Statuses about ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. Sad statuses about a guy Beautiful statuses about an ex-boyfriend short

When remembering their ex-boyfriend, girls often choose a humorous status. They think: “The statuses are about ex-boyfriend, whom I love, should not give the young man a hint of anxiety about the separation.” On the contrary, statuses about ex-boyfriends with meaning and in a humorous way say that there are millions of wonderful lonely young people living on Earth.

If it gets really bad, call me. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if we smoke with each other.

You need to be able to remain grateful to a person for the happy moments that he gave...

To us they are rivers of betrayal, to us they are an ocean of lies. And in return we believe in them, we dedicate our lives to them.

When you break someone's heart, don't say they don't have a soul. After all, he no longer has a heart, nothing will stop him from becoming soulless.

Yes, my love, we would be an ideal couple if it weren’t for you.

The phrase “let's remain friends” is deciphered as follows: “I don’t love you anymore, but it’s nice for me to watch how you love me.”

So, was there something between you? - No... So... Only 2 megabytes of message history.

I wish my ex at least good luck, because he has already lost his happiness!

One morning he will wake up and understand how much he needs me... And at that moment I will wake up with someone who has already understood this.

You often told me: “You cry because of all this bullshit” - and now I understand that you most likely meant yourself with this phrase...

You know, I began to forget everything, I began to breathe evenly and calmly. How I used to be afraid of losing you, but now I understand that I don’t have to wait for you. And you don’t have to wait for your letters anymore; you can take your calls calmly. I stopped suffering all the time and learned to live with dignity.

Hmm...I heard that laughter prolongs life. Looking at the photo of yours new girl, I I WILL LIVE FOREVER!!!:):):)

Sometimes one phone call can change the whole situation... However, a phone call that never came through also changes everything.

In the end, it’s worse for him - I just lost an unfaithful lover, and he lost the woman who loved him

When my boyfriend asked his ex-girlfriend: “What does she have that I don’t?” answered: “She has me!!!”, I cried...

One day he will wake up in the morning and understand how much he needs me... And at that moment I will wake up with someone who has already understood this.

This love did not live up to the family, and it did not live up to the children...

And just like that, they just took it and crossed each other out of their lives, as if nothing had happened at all. And we move on. And we even smile :)

Today the past called and said that I missed you... and I hung up and ran to kiss the present.

I will be strong to spite everyone, I will hide the pain in my eyes. And only through the open window the moon will see me crying.

You know, everything is fine with me. I live and even breathe without you, and you have become indifferent to me, and my soul does not hurt with you.

“No person can become more of a stranger than the one you loved in the past...” E. M. Remarque

I still love it. But now I’m with someone else. I can’t wait for you, by God, forever. You turned out to be simply replaceable. You must admit that you are not at all flawless. You don’t call? Well, don’t call. Don’t write at all? Believe me, and don’t! Look at me, the new one. And regret that I'm not around.

