A healthy complexion is the secret to a man’s sexual attractiveness! What kind of appearance do men really like? Mercury and the illegal market.

Hello everyone! at the moment I’m 13 years old. I have sooo many problems and I don’t even know what to do. Everything was fine until I went to school. In the first grade, everyone loved me, all the boys liked me. But then, because of the move, I had to move to a new school. One of the pretty girls told me to go back to my school. After 2nd grade, everything got even worse. I have a dark skin color and no matter how hard I try not to sunbathe, I’m still dark. After 2nd grade, they started calling me absolutely everything black:(. I had few friends at school, only 4. And now I’m already in the 7th grade and now have 3 friends. I just can’t cope anymore. I want to commit suicide, but I feel sorry for my parents. I consider myself ugly. Although all the adults say that I’m beautiful, but I’m not. I have dark hair. long hair and unibrows!! As many people say, although my eyebrows are not even fused! I pluck them, I always look good. I remember in the 5th grade my mother once prepared pink tights for me for school, now everyone appreciates me for them. Like I all the time in pink like Barbie, etc. All my classmates are beautiful, I’m thin. This summer I used sun cream all the time to avoid sunbathing. The boys who liked me were only -2. My classmates have already met handsome guys 100 times. And I if I went out, it was only with scary and stupid ones. I’m an average student, sometimes I get 5, but rarely 2. Tell me what to do, my dad says that they only hit on my classmates because of their boobs, but I don’t have them (But I think that’s not like that. Tell me what to do, they constantly call me names, check me because of my skin. I just want to commit suicide and not suffer. But I’m afraid that my parents won’t survive
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Emma Malikova, age: 13 / 09/02/2016


Hello Emma. Now it is more important to think about studying for a future profession and entering. You have few friends, but they are the most reliable and faithful. And it's too early for a relationship. Why do you need them? What good is it if your classmates have already met so many boys? Be smarter than them, more mature, in the future you will meet a worthy person, your husband, and he will certainly appreciate your decency. Regarding your appearance - don’t have complexes, happiness does not depend on the color of your skin or eyes, the size of your nose or feet)))) I wish you success in your new academic year! Enjoy your childhood, don't rush to become an adult!

Irina, age: 28 / 09/03/2016

Change your attitude towards yourself. Look, are those who call you names really ideal? It’s beautiful to be dark-skinned, and soon your pale-faced people around you will envy you, or maybe they already envy you, but they assert themselves at your expense, seeing that it offends you when you are called a black man. Do not believe it, you will still laugh at them when they will run through the solariums after a couple of years. And you will have a chest too soon. Remember that you are not an early mature, the beauty and flowering of which will end just as quickly, as it began. Don’t think about death under any circumstances, my girl, it’s better to become confident in yourself, develop a sense of humor. With love, your pale-faced well-wisher!

Angelina, age: 20 / 09/03/2016

Emma, ​​dear, but dark skin color is also beautiful. People go to solariums to have dark skin. For example, my skin is also not at all light, and at the same time I tan in the summer, because against the background of dark skin, all sorts of small pimples and bruises under the eyes are not visible and you don’t need to use cosmetics at all. I really like the dark skin color on others too. And classmates who call you names or are simply jealous or stupid, so you shouldn’t even pay attention to them, and sometimes children simply repeat after each other even if they think differently. And everyone has their own preferences, some like blondes, others like brunettes, some are plump, others are thin, the same with skin and in general with all aspects of appearance, so skin color is not a reason to worry at all. Everything is fine with you, you have friends, but communicating with boys at your age only interferes with your studies and most often does not lead to anything good. You have your whole life ahead and when the time comes there will be a good boy and love, but for this now it is better to focus on studying, on interesting and useful hobbies, communicating with friends and not paying attention to someone’s name-calling, we are all different and we cannot like everyone, this is not necessary. How many people have so many opinions, the main thing is that you should think well of yourself, this is the most important thing, everything else is just someone’s opinion, which can influence your life only if you perceive it. Therefore, go to the mirror, tell yourself that you are beautiful, smile and look at life with a positive attitude.

