How to attract luck and money in trading. How to Read the Best Trading Spells in the Workplace

In this article:

It is known that many traders use all kinds of witchcraft techniques in their work. On the one hand, traders attract good luck, but on the other hand, they ruin their competitors. However, even this fact is not negative, because any market is a bundle of envy. Among the sellers large number“damaged” people whose troubles arise as a result of the well-being of others.

Colleagues deal magical blows to each other, which you need to be prepared for. Tell me that magic aimed at successful trading is evil? Maybe. But everyone in modern world for himself, his wealth and his well-being. And if today you don’t grab the bird of luck by the tail, then tomorrow someone else will.

Protecting a retail space from business neighbors

If you suspect that your neighbors in the retail space are attracting your customers in a mystical way, stealing not only customers but also income, you can try to protect yourself.

To do this, you should drive two nails into the ground from all sides of your trading place or bury two knives with their points down. Also, from time to time you need to sprinkle your trading area with poppy seeds or sprinkle the premises (stall, tent, store) along with the goods with “Epiphany” water.

In trading you cannot do without special methods, since every day the seller comes into contact with hundreds of people with different energy levels

In restoring trading success, land taken near the entrance of a large department store (preferably several) and land taken from two churches help. The soil mixture is sprinkled at your own counter and table.

Small coins, which should be placed in the far left corner of the room, will help attract money luck to your store, pavilion or stall.

Important - the left corner is from the buyer, who is facing the product, not the seller!

It is important that the first buyer be a man and under no circumstances should he be missed. You can give him the goods at a lower price or sell at least something. With the first money you receive, you need to fan all the goods so that they don’t sit stale that day.

Trade conspiracies

There are a large number of conspiracies for trading, but they cannot be used often. When trading luck begins to weaken, then you can use one of the conspiracies.

The main thing that you must remember when reading conspiracies is that they cannot be read while drunk, as well as for female sellers on critical days.

Salt spell.

“Those on foot and on horseback, come here; here is a place for you, food and water. I want your money, you get my goods."

After reading the plot, stand in front of the counter, turning your back to your product, and throw a handful of salt back over your left shoulder with your right hand. At the same time, no one should see you.

The next spell is pronounced while washing and wiping with a handkerchief, which is then taken to work, that is, to the place of trade.

The seller should whisper this spell over his product from time to time:

“I am a merchant, well done in everything, I will sell my goods to you. Money to money. I want your money, you get my goods. Amen".

If you lay out goods from left to right and say “I’ll put it, I’ll bring a buyer.” Buyer, come, don’t leave the product. Amen,” you can count on maximum sales. The spell is pronounced for each unit of goods separately.

To avoid spoilage at the market, try to follow the following tips.

If you tie money with a rubber band, never give the pack along with it, as it can be damaged or your money luck can be taken away through it in order to strengthen your own. This way your money and well-being will flow into someone else’s wallet.

Do not make purchases from people who, when making a sale, accompany it with lamentations, such as “I barely brought the goods to the market,” “Finally, someone bought this thing,” “These products make my stomach turn,” etc. Thus, the seller can convey to you his illnesses, problems, and failures.

Transferring or dumping a disease on a random person is a fairly common damage even today

If you have heard rumors that grandmothers selling seeds transmit their diseases through their goods, then you can know that these are not rumors, but real reality. The disease is transmitted at the time of sale along with a complaint of illness or feeling unwell. In this case, you need to refuse the purchase or product, saying “Keep it for yourself.”

Spells for successful trading for change

Often buyers leave the change to the seller. Most often this is a small thing. However, it is these pennies that will help you in the next ritual. Say the change left for you at home. Take money to left hand and say:

"A month, a full month,
Middle month, young month.
Give me a treasure out of a penny.
How my mother gave birth to me, a slave (mother’s name),
In the first diaper I swaddled.
I don’t gird it with a belt,
And a bunch of gold and silver.
My word is strong, my deed is moldable.

Trade conspiracy

On a major holiday, buy a prosphora and before going to work, taking it in your left hand, cross yourself and say 12 times:

“Lord God, help.”

After this, you should bow to the front corner of the room and say:

“Herod had 12 daughters. Just as it is true that there were 12 daughters and not 13, it is true and true that I will sell my goods.”

You need to eat the prosphora and go to work to sell.

