Pension in Crimea. Pensions for Crimeans: how will they be recalculated and when? Is the Ural coefficient calculated for pensions?

Citizens permanently residing in regions with difficult climatic conditions have the right to receive a pension at an increased rate, taking into account the regional coefficient. In this article we will look at how the regional coefficient is used when calculating a pension, what is the procedure for registering a pension with an increasing coefficient, and what documents are required for this.

What is the regional coefficient when calculating pensions?

It's no secret that the standard of living in the regions of the Russian Federation is unequal: the level of income and the cost of basic goods in different regions of our country can differ significantly, sometimes even several times. Residents of some regions, with relatively low earnings, are forced to purchase food and basic necessities at prices that are an order of magnitude higher than the market average. In some cases, the reason for this discrepancy is determined by the region of residence of citizens. Indeed, in areas with difficult climatic conditions and, as a consequence, ineffective infrastructure due to natural causes, the cost of basic goods will be higher due to the complexity of their delivery and storage.

In order to provide support to citizens who live in special climatic zones, the state has developed and implemented a special system for calculating pension payments, which provides for the use of an increasing regional coefficient. Thus, pensioners living in special regions can receive a pension, the size of which is significantly higher than the average for the Russian Federation.

Note that the regional coefficient is used not only when assigning pensions, but also when calculating other social payments (benefits, compensation, etc.). In addition, citizens living in special regions in connection with employment have the right to increase the established salary, taking into account the regional coefficient.

Where is the regional pension coefficient applied?

According to the Labor and Pension Legislation, the regional coefficient increases the amount of payments to persons who permanently reside in the regions:

  • with difficult climatic conditions;
  • with a polluted environment;
  • with a low level of infrastructure organization due to natural factors.

In each case, the regional coefficient acts as compensation to citizens in connection with difficult, harmful, dangerous living conditions.

The list of districts in which the increasing coefficient is applied, as well as the indicator of such a coefficient, is enshrined in regional legislative acts. Based on regulatory documents recognized as special regions with difficult living conditions :

  • regions of the Far North (and equivalent territories);
  • mountainous areas (Dagestan - settlements located at an altitude of 1.5 km and above sea level);
  • other regions with ineffective infrastructure, special environmental and climatic conditions (settlements of Vologda, Kostroma, Perm, Rostov, Chelyabinsk and other regions).

Depending on the complexity of living conditions, the regional coefficient can be set in the range from 1.1 (regions of the Astrakhan region) to 2 (Kamchatka region - Commander Islands, Republic of Yakutia - settlements located beyond the Arctic Circle).

How is the regional coefficient used when calculating pensions?

Based on current legislation, the district coefficient increases the fixed payment to the insurance pension. Thus, citizens who have been assigned an old-age labor pension can apply for a pension payment taking into account the increasing coefficient.

Formula for calculating pensions with regional coefficient

To determine the amount of pension payment taking into account the regional coefficient, the following formula is used:

StrPens = PenceB * StPensB + FixVypl * DistrictCoeff,

Where StrPence– monthly payment of an insurance pension assigned to citizens upon reaching the generally established retirement age, provided they have the required length of service and individual industrial complex;
PensB– IPC indicator. Read also the article “How to calculate the individual pension coefficient”;
StPensB– the established value of the 1st IPC in rubles on the date of registration of the pension (in 2020 – 93 rubles);
FixPayout– fixed payment towards pension (in 2020 – 5,686.25 rubles).

Let's look at an example . Shchedrov K.N. - resident of Cherepovets. 09/12/17 Shchedrov applied to the Pension Fund for a pension. As of October 1, 2017, Shchedrov’s IPC is 38.41. Shchedrov’s pension was calculated using the regional coefficient of 1.15:

38.41 * 78.58 rub. + 4,805.11 rub. * 1.15 = 8,544.14 rubles.

How to apply for a pension using the regional coefficient

The right to receive a pension, taking into account the increasing coefficient, is granted subject to the pensioner’s permanent residence in a special region, in the territory of which the established regional coefficient is applied.

