Presentation for Valentine's Day at the beginning of school. Presentation "Valentine's Day" for elementary school

Gloves Once upon a time, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he “asked for her hand.” The hand has become a symbol of love and marriage. Soon gloves also became a symbol of marriage.

Lace Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. If a lady dropped her handkerchief, the man next to her had to pick it up and return it to the woman. Sometimes a lady would deliberately drop her lace scarf in order to meet the man she liked. Soon lace became completely associated with romance.

Celebration traditions On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose February 14th for Valentines (of both sexes) for the entire next year.

On February 14, a variety of Valentine's cards are issued, from simple ones with touching images to fold-out ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace. Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet. The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains. Finns celebrate Love Day on February 14 and give each other heart-shaped gifts. Also on this day, gifts are given to mothers, since there is no women’s day like March 8 in Finland.

In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their loved one. The winner receives a prize. The British also send messages of love to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

* * * I scream to the whole Universe, I love you! And... I would humbly add congratulations!!! * * * May the winged god of love not bypass your threshold! * * * Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us! * * * Let the ice melt in your heart Pray my valentine! * * * I’m tired of guessing about “loves and doesn’t love”... I’ll make up my mind... I’ll come... I’ll congratulate... And... I’ll ask! * * * In life, the personal, intimate takes up the lion's share... Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate my beloved! * * * As a symbol of the feeling of a saint, I write three cherished words: “I love you.” And I beg you to answer.

* * I believe in the witchcraft of love, In its mysterious power, And on Valentine’s Day I send you my impulses. * * On Valentine's Day I confess: I love you and hope for reciprocity. You answer me. I'm really looking forward to it. * * On Valentine's Day, congratulations are necessary. With freedom today you! That's it, the supply of love has dried up.

* * * My dear friend, my joy, You are fate’s reward for me. And if you are just a dream, May it last forever! * * * Just as excess weight hinders a ship, so unnecessary words harm the hero. The words “I love you” sometimes sound stronger than the words “I love you very much”... * * * No road with you seems long, And any river with you seems like the Volga to me, And the usual “hello!” It seems to me like an oath of honor, And separation does not seem terrible as long as we are together.

From the history of the holiday

  • Valentine's Day - the holiday of lovers - has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th century, in the USA - since 1777, in Russia - since the early 1990s. But why is it still a Valentine's Day? There are many beautiful legends about this. The British, for example, believe that from February 14th nature takes a turn towards spring, and the mating season of birds begins; even an old English proverb says: “On Valentine’s Day, all the birds in the air unite in pairs.” There is other evidence that February 14 is Valentine's Day. Lived in the 3rd century in the city of Terni (Roman Empire) the Holy Great Martyr Valentine. He was a clergyman, engaged in scientific research and private medical practice. During the campaign of Emperor Claudius II of Goth against Christians, Bishop Valentin was repressed and beheaded on February 14, 269. Sources claim: the arrest of Bishop Valentin was caused by the fact that the Roman emperor did not allow the soldiers of his legions to marry, and Valentin secretly married legionnaires and their lovers. While awaiting execution in one of the Roman prisons, Valentine wrote a letter to the daughter of his jailer and signed it: “Your Valentine.” Then he miraculously healed her of blindness, but was still executed. The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and organized a holiday for all lovers.
Did you know?
  • The symbols of Valentine's Day were cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow.
  • On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose February 14th for Valentines (of both sexes) for the entire next year.
  • By February 14, many Valentine's greeting cards are issued, from simple ones with touching images to fold-out ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.
Do you know what?
  • Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.
  • The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.
  • Finns celebrate Love Day on February 14 and give each other heart-shaped gifts. Also on this day, gifts are given to mothers, since there is no women’s day like March 8 in Finland.
  • In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their loved one. The winner receives a prize.
Do you know what?
  • The British also send messages of love to their animals, especially dogs and horses.
  • In America these days, 108 million roses are sold, mostly red, and $692 million is spent on candy these days!
  • Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, drawn, knitted and even baked.
  • The material for making hearts is varied: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur...
  • A significant part of “Valentines” are anonymous and without a return address, written with the left hand or from right to left, which adds mystery to the message. But after the holiday...
  • Let's get to work. We will need: colored paper (preferably double-sided), scissors, glue, thread, straw or other hard material (wire, cocktail or juice tube). 1. From red paper we cut out two strips 29 cm long and 1 cm wide. From yellow paper we cut two strips 26 cm long and 1 cm wide. From green paper we cut two strips 23 cm long and 1 cm wide. From blue paper colors, cut out two strips 20 cm long and 1 cm wide. 2. Now we connect strips of different lengths and different colors with edges and glue them together. You will get two "rainbows". 3. Next, we connect the ends of the “rainbows” by placing a thread and a straw between them. 4. Now, having pulled the thread well, we connect the other ends of the “rainbows”, also placing a thread and a straw between them. It turned out to be a heart. The straw will hold the shape of the heart; the excess length of the straw needs to be trimmed. But we will still need the extra length of thread - we will make a loop so that the craft can be hung. 5. It's time for the twist. In the middle of the heart, on a thread and a straw, we glue a photograph of a loved one so that the object of adoration is clear. You can post your photo to remind you of yourself. Or you can stick a photo of yourself on one side, and a photo of your loved one on the other side. We wish everyone good luck and love!
  • There are two holidays celebrated in February. For one of them, for Valentine's Day, we want to offer this homemade product. After all, a heart made with your own hands and given to a loved one will be even more valuable, and the gift itself will be more pleasant.
  • Prepare two “heart” blanks from paper of different colors.
  • 2. Cut off the top of the workpieces, as shown in the figure (for one workpiece - on the right side, for the second - on the left side).
  • 3. Cut the blanks into strips of equal width (not all the way!). Cut one piece lengthwise.
  • 4. Cut the second piece crosswise.
  • 5. Interlace the cut halves in a checkerboard pattern. You will get a heart from two closely connected parts.
HEART AS A GIFT Wall newspapers Wall newspapers Paper hearts February 14th is Valentine's Day
  • Congratulations on your holiday!

