The best bear tattoos. Bear tattoo - meaning and photo

Bear tattoos for men are an ambiguous design, which in one form can mean intelligence, courage and determination, in another it can personify anger, rage and malice. On the one hand, the animal is compared with kindness, calmness and spontaneity. But many cultures tattooed a bear to imitate its power and fury.

Therefore, before getting such a tattoo, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the rules for decoding, choosing the style and place on the body where the bear will carry the correct meaning. A man also needs to learn the prison interpretation so as not to run into trouble in the future. The detailed meaning of a bear tattoo for men will be discussed below.

To understand the meaning of a tattoo, a man must first understand the animal’s lifestyle, its vision in different folklore and cultural movements. Initially, such an animal was stuffed onto the skin in Celtic tribes, then the bear was a symbol of warriors and a female symbol of childbirth. Much has changed since then, but there are also interpretations that have been preserved in the original version.

The most popular bear tattoos, meaning for guys:

Polar bear- a symbol of spiritual loneliness, fearlessness, love of life, as well as the desire for longevity. A polar bear can become a talisman that protects a man from death.

Brown bear– if the animal is in a calm state, it represents peace of mind, reluctance to argue, conflict, fight, wisdom and strength.

Grizzly– the owner of such a tattoo always copes with difficulties and assigned tasks, there is no fear of danger.

Bear with a grin- a symbol of masculinity and courage, readiness to fight with any enemy and ill-wisher.

Roaring Bear- a symbol of danger, rage and ferocity; it is better not to conflict with such a man.

Bear paw- a mystical symbol implying the presence of superpowers, nobility and military valor.

Ursa- This is a symbol of childbirth, fertility, it is stuffed by men who want to start a large family.

Bear with closed mouth– most likely, the owner wants to completely change his lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.

Panda– such a design is applied to the body by creative people who have a rich inner world, kindness, and positive thinking.

Russian bear- a symbol of good luck, luck, courage and greatness of the owner, the animal is the patron saint of hunters, giving men courage and courage.

What does this tattoo give to a man?

Among the Celts, a tattoo with a bear meant a symbol of military courage and courage for men, and childbirth and fertility for women. This animal was also associated with rebirth, the beginning of life from scratch. Until now, many men who want dramatic changes put a bear tattoo on their body.

Northern peoples more often killed polar bears, thereby showing their readiness to defend their territory from strangers. Among the Vikings, such tattoos were used to mark successful warriors who had merits and achievements in battle. Since then, rumors have spread that warriors with bear tattoos had superhuman power, strength and courage.

In Egypt, only pharaohs, half-gods, half-humans, had such tattoos. And among Indian tribal leaders and rulers, such a symbol acted as a talisman and talisman, demonstrating a special title. Today, some men get such tattoos to demonstrate their courage, determination, intelligence and nobility. Others stuff the beast in order to awaken similar qualities in themselves.

For reference! In esotericism, the most powerful and mystical symbol is not the tattoo of the bear itself, but its paws. Many people with superpowers wear such tattoos on their bodies.

Where do men get bear tattoos?

The place where the artist will place the tattoo is another way to reveal in detail the meaning and meaning of such a design. Since the bear personifies the courage, strength, combat readiness of a man, his inner core and intelligence, most often the bear is pricked on the back, shoulders and chest. Hands are also popular, but bears are rarely depicted on small areas of the body.


A man’s shoulders are a symbol of their reliability and safety, which means that tattoos with a calm bear will look harmonious here. It will personify self-confidence, one’s own actions and decisions, peace of mind and harmony. But if necessary, the owner of the tattoo will be able to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

Examples of such tattoos:


You can depict any format of a bear tattoo on the forearm, it all depends on the man’s goals. If this is a talisman, I stuff the footprints of an animal’s paws; if this is a way to enhance strong character traits, I stuff the bear in an active position; if it’s a way to achieve harmony and self-confidence, I stuff the animal in a calm state.