Required documents

Before contacting the Pension Fund, a future pensioner should prepare the following documents:

Registration procedure

Below is an algorithm of actions according to which pensions are issued taking into account the regional coefficient:

Step 1. Applying for a pension.
Having prepared the necessary documents, the applicant can submit them to the Pension Fund in one of the following ways:

  • personally contact the Pension Fund authority at the place of registration;
  • transfer papers through a representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney;
  • send a package of documents by Russian Post, filling out a letter with notification and a list of attachments;
  • use online resources (create an application on the official website of the PRF, or apply for a pension through the State Services website).

A citizen applying for a pension taking into account the increasing coefficient cannot submit documents before the right to accrual of pension payments arises.

Over the past decades, Russian pension legislation has been changed several times, but, nevertheless, the pension rights of workers received during periods of validity of various provisions of the law are preserved and taken into account when assigning pensions. The process of calculating the amount of pensions for citizens who have worked in the period before 2002 is very complicated because it is necessary to take into account each period of their work using the norms of the pension legislation in force in that period. It is especially difficult to calculate pensions for citizens who have insurance work experience in the northern regions of our country, since in this case it is necessary to apply different coefficients when calculating.

Our state, taking care of its citizens living in areas with severe climatic conditions, has established for them special guarantees in the field of employment, pensions, social insurance and medical care, provided for by the law “On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in areas Far North and equivalent areas" No. 4520-1 dated February 19, 1993

Regional pension coefficient

In order to equalize the level of income and reimburse additional costs for citizens of our country working and living in areas with extreme natural and climatic conditions, regional coefficients for wages, benefits paid from the Social Insurance Fund, pensions and scholarships have been established in such regions.

The regional coefficient increases the wages of working citizens, and therefore increases the future size of their insurance pension, since with an increase in earnings, the amount of insurance contributions paid by the employer to the pension fund also increases.

For those citizens who worked in the northern regions for less than 15/20 years and remained to live in these areas, their fixed payment to the insurance pension, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 14 of the Law on Labor Pensions No. 173-FZ, increases by the regional coefficient only for that time while they live in the northern regions ( You can read more about fixed payment). When such a pensioner moves to other regions of the country where there are no regional coefficients, they begin to be paid a pension on a general basis.

But citizens who have worked in the northern regions for 15/20 years (RKS/MpKS) or more have much greater pension rights. For them, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension increases by 50/30 percent (RKS/MpKS) and is paid regardless of the place of residence of the pensioner. If such pensioners live in places where a regional coefficient is established, the fixed payment can, at their choice, increase either by the regional coefficient or by 50/30% (clause 13 of Article 17 of the Law on Insurance Pensions No. 400-FZ). Since an increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension can be made only on one of the grounds.

It is also necessary to note the following - the law on labor pensions does not provide for an increase in the fixed payment by the regional coefficient for those citizens who live in areas of our country not related to the RKS or MpKS, but in which regional coefficients for wages have been established.
For example: there will be no increase in the fixed payment by the regional coefficient for a pensioner living in the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which do not belong to the MpKS, but in which the regional coefficient for salary has been established. However, the regional coefficient for such pensioners will still be used; it will be used to determine their earnings when calculating the amount of their pension. Their pension payment will be slightly higher.

In addition, citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7.5 years or 10 years in areas equivalent to the RKS have the right to retire early in old age with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 4 months for each calendar year of work in the Far North, but no more than 5 years.
For citizens who worked in areas equated to KS districts, their experience accumulated in the MpKS districts is recalculated into experience for the KS districts as follows: 1 calendar year of the MpKS is equivalent to 9 months of work in the KS districts.