Municipal educational institution "Pobedinskaya Secondary School"

Skopinsky district of the Ryazan region

Extracurricular activity

"Valentine's Day"

Class – 1

Compiled and conducted by: Tereshina E.V.




1. Deepening students’ knowledge about the culture and traditions of people from other countries

2. Formation of students’ understanding of the essence and meaning of friendship

3. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards others

4. Expanding the horizons and improving the general culture of students

1. Hearts (one for two).
2. Scarves for blindfolding.
3. Balloons (preferably with holiday symbols) for decoration and competition.
4. Valentine cards.
5. Valentine coloring pages.

Progress of the event:

Part one,

Do you love holidays? And I love them, especially the old ones. And how many ancient holidays have we forgotten! Each of them had their own custom. The holiday “Valentine's Day” came to us from Europe, where it is celebrated with great pleasure.

Inspired by a high feeling,

TO once upon a time

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing it then,

That this day will become your favorite one,

The desired holiday of the year,

What's Happy Valentine's Day

They will call him with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere

Confessions of love again and again...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only love rule the world!

You may ask, who is Valentin? There are many beautiful legends and versions. Listen to one of them.

In the days when a young Christian (clergyman) - a doctor named Valentine - went to prison, the Roman calendar was counting down the last days of the passing year. According to the Roman calendar, the New Year was celebrated in mid-February. Meanwhile, Valentin ate prison cakes, prayed and knew that he would never see real spring. The arrest of Bishop Valentine was caused by the fact that the Roman emperor did not allow the soldiers of his legions to marry, and Valentine secretly married legionnaires and their lovers. His prison guard was harsh and hated Christians. One day he intercepted several notes addressed to Valentin, which were thrown to him by the children standing under the window of his cell. The notes contained all sorts of things: congratulations on the holiday, greetings and wishes from the townspeople who knew him.

The warden shooed the children away and began to think. His beloved daughter was blind. Who needs a blind bride? The jailer brought his daughter to the imprisoned doctor, not knowing that the grief of the blind girl would turn into the grief of a lover. A miracle happened: Valentin restored her sight, and she fell in love with him. He was soon executed. The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and organized a holiday for all lovers.

There was only one piece of evidence left of their love, a small letter that the young man wrote for her, modestly signing at the end: “Your Valentine.”

This is not a very funny story.

Valentine's Day exists for this reason, so that people remember that they should treat each other with care and love.

For adults it is Valentine's Day, and for children it is a holiday of friendship.

Symbols of Valentine's Day:

The symbols of Valentine's Day were cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow.
Heart . People once believed that feelings such as love, luck, anger or fear were located in the heart; Later they began to believe that only the feeling of love is in the heart. So in our time, the heart is a symbol of love and Valentine's Day.
Cupid . Son of Venus, goddess of love. He can make a person fall in love with one of his magic arrows.
Red rose . The rose is the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love. Red is the color of strong feelings. And a red rose is a flower of love.
Love birds and doves. In our country, love is traditionally symbolized by doves. Pigeons are considered the favorite birds of Venus. They do not change pairs throughout their lives and take care of the chicks together. These birds are symbols of fidelity and love, as well as symbols of Valentine's Day.