Examples of such tattoos:

Wrist tattoo

Hands are responsible for a man’s influence on the world around him, creativity and work. This means that there is no point in tattooing an aggressive animal on the wrist. Drawings of bear paws or eyes, as well as positive versions of such tattoos, for example, a panda or a geometric sketch of a bear, can guide you on the right path.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

The hands are the energy center of creativity, so a bear tattoo in this place can differ significantly from standard ideas. This could be an ornament, geometry, ornament, symbolism of a bear on the hand. Tattoo designs that can influence the future and fate of a man are inked here.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve

If a man wants to demonstrate to those around him that all the qualities and strength of a bear are hidden in him, despite outward calm and non-conflict, he can fill his entire arm with a bear tattoo. Thus, the owner warns that at any moment he can fight back, and if the bear grins, this is a kind of protest.

Examples of such tattoos:


Tattoos with the image of a bear on the neck are a demonstration of a man’s courage, wisdom, high intelligence, and openness towards the outside world. At the same time, the man does not imply any aggression, anger, or desire to enter into conflict. If a bear is pinned on the back of the neck, it can be a kind of amulet against evil people.

Examples of such tattoos:


This area of ​​the body involves the image of a large drawing with a bear; here you can place not only the animal itself, but also the background, other details and symbols. In this way, a man tries to be noticeable in his surroundings. Also, the chest is an area close to the heart, which means the meaning of the tattoo will be associated with love affairs.

Examples of such tattoos:


The side of the torso will look harmonious with bear tattoos if the man has a toned and sculpted torso. If the bear is on the side of the heart, its designation will relate to matters of the heart and family. On the other hand, a man can thereby use the animal to imitate him.

Examples of such tattoos:


In the thigh area, men are less likely to get tattoos and to a greater extent they relate to intimate aspects of life. If the bear is active and aggressive, perhaps it means a man's energy and great sexual potential. A calm bear can mean a man’s stability and loyalty to his chosen one, his willingness to protect and protect her from ill-wishers and difficulties.

Examples of such tattoos:


This part of the body is responsible for a man’s ability to defend himself from enemies and intruders, and a bear tattooed on the back can be a warning to such people. The man thereby shows his ability to repel any attacks, and also hints that for all his external self-confidence and calmness, there is also aggression in him. He tells women that he can become a reliable protector.

Examples of such tattoos:


In this place, the tattoo should carry a very personal and hidden meaning, understandable only to the man and his immediate circle. Most often, a bear will mean a man’s mental loneliness, suppression of aggression and anger, internal protest, disharmony of anger and justice, etc. Tattoos are applied between the shoulder blades that carry philosophical or religious overtones.

Examples of such tattoos:


Putting a bear in the form of a tattoo on your leg is a decision only an extraordinary and confident man can make. If it is an aggressive grinning animal, it can be an indicator of determination and readiness to fight in any dangerous situation. If the animal is calm, it symbolizes male stability, a strong position and steadfastness.

Examples of such tattoos:

Before you decide to impale a bear, decide exactly what you want to do, select a sketch, as well as a place to apply it. Remember that:

  • large tattoos or entire compositions are suitable for large areas of the body (back, chest, forearms, arms and legs);
  • medium-sized tattoos with a moderate amount of detail and shading look harmonious on areas such as elbows, hips, shoulders, palms and hands;
  • small drawings in the style of minimalism, inscriptions and symbols look impressive on the neck, fingers, wrists, ankles or the back of the head.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

When choosing a place for a tattoo and a sketch of a bear, a man needs to maintain proportionality. A small pattern will look sparse and faded on a large area of ​​skin, and conversely, floral realistic compositions with detail will not be so watchable on small pieces of skin.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

A bear is an ideal tattoo for a strong and courageous man. If this is a small design, it would be appropriate on the lower back, forearm or ankles of the lower extremities. Based on the size and type of tattoo, they select the optimal place on the body for application. For example, to depict a head or paw, a shoulder would be more suitable.

A wild animal against the backdrop of a dense forest is an excellent choice to completely cover arms or legs with a sleeve, as well as to decorate a sculpted man’s back. The bear's head, representing strength and power, can be applied to the shoulder or chest. The entire bear canvas is more appropriate on the back; you can immediately combine it with another animal.

