes. Talc is ground into flour and used in many industries. Large deposits of talc are located in Canada, France and the USA.

In the production of talc for feet, the basis is talc ground into flour. Next, fragrances, various extracts, etc. are added. They also produce liquid talc for feet. It comes in the form of a cream, and when you apply it to your feet, it dries and turns into regular. The advantage of this talc is that it does not crumble.

Talc Manufacturers

Today, many cosmetic companies include talc for feet in their range. Let's look at some of them.

Oriflame - talc from this manufacturer has an increased deodorizing effect, which is provided by triclosan and tea tree oil. Reduces the intensity of sweating, prevents the formation unpleasant odor. Main composition: talc, zinc oxide, essential oil tea tree, triclosan.

Liquid talc for feet with a refreshing effect is also available. Contains talc, water, menthol, etc.

MAVALA- refreshing talc powder for feet. It has a refreshing effect, effectively absorbs moisture, prevents odor, and makes the skin soft and pleasant to the touch. Main composition: Talc, aluminum octenyl succinade, Deo-Active Complex.

Refreshing talc powder for feet MAVALA

DELIA– absorbs excess moisture, neutralizes odor, refreshes, relieves irritation, has a bactericidal effect, and prevents the appearance of calluses. Contains corn starch.

DAWN– liquid talc for feet “Pirouette”. It has a deodorizing effect, soothes and refreshes the skin, gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. The product is in the form of a gel; when applied, it dries quickly, turning into a thin layer of powder.

Liquid talc for feet “Pirouette”

Vivat– talc powder for feet. Eliminates odor and eliminates sweating. It has deodorizing, antibacterial, healing, drying properties. Prevents irritation and itching. Protects feet from fungal diseases. Main composition: talc, zinc oxide, magnesium, eucalyptus essential oil.

MUELLER- Absorbs moisture, reduces friction and helps keep feet dry. Used by professional athletes.

Kliven– normalizes sweating, has a deodorizing effect, and prevents irritation. Main ingredients: triclosan, alkyl lactate, rice starch, tapioca starch.

Scholl– deo-talc for feet and shoes. Used for elevated physical activity. Prevents odor, has antibacterial and antifungal effects. Ingredients: talc, aluminum chlorohydrate, starch-acrylate-acrylamide copolymer, silicon dioxide, fragrance, methylpropiobutylphenyl, citronellol, coumarin, etc.

Farmona- absorbent talc for feet. It has antifungal, astringent, disinfectant, etc. Contains medicinal herbs.

Foot talc is also produced by other manufacturers: Bottega Verde, 5 days, Lush, Peggy Sage, Markell, SANTE, etc.

Making refreshing talcum powder for feet at home

Talc for feet can also be made at home. To do this, we will need cosmetic talc, which can be purchased at a specialized store - 86 g, kaolin - 10 g, zinc oxide - 3 g, cedar and juniper essential oils - 0.5 g each.

Combine the ingredients and mix until a homogeneous crumbly mass is obtained. We moisten the walls of the jar in which the talc powder will be stored with essential oils so that they are then evenly distributed in the powder. Pour the powder into the jar and mix everything again. The result is a smooth, silky talc powder that is evenly distributed over the skin. This product prevents foot sweating and gives a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Oriflame deodorizing talc for feet

Talc is designed to combat excessive sweating and eliminate unpleasant foot odors. It absorbs excess moisture, providing a pleasant feeling of comfort to the feet, and has a long-lasting, deodorizing effect.

Active Ingredients :

Talc and Lavender essential oil, which has refreshing, antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Method uses:

Apply talc only to clean, dry feet, especially the skin between the toes. Talc is applied either directly from the tube or using a brush or cotton swab. Excess talc must be carefully removed to avoid the formation of lumps, which can cause many unpleasant moments when wearing shoes and lead to skin injury. Apply to clean, dry feet (between the toes and on the soles of the feet). Can also be used as a shoe deodorant.

ABOUT special qualities:

Foot care requires the same care as facial care. After all, the legs are subject to constant stress, which is disproportionate to any other load on our body. In addition, most often we use not very high-quality or comfortable shoes. And this is fraught with the development of fungal diseases, abrasions, the appearance of calluses and corns, and joint problems. Therefore, daily foot care is necessary.

