Falling in love under a contract: how marriage agencies work in the capital. Business alone

Loneliness is the eternal companion of our lives. While we are young and healthy, it does not scare us. During this period, people fall in love, get married, but according to statistics, most of them get divorced. Alone again. And it doesn’t seem scary: worries, career, children. For many people, the virtual world has replaced the real one. Time moves inexorably forward, and at the same time we are not getting any younger. But we gradually realize that spending the evenings alone and constantly talking to ourselves is the lot of our entire lives. We need to do something. Maybe ask for help? For example, from marriage agencies. Of course, this is an “easy” loneliness scenario in which people think rationally. They are trying to do something. But often life presents much more dramatic options. All people are different in age, character, temperament, worldview and even faith. Everyone has their own ambitions and understanding of what their life partner should be. Some, having answered this question for themselves, turn to marriage agencies, of which there are quite a lot in Russia. Many of them believe that they will definitely be helped there to find their ideal match. And this is where problems usually begin.

Fateful agencies

IN modern society marriage agencies are becoming increasingly popular. And they, without a doubt, are needed by people who have lost hope of finding a life partner on their own. But they can't make people like each other. Each of them must do this themselves.

First, you need to choose an agency whose task would not be to deprive you of your honestly earned money, creating the appearance of finding the person you need, but actually offering various real options for consideration and willing to help. But they are still only intermediaries or, as they said in Rus', matchmakers. Therefore, having chosen, in your opinion, a serious assistant, you need to clearly formulate for yourself and the agency specialists what kind of person you want to find. In engineering terms, present the “technical specifications”. Moreover, your wishes must be real and adequate. It is difficult to find a woman of the age of a prince “on a white horse,” and there are not enough oligarchs for everyone. You also need to correspond to the object of your desires. Therefore, before contacting such organizations, it would not hurt to bring your appearance and health in the highest possible order. Nobody wants a sick and unkempt person. And we must not forget that no one has canceled the popular saying: “they are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their intelligence.” So, purity and depth of thoughts will only help you find a life partner.

But marriage agencies say that if out of 100 people who turn to them for help, 5 find a partner and get married (or get married), then this is a very good result. So, such offices, even if they work conscientiously, are not a panacea for loneliness. But this does not mean that you should not contact them. You have to believe that somewhere there is a person who is waiting for you.

Based on needs

Many people believe that only half-drunk men and ladies with dubious reputations come to marriage agencies. This is a deep misconception. If agencies worked exclusively with such a contingent, they would have gone bankrupt long ago. The reputation of their clients would eventually affect their reputation, with all the consequences that entails. Rather, the services of matchmakers will be used by women who have suffered from their husbands’ drunkenness. According to statistics, 30% of the huge number of divorces occur due to drunkenness. And there are a great many such people, of course the vast majority of them are women, in the vastness of our fatherland.

They come to marriage agencies different people and with different requests. There are many who have dedicated their lives to their work and career. They achieved a lot in life, stopped, looked ahead and... they felt sad. Everything is there, but the main thing is missing: a person next to you who would love, understand, wait and share with you all the hardships of life, no matter how banal it may sound. These could be businessmen, doctors, journalists and even deputies. This list can be continued for a long time. They are willing to pay money, and usually quite a lot, to find a life partner.

Selfless help

If we ignore the pseudo-marriage agencies of a fraudulent nature, of which you can find quite a few in advertisements and whose task is only to create an imitation of searching for a suitable option for you in order to get money, then reputable organizations that have been working in this market for a long time also do not work for free. But in any case, the choice is up to the client. There are agencies that charge money for consultations and contacts of the person who has attracted attention. Moreover, the stakes, as a rule, differ depending on the status of the object of desire. The higher it is, the more expensive it is. Unfortunately, fees for contacts with women depend on her age. The younger she is, the more she will have to fork out. There is also a subscription service, for example annual. It, depending on the organization, ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. for women and 5-10 thousand rubles. for men. Such gender discrimination is explained by the market conditions of this type of activity. Agency specialists believe that it is much easier for a female client to find a spouse than vice versa. This is business, nothing personal. No matter how cynical it may sound.