Celtic style– resembles ornaments and symbolism;

geometry– looks effective on small areas of skin in a small size;

old school– a bright and colorful sketch, as can be seen in the example photo.

The main colors for bear tattoos are black and white or a color design with red, green, blue, brown, and yellow colors.

Symbols that a bear tattoo can be combined with

For tattoos with bears, the following symbols are most often used to complement the composition and meaning, such as:








Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Tattoos should only be done in specialized salons. You need to choose a master with experience in applying such drawings. If the question arises where on the body it is best to get a bear tattoo, since this is a complex design, the following places are most often chosen:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • forearms;
  • hands;
  • shoulder blades

When choosing a tattoo design and a place to apply it, take into account whether it will be possible to hide the tattoo in an inappropriate place and circumstances.

Examples of bear tattoos that are not recommended. Their significance in the criminal world

Most tattoos depicting bears can be interpreted in a different context in the zone and among people serving a sentence. Therefore, before getting a tattoo, think twice about what unambiguous opinion may be formed about you. The list of unwanted bear tattoos includes the following types:

bear paw- can be interpreted as an indicator of a “safeguard”, that is, a thief;

bear with an ax– a thief in law, a person serving a sentence for theft or burglary;

bear's grin– the owner of such a tattoo may be perceived as an unfriendly and dangerous person;

scull- an inappropriate combination of a bear, as a symbol of rebirth, and a skull, a symbol of death.


The bear is a popular animal for men's tattoo ideas. Since ancient times and to this day, bears have personified intelligence, longevity, rebirth of soul and body, childbirth, strength and power. A man can not only adopt these qualities from an animal, but also use some types of tattoos as amulets. All that remains is to choose the idea and place for application, having read their designation.

Quite a lot of traditions and legends in various cultures are associated with the image of a bear. For example, the ancient Celts, Chinese and Japanese revered and deified this animal, endowing it with qualities such as courage, justice and wisdom. In the Islamic and Christian religions, the bear, on the contrary, personifies dark power, cruelty and greed..

General value

The meaning of a bear tattoo is ambiguous and depends on how and in what form the animal is depicted. Most often, a bear tattoo symbolizes awakening after hibernation and, in a sense, resurrection, the beginning of a new life.

Depending on the type of bear depicted on the tattoo, its meaning may vary. Thus, some consider polar bears to be a symbol of loneliness and transformation, others believe that they embody the desire to survive in difficult life circumstances. The grizzly bear represents the ability to cope with any problem and find a way out of a difficult situation, and the brown bear represents power and strength. Cute pandas and koalas tattooed mean optimism and good nature.

The image of individual parts of animals is also symbolic. A tattoo with the face of a grinning bear represents courage and fortitude, and the image of a roaring animal symbolizes aggression. The bear's paws are a symbol of strength, while the claws and their mark mean military valor.

For girls

Representatives of the fairer sex prefer tattoos with peace-loving species of bears. Very often among women's tattoos there is a bear with a bear cub, the meaning of which is care and love for the family and symbolize the feminine principle.

A teddy bear tattoo on the lower back or animal faces on the shoulder blade look playful. In general, girls prefer to paint images of bears in the form of fairy-tale characters and plush toys.

The guys

Men often opt for bear tattoos with a grin. The image looks impressive on the shoulders and back, where you can place entire scenes with a grinning predator. The meaning of an animal's open mouth represents strength, courage and readiness to overcome adversity.

A tattoo depicting a polar bear is also popular. As a symbol of singles, such a tattoo speaks of a man’s reluctance to let anyone into his territory and his willingness to defend his right to be alone.

The bear's paw as a symbol of power is also a very common tattoo among men. The owner of the tattoo seems to be declaring that he is ready to “put his paw” on what he wants and it is useless to resist his desires.

Prison meaning

In a prison environment, a bear tattoo symbolizes aggression and power, and emphasizes the dominant position of its owner among prisoners.

There is a belief that the image of a bear on the body helps to heal spiritual and physical wounds, so a tattoo with a predator is considered a kind of amulet or talisman.

