Does length of service affect the size of the pension? How does length of service affect the size of a pension? Does the pension depend on length of service?

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Does the pension depend on length of service?

The influence of the length of work experience on the size of the pension should not be overestimated. You should talk about it only in cases when we're talking about about a really long period of work. Count on providing additional payments and recalculation upward is possible only if you have 40 years of experience.

The size of pension provision is influenced to a much greater extent by another indicator. This is the amount of deductions from the salary that the employer constantly makes. The amount of transfers depends on the salary received by the employee.

Considering the criterion for length of service, it should be noted that the supplement to the regular pension depends on:

  • categories of work performed;
  • location of the employing organization;
  • receiving bonuses.

The rates are different for women and men. Thus, 30 years of work experience for a woman and 35 years of work for a man give the right to one point in the additional payment system. If they worked for 40 and 45 years, respectively, then each has the right to receive 5 additional points.

In 2018, one point corresponds to 78.58 rubles. The Russian government, taking into account the inflation process, promises a regular increase in the value of pension points. This is how the state maintains guarantees for pensioners.

It is important whether the citizen continues to work. IN recent years pension supplements for non-working pensioners remain at the same level. For those who continue to work, this indicator also does not change. In the near future, it is planned to increase the amount of allowances for citizens who have not stopped working.

The amount of the assigned pension can be increased slightly if you apply for it later. In this case, points accrued for the period when the citizen could receive a pension, but did not apply for it, will be taken into account. Accrual with their calculation will make the amount of security higher.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating?

During the Soviet period and until 2002, pensions were assigned based on the length of the employee’s total length of service. In 2002, a new procedure prescribed that calculations should be based on the amount of insurance contributions to the fund.

Currently, the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” N 400-FZot dated December 28, 2013, applied since 2015, is in force. He introduced a different procedure for calculating payments to citizens, different from the previous one.

The basis of the new policy was the delimitation of the total length of service from the insurance period.

Their difference is as follows:

  • total length of service is the summed time of the citizen’s activity period, during which the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • insurance period is all the periods during which the organization contributed the necessary amounts to pension insurance. This also includes periods when the citizen did not work, but payments were made. It is important to take into account not only the period of work on the territory of Russia, but also activities outside its borders, accompanied by the transfer of contributions.

The longer the period of regular contributions, the higher the assigned pension.

The concept of total length of service is no longer of decisive importance. This indicator applies only to persons who worked before the introduction of pension reform in 2002.

To find out the size of the pension, you will have to calculate the length of service.

This is done as follows:

  • First, the person’s work activity in the period up to 2015 is considered. To calculate the length of service, the rules in force at that time period are applied, using existing benefits;
  • Next, the citizen’s working time from the moment Law No. 400-FZ came into force is considered. A new order is used here.

Know! Certain types of activities provide employees with additional guarantees. For example, they allow you to receive pension benefits earlier than others. Example: having teaching experience.

Requirements for length of service when calculating pensions

Until the Law of the Russian Federation No. 400-FZ began to be applied, to receive a pension it was enough to have 5 years of experience. The new rules tighten existing requirements by continually increasing the minimum duration labor activity.

In 2015, the mandatory length of service to receive a pension was recognized as 6 years, in 2016 it increased to 7 years, and in 2018 to 8 years. This figure will grow every year and by 2025 will increase to 15 years. At this point it is planned to stop making changes.

Today, the conditions for pension provision are as follows. If a person’s work experience is at least 35 years, and the salary level is close to the national average, the citizen has the right to apply for a labor pension.

Her minimum size will be 40% of the average salary. The exact size of the applied coefficient is determined by the length of service.

Important! The more experience a person has, the higher the coefficient when assigning a pension. Also, the later a citizen applies for its assignment, the higher the size of the pension.

Periods of incapacity that are taken into account

The insurance period includes some periods when the person did not actually work.

They are taken into account in the simultaneous presence of the following circumstances:

  • the citizen worked before or after the end of the specified “non-work” period;
  • During this time, contributions to the Pension Fund were regularly paid.

These time periods include:

  • service in the Armed Forces;
  • caring for a citizen with group 1 disability;
  • caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age;
  • care for a citizen over 80 years of age;
  • for military wives - the time when they were forced to stay at their spouse’s place of service, where there was absolutely no opportunity for employment;
  • for spouses of employees of consulates and other diplomatic institutions - time spent in another state. It is important to stay outside Russia due to business needs;
  • the time when the person was officially recognized as unemployed and was registered with the Employment Service with the corresponding benefits accrued;
  • the period of serving an illegally imposed sentence associated with deprivation of liberty. Official recognition of the wrongful conviction of a citizen is necessary.

