Why is there a small belly at 8 months of pregnancy? Small belly during pregnancy - normal or abnormal

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby already looks the same as before birth. All organs except the lungs are already fully formed. The baby turns to the head position necessary for childbirth.

Eighth month of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

The eighth month of pregnancy (from the 29th to the 32nd week) is characterized by even greater growth of the baby.

Child development

  • In the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus, with a weight of approximately 1600 g and a height of about 40 cm, already looks like a newborn.
  • All organs are developed, only the lungs are still in the process of “maturation”.
  • The child can distinguish voices and notice the contrast between light and dark. In addition, he will smile, for example, if he hears his mother's voice.
  • Since in the eighth month of pregnancy there is less and less space in the stomach, and the volume amniotic fluid decreases by half, the baby’s movements become rarer and weaker.
  • During this period, the baby can already turn into the position of the so-called “cephalic presentation” (head down), necessary for childbirth.
  • The toes are fully developed. At week 30, the process of toenail formation is completed.

Eighth month of pregnancy: what happens to the mother?

In the eighth month, the load on the female body increases noticeably. The uterus is located so high that the diaphragm makes breathing difficult and puts pressure on the heart - it lies across chest. At the 36th week, the baby's head will move into the pelvis, the stomach will drop, and breathing will become easier. Tell your doctor if you notice swelling in yourself: wedding ring It is difficult to remove from the finger, the shoes are tight, and a small pad rises above their edge. If you have a severe headache and spots appear before your eyes, call an ambulance immediately! These are harbingers of a serious condition - renal eclampsia, which is manifested by loss of consciousness and convulsions and causes premature birth.

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Eighth month of pregnancy

The eighth month of pregnancy - there is nothing left before the birth, and the woman increasingly feels its inexorable approach with periodic Braxton-Higgs training contractions. If uterine contractions are not accompanied by pronounced painful sensations, and the frequency of contractions and their duration make themselves felt from time to time and not for long, there is no need to worry. However, if contractions are painful and last longer than an hour, you should urgently contact your doctor - preterm labor may have begun.

By the eighth month, the belly has simply grown to a huge size, and during this month the uterus will reach its highest possible position. In this regard, the woman begins to notice that it becomes more difficult to breathe, and the baby’s kicks, hitting the very ribs, cause pain.

It is very important now to continue to eat right, walk more in the fresh air and rest more often. Due to a large belly, there are some difficulties in choosing a sleeping position. Experts insist that you should absolutely not sleep on your back in the last months of pregnancy - in this position the inferior vena cava is compressed. As a result, “attacks” of dizziness, increased heart rate, and, in general, very poor health are possible.

It is important to remember: the anatomical features of the body different women differ, and therefore it is pointless to compare the size of the abdomen with “colleagues” in bearing a child - while some women’s bellies have very, very impressive sizes, then other ladies until the end of pregnancy are distinguished by their “compact” and “miniature” tummy.

Baby eight months pregnant

The baby is almost ready to be born - all life-support systems and main organs are developed and functioning; the only thing that continues is the final work on the development of the lungs. And, if for some reason a child is suddenly born at eight months of pregnancy, then we are no longer talking about premature, but rather early birth, as a result of which the baby will survive with a high degree of probability.

A child at eight months is practically no different from an ordinary person: he hears and sees, knows how to blink, squints and frowns, his nails reach the end of the phalanges nail plates. The baby’s skin color is evened out, and thanks to subcutaneous fat, the shoulders and face are rounded. The germinal fuzz of lanugo gradually disappears, the first hair appears on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are visible. At the same time, the layer of vernix lubricant thickens, which will facilitate the baby’s “journey” through the birth canal, allowing it to glide.

It is believed that in the eighth month of pregnancy, the child already dreams; in any case, his eyelids move in a rhythm characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. At this stage, the baby’s brain becomes more complex and improved - many nerve connections are formed between brain cells, and a protective so-called myelin sheath is formed around the already formed cells. And, although the child’s bones are already relatively strong, and the cartilage of the nose and ears is hard, the bones of the skull remain soft, which is necessary for the baby to pass through the birth canal normally.

The liver is now doing a huge job: it needs to accumulate iron in the quantities that the infant’s body will need for independent hematopoiesis in the first year of life.

In the penultimate month of pregnancy, the fetus already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, and it becomes more and more difficult for it to move. Accordingly, shocks and movements become somewhat less frequent, but much more noticeable. This month, the baby will also take the position from which it will later be born, normally - cephalic presentation.

The eighth month is marked by intense weight gain: every day the baby becomes heavier by 15-30 g. Thus, by the end of the month the baby’s weight reaches 2500-2700 g, and height increases to 45-46 cm on average.

Feelings and possible problems in the eighth month of pregnancy

The eighth month of pregnancy is the time of anxiety about the upcoming birth, worries about the health and well-being of the baby, and intensive preparation of the “dowry” for the child. All this is against the backdrop of some absent-mindedness and understandable fatigue from pregnancy, both emotional and physical.

Moreover, the physical sensations in the eighth month of pregnancy can hardly be called pleasant: a huge belly simply prevents you from breathing normally, moving around and sleeping normally, you are constantly tormented by attacks of heartburn and often want to go to the toilet for a little while, most likely, the problem of constipation has worsened, and even a baby pushing from the inside causes pain. You need to understand that you just have to be patient for a little while, and the first cry of the baby, to whom the mother will very soon give a “ticket” to life, will fully pay for all today’s possible problems and discomfort.

Shortness of breath at this stage is a completely normal symptom; the uterus has now risen to its maximum height, squeezing the lungs as well. However, apart from minor breathing problems, there should be no other symptoms. If, against the background of breathing difficulties, blue lips and/or fingertips appear, an accelerated heartbeat, chest pain occurs, and breathing accelerates, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The expectant mother should be prepared for problems with sleep: due to her large belly, it is now difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping, and the thoughts “swarming” in her head about imminent motherhood often interfere with sleep. And so, it would seem, the optimal position was found, and we managed to cope with our thoughts... but no! Now the body demands to empty the bladder...

Read also Fourth month of pregnancy

By the way, some incidents can also arise with urination - in the form of so-called stress urinary incontinence. The significantly enlarged uterus is now putting “serious” pressure on the organs abdominal cavity, the bladder is also under pressure. Thus, by the eighth month of pregnancy, a woman may be embarrassed to experience the uncontrollable release of some urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

The amount of fluid in a pregnant woman’s body increases significantly, which is associated with some swelling of the limbs and face. At the same time, the spread of edema and its “severity” must be monitored, as well as blood pressure: severe edema and increased blood pressure may indicate the development of gestosis.

