How to remove the smell of cat urine in the apartment. How to get rid of the smell of cat urine with improvised means

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Oh, this suffocating smell, which, it seems, cannot be killed by any means! Cat marks eat into any surface and, even after drying, continue to exude a specific recognizable stench. You have to clean it more and more often, and the result is almost always the same - the smell from the cat returns.

In fact, you can get rid of the smell of cat urine with simple and accessible ways. Experienced housewives know more than one remedy for cat smell. Almost all of them can be found in the kitchen and bathroom or bought at the nearest supermarket.

By nature, cats prefer not to leave their scent anywhere without special need. But bring out cat smell if it has already appeared, it is not easy. If you do not eliminate the cause, then the problem will return again and again.

First, decide what you are dealing with: puddles or marks. Another question depends on the answer to this question: how to eliminate the smell of cat urine.

Is it a puddle or a mark?

The mark is almost always left on a vertical surface - a wall, floor vase, door jamb. Despite the smaller volumes, it is more difficult to kill the smell of the tag than to wash out cat urine - due to the concentration.

It is extremely rare for cats to leave voluminous marks in puddles. In most cases, puddles appear where the cat is more comfortable to toilet. In place of puddles, over time, heaps may appear. In place of the labels, only new labels will appear. And each time they will be removed more and more difficult, because. strongly penetrate the surface.

Explore all rooms with an ultraviolet flashlight. It is more convenient to do this in the evening or at night. Due to its physical and chemical properties, cat urine is highlighted in UV rays with a greenish light. All these places must be carefully treated with the chosen agent in order to neutralize the smell that attracts the cat again.

Marks and puddles: why they appear

The unscrupulous behavior of cats in a house (in an apartment) is usually due to only three reasons that can be combined with each other: health, tray and character.

In the first two cases, the owner is most likely dealing with puddles (significant portions of cat urine on horizontal surfaces), that is, with unscrupulous behavior in the house. Marks (small portions of cat urine with an admixture of pheromones) are more likely to appear with behavioral and character problems, and most often they are located above floor level.

If the house is predominantly marked with tags, then it makes sense to contact a behavior specialist and purchase a ready-made odor eliminator and spray the tags with it. Until the behavioral therapy works, you will have to constantly display labels. Stock up on patience.

cat health

Internal diseases can provoke or exacerbate the problem of uncleanliness. To permanently remove the smell of cat urine from the house, you will have to take care of a complete examination of the cat. The most common causes of puddles are: pain during urination or defecation, intestinal upset, polyuria.

Take a closer look at whether there is a cyclicity in the behavior of the cat, whether puddles are associated with relapses of already detected diseases.

Unattractive tray

It is useful to make a kind of map of labels. By marking on the apartment plan all the places where the cat leaves urine, you can understand whether stress, another animal, competition, territoriality, or an illiterately organized place for the tray are the cause of problematic behavior. Understanding the laws of the toilet will help get rid of the cat smell once and for all.

Behavior problems

If the problem of labels has a behavioral basis, then an experienced zoopsychologist will help to sort it out. He will ask a lot of questions about how exactly the cat uses the toilet; advise on how to remove the feline smell so that it does not attract the cat again; and what to do so that the cat no longer leaves traces.

The decisions and advice of a zoopsychologist will depend on the nature and frequency of the toilet in the wrong places, the behavior of the animal inside the tray and information about the tray itself, filler, etc. The specialist will definitely ask a question about the health of the pet and, before proceeding with behavioral therapy, will advise you to contact the veterinarian.

It's time to sort out toilet and home hygiene issues: how to remove the smell of cat urine from surfaces, how to get rid of cat spirit and what folk remedies can be used.

Weapons for battle!

Cat urine is very concentrated, contains a large amount of the coloring matter urochrome, which creates the smell of urea and uric (uric) acid, which, among other things, is also insoluble in water. For the whole mixture, the hatchability is very low, and it is natural that it is impossible to kill the smell with plain water or soapy water, even if all the crystals of the dried puddle are washed off.

Folk remedies

Since it is not easy to wash cat urine, people showed ingenuity and tried several means with different efficiency:

  • Baking soda. By itself, she is powerless over urea. But in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (3%) or vinegar diluted three times, soda turns into an odor-destroying universal cleaner. To prevent stain removal from ending with sofa upholstery, only use baking soda on hard surfaces. As a result of a chemical reaction, an ammonia smell will appear. This is not dangerous;
  • Alcohol (vodka) and diluted vinegar can be used on carpets and upholstered furniture. They are good at removing odors.
  • Lemon juice has the same effect (the juice of 1 lemon is diluted in a glass of boiled water). The citrus aroma repels the cat from treated areas, and the acid helps to neutralize the source of odors;
  • Potassium permanganate (an oxygen compound) acts as a laundry detergent enzyme, but can be harmful to light-colored fabrics, as can an iodine solution (20 drops per liter of water). Can be used on dark non-delicate fabrics and hard surfaces;
  • It is better not to use such a tool as bleach. It acts hypnotically on cats, and will only exacerbate the problem.

