When is financier's day? Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Financiers, that is, specialists in financial flows and the correct conduct of financial transactions, are an important and necessary profession in market conditions. Any more or less large company has its own financier; the work of every banking institution is largely built on the work of competent financiers. Obviously, a professional holiday for all the country's financiers could not fail to appear in Russia. Let's find out when Financier's Day is celebrated in Russia in 2019, what date this holiday is celebrated, whether it has a permanent link in the calendar or its date changes from year to year.

What date is Financier Day celebrated in Russia in 2019?

Financier's Day in our country is celebrated annually on the same day - September 8. The date of its celebration is dedicated to the appearance on this day in 1802 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire. In fact, this year Russian financiers as such are 217 years old.

It is clear that the professional holiday of financiers is much less old. Before the revolution, in principle, it was not customary to celebrate professional holidays in any way; exceptions are very rare (for example, tsarist times Railwayman's Day).

Most days celebrating one profession or another appeared in Soviet era. Obviously, financiers were not in high esteem back then. The planned economy, of course, could not do without such people, but in general they were assigned the role of the gray mass of Soviet clerks, to whom it was not customary to honor them with special honors.

The holiday Financier's Day appeared, at first unofficially, already in post-Soviet times. Its official recognition and inclusion in the calendar Russian holidays took place only in 2011, so the history of the holiday goes back only eight years.

The most important events are dedicated to the new holiday various events, professional competitions and awards.

The most notable of these are the “Reputation” award, which rewards the country’s most outstanding financiers, the “Financier of the Year” competition for women financiers, as well as programs to popularize the profession and improve financial literacy among students throughout the country.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that Financier’s Day, which is celebrated in September, is a common holiday for all representatives of this profession. At the same time, some government departments quite officially have similar holidays “for their own people.” Therefore, for example, financiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Defense can celebrate their holiday twice during the year.

I wanted the first article of 2017 to be life-affirming and optimistic. We thought about it, and then decided: what’s there to guess?! Friday the 13th. Old New Year. Ours, Russian. And the New Year is always about expectations, hopes, prospects.

Still, how accurate is the old Russian calendar! And the New Year's weather is freezing cold, and snowing. And the day is right.

What to expect in the new year, what it will bring, we won’t guess here. But let’s talk about what will certainly happen and what dates and events to prepare for.

Firstly, 2017 is the year of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. An epoch-making event on a universal scale. It will be responded to all over the world. And, of course, here, where various forums, lectures and seminars take place on this matter. Their topics, don’t go to a fortune teller, will be approximately the same, like: “1917. Historical lessons”, “What was that?”, “Who needs it?” and “Russia, which we lost.”

The intelligent cream of our society and fermentation products (following lactic acid terminology. - Ed.), they will talk about totalitarianism, the shortage of sausage, jeans, and in general, how they suffered, oh, how they suffered. Moreover, these speakers will mainly be from the Soviet era, which gave them free housing, medicine, the best education in the world, social justice, in a word - a start in life. The TV box will give out its stream of hot similar content. Especially the central channels. What could we do without it?

How should a smart person react to this?

An intelligent person will not fall for this. He will just laugh and say: “ Here H good luck!" And then he will remember that “we all came from the people” and will celebrate the anniversary of the Great Revolution as his own holiday, as his second birthday. Because that's how it is.

Secondly. Military financiers in 2017 will, as always, expect significant professional dates and events. Let's list just a few of the main ones in chronological order.

First date. 30 years ago - on January 1, 1987 - the “Instructions for conducting a documentary audit of the financial and economic activities of a military unit” were put into effect. The instruction played a vital role in maintaining state discipline in spending cash, the fight against plunderers of socialist property. Still relevant today.

By the way, since we are talking about documents, let us recall that May 25 marks the 40th anniversary of the 1977 Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 5 “On the implementation of the Regulations on the financial economy of the military district and formation.” And August 19 marks the 35th anniversary of Order No. 200 of the USSR Ministry of Defense of 1982, which announced the “Regulations on financial control in the Ministry of Defense.”

