Download presentation world water day. Presentation on "World Water Day"

Planet Water

Riddles about Water

Water in music and literature

Water and its properties

Life in Water

  • What part of the Earth is covered with water?

Three quarters, 75%

  • Which ocean on Earth is the largest and which is the smallest?

Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean

  • Where on Earth are the largest reserves of fresh water?

In Antarctica

  • What proportion of the total amount of water on Earth comes from the World Ocean?

  • "Pig in a poke."

List the main parts of the hydrosphere?

The world's oceans, land waters and water in the atmosphere

  • wide in width,

Deeply deep,

Day and night it hits the shore,

You can't drink water from it,

Because it tastes bad -

Both bitter and salty.

  • A white flock of midges

Winding and spinning in the morning

Doesn't squeak or bite -

It just flies like that.


  • He has no arms and no legs

I was able to break out of the ground.

He us in the summer, in the heat of the moment,

Ice water gives you water.

  • "Own game"

In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves.

And we went to look for them during the day,

We search and search, but we won’t find it.

  • Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung.

  • How many years did the old man fish in Alexander Pushkin’s famous fairy tale until he caught a goldfish?

Thirty years and three years

  • What is the name of the famous ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, dedicated to the most beautiful waterfowl?

"Swan Lake"

  • What did Gavrila Derzhavin write about in these lines?

Diamonds are falling down the mountain

From the heights of four rocks,

Abyssal pearls and silver

It accumulates below, shoots upward with mounds;

The blue hill stands from the spray,

In the distance, a roar thunders in the forest.

About the waterfall. Poem "Waterfall"

  • “Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself... you are the greatest wealth in the world.” Name the author of these words

French writer, pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  • "Pig in a poke"

Finish the poem by Leonid Martynov:

The water was willing to flow!

She shone so pure

What - neither get drunk, nor wash,

And this was not without reason.

She missed the willow tree

And the bitterness of flowering vines.

She didn't have enough seaweed

And fish, fatty from dragonflies.

She missed being wavy

She missed flowing everywhere.

Life was not enough for her -

Distilled water

  • Which water tastes better: tap water or spring water?

Water is tasteless: the taste we can feel in water depends on the substances dissolved in it

  • Why does wet laundry dry almost completely in the cold?

In the cold, liquid water freezes and turns into ice, but the laundry still dries out, since solid water in winter can turn into steam as a result of the evaporation process

  • "Pig in a poke."

What is the property of water that causes rocks to weather, granite to crumble, and water pipes to burst?

Expansion of water when freezing, increase in pressure

  • What property of water ensures the life of aquatic organisms in it?

The ability of water to dissolve many substances. Air oxygen dissolved in water provides life to aquatic organisms

  • What is the significance for nature of the high latent heat of fusion of ice?

This saves us from catastrophic spring floods

  • Describe the living conditions in the aquatic environment.

Dense environment, lack of light, limited amount of oxygen, slight temperature changes

  • Why do the largest and heaviest animals live in the aquatic environment?

In an aquatic environment, the buoyancy force - Archimedean force - can significantly compensate for the force of gravity

  • Surface layer sea ​​water densely populated by organisms. Why do you think?

This is a warm and well aerated layer of water

  • Strong “blooming” of water, sometimes observed in ponds, is accompanied by the death of fish. Explain this phenomenon.

Water bloom is a mass proliferation of algae and cyanobacteria. The proliferation of dying algae and bacteria causes an acute lack of oxygen in the reservoir. Organic substances undergo oxygen-free decomposition, resulting in the release of methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide - gases that are harmful to fish and other aquatic life. In addition, some blue-greens emit toxic substances during life

  • "Question-auction".

It is known that at depths of over 1000 m. Aquatic inhabitants live in complete darkness, because sunlight unable to penetrate such thick water. Explain why many deep-sea fish have developed visual organs.

The development of visual organs in deep-sea fish is due to the fact that many animals of the deep are capable of glowing. Typically, luminescence occurs as a result of contact of the secretion of luminous cells with water; in a number of fish, luminescence is caused by symbiotic organisms

Elixir of Life


Legends and reality

Local history

Environmental monitoring

  • How many days can a person live without water?

Maximum 7 days

  • Biochemists joke: “Life is animated water.” How much water is in the human body?

  • "Own game"

What water is sometimes called living water?

Obtained after melting ice

  • What is the name of a healing drink made from water, which contains natural herbal components and fruit extracts.