And in Africa, colorful parrots are called love birds. Most of them have red beaks. They are called love birds because when they pair up, they sit very close to each other.
Rings . In most countries, people exchange rings during engagements and weddings. Two or three centuries ago, engagement parties were very popular on Valentine's Day.
Gloves . Once upon a time, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he “asked for her hand.” The hand has become a symbol of love and marriage. Soon gloves also became a symbol of marriage.
Lace . Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. If a lady dropped her handkerchief, the man next to her had to pick it up and return it to the woman. Sometimes a lady would deliberately drop her lace scarf in order to meet the man she liked. Soon lace became completely associated with romance.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries:

  1. On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose February 14th for Valentines (of both sexes) for the entire next year.
  1. By February 14, many Valentine's greeting cards are issued, from simple ones with touching images to fold-out ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.
  2. Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.
  3. The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.

A. Barto.

I give you my heart on a white leaf,

I give you my heart, do what you want with it.

Walk anywhere

Walk with him everywhere

Draw whatever you want

I won't be angry.

But it’s better not to learn to draw on it,

Let my heart remain pure.

Sending a valentine

In the form of my heart.

But take a quick look at the picture -

You will find yours there too.

After all, miracles happen:

There was a heart, now there are two.

How many different valentines

Spinning in snowy February.

One of them is mine for you.

  1. Finns celebrate February 14 - Love Day, giving each other gifts in the shape of a heart. Also on this day, gifts are given to mothers, since there is no women’s day like March 8 in Finland.
  2. In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their loved one. The winner receives a prize.
  3. The British also send messages of love to their animals, especially dogs and horses.
  4. In America these days, 108 million roses are sold, mostly red, and $692 million is spent on candy these days!
  5. Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, drawn, knitted and even baked.
  6. The material for making hearts is varied: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur.

Part two,

(words N. Maidanik And T. Evtyukova)


We'll sing ditties for you
And about this and about that,
Listen guys
How fun we live!

1. Oh, girls, in February
A holiday is coming!
I urgently need to fall in love,
But it doesn't work!

2. I will draw a Valentine
And I will paint with paints,
I'll give it to my neighbor Dimka,
To be more kind!

3. Mom, mom, don’t scold me
For my grades!
Today they celebrate love
Adults and children!

4. I'm busy today -
I draw love!
I'm missing a leaf
For great love!

5. Valentines, Valentines -
Multi-colored hearts,
Let them fly around the world
And there will be no end to them!

6. Valentine heart
I'll sign for Mikhail
And I’ll hand you over and kiss you,
And I’ll strangle you in my arms!

7. He suggested taking a walk -
Made the girls laugh!
Well, what kind of gentleman are you?
You're still a child!

8. It's a bright day on Valentine's Day
I’ll hug Katyushka,
I’ll whisper a tender word,
I'll give you a toy!

9. It's a bright day on Valentine's Day
I'll hug Lisa
I’ll whisper a tender word,
I will fulfill your whims!

10. There is a glass on the table,
And there's a candle in the glass,
Why didn't my friend come?
Oh, my heart hurts!

11. I will give you three flowers:
White, blue, scarlet.
I'm a daring boy
Even though he is small in stature!

12. Boots with heels,
The skirt is short.
Don't make eyes at me, guys.
I'm still young!

13. I asked the boy
Show off your truck.
And the boy is like a monkey,
He stuck his tongue out in response!

14. I eat porridge and sour cream.
I have a strong one!
Still, I won't fight
Just don't mess with me!

Song "From what, from what"
(words by Y. Khaletsky)

Performed by 7 people: 4 boys, 3 girls

Part three,

Game "Find your soul mate"
Hearts are cut into 2 parts in different ways. These halves are distributed to children. Music plays and each child must find his soul mate. The couple that connects the fastest wins a prize.
Game "Say Compliment"
Everyone pays their found “soul mate” a compliment. Whoever gives the most original compliment receives a prize (both boys and girls).
Game "Dance with balloons"
Each couple is given a ball, which they must hold between themselves and not drop during the dance. The pair that drops the ball is eliminated from the game, and the pair that lasts the longest wins a prize.
Game "Valentine's Shoe"
Every boy should put his Valentine's shoes on correctly. Several girls take off their shoes and sit on chairs. Their shoes are placed in a common pile in the center of the classroom. Blindfolded boys first choose the right shoe and then put it on their Valentine.