The ratio of average monthly earnings to the average monthly salary in the country

When determining the estimated pension amount in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the Law on Labor Pensions No. 173-FZ, the calculation formula uses the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly wage in the Russian Federation - ZR/ZP.
ZR is the average monthly salary in the period 2000 - 2001 or for any 60 consecutive months.
ZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same periods

It is established by law that the ZR/ZP coefficient can have a value of no higher than 1.2, however, for citizens who worked (lived) in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas in the period before January 1, 2002, the value of this coefficient increases depending on the regional coefficient of the area :
- not higher than 1.4 - for persons living in RKS/MPKS with a regional coefficient of up to 1.5;
- not higher than 1.7 - for persons living in RKS/MPKS with a regional coefficient from 1.5 to 1.8;
- not higher than 1.9 - for persons living in RKS/MPKS with a regional coefficient of 1.8 and higher.

The following nuances should be noted here:
1. An increase in the size of the ZR/ZP coefficient depending on the regional coefficient, for periods of work in the RKS or MpKs in 2000 - 2001 or for any 60 months in a row, will be made if the salary received by the employee during these periods included payments according to the regional coefficient for at least one month. That is, for the right to an increased salary/salary ratio to appear, the duration of the northern soot does not matter; one month of work is enough.
2. For pensioners who have full northern experience (at least 15/20 years RKS/MPKS), the above increased salary ratio coefficients are applied regardless of their place of residence.

Seniority coefficient

The size of the pension depends on the total length of work experience. When calculating the pension amount, the length of service coefficient is used, which has a base size of 0.55.
The length of service coefficient increases for citizens with a total work experience of more than 25/20 years (male/female).
For every full year total work experience beyond 25/20 years, the length of service coefficient increases by 0.01, but the total size of this coefficient cannot be higher than 0.75.

For employees who have completed a full special work experience, giving them the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension, the length of service coefficient firstly increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience worked in excess of the established duration of such work experience (25/20 years male. /female), and secondly, by another 0.01 for each full year worked in jobs that give the right to early assignment of an insurance pension, in excess of the established length of service for such jobs, while the length of service coefficient as a whole cannot be more than 0 .75.

For workers who worked directly in mining operations and have a special length of service of a specified duration, the length of service coefficient is 0.75.

If an employee has periods of work before 01/01/2002, and his total work experience for these periods is less than 25/20 years (male/female), then when determining the pension capital earned by him in the period before 2002, the length of service coefficient for such employees will be determined depending on their actual total work experience.
In accordance with the last paragraph of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of Law No. 173-FZ, if, when determining the estimated size of the labor pension, the insured person has incomplete total work experience, then the amount of the estimated pension capital is determined based on the amount of the estimated pension capital with full total work experience, which is divided by the number of months of total total work experience and multiplied by the number of months of actual total work experience. That is, the experience coefficient will decrease.

For reference:

Total work experience- this is the total duration of periods of work and other socially useful activities that took place before January 1, 2002, calculated in calendar order. It includes periods of labor activity (including as an individual entrepreneur), periods of temporary disability, periods of receiving unemployment benefits, service in the army and other government security organizations, periods of caring for children under the age of 3 years (but not more than 9 years) , periods of preparation for professional activity - training in schools, educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, caring for a disabled person of group 1 (disabled child), caring for the elderly (those in need of constant care) and some other periods.

In total work experience in one and a half sizes periods of work in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant zone, as well as periods of work in the Far North and similar areas are included.
The period of military service under conscription is included in the total length of service at a double rate.

Since 2014, the Republic of Crimea has been recognized as one of the subjects of Russia. The article will tell you about the current size of the minimum pension for citizens of the subject, its types, conditions of issue and possible increase.

Which ones are paid?

Throughout Russia there are two types of pensions:

  • labor (insurance) pensions;
  • payments in accordance with state support.

A certain portion of people can receive a funded pension.

Federal Law No. 400 provides for the following types of payments to all citizens of Russia:

  • state provision of disabled people of the first, second and third groups;
  • citizen's old age pension;
  • payments to people who have lost their breadwinner;
  • long service payments (for citizens belonging to a special category);
  • social Security.