For a good deal

If you have a trade transaction coming up and you wish it to be completed successfully, read these words above a financial document, in a warehouse with goods, above your wallet:

“Gold is pouring down to me,
Like peas pouring into the bins, like barley on the threshing floor,
Like rye on a current!
Gold, stick to my hands.
Like flies to honey, like butterflies to the light,
Grass to the sun!
Gold, pour out into my pockets without measure.
Handfuls and handfuls!
Gold, be with me
Like a nightingale with spring, like a fish with grass!
I’m not a merchant or a merchant, I’m a merchant and a fine fellow,
I sell in parts, hang in excess.
I measure with powder, cut with an increase,
Lew with the rest.
May there be a treasure in my barn,
Yes, there is ergot in everything.
Without ruin
Without burnout,
Every day of my market.

Honey spell

A small amount of honey is incanted with the following words:

“Like bees swarm and flock,
so to us, traders,
buyers came together.”

After this, you should lightly smear honey on, for example, your chin, tip of your nose or temples.

Because we don’t believe in omens, they never stop coming true. This is what the great physicist Albert Einstein said. This fact suggests that there is absolutely no shame in being interested in signs. Especially signs related to trade and profit. In the review: signs about trading, selling, making a profit.

So, everything will work out great for a seller at the market/bazaar if:

  • The first buyer is a man ( ideal option). Be sure to thank the first buyer for a successful initiative with a small discount, and if you sell loose goods, a slight advantage. With the bill received from the male buyer, touch all the goods on the counter, saying: “Money to money.”
  • The first buyer is a woman with a boy (child). Ask the boy to pay for the purchase. Do the same with money as described above. Don't forget to give gifts to your first customers and the Universe will gift you in return.
  • The first buyer is a woman. Be sure to give a discount “for the start”! Put the money the female buyer used to pay with and don’t even give her change.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  • There is no haggling with the first and seventh buyers!
  • They don't whistle over money!
  • It is very good if the buyer pays for the first purchase with a large bill. Don't waste your luck by asking for smaller bills just because you don't have change.
  • Carefully fold your money according to seniority: from the largest bill to the smallest. Place your money facing you. The largest bill should be located as close to you as possible. When adding money, say: “Money to money!”
  • It is impossible for the place of the sold goods to be empty! Immediately place the goods that need to be sold as quickly as possible in the vacant space.
  • Do not pick up fallen small coins.
  • Do not allow other sellers to touch your product, much less stroke it with their hands!
  • Do not lend or exchange money to other sellers before your first sale!
  • Never take or give money from hand to hand. The buyer must place the money on the counter on a special money stand. The change must be put there.
  • Do not allow anyone to sit on your counter (table) and do not sit yourself.
  • At the end of a successful day, it is customary to give a small amount of what you earn to those in need. Give gifts with the words: “Let the hand of the giver never fail.”
  • Never sweep away debris, debris, or crumbs from the table/counter with your hand or paper. You should also not pick up specks or crumbs in your hand. Wipe the surface with a cloth.
  • Never go to trade in torn clothes (including with torn buttons)!

Important: It is not customary to recalculate the daily profit at sunset! In addition, never count your profits to the last penny!

Advice. Always give away your goods with the words: “For good luck! Good luck! Cheers!”

Signs for good trade, sales, profit in the store

The same signs and rules apply for the store as for the market.

In addition, Feng Shui rules for organizing space work well for stores. The simplest of them is to put a mirror in the cash register or box for storing money, which will immediately double the amount of money.

Folk signs for the quick and profitable sale of an apartment, house, or real estate

Who is the main boss in the house? Brownie! So you need to negotiate with him about the sale of an apartment or house.

  • Walk around the house three times, moving counterclockwise. While walking around, stop near each of the four corners, bow and say (see photo).

If we are talking about selling an apartment, do the same steps, but inside the home.

