Hair tattoo: fashionable beauty trend of the new season. Tattoo for those who do not like to take risks Hair tattoo on the back of the head

Problems appearance They worry men less often than the fair sex, but the appearance of a bald spot can unsettle them for a long time. And when a woman encounters this defect, the world completely disappears from under her feet. If you are reading this article, then most likely you know first-hand what we are talking about, and you have probably already discussed the possibility of a transplant with your loved ones. Take your time! Cosmetologists have come up with a more accessible and safe way to restore beauty and self-esteem and have learned the art of trichopigmentation...

Features of the procedure

Tricopigmentation is a procedure that helps hide alopecia. It masks the affected areas of the scalp. The problem of hair loss can affect both women and men, so permanent tattoo became popular among both sexes.

Imitation of hair is obtained by introducing a special coloring pigment under the skin. The master manually “draws” each hair to achieve maximum naturalness. High-quality pigment lasts for at least 1 year, then correction is needed.

Head tattooing is done with special dyes. Their composition differs from those used for regular tattooing. The reason is the oiliness of the scalp. Permanent makeup lips or eyes are done exclusively on dry skin, but it is impossible to achieve dryness on a bald spot, so the composition has been changed.

Keep this in mind when going for the procedure, because added components can cause allergies even in those who tolerate classic tattooing well.

Pros and cons

Any procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. Pros of trichopigmentation of the head:

  1. The effect lasts for a long time (1-2 years).
  2. Does not cause severe pain.
  3. Short rehabilitation period.
  4. Visible result.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Price – from 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Color may change over time.
  3. Requires constant correction.

Indications and contraindications

Tricopigmentation is suitable for people with:

  • welts or scars;
  • abnormal hair growth;
  • severe form of alopecia;
  • the presence of bald spots;
  • sparse hair.

Before you go for a tattoo, familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications:

  • scalp dermatitis;
  • worsened herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • breastfeeding;
  • postoperative condition;
  • diabetes.

Before going to the salon, look on the Internet for photos before and after trichopigmentation, this will help you understand what to expect from the procedure.

It is important that the operation is performed by a professional, otherwise there is a risk of getting “drawn hair”.

Therefore, before going to the nearest cosmetology center, look at reviews about it, talk to people who have undergone micropigmentation there. Ask about a license, compare prices.


Several micropigmentation techniques are used to correct the problem of baldness.


This technique is divided into several techniques. The dot technique allows you to apply small dots to the scalp that imitate hair follicles or regrown hairs. This option is suitable for men who want to hide baldness.

The linear method is suitable for girls and women; it allows you to create the appearance of hair. The master draws each hair with a thin needle, trying to disguise their absence on the head.

The shading technique is used to camouflage scars and scars.


A roller is a special device for micropigmentation; it is equipped with hundreds of needles placed in a certain order.

It allows you to quickly color a large area of ​​skin. The less hair, the more difficult for a master make perfect coverage of bald spots, but with the help of a roller the work is simplified several times. For severe alopecia, use a roller along with a needle, this allows you to achieve good results.


Dandruff can become an obstacle to applying pigment. Therefore, before you think about improving your hairstyle, you should visit a trichologist and undergo a course of treatment for dandruff. You also need to treat any diseases spreading to the scalp.

How does the session work?

The procedure takes place in 3-5 sessions depending on the amount of work. Each lasts 2-3 hours. There should be a break of 1 week between sessions. The final result can be seen within 1-1.5 months. Applying pigment is not painful, but discomfort are still present.

The procedure takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Discussion of the work and drawing of the sketch.
  2. Cleansing the skin of impurities.
  3. Introduction of pigment.

Rehabilitation and care

Immediately after tattooing, the color will be brighter than expected; this is a normal skin reaction. Don't worry, the shade will fade in 5-7 days. Within a week, the affected area will be noticeably inflamed. Redness will be replaced by discomfort from tightness and flaking of the skin - this is also the norm. The skin will begin to itch, this period will have to be endured. As a last resort, use a special spray that reduces itching.

Until the affected area returns to normal, avoid the sun, it is better to wear a cap or hat. Apply sunscreen with high level protection. It is better to postpone going to the sauna or bathhouse for 2-3 weeks. With a swim in a chlorinated pool and a visit gym It’s also better to wait. For the first week, you should not wash your hair or wet the reddened skin at all.