Watch the video. About the rules for calculating pensions:

Selected cases of employment

The law obliges the following periods of work to be included in the length of service that affects the calculation of a pension:

  • probationary period when applying for a job. Art. 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that it does not matter what type of contract was concluded during employment;
  • working time on a part-time basis. A citizen’s employment does not matter; he has the right to work at 0.5 or 0.3 rates. The main thing is to regularly make contributions to the fund;
  • if a person works part-time, only information about the main place of work is included in the length of service. But if contributions were transferred by two employers, their amount is summed up. Increasing contributions also increases your pension. Also in this case, the presence of special types of experience is taken into account.

Continuity of experience

The previous procedure for calculating payments took into account the criterion of continuity of service. This term means the period of work of a person in one or more organizations, if the period between dismissal from the previous place and placement in a new one was no more than a certain interval. It ranged from 30 to 90 calendar days and was applied depending on individual situations.

Previously, having continuous work experience made it possible to receive a higher pension. Now this indicator is practically unimportant, since only transfers made to the Pension Fund are taken into account.

Pension if no experience

If a citizen’s length of service does not reach the established minimum limit or is absent altogether, he is not entitled to an insurance pension. But at the same time, the person is not left without payments from the state. A social pension is used, which is significantly less than the insurance pension.

The condition for obtaining it is to reach a certain age limit. For men it is recognized as 65 years, for women it is 60 years.

When can a surcharge be assigned?

In some cases work experience allows you to make an additional payment towards your pension.

This is possible under the following circumstances:

  • the pension was previously assigned without taking this period into account. Usually the reason is the lack of documents necessary for confirmation;
  • the citizen receives a pension, but has not stopped working;
  • the length of service allows a person to obtain the status of “labor veteran”.

The first two cases require recalculation. If the person continues to work, such recalculation occurs annually, starting on August 1. The basis for this is the amount of insurance contributions transferred by the employer. In this case, an application from a pensioner is not required.

If a person managed to obtain additional documents indicating the period of work, a recalculation will be made based on his application. It should be submitted to the Pension Fund office that calculates the citizen’s pension. A separate file is drawn up for each pensioner.

The title of labor veteran also entitles you to receive an increased pension. For women, at least 35 years of experience is required, and for men, at least 40 years. The allowance is assigned by the service social protection according to the place of residence of the person.

A prerequisite for additional payment is reaching the age that gives the right to an old-age pension. Also, citizens with a long work history may have other benefits, some of which are financial in nature. Their appointment and regulation are carried out by regional authorities.

The amount of the surcharge is determined by its category. Some are installed individually. If important circumstances were not taken into account when assigning a pension due to failure to provide certificates, such documents may be submitted later. In this case, they will become the basis for recalculation based on insurance premiums.

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The assignment of the title of labor veteran is accompanied by the assignment of an additional payment in a fixed amount. But this value varies depending on the place of residence of the person. This payment is financed by the local budget, and it is established at the regional level.

As examples, consider Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In St. Petersburg, labor veterans in 2017 received a monthly supplement in the amount of 828 rubles. and enjoyed the following benefits:

  • reduction in housing costs by 50%;
  • payment of utilities in the amount of 50%;
  • possibility of using a single ticket for various types urban transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, metro;
  • reduction in fares on commuter buses and trains from the end of April to the end of October.

For your information! In Moscow, labor veterans are provided with free travel on suburban railway transport.

They also enjoy the following benefits:

  • monetary compensation to pay for city telephone communications;
  • free dental prosthetics;
  • receiving free vouchers to sanatoriums for medical reasons to restore health.

Every month this category of Moscow residents is entitled to a payment of 495 rubles.

To obtain the status of a labor veteran, you must confirm that you have a work experience of 35 years for women and 40 years for men. Only in this case will a citizen be able to qualify for an additional payment to the regular pension.

Social protection authorities are responsible for processing additional payments. The Pension Fund does not have such powers.

