A beginner's guide. Beginner Mistress's Guide Mistress Gives Orders

A Guide for the Beginner Mistress

Stubbornness is a purely male character trait, the trait of a rebellious slave; hence the stubborn reluctance to bow under the power of a Woman, even despite the obvious desire to do so, present within ANY man. But this cannot continue indefinitely, but the fact is that it is latently clear to all more or less thinking citizens of modern Russia and without much wisdom in scientific calculations who actually personifies the generalized image of our wonderful country: the modern hero of our days is Her Majesty the Woman! A woman is smarter, more far-sighted, wiser. She stands at a higher level of development, with the exception of the rough and, in our high-tech world, unclaimed male physical strength, which We, Women, can easily subjugate, we just need to want it. So much for the weaker sex! Do you see how weak a man is, how easily he falls into slavery, and what kind of willpower lies in a woman’s character? So who is called to rule the world?
We strongly recommend that you read the information below carefully and thoughtfully, several times if necessary, adhere to the instructions, the basics are collected here from A to Z, the depth of your power over the consciousness of a man, its steadfastness and inviolability in his eyes will directly depend on this.
So, you have taken the first step and acquired your own slave, from here eternal question for a beginner Mistress - where to start? This seems complicated only at first glance. Every Woman by nature has an invisible, hidden power that allows her to easily control a man, which they subconsciously feel and in everyday life they try with all their might to suppress and avoid, completely in vain demonstrating their stubbornness, instead of submitting. But half the way has already been passed and you just need to discover this gift in yourself, allow it to develop, in the near future you will be surprised to discover how easy and simple it turned out to be that which at first caused difficulties.
Female dominance is, first of all, a philosophy of deification and worship of a man of the Feminine essence, nature, the Female body, as opposed to the masculine principle as such, the philosophy of the unconditional superiority of a Woman over a man, for greater effectiveness it is necessary to constantly emphasize this huge abyss separating the Mistress and the slave, each time making it clear how insignificant he is, a man, in front of you, a Woman!
Start with the fact that in your presence the slave is obliged! always on his knees if there was no permission to get up, in the classic, generally accepted version, the slave and Mistress are almost always naked when they are alone, this allows, as mentioned above, to most clearly feel the atmosphere and spirit of what is happening, meaning the worship and exaltation of the Feminine principle and, as a result, the body unlike a man. This is very important point which cannot be ignored, because by and large, from the point of view of psychology, everything is built on the difference between the sexes, and first of all, primary sexual characteristics, the slave must see and realize how beautiful the female body is in all its pristine splendor. This also includes the subconscious subordination of a man to a Woman, because spiritual values ​​have always been higher and more colorful than ordinary carnal entertainments; it is necessary that the slave be imbued with obedience in the deepest corners of his consciousness.
The next point is that when making an appeal or request, the slave must add “Mistress” as a sign of belonging and respect, unless there were other orders, he must obtain your permission for any of his actions or inactions.
The following are some provisions:
1. He is a slave, which means that he is nobody, he is a thing that belongs to the Mistress. He does not have his own personality, his own “I”. He is just an extension of the hands, will and desires of his Mistress. The lady is always right!
2. He does not have a body - it belongs to the Lady. He is always at Her service.
3. He cannot have his own “wishes,” “opinions,” or “rights.”
4. He has no secrets from the Mistress. He is completely open to Her gaze, attention and desires.
5. The good of the Lady is always the Supreme Goal for him.
6. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the Mistress with submission. The phrase: “Do it if you want” is equivalent to an order for him.
7. There is nothing for him that would be indecent to do in the presence of the Lady or on Her orders. He must ask for forgiveness for the mistakes he has made. Forgiveness is possible only after punishment.
8. He should be grateful to Her for everything She does.
9. When the Mistress enters the house, he must change Her shoes and kiss Her feet as a sign of gratitude for the attention shown to him.
10. He is obliged to kneel before the Mistress at the slightest attention from Her. This is his main pose.
11. At every meeting, he must confess to the Lady in all his deeds, sins and offenses.
12. He has no right to hide anything from his Mistress. Lying is unacceptable.
13. He should never, on his own initiative, look into the face or eyes of the Mistress. To look there without an order is impudence.
14. He cannot ask any questions to the Mistress without Her permission - this is impudence.
15. He has no right to demand attention from the Mistress. This is intrusiveness. He must wait patiently and calmly until Her affairs allow Her to pay attention to him.
16. He cannot object, refuse to carry out an order, or have his own opinion. This is disobedience.
17. For any offense, the Mistress can punish him as she sees fit.
18. Any self-will is punishable. Insolence, forgetfulness, irony - this is also self-will, if not worse - arrogance.
19. Any wish of the Mistress is a reward for him.
20. He is forbidden to discuss the Mistress's orders and resist punishment.
