Face paint for mustaches. How to discolor the mustache above the upper lip: useful home tips

Facial hair causes a huge number of problems for most lovely ladies. U Siki Nad upper lip spoil the aesthetics of the face, making it, to put it mildly, unfeminine. Exists huge amount methods to remove unwanted black hairs, one of the most common and proven methods is bleaching. We will tell you in this article how to bleach a mustache above your lip at home.

Causes of dark hairs above the lip

IN lately Everyone faces this problem more women. Hair growth above the lip can be caused by:

  • High levels of male hormones;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Reception birth control pills for a long time;
  • Suffered from shock or constant stress;
  • Heredity;
  • Environmental problems;
  • Prolonged illness or the presence of diseases such as epilepsy, brain tumor or kidney pathology.

The reasons listed above apply not only to lip hair growth. Hair can also appear on the arms, stomach, chest area and other “non-standard” places on the body.

Who needs to lighten the hair above their lip?

Before you start bleaching your lip mustache, you need to know whether this procedure will help solve your problem.

  • If the hair above the lip is black and hard, more like stubble, then there is no point in bleaching it. In this case, you should resort to methods such as laser or wax hair removal.
  • If the hairs are light and thin, then home bleaching will help solve your problem.
  • If there is a small amount of almost imperceptible hair above the lip (the so-called “fluff”), then there is no need to lighten it; it is a natural covering of the epidermis. Also, dark-skinned girls should not lighten the hairs above their lips, because... light hairs will be very noticeable against dark skin.

Now let's move on to the main topic of our article: home methods for lightening the mustache above the upper lip.

Ways to bleach hair above the lip at home

There are several proven home methods for bleaching antennae. We have given a list of them below.

  • Classic brightening product. This is, you guessed it, hydrogen peroxide. We soak a cotton swab in the said liquid and wipe the problem areas above the lip with it twice a day. After some time, the hairs will become lighter, brittle and thinner.
  • A creamy brightening treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Add 5 ml of peroxide to a tablespoon of shaving foam. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab to problem areas above the lip and wash off after 10 minutes. This recipe is suitable for sensitive, irritated and dry skin.
  • Soap and ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. To 10 ml of peroxide add 2 ml of liquid soap and 3 drops of ammonia. After foaming the components, apply the mixture to dark hairs, leave for no longer than half an hour and rinse with plain water. This recipe will help remove unwanted yellowness from bleached hair.
  • Product with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia/lanolin. Add 2 drops of ammonia or 5 g of lanolin to 10 ml of peroxide. This mixture should be used to wipe dark hair daily. This product is more effective than regular peroxide, but it can cause severe irritation, so wash your skin no later than 15 minutes after applying the product.
  • Ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and hydroperite. We turn 1 tablet of hydroperite into powder and mix it with 3 ml of peroxide and a couple of drops of ammonia. Lubricate the antennae with this composition and wait 10 minutes, rinse off the composition with plain water.
  • Soap and ammonia with hydroperite. Mix the powder from 1 tablet of hydroperite with 4 ml of liquid soap and a couple of drops of ammonia. Cover dark hairs with the mixture and rinse off after 2 minutes with plain water.
  • Lemon remedy. We lubricate the dark hairs with lemon juice and go to sunbathe (in direct sunlight or in a solarium). Lemon juice helps hairs fade faster and become invisible.
  • Egg-lemon remedy. Add 15 ml of juice from ripe lemon into a bowl with whipped fresh egg whites. Apply the composition with a brush to dark hairs and wait 15 minutes, rinse with plain water.
  • Vinegar-lemon solution with water. Mix 5 ml of table vinegar, lemon juice and water. Apply the mixture to dark hairs, leave the mask on for 1 hour, and rinse with plain water.
  • Infusion of nut/cedar shells. Ready-made infusion from the shells of cedar or walnuts dilute with plain water (2:1) and apply to the upper lip for 20 minutes. Then we wash the treated area of ​​skin with plain water.

You can also use ready-made bleaching compounds or light paints. The method of their use can be found out from the information indicated on the packaging of the selected product.