A woman in the eighth month of pregnancy clearly and even painfully feels the baby’s pushes from the inside; sometimes it may seem that the baby is pressing his foot directly into the ribs, and that they are about to not withstand such pressure. They will withstand it, but pain, of course, is an unpleasant thing; to relieve it and to “calm” the child somewhat, it is recommended to do the “cat’s back” exercise.

Back pain is common during this period, resulting from a significantly enlarged abdomen. Often pain in the back, and with it in the stomach, makes itself felt after a walk. In this case, it is recommended to lie down and rest; you can take a Nosh-pa tablet. But, if the pain continues for more than half an hour, call an ambulance immediately.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, sensations of nasal and ear congestion, spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and leg muscle cramps are possible. Do not be alarmed if you notice some increase in the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina: if the increase in discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, the discharge does not change color or consistency, there is no reason to worry.

Changes in hormonal levels can lead to another unusual and somewhat unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - the growth of body hair in large quantities. You need to understand that this phenomenon is temporary, after childbirth, when hormonal processes begin to stabilize, the situation will resolve itself.

The last months of pregnancy, again, due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, are also characterized by problems with digestion “in full”: heartburn, bloating, constipation. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and avoidance of foods that provoke digestive disorders.

Nutrition in the eighth month of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, proper nutrition plays, without exaggeration, a very important role. The principles of nutrition remain the same: it is better to eat more often, but little by little, avoiding overeating. Heartburn is often associated with the consumption of food in large quantities: the stomach is now compressed by the uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. To avoid heartburn, you should also exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, sour and sweets from your diet. It is recommended not to lie down immediately after eating; it is preferable to walk or stand.

In order not to aggravate swelling, it is advisable to limit salt intake and not drink liquids the night before going to bed. For the same purpose, you can drink cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks: they have some diuretic effect and improve the removal of fluid from the body.

Lean meat and fish should still be present in the diet, but in the last months of pregnancy it is advisable to limit their quantity somewhat. It is better to consume meat and fish, as well as cereals, in the first half of the day, and after lunch give preference to dairy and plant foods.

Considering that the baby takes large quantities of calcium from the mother’s body, the daily menu should include cottage cheese and fermented milk products. And to prevent anemia, beef, green apples, liver, spinach, and greens will be useful.

In general, the principles of nutrition during this period are not new: food should be as natural as possible, the menu excludes semi-finished products and fast food, it is better to forget about strong tea and coffee for a while. And one more thing: when buying cottage cheese or factory-made yoghurts in stores, you must pay attention to the production date and expiration date. After all, in fermented milk products, after the expiration date, E. coli multiply very quickly, which can cause very significant damage to pregnancy and a growing baby.

Sex in the eighth month of pregnancy

The question of whether sex is permissible in the eighth month of pregnancy does not have a clear answer. It will have to be resolved exclusively with the doctor managing the pregnancy, who will be able to give a “professional” opinion on the possibility of physical intimacy in the penultimate month of bearing a child.

Moreover, different sources “dictate” different postulates: according to some, sex in the eighth month of pregnancy is quite possible if there are no contraindications and the mother is not carrying twins, others - that it is advisable to abstain from sex in order not to “disturb” the person who has taken the correct position for childbirth in the cephalic presentation of the baby.

Be that as it may, even thematic literature will not be able to clearly and in each individual case give a final answer regarding the permissibility of sex; this priority remains with the doctor. But clear contraindications for “sessions” of physical intimacy are still defined, these include: placenta previa, bleeding of unknown origin, damage to the membranes, separation children's place.

Tests and examinations in the eighth month of pregnancy

This month, visits to the doctor will become more frequent - if a decision on a two-time study in one month has not been made earlier, such a decision may take place at this time.

During a visit to the antenatal clinic, the doctor routinely measures weight and blood pressure, listens to the baby’s heart, and examines the mother’s arms and legs to determine the degree of swelling. As before, shown general analysis urine - to detect protein and determine sugar levels in the mother's body.

Often the eighth month becomes the month of the last, third planned ultrasound. The objectives of ultrasound examination on the eve of pregnancy are:

  • determining the degree of maturity of the placenta - to eliminate the possibility of its premature aging;
  • studying the condition of the cervix, determining the size of the uterus;
  • assessment of the amount and condition of amniotic fluid
  • grade internal organs baby to exclude possible developmental defects,
  • determining the size of the fetus and excluding intrauterine malnutrition;
  • determination of fetal presentation and location of the umbilical cord.
  • nausea and dizziness, which are accompanied by headaches;
  • heartburn;
  • itching in the lower abdomen;
  • insomnia and poor sleep.

Despite everything, during this period the woman feels quite normal. But there are also deviations from the norm. If you feel sick and dizzy, then most likely this is toxicosis in the eighth month. It definitely needs to be treated. If this is not done, it can create dehydration and exhaustion. Toxicosis can occur due to the fact that the child puts pressure on the internal organs, including the liver.

Discharge at 8 months of pregnancy should also not be the same as before. Now they light color, and have a sour odor. If there are any deviations from the norm, it means there is an infection in the genitals. You need to consult a doctor and start treatment.

In terms of nutrition, you also need to follow a certain diet. Give preference to stewed, boiled and raw dishes. Don't eat after six. If you really want to, then eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir - it will do you good.

Now the baby needs to get as much calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids as possible. To do this, eat fish, meat, nuts, yoghurts, and herbs.

You will find a lot of potassium in foods such as potatoes, plum juice, raisins and dried apricots. Vitamin C is found in strawberries, oranges, tomatoes and broccoli. Avoid eating sweets and starchy foods.

If your pregnancy proceeds without complications, then sex at 8 months is also possible. On the contrary, it will be able to produce a joy hormone in you, which will improve your well-being. During orgasm, the body even releases a special hormone that helps the muscles of the uterus contract correctly during childbirth.

Eighth month of pregnancy: development, sensations, sex, premature birth and other features

The eighth month of pregnancy means that training and rehearsals are over, and from now on the real preparation for childbirth begins. There is very little time left before the baby arrives, and the mother feels their inexorable approach with increasingly frequent periodic training contractions, called Braxton-Higgs contractions. Normally, uterine contractions in the 8th month of pregnancy are not accompanied by feelings of severe pain, and the duration and frequency of contractions are not long or intense. But the mother needs to know that if contractions suddenly become painful and last longer than an hour, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor - perhaps the baby is “tired” of sitting in the mother’s tummy and has begun.