21. He is not allowed to talk until the Mistress wants it; You must answer in a soft, respectful manner, in a low voice.
22. If he needs to say something, he must first get permission to do so (The only case when it is allowed to voice without permission is gratitude for the punishment being carried out, pleas for mercy and praising the beauty of the Mistress.)
Any violation of these rules is disobedience and must be punished accordingly depending on the magnitude of the offense. These are the basic, fundamental provisions; at your request, you will, of course, add a lot more that corresponds to your individual needs, the rules can be invented ad infinitum, but the most amazing thing is that everything you come up with for a man will be a law that, under pain of punishment, he will not dare to break, and you All you have to do is enjoy your unlimited freedom of action! There’s probably nothing more to add here, use your Feminine ingenuity, “divide and conquer.”
In Female Dominance there is not only the establishment of laws and control over their implementation, we also need to remember the notorious “little Women’s joys”, because in essence men exist for Us, for Women and exist in all their manifestations, and not just as self-affirmation over them , the slave is obliged to serve the Mistress by satisfying all Her needs, including, and not least sexual. Remember, his main place is between your legs, make sure that he learns how to do cunniling very well, and the time spent on this will be returned to you with many unforgettable sensations and pleasures, the most tender and sensual a Woman can experience.
There are many practices, many publications have been published, so we will not go into depth, but will offer only the basics: take the time to learn where and how he should caress your Pussy, over time he will master this art to perfection, as practice shows, men learn this very quickly and besides, they subsequently have an irresistible desire to constantly feel the true aroma of a Woman. As you know, the female vagina emits a natural odor, richly saturated with pheromones that have an attractive and stimulating effect on the opposite sex, by the way, this is perhaps the most pleasant way of communication between the Mistress and the slave. Plus, you will once and for all get rid of everyday problems associated with hygiene, your Pussy will always remain perfectly clean, well-groomed and attractive. If we look at history, for centuries and to this day, cunnilingus has been a symbol of Female superiority, for example, the Chinese Empress Wu Hu of the Tang Dynasty, introduced a custom into court etiquette, the purpose of which was to exalt Women and humiliate Men. Considering fellatio as a symbol of male superiority, She devised a means by which “licking the lotus stamens” was elevated to a level of primal and non-sexual essence, symbolizing the advent of the era of Female Supremacy. Wu Hu demanded that all government officials and visiting dignitaries show their special respect to Her Imperial Majesty through cunnilingus.
Thus, ancient paintings depict the Empress holding up her dress, and a dignitary, kneeling before Her, licking Her genitals. We strongly recommend that you follow this example and introduce it into daily use, by the way, for the first time you can do the following - give the order to undress you and undress yourself, exposing your bodies, order him to lie on his back in front of you, then step on his chest and announce that from now on he is your property, completely belongs to you soul and body, after which, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and placing your hands on your hips, order the slave, kneeling in front of you, to kiss and (or) lick your Pussy several times - the object of his worship. Subsequently, introduce this as a rule of “licking the lotus stamens” every time you appear when you are alone, cunnilingus is the most universal and one of the most effective means to quickly achieve positive result in the process of educating in the male such qualities as a sense of greatness and unsurpassed Feminine principle, the image of the infallibility of the Mistress and complete subconscious (unconscious) submission to Her, worship of the Woman in combination with a catastrophic decline in self-esteem and pride in relation to male. To put it in simple words, he himself, over time, will be absolutely convinced that a man is insignificant before a Woman, like a booger before God. Therefore, do not waste time on cunnilingus, devote as much time to it as you can, it is necessary that your Female Vagina is always present in the field of view of the slave, directly in front of his eyes (the absence of vegetation is important - shaving, hair removal...), he must constantly smell it and taste, to imbue Kiska with respect, love and reverence, akin to the idol on which his life depends.
12.08.2010, 23:08
Remember and bring to the attention of the slave - your legs spread apart in any position, at any time of the day or night, are tantamount to an order for him to take a place between them to give you oral caresses.
Issues of justice, methods and cruelty of punishment are also important. It is proposed to divide them into ordinary - which are applied for all kinds of minor offenses, strict - for importunity, laziness, intemperance, self-will... and cruel - for lies, disobedience, insolence... Punishments are applied according to cruelty in proportion to the offense, although the Mistress has the right to punish the slave not only for misconduct, but also to assert one’s power, maintain a spirit of humility and obedience in the slave, as well as at one’s whim or for entertainment. However, punishments should not lead to damage to the slave’s body and should not cause harm to his health. It should be noted that the essence and ideology of punishment applied to a slave always comes down to the elevation of the Woman over the man, the Feminine principle over the male nature. The most common method of punishment is the humiliation of a man in front of a Woman precisely as a man, through squeezing, spanking or other influences in relation to the testicles - the most vulnerable and sensitive place, the subject of male pride, a symbol of masculinity and, as a result, disobedience, which is unacceptable!