Every person applying to marriage agencies must be clearly aware that this is his informed choice and once he has decided on it, then if he does not achieve desired result, the blame will still lie with him, even if he runs into elementary scammers. Also, this person must be prepared for the fact that unscrupulous agencies will transfer and sell data about him to other people and organizations and even “leak” them into the network. But, most importantly, he may not find anyone, and at the same time pay a lot of money. There are a great many such examples. Perhaps, on the contrary, he will find it, but nothing will come of it. In this case, do not despair, but should live a full life. At the same time, you need to understand that sitting at home in front of the TV and computer, you are doomed to loneliness. Communicate more often, meet more and everything will work out for you.

In the current age of high technology, finding a soulmate is difficult. People are busy with their careers and earning money. Time for rest and live communication is limited. Scientists have calculated that today's probability of finding a husband or wife in big city alone is 3-5 percent. Maybe that’s why the services of marriage agencies are so popular now. AiF.ru spoke with Anastasia Ivanova, a psychologist at one of the marriage agencies, about the pros and cons of finding your other half through a matchmaker.

Myth 1. A marriage agency will find me a husband or wife

I encountered this attitude from clients every day of my work. I want everyone to understand right away: the agency is not obliged to marry you off or get you married. It doesn’t even guarantee that you will find a match with its help. Marriage agencies have 4-5 couples a year registering their marriage, which is a good result. The people working at the agency are simply matchmakers. They provide intermediary services. Their task is to bring single people together, and then the couple builds the relationship themselves. Therefore, before turning to matchmakers, a man or woman needs to clearly understand who exactly they want to find.

In my practice, there was a case when a single woman sued a marriage agency because it did not find her a husband. A woman under 50. She came to the matchmakers with a request to find her a prince on a white horse. Her desire is understandable, but the person needs to be explained: he, too, must make an effort to live up to the prince. The efforts are not so much external as internal. We need to talk and test the person. And only after that start working with him and concluding an agreement.

However, no such work was done with this lady, and she, lonely, tired and embittered, went to court.

Myth 2. Only alcoholics and ladies of easy virtue come to the marriage agency

I’ll say right away - this is a stereotype. Over the years of my work, I have met quite wealthy business women, ballerinas, fashion models, lawyers and journalists. There were also those who studied abroad for a long time. And among the men I came across a young man whose fortune amounts to several million dollars. He is a foreigner. There are a lot of them in the database. They are looking for a Russian woman who can handle everyday life. You also need to be able to manage servants. Scientists, singers and businessmen are also often found among men. There are deputies and prosecutors.

Myth 3. Matchmakers just want to get money, but don’t care about single people

This is partly true. There are representatives of this business who will take the last shirt off a client. They start demanding money from the first consultation. It costs about 1000 rubles to fill out several sheets of paper. They also take money for contacts of the person they like. Moreover, the higher the social status of the person the client wants to meet, the higher the rate. For example, we have a gradation of men’s profiles: “economy”, “business” and “vip”. The “economy” folder included men with average incomes. Their phone number costs 3000. “Business” - clients with higher incomes, their phone number cost 5000, VIP - these are oligarchs, deputies, security officials with high shoulder straps. Their contacts cost more than 10,000 rubles. We have a policy: ladies who do not meet the client’s wishes and level should not be shown. Women are divided into groups by age. The older the client, the cheaper.

It is, of course, more profitable to immediately buy a subscription for a year. Here the pricing policy is determined by age. The most expensive one is for women. It is intended for ladies aged 40 and above. Finding a soul mate will cost them from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles a year. This is explained by the fact that finding a spouse is difficult. Men aged 40 and above have a cheaper subscription. He can find his chosen one for only 5,000-10,000 rubles a year. And if he wants a younger wife, he will have to shell out 20,000 rubles.