Now it is very important to continue to observe, walk more, breathe fresh air, rest more often. At the 8th month of pregnancy, the belly has reached a huge size, and by the end of it, the woman’s uterus will reach its highest possible position. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, and the baby’s kicks hit the very ribs, which can be quite painful. A large belly brings certain difficulties with choosing a sleeping position. Experts recommend absolutely not sleeping on your back during the last stages of pregnancy. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed, which can result in increased heart rate, “attacks” of dizziness, and simply feeling unwell.

It is important to remember that the anatomical features of the body are different for different women, and therefore it is absolutely pointless to compare your belly at 8 months of pregnancy with the size of the bellies of your “colleagues” who are carrying a child. Some women have a very impressive belly at this stage, while others have a “compact” and “miniature” belly until childbirth. But, let's discuss the eighth month of pregnancy in more detail.

  • Child development at 8 months of pregnancy

The child’s development at this stage already allows him to distinguish between darkness and light. The baby has finally formed and is only improving day by day. By the beginning of the month, his height is approximately 40-43 cm1.7 kg. During the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby will gain 200 grams. every week.

Abortion at 8 months – the face of the “one child” policy

During the 32-33rd week of pregnancy, the baby in the mother’s womb takes a position in which it will move towards this world. Ideally, this position is head down (head position - Fig. 1). However, in 4-6% of cases the baby is positioned head up (gluteal, breech presentation- Fig. 2), or even completely across the mother’s belly (transverse presentation - Fig. 3). While you are in the 8th month of pregnancy, you shouldn’t worry too much about this - the baby still has time, and he may well have time to roll over, taking a cephalic presentation.

The future human being is already experiencing emotions, mood swings, and pain. He smells, tastes, hears, sees and needs attention. The child knows how the mother’s heart beats, recognizes the noise of blood moving along the umbilical cord and the sounds of peristalsis. Among the many sounds reaching him, the baby identifies his mother’s voice and recognizes his father’s voice.

At 8 months, he is constantly developing his facial muscles by sucking his thumb. This training will allow a newborn baby to easily obtain the first and most important food in his life -.

The baby is almost ready for birth - all the main organs and life-support systems are developed and functioning, all that remains is for the lungs to fully develop. And, if for some reason the child “decides” to be born at 8 months of pregnancy, then we will be talking about preterm birth rather than premature birth.

At this stage, the child is almost no different from the most ordinary person: he sees, hears, knows how to squint, frown, and blink. The marigolds reach the ends of the phalanges of the nail plates. The skin color is evened out, the face and shoulders are rounded, thanks to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The germinal fluff of lanugo gradually disappears from the skin, the first hairs appear on the head, there are eyebrows and eyelashes. At the same time, the layer of vernix lubricant continues to thicken; it will make it easier for the baby to “travel” through the birth canal, allowing it to glide.

Scientists believe that a child in the third trimester is already dreaming - his eyelids move in a rhythm that is characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. His brain becomes more and more complex and improved - multiple nerve connections are formed between cells, and already formed brain cells acquire a protective meilin sheath. And, although the baby’s bones are already quite strong, and the cartilages of the ears and nose are hard, the cranial bones remain soft so that the child passes through the birth canal normally, without injury.

The child’s liver does a tremendous amount of work: at this stage of development, it must accumulate iron in the quantities required by the body for independent hematopoiesis during the first year of the baby’s life.

The eighth month of pregnancy is marked by intense weight gain: by the end of it, the fetus will weigh close to 2500-2700 grams, and the average height will increase to 45-46 cm

The eighth month of pregnancy is often full of worries and worries about the upcoming birth, the health and well-being of the child, and intensive preparation of the “dowry”. All this happens against the background of absent-mindedness and the woman’s feeling of extreme fatigue from pregnancy, both emotionally and physically.

The child’s active growth and development continues, leaving less and less room for movement. The sensations of tremors are now very distinct, especially the sharp and indignant blows on my mother’s ribs. Be patient a little longer, soon the place will drop closer to the pelvis and it will become much easier. Physical sensations at 8 months it’s difficult to call it pleasant: shortness of breath, problems with movement and sleep, attacks of heartburn, frequent urge Going to the toilet probably worsened the problem of constipation and back pain. The growing toddler puts pressure on the internal organs, so the eighth month of pregnancy for the mother is marked by frequent urination and shortness of breath. Do not be afraid of cases of urinary incontinence - at this stage this is a normal phenomenon, do not tolerate it, go to the toilet more often, not allowing the urine to stagnate. The pelvic floor begins to expand as labor approaches. This condition can cause unpleasant painful sensations during pregnancy and other inconveniences for pregnant women.

With her gait, the expectant mother resembles a duck. Light training contractions became more noticeable and regular. Colostrum is already secreted from a woman’s breast - the very first and most important food for a newborn. Now the pregnant woman gets tired very quickly and is unable to walk for a long time. That’s why you shouldn’t go far from home, or walk alone. Despite everything, daily walks on the street should be a truly unbreakable rule for the mother - oxygen is now vital for the baby! Take care for a few more weeks and do not “urge” your descendant to go out into the world.

At this stage, shortness of breath is a completely normal symptom; the uterus, which has risen to its maximum height, compresses, including the lungs. The main thing is that, against the background of difficulty breathing, other symptoms do not appear, such as blue lips or fingertips, chest pain, accelerated heartbeat and breathing rhythm. If this happens, call an ambulance immediately.

The amount of fluid in the expectant mother’s body increases significantly, which manifests itself in some swelling of the face and limbs. The “severity” and spread of edema must be monitored, as well as the blood pressure of a pregnant woman: severe swelling and increased blood pressure may indicate.

To “calm down” the baby a little and relieve pain in the ribs, which is typical at this stage due to the child’s intrauterine “acrobatics,” it is recommended to perform the “cat’s back” exercise.

The eighth month of pregnancy, among other things, is annoying with back pain that occurs due to a significantly enlarged belly. They often increase after a walk, starting to radiate to the stomach. In this case, you should lie down and rest; if it is very difficult, you can take half or a whole tablet of Nosh-pa. If pain continues for more than half an hour, you should urgently call an ambulance.