Semiramis, the famous queen of Assyria, who ruled in the 9th century BC, being an excellent psychologist and understanding where the source of disobedience and stubbornness - purely male character traits - was located, personally castrated rebellious and daring slaves, after which the men became meek and resigned.
Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who reigned from 47 to 30 AD. BC believed that the entire male nature was concentrated in a man’s testicles, giving him strength and superiority over a Woman, wanting to subjugate this power to herself. She drove herself into a frenzy, squeezing them with her fragile hands and enjoying the moans of the slaves. It is known for certain that after Her maid discovered male seed on her bed, without finding the culprit, Cleopatra crushed the testicles of all her close slaves in a vice, while looking into everyone’s eyes and smiling.
History knows many examples when patricians and august female persons used male testicles to establish power over a man, thereby elevating a Woman and it is not in vain that psychologists claim that after such procedures a man not only physically, but also subconsciously submits to Her subsequently to the point of complete conviction that A woman is incomparably higher than a man and that his purpose is to serve Her, that this is how everything should be, and in combination with cunnilingus it gives an instant 100% result! And this is what We need, he must penetrate to the deepest corners of his consciousness that he is only a thing that belongs to the Lady and only like that. Of course, you shouldn’t rush to extremes, the testicles are a sensitive thing and impacts up to average will be quite sufficient and safe, this is one of the fundamental points and educational work should be carried out regularly, in addition, this is a rather pleasant and fun activity - it’s funny to watch how the slave’s breathing quickens, the pulse, as if from a slight movement of your fingers his entire strong body trembles, there is quite a wide field for fantasies, ranging from punishment to simple play, especially since it is extremely exciting and sexy. As in the case of cunnilingus, the slave quickly gets used to it and soon after the start of classes he himself will want to experience it again and again, to find himself defenseless and helpless in front of you, completely depending on your whim. Slaps are applied with the palm of the hand, or more precisely with the tips of the fingers clasped together, with sharp, biting, ringing claps, very similar to a blow to the buttocks with a belt. It should be noted that the best position for implementing this punishment (entertainment) is when the slave is in front of you on legs wide apart with his hands fixed behind his back, be it a rope, handcuffs or other accessories. Squeezing is also done with the soft parts of the fingers - when the male's testicles are placed in the hand, squeezing is done directly with the fingers, but in no case use nails, if the pressure is strong enough this will inevitably lead to damage. Particular attention should be paid to safety issues, and for this it is necessary to have a fairly complete understanding of the structure of the genital organs.
In addition to the testicles themselves, as they appear at first glance, the scrotum contains the testicle, epididymis, tail of the epididymis, vas deferens, testicular artery, and pampiniform plexus. For more detailed (visual) information, refer to medical online directories and encyclopedias, where the structure is presented in a schematic, expanded and understandable form. The above warnings should not lead to unnecessary fears, just avoid touching with nails, tugging (jerking), excessive pulling, strong twisting and everything that intuitively, in your opinion, can lead to damage. The safest and most effective: squeezing - either with one hand on both testicles at once, or with two hands separately (each); and spanking - it is better to apply during those periods when the muscles that lift the testicles are relaxed and the scrotum is in a hanging (sagging) position. These two types of punishments (entertainment) can be carried out very often and for as long as you like, the only question is how much time you decide to spend. As for the penis, never try to bend it during an erection, especially bend it down, such actions will lead to its breaking (rupture of the membranes), severe injury requiring complex surgical intervention, and it is not a fact that everything will be resolved successfully later, simply by speaking you can cripple!
Never be shy about your slave, think about it - is it possible to be shy or feel awkward in the presence of interior items, be it a closet, bedside table or chair, in the presence of a bug sitting on the floor or a pet wagging its tail in front of you? A humiliated male crawling at your feet is as natural as the mirror in which you look every day, he is a man, and you are a Woman, and that says it all - let light conquer darkness, let reason conquer strength, humiliate the man in front of you in it , in front of the Woman, as far as possible, use all methods for this - step on his face with your foot, ordering him to kiss his feet; on the genitals, pressing to the floor; practice “face sitting” more often (achieving a female orgasm by rhythmically rubbing the Vulva on the slave’s face); ordinary cunnilingus; prohibition of sexual release (See below); deal with his testicles properly (from punishment to just entertainment) - pain in this intriguing place should become an everyday occurrence for the male upon your appearance, have fun as much as you wish; use as a table (footrest); as a hanger, putting a hanger of clothes on his erect penis; to dry clothes, after washing, attach your panties or bra with clothespins to the male’s scrotum (very erotic); in the form of slaps; spanking; binding; cornering; not permission to go to the toilet; wax dripping; various humiliations and many, many other methods, especially if you skillfully combine them.