Second date. February 19 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Nikolaevich Dutov, an outstanding Soviet military financier, Colonel General of the Quartermaster Service, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Dutov V.N. - a personality of national scale.

During the Great Patriotic War V.N. Dutov was the head of the financial department of six fronts (North-Western, South-Western, Stalingrad, Don, Central and 1st Belorussian fronts). Subsequently, he headed the Central Financial Administration of the USSR Ministry of Defense for 31 years (1955-1986). Under his leadership, the organization of the financial service and the financial support system for troops reached highest level compliance with the interests of defense and security of the country, development of the Armed Forces.

Third date. September 20 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Military Financial and Economic University (Moscow). A unique military educational institution that trained highly qualified specialists for positions of senior officers for the financial and economic service of the Ministry of Defense, other federal executive authorities, the Department of Field Institutions of the Central Bank, and military missions. Authoritative scientific center research into problems of economics and finance of the Armed Forces.

Liquidated by financial service reformers due to lack of understanding in 2006.

We foresee that today’s supreme leadership of the financial and economic bloc of the RF Ministry of Defense will also respond to these professional dates. Representatives of which, mostly non-military people, civilians, will speak and tell us, military financiers, about the past military affairs our financial service, and about our current successes in economic work.

You yourself know how an intelligent person should react to this. Therefore, let's get ready to celebrate these events in our own way, for real.

And one last thing. What interesting things can readers and site participants expect?

Of course, to all of the above and others memorable dates, significant events, articles will be published on the site. Materials on military financial and economic topics and personalities will also be published. We will try to ensure that the articles contain rare, exclusive materials.

And of course, as before, in 2017 we will continue to cover various current social and economic problems, problems of ensuring the defense and security of the country.

Until new interesting meetings on the site!

Happy Russian New Year 2017!

Site administration

Financier's Day in Russia is a professional holiday celebrated by financial workers.

When is Financier's Day celebrated in 2019?

The celebration date falls on September 8, 2019. And the holiday itself was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2011 N 1101 “On Financier’s Day”.

History of the holiday Financier's Day

We will tell you about its history and traditions. On September 8, 1811, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire was established, which existed until the February Revolution of 1917.

During the years of Soviet power, the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Republic was established, which in 1946 was transformed into the Ministry of Finance of the USSR.

By Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated November 11, 1991 No. 190, the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR was merged with the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR, the new department was named the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR.

In 2002, the Ministry of Finance of our country celebrated its 200th anniversary.

How is Financier's Day celebrated?

Who celebrates the holiday and how? Financier's Day in Russia is celebrated by accountants, auditors, risk managers, business analysts, employees of banks, financial, insurance and investment companies, as well as representatives of many other financial specialties. The holiday is considered by students and teachers of specialized universities and faculties.

On this day, the laureates of the All-Russian Prize for Financiers “Reputation” are awarded, which since 2010 has been awarded for their contribution to the development of the Russian financial system.

The All-Russian youth competition “Financier of the Year” is also timed to coincide with Financier Day in Russia, the final of which takes place in September.

On Financier Day in Russia, thematic lectures, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, business games, and festive evenings at enterprises are held.

As part of Financier Day in Russia, educational institutions annually organize the “Days of Financial Literacy” event, during which financial workers give lectures to students and schoolchildren. According to 2015 data, the program covered over 500 thousand students in 83 regions of the country.

There are other holidays for financial workers: Bank Employee Day, Appraiser Day, Accountant Day, Insurer Day, Broker Day.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 22, 2000, the “Day of the Financial and Control and Audit Services of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” was established, which is celebrated on July 6.

And in 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the “Day of Financial and Economic Service” was established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated annually on October 22.