You can also use ready-made bleaching compounds or light paints. The method of their use can be found out from the information indicated on the packaging of the product.

Useful tips

In order for the bleaching of the antennae to go smoothly and without unpleasant misunderstandings, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the following rules.

  • If your skin is too sensitive and prone to irritation or inflammation, then it is better to refuse the procedure of lightening the hairs above the lip or use non-aggressive means.
  • Proper care behind the face after lightening the mustache will protect your skin from the appearance of redness and irritation. After removing the bleaching composition, be sure to apply a baby or nourishing (preferably homemade) cream to the dermis. Vaseline, almond or sea buckthorn oils will help relieve redness. Also avoid using skin care products containing alcohol.
  • Lightening the antennae is a labor-intensive process. For a lasting result, you need to carry out at least 10 procedures (their number depends on the effectiveness of the chosen lightening agent and the density, pigment and thickness of the hairs). Do not try other methods if bleaching fails. Try using other products; surely among the recipes given there will be a product that will help you bleach the annoying hairs above your lip.
  • If none of the listed remedies cope with the task, then contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will advise you and help you choose the appropriate method for bleaching or removing the antennae.
  • It is better to lighten the antennae before going to bed, because... Most often, after removing the composition, the skin is red, irritated and susceptible to any external irritants. The application of cosmetics, exposure to weather conditions and any contact with the skin can aggravate the situation and cause more serious dermatological problems.

Also be sure to test the bleach for allergies. This way you will protect your skin from unnecessary overload and make the mustache bleaching function very effective.

Lightening the dark hairs above the lip will help restore your face to a beautiful, feminine and aesthetic appearance. Do not forget about the rules described in the article and always be beautiful!

Almost every fifth woman on earth is puzzled by the presence of hairs above her upper lip. This problem darkens the lives of the fair sex and they face acute questions: “What to do with the mustache? How to bleach hair above the lip at home? Or should I just delete them? How to carry out this or that procedure without harming yourself?”

The skin above the upper lip is different special sensitivity and hair removal, in the generally accepted sense, is inappropriate here. Plucking hairs with tweezers is also a very thankless task.

In order to solve this problem, you need to decide on the color, number and structure of the hairs:

- if the hair is hard to the touch and dark, then it is unlikely to be possible to lighten it and you should resort to laser or waxing ;
- if the hairs are thin and light, then the usual one is enough discoloration;
- if the hair above the upper lip is vellus, barely noticeable, then fight it no need, since they are a natural covering.

Also, when deciding whether to bleach your hair, you should pay attention to the factor heredity. If hair growth above the upper lip area is due to heredity, then it can be discolored. If hair growth in the upper lip area begins spontaneously and unexpectedly and is not associated with heredity, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Often, such increased hair growth is associated with serious hormonal disorders. In this case, this problem is corrected with drugs prescribed by a doctor to correct hormonal levels.

Features of bleaching with special mixtures

To lighten the mustache, use hydrogen peroxide or other special compounds . When using the latter, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them. It is also worth testing for a possible allergic reaction on the crook of your elbow or the inside of your wrist.

Advantages of using ready-made lightening mixtures:

- with prolonged and repeated use, hair becomes thinner;
- have an excellent brightening effect;
- stop hair growth;
- Gentle on the skin and suitable for sensitive skin.

How to bleach hair above the lip with hydrogen peroxide?

To successfully bleach hair using this method, you must follow some rules. precautions. Add a teaspoon of 3% peroxide solution to a small amount of shaving cream (about 2 tsp). All components are thoroughly mixed until a creamy mass is formed, then the resulting lightening mixture is applied to the problem area using a cotton swab. After thirty minutes, the composition must be washed off and a nourishing cream should be applied to the treatment area. Sometimes, to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out several procedures with an interval of several days (2-3).