Strictly punish the slave for each of your failed orgasms, if you decide to definitely experience it. After all, it is only he who is to blame for the fact that your Pussy did not receive enough caresses. By using your imagination and giving free rein to your imagination, you can order him to ask Her for forgiveness; in this case, forgiveness is possible only after punishment. During classic (vaginal) sex, men feel especially subtly the power over a Woman - the primitive instinct of a male who has taken possession of a female, do not allow this, do not let him feel like he is the master of the situation for a second, you can beat him during sex, slap him in the face, bite him , pinching, forcibly adjusting the interval of his movements (frictions), using the testicles taken in your hand, achieving the rhythm you need, all positions change solely on your initiative, and the fact that he penetrated your Vagina (the holy of holies) with his penis speaks only about that you, with this arrogant gesture, showed him great honor, not only honor, but also placed on him great responsibility for delivering pleasure and pleasure to your Pussy. As they say, “you’re welcome,” but if you don’t live up to expectations, don’t try properly, blame yourself... - “attach” properly to the causal place, the slave must know! that in case of failure, inevitable retribution awaits him. Announce:
“My Charm is extremely disappointed, you failed to please Her, and now you yourself know what She will be delighted with,” - anticipating intriguing entertainment, you can slightly delay the fulfillment of the promised in order to be fully satisfied with the cries for mercy of the humiliated male, or immediately implement intended. Since you have offended your Preciousness, even if his “master” does not feel comfortable! In the process of punishment, focus on the penis, this is your main goal - the direct culprit of disappointed hopes. Take a comfortable position so that the slave’s perineum is in front of you, ensuring. thereby free, unhindered access to his genitals. With the thumb and index finger of your left hand, tightly grasp the testicles at the base, pull them down and back (away from you), so that the erect penis deviates from the vertical position forward, towards you at an angle of about 45. degrees, this is done for the convenience of punishment (removal from the body), after which, with the fingers of the palm of your free right hand, strike both on one side of the penis and backhanded (with your knuckles), on the other - the technology is similar to slaps. Sharp, biting blows are applied, their strength and quantity are determined at your discretion, make sure that the penis, like a pendulum, does not make too large amplitudes from side to side, in order to avoid excessive bends.
Permission to ejaculate into your Vagina, and even more so into your oral cavity, is happiness for a slave, such pleasure is a rare occurrence, do not spoil it. Biologically, sperm is the end product of long, painstaking work of the entire male body, and the main role in these processes is played by the testicles, the most important production center, so to speak. By and large, males exist only for this purpose, so that the result of their labor, drops from their point of view of precious liquid, can be conveyed to Our Female Vagina, therefore you should be emphatically disdainful of sperm, even if you, like most Women, have a weakness for this mysterious, exotic substance.
As one of the humiliating options - give the order to “cum” in a trash can or on the floor, at your feet, on a newspaper specially laid for this occasion, with the words:
- Cum for me, slave, cum for your Mistress, I want to see it and I allow you.
When she appears, during ejaculation, laugh defiantly - what an absurdity, I am amused, and what is it...? And for you this should be nothing more than a curious spectacle that only provokes ridicule; have fun watching the funny processes of the male body.
Enjoy yourself. Do only what you like and don’t limit yourself to it. If you want something, be sure to implement it, you must become the dominant party, do not leave your slave any opportunity to be active, all the initiative in your relationship must come from you.
Something to note about the games - Controlling his orgasm/teasing and withholding (also known as restraint) is also used as punishment. Description: This is probably one of the most fun games you can play with your slave, and one that will give you immediate results, plus it is extremely humiliating for a male slave. It's very simple - you control when and how he gets an orgasm. Men generally respond very well to such control. For them, this is humiliating, and they feel helpless and defenseless with a Woman who is having fun controlling their sexual release. Start by simply prohibiting him from having an orgasm without your direct permission. You can set the rules. If he dares to show intemperance, tell him that you will drag it out for a longer time. Let him continue to give you pleasure. Make sure that you convey to his mind that you receive incomparable pleasure from his caresses, while he cannot receive pleasure until you allow it. When you are satisfied with his suffering (a few hours, a day, even a couple of days later), you can allow him to “earn” an orgasm, figure out what he should do or what punishment he should endure for it, after which you can force him to caress himself in front of you. It will be wax in your hands.