If you are lucky with the agency, the amount will be announced to the client only after careful work with him. I had to refuse a person several times. For example, a man came in, he’s 60. His belly is bulging, he doesn’t look well-groomed. He wants to meet a girl 18-20 years old. He sits and praises himself: “Not old, wealthy and in full bloom.” But I see him, he is far from Carlson. And in 5-10 years he will turn into a decrepit old man. I told him honestly about this, he threatened to sue me.

Myth 4. Data from the database is closed

The databases are sold to other agencies. The list of clients needs to be replenished. Those at risk are mostly men; there are fewer profiles for men, and they are worth their weight in gold. The cost of one questionnaire is 1000 rubles. The agency will be happy to give up a client who is difficult to work with. Often this is done by dishonest marriage agencies. More serious matchmakers value their reputation. Therefore, when you contact an agency, go online and read where you are taking your data. And if there are at least two or three negative reviews, think about whether it’s worth giving money for a non-guaranteed result and for the possible sale of information about yourself.

To be objective, I persuaded four of my friends to use the services of both Dating Sites and Marriage Agencies, especially since it was not difficult to do this, all five of us at that time were without permanent life partners, all of different ages, (the youngest of us is 22 years old, the eldest is 61), three of us are with children, moreover, the age of the children is from 7 months to 38 years, two are without children and, most importantly, everyone is in anticipation of great personal happiness!

This is my friends data, changing their names
1) Lydia - 61 years old, primary school teacher, two children 38 and 30 years old, widow.
2) Natalya - 40 years old, head of a construction company, 1 child - 20 years old, divorced.
3) Irina - 37 years old, university teacher, no children, not married.
4) Elena - 28 years old, saleswoman, two children - 7 months and 5 years old, divorced.
5) Oksana - 22 years old, student, no children, not married.

After talking with each other, we decided to try to find our life partners within a year by resorting to the services of Marriage Agencies and Dating Sites. Moreover, we all live in different cities, but in this case it was more of a plus than a minus, we decided to register on completely different sites and contact different agencies.

With varying degrees of success, we “cooked” in this process for almost a year, called each other, met, drank coffee together, cried and laughed, shared our joys and disappointments, I can tell you only one thing for sure - it was very interesting, informative and, one might even say, productive. And most importantly, the three of us successfully built relationships.
Well, in addition to all the above “carrots”, I also managed to conduct my own mini-research, that is, now I will share with you my observations and conclusions.

To be honest, at the beginning of our journey, all five of us definitely took Marriage Agencies more seriously, somehow they inspired us more confidence, their pages were full of photographs of women, the texts promised individual approach and selection of a partner based on psychological characteristics, telephone numbers encouraged us to call them, and photos of happy couples promised quick and unearthly happiness, which, we were sure, would definitely find us, so different and so identical in our desire to meet our soul mate.

And we did it!

Each of us found a Marriage Agency in our city, called and met with their representative at the appointed time. All five of us were greeted by welcoming girls, smiling, pleasant to talk to, and asked to fill out forms, and in 4 of them, for some reason, the forms were printed (in our age of Internet technology), photos could be brought either printed or in electronic form, and they asked for several, at least three, but preferably more - so that there was plenty to choose from. If there is no photo, they carefully recommended “staff” photographers who, for “small” money, were ready to take the necessary photographs for us.
The questionnaire included standard questions: height, weight, age. It was striking that there were many more questions about the woman than questions about the desired chosen one.

From mine personal experience:
The agency's office was located on one of the central streets of the capital, the room was small, I was greeted by a young girl who answered most of my questions like
"How does the whole process work?"
“How many couples have you successfully met?”
"Are there any guarantees?"
“How exactly do you check the men whom you will later propose as grooms?”

in response to all these questions she muttered something incomprehensible or something like
“Well, what are the guarantees?”
"We can't guarantee you anything"
“There are a lot of profiles of women”
“Of course there are established couples, and many...”