Special funds

Such a property of cat urine as stamina, it is better to win with the help of special gels and sprays. Especially if the labels are old. The pet industry offers three types of products:

  • Composition that eliminates odor. Helps eliminate odor at the site of application. Through the content of special chemical substances, neutralizes all components of urine. Apply in accordance with the instructions. Some products require additional rinsing with water. (Smart spray API-SAN "Odor Eliminator");
  • Composition that scares away from the place. As a rule, it does not contain a detergent component, but is applied on a clean surface after cleaning. (Smart spray API-SAN "Protection");
  • Composition indicating the correct place for the toilet. (Smart spray API-SAN "Training").

You will need to use all three. To prevent the smell from returning, the cat needs to be explained that the places she has chosen are not suitable for the toilet, and the places you have chosen are suitable. It is easiest to do this with the help of a special olfactory complex. But, alas, not all sprays are compatible with the situation and the sense of smell of a single cat. You may have to try several tools to find the right one.

Popular detergents with enzymes: Hartz, Nature's Miracle, DesoSan, Chemiline Disinfector, VergasSoft, BioVax, LeArtis. Medical formulations and household concentrates, for example, Forisept, Amway, and hypoallergenic Odorgone, have also proven themselves well.

Don't do that again, cat! Fighting labels

Unfortunately, there is no universal algorithm for how to get rid of the smell of feline nature. Destroying the traces of a cat in the house sometimes takes a lot of time.

You need to act approximately in this order: at the same time you will have to carry out a general cleaning in the house and a veterinary examination of the cat. If there are no health problems, then immediately go to a behavior specialist and listen to tips on making the tray more attractive.

When the situation is very serious, the cat can be kept for some time in a closed cage (no less than 90x60 cm) or in a separate room.

Visit the vet

According to statistics, approximately 60% of cats that leave a smelly mark in the house have urological problems. To know how to get rid of cat marks, do not be too lazy to visit a veterinarian. To diagnose health problems, you will need to do urine tests, sometimes cultures, ultrasound or x-rays. Eliminating the disease is the first step to getting rid of the smell of a cat in an apartment.

Uncleanliness is a symptom of hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, constipation, colitis, food allergies and neurological diseases. Aging cats and kittens are a special case. Getting rid of their urine most often has to be done by reorganizing the tray.

Make the tray more attractive

If the cat mostly stains the floor, does it in corners, under sofas or in a dark closet, try to pick up a closed tray (with a roof). Temporarily, you can put two or three identical trays in your favorite places. Gradually, they will need to be moved to one point, leaving one toilet as a result.

If there is more than one cat in the house, then conflicts between them can be the cause of uncleanliness. In this case, two or three trays are also an option.

Fill the tray alternately throughout the week. Some cats prefer a woody substrate (granules or sawdust), others like clay or sand. Clumping litters can be very different, and cats can be moody.

To ensure that a cat owner never has to guess how to get rid of cat odor, a toilet must meet at least three rules:

  • Conveniently located and always available;
  • Sufficiently secluded, closed at the top or standing in a corner;
  • Filled with a pleasant substrate for the cat, in which she gladly leaves both urine and feces.

It is also important that all lumps are removed on time. Some cats completely refuse to go to the tray if there is at least something left from the previous visit or from another cat.

Remove all old traces

Do a general house cleaning.

  1. Collect rugs, bedspreads and blankets that emit even the slightest smell. Soak them in enzyme detergent. Only they are subject to urine. Rinse several times, dry, but do not rush to cover the old places.
  2. Rugs can be dry-cleaned to eliminate the smell for sure, or washed after soaking in running water. It is also better to remove clean carpets for a while. This will make it easier for the cat to accept the new toilet rules.
  3. Washing stains from the floor and walls should begin with the discovery of every single one. A UV flashlight will help with this. Methodically go around the house around the perimeter. Each stain must be wetted with the selected product and left for a short time. If the chemical reaction does not end, then after a while the stain may smell again.
  4. Before removing the smell of cat urine from upholstered furniture and mattresses, test the product on an invisible area. Some chemicals can lighten fabrics or break down fibers.
  5. If necessary, wash your pet with cat shampoo. It also contains an odor neutralizer.
  6. Do not rush to return all textiles to their original places until the cat gets used to the tray.

Contact a zoopsychologist

We have already touched on some behavioral issues. But in order to find out in each individual case why the cat marks and how to remove the smell, a conversation with a cat ethologist is necessary. There are many ways not only to get rid of the smell of cat urine forever, but also to agree with the cat so that marks and puddles will no longer be repeated:

  • Restoration of cleanliness through the instincts of childhood;
  • Formation of clean behavior with the help of proper organization of space;
  • Hormonal and psychotropic therapy;
  • Training (reinforcing the correct behavior of the cat);
  • Elimination of frightening factors and competition in the territory of the cat's habitat;
  • Change family relations with a cat, the introduction of rules, raising a cat and reducing its authority in the apartment, etc.