Olga, age: 34 / 09/03/2016

Thank you for your responses, I will try to love myself although it will be oh so difficult

Emma Malikova, age: 13 / 09/04/2016

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They're coming different women and it often turns out that it’s not just about appearance, but a complete lack of understanding of oneself. And it is in this state that we look for guidelines - who to be like, what to change and, of course, how to please men.

Usually we go from the general canons of beauty - long legs, big breasts, sexy lips, luxurious hair and other stereotypes. There is enough evidence that men really like such standards, but it cannot be ruled out that there are many other factors that attract them that we are not accustomed to consider important.

We have collected the latest research data in order to know exactly what men's preferences are for women's appearance.

1. Voice

In order to conquer a man, it turns out that you don’t have to show yourself to him. If he likes your voice, almost one hundred percent, he will like your appearance. These are the results of the experiment Klaus Koppensteiner from University of Vienna. Most of the men who listened audio recordings of 42 women, We were right in our predictions!

A man has complaints about your appearance. How to react? Let's watch the video!

2. Hair

After interviewing 400 older men 16-65 years old, the researchers found that 31 a percentage like women with blonde hair, but the same percentage prefer brunettes. A 28 percent do not pay any attention to this factor at all.

3. Legs

Evolutionary biologist Cambridge David Bainbridge revealed the secret of the attractiveness of women's legs. It turns out that they should not be long, but symmetrical. This fact on a subconscious level guarantees men stable genes, and therefore healthy offspring.

4. Chest

For men it is a symbol of access to resources and the opportunity to feed their heirs. From 65 of men entering the dining room, the majority reacted to the image female breast, and here 58 the well-fed participants in the experiment reacted more calmly at the exit.

5. Blush

The tendency to blush is an indicator of increased levels of the hormone estradiol, which regulates the ability to conceive. This also explains the craving for red colors in clothing and cosmetics. This is the version Benedict Jones from University of Glasgow.

6. Grooming

70% of respondents American sexologist Edward Morrie wouldn't be too interested beautiful women. Firstly, against their background it is impossible to remain ordinary, and secondly, you will have to spend more on them.

7. Cosmetics

Joint research by psychologists from Bangor University (UK) And York University (Canada) revealed the unimportance of makeup. Men who were shown before and after photographs of women chose the same women, regardless of whether they were wearing makeup. One of the authors of the experiment Alex Jones suggests that natural data is much more important.

8. Facial features

In one of the experiments of British experts, the men interviewed described their ideal appearance using the example of celebrities. The list included blonde hair, plump lips, expressive cheekbones, small nose and sophisticated eyebrows. Men chose hair Shakira, nose Miranda Kerr, forehead shape Jennifer Aniston and eyebrows Kate Middleton.

9. Body Shapes

Psychologists from University of Texas V Austin David Bass And David Lewis found that the correct angle in the bends of the body indicates the ability of the spine to bear a healthy fetus. The angle between the lower back and buttocks should tend to 45 degrees. The study involved 100 men.

10. Sportiness

Muscles are increasingly becoming an indicator of sexuality. According to polls, in 63 In a percentage of cases, men are more likely to invite on a date those who are friends with fitness and pay attention to

Katy Perry. Emma Stone. Madonna. Nicole Kidman. Taylor Swift. These are just a few of gorgeous celebrities, whose skin is lighter than others. To look great with pale skin, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the stigma that fair skin is considered a disadvantage. Pale skin makes you look classic, glamorous and unique. If you want to know how to look good with fair skin, all you need to do is wear correct makeup and clothes to highlight your beautiful image as much as possible.