To be honest, my optimism noticeably diminished already there, in the office of this “elite” Marriage Agency.

Myself process I found out for myself that it is simple, and I was able to answer many questions already in the process of “collaboration”.
1. Women come to the office, fill out forms, give photographs, sign a primitive agreement stating that their data can be used on the World Wide Web, plus you are required to provide your passport so that the Marriage Agency is at least confident that you do not have a stamp there about marriage.
2. Apparently, the same manager enters this data and photos on the Marriage Agency website. After a few days, a woman can even “find herself” there and check whether everything was entered correctly.
3. From this moment on, communication between the woman and the Agency takes place via email, i.e. if you want to change something, write them a letter and, I advise, the next business day, if you have not received a response to this letter, it is better to call and talk to the manager.

I found out what was happening on the other side later, talking with one of my potential suitors.

Men can register on the English version of the Marriage Agency website, view the profiles of brides and, if they like someone, they can write to this girl, but...
This is where the fun begins.
From this stage, a man who has at least some active intentions must pay the agency. In the Agency where I was registered, it cost a man 50 US dollars for the opportunity to communicate with 5 girls.

What was meant by communication?
A man could write letters for these girls and receive answers to them, everything was great, but “BUT” came up again
He can do all this only through the Marriage Agency, i.e. he writes letters for “Oksana d546”, to the Agency’s email, and the Agency, in turn, copies this letter and sends it to the woman along with a short questionnaire and several photographs of the groom.
The woman answers the groom, and can write both in a foreign language and in her native Russian. If translation is necessary, the potential groom will, of course, pay additionally to the Marriage Agency.

Also, for $50, the agency offered a man 1 hour of conversation on Skype with a selected woman, i.e. the man chose a girl, informed the Agency about it, the manager called her, sent (or “didn’t have time” to send, as was the case in my case) the groom’s details and photo, invited her to come to the office to communicate with the man on Skype and you talk to him on presence of a representative of the Agency. Before this video meeting, I was instructed for half an hour on what can and cannot be said to the groom. Of course, you cannot say your personal information, such as address, phone number, Skype, email; it is advisable to smile and “nicely” carry on the conversation.

Plus The agency usually invites the man to send bouquets of flowers to the bride(s) he likes, soft toys, sweets... for a fee, of course.

Sometimes men, after some time of correspondence, even decide to come and meet the bride (usually brides) in person. They pay for such a tour, organized by the Marriage Agency separately. I won’t even write the amount. It is very decent, but quite reasonable, I think.
The agency takes care of meeting the groom, transferring him from the airport and back, renting an apartment and organizing + holding meetings with brides. Conducting means meeting the bride and groom in the office of the marriage agency, and, if necessary, the services of an interpreter with an additional hourly payment from the groom.

Everything looks just perfect for a woman. When working with a Marriage Agency, she does not risk anything and most importantly, she does not pay anything.

So, the advantages of finding a husband through a Marriage Agency:
- for women it is completely free
- if you do not speak any foreign language, you will be kindly provided with the services of translating letters and an interpreter during a personal meeting with the groom
- you have no risks when meeting with by a stranger, an interpreter may be present at the meeting (a nice person who sometimes entertains you better than the groom), you will have a great time in a restaurant, on a ship or just walking in the park
- you will not have the “hassle” associated with renting a hotel or apartment for a man, with his transfer from/to the airport, with how to entertain him and what to show him.
- there won’t even be a problem with how to get rid of it if you don’t like it. In this case, you can simply call the Agency representative after the meeting and say “I don’t like it, I don’t want it anymore.” Then it’s no longer your concern how they will explain it to him, console him, etc., if you haven’t given him your contact information, of course.