You may experience stuffy ears and nose, spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and leg muscle cramps. Also, there is no need to be alarmed if the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina increases somewhat: in the absence of physical discomfort, changes in the color and consistency of the discharge, such an increase in discharge has no reason to worry.

Changes in hormonal levels can lead to a rather unusual and unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - increased growth of body hair. This is temporary, after childbirth, after stabilization of hormonal processes, the situation will resolve itself.

  • Premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy

The third trimester is the period of pregnancy when a miscarriage is no longer a cause for alarm; with its onset they talk about premature birth, and towards the end - about early birth. Premature birth means that a woman's body cannot carry the baby to full term. The reasons for this phenomenon are mostly little known or not studied at all, since many factors can provoke the birth of a child ahead of time. Known causes include infections, hypertension, smoking, drug use, problems with the placenta, trauma, and abnormalities of the woman's cervix or uterus itself.

Premature births are more common in the summer months, which is explained by the high level of fluid loss from the pregnant woman's body. Remember: it is necessary to maintain optimal fluid conditions at any time of the year, and especially in summer. If the first signs of premature labor appear, go to the hospital immediately!

Women who observe the following signs of premature birth have a reason to urgently call an ambulance:

  1. active uterine contractions have begun, the frequency of which is five or more times within one hour;
  2. discharge of scarlet blood from the genital tract appeared in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  3. pain when urinating;
  4. swelling or swelling of the face or hands appears over a short period of time;
  5. there are acute or prolonged abdominal pain;
  6. continuous or acute vomiting began;
  7. strong pressure appeared at the bottom of the pelvis;
  8. sudden discharge of water from the genital tract - a clear, watery liquid.

For a woman in the third trimester, premature birth is not particularly different from timely birth, but the same cannot be said about a baby. First of all, a child is born without having reached the sufficient degree of physical maturity required for autonomous existence. Despite its earlier appearance, nursing premature babies today has great chances. Modern medicine is able to save a child’s life and prevent most developmental pathologies associated with premature birth.

However, enough about the difficulties and dangers. You are already at the “finish line”, just a little bit separating you from a significant, wonderful meeting with your blood, your child!

  • Nutrition during pregnancy 8 months

The eighth and even the ninth month of pregnancy will also be accompanied by digestive problems, the provocateur of which is the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs of the pregnant woman: heartburn, constipation, bloating. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is maintaining proper nutrition and eliminating foods that contribute to digestive disorders from the diet.

In the last stages proper nutrition plays, without exaggeration, a very important role. Its principles are still unchanged: it is better to eat little by little, but more often, avoiding overeating. Heartburn is often associated with a large number food consumption: the pregnant woman’s stomach is compressed by the grown uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. Avoiding heartburn can help avoid fatty and fried foods in your diet, smoked foods, sour foods and sweets. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating; it is preferable to walk for at least half an hour.

In order not to aggravate the symptoms of swelling, it is recommended to limit salt intake, and also not to drink liquids before going to bed. The same goal can be pursued by preferring lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks as a drink: they have a slight diuretic effect and allow you to improve the removal of fluid from the “pregnant body”.

Diet during pregnancy of 8 months should still contain lean meats and fish, but it is advisable to monitor the amount of their consumption without overusing them in the last months. It is preferable to eat meat and fish, as well as cereals, in the first half of the day, for breakfast and lunch, and later it is better to include dairy and plant foods in the diet.

Considering the colossal consumption of calcium by the fetus, which it extracts from the mother’s body, the daily menu should include fermented milk products and cottage cheese. Beef, liver, spinach, herbs, and green apples in a pregnant woman’s diet help prevent anemia.

In general, the nutritional requirements remain the same: the most natural, familiar, homemade food, the categorical exclusion of semi-finished and instant foods. It’s better to forget about coffee and strong teas for a while. And one more thing: when purchasing cottage cheese or yoghurt in stores, be sure to pay special attention to the expiration date and production date of the product! Expired fermented milk products are a very favorable environment for the proliferation of E. coli, which can cause very significant damage to the course of pregnancy and the development of a growing child.

The last dates are the most relevant period for the question of whether sex is possible and justified now, at 8 months of pregnancy. Unfortunately, only the doctor leading the pregnancy can give a woman certainty in terms of intimacy. It is with him that you will have to solve this dilemma, and only he will be able to make a “professional” conclusion whether sex at 8 months of pregnancy is possible or not for you, whether the presence of physical intimacy is justified or not for you in the penultimate month of gestation.

It is essentially pointless to turn to literature of this kind, even exclusively medical literature - different sources “dictate” opposite postulates. Some say that sex in the 8th month of pregnancy has every right to exist, provided there are no contraindications and situations where the mother is carrying twins. According to other sources, the eighth month is not the time for sex; it is strongly recommended to refuse sex, citing the fact that you can “disturb” the child who has taken the correct position in the uterus for childbirth, that is, cephalic presentation.

One way or another, the priority to give a final answer regarding the acceptability of sex in each individual case remains with the doctor, who is aware of all the nuances of your “interesting situation.” As for clear contraindications for “sessions” of intimacy, these include: bleeding of unknown origin, placenta previa, separation of the baby’s place, damage to the membranes, the risk of premature birth.

  • Tests, examinations, ultrasound at 8 months

Visits to the doctor at this stage will become more frequent, however, the pregnant woman should have been scheduled for a two-time examination within one month a month earlier. In general, from now on you need to “visit” the doctor at least twice.

The doctor at the antenatal clinic routinely measures the pregnant woman’s weight and blood pressure and will definitely listen to the baby’s heart. Mandatory procedures include: examination of the mother’s hands and feet to assess the degree of swelling; a traditional urinalysis to detect protein in the mother's body and assess sugar levels.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 8 months. Actually, the eighth month quite often becomes the time for the last scheduled ultrasound. The objectives of ultrasound during pregnancy on the eve of childbirth are as follows:

  1. to exclude the possibility premature aging placenta, ultrasound determines the degree of its maturity;
  2. determination of the actual size of the uterus, assessment of the condition of the cervix, its readiness for labor;
  3. determination of the condition and amount of amniotic fluid;
  4. assessment of the condition of the child’s internal organs to exclude possible defects in its development;
  5. exclusion of intrauterine malnutrition and determination of fetal size;
  6. determination of the location of the umbilical cord and fetal presentation.