For many years now, the day of the formation of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation all financiers celebrated it as their holiday. And 2017 also became an anniversary year - the 215th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

The Russian financial system has undergone many changes over the course of its long history, but the importance of the financier profession has remained unchanged - it requires high dedication. It's not only specialized knowledge and broad erudition, but also the ability to foresee, prove, defend, showing flexibility and high competence.

Currently, the financial department of the administration of the Novoselitsky municipal district employs a friendly and united team that successfully copes with the responsibilities assigned to it. It has been headed by Galina Rasulovna Tuchkova since 2005.

Under the leadership of an energetic and purposeful boss, the work of the team is organized in accordance with modern requirements, technologies are used to speed up the processing of information, increase the degree of its reliability and reliability.

Head of the financial department of ANMR - Tuchkova Galina Rasulovna

The role of the labor of financial workers in ensuring the stability and development of the region and the region as a whole cannot be overestimated. After all, it is on them that the implementation of an effective financial policy depends, the quality of solutions to vitally important tasks for the region, increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures, ensuring the fullness and balance of budgets at all levels, and reforming the budgetary sphere.

Interacting with the regional center, the Novoselitsky district administration pursues a stable and responsible budget policy aimed at preserving and developing revenue potential, increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures and the provision of municipal services, ensuring long-term balance and sustainability of the district budget.

The result of this work was that the Novoselitsky district has held a leading position for several years in a row when assessing the quality of management of the budget process carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory (2013 - 1st place, 2014 - 2nd place, 2015 - 3rd place, 2016 – 1st place).

The award is presented by Sergei Vladimirovich Romanov, Director of the Department of Budget Methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

A true financier is distinguished not only by high professionalism and competence, but also by conscientiousness, decency, and a responsible approach to business. These qualities are inherent in financial management employees, which has accumulated a lot of evidence. It is pleasant to note that one of the most recent was the award in 2016 of 3rd place in an open competition for projects to provide a budget for citizens, conducted by the federal state educational budgetary institution higher education"Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" together with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Today, financiers of the region are faced with important tasks: the budget policy pursued in the country requires completely new and creative approaches. The program planning method becomes the basis for the effective spending of municipal funds, strategic planning is being developed aimed at increasing the level of socio-economic development of the region.

ASMR Financial Management Team

On this festive day, I would like to wish all financiers success in solving all these important tasks, a competent approach to resolving any emerging problems, and wisdom in making significant decisions for the benefit of the development of our region and region. And, of course, health, peace and prosperity in families, the fulfillment of all your plans! The most warm regards and gratitude to all our dear veterans who are on their well-deserved retirement. This is our common holiday: after all, there are no former financiers.

Financial Management Trade Union ANMR

Today the country celebrates Financier's Day. The holiday turns 215 years old. Needless to say, without the analytical talents of financiers, it is difficult for any organization, district, region, and the country as a whole to achieve prosperity.

The work of a financier is not easy. To be honest, there are few “analytics geniuses” among us, and “financial kings”, as a rule, are very modest figures, but their delicate and painstaking work is to count money well, draw up a balance sheet, accumulate capital, and fairly distribute funds. Agree, not everyone can do this skill.

In Krasnoselye, the district financial department was re-established on January 1, 1967, simultaneously with the formation of the Krasnoselsky district. Since 2006, the district financial department has been renamed into the finance department of the district administration. On the eve of the half-century anniversary, we met with the head of the UV - Tatyana Dobrina.

— Tatyana Aleksandrovna, you have long been a Krasnoselka, everyone knows you, since you have been working and living here for more than 30 years. And yet, according to tradition, I ask you to introduce yourself to our readers...

— I can probably already be considered a Krasnoselka, although I come from Kady. After graduating from the Yuryev-Polsky Financial College in 1984, she was assigned to the regional financial department of the Krasnoselsky district administration. She started working as a budget auditor, then was deputy chief accountant, and from 1998 onwards - chief accountant of the district administration's financial department. After the department was renamed, I remained in the same capacity, and for six months now I have been the head of the UV. Work experience in the financial sector – 33 years.