It is very important that in this case you avoid the most unpleasant moment; believe me, this is one of the most difficult tasks - to tell the groom who has flown thousands of kilometers away, “you are not my hero.”

And don’t bother yourself with this, the Marriage Agency will very quickly “comfort” him, offering to choose a new bride on their website and immediately organize new meeting with the new bride. By the way, I think one day I too became such a comforting bride, of course, without knowing it at that time.

From my personal experience:

Just in the middle of the working day, they called me from the Marriage Agency, politely asking “Am I married yet?”, since we had not been in contact for the last few months, the second question was “Am I in the city now, am I on a business trip, etc. .?” and, having received the answers “yes” and “no” respectively, they offered to go on a date with the groom who had arrived in the evening.

Out of surprise, I had to sharply press the brakes of the car and urgently look for parking to take a breath and somehow “digest the situation.” By the time I found free space at the sidewalk, the girl “at the other end of the line” already told me the time, meeting place and asked me not to be late, and hung up.

So, at exactly seven o’clock in the evening I was already opening the door of a small but cozy cafe in the city center in anticipation of “the meeting of my life.”
Even in the afternoon, in a telephone conversation with a representative of the Marriage Agency, I found out that my potential groom is 43 years old, he is an architect, an Englishman (as it later turned out, not quite an Englishman).

In the cafe hall, a girl approached me, probably the one who called me during the day, and took me to one of the tables, where my fiancé was sitting, slightly slouched. He looked about 50 years old, his grayish complexion spoke of fatigue, one would think that he had just come from the airport and had suffered at least a 12-hour flight.

The girl introduced us to each other and prepared to translate simultaneously. After a few phrases, I politely clarified that I can communicate perfectly well in English and I don’t need a translator, which visibly embarrassed her. But after 5 minutes I was left at the table alone with the groom.

We drank coffee and just chatted humanly. I found out that he really works as an architect and lives in a small town near London, a Jew, married three times, three adult children, looking for a young wife from Eastern Europe. When asked why he was from Eastern Europe, he said something about the devotion and subtleties of the Slavic soul. And I looked at him and he did not evoke any emotions in my soul except pity.

He was in our country for the third day, and in general he bought a 5-day tour from a Marriage Agency, and he corresponded through the agency with a woman, but during a personal meeting it turned out that he didn’t speak a word of English and even studied German at school. That in the office of the same Marriage Agency he “wandered around the site” and chose several more women for meetings, one of whom I was lucky enough to be included in.

So, after chatting with him for several hours, helping him pass the cold autumn evening, I learned the story of another already middle-aged and rather “life-worn” lonely man who, like millions of other people around the world, tried to find the reflection of his soul in the eyes of another person...

It is worth noting that this Marriage Agency did not call me again and our next communication was about half a year from the moment of meeting with the “English” groom, and it was initiated by me in order to remove my profile from their website. I would like to note that they deleted my profile for more than 20 days.

Analyzing our successes, my friends and I came to the following conclusions about dating through marriage agencies:

- Conclusion one - in addition to all the above advantages that I described above, through Marriage Agencies, women and girls who, when filling out the form, indicate a minimum knowledge of a foreign language and be sure to note that they need the help of a translator when writing letters and during meetings have a better chance of arranging their personal lives.

This conclusion was obtained purely experimentally, after two of us, namely those who did not speak a foreign language, began to correspond with suitors, and then also went to several meetings. I, having plucked up the audacity, and in order to get confirmation or refutation of my theory about languages, filled out a form at another Marriage Agency, exactly on the next street from my first Agency. But already in the question about the level of proficiency in a foreign language, I wrote the following: “I have minimal knowledge, but I am ready to learn if necessary,” and a check mark next to the phrase “I need the help of a translator.” So, in three months I met three candidates for my hand and heart. Perhaps I was just more lucky in the second agency...