  • Previously, the owners left treats for the brownies once a month (every 1st day). Over time, this tradition fell into oblivion. Try to revive it in your own home. Leave some milk in a saucer in the kitchen any day. It's better to do this at night. Mentally tell the brownie what good people they will buy your home, what wonderful renovations they will make, what delicious dishes will be prepared in this kitchen, etc. Finish your story with the words: “My master, help yourself! Hurry up and help me! Amen.” The next day, give the remaining milk to the animals. Don’t just throw it away: brownies really don’t like wasteful owners.
  • It is very good if a potential buyer wants to sit in a house/apartment for sale. But you shouldn’t specifically invite the buyer to sit down.
  • A speedy move is facilitated by a horse figurine mounted above the front door.
  • Try to make sure that while watching, your home smells of freshly baked bread or any other pastries. It’s not for nothing that the definition of “hospitable house” exists.
  • Say goodbye to your home/apartment. To do this, fill a bucket with water and leave it in a dark place for three days. Then wash the floor throughout the entire home, including closets, balconies/loggias, toilets, bathrooms, etc. Don't change the water! While you wash, mentally say goodbye to your home.
  • Don't keep buyers on the doorstep of your apartment/house.
  • If, on the eve of concluding a deal, the seller dreamed of rats, the deal may bring unexpected results. Perhaps there is no need to rush into selling.
  • The best assistant in selling real estate is the waning moon. Favorable days should be checked in the lunar calendar.

Signs and superstitions for successfully selling a car

  • You cannot discuss future sales in the showroom of the vehicle being sold. You don’t want to offend your trusty “four wheels”?
  • Don't talk about your plans for the sale. to a wide circle acquaintances Only the closest people who live with you should know about the future transaction.
  • Clean the inside of your car thoroughly and wash the outside. When cleaning the car, pronounce the words of the conspiracy (see photo).

  • The dream about rats from the previous part of the article is also relevant when selling a car!

Signs and superstitions for a successful land sale

Regardless of what exactly you are selling (apples from your own orchard, a landscaped house or a plot of land), the task remains the same - to direct the energy of money for your own benefit.

Watch the video at the end of the article to do it correctly.

Folk signs when buying an apartment or house

  • It is better to start looking for a new home on the waxing moon.
  • The best date for moving to a new home is September 14 or Semenov Day.
  • If the house was residential, walk around it with a lit wax candle. A smoking candle is considered bad omen. In this case, invite a priest and consecrate the home.
  • After concluding the deal, be sure to arrange a small celebration with a festive feast in the purchased home. Invited guests must give the new residents everything that could be useful in the household, but not money! However, before crossing the threshold of the house for the first time, the guest must throw a coin (preferably a penny) over the threshold with a sincere wish for the well-being and well-being of this house. Let the coins lie under your feet for several days so that you can walk on the money. Then put them in a secluded place.

What needs to be done to sell faster and more profitably?

There is no clear answer to this question. Main:

  • live in harmony with yourself,
  • believe in what you are doing,
  • be aware of why you are actually doing this,
  • help others if possible,
  • set the right goals.

And the Universe will definitely hear you.

Find out about simple and effective methods of attracting money by clicking here. And you will read a lot of interesting things about how to make wishes correctly.

Video: Very strong conspiracies for every day to attract money

Due to the fact that business in our country mainly means purchase and sale operations, every entrepreneur will be interested in finding out what rituals are carried out for successful trading and independently assessing their effectiveness.

To skeptics, these simple actions may seem ridiculous, since they do not believe in the magical power and effectiveness of rituals, but our ancestors created them not only during pagan times, but also under Christianity. This fact alone can be the best evidence of the strength and energetic power of these rituals. So why not try playing Russian roulette with Lady Luck?

What rituals for successful trading should you trust?

Many trade rituals and conspiracies that are carried out for successful, profitable trade have survived to this day. Among them there are very powerful, targeted rituals that remain effective throughout the year, and there are also simpler ones that promise good results only in the first few weeks after their implementation. But general rules for carrying out almost all magical “operations” aimed at good trade, is:

  • carrying out rituals for the waxing month, if you are a buyer - for the waning moon;
  • if you have performed a ritual, to increase its effectiveness, repeat the words of the conspiracy directly in front of the counter - before, after and during trading; reading spells by heart;
  • carrying out all actions in strict sequence;
  • sincere faith in one’s own strength and in the energy of the ritual;
  • if the plot mentions a product, be sure to praise it without skimping on epithets;
  • you should not focus on the financial side of the issue, ask for successful trading in order to help people;
  • performing magical rituals with a pure heart and thoughts. You cannot ask Heaven and the Higher Forces to harm your competitors, even those who trade dishonestly.

Let's consider what types of rituals can ensure the most profitable trade.