All these pictures flashed before my eyes in a matter of seconds. I glanced at the outer door; I would still have time to slip out and hide behind the trees without anyone noticing. But instead, I leaned on the table for a second, gathering my courage and strength, and then I put my letter in the pocket of my apron and walked down the corridor into the hall to appear before the owner. Everything is orderly and noble, yeah. But I almost shit my pants out of fear, if you want to know the truth (but you probably don’t want to).

Two gentlemen stood at the office door, talking in hushed voices. Seeing me, Mr. James motioned for me to wait, and I stopped at a distance from them. He and the doctor quietly exchanged a few words and shook hands. The owner entered the office and - without looking at me - closed the door behind him. I didn’t know what this behavior meant, but it clearly didn’t bode well.

The next moment the doctor turned to me. It was not possible to understand anything from his physiognomy; even at the best of times he was not distinguished by his lively habits; I have seen more expression on other hams than on his face. McGregor-Robertson was always looking sideways, and if he deigned to communicate with you, he spoke with his eyes closed, as if not wanting to let you into his field of vision.

Sir, is there anything I can do to help? Is madam okay, sir? Should I go upstairs and look after her?

Without answering, McGregor-Robertson placed the medical bag next to the coat rack. Then he took the gloves out of his pocket and began to put them on, finger by finger. I stood silently awaiting my fate. Should I run after the undertaker? Or has Missus lost her mind?

Having finally pulled on his gloves to his complete satisfaction, the doctor sternly addressed the baluster:

Your mistress suffered a slight collapse. Don't you know how this happened?

My confession was intended for the missus, and not for any types like him, so I felt only a slight pang of conscience when I answered:

No sir. But will she recover?