At the end, the children exchange pre-prepared
valentines and sing a song

"If you go on a journey with a friend"
(words by M. Tanich)

If you go on a journey with a friend,
If you go on a journey with a friend -
Have fun on the road!
Without friends I am a little bit
Without friends I am - a little bit -
And with friends - a lot!

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me!
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me!

Where it is difficult for one,
Where it is difficult for one -
I can handle it together with you,
Where I don’t understand something
Where I don’t understand something -
Let's sort it out with friends!

I'm on the bear, friends,
I'm on the bear, friends
I'll go out without fear,
If I'm with a friend,
If I'm with a friend,
And the bear is without a friend!

If you go on a journey with a friend,
If you go on a journey with a friend -
Have fun on the road!
Without friends I am a little bit
Without friends I am - a little bit -
And with friends - a lot!


Saint Valentine


THE HEART People once believed that feelings such as love, luck, anger or fear were located in the heart; Later they began to believe that only the feeling of love is in the heart. So in our time, the heart is a symbol of Love and Valentine's Day.

Cupid Son of Venus, goddess of love. He can make a person fall in love with one of his magic arrows.

RED ROSE Rose is the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love. Red is the color of strong feelings. And a red rose is a flower of love.

BIRDS OF LOVE AND DOVES In our country, love is traditionally symbolized by doves. Pigeons are considered the favorite birds of Venus. They do not change pairs throughout their lives and take care of the chicks together. These birds are symbols of fidelity and love, as well as symbols of Valentine's Day. And in Africa, colorful parrots are called love birds. They are called love birds because when they pair up, they sit very close to each other.

rings In most countries, people exchange rings during engagements and weddings. Two or three centuries ago, it was very popular to arrange engagements on Valentine's Day.

GLOVES Once upon a time, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he “asked for her hand.” The hand has become a symbol of love and marriage. Soon gloves also became a symbol of marriage.

lace Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. If a lady dropped her handkerchief, the man next to her had to pick it up and return it to the woman. Sometimes a lady would deliberately drop her lace scarf in order to meet the man she liked. Soon lace became completely associated with romance.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries

On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose February 14th for Valentines (of both sexes) for the entire next year.

By February 14, many greeting cards - valentines - are issued, from simple ones, with touching images, to folding ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.

Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet. The gallant French were the first to introduce love letters - quatrains. How many, How many different valentines are spinning in the snowy February. One of them is mine for you.

Finns celebrate February 14 - Love Day, giving each other gifts in the shape of a heart. Also on this day, gifts are given to mothers, since there is no women’s day like March 8 in Finland. In Japan, they hold a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls rise to the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their loved one. The winner receives a prize. The British also send messages of love to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

In America these days, 108 million roses, mostly red, are sold, and 692 million dollars are spent on sweets these days. (RUR 23,149,774,35k) Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, drawn, knitted, and even baked. The materials for making them are varied: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur.

The Legend of Valentine's Day

According to the main legend of the Valentine's Day holiday, Valentine appeared back in 269 AD, when the Roman Emperor Claudius II was preparing to once again conquer and conquer the whole world. Family, wife and other burdens are too distracting from important, state affairs, Claudius believed.

History of the holiday

On the days when the Roman calendar was counting down the last days of the outgoing year, a loving couple came to the young Bishop Valentin. They asked Valentin to marry them secretly, because the guy was a warrior, and the emperor forbade his soldiers to marry.

History of the holiday

On one of the last days of his life, when the young bishop was in prison, the jailer’s daughter came to him and brought him food. But her eyes were blindfolded because... she was blind. Valentin called her closer, put his hands to her eyes, and when he removed them, a miracle happened, the girl regained her sight.

History of the holiday

Before Valentin was executed, he asked the girl to distribute small letters to his friends and family that he had prepared for them while in prison. Among these notes was a letter addressed to a girl, the jailer's daughter. It said: “Be happy. Your Valentine."

Symbols of Valentine's Day

Cupid - son of Venus, goddess of love. It is believed that he can make a person fall in love by shooting an arrow from his bow.

Rose - Venus's favorite flower. Red is the color of strong feelings, and the red rose is the flower of love.

Pigeons - Venus's favorite birds. They do not change pairs throughout their lives and take care of the chicks together.

Heart . Previously, people believed that such a feeling as love is in the heart. Over time, the heart became a symbol of love.

Celebration traditions

The British congratulate not only their loved ones, but also their favorite pets - horses, dogs .

At the beginning of the last century, Americans began sending marzipan to their brides on this day. Sweets with congratulatory words were placed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes.