Many girls, having become pregnant, almost from the first day of the delay, examine themselves in the mirror in the hope of seeing a rounded tummy. While waiting in line to see a gynecologist, they constantly compare their belly with their “neighbors.” And it happens that the size of the belly sometimes does not meet the expectations of young mothers. What is the reason for this difference and why do you have small bellies during pregnancy?

An increase in the volume of the tummy during pregnancy is an individual course, primarily depending on the structure of the mother’s body. Often, petite women have a large belly, while larger women have a slightly smaller belly.
With toxicosis, a pregnant woman reacts sharply to aromas and food, when “a piece won’t go down her throat,” and every meal is accompanied by vomiting - the stomach may even become smaller in size.

A small belly during pregnancy, as experts explain, is characteristic of first-time girls whose abdominal muscles have not yet been stretched.

According to folk signs If the belly is small during pregnancy, a girl will be born; if the belly is large and strongly protruded, the belly will be a hero.

Causes of a small belly during pregnancy

There are several reasons for a small belly during pregnancy: physiological, obstetric. One of the aspects that explains a miniature belly, as mentioned above, is the structure of a woman’s body. So, plump women with a wide pelvis have a smaller belly than thin women with narrow pelvic bones. Sometimes the pregnant belly is hidden by fat deposits. These are physiological causes of a small belly.

Obstetric factors affecting abdominal size:

  • fetal hypotrophy;
  • incorrect position of the child;
  • oligohydramnios.
The structure of a woman’s uterus is such that during the gestation period it stretches and grows up to several dozen times, and after childbirth it returns to its previous shape. It is the size of this organ that determines the size of the pregnant belly. In turn, the size of the uterus directly depends on the size of the fetus, the volume of amniotic fluid in which the baby swims, and the placenta. Therefore, one of the reasons for a small belly during pregnancy, as experts explain, may be malnutrition - a slowdown in the intrauterine growth of the child, and, accordingly, a small uterus. To eliminate the causes of malnutrition, the expectant mother should be under the supervision of doctors, perhaps taking a course of vitamins or special medications. You should also review your diet: vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy products should be present on a pregnant woman’s menu every day.

A small belly during pregnancy may be due to oligohydramnios - a deficiency of amniotic fluid. The production of fluid during pregnancy is uneven: in the first weeks the amount of fluid is approximately 30 ml, at 36-38 weeks it fluctuates between a liter and a half, and by the end of the period it is 800-900 ml. If the amniotic fluid is 500 ml or less, this is a sign of oligohydramnios. As a rule, a decrease in the amount of fluid is caused by gestosis, high blood pressure, placental insufficiency, a number of infectious diseases. Oligohydramnios can be determined through superficial palpation and ultrasound examination.

The transverse position of the baby inside the womb also explains the reason for the miniature belly of a pregnant woman. It is possible to investigate the incorrect position of the child through external examination and ultrasound. Pregnancy in a transverse position proceeds calmly and does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and child.

Although in this situation premature birth or delivery through C-section.

Norms for tummy enlargement

The dynamics of tummy growth during pregnancy are supervised directly by the leading gynecologist. With the beginning of the second trimester, every scheduled examination is not complete without measuring the abdominal girth and the height of the uterine fundus. The measurement indicators are entered into the “Exchange Card”. Referring to the data, the doctor focuses and monitors the rate of growth of the tummy, and, accordingly, the dynamics of the baby’s development.

The growth of the uterus is observed from the 6th week of pregnancy: the organ is similar in scale to a chicken egg. By the 8th week - the body of the uterus grows 2 times, by the 10th - three times, at the 12th week the uterus increases 4 times and already passes the limit of the pubic bone. At the stage of 14-16 weeks, the body of the uterus extends beyond the boundaries of the pelvis and can be felt by palpation. For healthy pregnancy The following norms for the height of the uterine fundus are typical:

  1. 16 week – 6-7 cm;
  2. 20 week – 13 cm;
  3. 24 week – 20-24 cm;
  4. 28 week – 24-28 cm;
  5. 32 week – 28-30 cm;
  6. 36 week – 32-34 cm (peak height of the uterine fundus);
  7. 38-40 weeks – 28-32 cm (uterus descends).
In case of any deviations from the norm, expectant mothers need to undergo an ultrasound, undergo the necessary tests, if necessary, take a vitamin complex, and in emergency cases, use hospital treatment.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 4.7k. Published 02/14/2019

During pregnancy, the uterus can stretch and increase several dozen times. After childbirth, the parameters of the reproductive organ return to their previous sizes.

The enlargement of a woman’s abdomen occurs according to the growth of the uterus at a certain stage of gestation. Sometimes expectant mothers fear for the health of the baby, believing that the fetus is lagging behind in development. But in most cases, a small belly during pregnancy is not a cause for concern.

What affects belly size

There are 2 groups of factors on which the size of the abdomen during pregnancy depends: physiological and obstetric.

Physiological causes of a miniature pregnant belly include:

  1. Features of body structure. In expectant mothers with a wide pelvis, the belly grows more slowly than in women with a narrow pelvis. The development of the abdominal muscles also does not allow the stomach to grow quickly.
  2. Woman's body weight. In obese women with fat deposits, it is difficult to recognize pregnancy by abdominal parameters.
  3. small fruit. Typically, parents who are not tall give birth to children with low weight and height.
  4. Genetic predisposition. A woman’s abdomen grows at the same time as her mother’s.
  5. Malnutrition, fasting of the expectant mother.
  6. Severe toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the belly may appear only after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

If a woman is carrying a second or third child, her belly will grow faster. This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the abdominal muscles.

Among the obstetric reasons why the belly does not grow during pregnancy are the following:

  • embryonic hypotrophy;
  • fading of pregnancy;
  • incorrect position of the child;
  • oligohydramnios.

If you feel like your belly is smaller than normal, consult your gynecologist. He will measure the parameters of the abdomen and find out the cause of possible deviations.


Slow intrauterine growth of the fetus requires fetometry - a method that allows you to obtain accurate data on the condition of the baby.

After identifying the cause of such a disorder, gynecologists prescribe a series of medicines along with enriching the diet with meat, cereals, and fermented milk products.

A baby who is born in due date with malnutrition, has lower height and weight characteristics. With adequate nutrition, the baby's physical parameters quickly return to normal.

Fading pregnancy

The most dangerous cause of a small belly is when the fetus dies.