When applying for additional payment, you must provide:

  • application for payment;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming receipt of an old-age insurance pension;
  • certificate confirming the status of a labor veteran.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines how length of service affects the size of the pension. The insurance period is the period of a citizen’s working activity during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the insurance period also includes non-insurance periods when the employee did not work (for example, during maternity leave or performing military duties). In such cases, payment into the pension system is borne by the state.

The importance of work experience

Does pension provision depend on length of service? Today's pension legislation provides that length of service is not the determining factor for calculating a pension. If previously the minimum period for calculating state assistance had to be at least 20 and 25 years - for men and women, respectively, now this indicator has only formal weight. Priority is paid to the unified social tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the total amount of which determines the amount of future pension payments. The minimum period for paying insurance premiums to receive state assistance after achieving retirement age is five years. Thus, the minimum term in 2019 is also effectively five years.

Important! At the same time, do not underestimate the importance of the insurance period for the amount of the old-age pension. The longer the work experience, the higher the size of the pension capital. However, it is worth considering that only the period fully covered by insurance contributions is taken into account.

Historical background

To understand what affects the size of the pension and how length of service is taken into account, you need to go back to 1998. Up until this time, pension payments were formed according to the familiar Soviet model - the formula took into account the average monthly earnings of a citizen, as well as the total period of employment. At the same time, the maximum amount of pension payments could not exceed three times the amount of the minimum pension established at the legislative level.

In 1998, Federal Law No. 113 was adopted, which included such a concept as “pension coefficient”, which depended on the ratio of the average monthly income of a pensioner and the average salary in Russia. Is the maximum coefficient taken into account now? Yes, it is 1.2.

The law was in continuous force until 2002, when new amendments were made to the pension legislation. According to Federal Law No. 173, the old-age pension is determined by the pensioner’s insurance experience, which depends on the amount of insurance contributions paid to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. Thus, if previously only the total period of employment was taken into account, since 2002 the concept of insurance experience was introduced, which fundamentally changed the principle of calculating pensions. The law also implied the conversion of pension capital in accordance with the new rules.

Total work experience

Regarding what length of service is considered continuous, the fourth paragraph of Federal Law No. 173 defines the following categories:

  • dependent care period;
  • continuous maternity period (according to the new pension system, parental leave is 4.5 years);
  • time spent in places of deprivation of liberty (if the court found the conclusion to be unfounded);
  • time of payment of unemployment benefits;
  • performance of military duties;
  • during the Second World War (double).

As for the time allotted for receiving education, in accordance with the latest changes in pension legislation, the period of study is not included in the period of employment. Study in educational institution- this is the personal choice of the citizen, therefore the state cannot provide any guarantees so a large number children.

Important! The length of service when calculating a pension in all of the above situations is counted only if the employer or the state paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for the citizen.

Lack of experience and benefits

As mentioned above, the minimum insurance period must be five years. If a citizen, upon reaching retirement age, worked less than the above minimum, then he does not have the right to receive an old-age pension, however, at the same time, he can contact the nearest representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive a state pension. social assistance. Her specific size may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation, while many citizens are interested in whether length of service affects the level of social benefits.

It is worth noting that length of service does not affect the size of the pension when it comes to social benefits, which are assigned to mothers of many children, people with disabilities, and residents of the Far North. The disability pension is paid on the basis of a certificate of completion of the ITU. Residents of the Far North and neighboring areas can retire early. In addition, there is a list of categories of citizens who can receive preferential benefits before reaching retirement age.

In some cases, the duration of work does not affect the amount of the pension. As a rule, these are people who work in high-risk conditions (miners, divers, emergency workers, etc.). Medical employees and teachers can also count on preferential payments. Early pension accrual occurs at least 2 years before retirement.

Current changes

According to the latest amendments, which came into force in 2015, the minimum period of work to receive an old-age pension will gradually increase until 2025, when it will be 15 years. Pension payments still consist of an insurance and savings component.

In 2015, the procedure for calculating pensions for mothers who took parental leave also changed. Pension coefficient for the first day of work is 0.85, and with the birth of each child, the PC will increase by the same value. Thus, the state is trying to have a positive impact on the birth rate in the country. An increased coefficient is also applied to those who have worked for more than 35 years.

The pension reform encourages Russians to understand how length of service is taken into account when calculating pensions, what will happen if they do not work a certain minimum of years, and at the same time determine their chances of retiring early.