Part 1

Correct makeup
  1. Choose eyeshadows in natural shades. Whether you have brown, blue, green or gray eyes, it is very important to choose the right eyeshadow colors. Pale skin is like blank slate: Colors will appear significantly brighter on you because your skin tone is lighter. Someone with very dark skin can easily wear more dramatic makeup, while a fair-skinned girl would not do so. Instead of a wild riot of color, it is better to give preference to muted shades. Neutral tones like light brown and pink will always win.

    • Remember that for a woman with fair skin you need less makeup. Typically, makeup stands out more easily on pale skin, so even a little light eyeshadow will look stunning.
    • Avoid bright blue or dark brown tones, otherwise your face will look stripped of its natural color.
  2. Choose the right eyeliner. Brown and gray eyeliner looks amazing on permanently pale skin. Brown, especially, is a color that makes your eyes stand out without looking as harsh as black, which will create too much contrast between your pale skin and heavy makeup.

    • Black eyeliner, however, can look good on a pale girl, but in moderation. Instead of lining your entire eye with eyeliner, try lining just the top lid or outer corners. General golden rule for any skin type: an eye completely lined with black eyeliner appears smaller. You can wear makeup like Taylor Swift - this cat-like look will make your eyes look even bigger.
    • You can blend the line a little with a makeup brush so that it blends more harmoniously with your skin and does not contrast so much.
  3. Use dark mascara. Dark, even black mascara will help your eyes stand out as much as possible against pale skin. Avoid light brown, plum or blue mascara and buy the darkest one you can find. This way the eyelashes and the entire eye will be highlighted in contrast with fair skin. It’s also a good idea to buy mascara with a volumizing effect to highlight your eyelashes and eyes as much as possible.

    • If you use lighter mascara, then your eyes will not be as expressive.
  4. Makeup base should suit your skin type. For any skin tone, a poorly chosen foundation color ruins the whole look. This is especially true for paler skin. Any color that's even slightly different from your natural tone will look like an orange disaster. Don't be ashamed to choose "porcelain" or "angel" shades. They look better than darker ones and enhance your natural glow.

    • Don't try to be deceitful. Choosing a darker foundation to change your skin tone will make you look stupid.
  5. Don't overdo it with bronzer and blush. Bronzer needs to be used very little at a time if you want to use it at all. A little very light bronzer under the cheekbones and under the chin will visually make the face appear smaller. Too much and it will look like you have dirt on your face. Blush on the cheekbones, nose and tip of the chin emphasizes the cheeks and makes the nose and chin more sophisticated. A very light shade of pink does the job perfectly.

    • Whatever you use - bronzer or blush - be sure to blend it thoroughly.
  6. Try using concealer. A concealer pencil is a real lifesaver when you need to hide bags under your eyes and pimples (which are even more noticeable on pale skin)! Concealer will also help if you need to disguise sunburn or acne. But don’t bother hiding your freckles. They look cute! Love them!

    • That is, if you do not have any special skin defects or pimples, you do not need concealer.
  7. Wear lip gloss or lipstick light shade. Dark colors will make you look like a vampire. A cute light pink or even peach shade is perfect for both formal and casual occasions. The only exception is red lipstick. Red lipstick looks best on fair skin and is wonderful for important occasions - just imagine how beautiful pale-skinned Taylor Swift looks with bright red lipstick.

    • You can also use a lip pencil to highlight your lips.

    Part 2

    Hair and clothes
    1. Choose a hair color that suits you. Don't dye your hair the wrong color! Hair color decides a lot - it determines whether you will look like a radiant goddess or just sickly. Auburn, chestnut and chocolate are striking and gorgeous colors for girls with fair skin. If you prefer light shades, then honey or wheat tones look very attractive. It's best to avoid light red shades, especially if your skin is prone to redness. However, if you don't want to dye your hair, don't feel obligated to do it just to flatter your skin tone.