It's hard to say. I'm afraid this is a more complex case than ordinary fainting. Her condition is serious. She might get worse.

The doctor’s words fell on me like blows from heavy fists. It will get worse. A more complicated case. The condition is serious. Oh, if I could change places with her! I would do it without a second's hesitation, honestly. I would cut the skin off my face with a dull knife if it would help Arabella.

McGregor-Robertson continued:

She is now in a state of confusion. She said only a few words.

And what did she say?

He shook his head.

Some nonsense, and cannot be repeated.

And... what about the open lips, sir? Was she badly hurt?

Did you get hurt? Oh yeah... apparently she bit her lip when she fell. No, the wound is small, nothing to worry about. What worries me is the fever and nervous breakdown. The next day or two will be critical. The patient will need care. It is necessary for someone to sit with her at night, bring down her temperature and send for me if her condition worsens. Can you handle it, my dear? Or should I send a woman from the village or farm here?

McGregor-Robertson turned to the hanger with questions. During the entire conversation he never looked at me. It was unclear whether it was shyness or arrogance, but it gave the impression that he had a very low opinion of you.

“I’ll do whatever it takes, sir,” I said. - There is no need to send anyone. I am quite capable of looking after my lady.

He finally glanced at me.

Are you crying, honey?

No sir. Not at all. Please explain to me what needs to be done to make the missus feel better.

All this time, not a sound was heard from Mr. James's office. The door to it remained tightly closed. After seeing the doctor off, I rushed to the kitchen and prepared everything necessary to care for the patient. Having found Hector in the yard, I instructed him to feed the animals and do some other housework, and then went upstairs. I put the thought of escaping out of my head for the time being - this can wait until Missus gets better. First I will put her on her feet and only then I will quietly sneak away, leaving a letter with an explanation. Hopefully she will recover. For this I will turn myself inside out.

Mistress (or dominatrix) - a woman who takes on a dominant role in sexual relations relating to bondage, submission, sadism and masochism (BDSM). While some people become a dominatrix and work with clients professionally, you can try this role just for fun. In this case, you can play an imaginary role for your and your partner’s mutual pleasure. Appropriate behavior, communication, and process are essential to not only strengthen a caring relationship, but also to prevent any physical or psychological harm to either party.


Act like a lady

    Decide what you are comfortable doing. A professional dominatrix can choose whether she will have little or no sexual contact with the client. However, many offer a full range of sexual services to their clients. Even if you are role-playing with your partner, it is important to set your boundaries of action and speech. The mistress should feel comfortable and confident throughout.

    • If you decide to become a professional dominatrix, it is important to understand the risks. Even if you take all the necessary precautions, there is a chance that the person will not act according to the rules. In addition, there are risks associated with sexual contact, such as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).
  1. Be impartial. If you decide to become a professional dominatrix, you will need to accept the situation without judgment. Your client can come from any social background, as well as the reason why he came to you. Even though you are paid for a dominant role, treat each client with respect and understanding. Even if it's your partner, respect his wishes.

    • For example, a client may say that they need your services because they want to be controlled in their daily life. And it is your responsibility not to judge his desire.
  2. Be confident. You cannot dominate another person until you are able to take control of the situation. Concentrate on the fact that you are in charge. Don't be afraid to say or do anything as long as your partner doesn't object.

    • You'll probably be embarrassed at first to tell your partner to quiet down or sit down, but don't unless he tells you he's uncomfortable.
  3. Straighten your shoulders. Remember: everything is in your power, and good posture subconsciously lets your partner know that you are in charge. Straighten your shoulders and raise your head.

    Put yourself first. It should be clear that this is all for you and your pleasure and entertainment. Do and say whatever you want, unless the client has expressed any special wishes. The main thing is to always remember your own safety. This also applies if you are hired as a dominatrix.

Play your part

    Ask the lady to become your mentor. This is not necessary if you are role-playing with your partner, although you could get tips from videos or books. If you really want to become a dominatrix, having someone to show you the ropes can be very helpful. Your mentor will tell you how to protect yourself and how to negotiate terms, and even teach you some behavioral techniques.