Types of experience

The length of service for calculating an old-age pension may include slightly different concepts depending on:

  1. Positions:
    • State - time spent in the service of the state.
    • Insurance (labor) - labor or other activity accompanied by regular contributions to the Pension Fund.
    • Special - providing the opportunity to retire earlier than the deadline. Its peculiarity is working in industries that are harmful to health, in a debilitating climate, in areas with increased radioactivity.
  2. Continuity:
    • General, which includes all periods of labor activity (with regular payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund), regardless of the presence and duration of breaks.
    • Continuous, implying the last time period during which the employee worked (in one or more organizations) without breaks (or their duration did not exceed those established by law).

Total length of service is the total duration of periods of work and other socially useful activities before January 1, 2002.

Labor and insurance experience

A citizen’s work experience is the sum of periods of work at all places of work, periods of other socially useful activities and other periods specified in pension and labor legislation (army service, maternity leave etc.).

The reform of the pension system led to the emergence of a new concept - insurance experience. This is the total period of labor or other activity of a citizen during which insurance contributions were transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Hence the interest in whether the pension depends on length of service or whether only the amount of insurance contributions is now taken into account.

The amount of the insurance pension benefit consists of the sum of the fixed payment and the insurance pension. The latter is determined by the individual number of pension points, depending both on the size of the salary and the period of its receipt - length of service.

The law also establishes a minimum insurance period that allows you to receive an old-age insurance pension.

Service and old age pension

How is length of service calculated?

Having determined whether the length of service affects the amount of the pension, we move on to the procedure for calculating the insurance period.

Insurance pension experience just like the previous labor one, it is preserved for able-bodied citizens during special periods. Their list is written out in Art. 12 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ:

  • military or equivalent service;
  • periods of care for born children - no more than one and a half years for one child and no more than six years in total;
  • time spent caring for a disabled person of the first group, an elderly person (a person over 80 years of age) or a disabled child;
  • periods of being registered with the employment service and receiving unemployment benefits;
  • the period of residence of the wives of military personnel in areas where employment was impossible, as well as the spouses of diplomatic workers abroad;
  • the time of serving the sentence by persons brought to criminal liability unjustifiably.

Work experience before January 1, 2003 is confirmed by documents issued by employers, archival institutions and other organizations that have relevant information about the work and (or) activities of the citizen.

Such documents are a work book, certificates, written employment contracts and agreements with notes on their implementation, civil contracts, certificates about the period of payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) and about the amount of wages (income) from which these contributions are paid - in cases provided for by law.

Provided that contributions to the Pension Fund are paid not less than the minimum fixed amount, the following pension period is accrued:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • notaries, lawyers and other persons who provide themselves with work independently;
  • members of farms;
  • other citizens mentioned in Art. 13 Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

The work experience accumulated before the pension reform of 2002 is included in the total period of pension service, and points for the specified period are calculated in the order of valorization (revaluation of value) of pension rights. The direct dependence of pensions on length of service is evident here as well.

The insurance period is calculated according to the calendar duration of periods of work or other activity, summing days into months and months into years. An exception is provided in two cases:

  1. for seasonal workers in a number of industrial sectors;
  2. for those working on water transport during navigation periods.

These citizens are credited with a full year of experience in the calendar year in which the period of work falls.

Watch a video that will tell you how to calculate length of service and pension

Minimum experience

After we figured out that length of service matters when calculating a pension, let’s talk about how much full years you must have it to receive payments from the Pension Fund at retirement age.

Before the 2015 reform, the minimum length of service to receive an insurance pension was 5 years.
Now this figure is increasing by one every year. In 2015 it reached 6 years, in 2016 – 7 years, in 2017 – 8 years.
The gradual increase will end in 2024, when the minimum length of service reaches 15 years.


There are two types of pension:

  1. Insurance. Its value depends on the length of work experience.
  2. Social. Accrued in case of absence or insufficient length of service.


Officially employed citizens have the right to count on receiving an insurance pension. Currently, it is prescribed when women reach 55 and men reach 60 years of age. Early retirement is possible in case of dismissal due to staff reduction, if the employee has 20 years of experience - for women and 25 - for men. Its size increases according to the years worked. Some periods of time when labor activity was not carried out are also equated to these:

Important information

For each socially significant non-work period, a certain number of pension points is awarded. For example, a year of military service is worth 1.8 points. A year of care for a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st group and the first healthy child is estimated at the same amount. The second child will bring parents 3.6 points per year, the third and subsequent ones - 5.4 points.