Prices for trichopigmentation (the price includes masking one area of ​​alopecia) start from 18-20 thousand rubles, to hide a charm or scar - from 15 thousand rubles. Later (after 1-3 months) correction will be required, it will cost 10-12 thousand rubles. Correction must be done; it will not only refresh the tattoo, but also help prolong its life. The procedure must be repeated every two years, in some cases, every other year. It all depends on skin type, age and pigment durability.

Ekaterina, 44 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“After permanent painting fine hair The hairstyle left much to be desired. Over time, my hair began to fall out more and more, and I realized with fear that I was starting to go bald. At first I tried to treat my scalp with various drugs, shampoos and even home remedies - all in vain. I turned to a trichopigmentation specialist for help. The procedure went well, there were 3 sessions, each lasting about three hours. It took a long time, but I had to endure it. I was satisfied with the procedure, the effect was very noticeable. I advise anyone who has encountered a similar problem.”

Oleg, 39 years old, Moscow:

“I tried tricopigmentation on myself two years ago. I was looking for information on how to get rid of baldness and came across an article about micropigmentation. I hesitated for a long time, and then looked for an expert even longer, but in the end everything went fine. There were no pain or complications after the procedure. Now I don’t feel like a weird bald man, and that’s the main thing. The only thing that upset me was the price - 35 thousand rubles. (together with correction).”

Evgeniy, 33 years old, Perm:

“I got a tattoo on my bald head last year. My hair started to fall out a lot about 5 years ago, but then I tried not to notice it, cut my hair short and laughed it off when friends or relatives reminded me about it. The reason for the sudden search for a “drug for baldness” was the upcoming wedding; I didn’t want to look older than my age. On the advice of a friend, I went to a cosmetology center where they do micropigmentation. Everything went fine, the only thing I didn’t like was that I had to sit in one place for a long time while the cosmetologist “drew the hair.”

Hairdressing art does not stand still and is constantly evolving. New fashion trends are emerging - in clothing, accessories, style and hairstyles. One of the latest trends in haircut design has become the hair tattoo, or.

Creativity in hairdressing: artistic hair cutting

Today, the desire to decorate and modify one’s body interests not only representatives of subcultures and bohemians, but also ordinary people who want to stand out effectively and attract attention. One of the most popular ways to be trendy today is tattoos. However, not everyone is ready to do this important step in pursuit of fashion. And here hairdressers will come to the rescue.

Artistic hair cutting looks like a real work of art. This artistic haircut is popular not only with children, but also with adults – increasingly, both women and men of all ages find themselves in the hairdresser’s chair.

One of the pioneers of the hair tattoo trend was a hairdresser-stylist from France named Thierry Gras. In 2008 he proposed several interesting species curly haircuts, which attracted the attention of even the most conservative masters hairdressing. In addition to cutting patterns, Thierry also offers colored hair tattoos. The master actively promotes this type of haircut around the world, training all hairdressers who want to expand their knowledge and skills.

Rob Ferrell from the USA went further and creates realistic portraits on the heads of his clients famous people. His portfolio already includes hairstyles with the faces of Albert Einstein, Bob Marley, Kim Kardashian, Steve Jobs, Cristiano Ronaldo, Salvador Dali and others. To create masterpieces, Rob uses a hair clipper and... eyeliner of different colors. The master became incredibly popular thanks to photographs of his works in social networks– now Rob is often invited to TV to see online how he creates his masterpieces.

Patterns, drawings and whole paintings - all this is HAIR TATTOO

Such an original vision really attracts attention and involuntarily forces the gaze of an unusual passerby with a picture on his head. However, the hairstyle is short-lived - after 14-20 days the hair grows back significantly and the pattern loses its clarity. To maintain the pattern, you need to visit the hairdresser more often or wait a while until the hair grows to a length sufficient to create a new hair tattoo.

Artistic hair cutting is a great opportunity to hide such unpleasant problems as baldness or scars. Despite the fact that the life of such a picture on the hair cannot last long, this does not prevent millions of creative and creative young people from expressing themselves with the help of bright accent on the hair.