    Learn verbal communication. Much of being a dominatrix is ​​about her actions, but what you say and how you say it is also important. Learn to demand and speak confidently. It may seem funny at first, but over time you will get used to it. Watch videos of other female dominatrixes if you want to get an idea of ​​their speech.

    Make a plan for your time as a dominatrix. The ability to play a role is an important component for a dominatrix. Come up with a template to avoid mistakes when playing the role. Develop a plan of action and follow it so that you feel natural when the time comes to speak.

    • You can watch videos of other female dominatrixes to get ideas.
    • Ask your partner if he has any special desires. Add these desires to your action plan.
  1. Buy accessories and learn how to use them. Accessories make up a large part of BDSM. Whip, blindfold, corporal punishment stick, rope and handcuffs are some commonly used mistress accessories. You can order them online or purchase them in an intimate store (sex shop). Make sure you and your partner are comfortable using these items.

    • Here are other accessories you can use: leash, collar and chastity belt.
  2. Turn personal items into accessories. If you can't afford to buy accessories, you can turn some of your items into BDSM accessories. For example, you can use a belt, a silk tie or a sleep mask. The main thing is to make sure that your partner does not mind if these items belong to him.

    Practice using accessories. It takes a little skill to handle them correctly. For example, one may need to practice using a whip to ensure the desired level of pain is applied to the client's skin without leaving a wound. Practice using accessories and learn about them before using them to their full potential.

    • Don't use too much force. If you get carried away, there is a high probability of causing injury to the person.
  3. Come up with a safe word with your partner. Typically, the submissive has a code word that tells the mistress when to stop or slow down. Ask your partner or client to come up with a safe word so you know when to stop. For example, it could be the word "purple". Over time, you can develop a language with the person that allows you to “play” without consequences.

    Be attentive to your partner's needs. Command your partner and keep everything under control, but at the same time respond to what he asks. Along with being empathetic, know when to stop if you see a partner or client in extreme pain or unconsciousness. A little pain may be welcome, but you don't want to really hurt the person.

Section: Execution

We are glad to welcome you to our website and since you have entered this category, we will help you open the doors to the fascinating and exciting world of Female Domination.

Stubbornness is a purely male character trait, the trait of a rebellious slave; hence, among other things, the stubborn reluctance to bend under the power of a Woman, even despite the obvious desire to do so present within ANY man. But this cannot continue indefinitely, but the fact is that it is latently clear to all more or less thinking citizens of modern Russia and without much wisdom in scientific calculations who actually personifies the generalized image of our wonderful country: the modern hero of our days is Her Majesty the Woman! A woman is smarter, more far-sighted, wiser. She stands at a higher level of development, with the exception of the rough and, in our high-tech world, unclaimed male physical strength, which We, Women, can easily subjugate, we just need to want it. So much for the weaker sex! Do you see how weak a man is, how easily he falls into slavery, and what kind of willpower lies in a woman’s character? So who is called to rule the world?

We strongly recommend that you read the information below carefully and thoughtfully, several times if necessary, adhere to the instructions, the basics from -a- to -z- are collected here, the depth of your power over the consciousness of a man, its steadfastness and inviolability in his eyes will directly depend on this .

So you have taken the first step and acquired your own slave, hence the eternal question of a beginning Mistress - where to start? This only at first glance seems complicated, every Woman has an invisible, hidden power inherent in her nature that allows her to easily control a man, which they subconsciously feel and in ordinary life try with all their might to suppress and avoid, completely in vain demonstrating their stubbornness, instead of submitting. But half the way has already been passed and you just need to discover this gift in yourself, allow it to develop, in the near future you will be surprised to discover how easy and simple it turned out to be that which at first caused difficulties.

Female dominance is, first of all, a philosophy of deification and worship of a man of the Feminine essence, nature, the Female body, as opposed to the masculine principle as such, the philosophy of the unconditional superiority of a Woman over a man, for greater effectiveness it is necessary to constantly emphasize this huge abyss separating the Mistress and the slave, each time making it clear how insignificant he is, a man, in front of you, a Woman!