Spells for good trading for sellers

Coins to attract trading luck

To perform the ritual you will need 10 rubles in coins (5 rubles must be yellow, 5 rubles must be white) and 10 rubles in banknotes:

  1. At dawn on the third, fifth or seventh day during the waxing month, go to the market or store at dawn, before all the sellers.
  2. Throw 5 rubles (half and half) over your left shoulder under the market gate (under the store door) and say:

    “I throw money under the gate, I encourage people to buy my goods, just as someone takes a coin, my goods will pass into the wrong hands. As I said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

  3. At your workplace, place the remaining 5 rubles under the counter (on the ground) and repeat the words of the conspiracy:
  4. Hide the banknote under the scales (or computer keyboard), and say the words again:

    “As soon as someone takes money, my goods will pass into the wrong hands. As I said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

This trading ritual works within a couple of weeks and is valid for up to six months, but you can repeat it once every 3 months.

Compulsory purchase conspiracy

This trading ritual is quite strong and can be used on any day except Saturday. It is also not recommended to perform it on the 13th (this date is used only by “black” sorcerers), 22nd and 27th. To complete this you will need a banknote, a candle and a skein of red thread:

  1. At midnight, take the banknote with your left hand and hold it over the candle fire. You need to move as follows: the flame is located above the center of the banknote: on the count “1” - move the bill to the left so that the flame moves to its end on the right; on the count “2” - back to the middle; on the count “3” - from the center to the right; on the count “4” - from the right side to the center.
  2. Turn the bill and do the same, counting from “5”. You need to stop at “eight”. On the count of “8” the candle should return to the center.
  3. Measure the bill (its length) cleared of “negative” energy 49 times onto the thread.
  4. Wrap the thread around your left wrist, repeating the spell 7 times:

    “Trade is for me, profit is for me, trade is for me, profit is for me. All for me. Amen And for you - good and beautiful goods, red and beautiful and change, and for you - good and beautiful goods, red and beautiful and change. Amen to all of you."

  5. You need to wear the thread on your wrist for 7 days, and then remove it and rewind the cleaned bill with it.
  6. The banknote must be placed in your wallet and not exchanged.

It's energetic strong ritual, which will attract both profit and buyers to you. It will be active as long as the bill is in your wallet, but to enhance the energy of the conspiracy, repeat it once every three months. When performing the ritual repeatedly, use the same thread and banknote - threads and banknotes “prayed” many times will give faster and more positive results.

Salt spell

Very simple but effective ritual, which requires a handful of salt, poppy seeds and grains of wheat.

  1. At dawn, stand with your back to the gate of the store or the gate of the market.
  2. Throw a handful of bread crumbs over your left shoulder and say three times:

    “As the birds peck these grains, so quickly people will buy up my goods.”

  3. Go behind your counter, stand with your back to it and throw it across right shoulder poppy, repeating:

    “As poppies sprout from the ground, so quickly people will buy up my goods.”

  4. Turn your face to the counter, throw salt over your left shoulder, repeating the last words of the spell:

    “I reinforce all my words, I wish successful trading to everyone in the market. So be it. Amen".

A conspiracy for successful trading for the god Veles

This ritual belongs to the most ancient magical acts, in which our ancestors asked the god of trade Veles for protection.

To complete it you will need 6 coins, a handful of wheat, poppy seeds, rye and millet, honey and a jar with a lid:

  1. At dawn, stand by an open window so that the sun's rays shine directly on your face and say:

    “Veles, Veles come, take the offering.”

  2. Put a coin and a handful of wheat in a jar, a coin - a handful of rye, a coin - a handful of millet, a coin - a handful of poppy seeds. Each time you place a coin, say:

    "Money for me"

    and when putting poppy seeds or millet:

    “The product is for you.”

  3. Add honey, mix everything into a homogeneous mixture and at the end put two coins on top, saying:

    “The money is for me, and the last money, Veles, is for you.”

  4. Close the lid tightly.
  5. Go to your trading place and bury a jar with an “offering” under the nearest tree. Repeat three times again:

    “Veles, Veles come, take the offering. Money for me, and the last money, Veles, for you.”

With the help of this conspiracy, you can “revive” trade, attract new customers and make your business prosper.

Prosphora conspiracy

This plot is best done on major Christian holidays. These days, people sincerely pray, are in piety, and this atmosphere is transmitted to every ritual, making it more powerful.