The hair tattoo art haircut is popular not only with the clients of the artists, but also with the artists themselves. This is a great opportunity to create a real work of art, albeit short-lived. Moreover, the design of the drawing is limited only by the imagination of the master. The most popular are the classic patterns, such as tribal, ancestral and tribal designs, symbols, logos and letters. Lace, Egyptian symbols, spirals, and intricate patterns are also very popular. But the most unusual hair tattoos can be called real paintings.

To maintain the quality of the haircut, special effort not required. If paints were also used for artistic cutting, then you should use special shampoos for colored hair, which will help maintain color saturation and brightness. However, after a few weeks the haircut will have to be updated or grown in order to cut something new.

To create a hair tattoo, the hairdresser will only need a standard set of hairdressing tools - a hair dryer, clipper, scissors, and comb. The only important addition is a special blade that will allow you to perform the most minor work. And, of course, for a successful result you will need skill and talent. You can’t go anywhere without this!

Artistic hair cutting is a beautiful and stylish hairstyle, which will allow everyone to show their individuality and creativity.

Cosmetic tattooing - medical tattooing, or trichopigmentation, effectively solves the problem of thinning hair in men and women, scars on the scalp by simulating hairs on the scalp of the same color as your own hair. This method is preferable both in cases associated with manifestations of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), and with masking of scar tissue formed as a result of FUE or strip operations. Today, this is perhaps the most comfortable way to disguise postoperative scars.

Concealment of male pattern alopecia

Concealment of traces of combined patchwork and TFI surgery

Thanks to the finest needles and special, ideally selected coloring pigments, this method is not only low-traumatic, but also aesthetically impeccable, therefore it is widely used by leading clinics specializing in natural hair transplantation.

By combining, for example, a medical tattoo with a TFI procedure, it is now possible to increase the number of transplanted grafts, when the limit for taking material from the donor area seems to have already been reached, and a lot of hair still needs to be transplanted to the front line or to the crown area. Thus, trichopigmentation covers a sparse zone on the scalp. The visual cosmetic effect achieved in this way is, without exaggeration, perfect!

Masking insufficient planting density in the front zone and intake area using the TFI method

Compared to hair transplantation, cosmetic tattooing is much more affordable and does not require special rehabilitation care, and is also less time-consuming. Moreover, the quality of the imitation is so high that it is possible to determine whether it is a short hair or a piece of cosmetic art - a medical tattoo - only from a very close distance.

Covering a patchy scar

Most often, patients who have made a choice in favor of cosmetic tattooing prefer short haircuts, which allows you to achieve maximum masking effect. However, if the patient wears long hair, and the problem is associated with a post-operative patchwork scar, which, despite the long hair covering it, is still visible; tattooing in the area of ​​such a scar will change the skin tone, and the scar will not be visible.

Concealing hair loss after folliculitis

Sometimes diseases accompanied by baldness are a direct contraindication for hair transplantation. For example, total and alopecia areata, recurrent disruptive folliculitis, leading to conditions such as Broca's pseudopella. In such cases, a medical tattoo is the only indicated method of hiding the problem of baldness.

Concealment of alopecia areata (Case 1), total alopecia (Case 2), scalp reduction marks (Case 3)

Masking a case of Broca's pseudopelade (bottom, center, after two procedures)

Cosmetic tattooing does not change color over time and does not fade, the paints used are of the highest quality, and the needles, unlike conventional tattoo machines, are very thin and the safest. A consultation with a tattoo artist involves a discussion with the patient about issues related to coverage area, color, density and other important features of the upcoming procedure.

Depending on the size and specifics of the scar, in particular, the procedure takes about an hour and a half or is divided into several stages if the scar is problematic and its high-quality “sketching” requires more time. First, a test tattoo is done on a small area to determine the degree of pigment fixation and the density of the drawing, after which the main part of the procedure is carried out. The pigment takes root within a month, then one or more pattern corrections may be needed in those places where the pigment has not taken root or is poorly fixed.

Concealment of zone VI degree of hair loss without surgery

Masking the scar after a patchwork fence

The medical tattoo procedure is illustrated with photographic results from our American (Jae P. Pak, MD; William R. Rassman, MD, Los Angeles, California, USA; Jino Kim, MD Seoul, South Korea. 2011) and Italian (© 2011 - Ennio Orsini) colleagues (photo above in the text), as well as my own “sketches”.