An active lifestyle and specific characteristics of the body can provoke profuse sweating of the feet. Hygiene is also responsible. It often happens that a person does everything and looks after his health, but the unpleasant smell of his feet may not disappear. And in this case it is very important to choose the right remedy By And talc for feet can help with this. Also, do not forget that problems with unpleasant foot odor occur not only in men, but also in women.

Causes of unpleasant odor

There are several reasons why it may not be forgotten that a person suffering can harm their health. All this happens because the fungus begins to multiply. Accordingly, they emit gases, which cause an unpleasant specific odor. Excessive sweating can also be caused by:

  • Synthetic things.
  • Stress.
  • Physical activity.
  • Shoes.
  • Irregular hygiene.

But, these are only external factors that affect sweat production. There are also internal factors that cause unpleasant foot odor. These include:

  • Hormonal imbalances or changes in the body - the feet begin to sweat intensely and bacteria, in favorable conditions, multiply abundantly, leading to an unpleasant odor.
  • Hyperhydrolysis is a nonspecific disease that leads to profuse sweating even in air-conditioned rooms.
  • Fungal diseases - with such ailments, the unpleasant odor intensifies, and a favorable environment promotes the growth of the fungus.
  • Kidney diseases - with disorders in the kidneys, fluid begins to be poorly excreted from the body and leads to swelling of the legs and their sweating.

This is only a small part of what leads to sweating and unpleasant odor. You should also pay attention to the fact that this may be a symptom of a serious illness and problems with the endocrine system.


In order to get rid of an unpleasant odor, you must select the right approach and complex treatment. For this it is recommended:

  • Identify the cause of unpleasant odor and sweating feet.
  • Wear only high-quality shoes.
  • Hygiene is required.
  • The feet should be dry and free of cracks.
  • Foot care products should be used correctly.
  • Don't walk around in shoes all day.
  • Get pedicures and cleansing baths regularly.

If you follow all the rules for caring for your feet, you will avoid the problem of sweating and unpleasant odor. In cases where leg problems are only a symptom, you should contact a specialist who will find the real reason. He will also prescribe appropriate treatment. Don't forget about deodorants, such as talc deodorants.

Talc - help against unpleasant odor

An excellent product that helps get rid of unpleasant odor and profuse sweating is talc for feet. It has been used since ancient times and is considered one of the most effective means. The scope of application of this product is very wide. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, in light and heavy industry. Talc is used to create pottery, paper, insulation materials, roofing materials, rubber, and much more. It is used not only by women and children, but also by many athletes.

There are several types of talc: drying and refreshing. Drying talc for feet is used for cracks and wounds, as well as calluses and sweating. It perfectly dries and removes moisture, thereby preventing bacteria from developing. Refreshing is perfect for people who have an unpleasant smell of sweat. It removes and clogs odor, thereby not causing discomfort to a person. Perfectly suited in the warm season, especially in the summer season.

Origin of talc

This mineral was discovered back in Ancient Egypt. The stone is called talc. If translated from ancient Arabic, it means purity, white color. Mineral deposits have a scaly or crystalline shape. It breaks off in the form of thin plates. The stone also has a second name - steatite. Very often the mineral is confused with mica. But there are significant differences that are important to know. Firstly, it is much harder, very often has a pearlescent tint and fat content.

The birth of the mineral occurs at depths, with the help of groundwater. The waters exert their influence on the dolomite layers, thereby converting them into talc. At great depths it can transform into quartz.

Properties of the mineral

There is a special scale by which you can determine the hardness of minerals. Talc takes first place in it. But it is also flexible. Due to the fact that the stone is soft, it has long been used as a material for crafts. Subsequently, they began to use talc as a deodorant for feet.

The mineral is very fatty, if water gets on it, it becomes problematic to hold in your hands. It will simply slip out of your hands. The color of the mineral is mostly white, but there may be layers with all shades of green. The main functions of stone include its thermal insulation, electrical non-conductivity and resistance to acids. All these properties give wide range application of the mineral in various industries. One of the important areas where talc is used is the production of refractories and electrical insulators.

Foot odor cream

In addition to talcum powder, there are also products that help get rid of unpleasant foot odor. An excellent remedy is a cream or scrub. But before using the cream, you should prepare your legs. This requires baths and cleansing procedures. After everything has been done preparatory work, it is recommended to wipe your feet dry. It is advisable to apply the cream at night before bed, as it will be better absorbed and your feet will remain clean for a long time.