This situation is accompanied by the absence of the child’s movements, the appearance of bloody discharge, and an increase in body temperature. If the anomaly is not detected in a timely manner, the woman may die.

Incorrect position

Such localization of the fetus inside the uterus affects the miniature of the abdomen. Doctors determine if the baby is positioned incorrectly through ultrasound scanning and external palpation.

The transverse position does not pose a threat to the health of the child, but can provoke premature onset of labor. The tummy will be smaller even with a posterior presentation of the embryo.

Low water

The size of the abdomen during pregnancy is significantly smaller than normal if a woman has a lack of amniotic fluid. With such a deficiency, the volume of the intrauterine space is reduced. Normally, the amount of amniotic fluid is 1-1.5 liters by 49 weeks.

Minor deviations that do not pose a threat to the baby’s health can only be determined through ultrasound scanning.

When water volumes decrease by a third or more, the following occurs:

  • significant reduction in abdominal parameters;
  • the appearance of discomfort when the child moves;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • deterioration of health.

The higher the risk of developing physical abnormalities in the fetus: curvature of the spinal column, torticollis, clubfoot. In addition, compression of the umbilical cord may occur, leading to the death of the baby.

Preeclampsia leads to insufficient synthesis of amniotic fluid, arterial hypertension, infectious diseases, placental insufficiency. Ultrasound is used to determine oligohydramnios.

Dynamics of abdominal growth

The uterus begins to enlarge almost immediately after fertilization. The growth process is influenced by the growing embryo and the production of amniotic fluid, which fills the space of the organ.

People around you will notice that you are “in position” at the 5th month of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus reaches 100 g and the length of its body is 12 cm.

A significant increase in size of the uterus begins from the 6th week of pregnancy, when the organ's parameters are similar to a chicken egg.

Over time, the uterus grows:

  • at 8 weeks it becomes 2 times larger;
  • at week 10 – 3 times;
  • at week 12 – 4 times;
  • after 14 weeks, the uterus passes the boundaries of the pelvis and can be palpated.

The gynecologist is obliged to monitor the norms of the enlargement and location of the uterus in order to know how the abdomen grows during pregnancy and whether there are any deviations in the development of the baby.

Doctors begin to measure the circumference at each appointment already in the 2nd trimester, for this they use a centimeter tape.

Based on the gestational period, the following norms for abdominal circumference are differentiated:

  • 2 weeks – up to 75 cm;
  • 22 weeks – up to 78 cm;
  • 24 weeks – up to 80 cm;
  • 26 weeks – up to 82 cm;
  • 28 weeks – up to 85 cm;
  • 30 weeks – up to 87 cm;
  • 32 weeks – up to 90 cm;
  • 34 weeks – up to 92 cm;
  • 36 weeks – up to 95 cm;
  • 38 weeks – up to 98 cm;
  • 40 weeks – up to 100 cm.

With harmonious growth of the fetus, the abdomen should also constantly increase by 1 cm per week. Minor fluctuations in values ​​are allowed.

The doctor enters the received data into your exchange card, and constantly monitors growth dynamics. The height of the uterine fundus is also determined, which indicates the parameters of the abdomen: the higher the fundus of the uterus, the larger the circumference of the abdomen.

Specific norms for the height of the uterine fundus by week of pregnancy have been determined:

  • 16 weeks – 7 cm;
  • 20 weeks – 13 cm;
  • 24 weeks – 24 cm;
  • 28 weeks – 28 cm;
  • 32 weeks – 30 cm;
  • 36 weeks – 34 cm.

After 38 weeks, the uterus gradually drops to 28 cm, and you may notice that your belly has become lower during pregnancy. This indicates the imminent start of the delivery process.

All values ​​are approximate as each woman is different. Standards may deviate from the specified values ​​by several centimeters.

If the difference in values ​​is more significant, the doctor will send you for additional examination. There is no need to associate the slightest deviations with pathology. Your job is to tell your doctor about your concerns and remain calm.

My belly has shrunk dramatically – what should I do?

The parameters of a “pregnant” belly may decrease during the day: become smaller in the morning than in the evening. This is due to increased gas formation.

While carrying a child in female body a large concentration of progesterone is synthesized. The hormone helps relax muscles in the gastrointestinal tract, which slows down the processes of food digestion, causing an increase in gases.

To eliminate the problem, adjust your diet, exclude cabbage, confectionery, legumes and grapes from your menu. Women with lactose intolerance should limit their consumption of dairy products.

Insufficient physical activity also leads to increased gas formation. Increase the duration of your daily walks and do moderate exercise. physical exercise. It will be useful for you to do yoga and swimming.

If your stomach has decreased significantly and has not returned to its previous parameters in the evening, immediately visit a doctor. This condition can threaten the life and health of the baby.


The belly during pregnancy can be of different sizes and shapes, it all depends on individual characteristics women.

A doctor should monitor the dynamics of uterine growth; only he can determine the presence of pathological conditions. Regular monitoring by a gynecologist will allow timely identification of possible dysfunction and elimination of it without consequences for health.

Probably everyone will agree with me that any pregnant woman is distinguished from the same non-pregnant woman only by the size of her belly. But actually, not entirely, it’s true - this is exactly how many women who have given birth will object. Well, first of all, really early stages the tummy may just disappear altogether, especially if the woman is still seriously ill. And sometimes, even in the last months of pregnancy, you can’t always immediately figure out whether your neighbor has gained weight or may have become pregnant. Well, don’t you have friends who once said that their belly was very small during pregnancy? Personally, I definitely have a couple of such girlfriends. And, probably, absolutely all of them were worried: there was practically no belly, and it even seemed as if the woman was not pregnant at all. Did anyone get scared at all, wondering if everything was really okay? But in the end, they all gave birth to quite healthy babies, and the rather small belly remained just a little mystery or even a mystery.

Why does the belly grow during pregnancy?

Although, of course, there are always some exceptions to the rules, and yet during pregnancy the belly always grows, even when it is little noticeable to everyone around, and sometimes to the expectant mother herself and even her husband. It will not be difficult to guess why the size of the abdomen usually increases literally every month. Many will say, of course, because the baby is already growing in the tummy, and in which it is actually located, it does absolutely everything to make the baby’s growth as comfortable and as correct as possible. This means that during pregnancy the uterus itself always increases in size, calmly housing both the placenta and the fetus, which also floats in the available amniotic fluid. So, in fact, in essence, the fetus, the uterus and the available amniotic fluid can be the very three whales that are responsible for the growth of the female tummy.