A cat is a creature that requires comfort. Any deviation from her expectations leads to behavioral disturbances. Therefore, before removing the smell of urine, think about the causes of bad habits and eliminate both the causes and the consequences at the same time. Since it is not easy to remove cat urine, you may need to apply several different detergents, do the cleaning several times and work on the character of the cat for some more time.

Sometimes the owner is unable to find mutual language with his pet, and he begins to go to the toilet by - on the sofa, other upholstered furniture and places where it will be very difficult to remove both stains and smell from them. Of course, sometimes a cat breaks the rules established in the house, not because he is unhappy with something, but because he is sick or stressed. In any case, these troubles cause a lot of problems. Luckily, there are remedies for cat urine odor that are quite capable of dealing with this.

Causes of an unpleasant odor in the urine

Cat urine consists of three components - this is the coloring matter urochrome, urea itself and uric or uric acid, which:

  • Insoluble in water or alcohol;
  • Quickly crystallizes;
  • On contact with water, it emits bad smell- the very characteristic smell of cat urine, which the owners want so much to get rid of.

When choosing a remedy that will help get rid of problems with cat urine, you need to pay attention to the fact that most of them remove only the first two components, without removing the odorous acid. But the intensity of the odor depends on its amount and on the surface that the cat “marked” - if the coating absorbs moisture very well, it will be difficult to remove the odor.

Folk remedies in the fight against the smell of cat urine

One way to solve the problem is to clean puddles and "tags" with the help of improvised means. It will be easy to remove the smell of urine or cat feces, it is enough to make some changes to the usual “cleaning ritual”. Strong oxidizing agents that can deal with the smell of a cat or its urine include:

  • Potassium permanganate. A light solution of powder and water does an excellent job of removing the "aroma" of urine, but you need to keep in mind that potassium permanganate paints surfaces just as easily as it cleans them.
  • Vinegar. In turn, a solution of acetic acid and water does not spoil coatings as much as potassium permanganate.
  • Lemon. Freshly squeezed lemon juice also effectively fights pungent odors.
  • Soda. Soda powder is rubbed into the place where the puddle of urine was located, and then wiped off with a damp cloth. It is important to remember the abrasive effect of the powder and be careful when using this product on glossy surfaces and coatings.
  • Iodine(aqueous solution) and laundry soap- universal and excellent components that destroy the pungent smell of cat urine.

If the cat is seen repeating his "dirty tricks", you can use another remedy - ordinary vodka. It will not help to remove stains and odors, but it will scare the animal away from its favorite place. The thing is that vodka contains substances that are unpleasant for the subtle scent of a cat, therefore, by watering the marked place with vodka, the owner may not worry that the pet will defecate on this area again. Citrus fruit juices have a similar effect - owners have noticed more than once that cats do not like the aroma of orange, lemon or grapefruit.

Overview of professional products to combat the unpleasant smell of urine

Fresh urine stains can be removed using improvised means, but when it comes to old puddles, you may have to turn to specialized preparations. In the line of household chemicals, there are brands that are aimed at destroying the smell of cat urine. When choosing the right one, you need to remember that it is strictly forbidden to use preparations containing chlorine. It is very toxic, so its use can adversely affect the health of the cat.

Learn more about popular brands.


The manufacturers of this product claim that their drug completely kills all odors, including those that remain from cat urine. Moreover, they are not drowned out, they are destroyed at the molecular level. It is also interesting that after processing the premises with Dezosan, you can use any cleaning methods, even washing vacuum cleaners.

The cost of the product is from 300 to 700 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.


The brand is known for producing two types of products with different properties - for rooms with 2 or more pets and for rooms with large quantity pets (for shelters or fur farms). The drug is safe for cats, because it does not contain highly toxic oxidizing agents - fluorine, chlorine, etc. It perfectly copes with its task - neutralizing unpleasant odors from a cat and its feces (urine and feces).

The cost of the product is from 300 to 500 rubles per bottle of 500 ml.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

No one knows for sure what is in the composition of this American-made product, but it is reliably known about its safety for animals and people - instead of oxidizing agents, manufacturers use bacteria and enzymes that block odors.

Another notable effect is that after treating the area with this tool, cats will not mark on it, since the substances in Urine-off Cat act as a pheromone blocker.

The cost of the product is from 200 rubles per bottle of 200 ml.

Odor Gone

An absolutely natural, safe and hypoallergenic product for cats and their owners, which decomposes in the environment without harming it, and at the same time has a strong effect - it removes even stubborn odors. The composition includes plant extracts, so the drug also has bactericidal properties.

The cost of the product is from 200 to 800 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.