Foot odor cream is perfect for both women and men. It includes:

  • Lemon extract - it has a disinfecting effect and slows down sweating.
  • Oak bark dries the skin and is an antiseptic.
  • Propolis - perfectly helps with inflammatory processes.
  • Starch - absorbs moisture.

There are also creams with a cooling effect, they contain mint or lemon balm. They have deodorizing and antibacterial functions.

Foot spray

You can purchase foot sprays or deodorants at the cosmetic market. An excellent and very convenient product to use. They are designed to quickly get rid of unpleasant odors. Can be used at different times and under any conditions. The product is especially suitable when you need to quickly get rid of odor.

Foot spray is divided into several types:

  • Masking - using strong aromatic properties, removes unpleasant foot odor.
  • Antiperspirant - when used, sweating is significantly reduced.
  • Medicinal - used for fungal diseases, as well as to reduce the development of bacteria.

The name of the stone “talc” is translated from ancient Arabic as snow-white, pure. Later in cosmetology they began to add starch to talc for feet to remove sweat and odor, as this enhances the process of moisture absorption by the composition.

Talc is a mineral, oily and very soft. Cosmetics use talc powder, which can absorb moisture, fats, and unpleasant odors. In addition, powders with it help quickly restore damaged skin. Talcum powder is good for armpits and feet. Eliminates odors, retaining them in itself, since the level of acid-base balance pH of talc almost coincides with the pH of the epidermis.


Very fine talc is used as a base for the production of many cosmetics. Since the product is soft, it does not cause irritation to the skin.

Quickly absorbs sweat, which is secreted by the sweat glands and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It easily sticks to the skin, but at the same time is easily washed off. Talc helps the skin glide easily over surfaces. Because of this, after powdering the feet, calluses, corns, and skin irritation do not form. The powder provides skin protection; oxygen easily reaches the epidermis.

Talc relieves inflammation and eliminates fungi, absorbs moisture and reduces the risk of harmful bacteria. When using the powder, cracks in the skin do not occur, and the mineral also accelerates wound healing and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Safe, does not occur upon contact with skin chemical reactions, no allergies.


In 1960–1970, studies were conducted that revealed a relationship between certain types of talc containing a small part of asbestos and skin diseases. Now those deposits of talc that contain asbestos impurities are not used.

Traditional recipes for using talc

  • Take 1 lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with 1 liter of boiled water. In the evening, soak your feet in the mixture for 15–20 minutes, then wipe the skin with a towel and powder with talcum powder.
  • Place 3 - 4 cinnamon sticks in a saucepan and pour in 1 liter of water. Boil, cool. Before going to bed, soak your feet in the composition for 10 - 15 minutes. Wipe your limbs and powder with talcum powder.
  • Mix 10 parts baking soda, 10 parts talc and 3 parts salicylic acid. This composition not only helps to cope with sweating, but also eliminates fungi and microbes.
  • Grind the head of garlic to a paste, pour in 1 teaspoon of olive oil, add a pinch of talcum powder. Apply the mixture to your feet and put on your socks. Sleep like this all night.
  • Mix 1 part cornstarch and 1 part talcum powder. Powder your feet with the mixture every day.
  • Mix 1 part table vinegar (never use essence) and 2 parts water. Before going to bed, place your feet in a bowl with the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Then dry the skin and powder with talcum powder.

If your feet sweat a lot and you have mycosis of the feet, then add talcum powder to 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil until it becomes a thick paste. Apply the mixture to your feet before going to bed. In the morning, rinse the mixture with warm water, dry your feet and powder with talcum powder.

Collect oak bark, dry and grind in a coffee grinder. After a shower, dry your feet and sprinkle with oak bark talcum powder. Wear cotton socks. In the morning, shake off the talcum powder. Oak powder for sweaty feet is used for a week, but the epidermis may begin to peel off.

Baby powder

You can powder your feet with the following compositions: Bubchen, Sanosan, Johnson’s baby.

In addition to talc, starch from corn, potatoes, rice and zinc oxide can be added to the powder. Starch increases the product's ability to absorb moisture, and zinc oxide makes the skin drier and prevents irritation. The mixture may contain extracts of chamomile, agave, lavender, then the powder has antiseptic characteristics. Can be added to powder olive oil, avocado, allantoin.