  1. Pregnancy and raising children. Each child is allocated 1.5 years (but not more than 6 years in total).
  2. Compulsory service in the army, internal affairs bodies.
  3. Job search (for persons registered with the Employment Service).
  4. Public works.
  5. Serving time in prison (for persons who have undergone rehabilitation).
  6. Caring for disabled people of group I, childhood, and people over 80 years old.

These deadlines are taken into account only if there was a period of work immediately before or after them.


The social pension is designed to protect the interests of persons who, by virtue of their physical condition, difficult life situations or unofficial employment have not acquired the required length of experience. If there is no work experience, whether a pension is due depends on the following circumstances:

  1. Availability of citizenship Russian Federation or residence in the country for 15 years.
  2. Turning 60 years old for women and 65 years old for men, with the exception of residents of the Far North. Due to the peculiarities of living in difficult climatic conditions, their retirement age is 50 years for women, and 55 years for men.

The pension in the absence of work experience is small, but is of interest to persons entitled to survivor benefits. In this case, it is possible to receive both types of payments, if the second is not related to social benefits and is assigned:

  1. To the parents or spouse of a serviceman who died while participating in hostilities.
  2. To family members who survived the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
  3. Relatives of the deceased astronaut.

Details about work experience and pensions are described in the video.


How a pension is calculated if there is no work experience depends on the base rate, which is 3,626 rubles. However, it is subject to annual indexation, carried out in early April to take into account inflation and the cost of living. In 2020, when recalculating, a coefficient of 1.03 is used, bringing the pension amount to 8,600 rubles. In some regions of the Russian Federation, this coefficient (and, accordingly, the minimum pension without work experience) has a higher value. But this advantage is lost if you move to another region.

The duration of work when paying funds to the Pension Fund does not affect the assignment of a pension. Only general experience is required and the requirements for it vary depending on the category of citizens and the type of pension received.

The size of pension payments cannot be lower than the subsistence level for pensioners. If such a situation arises, the missing amount is accrued as an additional benefit. The specific cost of living is set by regional authorities. In Moscow for 2016 it corresponds to 8528 rubles.
Pension benefits may be increased if:

  • presence of dependents;
  • reaching 80 years of age.

It is impossible to receive old age and disability pensions at the same time. The latter ceases to be paid from the date of retirement of the disabled person. If the pension amount is less than the disability benefit, the deficiency is compensated by additional payments.

Pension for years of service below the minimum

A citizen whose retirement experience is below the required minimum has the right to receive not an insurance pension, but a social pension, the amount of which is much lower.
If an insurance pension is assigned to men at 60 years old, and women at 55 years old, then the age limit for social pension exactly 5 years higher:

  • for women – 60 years;
  • for men – 65 years.

The amount of the social pension depends on the average salary in the subject of the federation where the elderly citizen lives.

Work experience after January 1, 2003 can be confirmed by individual (personalized) registration data in the state social insurance system. In particular, an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person, issued by the district departments of the Fund.

When a pension is assigned to a specific person (if he is submitted for a pension in the prescribed manner or personally applies for a pension), this extract is requested by the district (city) department (department) for labor, employment and social protection.

How does high length of service increase your pension?

Now let’s look at how work experience affects the size of the pension of a person who has worked not a small number of years, but a large one.
After achieving the minimum length of service, the pension capital, calculated in points, increases due to an additional coefficient.
The points on the account of a citizen who continues to work after reaching retirement age also grow faster.

Please note: in addition to the minimum, the law also provides for a maximum length of service that is taken into account when calculating a pension:

  • for women – 40 years;
  • for men – 45 years.

Working beyond this period will not increase your pension benefit.

Who is eligible to retire early?

Important information

The work book confirms work experience and is the main document. In the absence of it, as well as in cases where it contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records about individual periods of work, certificates issued on the basis of orders, personal accounts, payroll statements and other documents may be accepted as confirmation of length of service. documents, written employment contracts and agreements with notes on their implementation.

Having covered the topic of how a pension depends on length of service, it remains to say under what conditions a working citizen has the right to retire early (a man under 60 or a woman under 55).

The grounds for early assignment of an old-age pension are set out in Chapter. 6 Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

Receiving an early pension is provided for persons of two categories:

  1. on the basis of labor output of a set duration - for healthcare workers, teachers, rescuers, miners, workers of fishing vessels, etc.;
  2. on social grounds - visually impaired and injured during hostilities, mothers of many children, as well as persons with legally established work experience in the Far North or in equivalent areas.