  1. On a Christian holiday (Christmas, Easter, Trinity) go to church.
  2. Stand through the service and buy a church prosphora.
  3. Bring the prosphora to your workplace, let it lie on the counter for exactly 3 hours, absorbing the “spirit” of trade.
  4. Take the prosphora with your left hand, mark yourself with a cross and say the spell 12 times:

    “Prosphora, prosphora marked by the Lord, marked by the Mother of God! Bring me good luck, bring me a buyer in trade matters, give me money! As I said, so be it. Amen".

  5. Eat the prosphora and say:

    “So be it, amen.”

The plot is simple, but our ancestors loved it very much. He awakens some forces beyond a person’s control and fulfills his desire - he makes trading quick.

Conspiracy for “stale” goods

To sell a product that is difficult to sell or a slow-selling seasonal product, you can perform the following ritual:

  1. Go to the forest, find an anthill and take a handful of earth from it in a jar.
  2. At midnight, place the jar on the windowsill so that the monthly rays fall on it.
  3. Light a candle and say the words of the spell 7 times:

    “There are a lot of ants in this house, and even more in the forest house. God send me buyers one at a time, and then the line will be longer. As I said, so be it, no one can interrupt this conspiracy. Amen".

  4. In the morning, take the jar with you to work and pour out the ants in front of the store doors or right in front of the counter if you work outside.

After this ritual, feel free to display your fur coats in July - there will certainly be a buyer for them.

Simoron ritual for good trading

Simoron's magic helps well in trading. For the ritual, you will need a pot of soil, a houseplant, a coin and a symbol of your product (clothes from your daughter’s doll if you specialize in selling clothes, candy if you sell sweets, etc.).

  1. First, clearly formulate your desire and imagine it already accomplished.
  2. Place a layer of soil in the pot and place the symbol of your trade, saying:

    “I will trade boldly, I will trade skillfully.”

  3. Then add another layer of earth and place a coin, saying:

    “Attract buyers, give them your goods.”

  4. Plant a tree on the “lining” and water it every day, loudly repeating your desire.

The tree will grow, becoming stronger, and your trade will prosper and generate income. It will be easier for Simoron to work if you plant a tree on the 27th - this is the magic number of this magic.

Amulet from competition

To protect yourself and your business from unkind and envious competitors, make yourself a talisman:

  1. On the night of the waxing month, place a comb, a clean handkerchief and a new pin in front of you.
  2. Read the spell on them (three times):

    “Lord my God, I stand before You, I ask you to protect me tightly, to protect me with this amulet. I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits: Ivan the Long-Sufferer, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Postiler, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel, Praskovya the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your protection, so that you defend me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  3. Pin the pin on the inside of the work uniform so that it touches the body.
  4. Hide the comb in the receipt box or somewhere near the cash register.
  5. Hide the handkerchief at home under the box with the family treasury.

Spoken things will bring you luck in trading, attracting new money to what you have.

Plot for the buyer

If you are a buyer and want to save money, be sure to read the following plot before going to the market or supermarket:

“Break off a piece of yours, seller, and half will be enough for you.” Amen".

Now you know what rituals and conspiracies will make your trade more successful, but remember that if you use white magic, you must trade honestly, without deceiving your customers. Love your client, thanks to whom you exist, respect him and meet him with a smile - these rules of successful trading, coupled with magical rituals, will allow you to have a truly successful trading business.

Do not forget about the preliminary reading of the Lord’s Prayer - read 3 times and cross yourself 6 times.

Signs for selling a car, house, housing

To successfully sell a car, you can hide coins in the interior so that no one can see them.

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The car must be sold after thorough washing and cleaning.

There is no need to feel sorry for the car; you won’t be able to sell the car that way.

At midnight you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking a hair from yourself, burn it in the flame of a candle with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), for me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

So that he only grieves for me, does not know a single woman,

He would only want me, alone, think only about me, and only suffer for me.

Just as this hair won’t grow back, so be it

no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

— Love spell with hair

When selling an apartment or house, you don’t need to tell everyone about the upcoming event.

Customers who come should be invited to sit down, but as if by chance (to drink tea), but the owners must stand.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and support higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about about the possibility of establishing a connection with spirits and even controlling the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers given from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision similar to prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Only the owner should be present in the apartment; pets and elderly people may interfere.