Hair tattoo – interesting solution for brave and creative fashionistas. The literal translation of “hair tattoo” means that tattooing today has moved from the body to the head and continues to develop in a new direction. This is a fundamentally new expressive trend in haircuts, known as “artistic cutting.”

This hairstyle is for those who are not used to getting lost in the crowd, because the haircut visually looks exactly like a tattoo. Artistic hair cutting looks like a real work of art. This artistic haircut is popular not only with young people, but also with adults – increasingly, both women and men of all ages find themselves in the hairdresser’s chair.

A little history

It is generally accepted that the fashion for haircuts and tattoos first appeared 9 years ago. The founder of the promising fashion trend became a stylist and hairdresser from France, Thierry Gras. He attracted the attention of the entire hairdressing community, including the most conservative representatives of the profession, by creating several ornate curly haircuts. Hairdresser Rob Ferrell is no less famous. This artist creates realistic portraits of celebrities on the heads of his clients.

Haircut features

Hair tattoo is an art haircut with a short base and interesting patterns that you can cover the surface of the entire head or apply to a specific area of ​​the skin. As practice shows, such hairstyles adorn the strong backs of men’s heads or temples, but in lately women also try to emphasize their individuality with their own hair.

It is best to apply a hair tattoo on hair that is 6mm long. The hairstyle will last a maximum of a couple of weeks (depending on the individual hair growth rate). It is better to update the pattern every 10 days. Remember that men short hair"reanimate" old tattoo not necessary if it is “blurred” or overgrown. You need to wait another 10 days and create a new print on a “clean” canvas.

Why is this technique worth considering?

Creating patterns on the head has a number of positive aspects:

  • absolutely painless process;
  • fragility, if desired, the tattoo can be covered, because no ink is injected under the skin;
  • if desired, you can hide it under your main hair so as not to shock other colleagues or superiors.

How to choose “your” drawing?

To create a creative and trendy haircut with a shaved pattern on the head, you first need to decide on your future masterpiece.

Most often, today's clients choose:

  • tribals;
  • line patterns;
  • logos and letters;
  • spirals;
  • Chinese characters;
  • lace;
  • symbolism of Egypt;
  • lizards and snakes.

Sometimes connoisseurs prefer truly complex and unusual patterns to all common variations. Almost copies of painters are created on the hair. And even though the pattern does not “live” on the head for long, millions of young people prefer to express their individuality in this way. The choice of design for a hair tattoo depends on the skills of the salon artist and your imagination. Note that it is almost impossible to create a pattern on your head yourself at home; it is better to contact a hairdresser.

Features of women's hair tattoos

Hair tattoos for girls are created taking into account the specifics of a woman's hairstyle. The following possible locations for the design are divided.

Back of the head. Cobwebs, flowers, and intricacies of lines are easiest to place on the back of a woman’s head. In this case, only the pattern area is cut, and the rest of the hair remains untouched. A lady can let her hair down and hide the pattern at any time if the situation or dress code requires it. With a slight movement of the hand, the curls are gathered and raised into a knot, and the tattoo is presented for everyone to see.

On the temples. More often popular among ladies are lightning, stars, animal style, and various curly letters. Hair tattoo for women, located on the temples, is difficult to hide. Only a self-confident woman, free from prejudices, can take such “liberty”. Asymmetrical haircuts are an excellent basis for a female hair tattoo.

Have fun experimenting with your own look. Hair tattoo will be a great opportunity to show your individuality and draw attention to your own person.

This is a procedure for pinpoint injection of pigment with the thinnest needle into the upper layer of the scalp using a special technology. In this way, it is possible to achieve an imitation of hair.

Tattooing that imitates hair is necessary for men and women with different degrees of alopecia (baldness). You can add thickness to hair of any length: from long to short.

In women with alopecia, usually the hair does not fall out completely, the skin simply begins to show through, then the targeted application of pigment will help create the illusion of thick hair, the skin will not show through.

This method will help people:

  • with diseases in which hair follicle transplantation is contraindicated, but you want to solve the problem of baldness;
  • after an unsuccessful transplant if bald spots or bald spots occur;
  • with vitiligo;
  • with surgical scars, scars on the head after accidents, plastic surgery. You can now get rid of them with the help of medical tattooing.

