Reiki techniques for liberation from egregors. Traditional and non-traditional Reiki systems: an outside perspective

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"Reiki (jap. 霊気 listen) is a spiritual practice founded in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. This practice uses the technique of so-called "laying on of hands" as a form of complementary medicine, sometimes also classified by professionals as "oriental medicine". In accordance with the characteristics (requirements) approved by the International Standard, the practice of Reiki refers to healing (gr. 324 "Traditional medicine doctors and healers who heal by suggestion and prayer" ISCO-88, ILO, Geneva). In Russia, healing using the Reiki method is not a medical activity and is not licensed.

The word "reiki" consists of two hieroglyphs: "rei" and "ki". In Japanese, the character "rei" means "universe", "spirit", "soul". "Ki" means energy, mind, mood. In English-speaking countries, Reiki is sometimes referred to as "universal life energy." Reiki practitioners claim to transmit healing energy "ki" through their hands and that this energy can be accessed by anyone through an "attunement" conducted by a Reiki Master. The concept of the existence of "life energy" ("biofield") is rejected by modern science as pseudoscientific.

The founder of the system, Dr. Mikao Usui, has spent a long time researching and researching various natural healing methods. He then founded a school where he began to teach the new system of healing. Knowledge was passed down from Reiki Master to student. Initially, only Japanese were trained in it, later foreigners began to be accepted into the school. After the death of Mikao Usui, his work was continued by Chujiro Hayashi, who authorized both the spread of Reiki outside of Japan and the preservation of this unique healing technique by the American Hawayo Takata. At the end of the 20th century, many varieties and currents of Reiki began to appear. Now Reiki is widespread in many countries of the world.

How briefly does the teaching look like?

A neophyte must be initiated into the practice by a reiki master of a certain level, who has the right to do so. After that, the neophyte is given a set of universal rules (an analogue of the ten commandments of Christianity):

Rejoice today
today expect the best
be kind to all living things
honestly earn your living
be grateful for the grace received,

as well as the technique of laying on hands, combined with symbolism.

So, what is happening in reality and what is the main problem for people?

First, people focus on technique instead of total implementation of the above principles. In fact, it is the adherence to the principles that gives development, and not dedication, as is commonly believed.

Secondly, any initiation into technology, religion or teaching, in fact, should be an attachment of a person to an egregor, that is, to this teaching at the energy level of subtle fields. It is at this level that a person serving an egregor performs an act of initiation into Reiki (other examples are Christian baptism, refuge in Buddhism, etc.).

What should happen in this case? You give your attention to the egregore, and he gives you strength for it, but limits your growth and development to its limits(the idea and energy on which this system is built).

For people, when they are just starting to engage in self-development and are skewed systems, for a certain period of time, entering one, two or more egregors is useful to get together. But then a person must leave the teaching in order to develop his individuality, to open his soul in himself. No teaching can take into account all the characteristics of each soul ... and even personality ...

What happens in Reiki? The problem is that by the forces of those who transmit this knowledge, most people do not even connect to egregor. There is simply a fiction, a deception, since, in turn, the transmitters themselves are not included in the egregor.

Therefore, a person gets into an unpleasant situation as soon as he starts working with other people. And if he does the practice for himself, then he is simply deceived, because he can do it without “connecting” to Reiki…

The unpleasant situation is that the egregor does not cover the person (does not give energy for healing). A Reiki practitioner spends his karma on helping others, and as a result, it turns out that he himself is destroyed and does not provide real help to others.

Moreover, when his personal karma “falls” strongly, he begins to suck energy from his own wards and relatives, those whom he loves and who loves him ... Further, a person can become a black teacher from a sincerely mistaken one.

Therefore, if there is no task in life to be a healer, you do not need to go into this system, and there are a lot of relaxation and self-help techniques without Reiki. For most people, the Reiki technique is useless and harmful, as people fall into error and, at least, lose precious time.

But many will ask: why do a number of people have noticeable improvements when immersed in practice?

There are other mechanisms at work here.

1. Communication. Many suffer from a lack of communication and like-minded people on the spiritual path.

2. Elimination of contradictions. In the process of exchanging information, a number of people resolve internal contradictions, which gives a burst of energy.

3. Finding a partner. For many, the main issue is the lack of an adequate understanding partner.

4. Expression of emotions. Communion. Unexpressed emotions come out, and the person feels better.

5. Complementation. In a team striving for the same goal, people automatically “cover” each other at the energy level.

6. Good combinations of people's characters, which themselves are the path to enlightenment.

7. Any groups of people who turn to God for the purpose of development are given regardless of the external form of appeal (“where two or three have gathered in My name, there I am”).


According to the general opinion of various seers, in seventy to eighty percent of cases, Reiki turned into a system of deception, and not healing and self-development, that is, it degenerated.