In the corner of the kitchen you can place a broom or mop with the handle down.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, continue to talk about magical assistance in trading matters. Today we will look at several home rituals from practice that you may have already encountered. And if not, it will be useful for you to know about it. Well, let's get straight to the point: how to attract good luck in trading yourself? Here is a simple, very effective magical ritual for businessmen. If trading isn't going well, here's how you can fix it yourself.

An effective ritual for good luck in trading - to improve matters

A monetary ritual for those who cast magic through Christian Powers. To increase the number of customers in the store, here's what you need to do. On the way to your outlet, sprinkle sugar little by little and read the Lord's Prayer while doing so. And directly there, in the place where you sell, open a bag of sugar-free vanillin.

The aroma of vanilla causes a feeling of hunger, stimulating the desire to buy more products to satisfy this hunger. In addition, subtle notes of vanilla make a person kinder, more flexible, take him into the world of imagination, fantasies, make him think that life is not so difficult and monotonous, but full of bright things. A surge of warmth and energy is what your customers will feel when they smell vanilla. This independent and simple magical ritual to attract clients and stimulate trade can serve you well.

Use it on the waxing moon. It is, of course, suitable not only for stores selling groceries, but for increasing sales as such. If your product is intangible and you are selling services, this magical ritual will provide you with an influx of customers.

What are the best spells to read for good luck in trading and to attract buyers?

In a money ritual with sugar in white magic, it is recommended to read the “Our Father” prayer. In this version, witchcraft works, and there are results. However, it should be understood that Orthodox prayer is not the key to all doors. My opinion, from the magician Sergei Artgrom, is that a clearly directed strong conspiracy for good luck in trading will work more significantly.

I know that white magicians would call the Christian prayer “Our Father” a universal magical weapon. With its help they treat, protect, and, like in this case, attract money into their trade. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend using some kind of narrowly targeted conspiracy. And at least this simple but effective conspiracy for successful trading:

Verified spell for good luck in trading read you can, by opening a bag of vanilla at your workplace and luring customers.

Here's what you can do with Thursday salt. For profitable trading on your own, do this magical ritual. On Maundy Thursday you need to prepare Thursday salt according to all the rules and hide it until Intercession Saturday. On Saturday morning, take this salt to where you trade, and there

Read a powerful plot for successful trading 4 times:

“As the people of God gather to church, so they would come running and gathering to me, to God’s servant (name) ordinary people, and bars, on all four sides, from the east and from the west at this hour, on this day and all year long. My word is true. Amen".

Scatter the charmed salt in the corners of your store. Let her lie there. A lot of salt simplehome spells for success in trading, and the magical ritual itself boils down to scattering the charmed salt. Often salt is left in closed corners, away from prying eyes, and it can remain there until you decide that it is time to repeat the witchcraft spell for profitable trade.

Quarter salt is prepared only once a year. This is done on the night from Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week (Great Week). Or on the morning of Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday). This ancient witchcraft custom is used not only in magical practice, but also in everyday life. The ritual use of salt in everyday life has been known since ancient times. Known different ways the use of Thursday salt in both white and black magic conspiracies for trading on the full moon and on other days of the lunar month.

There are different ways to prepare Thursday salt at home

It is prepared on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. For this, use only coarse coarse salt, but in no case fine salt (extra), which has a grind almost like soda. Such salt is not suitable not only because appearance. The point here is the chemical treatment during high temperatures. Thus, salt loses its natural healing and magical powers.

So, to make the most strong ritual for money trading with Thursday salt, first you need to prepare it. Take moistened salt and mix it with kvass grounds. You can also use rye bread crumbs soaked in water. This mixture is tied into a piece of natural fabric, the bundle is placed in a container woven from birch bark, after which it is placed in the oven to heat, or buried in ash. If you don’t have a stove, you can use the oven, but the stove, of course, is preferable. Close the sash and leave for 3-4 hours. After this, the Thursday salt is allowed to cool and crushed in a mortar.

Another way to prepare Thursday salt for magical practice

Heat the salt in a frying pan while reading prayers and witchcraft strong conspiracies for well-being. Thursday salt is allowed to cool, after which, also with prayers and incantations, it is pounded in a mortar. Dark color table salt acquired during baking. Fire has cleansing power and powerful magical energy. That’s why you can’t do without fire here.

Here is another independent way to prepare Thursday salt.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

On Maundy Thursday morning, all family members take a piece of salt and throw it into one container. Then the salt, as described above, is calcined in an oven or in a frying pan, with prayers and magical spells, cool, pound and mix with dry herbs: St. John's wort, thyme, mint, wormwood. The result is a powerful remedy that can be used in witchcraft rituals of various types, including effective magical rituals to attract buyers and for success in trade.