Social pension is divided into three subtypes:

  1. Due to old age.
  2. Due to disability.
  3. Due to the death of the breadwinner.

After January 1, 2015, certain groups of persons have the right to receive additional cash payments from the state:

  • monthly cash payment (MCV);
  • a set of social services (NSO is part of the EDV);
  • and additional monthly financial support (DEMO).

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Citizens who were born after 1976 have the right to choose one of two methods of state pension provision:

  1. Formation of only insurance savings.
  2. Formation of both the insurance and savings parts.

Indexation of insurance pensions is carried out annually by the state. Pension savings are not indexed.

Who is it entitled to?

In Russia there is a special legislative provision in this regard. Federal Law No. 173 (came into force on December 17, 2011) states that persons who for some reason are not entitled to a full pension must receive financial support from the state in the form of social benefits (clause 4, article 5).

Their appointment is also stipulated in Federal Law No. 166 “On pension provision for citizens” (came into force on December 15, 2001).

The right to a minimum pension is granted to the following groups of citizens permanently residing in Russia:

  • people recognized as disabled (including from childhood) of groups 1, 2 or 3, as well as those with limited ability to work;
  • children who have lost their breadwinner, as well as adult citizens studying full-time at higher educational institutions (up to 23 years of age);
  • people who already have the proper retirement age (men - 65 years, women - 60), but do not have the necessary length of service to receive a labor pension.

The size of such payments is equal to the cost of living of a particular region of the country.

In order for any pension to be assigned, a citizen is required to submit certain documents. For residents of Crimea - documentation proving the fact of permanent residence on the territory of the peninsula as of March 18, 2014.

When establishing pensions, payments, as well as when recalculating them, documentation is taken into account proving that a particular citizen belongs to a preferential status. This does not depend on the country in which these documents were issued (Russian Federation or Ukraine).

Let us remind you that citizens of Crimea have the right to receive payments by choosing one of two delivery methods:

  • Post of the Crimean Peninsula;
  • through the bank.

A person who has the appropriate power of attorney can also receive a pension of a particular citizen. At the request of the person, funds are delivered to their home, for which they need to fill out.

The size of the minimum pension in Crimea from January 1, 2019

Before 2014, citizens of the Crimean peninsula received a minimum pension equal to 3,200 rubles. Having made the recalculation, the government bodies of the Russian Federation realized that it was impossible to live on that kind of money.

After the reunification of the Crimean Peninsula with the Russian Federation, the “minimum wage” increased several times.

In 2019, the minimum pension on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula is 4982 rubles, which is 1.5 times less than in Moscow and the region. According to the present legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens will also be paid social assistance.

Non-working pensioners receive an additional payment if their income is less than the subsistence level. There are two types of such financial support:

  • regional, paid to residents of regions where the cost of living is above average, and the income of a pensioner is inferior to this indicator;
  • and state (Federal). It is given to those elderly citizens whose income is below the minimum for the entire country.

This includes compensation in the form of cash for the use of public transport, utilities, living space and communications. The Russian government decided to maintain the indexation of pensions according to the level of inflation in the country over the past year.

Is it possible to increase

At the beginning of 2019, more than 560 thousand recipients of various types of pensions were registered in Crimea, in accordance with the official information of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of this subject.

Every year their number is gradually growing, which is typical for other regions of Russia. In connection with this situation, the state has to optimize its budget in various ways to maintain guaranteed social security for disabled citizens.

Analysis of regional and federal news allows us to draw the following conclusions about further government support for the residents of the peninsula:

  • the social supplement remains under the same conditions for those citizens who receive an amount less than the established minimum subsistence level for this region of the country;
  • the average pension in Crimea will increase in the same percentage as in other groups of pensioners in the Russian Federation:
  • a gradual increase in the required insurance period is not excluded.

In 2019, indexation was carried out for all non-working pensioners of the Russian Federation, including residents of the Republic of Crimea in the amount of 3.7%.