General changes in the uterus begin to occur literally from the very first days of ovulation, and therefore pregnancy. And at the same time, the uterus begins to actively increase in size, the fetus then begins to gradually grow, and the resulting amniotic fluid, or as they are also called among doctors - amniotic fluid- systematically fill all available space directly in the uterine cavity. Naturally, for everyone around, this difficult process will become really noticeable, perhaps only in the fifth month of pregnancy - after all, it is at this stage of gestation that a woman’s belly becomes truly “pregnant.” Doctors are convinced that during this period the maximum length of the fetus itself can be no more than 12 cm, but its body weight can be no more than 100 grams. As you know, by the end of pregnancy these indicators increase, tens of times, namely, the body weight of any fetus in the thirty-second week of pregnancy, as a rule, is about 1700 grams, and its length is already 40, or even 42 centimeters . But even this, as practice shows, is not at all the limit, because children are sometimes born four kilograms and sometimes with a height of even more than 54 cm. The main indicators can finally be formed directly at 35 or, at the 36th week of the current pregnancy.

As you understand, the uterus itself increases sharply by this time, because it is no longer such a small person that “stimulates” it. And one can say even more than that, during the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman’s uterus not only actively grows, but also radically changes its shape, and it also partially changes its usual location. And it is the size of the uterus that indicates to doctors how the fetus develops, in fact, this is why literally at every routine examination your doctor will manually measure the so-called value in the environment of the fundus of the female uterus. This is usually done using a simple measuring tape. Actually, it is precisely this height, determined in centimeters (or rather, this distance from the uppermost edge of the female pubic symphysis and up to the upper part of the uterus itself) that will approximately correspond to the gestational age calculated in weeks.

As for the available amniotic fluid, it is also clearly capable of influencing the size of the female abdomen, although the increase in its volume can be very uneven. So, for example, at thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid can range from one thousand to fifteen thousand milliliters, and let’s say if the baby is postterm, their volume can sharply decrease down to eight hundred milliliters.

Accepted norms and deviations from them in medicine

There are, of course, strictly defined norms for the growth of a woman’s abdomen, which are clearly defined for each new week of pregnancy. And it is these norms that are real indicators of the absolutely normal course of this particular pregnancy. Any deviations from accepted norms may indicate some kind of “problem” in the female “pregnant” body.

We bring to your attention a description of the accepted sizes of the uterus week by week during all nine months of pregnancy.

At 8 weeks. Now this egg is already a goose egg, or rather the size of a goose - this is actually the size of your growing uterus.

At 12 weeks. The size of a woman's uterus, as a rule, corresponds to the size of a normal head in a newborn. Moreover, already at this short period of time, the doctor will try to palpate your uterus directly through the anterior abdominal wall, and he will also begin to measure yours.

At 16 weeks. Your tummy will already be noticeably rounded, and your uterus will be located somewhere approximately halfway between your pubis and your navel.

At 20 weeks. Well, now you will definitely have to start giving up your seat on public transport in the subway and minibuses, because the stomach usually becomes noticeable even with the naked eye. But at this stage of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus can be felt two transverse fingers below the navel.

At 24 weeks. Now the bottom of your uterus should be approximately at the level of the navel itself.

At 28 weeks. Now your uterus will be located narrower and higher than the navel, and its bottom at this time should be approximately 2 or even 3 fingers higher than the navel.

At 32 weeks. Your navel gradually begins to “disappear”, or rather, it begins to smooth out a little, but the fundus of the uterus can be felt almost in the middle between your xiphoid process and your navel.

At 38 weeks. Directly during this period of pregnancy, the uterus is usually located on its highest level- thus, it is raised approximately to your xiphoid process and even to your costal arches.

In the fortieth week. always protrudes noticeably, but the fundus of the uterus gradually descends again.

We remind you that during the entire period of pregnancy, a woman’s uterus can increase in size up to twenty times. Literally each of the muscle fibers changes its usual thickness (after all, it increases almost five times) and also its length (increases ten times). In fact, the entire vascular network of the female uterus also increases in volume.

It must be said that no less important are indicators of the circumference of a woman’s abdomen. The belly of every pregnant woman is measured precisely in the area of ​​her lumbar deflection visible from behind and the navel itself in front. Thus, in the thirty-second week of pregnancy, the total circumference of the abdomen should normally be 85 to a maximum of 90 centimeters, and already in the thirty-sixth week - approximately 90 or even 95 centimeters, then in the fortieth week - approximately 95 or even 100 centimeters.

So what in reality can some deviations from accepted norms in the growth of a woman’s abdomen during pregnancy indicate? Why, for example, can a woman’s belly be almost invisible and even very small? So, firstly, the belly may not grow in that simple and dangerous case, if for some reason the fetus itself does not grow in the womb. In modern medicine, this most dangerous condition is usually called fetal malnutrition (this is a delay in the growth and development of the fetus). And secondly, an equally common cause of a too small belly during pregnancy is a condition called oligohydramnios. Clearly, this condition does not arise on its own, but, as a rule, has some pathological basis. These can also be dangerous infectious or inflammatory diseases (including the genital organs of the expectant mother). This could be placental insufficiency, etc. Let's go further, thirdly, a too small belly can often also indicate that the fetus itself is not quite correctly positioned in the mother's uterus - or rather, its transverse location. In this case, the pregnant woman will most likely have to give birth by cesarean section.

As you understand, even in the very early stages, the female uterus will have to increase at least a little. And if this does not happen, the doctor may well suspect the development ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg itself begins to develop not in the uterus at all, but, for example, only in its tube. As you might guess, of course, in such a dangerous case, the uterus will not increase in size.

Also, we definitely shouldn’t forget that tall pregnant women with rather curvy, powerful hips, unlike fragile women with rather narrow pelvises, have a tummy that is almost always barely noticeable. And besides this, remember that the growth of a woman’s tummy can be almost directly related to a woman’s overall weight gain.

What to do in this case?

It is quite understandable that literally every expectant mother with a very small “pregnant belly” will become incredibly worried about the size of her belly. The best adviser and even consultant in such a situation will be your doctor treating and monitoring the pregnancy.