  • To which famous artist do the following lines belong: “Water has been given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth”

Leonardo da Vinci

  • What elements are missing in water in many regions of Tatarstan?

Iodine and fluoride

  • In ancient times, the Roman emperor ordered slaves bound with iron chains to be thrown into the waters of this sea, but they did not drown. What sea? we're talking about, why don't people drown in it?

Dead Sea. It is exceptionally salty - one liter of water contains more than 35 grams of salts, which prevents drowning

  • One liter of water in this sea contains 16 grams of salts: this is almost two times less than in other seas and oceans. Which sea is considered the freshest?

Caspian Sea

  • If it were possible to isolate gold from this solution, then there would be 3 kilograms of it for every inhabitant of the Earth. Where are such reserves of the precious metal located?

In the waters of the World Ocean, however, extracting gold from sea water is unprofitable

  • "Pig in a poke."

Contrary to the company's claims that no one knows the recipe for this drink, the Natu magazine published its composition: 84% water; 3.6 – carbon dioxide; 125% - sugar; 0.2% - burnt sugar, which gives the drink color; 0.2% caffeine and a small amount of plant extracts. What kind of drink is this?


  • What was the name of the god of the sea among the ancient Greeks?


  • According to legend, she was born from sea foam.


  • Among ancient peoples, water was considered a symbol of fertility and...


  • "Question-auction"

In the Middle Ages, alchemists attributed perfection to water and designated water as this geometric figure. Which?

In the form of an equilateral triangle, one face of which is at the top

  • In Peru, archaeologists discovered ancient ruins made of stones on which a kind of fountain was carved. To what god was this temple dedicated?

God of water

  • In the valley of which river is the city of Almetyevsk located?

In the valley of the Zai River

  • On August 7, 1939, near the village of Verkhniy Aktash, Almetyevsk district, the ground suddenly collapsed under an STZ tractor on a collective farm field. A crater 52 meters deep was formed. Today it is a round lake with a depth of 28 meters. What's it called?

Aktash failure

  • "Pig in a poke"
  • Why can the Kama be considered the main river of Tatarstan?

Of all the large rivers on the territory of Tatarstan, the Kama has the greatest length - 380 km

  • Two rivers with remarkable names flow into the Kama almost opposite each other. What kind of rivers are these?

  • “I have been to the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and yet to this day I remember with love the quiet dark lake,” recalls Fyodor Chaliapin. What lake in Tatarstan are we talking about?

  • These substances are the main pollutants of the world's oceans.

Oil and petroleum products

  • "Question Auction"
  • It is known that the substances that make up oil are mainly insoluble in water and, compared to other pollutants, are slightly toxic. Explain why water pollution with petroleum products is considered one of the most dangerous?

Insoluble petroleum products coat water with a thin film, which prevents gas exchange between water and the atmosphere

  • Can deforestation affect the condition of rivers?

Yes, there will be a reduction in river water flow

  • What could be the consequences of man-made pollution of water bodies?

The oxygen content will decrease, the ability of the reservoir to self-purify will decrease, and the number of species will decrease

  • Describe the advantages of closed water technologies compared to the construction of advanced treatment facilities

Even the most advanced treatment facilities are not capable of completely purifying sewage and industrial wastewater. In closed technologies, water used in production does not enter the environment, so it does not become polluted

Hello guys
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Did you know that March 22 is declared International Water Day? This day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection. Let's talk about how much water there is on our planet? Is there enough for everyone?
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Water comes in different forms, but is all water suitable for our needs? After all, most of it consists of seas and oceans - this is salt water. If you imagine that all the water on our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water takes up only half a glass. By pipetting just three drops from this glass, you will get water from rivers and lakes. This is so little. Bread, air, water – these are seemingly simple things. But let's think about how much we know about the air we breathe or the water we drink every day? The world of familiar things is fraught with so many mysteries. And scientists have always strived to solve them.
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Competition "Mysterious".

What runs without a run? (Water).

An ice bag hangs outside the window,
It is full of drops and smells like spring. (Icicle).
An owl flies across the blue sky,
Wings spread out
The sun was covered up. (Cloud).

Trees in white velvet,
And fences and houses,
And how the wind attacks -
This velvet is falling. (Frost).

The blanket is white,
Not made by hand
It was not woven or cut,
It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow).

What kind of stars are they through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes).
Without wings - he flies,
Without legs - he runs,
Without a sail, it floats. (Cloud).