By the way, when filling out questionnaires at Marriage Agencies, the manager usually clarifies whether the woman is already collaborating with any other agencies, and when filling out my second questionnaire at Agency No. 2, I remained silent on this question, may its employees forgive me.

- output second - photos should be beautiful, but not studio photos, better at home, or in the park, with makeup, but not conspicuous.
- conclusion three - again only from our experience - through Marriage agencies there are more chances to meet a man aged 45 years and older. I am, of course, familiar with the statistics at what age in developed countries men think about starting a family. But 45-50 years old are usually men “with their own history,” and this is far from their first attempt in this field.
- conclusion four - Most marriage agencies work exclusively with foreign grooms, it just so happens that for those who would not mind considering grooms living “on the next street,” most of the Marriage Agencies we found are not suitable.

And, at the end of the conversation about Marriage Agencies, all five of us noted one very big disadvantage in working with them,
PRACTICALLY NOTHING DEPENDS ON A WOMAN WHEN COOPERATING WITH A MARRIAGE AGENCY, this is such a passive search for your happiness - through the Marriage Agency, first of all, YOU CHOOSE.

Your task is to truthfully fill out the questionnaire, provide the Agency with photographs and then wait and pray, first that the groom will like you and choose you, and then that he will like you.
Although for some this may be a plus.

In my next part, I will share my experience of searching for happiness through Dating sites, but this is a topic for another story.

If you are interested, write it in your comments, I am ready to answer your questions and good luck to you!

Copying (reprinting) of the article is possible only with the permission of the author

Meeting a decent person who, like you, wants to settle down and start a family is not so easy. If dates with friends of friends did not bring results, going to the club was boring, and dating on the Internet was disappointing, you can decide to take a drastic step and leave your destiny in the hands of professionals. the site found out how marriage agencies in Moscow work, who turns to them, why it is not customary to talk about it, how much matchmaker services cost and how not to become a victim of a scammer

Essentially, all marriage agencies are divided into three types:

  • traditional agencies “for everyone” with a huge client base, psychological tests and photo albums, where you will be arranged dates with several suitable candidates;
  • agencies “not for everyone” that create the illusion of a chance meeting with a potential life partner;
  • agencies organizing dating parties with elements of games or speed dating

Who uses the services of marriage agencies?

The bulk of agency clients are women over 30 years old who were busy with their careers while others were flirting, dating, getting married and having children, and men over 30 years old too. For the most part, they are divided into two types: workaholics and businessmen who have no time to look for life partners; or people tired of the complexity, commercialism and psychological instability of the weaker sex (as they say, having been burned by milk, you ask a professional to find decent clean water).

The ratio of men to women in most agencies is 40 to 60 percent. Experts say that it is easier for women to join such organizations. “For a man to contact an agency and admit that he himself was unable to find someone is quite a feat,” said Olga Korneeva, a psychologist-consultant at the Vizavi agency.

At the same time, women are looking for accomplished, personally mature, socially mature successful men. But men like calm, gentle, understanding companions.

Usually women from “male” professions come to a marriage agency. They often occupy leadership positions: chief accountants, financiers, lawyers, attorneys. If at work they feel in their place, then in a relationship they do not. Because men don't like to be controlled. They value emotions, kindness, warmth. Most often, women write in their profiles “Kind, understanding, beautiful, well-groomed.”

Olga Korneeva

psychologist-consultant at the marriage agency "Visavi"

In short, clients often have to first be prepared for dates, explaining what a relationship is, how to behave, how to get rid of old wounds and believe in happiness, and only then can they be released into the world. Therefore, decent agencies usually employ psychologists or psychotherapists.

Most companies will offer you two types of services:

  • access to the candidate database, where you can view client profiles and ask for their phone numbers (from 2 thousand rubles in a small modest agency to 55 thousand rubles in a company for VIP clients);
  • individual search for a partner with specialist consultations, preparation and holding of meetings (from 7 thousand rubles for one trial meeting to 77 thousand rubles for a package of services with a search for candidates, the services of a stylist and psychologist, and so on).
There is also work with “specific orders” (search for non-standard queries - 20 years younger, only a millionaire, etc.). It costs much more and is rarely used.

