The history of the oak barrel. When and where did the first man appear on the planet? According to scientists, the first

Where did the first man appear on our planet? This question has been troubling scientists since the time of Charles Darwin. The question of where the first man appeared is no less of interest to many curious ordinary people. However, this topic is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that if you start to understand it in order to adequately answer the question of where the first man appeared, it turns out that there is still no final and generally accepted opinion among either archaeologists or anthropologists. Who is considered a person? Which link in the evolutionary chain suddenly became human, leaving its own parent at the level of apes? After all, evolution is not at all

a one-time act, but long-term and very slow transformations. The second difficulty with the question of where the first person appeared lies in the criteria themselves - how to generally separate a person, by what criteria? By upright posture, opposing thumb, by the use of tools, or still by the volume of the brain? Let's try to sketch a very brief picture of the path of Homo sapiens.

Where did the first people appear?

The answer is in Africa, apparently. According to modern researchers, the lines of modern and immediate separated approximately 8-6 million years ago. It was then that the first upright hominids appeared on the planet. Their earliest fossil representative is the creature Sahelantrom. He lived about 6-7 million years ago and already walked on two legs. Of course, it can hardly be called

the oldest man. The rest of his features were still similar to those of apes, but the fact that they had already descended from the branches significantly changed their lifestyle and directed evolution in the right direction. Sahelanthropus was followed by Orrorin (about 6 million years ago), the well-known Australopithecus (about 4 million years ago), and Paranthropus (2.5 million). These are not all the links found by archaeologists and dating back to this long period, but only some representatives of the chain. It is important that each of these hominids had certain progressive features compared to their predecessors. The first hominids that were truly close to the modern type of people were Homo habilis and Homo ergaster (working), which appeared 2.4 and 1.9 million years ago. Like all previous links, these ancestors of today's people lived in Africa - the cradle of humanity. And finally, the truly undisputed people are Homo sapiens, who appeared only 40 thousand years ago. It is interesting that this species of man also arose in Africa, but at the same time Europe was already inhabited by people! People who, according to modern scientists, appeared already in Europe,

however, over time they disappeared from the face of the Earth and are not direct descendants of modern humanity, but only a dead-end branch of evolution. It's about about the famous Neanderthals, who became extinct for reasons that are not entirely clear about 25 thousand years ago.

Where did the first ancient civilizations appear?

Be that as it may, it was destined to eventually spread from Africa to all continents of the planet. Since then, people have no longer undergone significant biological changes. However, an important event was the so-called This is the process of transition from an appropriating economy to a reproducing economy, that is, the emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding. New forms of management turned out to be much more effective, allowing tribes to significantly increase their numbers, create a surplus product of labor, giving rise to social stratification. Ultimately, these processes led to the emergence of the first civilizations and states that arose in Mesopotamia.

History test The most ancient peoples on the territory of Russia for 6th grade students. The test includes 2 options, each option consists of 2 parts (part A and part B). Part A has 5 questions and Part B has 3 questions.

Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
7-8 points - excellent
5-6 points - good
3-4 points - satisfactory
less than 3 points - unsatisfactory

1 option

A1. When, according to modern scientists, did the first people appear in the southern territories of our country?

A2. Which of the following animals was the first to be domesticated by humans?

1) dog
2) cow
3) pig
4) horse

A3. What was one of the consequences of the end of the Ice Age?

1) the emergence of modern man
2) the emergence of small associations of people - primitive human herds
3) the transition of a person from an appropriating to a producing type of management
4) ancient people began to use fire

A4. Which of the following peoples created the first state formations on the territory of our country?

1) Huns
2) accidents
3) Khazars
4) Greeks

A5. What religion did the nobility of the Khazar Kaganate profess?

1) Islam
3) Buddhism
2) Orthodoxy
4) Judaism

The unification of several tribal communities living in the neighborhood, having a common administration and religious cult.

B2. Arrange the following states in chronological order of their appearance. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements.

1) Khazar Khaganate
2) Scythian kingdom
3) Turkic Khaganate
4) Chersonesos

B3. Which of the following names refer to Turkic-speaking tribes? Find two names in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

1) muroma
2) Mordovians
3) Bulgars
4) cheremis
5) Khazars

Option 2

A1. Which region of our country, according to scientists, was the first to be developed by people?

1) Ural
2) Western Siberia
3) North Caucasus and Kuban
4) Volga-Oka interfluve

A2. What type of activity was the main activity of people during the Ice Age?

1) arable farming
2) cattle breeding
3) craft
4) driven hunt

A3. When, according to scientists, did modern man appear?

1) about 1.5 million years ago
2) about 700 thousand years ago
3) about 40 thousand years ago
4) about 10 thousand years ago

A4. Which of the listed states appeared on the territory of our country earlier than the others?

1) Bosporan kingdom
2) Turkic Khaganate
3) Khazar Khaganate
4) Volga Bulgaria

A5. What religion in the 10th century? accepted by the Volga Bulgars?

1) Orthodoxy
2) Islam
3) Buddhism
4) Judaism

B1. Write down the word (term) in question.
Widely practiced in the past, small-scale manual production of various products and tools, based on the experience and skills (personal skill) of the worker.

B2. Place the following events in chronological order. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements.

1) the emergence of a state
2) the onset of the Ice Age
3) the transition of man to agriculture
4) the emergence of a neighboring (territorial) community

B3. Which of the following names refer to Finno-Ugric tribes? Find two names in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

1) all
2) Khazars
3) chud
4) accidents
5) Sarmatians

Answers to a history test The most ancient peoples in Russia
1 option
Option 2

According to scientists, the first ancient people entered the territory of Kazakhstan from Europe, Asia and Siberia.

Life of the first people on the territory of Kazakhstan.