Oceans, seas and rivers regulate the cycle of life on Earth. They occupy a huge surface area of ​​the planet and play a decisive role in the functioning of its systems: regulating climate and preserving flora and fauna.
Slide 5 (click after each guessed riddle)

Quiz "Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans."
1. How many oceans are there on our planet? (4).
2. Which ocean is the largest and which is the smallest? (Quiet and Arctic).
3. White, Red, Black, Yellow - what is it? (Sea).
4. Which sea is the saltiest on our planet? (Dead Sea).
5. What are the names of the beginning and end of the river? (Source and mouth).
6. Which body of water has branches? (River).
7. Which river is the longest on Earth? (Nile).
Slide 6(click after each guessed riddle)

Competition "Did you know?"
Do you know who cannot live without water and is inextricably linked with it?
1. Who has both eyes on the same side? (Flounder).
2. Who breathes through one nostril? (Sperm whale).
3. Who plows the bottom with fangs? (Walrus).
4. What bird did the sea wean from flying? (Penguin).
5. Who drinks with their feet? (Frog).
Slide 7(click after each guessed riddle)

Competition "With a smile across the country."
Our next competition is “Across the Country with a Smile.” Now you will understand why it was called that.
1. Which tributary of the Samara River flows through the wires? (Current).
2. In the Amur region there is a river in which mice hide. What is it called? (Nora).
3. Which tributary of the Volga flows from the wounded birch? (Juice).
4. There are no volcanoes in the Kaliningrad region, however, there is a river flowing from the crater of the volcano. What is it called? (Lava).
5. The Vyatka River has a “poisonous” tributary, and the Pra River has a “non-poisonous” one.
Name these tributaries. (Cobra and Snake).
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Competition “Where do we use water?”.
At the very beginning of our meeting, we found out that there is very little fresh water, but living beings (including humans) need a lot of it. The human body is mainly composed of water, it is found in the blood; Water, which is part of saliva and gastric juice, helps digest food. A person can live for several days without food, but he can’t survive without water!
Question: what else does a person need water for besides drinking?
(Click after discussion)

Water consumption
What is water for? Water consumption per day (l)
Washing 10 + 45 (toilet)
Bathing 40 - bath, 95-100 - shower
Cooking 5
Washing dishes 10
Wash 15
Washing floors, windows 50
Watering flowers, vegetable garden 100

We waste so much water and also pollute it. Can anything be done to save water?
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Competition “Are we using water correctly?”

Let's remember where we do not use water sparingly? (Cry)

With the arrival of water, life appears, the water disappears - and life becomes impossible. But there is a threat hanging over the water - pollution. Plants, factories, cities are often poisoned by wastewater from rivers and lakes. If urgent measures are not taken, the reservoir will die, and the whole world of creatures living in it and near it will die. And it is necessary to protect not only river water, but also that which flows from the tap.
Poet V.V. Mayakovsky addressed the residents of Moscow like this:
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Hey townspeople,
Save water!
Be careful with our water supply!
Did you remember to turn off the water tap?
Guys, learn to brush your teeth with the tap closed!
1.O.D. Ushakova Riddles, counting rhymes and tongue twisters: A schoolchild's dictionary. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2006. – 96 p.
2. Great Oxford Encyclopedia, / trans. from English U.V. Saptsinna, A.I. kima, T.V. Safronova.-m.: JSC "ROSMEN_PRESS", 2007, -664s
3. Muranov A.
The greatest rivers of the world. Leningrad "Children's literature", 1968
4.Rivers, seas, lakes, mountains of Russia: primary school/ compiled by Ya.F. Yatsenko.-VAKO, 2009.-96s (school dictionary)
5. Balandin R.K., Melnik-Pashaeva N.A.
Geography. Discovery of the Earth.-M.: OLMA-PRESS, 379 p.: ill.

Presentation on the topic: Oceans and seas flow across the Earth for a reason

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March 22 – World Water Day

In 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, as part of the UN conference “Securing environment and UN Development”, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate March 22 as World Water Day.

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Why and why do you need to save water?

  • Slide 4

    The planet's fresh water makes up only 3% of the total water reserves, with ¾ of fresh water frozen in the Arctic and Antarctic, 1/5 of it is groundwater, and only 1% circulates in rivers, lakes, swamps, and floats above the Earth

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    The importance of water

    Without water, neither humans, nor animals, nor plants can exist. The adult human body contains about 65%, that is, the main component human body is precisely water. Biologists even sometimes joke that water “invented” man as a means of transportation.