When using high-quality pigments, the effect lasts for 2-2.5 years. No special care is required, except to protect your head from the sun so that ultraviolet radiation does not destroy the paint.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Scalp tattooing is a safe alternative to hair transplantation.


  • painless;
  • much cheaper;
  • everything is under control - the “hairstyle” will appear in any situation. There is no 100% guarantee during transplantation; hair follicles may not take root, bald spots and voids form;
  • ease of execution, absence of scars and seams. Transplantation is a radical method, a complex operation;
  • no rehabilitation is needed, you continue to live your normal life;
  • at the request of the client - change in the growth line, shade, color, density;
  • naturalness.


  • it's not forever;
  • only an imitation.

The disadvantages against the background of the advantages and the results obtained are not so significant.


Do not risk your health and consult a doctor. This is required by any cosmetic intervention.

Trichopigmentation is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • postoperative period;
  • colds, ARVI;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • women during menstrual bleeding.


  • smoke;
  • drink alcohol, energy drinks;
  • drink strong tea and coffee;
  • take aspirin-containing and blood thinning medications;
  • sunbathing, visiting a solarium.

How it goes

The process takes place in several stages.

  1. Selection of pigment. It must be of high quality. The palette is wide, the master can easily choose the appropriate shade.
  2. Sketch development. The growth line, the thickness of the “hairstyle,” and transitions from one zone to another are determined.
  3. Try. It is performed on a small area in order to exclude an allergic reaction and check the color of the skin.
  4. Micropigmentation. Next, the pigment is injected into the scalp with thin needles. The effect is painless, reminiscent of acupuncture, the paint is injected only a tenth of a millimeter.

There are hardware and manual administration techniques. With hardware, the pigment is introduced with a roller. The machine makes from 50 to 200 punctures of the skin. A single playthrough is not enough. When passing through again, the machine gets into the places of previous punctures, increasing the saturation and size of the dots. “Hairstyle” may look sloppy.

Of course, they won’t draw hair on you with trichopigmentation. What happens more often is that people suffering from alopecia come to a hairdresser who can draw dots and create the illusion of a shaved head.

Therefore, for a natural and high-quality effect, professionals work manually. The process is painstaking and time-consuming, but this is the only way to fully control the frequency and size of punctures with minimal trauma to the patient.

The procedure lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the area of ​​work. The number of procedures is selected individually.

Within a month, the final result is visible when the paint takes on its final shade.

Sometimes after 30-60 days, re-introduction of pigment is required to enhance color, correct and bring the result to perfection. You may need to refresh the “drawing” in a year; the need for correction is individual for each client.

After care

Redness in the pigmented area may persist for up to 2 days. After healing, after 1-1.5 weeks, peeling of the skin will appear and the affected area will begin to lighten.

Complete healing will occur in 30 days.

It is important to follow the rules:

  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium for 30 days;
  • protect your head from frost and sun rays, use creams with protection from 30 to 50 SPF units;
  • avoid prolonged contact with water;
  • give up intensive physical activity for a week;
  • Do not use scrubs, powders, or hair dyes with ammonia.

As you can see, there is no special care not required. After only 10 days, even from close range it will be impossible to determine where the real hair is and where it is not. Following the recommendations will allow you to get faster desired result and secure it for a long time.

Possible side effects


Since the pigment is introduced into the upper layer of the skin, you should not be afraid of painful sensations. But each person has their own pain threshold, so everything is individual here.


With trichopigmentation, small vessels and capillaries are rarely damaged. This can only be due to the low quality of equipment, needles and lack of professionalism of the technician.


When done well, only redness is observed at the site of needle impact, which lasts up to 2 days.

Allergic reaction

If you are allergic, be sure to consult your doctor. Professional craftsmen Always do an allergy test before starting work. Even if there is no allergy, it is advised to take antihistamines for faster healing.

Compliance with the rules will reduce all fears and complications to zero.

  1. If you decide, study all the information thoroughly.
  2. Consult your doctor to find out if there are any contraindications.
  3. Choose professionals. Don't trust your health to charlatans.
  4. Follow all before and after recommendations.
  5. Emotionally tune in to a stunning result, and it won’t keep you waiting!

Tricopigmentation solves complex problems simply and painlessly. Don’t have a complex, feel confident, young, and new again.