Often, after lightening with peroxide, the hairs become yellowish tint. To neutralize it, it is advisable to use next line-up: add liquid soap and a drop of ammonia to the peroxide solution and wait until it foams. Then apply the resulting solution for thirty minutes, after which it is washed off and the treatment area is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

In case of severe sensitivity of the skin above the upper lip, hydrogen peroxide formulations should be used with special care. caution to avoid severe skin irritation. In order not to waste time fighting irritation, compositions with peroxide should be applied to short time, but several days in a row. After some time, the hairs above the lip will become much thinner and lighter.

How to bleach hair above the lip with hydroperite?

An excellent lightening mask for hair above the upper lip can be made from a tablet. To do this, you need to crush 1 tablet of hydroperite, add a few drops of ammonia and liquid soap to it. Mix everything and apply to the problem area for 2 minutes.

There are many ways to remove mustaches above the upper lip, but, unfortunately, they have a number of contraindications. The cost of the procedures is kept at an affordable level, and they can be carried out in any cosmetology clinic equipped with equipment.

Discoloration of the antennae allows you to visually hide the defect. In addition, over time, the hairs become thinner and gradually fall out. The procedure has one drawback - it needs to be carried out from time to time. It is worth noting that allergic reactions are not excluded in people with a predisposition. Actually, it’s worth a try if you don’t have free time to go to cosmetology clinics yet.

Method for bleaching antennae

If you are used to choosing the easiest path, then resort to the help of special lightening compounds that can be purchased in stores. The cream will help quickly and well lighten the antennae, thin them and partially destroy the bulbs. The products must be used in strict accordance with the instructions included.

Ready-made lightening compositions have a gentle effect on the skin, rarely cause irritation, etc. side effects. They are not recommended for use on damaged skin. You need to use creams regularly - one procedure will not be enough.

You can lighten facial hair using hydrogen peroxide. To do this, soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the problem area for 20 minutes. Afterwards, be sure to wash your face and apply a nourishing cream.

Some people find it more convenient to use hydrogen peroxide with shaving cream. In this case, you will need a teaspoon of cream and the same amount of peroxide. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin. Rinse off after 20-30 minutes; if it stings too much, do so immediately.

If you have very coarse hair above your upper lip, add a few drops of ammonia and a little liquid soap to a tablespoon of peroxide. Mix and soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution. Apply it to the skin and leave for 30 minutes.

If severe irritation occurs, it will not hurt to take an antihistamine tablet and spread the skin with sea buckthorn oil. If symptoms do not go away within a few days, contact your dermatologist for a consultation. Representatives of the fair sex with extremely sensitive skin It is not advisable to conduct experiments!

I usually solve the problem of unwanted body hair with a razor or epilator. But in some places these means are not enough. The legs above the knee are covered in some places with darkish hairs. The hairs are still very thin and I don’t want to start epilation, because... they are not yet as dark and coarse as hair below the knee.

The problem of a mustache above my upper lip has been bothering me for a long time. In the summer they fade and become invisible, but from mid-winter until the first tan they become dark and very noticeable on pale skin. Initially I plucked them with tweezers, but they began to grow even darker. And although they thinned out a little, they had to be plucked more and more often.

Reviews from girls about lightening unwanted hair on this site interested me. Having learned that there were two options: lightening hair dye or a homemade mixture of hydroperite, ammonia and shaving foam, I chose the first - I was afraid to make a mistake in the proportions of the homemade product.

I chose Pallete cream paint in tone E 20 “Brightening” in the store.

For one application, half a tube of paint, half a bottle of brightener and one of two sachets of blonde activator was enough for me. That is, a package of paint is enough for 2 uses. After mixing well, I applied this mixture to unwanted hair on the legs above the knees and on the mustache above the lip.

According to the instructions, the mixture lasts 30-45 minutes on the hair, but for the body, of course, this is a lot. After 10 minutes, the paint began to sting and itch in the applied areas, so I washed off the paint on my face immediately, leaving it on for 10 minutes, and on my legs I kept it on for another 5 minutes, leaving it on for a total of 15 minutes.

As a result, the hairs on the face completely discolored and became invisible, and on the legs they also lightened, but next time I’ll add another 5 minutes for a better result.