Odor kill

An interesting English-made product that eliminates the smell of cat feces and other unpleasant substances (for example, cigarette smoke, kitchen odors, burning, etc.). It has a pleasant vanilla aroma, so this product can be used as an air freshener.

However, the tool is not very cheap. For a bottle of 4 liters, you will have to pay almost 4,000 rubles.

It doesn't matter which cat urine odor remover you use. It all depends on the preferences of the owner of the cat and on the animal itself - one should never forget about individual intolerable components and substances. Care and careful selection of the product will help to easily get rid of the bad smell of cat urine.

However, it will be much safer to clean puddles that have not had time to dry or soak. The main principle in the fight against unpleasant cat odors is speed: the sooner you remove the moisture, the easier it will be to clean the air in the apartment.


What could be worse than the smell of cat urine in the house, haunting you day and night. The owners of tailed mustachioed-striped pets are well aware of this problem. But not everyone is familiar with her decision.

How to remove the "cat" smell, and how to prevent its occurrence in the future? Your attention - the most effective means!

10 Ways to Get Cat Smell Out of Your Floor or Furniture - Smart Cleaning

Today there are a lot of means for destroying this smell - every store selling goods for pets can offer at least several options to choose from.

But to be effective, it must be used correctly. To begin with, it should be remembered that the source of the smell is uric acid which can only be eliminated with the help of enzymes. By brushing off the puddle with a rag and removing the urochrome with urea, you only masked the smell.

Remove the acid , which crystallizes upon drying, can be done exclusively with the help of glycerin or alkali.

Your "kisun" was marked on the floor or on the couch?

Choose one of the most popular means among the people!

  1. Enzymatic cleaner. Wipe the puddle dry and use an enzymatic cleaner. It contains biological enzymes that contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins in the cat's urine and the instant elimination of odor. We are looking for a cleaner in a pet store. This tool can even be used for clothes and underwear, if the pet suddenly "revenges" right on the bed or your favorite jeans. Note: If you have previously tried a different cleaner on the same spot, the product may not work.
  2. White vinegar. We prepare a solution of vinegar. To do this, mix water without fail with white vinegar and in equal proportions. We eliminate the puddle with a rag and pour a little solution into the place of "revenge". Wipe thoroughly, but rather rub the solution directly into the stain. With the help of this remedy, the smell of ammonia in the urine is completely neutralized. Be sure to wipe this area dry. This tool is recognized as the most effective of all existing - it even eliminates odors from old cat (and dog) puddles and marks.
  3. Bleach. We wash the place of "revenge" with an ordinary household cleaner (note - WITHOUT AMMONIA!), Then - with ordinary clean water. After we wipe the area dry, mix in a ratio of 10 to 1 water with bleach and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the product on the area spoiled by the cat and wash it off with a damp cloth after 30 seconds. Note: bleach products can damage the color or structure of the material - be careful when choosing this cleaning option.
  4. Apple vinegar. Mix this product with washing powder(60 ml / 60 g), apply to the stain, rub in, then carefully remove with a damp cloth. If, after the stain has dried, an unpleasant odor is still present, then we also add an enzymatic cleaner to this proportion.
  5. Soda. Sprinkle the "vengeance" area with classic baking soda. This natural cleaner also perfectly absorbs all unpleasant odors. If the damaged area is not too noticeable, you can rub this product with a brush or sponge, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then remove it with a vacuum cleaner and treat it with a regular floor or furniture cleaner.
  6. Peroxide + Fairy + soda. We make this solution in the following proportion: dish detergent - no more than 5 ml (1 tsp is enough), 3% hydrogen peroxide - half a glass. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the product over the soda already covered (and left for a couple of hours). Thoroughly rub the solution into the baking soda with a brush. After foaming, dry the stain, vacuum and remove the remnants of cleaning with the usual means.
  7. Iodine. We make the remedy as follows: add 15 drops of an aqueous iodine solution to 1 liter of water and treat the stain with the resulting solution. Leave for a short time and dry. The tool copes well with uric acid crystals.
  8. Lemon juice. This remedy is easy to prepare: squeeze the juice from half a lemon, apply it on a sponge and process the damaged areas of the upholstery.
  9. Potassium permanganate. Powerful oxidant and excellent deodorant. We treat the stained area with a weak solution and wait for it to dry. Repeat the procedure until the smell is completely gone.
  10. For a fresh stain, a mouthwash is fine. The scheme is the same: we remove the puddle dry, apply the agent to the sponge and treat the stain. We are waiting for drying. We repeat if necessary.

Among the effective folk remedies can also be noted vodka and sleeping tea, Vanish stain remover and Lenore rinse.

7 Ways to Remove Cat Urine Smell from Carpet or Shoes

The husband was not too affectionate with your mustachioed pet in the early morning, but for some reason the offended cat left the “gift” in your shoes. And you still didn’t get the smell out of his yesterday’s puddle on the carpet.