The Slavs respect him for his strength and courage, our fairy tales describe him as a good-natured man, and overseas infidels consider him the embodiment of evil. Most peoples consider him their ancestor and patron, a shaman's assistant, a healer, and the master of the lower world. Such a diverse and dangerous bear will be examined today under our microscope. Again, the meaning of a bear tattoo will be ambiguous in different cultures, and only you will be able to correctly interpret the image that you decide to put on your body. So, get ready for questions from others about the secret meaning of your tattoo.

By the way, this is how we get to know each other, because asking what a bear tattoo on the shoulder means is a normal reason to start talking to a stranger. The main thing is not to take everything away from the owner of such a tattoo: not everyone will get a tattoo of a bear’s grin if they themselves do not have a daring, independent character. This tattoo is also applied by the leaders of gangs and criminal groups as a sign of their leadership.

Another meaning in the modern interpretation is that the bear helps to heal mental and physical wounds. And remember about the “safecrackers”? Lock burglars in our opinion. Such people were marked with a tattoo of a bear with an axe.

Rulers often painted the image of a bear on their body, comparing themselves to this animal in courage, will and care for their people. The owner of the forest personifies strength, resilience, power, courage, determination and at the same time kindness, protection, and care. And its ability to hibernate in winter and wake up again every spring, for seekers of secret meaning, is a symbol of the beginning of a new life.

Even the very concept of “Master of the Forest” or “King of the Forest” gives the owner of a tattoo with a bear his confidence and self-esteem, and therefore the respect of others. It’s just the beginning of the article, but there are already so many meanings for one little bear, therefore, as you will see later, this symbol is interpreted in such a variety of ways that everyone can find a meaning to their liking or come up with their own. Remember, with what thoughts you make the tattoo, what meaning you personally give it, it will be such a talisman for you.

By the way, a bear tattoo is one of the few symbols that influences its wearer exclusively in a positive way.

Depiction of bears in the art and culture of other peoples

Bears are most often found in paintings by Russian artists. They are depicted as calm, going about their business or with cubs. Another facet of art is the depiction of a bear hunt. We rarely see an animal grin in domestic galleries, so we went in search of it across the seas and oceans, and found the works of the American artist Adam Smith.

His paintings can even be safely taken as a basis for a tattoo of a bear’s grin. The meaning of such a picture is interpreted as a warning: in general, I am kind, but I can give change. This is fortitude and confidence, the willingness to fight enemies.

If we see his grin, it means we are still alive, and he announces his rage, ferocity with a roar, reminding us that he is a dangerous hunter and it is better not to get in his way.

  • The Celts wore medallions with a bear's mouth on their bodies, considering it their patron. Their women asked the bear for protection and help in childbirth.
  • Egyptian pharaohs and Indian rajas considered it a symbol of undeniable power.
  • The Chinese see in this sign masculine energy, courage, dominance, and strength.
  • The Slavs believe that it brings peace, prosperity, personifies intelligence, nobility, protection, and courage. Hunters made such drawings on themselves to gain the strength and courage of the bear.
  • The Indians revered the bear as a deity. It was believed that the beast could control the elements and stop hurricanes, so they asked him for protection during the rage of nature.

Since there are not only brown bears in the world, each breed will have its own meaning:

  • Koala and panda are the personification of fun and good nature.
  • Grizzly - the habit of winning even in the most unusual situations, confidence and determination.
  • The polar bear is a reminder to us of the peoples of the north, God Odin, a conscious choice of loneliness, the intention to achieve a goal, bypassing all obstacles.
  • Brown bear - struggle, independence, power.

The meaning of a bear tattoo for women

Knowing the love of girls for all kinds of little things, we often see tattoos in the form of bear cubs. In any case, it is our compatriots who get the best bear tattoos, because this symbol is deep inside us, we accept it subconsciously, which means we get it with love.

The image of a bear will help to emphasize your caring, fertility, maternal instinct, that is, your feminine essence. It is known that drawings are depicted on the body not only to reflect one’s character, but also to enhance its qualities. So, if there is a lack of feminine energy and confidence, such a symbol can reveal them.