I am not prone to allergies, but redness of the skin appeared on my face where the paint was applied, and after about forty minutes it completely disappeared. The legs did not turn red, and the skin in the places where the paint was applied turned a little pale, but this effect also quickly passed. Also, the bleached hairs became thinner to the touch.

I am completely satisfied with this procedure; unwanted hairs become colorless and almost invisible.

Before discoloration

After bleaching

Of course, for coarse and thick hairs such as in the area below the knees or armpits, this method is not suitable, since walking with legs overgrown with white thick hair this is not an option. But for other places where the hair is thinner and thinner, I will regularly carry out a similar procedure. Also, this procedure is not suitable for people with various allergic reactions to chemical composition paints.

11/22/13 I am adding to the review.

Three weeks have passed since the bleaching. The bleached antennae remained invisible, but short dark hairs grew among them. This is my fault - after regular plucking with tweezers, the antennae will continue to grow back to their original state for some time.

The bleached hair above the knees, which was much coarser and longer than the mustache above the lip, remained blond, having washed only slightly from golden white to white with a slightly grayish tint.

Repeated the bleaching procedure with the remaining paint. This time I additionally covered the arm area up to the elbow, where the hair is also thick and dark gray. And again, the result is excellent: the hair above the lip and on the arms visually “disappeared,” and after the second bleaching, the hairs above the knees became even thinner.

12/14/16. I am adding to the review.

I continue to use bleaching for the hair on my arms up to the elbow and on my face - the mustache area. To do this, I buy any dye for blondes that I can find in the store.

Over 3 years my hair has become thinner and softer. They did not fall out or break off, and the color also did not change. Immediately after bleaching, the hairs are light and invisible, and after a couple of weeks, when the dye comes off, the color becomes the same as it was before dyeing. The paint is washed off from the antennae faster, since you wash your face several times a day. Therefore, I use the hair bleaching method once every 10-14 days for facial hair and once every three weeks for arm hair. I apply paint to the antennae area for exactly 5 minutes, and to my arms up to the elbow for 10 minutes, since it doesn’t stain there in 5 minutes.

I use this method for six months from October to April. For the second six months I sunbathe in the sun and my hair bleaches naturally.

Overall, I’m still happy with this method and recommend it for hair that is not too dark and not too coarse. For leg hair, this method did not work for me. There the hair is too long, black and coarse, and the bleached hairs are noticeable and unsightly. Therefore, in the area of ​​​​the legs above the knees, I still began to use an epilator, as well as in the area below the knees. For thin light gray hairs on the antennae and arms up to the elbow, this method suited me and has been completely satisfactory for three years.

Facial hair causes a lot of trouble for many people. modern women. An unpleasant-looking mustache above the upper lip spoils the aesthetics of the face, making it masculine and rude. There are many ways to remove annoying dark hairs, one of these methods is to lighten them. We will tell you how to bleach a mustache above your lip at home in our article today.

Recently, an increasing number of women are facing this problem. Hair growth above the lip can be caused by:

  • High levels of male hormones;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking birth control pills for a long time;
  • Suffered from shock or constant stress;
  • Heredity;
  • Environmental problems;
  • Prolonged illness or the presence of diseases such as epilepsy, brain tumor or kidney pathology.

The reasons listed above apply not only to lip hair growth. Hair can also appear on the arms, stomach, chest area and other “non-standard” places on the body.

Who needs to lighten the hair above their lip?

Before you start bleaching your lip mustache, you need to know whether this procedure will help solve your problem.

  • If the hair above the lip is black and hard, more like stubble, then there is no point in bleaching it. In this case, you should resort to methods such as laser or wax hair removal.
  • If the hairs are light and thin, then home bleaching will help solve your problem.
  • If there is a small amount of almost imperceptible hair above the lip (the so-called “fluff”), then there is no need to lighten it; it is a natural covering of the epidermis. Also, dark-skinned girls should not lighten the hairs above their lips, because... light hairs will be very noticeable against dark skin.

Now let's move on to the main topic of our article: home methods for lightening the mustache above the upper lip.