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    Without water, nothing living on Earth is unthinkable, because some plants consist of 90% water, and an animal deprived of moisture dies within 4-8 days.

    Slide 7

    Sand dunes

    By the middle of the 21st century, the problem of fresh water shortage may become one of the most important problems.

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    Today, about 700 million people suffer from water shortages - these are residents of 43 countries. Scientists estimate that by 2025 this figure will increase to 3 billion or more. Water supplies continue to be depleted at a rapid pace.

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    How much water does a person need?

    According to experts, a person needs at least 20 liters of water daily: for drinking, cooking and for personal hygiene. But due to the uneven distribution of this vital resource, many East Africans have to make do with just 5 liters a day, and some on just 1 liter.

    "World Earth Day" - The Philippines has an annual "green" bike race. International Earth Day was proclaimed by the UN Secretary General. Poster "Red Book". Title: Earth Day. We are guests on planet Earth. The Peace Bell was first installed at the UN headquarters in New York. Animal protection movements. An environmental festival “Earth Day” is held in Russia.

    "April 1 - April Fool's Day" - Great Britain. Italy. One of the most famous “ducks” happened in Switzerland in 1957. France. Are you sure that your back is not white and your shoelaces are not tied? April 1st. Australia. United States of America. IN different countries They celebrate this holiday in their own way. Russian Federation. April 1 - I don’t trust anyone.

    "St. Patrick's Day" - Customs and Traditions. Vegetables poached with cheese. Beef in beer sauce. Festive cuisine. Holiday symbols. Cookies for beer. St. Patrick's Day. Leprechauns. Saint Patrick. Parades are traditionally held on St. Patrick's Day. Target. The tradition is to attach a shamrock leaf to clothing. The tradition of drinking at least one glass of alcohol.

    World Health Day - Antimicrobial resistance. Thousands of diseases. Annual event. Aging and health. Hypertension. Safety of medical institutions. Fighting diseases. World Health Day. Urbanization and health. Lead healthy image life. Book exhibition. Toughen up. 194 countries of the world.

    “Water Day” - The problem of lack of water resources. Poem about water. Interesting facts about water. World Water Day. The uniqueness of water. Save water. Celebration of "World Water Day". Property of water. A unique property of water. Causes of water depletion. The source of life is water. Proverbs about water. The first unique property of water.

    "First of May" - Maypole. Holiday. Live in peace and love. Unity Day. People with flags. Our strength. Strength. The joy of rebirth. Secrets. Universe. Congratulations. A glorious holiday of spring. May Day. Spring Festival. For a long time. Day of International Solidarity. May Day.

    There are 23 presentations in total

    Subject: “Water is the source of life on Earth!”
    Target: to form an ecological culture in children.

    1. Form an idea of ​​the role of water;
    2. Consider the problems of water pollution and protection;

    3. Foster a caring attitude towards rivers, lakes and other bodies of water.

    Progress of the lesson:


    Hello, dear guys and teachers of the School of Arts!

    Today we will talk about a very exciting topic. Guess the riddle and you will understand what we are talking about:

    That you can't roll up a mountain

    You can't hold it in a sieve

    And you can’t carry it in your hands (Water)


    Indeed, today we will talk about water.

    “Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself...” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

    March 22 is World Water Day. This day is a unique opportunity to remind humanity of the importance of water for the environment and the development of society, for maintaining life on our planet.

    We come across water every day, but do we think about it?

    Can we live without clean water at least a day?

    Are we using a valuable natural resource carefully?

    We will have to answer these and other questions during our class hour.

    The water element is a beautiful, unique, alluring element. Many works of art are dedicated to water. Differently Artists, sculptors reflected the water element in their works. Let's get to know some of them:


    I. Aivazovsky “Among the Waves”

    I. Levitan “Fresh wind. Volga"

    K. Korovin. "Venice"

    V. Polenov. Overgrown pond.

    V. Stozharov “Pskov. Kremlin."

    Big cascade. Peterhof. St. Petersburg

    • The architectural design and sculptural design of the Grand Cascade are subordinated to a clear plan - to show the assertion of Russia's naval power. 64 fountains, 255 bronze sculptures, bas-reliefs, and many other decorative details make the Grand Cascade one of the largest fountain structures in the world.

    L. Bernini. Fountain of Four Rivers.

    • The fountain symbolizes the strength and power of Italy. The composition is composed in a very original way. These are the four largest rivers in the world from each continent.
      Europe is the Danube, Asia is the Ganges, Africa is the Nile, America is La Plata.