After showering, dry your feet. Sprinkle baby powder on your hands and then pat your feet with your hands. Then put on socks and shoes.

After using the product, your feet will be dry and you will feel pleasantly cool. In addition, baby powder is cheap, has no harmful effects on the body, is not addictive, and the composition is easy and convenient to use.

Widely known and purchased types of talc for feet

Oriflame talc reduces foot sweating. Added to the composition essential oils lime and bergamot, so the mixture smells pleasant after application and eliminates bacteria.

Mavala Cooling Talcum Powder for Feet is used for applying to the feet, it perfectly absorbs moisture, reduces sweat and removes unpleasant odors. It is recommended for use by people with excessive sweating legs The powder contains aluminum octenyl succinate, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, zinc undecylenate, trimoss extract, benzyl benzoate, coumarin, talc and benzyl salicylate. The powder destroys fungi and bacteria.

Scholl deo-talc contains Neutra-Activ, treats hyperhidrosis and removes unpleasant odors. Deo-talc acts on the skin within 24 hours. Athletes powder their feet with this talcum powder.

Cliven deodorant contains talc, rice starch, alkyl lactate, glycerin, tapioca starch and triclosan, which reduce the activity of sweat glands. The product helps to avoid the occurrence of corns and calluses. The deodorant is odorless. The composition is applied by pressing the convenient valve - you can spray the product even from a can that is upside down.

Vivat powder contains eucalyptus essential oil, which reduces inflammation of the skin on the feet, eliminates bacteria, relieves itching, eliminates inflammation and treats cracks in the feet.

Known types of liquid talc for feet

Farnesol talc for sweating feet in liquid form is suitable for physically active people.

Talc reduces sweat production, the feet remain dry for quite a long time and smell pleasant. It contains essential oils of tea tree and mint, so Farnesol removes fungi and bacteria and makes the skin pleasantly cool.

Talc Pirouette for feet contains essential oils of mint and grapefruit, so after use the feet have a pleasant smell.

Talc Dr. Foot Foot Reduces Sweat and Absorbs Moisture. The composition does not interfere with the work of the sweat glands and contains menthol and sage oils.

Bottega Verde Crema Talco Foot Cream with Talcum reduces sweat and eliminates unpleasant odors. After using this composition, your feet remain dry all day. The cream absorbs moisture, moisturizes and softens the skin. Feet smell nice. Emits the smell of camphor and nutmeg.

Gena Pedi Dri liquid emulsion is applied to the feet. Then the composition dries, and a thin layer of powder appears on the feet. The emulsion reduces sweating, makes feet dry, removes unpleasant odors, and does not stain clothes.

Foot talc is an indispensable product if you want your feet to be dry and clean. Talc powders are natural and do not cause allergies.

The cosmetology industry offers consumers different types foot care products, which should be used, in particular, when sweating. Talc for feet may seem very inconvenient and impractical at first glance, but in fact, it is indispensable in the fight for dry and clean feet. Talc powders are completely natural, mineral and hypoallergenic.

The photo shows a typical specialized talc product:

Most of the sprays and deodorants sold are synthetic, which is bad for the skin of the feet and does little to help with sweat.

Reviews of talc are mostly positive: it prevents sweating and is even suitable for treating shoes. Both low quality, made from cheap materials, and tight, narrow and uncomfortable. Talc-containing products have the ability to deodorize and eliminate unpleasant odors.

The product is usually applied in the morning to cleanly washed and dried feet. The powder is produced in ergonomic tubes with holes. After application, excess powder is removed, since when moisture is absorbed, clots can form that rub the leg and cause discomfort.

The use of talc for feet in the fight against sweating

The use of deodorizing talc for feet as a treatment for sweating began in ancient Egypt. Even the very name of this mineral owes its appearance to the healers of that time. Large lumps were ground into powder and used as a powder against sweat and humidity, applied not only to the feet, but to the entire body. In this way, the skin was given freshness and relieved of diaper rash.

The photo shows what the untreated mineral looks like:

In the process of development, the cosmetic industry began to mix talc for feet and various types starch, which improved the hygroscopic qualities of sweat products. Starch is a white powder obtained from natural raw materials. The effectiveness of these two components in treating excessive sweating of the feet has been repeatedly proven.