It even happens that what a girl has tattooed on her body is not a bear or even a bear. Why do girls fill themselves with the image of the stern king of the forest? And out of patriotism and pride for the country. The bear is a symbol of Russia, and if you see a woman with such a tattoo, then you know that she loves her Motherland. It’s the same for men, it’s just that such pictures are more typical for them. That’s why there is a whole trend called “Russian bear tattoo.” Here he can be depicted with an accordion, wearing a hat with earflaps and a red star, or with an axe. And the message of this picture: “We are scary because of our unpredictability!”

Girls love to portray the bear as kind and obedient. Preference is given to a bear tattoo on the arm, shoulder blade, side or thigh. Often, in this way, a woman tries to protect her vulnerability. Because of the love for astrology, a tattoo of a polar bear with a bear cub is depicted on the body in honor of the constellation, which means calm, wisdom, detachment, care for us from above, patronage and feminine energies. Another meaning among the Celts is that the bear is a lunar sign, and therefore feminine, so women in labor considered it their amulet and talisman.

The meaning of a bear tattoo for men

As you can see, the meaning of a bear tattoo changes depending on who ordered it. Women take for themselves all the peaceful qualities of bears and bears, men take the remaining strong-willed, hunting traits of the beast. Men's bear tattoos on the sternum mean aggression, readiness to attack the offender, courage and self-confidence.

When the animal's face is painted on the back, the owner is protected from treachery. If you don’t want to fill a picture in honor of the aggressive qualities of the animal, then it also has more peaceful meanings: remember, the bear loves to eat well, and laziness is his middle name.

Like the Yakuza, who fill their entire arms and body with dragons, our answer to Japanese culture is voluminous paintings depicting the king of the forest. Just remember that when you decide to get a bear tattoo, the sleeve is the most technically difficult to perform, but it is less common. Therefore, this way to emphasize your individuality will be more original. Although for a good master, hammering any part of the body is like two fingers on the asphalt. Good means not cheap. Beware of fakes, as they say.

Don’t forget that we all come from the army and here the bear has another purpose. Bear grin tattoos are often applied to themselves by Airborne Forces personnel. The tattoo of a bear in a beret has the same meaning. If you look at this symbolism from the point of view of its impact on a man’s energy, then it helps to strengthen your strong-willed qualities and in any case has a positive impact.

This unique animal combines such irreconcilable qualities as kindness and rage, tenderness and ferocity, nobility and bloodthirstiness. A bear tattoo is not a very common option for an animal for a sketch, but those who choose it can undoubtedly boast of strength of body and spirit.

Bear in a fur coat, tattoo on leg

The fearsome master of forests is present in mythologies and cultures around the world. Traditionally, it was associated with military strength and fearlessness, which is why only those who distinguished themselves on the battlefield were allowed to wear the skin of this animal.

For the northern peoples, the bear was one of the most revered animals; it was often considered a totem animal and the ruler of the other world. In Ancient Egypt and India, the beast was associated with undeniable power, so only rulers painted its image on their bodies.

In Ancient Greece, the bear was the companion of the fearless goddess of the hunt, Artemis. The Celts associated the animal with fertility, childbirth, the Moon and the feminine principle. In China, on the contrary, the bear was revered as a male animal, personifying power and authority.

This is interesting. Eastern belief says that a meeting with this powerful predator indicates the imminent birth of a son. And a girl who thinks about a bear during pregnancy will definitely give birth to a boy.

Sleeve with fighting bears against a background of nature

The Japanese animal was considered the embodiment of wisdom, charity and justice, and the Indians believed that the bear stopped natural disasters, being the true energy of peace and freedom. The indigenous peoples of America, close to nature, were among the first to note that behind the external ferocity of the predator lies a gentle and peaceful character, and the Indians also used its image to communicate with spirits.

Scandinavian mythology attributes blind rage to the beast, and it is in this animal that the supreme formidable gods Odin and Thor are embodied in myths.