  • At first he was MY boyfriend, then we broke up, and he became MY past. After what we had, he could not become MY friend, but became MY enemy. No matter how you look at it, he’s still MINE!
  • An ex-love who returned from the past in silence is much worse than falling in love with a new guy...
  • It’s strange when my ex is not around, you miss him and think that he is needed. And as soon as he calls, you think: “Why the hell do I need you?”
  • He's already an ex. We have our own personal life, I feel good) And now I’m still pleased to see his name on the list, it’s nice to know that he is happy.
  • I still love you and my heart is crying. I really want to come to you, but you are already with someone else. I hope that you accidentally call her by my name, my dear ex.
    • There is a marital status... There are relatives... I wonder when Durov will come up with the function: MY EXES!
    • Well, I understand if love passed and they fled, but if it exists, then why do such things?! How I love him...
    • Why do ex-boyfriends only remember us when we are happy? Happy, but not with them... Jealousy and possessiveness?
    • Ex-boyfriends, if we agreed to date you again, it means we either really love or just want to kill time.
    • And my ex congratulated me... we didn’t communicate for six months, and my heart felt so good
  • I saw him with his girlfriend, my ex, but to me... I found the best, and he lost the best in his life.
  • Listen to what he will say about his ex-girlfriend, because someday he will tell his friends the same thing about you...
  • I'm your ex-girlfriend. Everything seems to be clear. But whatever one may say, it’s yours...
  • The status was: “I love you, honey.” The ex writes: “And I love you, hare!” And the status stood for the real sun that shines... Which is what I told him about))
  • I saw my ex's girlfriend... now I know exactly what to give him for his birthday - glasses!
  • Parting... What could not be returned... Don't come to my world cold... Please, forget about the future... You are my ex... You are only an EX!
  • I'll give a good, EX-boyfriend to a reliable female hands... After all, we are responsible for those we have tamed.
  • And I just walked up to him and said: “Hello!” This made my heart beat at a breakneck speed... He is my ex, I think I forgot, but... my heart betrays...
  • I’m sleeping and I’m dreaming about my ex-boyfriend, I hear the sound of the intercom through the dream, I go up and ask who it is: he came to visit...
  • Contact is a site where all exes can see each other.
  • I sit and look at his photo. How perfect he is, and I’m a fool who was spoiled by a past love, he needs something pure and bright, and not trash like me...
  • Killed me... I say to my ex-boyfriend: “How did I hook you?” And he: “You’re just beautiful.”
  • Here you are texting all night with your ex... it seems like you have someone else, you seem to be happy, but still there is something in your heart, something hurts so quietly... A strange feeling of the past...
  • Unfriended? The serf himself realized that he was not worthy of friendship with the queen.
  • Six months later, I fell in love with my ex. But a broken cup cannot be fixed, even with superglue. Scars remain forever. Cherish your loved ones!
  • No one will ever take my place in your heart simply because there never was, is not and never will be a place for me in your heart.
  • It’s cool when your ex starts to get attached to you, and it’s completely parallel to you, since you’ve ALREADY BEEN IN LOVE FOR A LONG TIME AND BE LOVED BY OTHERS =)
  • It often happens that a person who comes into your life leaves behind a song. You turn it on, and he’s in your thoughts. A tiny melody the size of two people's feelings.
  • I understood one thing: an ex-boyfriend can be a very good lover, but he will never be suitable and good for a relationship!
  • Have you ever put stickers on a notebook? They probably glued everything. I think I had to tear them off too. Right? And everyone remembers what remains on the notebook after that. This is roughly the trace the people inside leave for us after they leave.
  • New breath, without tears and without you... You are just a forgotten past. 8

    Delete everything. Delete the number. Remove feelings. Remove photos. Remove songs. Delete messages. Remove from friends. Remove from your heart. Delete all memories. And live normally. 20

    For some reason, all exes suddenly become dumber and more frightening. 15

    If it gets really bad, call. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if we smoke with each other. 14 - Statuses about your ex

    There are no ex-lovers. With lovers, as with alcoholism - either binge drinking or abstinence. 11

    The most evil ones are the former good ones... 11

    What's broken is broken. You shouldn’t patiently pick up broken pieces of happiness and love piece by piece and then glue them back together and convince yourself that everything looks the same. 16

    The phrase “let’s remain friends” is deciphered as follows: I don’t love you anymore, but it’s nice for me to watch how you love me. 12

    About former relationship I can say one thing: better a shitty ending than endless crap. 15

    Something comes into your head that you really want to forget forever! 24

    Exes are calluses that start to show themselves as soon as you put on new shoes. 13

    I’ll cry and forget, and you take a walk and remember. 19

    But I still love him, and almost a year has passed and we are friends, and I’m dating someone else, but my head is a complete puzzle and I constantly remember everything happy days spent with him... 10

    She remembers every breath, the smell of his hair....beautiful eyes, and is still in love with him. 14

    You are nothing to me... Just the meaning of life, nothing more. 10

    Every time you think you have taste, remember your ex. 15

    Of course, I ruined everything myself, but it’s much more convenient to think that it’s his fault. 12

    I often find myself still looking for you in the crowd. 14

    A vegetable to help... I mean, to hell with you... 17

    Where were you when you called? Who were you with when you were in love? Now you remember, but I forgot. 20

    Just come and say that you haven’t found anyone who could replace me. 14

    No matter what person you break up with, there will always be moments when you miss him. 14

    Just remember those moments when we wanted to stop time. 11

    Some naive hope still lives in the heart and thinks that everything will be as before. 10

    Everything is fine. The earth is spinning. Friends are calling. And there is someone you want to think about. 11

    Thank you for being in my life. 9

    When everything is fine with you and someone finally truly loves you, wait - your ex will soon appear with awakened feelings. 13

    The guy is like a bus, one leaves and another arrives. 13

    No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past. Remarque 10

    If your ex is an idiot, rejoice: for you it is already the past, but for others it is the future. 8

    I'm sorry I'm not around. 11

    Wipe your feet, gentlemen, before entering someone else's soul. Close the doors forever if the person is no longer needed! 13

    I won’t look back because I’ll see you there... 9

    Another galaxy is closer than your heart. 7

    No, I don’t go to your page anymore... but not because I don’t have time or I’m lazy, but because I’m afraid of falling in love with you again just by seeing your photos. 12

    Forget about our “we”. I now have wonderful four walls. 10

    I don’t understand my ex-husbands, who are married and with a child... Are you so miserable in your marriage with your husband that you want MINE back?! Sorry, sticks - the train has already left!))))))