Three years after arriving here, she married a Krasnosel man and had to settle on Krasnosel’s land. My husband and I have two children: a daughter and a son.

— Tell us how you came into the profession?

— One might say, a dynasty brought me into this field: my grandfather (in the 60s of the last century) worked as a financier, and my mother also worked in the financial department of the Kady district. I liked solving arithmetic and logical problems back in school; I got high marks in exact sciences. And I always liked working with numbers; each line has its own story. Everything needs to be calculated, foreseen, thought through. This is probably why I became a financier, and I think that I was not mistaken in choosing a profession. Now the children are adults, both graduated from the Kostroma Technological University: the daughter is in the accounting department, the son is in economics. So our dynasty continues.

— What is the department you head working on?

— Our main work is to draw up and execute the main document - the district budget. Now, for example, we have begun work on designing the district budget for 2018. The work is difficult, painstaking, very responsible. Already in November we are obliged to submit a draft budget to the administration. Twice during the year - intense work, at the beginning and at the end of the year: on budget planning and on the execution of the consolidated budget. Each period of the year has its own tasks, since it is necessary to bring together the planned indicators and execution of the budgets of eight rural settlements, one city and the district budget.

— Tell us about your mentors and current team.

— My first mentor was the head of the budget inspection, Tatyana Ivanovna Petrenko. When I worked as a deputy accountant, Nadezhda Pavlovna Vinogradskaya was the chief accountant; in 1998 I replaced her at the post. Wonderful woman By the way, on August 10 she turned 85 years old, work experience at the same time - half a century, as long as our department has existed. Among the mentors is Galina Gennadievna Zotova, who worked as the head of the regional financial department for 23 years.

In addition to me, the staff includes eight specialists and a driver. All are highly qualified workers, responsible, with a modern outlook on life, in control of the situation and able to handle electronic equipment, since now everything is computerized. Most have solid professional experience. Ascending: Elena Marova has been working as an accountant since June of this year, deputy head of the budget department Tatyana Alekseeva and driver Valery Lovygin have 4 years of experience. Valery Veniaminovich replaced his predecessor with 19 years of experience, Alexander Shilov. Department expert Varduhi Avagyan and head of the accounting and reporting department Tatyana Smirnova worked for 8 and 9 years, respectively. The deputy head of the accounting department, Olga Kuznetsova, and the head of budget affairs, my deputy, Olga Maletova, are 16 and 17 years old. Consultant Marina Lomova has been working for 21 years, and 32 years has been the experience of the chief economist of the UF, Lyudmila Malanina. This is our entire friendly and united team.

— Who do you work closely with?

— First of all, with the federal treasury. Now that changes have occurred in the power structures, we report directly to the head of the district administration. I am very glad that close contact has been established, and we have found mutual understanding and support among the top officials of the district. And, of course, many people come to us on various financial issues, since the recipients budget funds There are 47 government institutions in the district. People contact us regarding expense estimates, we provide these figures, and each institution distributes them in accordance with the classification of expenses. Obligatory guests are accountants and heads of rural administrations.

— What would you wish your colleagues on their anniversary?

- You know, it was very nice to receive greeting card from the regional department of finance, signed by its director Igor Zamuraev. There are many financiers in the area, both former and currently working. Congratulations to my colleagues on professional holiday and anniversary of service. I wish you and your families good health, happiness, goodness, financial stability and prosperity. I convey the most kind words gratitude to the employees who are now on well-deserved retirement, as well as to everyone who graduated from the Yuryev-Polsky Financial College and who has an entry in the work book “Profession, specialty” - financier.

Interviewed by Irina MELKOVA.

The editors join in congratulating all employees of the financial sector and wishnever get confused by numbers and perceive your work as pleasure!