In Russia, a tattoo with the image of a bear is especially popular due to the fact that for most foreigners this animal symbolizes our cold, harsh country. From time immemorial, Russians have considered the bear to be the embodiment of courage, hunting ingenuity and good luck. It is not uncommon to interpret an animal as a desire for resurrection and the beginning of a new life. This symbolism is directly related to the fact that the bear wakes up after hibernation to continue its life path.

Christians did not favor the bear with positive connotations, considering it the embodiment of gluttony, revenge, greed and cruelty. Alchemists used the animal to symbolize chaos striving for order.

Bear's grin - tattoo sketch

Who is a tattoo suitable for?

  • People striving to move forward, spiritual rebirth.
  • Courageous, warlike, even somewhat rude and callous people.
  • And, on the contrary, those who believe that behind their tough appearance they hide sensitivity, tenderness and kindness.
  • Straightforward, responsible, honest, noble individuals. This is the category of people who have nothing and no one to hide.
  • Warriors who are confident in themselves and their strength.
  • Women, and even men, who strive for a family, are caring and ready to stand for their relatives to the end.

Important. If you have settled on a realistic image of an animal, then choose a tattoo artist responsibly. Not every artist is able to convey the play of light and shade in a high-quality manner, work out the plasticity of movements and appearance.

Polar bear on the leg

Image options

Depending on the purpose for which a bear tattoo is applied, its sketches can vary greatly:

  • Grizzly. One of the most terrible and ferocious bears speaks of determination and unstoppable strength. This dangerous predator, weighing nearly a ton, is usually depicted in a threatening pose, standing on its hind legs, growling, ready to attack.
  • The white color of the animal is associated with originality, loneliness and the desire to survive.
  • Pandas are applied to their bodies not only by those who sympathize with the endangered species of animals, but also by those who want to emphasize kindness, friendship and optimism. The koala probably has a similar meaning.
  • The brown bear embodies power, fearlessness and tenacity of character.
  • The roaring animal symbolizes hunting ferocity, fierce struggle.
  • A calm animal indicates harmony, wisdom, justice and obedience.
  • The bear is associated with the wearer’s maternal feelings, caring, tenderness, and affection.
  • The paw of a predator refers to courage and unshakable power.
  • The image of bear claw marks is very popular; they embody military valor and nobility.
  • The realistic drawing conveys all the beauty and hidden grace of the animal.
  • Cartoon images, small cute bear cubs with big eyes are a common choice among girls, who emphasize their originality and craving for childhood with such a drawing.
  • The animal against the background of the Russian tricolor will indicate the owner’s desire to emphasize his belonging to the Russian nation.
  • A teddy bear is a purely girly version of the sketch, emphasizing tenderness, purity and kindness in young ladies. However, a soft toy in the style of horror films is an interesting idea for men.
  • Sometimes the sketch of the animal is supplemented with stars, as if reminding that the bear has its own constellation, often called the “Bucket”.
  • A photographic sketch depicting a bear in its natural habitat, among forests and lakes, is often done not for the sake of the image of the animal, but for the sake of the aesthetic component of the composition.
  • People who want to convey the magical meaning of an Indian animal are advised to depict a bear surrounded by feathers, lightning or arrows. In this case, the tribal style of tattooing is often used.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade in the form of a bear's grin

Stuffed a bear on his back as a powerful defender. I noticed that many people now began to treat me differently, with some caution. This sketch greatly boosts self-esteem, I recommend it to everyone!

Grigory, Petrozavodsk

The bear's grin on the guy's chest

Tattoo area

If you are impressed by the bear tattoo, the meaning and symbolism of this design, then you should decide on the place where it will be applied.

On my shoulder the master painted a mark from a bear's claws. The tattoo is done very skillfully, and the scratches look real. In my opinion, this is a stylish and non-committal decoration.

Arseny, Ulyanovsk

Grin of a bear in flowers, tattoo on shoulder

For a large and fierce animal, as a rule, such open and extensive areas of the body as the chest, back, male muscular shoulder, and shoulder blades are reserved. The bear is not one of those animals that hides, so its image on the body should be clearly visible.

Often this pattern is found as part of a sleeve or golf. It sets the overall tone of the large-scale composition. The photo in our article fully answers the question of what a bear tattoo could be.