How to use magic to return luck to trading - some aspects of rituals

It happens that after magical cleansing, warlock or rune rituals, profits drop significantly. This does not always happen, but quite often, and depends on the cleaning rituals used. For example, wax castings perfectly remove destructive witchcraft, but they can also destroy positive developments and strong effective protections. Powerful runic cleansing can work in the same way.

So, be aware: after cleaning the financial channel, there may be a lull in business. Fortunately, this matter is fixable. Wait for the waxing moon, and do rituals to attract good luck in trading, and also read strong spells for good trading to increase sales and profits. Use runes too. This is a powerful force. There are many runic staves on the topic of money and everything connected with this colossal Power. Runic magic combines well with black magic rituals to independently attract good luck in trading. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would not combine it with white magic made with church Power. These two magical traditions do not particularly combine - Christianity and the ancient magic of the northern gods.

Read a strong white spell for successful trading - to improve things

To fix trading stagnation, do this. During Holy Week, go to church for matins, buy a candle there, light it and watch the service. This candle will be useful to you for the witchcraft ritual of attracting good luck to your trading. When the need arises, and fumigate your store with it, read an effective spell for successful trading:

“As many people gather in the church for Matins, so many rich merchants would visit my shop. All my words are molded and strong! Amen to my words. Teeth are a lock, tongue is a key, amen, amen, amen.”

Text simple conspiracy You can read on the full moon, or on the new moon, in the waxing and waning phases. When the need arises. There are home conspiracies for good trading that do not depend on the moon. This simple, effective ritual of Slavic witchcraft is just one of those.

Which is better to read a conspiracy to trade - a ritual so that the goods are quickly sold out

With this ritual, you can quickly fix things, and sell goods that have been lying around for a profit. This witchcraft ritual is from the arsenal of white magic. But, not natural, but the one that is done through the Powers of the Christian egregor. Here is what is needed to carry out this ritual in order to use the power of money magic to return good luck to trading:

  • icon "Lord Almighty"
  • icon "Cathedral of Archangel Michael"
  • Icon "Martyr John the New of Ioannina"
  • 3 candles in a candlestick in front of each icon
  • green candle for trading
  • black prayer cloth
  • a handful of small coins
  • small padlock
  • 3 keys
  • white tablecloth

Cover the table with a tablecloth and place icons in a semicircle. In front of each icon there should be a candle in a candlestick. In the center of the design is a trading candle. Light the candles. Let them glow during the entire magical action. Right there, next to the trading candle, put some change, a lock and keys. These items play a special role in the ritual. Lock with keys for magic to return luck to trading, and the coins will go to the Powers that are called to help.

You need to spread a prayer cloth on the floor, stand on its edge, and in prayers ask for the help of the Lord Almighty, Archangel Michael and Martyr John the New of Ioannina. Then you need to pick up the lock and keys. Open the lock and read a strong witch's spell over it once, so that the goods quickly sell out.

Here is the text of a powerful conspiracy for successful trading:

“The full moon floats along the heavenly river, from the black moon of the new moon to the white moon of the full moon, fast rivers flow through the old man and the new man, free waters flow, flowing through the market gates. Merchants and sellers are walking, buyers and various prospectors are rushing. Just as the market square is empty in the evening, so quickly will my box of goods be empty. The goods in the boxes do not stay stale, the goods quickly sell out, whoever walks past my counter will leave me with the purchase. The river of money flows quickly, and soon the goods sell out. Amen to my deed and word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  1. While reading the words “Amen”, lock the lock with the key.
  2. Then open the lock and read the text of the money plot 2 times. Close the lock on the word “Amen”.
  3. Then open and read the plot 3 times. Close the lock at the word “Amen.”
  4. Leave the lock with the keys on the table.
  5. Don't touch anything else until the candles burn out. When the candles burn out, read a prayer of thanks.
  6. At the end of the ceremony, take this lock and the keys to it to the market gate.
  7. Throw the lock at one gate, walk around the market facing the sun, and throw the keys near the other gate.
  8. Scatter the change there.

This is an independent white rite, a very effective spell for successful trading, to attract wealthy buyers, increase sales, and obtain a stable profit.