The “Northern” pension is due early:

  • at 50 years old for men / at 45 years old for women living in the Far North (FN) and having worked for 25/20 years as commercial hunters, fishermen, and reindeer herders;
  • at 50 years of age for women who have given birth to two or more children and have earned 12 years of experience in the RKS or 17 years in equivalent areas;
  • at 55/50 years old for men/women with a total experience of 25/20 years, of which 15 years have worked in the RKS or 20 years in equivalent areas.

Also early retirement appointed Pension Fund at the suggestion of the employment service to persons of pre-retirement age who are registered with it, no earlier than two years before retirement age (Article 32 of the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991).

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Over the years, people are increasingly beginning to think about pensions, how they are calculated and what is taken into account.

Until 2002, when calculating pensions, only the total length of service was taken into account, after which a reform took place and only the insurance period began to be taken into account. Let's look at the differences between general experience and insurance below.

Differences between insurance and general experience

The total length of service is considered to be the total work activity and periods prescribed by the Labor Code.

The insurance period is considered to be the period during which insurance payments occurred, that is, the citizen paid taxes to the Pension Fund.

Another significant difference between insurance and work experience is that work experience is not counted if the citizen worked outside of the Russian Federation. But the insurance period is considered if taxes were paid to the Pension Fund at that time.

Impact of length of service on retirement

The latest reforms have established that a citizen’s pension will be calculated from the insurance record, that is, in this case, the length of service does not affect the amount of the pension. But there is one note here. For persons who worked before 2002 (before the first reform), length of service will be taken into account.

Let us consider in more detail the algorithm for accounting for length of service for pensions, taking into account all the reforms.

At the first stage of calculating the pension, all activities before 2015 will be taken into account, taking into account the laws that were in force before.

At the second stage, labor activity will be calculated in accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. That is, all work activity after 2015 will be taken into account, and it will be counted from the insurance period.

Experience requirements

A change in the pension enrollment structure entails a number of changes, including the length of service required to receive a pension. Before the latest change was adopted (until 2015), you had to work for at least five years to receive a pension. In 2015 itself, this bar increased by a year and became six years. And every year the required minimum experience will increase until it reaches 15 years.

It is important to take into account that length of service directly affects the size of the pension, and the longer it is, the larger the pension will be. Today, having 35 years of experience and the average income in the country, you have the right to apply for a pension. But under these conditions, it will be no more than 40% of your average salary. From which it follows that another important aspect in calculating a pension is the size of the salary itself. And an increase in length of service will affect the increase in the percentage of payments from the average salary.

The disability pension in 2017 is retained in full and is accrued when a person reaches the age of retirement, taking into account the required length of service at the enterprise. Pension size How to calculate the real size of the pension according to harmfulness? The amount of this payment can be determined using the same formula as old-age pensions. To do this, you can use a special calculator on our website. However, you need to remember that the preferential pension can be increased by additional sources financing. For employers with enterprises that pose a danger to the health and life of workers, additional tariffs on insurance premiums have been introduced. Every employer is required to conduct a survey of workplaces and working conditions once every five years, as a result of which they are assigned a special qualification.

On the impact of “harmful” length of service on the amount of pension

Moreover, earnings are allowed for the most profitable 60 months of the worker’s work. If a full package of documents is provided and confirmation of all the necessary information, the pension for harmfulness will be issued within a period of 1 to 3 months. Protect your right to a pension “for harmfulness” Every person working at an enterprise where working conditions are quite dangerous must remember that there are many pitfalls that may interfere with obtaining a preferential pension in the future. And first of all, this can be prevented by the employer himself, who did not conduct a timely survey of working conditions or did not document all this (for example, in an employment contract), thus depriving the employee of an additional rate for harmfulness.

The amount of harmful work experience affects the size of the pension

To avoid repetition, we will indicate only a few of them:

  • carrying out work with radioactive substances;
  • providing communications;
  • agriculture (agrochemical services);
  • book production and film copying;
  • social Security;
  • food industry;
  • peat extraction work;
  • production of earthenware, glass and porcelain;
  • production of refractory materials and hardware;
  • obtaining generator gas;
  • coke industry.

It is allowed to add up the length of service in the first list to the periods specified in the second list.