Celebration traditions

In Britain it is customary to give teddy bears as gifts T eddy postcards

In Italy, lovers give each other “kisses” (soft hearts with chocolates attached to them)

For adults it is Valentine's Day, and for children it is a holiday of friendship.

Friendship is love without wings.

George Gordon Byron

Rules of Friendship

  • Help a friend: if you know how to do something, teach him too; If a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.
  • Share with your friends: if you have interesting toys, books, share with other kids, with those who don’t have them. Play and work with friends so as not to take all the best for yourself.
  • Stop your friend if he is doing something bad. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it.

Rules of Friendship

  • Don't quarrel with your friends; try to work and play amicably with them, don’t argue over trifles; don’t be arrogant if you’re good at something; do not envy your comrades - you should rejoice at their successes; If you did something bad, don’t be shy to admit it and correct yourself.
  • Know how to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.

I give you my heart on a white leaf,

I give you my heart, do what you want with it.

Walk anywhere

Walk with him everywhere

Draw whatever you want

I won't be angry.

But it’s better not to learn to draw on it,

Let my heart remain pure.

Agnia Barto


  • Where did this holiday come to us from?
  • What is customary to give on this holiday?
  • What is interesting about this holiday for children?
  • What should we do to maintain our friendship?

Inspired by a high feeling,

Once upon a time

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing it then,

That this day will become your favorite one,

The desired holiday of the year,

What's Happy Valentine's Day

They will call him with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere

Confessions of love again and again...

So let a miracle happen for everyone

Let only love rule the world!

History of the holiday In 269, the Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade his legionnaires to marry so that their family would not distract them from military affairs. But there was the only Christian preacher in all of Rome, Valentin, who sympathized with the lovers and tried to help them. He reconciled quarreling lovers, composed letters for them with declarations of love, gave flowers to young spouses and secretly married legionnaires contrary to the law of the emperor.

Claudius II, having learned about this, ordered the priest to be seized and thrown into prison. But even there, Valentin continued to do good deeds. He fell in love with his executioner's blind daughter and healed her. And it happened like this: before the execution, the young priest wrote a farewell note to the girl with a declaration of love, signed: “I just really love life, the world and the people who surround me. I really wanted you to see the light. If you truly believe and love, then any miracle can happen.” "From Valentin." Having received this news, the jailer's daughter began to see the light. Valentine was executed on February 14, 269.

Two hundred years later, Valentine was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers. The global holiday of declarations of love is now celebrated everywhere. And in memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on February 14, lovers give each other Valentine's greeting cards.

Symbols of Valentine's Day Cupid is the son of Venus, the goddess of love. It is believed that he can make a person fall in love by shooting an arrow from his bow. Rose is Venus' favorite flower. Red is the color of strong feelings, and the red rose is the flower of love. Pigeons are Venus' favorite birds. They do not change pairs throughout their lives and take care of the chicks together. Heart. Previously, people believed that such a feeling as love is in the heart. Over time, the heart became a symbol of love.

Celebration traditions The British congratulate not only their loved ones, but also their favorite pets - horses, dogs. At the beginning of the last century, Americans began sending marzipan to their brides on this day. Sweets with congratulatory words were placed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes.

Rules of friendship Help a friend: if you know how to do something, teach him too; If a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can. Share with your friends: if you have interesting toys, books, share with other kids, with those who don’t have them. Play and work with friends so as not to take all the best for yourself. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it. Don't quarrel with your friends; try to work and play amicably with them, don’t argue over trifles; don’t be arrogant if you’re good at something; do not envy your comrades - you should rejoice at their successes; If you did something bad, don’t be shy to admit it and correct yourself. Know how to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.

“I love you” in different languages ​​of the world Bulgarian Obicham te Catalan T "estimo Chinese Croatian Volim te Czech Miluji tě Danish Jeg elsker dig Dutch Ik hou van jou Estonian Ma armastan sind English I love you Filipino Mahal kita French Je t"aime German Ich liebe dich Greek Σε αγαπώ Hebrew אני אוהב אותך Hungarian Szeretlek Indonesian Aku cinta kamu Italian Ti amo Japanese Latvian Es mīlu tevi Lithuanian Aš tave myliu Norwegian Jeg elsker deg

Inspired by a high feeling, Once upon a time, someone came up with a Valentine's Day, not knowing then that this day would become a favorite, a desired holiday of the year, that they would respectfully call it Valentine's Day. Smiles and flowers everywhere, Confessions of love again and again... So let a miracle happen for everyone Let only love rule the world!