Start with the fact that in your presence the slave is obliged! always on his knees if there was no permission to stand up, in the classic, generally accepted version, the slave and Mistress are almost always naked when they are alone, this allows, as mentioned above, to most clearly feel the atmosphere and spirit of what is happening, meaning the worship and exaltation of the Feminine principle and, as a result, the body unlike a man. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored, because by and large, from the point of view of psychology, everything is built on the difference between the sexes, and first of all, primary sexual characteristics, the slave must see and realize how beautiful the female body is in all its pristine splendor. This also includes the subconscious submission of a man to a Woman, because spiritual values ​​have always been higher and more colorful than ordinary carnal entertainment; it is necessary that the slave be imbued with submission in the deepest corners of his consciousness.

The next point is that when making an appeal or request, the slave must add “Mistress” as a sign of belonging and respect, unless there were other orders, he must obtain your permission for any of his actions or inactions.

1. He is a slave, which means that he is nobody, he is a thing that belongs to the Mistress. He does not have his own personality, his own “I”. He is just an extension of the hands, will and desires of his Mistress. The lady is always right!

2. He does not have a body - it belongs to the Lady. He is always at Her service.

3. He cannot have his own “wishes,” “opinions,” or “rights.”

4. He has no secrets from the Mistress. He is completely open to Her gaze, attention and desires.

5. The good of the Lady is always the Supreme Goal for him.

6. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the Mistress with submission. The phrase: “Do it if you want” is equivalent to an order for him.

7. There is nothing for him that would be indecent to do in the presence of the Lady or on Her orders. He must ask for forgiveness for the mistakes he has made. Forgiveness is possible only after punishment.

8. He should be grateful to Her for everything She does.

9. When the Mistress enters the house, he must change Her shoes and kiss Her feet as a sign of gratitude for the attention shown to him.

10. He is obliged to kneel before the Mistress at the slightest attention from Her. This is his main pose.

11. At every meeting, he must confess to the Lady in all his deeds, sins and offenses.

12. He has no right to hide anything from his Mistress. Lying is unacceptable.

13. He should never, on his own initiative, look into the face or eyes of the Mistress. To look there without an order is impudence.

14. He cannot ask any questions to the Mistress without Her permission - this is impudence.

15. He has no right to demand attention from the Mistress. This is intrusiveness. He must wait patiently and calmly until Her affairs allow Her to pay attention to him.

16. He cannot object, refuse to carry out an order, or have his own opinion. This is disobedience.

17. For any offense, the Mistress can punish him as she sees fit.

18. Any self-will is punishable. Insolence, forgetfulness, irony - this is also self-will, if not worse - arrogance.

19. Any wish of the Mistress is a reward for him.

20. He is forbidden to discuss the Mistress's orders and resist punishment.

21. He is not allowed to talk until the Mistress wants it; You must answer in a soft, respectful manner, in a low voice.

22. If he needs to say something, he first needs to get permission to do so (The only case when it is allowed to voice without permission is gratitude for the punishment being carried out, pleas for mercy and praising the beauty of the Mistress.)

Any violation of these rules is disobedience and must be punished accordingly depending on the magnitude of the offense. These are the basic, fundamental provisions; at your request, you will, of course, add a lot more that corresponds to your individual needs, the rules can be invented ad infinitum, but the most amazing thing is that everything you come up with for a man will be a law that, under pain of punishment, he will not dare to break, and you All you have to do is enjoy your unlimited freedom of action! There’s probably nothing more to add here, use your Feminine ingenuity, “divide and conquer.”

In Female Dominance there is not only the establishment of laws and control over their implementation, we also need to remember the notorious “little Women’s joys”, because in essence men exist for Us, for Women and exist in all their manifestations, and not just as self-affirmation over them , the slave is obliged to serve the Mistress by satisfying all Her needs, including, and not least sexual. Remember, his main place is between your legs, make sure that he learns how to do cunniling very well, and the time spent on this will be returned to you with many unforgettable sensations and pleasures, the most tender and sensual that a Woman can experience