There are several proven home methods for bleaching antennae. We have given a list of them below.

  1. Classic brightening product. This is, you guessed it, hydrogen peroxide. We soak a cotton swab in the said liquid and wipe the problem areas above the lip with it twice a day. After some time, the hairs will become lighter, brittle and thinner.
  2. A creamy brightening treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Add 5 ml of peroxide to a tablespoon of shaving foam. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab to problem areas above the lip and wash off after 10 minutes. This recipe is suitable for sensitive, irritated and dry skin.
  3. Soap and ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. To 10 ml of peroxide add 2 ml of liquid soap and 3 drops of ammonia. After foaming the components, apply the mixture to dark hairs, leave for no longer than half an hour and rinse with plain water. This recipe will help remove unwanted yellowness from bleached hair.
  4. Product with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia/lanolin. Add 2 drops of ammonia or 5 g of lanolin to 10 ml of peroxide. This mixture should be used to wipe dark hair daily. This product is more effective than regular peroxide, but it can cause severe irritation, so wash your skin no later than 15 minutes after applying the product.
  5. Ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and hydroperite. We turn 1 tablet of hydroperite into powder and mix it with 3 ml of peroxide and a couple of drops of ammonia. Lubricate the antennae with this composition and wait 10 minutes, rinse off the composition with plain water.
  6. Soap and ammonia with hydroperite. Mix the powder from 1 tablet of hydroperite with 4 ml of liquid soap and a couple of drops of ammonia. Cover dark hairs with the mixture and rinse off after 2 minutes with plain water.
  7. Lemon remedy. We lubricate the dark hairs with lemon juice and go to sunbathe (in direct sunlight or in a solarium). Lemon juice helps hairs fade faster and become invisible.
  8. Egg-lemon remedy. Add 15 ml of juice from ripe lemon into a bowl with whipped fresh egg whites. Apply the composition with a brush to dark hairs and wait 15 minutes, rinse with plain water.
  9. Vinegar-lemon solution with water. Mix 5 ml of table vinegar, lemon juice and water. Apply the mixture to dark hairs, leave the mask on for 1 hour, and rinse with plain water.
  10. Infusion of nut/cedar shells. Dilute the prepared infusion of pine or walnut shells with plain water (2:1) and apply to the upper lip for 20 minutes. Then we wash the treated area of ​​skin with plain water.

You can also use ready-made bleaching compounds or light paints. The method of their use can be found out from the information indicated on the packaging of the selected product.

In order for the bleaching of the antennae to pass without consequences, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the following rules.

  • If your skin is too sensitive and prone to irritation or inflammation, then it is better to refuse the procedure of lightening the hairs above the lip or use non-aggressive means.
  • Proper facial care after lightening your mustache will protect your skin from redness and irritation. After removing the bleaching composition, be sure to apply a baby or nourishing (preferably homemade) cream to the dermis. Vaseline, almond or sea buckthorn oils will help relieve redness. Also avoid using skin care products containing alcohol.
  • Lightening the antennae is a labor-intensive process. For a lasting result, you need to carry out at least 10 procedures (their number depends on the effectiveness of the chosen lightening agent and the density, pigment and thickness of the hairs). Do not try other methods if bleaching fails. Try using other products; surely among the recipes given there will be a product that will help you bleach the annoying hairs above your lip.
  • If none of the listed remedies cope with the task, then contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will advise you and help you choose the appropriate method for bleaching or removing the antennae.
  • It is better to lighten the antennae before going to bed, because... Most often, after removing the composition, the skin is red, irritated and susceptible to any external irritants. The application of cosmetics, exposure to weather conditions and any contact with the skin can aggravate the situation and cause more serious dermatological problems.

Also remember to test your bleach for allergies. This way you will protect your skin from unnecessary stress and make the mustache bleaching procedure as effective as possible.

Lightening the dark hairs above the lip will help restore your face to a beautiful, feminine and aesthetic appearance. Do not forget about the rules described in the article and be beautiful to the delight of your family and friends.