If, for example, a too small belly was “caused”, then the woman cannot do without specialized treatment in a hospital. But believe me, this dangerous condition could be completely avoided if you prepare for pregnancy in a timely and informed manner and, accordingly, cure absolutely all your old sores, and long before the onset of this pregnancy. Remember that chronic diseases are also a very possible and real cause of the future development of fetal malnutrition. However, if pregnancy does occur suddenly and is not planned, it is important for you to promptly register with the antenatal clinic for pregnancy. But about a proper balanced diet, and about following all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor and, of course, about completely abandoning existing ones bad habits It’s probably not even worth reminding you, because absolutely everything is already quite clear.

And as mentioned earlier, too small a belly during pregnancy can also sometimes be a real symptom of a condition such as. However, only your doctor can make such a disappointing diagnosis, and then only if there is a clear discrepancy between the current gestational age and the actual size of such an indicator as the height of the uterine fundus. In addition, the doctor will be able to make such a diagnosis after conducting some additional examinations (this could be Dopplerography, and of course standard tests and smears, of course, for bacteria and various infections, as well as fetal CTG). Let us note that fortunately, the outcome of even such a diagnosis as “low water pregnancy” can be quite favorable, of course, if you promptly seek qualified help from the right specialist.

Be sure to be as attentive as possible to your own pregnant body and then believe me, everything will be fine with you!

And to lift your spirits, dear mothers and fathers of the portal site, we recommend watching the positive video “The belly is dancing”:

How was your birth with a small belly during pregnancy?

A small belly during pregnancy worries the expectant mother. She begins to think that something is wrong with the baby and that he is developing with disabilities. As you know, a pregnant woman’s belly normally grows in accordance with the timing of gestation. During this period, the uterus enlarges due to the growth of the fetus. The supporting ligaments also increase in size, and a new temporary organ appears in the woman’s body - the placenta.

Women who come to see a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic compare their belly with the bellies of other pregnant women and begin to worry excessively if it is small. A small belly during pregnancy is rare, but in most cases there is still no significant reason for concern.

Around the 5th month of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable to others. It gradually increases in size until the moment of birth.

The future mother's belly increases as the fetus grows:

  • At 2-3 weeks from the moment of conception, the size of the embryo is 2-4 mm, the tummy is not yet noticeable during this period.
  • By about 12 weeks, the fetus occupies all the available space in the uterine cavity. The weight of the embryo at this moment is up to 25 grams.
  • The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy may become noticeably rounder. The size of the fruit is 12 mm, and the weight is about 100-120 g.
  • By 21 weeks, the size of the fetus reaches 24-26 cm, weight – 350-400 g. From this moment the period of most active growth of the fetus begins.
  • Already at 24 weeks, the baby weighs about 500 grams and his height is 30 cm.
  • From 36 weeks the fetus is considered full-term. Weight varies from 2 to 2.5 kg.
  • At week 40, all formation processes are completed, and the mother’s body prepares for the most crucial moment - childbirth. The weight of the baby can be from 2 to 6.5 kg. These indicators are purely individual; in terms of development, low birth weight children are no different from larger babies.

The increase in the size of a pregnant woman's belly is associated not only with the rapid development of the fetus inside the uterus. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs no more than 80 grams. During the process of fetal development, its weight increases 10-14 times; by the time of birth, the organ can weigh 1–1.2 kg.

A change in the size of a pregnant woman’s belly is also associated with an increase in volume anatomical fluid.

The volume of amniotic fluid is:

  • at 3 months – no more than 30-50 ml;
  • for 4 – 100 ml;
  • 37 week – more than 1 liter;
  • immediately before birth, the volumes are reduced - no more than 1 liter.

Even if the belly is small, to the expectant mother you need to calm down and go for a consultation with a gynecologist. After an examination, the doctor will be able to determine the reason why the tummy is growing slowly.

Why do some pregnant women have a large belly, while others have a small one?

Doctors say that normally the uterus of a pregnant woman should increase by 15-16 obstetric week. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable to others - for the mother this period is one of the most significant, she can feel the baby.

Signs of a lag in abdominal enlargement

There are no characteristic signs of a lag in abdominal enlargement; such a deviation manifests itself purely individually and is revealed during examination and measurements of the circumference. Often there is no reason to worry or panic. Danger may be present if the tummy does not grow and significant fetal movements are not felt.

Norms and deviations

Certain norms for the growth of a woman’s tummy during pregnancy still exist. The abdomen grows as the fetus develops in the uterine cavity, therefore significant deviations in the normal course of circumstances are simply impossible.

For example, at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the norm for abdominal circumference should not be less than 80 cm, but at the same time - no more than 90. By the fortieth week, the OB can be up to 100 centimeters; doctors may suspect the presence of malformations if the mother’s tummy has sharply decreased or increased. Such changes may be associated with an excess or deficiency of anatomical fluid - a deviation of this nature is a reason for emergency intervention.

Deviations in the coolant during pregnancy of five to seven cm may not indicate the presence of pathologies in the development of the baby. Gaining centimeters in the abdominal area is also associated with gaining kilograms during pregnancy. Significant deviations from the norm may be associated with severe toxicosis; during this period, women lose a lot of weight.

What to do if your belly doesn't grow?

Lack of abdominal volume cannot constitute a diagnosis indicating the presence of pathology in any week. There are no methods of prevention. Much depends on the influencing factor. For example, if oligohydramnios and hypertrophy are detected, measures must be taken to eliminate all risks. In other cases, a neat tummy does not prevent the mother from giving birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

A small belly may appear in the second pregnancy, even if it was of normal size the first time. This condition often frightens the mother, but there is no need to worry, because each baby is individual and develops differently.

If your belly gets smaller during pregnancy

If your belly has become significantly smaller during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist. Such a deviation may indicate hypertrophy or oligohydramnios. Such conditions require hospitalization and the woman's stay under observation.


To avoid complications, a woman during pregnancy must:

  • Register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner.
  • Come for scheduled examinations on the specified dates.
  • Get an ultrasound every trimester of pregnancy.
  • Take blood and urine tests.

These research methods will allow the doctor to timely detect abnormalities in a woman’s body and prevent dangerous consequences.

An unexpressed increase in abdominal size is often a cause for concern. Of course, such a deviation cannot be ignored, nor can one worry without reason. An ultrasound examination is a reliable measure that helps make sure that everything is fine with the baby, so if you have any doubts, you should ask your gynecologist for a referral for an unscheduled ultrasound.

Only a timely visit to a specialist and careful attention to the changes occurring in her own body will help mommy promptly notice any pathological changes and eliminate them.

Useful video about belly growth during pregnancy

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