For carpet:

  • Glycerol. This tool is ideal for splitting urinary stone. It can also be used on carpets and other surfaces.
  • Laundry soap (note - glycerin is also present in its composition). Thoroughly lather the damaged area of ​​the carpet with a sponge, wait for it to dry and rinse the area well with clean water.
  • Vinegar + soda. Having noticed a fresh puddle, we quickly and dryly absorb it with napkins (you can toilet paper), fill the stain with vinegar solution (1 to 3) and, after drying, cover it with soda. The next day, just vacuum it up.
  • Peroxide + soap. In a spray bottle, mix hydrogen peroxide (100 ml), 1 tsp of ordinary liquid soap and half a glass of water. We fill the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"vengeance" with soda for a couple of hours, after which we spray the prepared product directly on top of the soda and rub it with a brush into the surface until foam appears. After complete drying, remove everything with a vacuum cleaner.

For shoes:

It is extremely problematic to remove the smell from these products. If high-quality sneakers or fabric slippers can still be washed 2-3 times, then leather shoes it is almost impossible to process - upon contact with the legs, it will still “give” the owner and those around them with cat ambergris.

So there aren't many options...

  • Potassium permanganate. Rinse shoes thoroughly cold water, then we wash it with a solution of potassium permanganate and wash it in a washing machine. We dry exclusively in the open air.
  • Vinegar. We wash the shoes, wash the insoles separately, and then thoroughly rinse the inside with an vinegar solution. Dry, again, in the air.
  • liquid glycerin. The tool is suitable for shoes made of leatherette or smooth leather. Carefully process it from the inside with glycerin and leave until the product is completely absorbed in the room.

What can not be done when removing the smell?

  • Use various products containing ammonia . In particular, means for washing glasses or cleaning stoves. Why? Means with ammonia will only provoke the pet to repeated "acts of revenge." As long as the cat smells this smell, he will mark it again and again.
  • Use perfume and deodorants. They don't even mask the smell. On the contrary, mixed with a cat, the fragrance of perfume will become simply unbearable.

Special "store" means

There are actually few quality products among the proposed "odor eliminaters". But effective ones still come across.

Just in case, study the composition . And remember that the best means- those that have in their composition, in addition to oxidizing agents and alkali, also special enzymes for the rapid breakdown of uric acid.

What does the market offer?

  1. Odor Gone. Means in the form of an aerosol. The composition is natural, safe for people and animals. Consumers approve almost unanimously. Effective!
  2. Zoosan. Also not bad, according to consumer reviews, the option is not the most expensive, effective, practically odorless (not vigorous, in comparison with analogues).
  3. Urin Off. Biological and, according to the manufacturer, a safe product. As for the opinions of consumers, they were divided equally. Some are delighted, others are completely disappointed.
  4. DesoSan. Very good quality and easy to use. Destroys any odors. Cat and dog owners approve.
  5. BioGM. There are not many reviews about this tool, but the manufacturer promises high efficiency and complete elimination of the cause of the smell, and not its masking. The composition is not chemical, but very natural - 100% biological.

How to get rid of the cat smell in the apartment forever - preventive measures

Primarily - useful advice about how to find the source of the smell, if the "act of revenge" was carried out by the pet on the sly. For this you will need Wood's lamp . Under its light, all damaged areas on surfaces, including splashes, clearly appear (fluoresce).

  • Place the tray where your pet will use it. Mustachioed-striped do not like publicity - they prefer to do their dark deeds on the sly. Take your pet such a secluded place under the toilet.
  • Treat all areas of potential "acts of vengeance" special means-sprayers.
  • Put orange peels in flower pots or Pine cones to discourage your pet from marking plants.
  • Change the filler in the tray regularly. Cats are too clean to walk twice or thrice in already used litter.
  • Never punish your "kisun". Cats are touchy animals, they will take revenge.
  • Castrated cats (note - as well as sterilized cats) do not mark the territory. But the decision is up to you.
  • Check the animal with a veterinarian. You may have kidney problems or a urinary tract infection.

Be ready for anything. But - remember that we are responsible for those who ...

And how do you solve this delicate problem of your pets? Share your effective recipes in the comments below!

Affectionate, fluffy and a little wayward cats are the favorite animals of many adults and children. On the one hand, this pet is ideal for keeping in an apartment, and on the other hand, certain difficulties arise with it in everyday life: wool on the floor and furniture, scratched wallpaper, and a characteristic aroma. The last aspect is the most unpleasant, but it can be dealt with. Consider how you can get rid of the smell of cat urine in your apartment, and also find out how to prevent its occurrence.

The persistent smell of cat urine is due to its composition. The pungent aroma helps animals scare away strangers from their territory. Urine contains:

  • urochrome - a derivative of pigments that gives the urine a yellow tint;
  • urea is a product of protein metabolism, due to which cat urine acquires a sticky consistency some time after excretion;
  • uric (uric) acid - colorless crystals with a pungent odor that do not dissolve in water.