There are some more data regarding the increase in pension payments:

  • State financial security pensions for all pensioners (both working and non-working citizens) will be increased by 4.1%. This means that from April 1, 2019, the amount of social payment will be 5,240 rubles 65 kopecks;
  • decrees (363 and 887) of the President of the Russian Federation state that participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, residents of Leningrad during the siege and other persons belonging to other groups of beneficiaries will receive another payment (DEMO). Its size is not indexed, ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles (depending on the category of a particular citizen);
  • NSU and EDV (monthly cash payment) increased by 3.2% from February 1, 2019. Citizens have the right to receive this support in cash and in kind.

After the reunification of the Crimea peninsula with the Russian Federation, the situation with the payment of all types of pensions has noticeably improved. Residents of this subject began to receive all payments provided for by the legislation of the country.

In 2019, the minimum pension is 5,240 rubles. Citizens who have reached retirement age but are not entitled to receive an insurance pension due to insufficient experience, disabled people, including children and those disabled since childhood, as well as children (or full-time university students under the age of 23) have the right to receive it. years) who have lost their breadwinner.

According to official statements by the management of the Pension Fund, the amount of payments will gradually increase.

Video: Pension in Crimea

After the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, it was necessary to solve a number of problems related, among other things, to the social security of the inhabitants of the peninsula.

Many were concerned about the future principle of calculating pensions, including how the transition from Ukrainian legislation to Russian legislation would be carried out, and whether payments to citizens would decrease?

Pensions for Crimeans during the transition period: how it happened

2014 is a transitional period in the history of Crimea, including in the social sphere. By the end of 2014, residents applying for pensions regularly received indexed payments calculated for the duration of the transition period.

The changes had virtually no effect on the purchasing power of the population, although there were facts of price increases due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate.

Types of pension provision in Crimea

A bill on pensions for Russian citizens living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol was prepared and submitted to the State Duma for consideration in the spring of 2014. Adopted, approved and signed by the President of the Russian Federation in July of the same year. It came into full force on January 1, 2015. That is, for citizens who previously received payments from the Ukrainian government, pensions are now calculated according to the rules of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Residents of Crimea have the right to receive the following benefits:

  • labor pensions accrued in favor of citizens with work experience;
  • social disability pensions;
  • social benefits assigned in case of loss of a breadwinner to children up to 18 years old;
  • pension provision upon reaching old age;
  • maternity capital;
  • other payments established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Another type of social security is pensions for military personnel. The accrual and payment of such benefits in the country are carried out without the participation of the Pension Fund, and Crimea is no exception. The responsible organizations for control in the sphere of providing military personnel are special “power” structures.

Peculiarities of pension calculation in Crimea

The procedure for assigning pension benefits is carried out when citizens apply to the Pension Fund branches at their place of residence. If retirement age has been reached before 2015, the fund undertakes to pay benefits for all months starting from January 1, 2015.

When calculating pensions for Crimeans, the same principles and methods are used as for the rest of the country’s population. If the amount of payments is less than before the 2015 recalculation, the benefit will remain at the same level.

In addition, excess amounts paid during the transition period will not be deducted from pension accruals calculated in accordance with the new current legislation. However, subsequent indexations and recalculations will not be made for these payments until their level is equal to the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To fully realize their rights in the field of social security, citizens of the peninsula should register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the final result of which will be to receive a SNILS insurance number. Thanks to it, pension transfers for working persons are accumulated in an individual account. In addition, SNILS may be needed to receive a number of other government services, including medical ones.

Those non-working pensioners in Crimea and Sevastopol whose level of material security (pension plus other payments) is below the subsistence level are entitled to a federal social supplement.

Thus, for 2015, the cost of living for a pensioner in Crimea and Sevastopol was set at 6,735 rubles– this is several percentage points lower than the Russian average.

General indexation of pensions in Crimea is carried out according to the rules of the Russian Federation. This means that the amount of payments will periodically increase depending on the average cost of living established for pensioners, taking into account the increase in consumer prices over the past period.