Everything is clear about searching for people in the database; it proceeds approximately the same in all types of companies: a contract is concluded with the client (either fixed-term or without an expiration date), he is given access to the database, and his profile is posted. You can search for a suitable match, request a phone number, contact and make a date. Individual offline meetings are organized differently everywhere.

How does a traditional marriage agency work?

In a decent agency, they will check your documents, ask about the reasons for applying, and ask you to psychological tests and clearly indicate who you are looking for. Not everyone can sign a cooperation agreement. Married, mentally ill, seeking wealth and not ready to work on themselves will most likely fail the test.

If the first stage is completed successfully, a contract is drawn up with the client. Nobody gives a 100% guarantee of marriage. The agency only undertakes to provide a sufficient number of suitable candidates within a specified period (usually 2-6 months). Somewhere their clear number is written down, somewhere not.

Then the fun begins: finding partners and dating. Potential future spouses are shown photographs and told about each other's lives. If everything suits them, the man is given the girl’s phone number and he makes an appointment. Often clients are asked to hold several meetings with candidates at once and choose the right one. It is immediately stipulated that the initial meeting is not a date. You communicate with each other, compare goals, discuss pitfalls - something like an interview for the position of a bride and groom with a probationary period.

After the meeting, clients call the curators and share their impressions.

“We recommend meeting with the person again. I believe that only after the third meeting can we draw conclusions, because each person may have circumstances. For example, we had a case where a man had a serious conflict situation at work on the day of the meeting. As a responsible and decent person, he came anyway, but he was all in his own thoughts. It seemed to the woman that he was not very interested in her, but in fact he was just having a hard day,” says Olga, a consultant psychologist at the Vizavi agency. Korneeva.

If everything went well and the couple worked out, clients still have the opportunity to use the agency’s services during the term of the contract. You can, for example, come to a consultation with a psychologist and get advice on creating relationships. Or ask to find a new party if the relationship broke up quickly.

Some agencies act differently, for example, creating profiles of clients on dating sites and corresponding with other users on their behalf. Or they make fake accounts, invite you on a date with a obviously unsuitable candidate, and then lure you in and offer to sign an agreement to find someone more decent.

You can stumble upon gigolos, money-hungry women, or mentally inadequate people.

Agencies are not for everyone

To find out how they search for a soul mate in an elite society, we went to a targeted search marriage agency that works with executives and business owners, top managers and expats. Here, partner search technologies differ from ordinary marriage agencies and, moreover, are classified.

It is only known that candidates are found in business clubs, closed business communities and at closed social events, and, for example, data from recruitment agencies is used as information sources for the search.

An agreement is concluded with clients, which stipulates that they will be provided with many candidates for the role of life partner. It is valid for four months - this is exactly how long it takes on average to prepare a person for a meeting, find a couple and start a primary relationship.

Agreements, again, are not concluded with everyone. The stop list includes those who are focused only on money or are not ready to change to solve personal problems. “If an unkempt woman or an unkempt man comes to us, who flatly refuse the services of a stylist and are not ready to work on themselves, we cannot help them,” says Ekaterina Gushchina, project manager at the targeted search marriage agency Heart-Hunter.

Dating takes place at events in which up to 150-200 people take part; such meetings are held every week, sometimes more often.

Our clients select candidates and meet at a social event, without the candidate knowing that the meeting has been initiated and prepared. Often a man begins to court a woman, not suspecting that their meeting is not accidental.

Ekaterina Gushchina

project manager, targeted search marriage agency Heart-Hunter

It usually takes two to four events to find a mate. Some people develop friendly relationships, while others remain close to you as a loved one. As in marriage agencies, here clients prefer not to talk about how they met their life partner.