It is the particles of uric acid that remain on linoleum, carpet or furniture upholstery that provoke the appearance of a “cat spirit”, since during decomposition they release thiols - sulfurous substances with an extremely unpleasant odor. Due to poor solubility in water, it is impossible to get rid of them with conventional detergents.

Why does the cat ignore the toilet?

When getting a pet, you need to take care of the toilet for him. Today, fillers are sold that absorb unpleasant odors, preventing them from spreading around the apartment. True, even if there is a tray, the cat can continue to defecate in other places.

Main reasons:

  • problems with the toilet - the filler rarely changes, the animal does not like its properties, the tray is too small or in an inconvenient place;
  • diseases - health problems can be suspected if the cat previously went to the tray, and then suddenly stopped;
  • rut / estrus period;
  • protection of the territory from rivals (smell marks) - owners of uncastrated cats face such a problem, who inject liquid with hormones to “fix” the boundaries of their possessions, in addition, animals of any age and gender can mark some thing or object if they feel someone else smell;
  • stress, pet dissatisfaction - a cat that is mistreated can “forget” elementary behavioral skills or mischief in revenge.

It is very important to quickly remove urine that has appeared in the wrong place before it has eaten into the surface. Otherwise, the cat will assume that this is now his toilet.

Initial actions

In order to independently remove the smell of cat urine in the apartment, first of all, you need to learn how to properly collect the discharge immediately after the commission of the “crime”. It is forbidden:

  • wash this place at the same time with the entire floor in the room;
  • use a wet rag or mop to remove marks;
  • scrub the surface vigorously.

These actions can lead to the absorption of urine and the spread of odor.

Need to cook a few paper napkins and plastic bag. Processing rules:

  1. Put several layers of napkins on the puddle.
  2. When they absorb moisture, put them in a bag.
  3. Repeat steps until surface is dry.

Another option is to sprinkle cat litter over your urine. When it absorbs the liquid, collect it and discard it. Then you need to apply one of the odor removers. The easiest way is to use folk recipes.

High efficiency was shown by the SmellOff tool from cat smells. It does not "mask" unpleasant odors, but completely removes them "at the molecular level". SmellOff consists of only natural ingredients, does not contain aggressive substances, does not have a strong chemical odor, and leaves a pleasant aroma after application.

Only a few sprays are required to treat one surface. The advantage is also versatility - with a single spray, you can treat all "spoiled" surfaces, including clothes and shoes. The “plus” to the main effect is the removal of odor, the disappearance of the stain, since SmellOff has washing properties that help to say goodbye forever even to deeply ingrained stains.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine

To get rid of the smell of urine, you should know that uric acid dissolves in other acids, as well as in alkalis and glycerin.

Vinegar (9%) should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. Then it must be applied to the pollution - pour or spray from a spray bottle. Last step– use paper towels to dry the surface.

With the help of vinegar, you can remove the smell and traces of urine on the floor, carpet, upholstered furniture. The only thing to check is whether the substance affects the color of the textile. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount of the solution to an inconspicuous area.

Lemon acid

You should dilute 1 small spoon of crystals in 100 ml of warm water and pour it on a place that smells bad, and then dry it with napkins.

It is worth remembering that citric acid has a bleaching effect. It is better not to use it on dark textile surfaces.


Citrus fruits emit essential oils, the smell of which cats really dislike. You can use lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo. How to use:

Multi-component remedy for the smell of urine

An effective solution to the problem includes several stages and involves a combination of various means. Action algorithm:

  1. Collect urine with tissues or cat litter.
  2. Pour vinegar (3%) over the contaminated area. Cover with a napkin. Leave until dry.
  3. Remove napkin. Sprinkle soda in a thick layer. The area must be dry, otherwise the vinegar will neutralize the action of the soda.
  4. Combine hydrogen peroxide (100 ml), detergent for dishes or soap (1 small spoon) and water (100 ml). Soap or dish detergent is essential as it contains glycerin.
  5. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the stain on which the soda is poured. Foam should form.
  6. After 2-3 hours, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

This method is suitable for hard surfaces, carpets and furniture upholstery. But it can lead to lightening of the fabric. When processing textiles, it is worth using a brush to rub the soda and final cleansing.

Other odor recipes

There are other options to eliminate the smell of pet urine in a house or apartment.


Wipe the surface with hydrogen peroxide (3%). The drug helps if the trace is fresh. Peroxide should not be used on varnished surfaces.

Potassium permanganate

Treat the floor with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Wash the area with clean water. Potassium permanganate is able to color a light coating. It cannot be used to clean textiles.


Add 15 drops of iodine to 500 ml of water and wipe the trace of urine. The tool should be used on dark fabrics.

There are recipes using ammonia, alcohol (vodka) and chlorine. But these substances do not affect uric acid, so their effectiveness is questionable. However, they can be used to finish the contamination and repel the animal. It is enough to wipe the place chosen by the cat with one of the preparations.