You need to take care of your feet just as carefully as you do your face. The legs are under constant stress because they bear all the weight. human body. But most people prefer to wear beautiful, but not very comfortable and quality shoes. Because of this, the feet suffer from fungus, abrasion and irritation, calluses and corns appear, and joint problems develop. And care, including that provided for excessive sweating, should be regular, and not occasionally.

The range of talc-containing products developed specifically for this purpose is quite large. The action of each of them is aimed at preventing or reducing sweating that occurs due to many reasons: tight shoes, sewn from “non-breathable” material, fatigue, endocrine and hormonal diseases, pregnancy. The main difference between talcs and the usual spray and roll-on antiperspirants is the ability to deodorize the skin without disturbing the level of its acid-base balance.

What else does it help with?

Talcum powders are multi-functional, so sweating is not the only problem they can treat. Their use is due to the following qualities:

  • Helps against fungi, mycoses, carnivorous bacteria.
  • Prevents cracking of the skin on the heels, between the toes and on the sides of the foot.
  • Lightens the skin, protects it from strong tanning when wearing open shoes.
  • Serves as an excellent after-shaving product to get rid of ingrown hairs.
  • Promotes healing of microtraumas.

Distinctive properties of talc: fight against sweating

A large selection of cosmetics designed to care for the skin of the body and extremities does not mean “quality and usefulness.” But the powder is completely natural and therefore can be considered safe. Mineral powder has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the legs; its natural composition contains many microelements that are relevant for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

Effective talc products are quite expensive, but reviews say that their price is justified by their quality and effectiveness. Cheaper analogues, created on a synthetic basis, can worsen the condition of the feet and block the sweat glands. The mineral base helps reduce the intensity of sweating and eliminate odor, rather than simply masking it with cosmetic fragrances.

However, you need to carefully control the amount of talc used, since if used excessively, it will not be able to be evenly distributed over the surface of the feet and will create some inconvenience when walking, which can even lead to injury. You need to apply mineral powder 1-2 times a day, and it is advisable to put on shoes only when necessary.

The photo shows how to properly apply talc to your feet:

The main brands that produce talcs against sweaty feet

  • "MAVALA": powdery talc with a refreshing effect. Absorbs moisture well, retains unpleasant odor, softens the skin of the feet and prevents it from becoming rough. The composition includes: talc, aluminum powder, patented Deo-Active complex. Has excellent reviews.
  • "Pirouette": an anti-perspirant product available in liquid form. Deodorizing talc for feet, soothes irritated skin, refreshes it, and gives a feeling of cleanliness. In some stores you can purchase “Pirouette” gel. Upon application, it is quickly absorbed and turns into a thin powdery layer. When choosing the form of the drug, you need to rely on reviews and your own feelings, since the gel is not suitable for everyone.
  • “DELIA”: powder helps against sweating by absorbing excess skin secretions. Refreshes, prevents the development of prickly heat, has a bactericidal effect, prevents corns and calluses. Along with talc, it contains part of corn starch.
  • “MUELLER”: scented powder for treating sneakers and shoes, needed to prevent the skin of the feet from rubbing against its inner surface. Keeps feet dry, produced as a product for professional sports.

Treat your shoes as shown in this photo, from the inside:

  • "Kliven": does not prevent, but normalizes the intensity of sweating. Deodorizing foot talc with triclosan, alkyl lactate, rice and tapioca starch. Relieves irritation and redness.
  • "Vivat": talc powder for feet. Removes odor and reduces sweating. Used as a deodorizing, antibacterial, drying and wound healing agent. It is on the top list of products that the doctor prescribes for hyperhidrosis, and has excellent reviews from consumers. Soothes irritation and relieves itching. Protects feet from the development of fungal infections. Consists of talc, zinc oxide, magnesium and essential eucalyptus oil.
  • “Scholl”: recommended for people whose work requires long walking or standing. Able to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, inhibits pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Contains: mineral, aluminum, starch, silicon, fragrance, coumarin and citronellol. The photo shows the most common representative of the line:

  • "Farmona": medicinal absorbent powder. It is antifungal, has a contracting and disinfectant effect. Among the main components are medicinal herbs.

Anti-sweating feet products are also produced by other brands, which are best purchased in online stores: “Lush”, “PeggySage”, “Markell”, etc. And the specialized and innovative product “DR.TALC” is sold in our country only on http: // – excellent quality, rave reviews, many satisfied clients who have overcome sweaty feet.