    There are no “former” ones!

    I bought my ex as a gift - a plastic bib... Pick up drools)))

    What was missing from the guy the girl loved? - BRAINS!!!

    -Are you dating my ex?
    - Well, yes, but what?
    - Nothing... I’m gnawing on an apple, do you want to finish it?

    I am pinned by statuses like “I will be your most beautiful ex))". Even if you were their leader!!! The main thing is that you are very far from his real one!!!

    The moments when your ex is banging on your door are reminiscent of diarrhea... they only make you feel upset!

    What could not be returned... Don’t come into my world cold, please forget about the future, you are my ex, you are only an ex!!!

    Why do some women, who, through their own fault, have lost their family, try to put a spoke in the wheels of their ex?

    I wanted to annoy my “ex”, I poked my head in, but the salt was gone, only sugar was left!!! Damn, well, I’ll give him a “sweet life”!!!

    I broke up with my ex as friends. After a while, we decided to go to a cafe, talk... and woke up in the morning in the same bed, hugging... Well, what kind of FRIENDSHIP is this?!!

    - Darling, let's talk about fools? - Let's. - Is your ex still calling?

    Exes are like a tricycle: it seems like you don’t care about it for a long time, but it’s still not pleasant when someone else rides it...

    Selling. Former. To the organs. =))))

    Lovely ex-girlfriends, no need to pester, attract attention and call your ex-boyfriends!!! After all, they may have already met someone else, someone with whom they feel better. Let them live peacefully and happily, don’t disturb them and you will find your happiness!!!

    I can't drink - I miss my ex. You can't be sad - there will always be others. But having a lot, you realize that you have nothing if your ex is your happiness, and new people cannot change anything in your life...

    “New relationships with exes” sounds as tempting as “sour milk.”

    Darling, stay the same, where you are and don’t call me again...

    This one is not right moment, when your ex writes, you sit in shock and think, WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM ME?!

    Girls with a future can do without men with a past!

    Happy exes don't write to you!

    I have the impression that the “invisible people” who come to my page are either my ex-boyfriends or my husband’s ex-girlfriends...

    ...I can always call you... I just don’t have the desire...

    Just don’t let me go again... What if I don’t come back.

    Yesterday I was drinking... and didn’t call him! Oscar for me! Oscar!

    Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, exes are not called...

    I'll be your most gorgeous ex. I promise.

    Well, you’re walking around the city, carrying your head beautifully! The arrogance of light bangs and needle heels. There is mockery in your eyes, and there is an order in them - not to confuse you with that same ex, beloved and loved...

    The best compliment I got from my ex was that he blushed three times when he spoke to me!

    You can’t leave me... You can lose me...

    No matter how good, handsome, smart you are, it’s enough to find your girlfriend’s first love and believe me, he will still be the best for her!

    A call from an ex... - hello, did you find a new guy? - yes, what do you want, why are you calling? - yes, I just saw you together, you were so happy that it really infuriated

    I wish my ex at least Good Luck, because, alas, he has already lost real Happiness...

    If you miss me, remember that you yourself let me go... And I... you know, I don’t care about you anymore...

    There will always be a piece of love for him in my heart. And she won’t disappear anywhere! It’s just not enough to be together, but at the same time it’s enough to feel butterflies in your stomach from his call...

    Girls, be beautiful... to make YOURS proud... ANOTHER'S wanted... EX bitten his elbows...)))

    Lord, thank you for once divorcing me from ex-husband!!! Now I am a beloved and loving bride again!!!

    Why, having become a “former”, did he suddenly become dumber and more frightening?

    It’s difficult to communicate with exes... After all, there is a corner in the heart for each of them... And a drop of love will remain there forever... It’s normal to be drawn to the past... The main thing is not to get carried away...

    - If men could be compared to flowers, then my ex is definitely a cactus. The same green from jealousy, prickly from greed, and it bloomed only once - when I became pregnant with my daughter.

    You know, I still keep your photos... I put coffee on them... I'm putting some pies. .

    They say “don’t drink with your ex.” Not true, drink! It really boosts your self-esteem when he says how wonderful you are and what a jerk he is.