Note: When using a product with chlorine, it is important to follow safety precautions: wear gloves, open windows, remove a fluffy pet from the room. Do not forget that chlorine can damage floor coverings or textiles.

How to remove the smell of urine with professional preparations

You can quickly eliminate the smell with the help of professional products containing enzymes that destroy uric acid salts and neutralize thiols. Popular drugs:

  • Urine Off;
  • Just for cats Stain;
  • pet stain;
  • Odor Kill & Stain;
  • beafar;
  • "DesoSan";
  • "Zoosan";
  • Mr. fresh;
  • "Zoovorsin".

Most of them are available in aerosol form. It is enough to remove the urine, spray the product, leave it on a short time and then wipe the surface. Preparations help to kill and remove not only the smell, but old urine stains on the floor, carpets, upholstered furniture.

In addition, you can use stain removers containing active oxygen, which breaks down thiols:

  • Vanish Oxy Action;
  • PreWash by Amway
  • Astonish.

Such preparations clean textiles well and do not damage the fibers, if the instructions are followed strictly.

Another way to remove unpleasant odors is to use an ozonizer. It is necessary to cover the contaminated area with a film, fix its edges, put the device hose under it and turn it on for 2-3 hours.

Tip: When you can't find the source of an unpleasant odor, an ultraviolet lamp will help you find traces of urine. It must be turned on in the dark and carefully inspect the room. Urine stains will be marked in yellow or green.

Odor prevention

You can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor by accustoming the animal to use the tray and regularly changing the filler. Recommendations:

  1. Reduce the level of pet anxiety - pay attention to him, stroke, play, do not beat, do not punish, do not let other animals into the house.
  2. Equip a habitat - put a bowl for food, a basket for sleeping, toys, a toilet tray in a certain area, keep it clean.
  3. Quickly eliminate the smell of urine if the cat has relieved himself in an unauthorized place.
  4. Reduce the saturation of other aromas in the apartment - cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals. The animal may try to drown them out with marks.
  5. Put food, cat toys, houses in the places of the makeshift toilet. A healthy animal will not urinate where it eats or sleeps.
  6. Treat problem areas with vodka, vinegar, lemon juice, ammonia, essential oil. You can soak cotton balls in one of these substances and decompose them.
  7. Prepare a mixture of citrus peel and ground coffee. Pour it into containers and arrange them around the apartment.
  8. Praise and reward the animal if it urinates in the litter box.

Washing cat urine is a difficult but feasible task. It is important not to start the problem, but to respond immediately. Vinegar, citric acid, citrus fruits, soda, hydrogen peroxide, as well as industrial products will help eliminate the aroma. If the cat has been defecating on carpets or floors for a long time, the smell can be removed only by radical methods - by repairing and replacing textiles.


A cat urine odor remover is a substance that should effectively neutralize harsh odors on surfaces and in the air. The product can be prepared from improvised means or you can buy a specialized product at a pet store. At correct use you can quickly achieve a positive result.

If the pet began to urinate in unexpected places, you need to understand the reason. The obvious option is that the cat does not like the toilet. Choose a tray convenient for the animal: a capacious and deep box with a thick layer of loose filler. It should match the texture, the size of the fragments, and other parameters. Do a test: put several containers with different fillers side by side and see which one you like. Most contain an odor absorber.

Most often, a cat litter box is placed in the bathroom or corridor. The animal may stubbornly refuse to walk into it. It is worth watching the pet and moving the potty.

The place should be quiet, accessible around the clock.

The tray must be kept clean, soaked lumps should be put into the toilet bowl, the filler should be changed regularly, and the container should be thoroughly rinsed. When all the moments are taken into account, the cat will become comfortable, he will stop being outrageous.

The stench can appear for other reasons:

  1. Puberty, the instinct of reproduction. A cute kitten will quickly turn into an adult. In the process of growth, the body will rebuild, the sex glands will work to attract partners for mating. The animal will instinctively begin to leave its marks. If the stench has become unbearable, consider sterilization.
  2. When a cat is not drinking enough fluids, the urine is more concentrated and smells stronger. If you feed your pet only dry food, dehydration may develop. You need a drinking bowl with clean water.
  3. The level of ammonia in the urine is influenced by the diet. A cat is a carnivore and needs variety in its food. Improper feeding leads to a violation of protein metabolism. Changing the diet, special feed will solve the problem.
  4. Diseases and disorders lead to a change in the natural smell of secretions. In this case, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.
  5. Cats can experience a lot of stress. The reason may be moving to new house, a long absence of owners, the appearance of other animals in the apartment, repairs, new furniture. It takes the animal two weeks to get used to the changed conditions, then everything returns to normal. If this period is prolonged, consult your veterinarian.

How to make a home remedy

If the cat began to urinate on a carpet or a soft sofa, in order to repel him, you need to completely get rid of the smell.

Water and soap cannot dissolve uric acid crystals, decomposing urea is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria.