Pension for hazardous working conditions


General experience - at least 25 years, special - 12.5;

  • women 50 years old with total time, equal to 20 years, preferential – 10.

There is one more requirement - Pension Fund points. They need to be dialed 30. This is stated in the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. How to calculate a pension based on harmful service The current pension legislation provides for calculation using a special formula.

It is also used to determine the amount of almost all other types of payments, including the standard insurance pension. SB x TSB = PB The first multiplier is the sum of points accumulated in the pensioner’s account. The second is the price of one pension bonus. This simple mathematical operation results in the size of the payout.

Does working in hazardous conditions affect the size of your pension?

An early insurance pension is assigned from the date on which the citizen applied for it to the Pension Fund or MFC, provided that he already has the right to withdraw. Then you need to submit the following documentation:

  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • work book and (or) other papers confirming the existence of work experience in terms of harmfulness. These may be certificates issued by the employer indicating the presence of special working conditions, cards for recording periods of work, and so on;
  • additional documents that may be needed for processing (military ID, contracts, archival sheets, diploma, birth certificates of children, etc.);
  • SNILS;

Citizens employed in places with hazardous work conditions have the right to retire before the deadline established by law.

Does length of service affect the amount of pension?

We remind you that both the required points and experience will increase every year. The IPC required for retirement will stop at 30, and the length of service at 15. The word “harmful” means a place of official employment where a person works, risking his own health or life.
These are the same periods, only under special working conditions. This also includes the provision of additional vacations (those at your own expense are not considered), sick leave, maternity leave, and so on. Regulatory framework Chapter 6 of the Federal Law describes the procedure for assigning labor pensions earlier than the general period established by law (60 years for men and 55 for women).
The main articles should be considered 30 and 32. Since the existence of the Soviet Union, there have been two lists of professions where working conditions are difficult or harmful. This is List No. 1 and No. 2. They relate to the tenth Decree of the USSR Government.

How does the size of your pension depend on your length of service?


The lists of those persons who are entitled to an early insurance pension were approved by Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No. 10. According to this document, there are the first and second lists of harmfulness. Who is entitled to this pension Since 2013, the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions of the Russian Federation” has been in force in Russia.

According to Art. 30 of this law, all workers who have worked in enterprises whose conditions are dangerous or harmful to human health and life have the right to retire early in old age. At the same time, according to one list (list No. 2), a pension for hazardous working conditions is awarded to men who have “harmful” work experience of 12 years and 6 months, and to women who have worked in such conditions for 10 years. In this case, the total work experience for men must be at least 25 years, and for women - at least 20 years.

In this case, men can retire at 55 years old, and women at 50 years old.

How does harmful work experience affect the size of your pension?

How much do you need Insurance pension after leaving work due to harmful working conditions, he is appointed in accordance with the following conditions:

  • the citizen must have reached the established age;
  • have the necessary length of service to establish pension payments.

The person’s preferential (special) length of service is also taken into account. According to the first list, pensions are assigned to the following citizens:

  • men who have reached 50 years of age, have worked for at least 20 years and have preferential length of service, equal to 10 years;
  • women 45 years old with 15 years of general experience and at least 7.5 years of special experience.

Persons who have worked in harmful or dangerous enterprises for more than half of the established period, provided they have the required total working time, are assigned payments with a reduction in retirement age. According to the list of professions number 2:

  • men over 55 years of age.

Does harmful work experience affect the size of the pension?

The procedure for using these lists to assign pensions is provided for in document number 665. There is also a Law according to which the commission evaluates jobs in four classes:

  • optimal working conditions;
  • acceptable;
  • harmful to health;
  • life-threatening.

Federal Law No. 212 provides for additional pension accruals from the enterprise in favor of the employee. Paragraph 58 of the article states that in the absence of such payments, the employee loses the right to early exit. The rights of citizens who, through no fault of their own, have lost a “harmful” job, are protected and guaranteed by Federal Law 1032-1.
Vera Demidova Personal consultation

  • Quote: how does the processing of harmful work experience affect the size of the pension? Pension legislation is constantly changing. The calculation is made in accordance with the legislation in force on the day the old-age labor pension is established (Explanation “On some issues of establishing labor pensions” in accordance with Articles 27, 28, 30 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of October 17, 2003 No. 70) eMail for personal requests: cat_fe2002@89132647111, from 6.00. until 19.00 - Moscow time. Skype: cat_fe1967 - consultations, by agreement. Personal consultation

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