It is possible to find a match during the contract period in 85% of cases. Additional activities are carried out with the remaining clients with the participation of psychologists and stylists.

Dating at parties

Another way to get acquainted is to go to a party, for example, speed dating. Speed ​​dating takes place in clubs or restaurants, lasts several minutes, after which partners change. Entrance to the event costs from 500 rubles; mainly people from 35 to 45 years old participate; younger people are rare.

As Elena Korotaeva, director of the Seventh Heaven dating club, said, 25% of people manage to find a couple at a party.

Expert opinion

We use the practice of speed dating. If it's a club party, there may be game elements. For example, men are given keys, and women are given locks, or they have halves of a picture that need to be combined. The game helps people approach each other, sit down, and start communicating

Elena Korotaeva

Director of the dating club "Seventh Heaven"

According to Elena, in this business, not all couples hide the way they met - many bring friends, send photographs of children and even invite them to weddings.

Attention, scammers

When deciding to contact a marriage agency, you must always be on guard. Muscovites are increasingly complaining about unscrupulous marriage agencies. According to experts, every third client is dissatisfied with the level of such services.

The method of work of "black matchmakers" is almost the same. A person makes an advance payment, and then a marriage contract is concluded with him. Within a few days he is promised to find a suitable match. Time passes, but no appointments are made. When you call the organization, the consultant who concluded the contract, as a rule, is not on site.

To avoid getting scammed, remember these simple rules:

  • Before contacting an agency, read reviews about its work on the Internet;
  • be sure to ask for documents confirming the legal status of the organization;
  • Most reputable agencies will offer you a free initial consultation;
  • Be sure to keep receipts confirming payment for services. This may help you if the case goes to court.
Irina Burmistrova February 25, 2017, at 7:10 pm

Finding your other half is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It happens that friends are having a wedding, and relatives say: “Well, when are we going to go out at your wedding?” But finding love is really sometimes very difficult. What to do?

You can visit an online dating site, or nowadays there are organizations called marriage agencies. Don't be afraid of this strange name- they help two people find each other. The only question that arises is whether you can trust marriage agencies? After all, most people are wary of this kind of organization. Our answer is yes, you can. But only to serious and self-respecting companies.

This is a fairly simple way to meet people. In addition, it is also very effective, because you leave your profile, just like all other candidates do. Those very shy girls who do not dare to make new acquaintances on the street and rarely visit various establishments may well turn to the agency.

The principle of operation is simple: you come to the organization and leave information about yourself or choose the person you like. Let us repeat, contact agencies that value their reputation and do not accept applications from just anyone.

Another advantage of such companies is saving time. IN modern world It’s difficult to find free time to go for a walk, for example, to an exhibition or a disco. True, there is no romance of dating, but these are costs that you can calmly accept.

There is a widespread belief that the “best” men and girls do not stay at marriage agencies, that is, only those who are supposedly losers turn there. Of course, this is not true. Often the main contingent of such organizations are busy, serious, respectable men. They simply don’t have time to find a soulmate, and so they leave their profiles to find a modest, self-respecting girl. Often the acquaintances of such people end serious relationship and, sometimes, marriage.

A serious marriage agency, which we recommend contacting, has an experienced psychologist on its staff. A specialist will advise on all issues, draw up a psychological portrait, and help you understand which candidate is right for you.

Of course, no one will deny the fact that if you have found a partner, then your family life will be perfect. Here, marriage agencies are unable to help, but everything falls into your hands: build relationships wisely. And if the union didn’t work out, then there’s no reason to be upset: in any case, you met an interesting person and gained experience.

Don't neglect making acquaintances - it will never be superfluous. But only communicate with people you trust. And marriage agencies will help you!

If you don’t want to contact a marriage agency, then the best online dating will help you. Go through a simple registration, fill out the new user form and go ahead and look for people to communicate with.