The earliest people appeared here about a million years ago - during the Early Paleolithic period. Proof of this are the tools found in the valley of the Arystanda River in the Zhambyl region and in the spurs of the Karatau Mountains in Southern Kazakhstan. Traces of sites of ancient people were found on the Mangystau-Shakpakata peninsula, in Southern Kazakhstan - Shabakty, Kazangap, Tanirkazgan, etc. The first people who entered the territory of Kazakhstan were contemporaries of Pithecanthropus. Favorable natural conditions, an abundance of animals and plants gave the first people the opportunity to find food for themselves. Although living next to large predatory animals was very difficult and dangerous. Protection from predatory animals and joint acquisition of food led to the improvement of tools and weapons. The most ancient people looked for suitable stones. The stone was beaten, breaking off pieces from it, and thus a sharp jagged edge was obtained. They used it to sharpen sticks, remove skins and butcher the carcasses of killed animals. The inhabitants of the Karatau caves also knew how to make tools. It was made from pebble stones by processing and sharpening from two The result was a sinuous, sharp blade. Such tools were used to process not too thick tree trunks. On the territory of Kazakhstan, at the sites of ancient sites, stone tools such as choppers, chisels, bifaces, knives, scrapers, and many different types were found. arrowheads. Biface is a primitive stone tool, processed on both sides. The arrowheads were made from flakes, sometimes they were processed by retouching (sharpening the stone blank by processing its edges with small teeth (like a saw). The scrapers were oblong, pointed and shaped like a long rectangle. Also processed by retouching, archaeologists find large stones processed on both sides - cores. People used them to make scrapers, choppers and other tools. More than 5,000 stone tools were found at the Borikazgan and Shabakty sites in the Zhambyl region.

1. Tell us about the origin of man on Earth.
2. What tools did the ancient people use? How were they used?
3. What are the ancient people called in science?
4. What was nature like in ancient Kazakhstan? Compare the nature of ancient and modern Kazakhstan.
5. What was the name of the original group of ancient people? What do you think are the reasons for creating such groups?

1. Ancient people began to make the first tools from
A) bones
B) stone
C) bronze
D) iron
E) wood
2. The first person to appear on the territory of Kazakhstan was a contemporary
A) Neanderthal
B) Sinanthropa
C) Pithecanthropus
D) Australopithecus
E) Cro-Magnon
3. The remains of the oldest man were found in Kenya, scientists named him
A) “skillful person”
B) “straightened man”
C) "caveman"
D) “reasonable man”
4. The first people appeared on the territory of Kazakhstan during the period
A) Chalcolithic
B) Mesolithic
C) Early Paleolithic
D) Upper Paleolithic
E) Neolithic
5. The most ancient people Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus in science were called
A) “humans erect”
B) “skillful person”
C) "caveman"
D) “reasonable man”
E) modern-looking man
6. One of the oldest people was Pithecanthropus, his remains were first found in
A) England
B) Kenya
C) on the island of Java
D) America
E) Germany

Since ancient times, barrels have been used for preparing pickles, aging wines, rum, cognac and other alcoholic beverages. Today, many new technologies have appeared, but wooden containers continue to be used even for storing elite alcohol. To whom do we owe such an invention? When was the barrel invented? It is not possible to find exact answers to these questions, but it is believed that it appeared a very long time ago.

What are the versions?

Some researchers believe that the history of the oak barrel began with the philosopher of Ancient Greece, Speusippus of Athens. This happened back in the middle of the 4th century BC. Such a capacity was already necessary for humanity in those days. Barrels were used as containers that could withstand heavy loads (along with ceramics and clay). Back then, bulk materials were stored in vessels, the volume of liquid was measured, etc. The first use of water barrels began in Ancient Egypt, and later the container spread to the inhabitants of Rome. Oak products were widely used for wine and pickles, so they became more of a vessel for food.

The quality characteristics of an oak barrel were assessed for the first time in Europe. France, Northern Italy, and Switzerland created a real revolution in the cooperage business, starting to use utensils specifically for the purpose of giving them a rich aroma and pleasant taste. However, there is an opinion that back in Ancient Egypt, during the use of pottery, wine accidentally fell into a wooden barrel. Then people noticed a change in his taste, and for the better.

The history of the barrel also extends to the 19th century, when the craft of cooperage began to be especially valued. Find good master It was difficult to make containers, so the products were very expensive. Later, they began to pay more attention to the production of metal, plastic, and enamel utensils, relegating oak utensils to the background. However, today the history of the wooden barrel has been revived again. Famous winemakers and producers of various delicacies widely use oak products.

Why oak?

Wooden barrels are especially often used for alcohol. Oak allows you to achieve the following effects:

  1. The drink acquires the taste and aroma of wood. Depending on the type of wood and the method of processing, the barrel can impart notes of fruit, vanilla or wood sugar to the alcohol.
  2. Cleansing. The material eliminates aldehydes, methanol, furfural and other unwanted substances.
  3. Balancing qualities. Oak provides the optimal shade, taste and aroma of the drink, significantly improving even low-grade alcohol.

During aging, the barrel converts the tannin found in the wood into acetalin. The latter are substances with a fruit aroma. That is why the stored drink becomes very pleasant to the taste and aromatic.

So how did it come about?

It is almost impossible to say exactly when the barrel was invented. Palm tree containers were mentioned by Herodotus in the 5th century BC. There is a version that it was used to transport wine to Babylon and Mesopotamia. In 350 BC. The use of waterproof vessels made of wood began, much like the shape of a modern barrel. It is likely that the manufacturing technique was borrowed from shipbuilding, where it was used to bend hull planks. In any case, no matter what version of the invention of the barrel is true, we owe the creator such a practical and convenient product.