The strongest and most unpleasant odor comes from the specific substance thiols, which is difficult to remove. You need to act in several stages:

  • wet the liquid or fill it with filler for the tray;
  • wait until everything is absorbed, sweep or vacuum;
  • dilute table vinegar with water at a concentration of 1: 3, pour over the stain, cover with paper so that it does not spread, allow to dry completely;
  • sprinkle with soda;
  • in a bottle, prepare a solution of water (100 ml), hydrogen peroxide 3% (100 ml), dishwashing detergent or liquid hand soap (half a teaspoon), shake;
  • using a spray gun, spray the composition over the soda (the chemical reaction will give abundant foaming, leave the resulting mixture for 2-4 hours);
  • remove the remaining foam, you can clean it with your hands (it is more efficient to use a washing vacuum cleaner).

During the procedure, the treated area may smell even stronger and more unpleasant. Do not be alarmed: as a result of the destruction of the components of cat urine, ammonia is released. You need to ventilate the room.

Contamination can be removed with an oxygen stain remover: Vanish for carpets or PreWash (Amway). They are effective for the breakdown of urea and thiol. You can eliminate the unpleasant odor with the help of a household ozone generator. Close the cleaned surface with polyethylene, put a hose under it, press the edges tightly, plug the device into a socket, leave for several hours.

Folk odor eliminators:

  1. Treat floors, shoes, furniture with vodka. The aroma of alcohol will gradually dissipate itself.
  2. For the same purpose, camphor alcohol is suitable.
  3. Disposal can be carried out with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Dilute potassium permanganate in water, wash the stain, rinse.
  4. An excellent liquidator is a lemon. Squeeze the juice into a glass of liquid, stir, wipe the stained area. Citric acid powder will do.
  5. Removing traces from dark surfaces with iodine. Enough 10 drops per 0.5 liters. Abundantly moisten the contamination, after a few hours, rinse with plenty of warm water.

Overview of store-bought cat litter odor removers

Elimination of stench is best done with special preparations.

by the most effective tool is: SmellOff the smell of cat urine. This neutralizer has an absolutely natural composition, harmless even for children and pets. SmellOff does not mask an unpleasant odor, but completely removes all its smallest particles at the molecular level.
Urine odor removal tips:
1. If the stain is fresh, remove the urine with disposable towels and rags as soon as possible. Ventilate the room and dry the stain. On dried fresh and old stains, remove visible dirt.
2. We apply the product by spraying, capturing the stain, as well as some area near it. It is better to spill the neutralizer on the stain itself, so it will reach its maximum depth.
If there are several spots in the apartment, then it is necessary to process them all at the same time. SmellOff is suitable for eliminating the smell of cat urine from any surface, including clothes and shoes.
3. After processing, it is necessary to leave the products or surfaces to dry completely, without washing off the product, and then dry.
It is important that they dry naturally, before completely drying, you should not make a draft or cool the room.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten. Professional tool based on biological enzymes. The composition includes live bacteria, enzymes that block pheromones that scare away cats. Available in the form of a spray, shampoo, concentrated liquid. It is applied on any surfaces, completely destroys pollution from one application.

Odorgone Animal Gold. Spray - cat urine stink neutralizer. Hypoallergenic, antibacterial, non-toxic, safe for humans and animals. Removes old marks.

"Zoosan". A domestic drug capable of dissolving and binding the components of urine, cat feces at the molecular level. It has detergent and disinfectant properties. Does not contain chlorine, fluorine, phosphates.

"Desosan". Destroyer of unpleasant odors based on niogenic surfactants, food fragrances. Available as a spray and gel diluted with water. Suitable for washing vacuum cleaners.

To prevent the smell of cat litter from spreading around the apartment, it must be treated with a cat urine odor neutralizer.

Plastic wears out, scratches, cracks and chips appear on it, in which particles of dirt can accumulate. To wash the container, it is recommended to use special products, for example, "Pchelodar". Spray from the pungent smell of cat urine periodically spray over the filler: "NM Litter Box Odor Destroyer", "Cat Toilet Deodorant" (Beaphar), "Nodor Litter Spray" (Hartz).

Put special dry deodorizing balls-neutralizers "Natural Soap" (Unicharm) into the tray along with the absorbent. They have a light, pleasant soapy scent.

What means will enhance the smell and harm

To get rid of the smell of cat litter with the help of flavors will not work. Perfume, air fresheners for home and car, coffee can only mask it for a while. They themselves quickly disappear, but cat marks remain.

Do not use chlorine products to clean up after your pet. When combined with the components of urine, it will give a chemical reaction that will increase the unpleasant odor. Chlorine is aggressive, can damage things, damage the health of people and animals, and is difficult to erode.

Ammonia will not work, due to the ammonia in the composition, which will again attract the cat to this place.

The smell of cat urine is pungent and persistent, but it can be removed folk methods or special means. It is worth taking good care of your pet so that this problem does not appear.