      • Very dark, even black hair against a light skin background can look very attractive, even classic.
    2. Wear the right colors that suit your skin and hair. Neutral shades are popular right now. Ivory and nude colors are flying off the shelves. Unfortunately, white or light pink clothes can look quite boring on a girl with white or pinkish skin. Instead, be bold with your color choices. Feel free to wear blue, black, brown and green. If you prefer a neutral look, light brown and tan tone go very well with porcelain skin. If you are very dark hair and fair skin, in an abundance of black clothes you will look expressionless.

      • Be sure to add some color to your look. If you have red hair, stay away from shades close to this color on color palette(and these are red, pink, orange).
      • Instead, pay attention to the opposite colors - green, blue and purple. Pastel colors are amazing for fair skin.
      • Be careful with some shades of yellow; sometimes they give a painful appearance.
    3. Wear tights. If you have white skin, you're probably a little embarrassed to show off your snow-white legs. Tights will help even out the skin tone of your legs while complementing your fabulous look. You can choose light-colored tights for a natural look.

      • Of course, they should be worn if the occasion is appropriate, such as a formal event, for example. You don't want to be different from everyone else and be the only lady in pantyhose.
    4. Take care of your body hair. Don't forget to remove body hair, especially if you have naturally dark hair. Hair is very clearly visible against the background of fair skin, so it is better to get rid of it regularly, this especially applies to excess hair between the eyebrows and above the lip. They can be removed with wax or plucked out with tweezers.

      • If you have naturally blonde body hair, then you don't have much to worry about. Blonde hair blends with pale skin and does not require constant intervention.
      • Take pride in your appearance and highlight it to the maximum. Don't let people bully you because your skin is paler than theirs, learn to love your unique and gorgeous appearance.
    • When you choose foundation, look for the words “porcelain,” “angelic,” or “light.”
    • Try foundation before you buy it. Buying foundation only to later notice an orange tint on yourself is a waste of money.
    • For a cute look, try light pink lipstick. For a confident and spectacular image choose red!
    • Choose a light bronzer or blush
    • Carefully remove excess body hair
    • Brown, red and blond hair looks great against white skin
    • Use dark shadows only if you are going to a formal event in the evening. Even then, you shouldn't get too carried away with dark colors.
    • Use natural moisturizers to make your skin a little darker


To men who don't care about healthy looking your skin is worth thinking about: It turns out that women are primarily attracted to a man by healthy skin color, and not by masculine facial features.

This conclusion was reached by Ian Stephen, a psychologist from the Malaysian University of Nottingham.

Previous research has shown that heterosexual women are attracted to male faces with the most masculine facial features: faces with prominent cheekbones, thick eyebrows and a well-defined chin. Such faces are especially attractive to women during the period of ovulation. Researchers have suggested that women instinctively choose men with masculine facial features because such faces are associated with good health and the ability to conceive offspring.

However, Ian Stephen suggested that a healthy skin color can also play an important role in a man's sexual attractiveness, because a healthy complexion is also an indicator of health. The psychologist decided to find out which men are more likely to attract the attention of women: men with brutal facial features or men with healthy skin color?

In order to answer this question, Ian Stephen and his colleagues selected photographs of 34 white men and 41 black men. All photographs were processed by a special program that determined the degree of masculinity of the facial features of each of the men in the photograph. The photographs were also divided based on the color of the person's skin.

These photographs were shown to 32 white and 30 black women who were asked to rate each man's sexual attractiveness.

It turned out that complexion plays a greater role in a man's sexual attractiveness than facial features. The researchers found no connection between facial masculinity and a man's attractiveness, but there was a clear connection between complexion and ratings of male attractiveness. Women are most attracted to men with a golden complexion.

The golden hue of our skin comes from carotene, which is found in fruits and vegetables. Scientists note that eating fruits and vegetables has a beneficial effect on human health and reproductive function.

"The results of our study show that in order to be sexually attractive, a man needs to be healthy. Start with your diet: eat more vegetables and fruits," says study author Jan Stephen.