    Museum of Water (G.S. – St. Petersburg)

    • Exhibits, models and multimedia expositions of the Water Museum tell about the history, current state and prospects of water supply and sanitation in St. Petersburg, the use of water in everyday life, and the state of water resources. In the museum, visitors will learn a lot about the most important substance in nature - Water, in which life originated. The relationship between man and water is presented using the example of the development of the water supply system of St. Petersburg.

    Guys, tell me, why do we need water? (Student answers: We drink, wash our hands, bathe, wash things, wash the floor, water the plants, cook food, various types sports: hockey, skating, swimming)


    • Plants are 30-90% water, for example: tomatoes - 91%, potatoes - 78%, apples - 85%, cabbage - 94%
    • animals - by 75%
    • An adult consists of 64% (by weight) water, a child - 85%, in the blood - 73% - 80%, in the bones - 22%, if a person loses 7% of water, he faints, and if 11%, he stops heart
    • To take a shower, wash dishes, and wash clothes, city dwellers use 300 liters of water per day.
    • Imagine that water is dripping from your faucet. A faulty tap wastes 100 liters of water per day, and if the tap continues to leak for a year, approximately 35,000 liters of clean fresh water will be lost.


    • About 70% of the globe is water, but 97% of the water is salty, 3% is fresh. Of these, 2/3 are in the ice of Antarctica. THAT. 1% of clean drinking water remains.

    If you imagine that all the water on our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water takes up only half a glass. By pipetting three drops from this glass, you will get water from rivers and lakes.

    Everyone needs water. Water is life. Why did the problem of “water hunger” arise? Have the rivers and seas become thinner, and has there been less precipitation? No! There are several reasons: this is the increased need of humanity for water - in ancient times a person consumed 12-18 liters. water per day, now – 400-600l. We consume clean water, but return polluted wastewater to nature. And there is less and less clean water on Earth. Price for drinking water is growing every year. But the reason is still the same – pollution. The water of many rivers cannot be drunk. That’s why bottles of ordinary water have been sold in Holland for a long time... from Norway, and in Moscow and other Russian cities water is now also sold.

    Guys, now for a little “Question and Answer” quiz. Are you ready?


    • How many oceans are there on our planet? (4)
    • Which ocean is the largest and which is the smallest? (Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean)
    • White, Red, Black, Yellow - what is it? (Name of the seas)
    • Which sea is the saltiest on our planet? (Dead Sea)
    • Which body of water has branches? (River)
    • Which river is the longest on Earth? (Nile)
    • Which lake contains 80% of all the fresh water in our country and a fifth of the fresh water of the entire planet? (Baikal)
    • What natural phenomena related to water do you know? (flood, tsunami, drought)


    There is so much water in the world!
    There is sea and river water.
    Lake and key,
    Dead and alive
    Carbonated and mineral
    Drinking and industrial.

    Well and water supply,
    Rainy and swampy,
    Sunny, wonderful,
    Imported and local,
    Waste, flow,
    Clean and dirty...
    Well, in general, very different.


    • Pollutants enter fresh water in a variety of ways: through accidents, deliberate dumping, spills and leaks.
    • 80% of human diseases in the world are caused by the discharge of untreated wastewater into water sources. In rural areas, the problem of water quality is very acute - about 90% of all rural residents in the world constantly use contaminated water for drinking and bathing.
    • Farms that fertilize the soil cause great harm to fresh water. Once in the river, slurry can cause a serious environmental disaster, since its concentration is 100 times higher than that of wastewater treated at wastewater treatment plants.
    • Every year, up to 12 million tons of oil enter the seas and oceans



    The most wonderful and definitely beneficial is water from springs. The land on which the spring is located is absolutely considered environmentally friendly.

    Water is an extraordinary wealth, it must be valued and protected!


    Let's remember simple rules to conserve water and so that our water in rivers, lakes, and seas is clean.

    Close the tap while brushing your teeth.

    Fix leaks promptly.

    Do not pour toxic household chemicals (solvents, cleaners) and medications down the drain.

    Do not use toxic fertilizers in the garden.

    Do not throw garbage around water bodies.

    Try to wash your car at specialized car washes that use a water reuse system

    Many centuries ago, water came to us from space. Thanks to water, life arose and still exists on our planet. If water disappears, life will disappear. Our planet will become just as lifeless. Save water!

    And at the end of our class hour, the students of the music department have prepared a small concert for you, and I invite you to watch the performance of our children.