© Sergey Bobyr

The Universe finally heard my requests to work closely with Reiki at least once in order to take a closer look at what happens during the Initiation ritual, how the adjustment to the Reiki egregor takes place, the opening of channels, what the famous Reiki symbols are and from the side to consider the entire inner kitchen .

And all of a sudden, my colleague, also a regressionist, wrote to me that she was initiated into the first stage of Reiki and after that her general psycho-emotional state, along with her general energy tone, sharply worsened. Before the initiation, she always worked only with her pure streams, the space of the Soul, and she had never before been a member of large egregorial structures.

Complaints about the session were of the following nature:

1) I don’t see or feel my way.” Blocking of personal channels, the inability to be in your stream. Instead of one's own flow, one feels the heavy foreign channels embedded.

2) Heaviness and stiffness are felt in the heart. Depression
There are limiting seals on the palms that are felt by the physical body.

3) Feeling of a completely blocked flow over the head. It feels like a huge dome.

4) The area of ​​the third eye on the forehead is closed.

Well, what can be said about this? An excellent list of symptoms, quite typical for a situation where an energetically pure and conscious person falls under the cap of a rigid egregorial structure.

The trick is that a sharp transition from one's pure channels and flows from the Space of the Soul to other people's egregorial channels is like a sharp transfer from a jet aircraft of the latest generation to a tricycle. What will it feel like?

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And so the very next day I went at full speed to understand the situation and at the same time personally get to know Reiki and its representatives. Noooo… On arrival, a real Jackpot was waiting for me: my colleague was visiting her friend, who also got into a similar situation with Reiki a few weeks ago, i.e. I received initiation into the first stage only in another place and from another master. The symptoms were similar: general depression, blockage, incomprehensible sensations in the forehead and crown of the head, heaviness in the heart.

After quickly discussing all the details and nuances, we proceeded to the first session. After a short dive, we immediately got to the moment of initiation, when my colleague Elena is sitting on a chair in the hall where the initiation is taking place, and the Master is walking around her, making ahalai-mahalai movements with his hands above her head, simultaneously calling on the energy of Reiki, which, when viewed from the side it flowed into the room through the windows and felt very gray.

We immediately took a comfortable position under the ceiling and moved to the very beginning of the initiation, when everything had just begun. We turned on the energy vision mode and began to observe. 👀 Almost immediately, in addition to five physical people, four dark characters in raincoats with hoods of a not very pleasant appearance were found in the room, who silently stood in the corners of the room and sullenly watched the process. The characters came at the moment when the Master of Initiation began to call on the Higher Powers and Archangels to help in the session itself. Of course, the Master does not see the guests, but feels that someone is “helping” her.

When viewing the Reiki initiation from the side with her energy vision, Lena saw how the Master, during the initiation, controls the gray-blue threads with her own hands, which she builds into the channel above her head, thereby tuning its downward flow to the Reiki channel. A funnel was found in the area of ​​the third eye, which intercepted and absorbed incoming information and energy. The flow from the earth has been partially intercepted and Reiki energy has been built into it. In the blood throughout the body, an alien gray substance was found in its characteristics resembling mercury. A restrictive metal structure was found in the area of ​​the heart center. The palms are stamped. A bounding dome was installed at the top of the energy sphere

After we assessed the scale of work and established the approximate number of alien implants installed, we decided to communicate directly with our guests in hoodies and hoodies. The chief of them outwardly looked like the Japanese Mikao Usui, who at one time meditated in the forest and received initial knowledge about the Reiki system. After the manifestation of the true essence of the Japanese turned into a sentient reptile with blue scaly skin, with the ability to change its appearance. The other three in hoods were robotic creatures that came as guards for this reptile. The reptile itself was, one might say, subordinate to these technogenic structures that supervise this branch of the Reiki egregore, and served as a screen for them, and also put on, if necessary, a bright image of a Japanese during initiations.

⚠ In the dialogue, we found out a very interesting thing about the work of healing diseases through the energy of Reiki: when a disease occurs in a person, a blocked energy of a person is formed in a certain place, if a person heals himself through his own forces and consciousness, then he releases this energy and it becomes part of his Power. And when this disease is cured through the energy of Reiki, this blocked energy is pumped out towards Egregor. In fact, the disease is cured, but the blocked energy that a person could use for his Transformation and receive the Force is taken by the egregor. At the same time, a person is constantly kept at the same level, not realizing the causes and origins of his illnesses. 😕

After we found out the purpose of each individual implant, clarified all the necessary points, collected all the necessary information, we proceeded to the final stage of our session, namely, the termination of all contracts, arrangements, agreements that were concluded in those days. At the key moment, when Lena gave her consent and opened access to her energy sphere for manipulation, she changed her Will and withdrew all agreements and contracts, after which a long process of removing all implants and plugs began, ending with the restoration of personal energy flows, the energy sphere and thin bodies.

On this note, we ended our first session of breaking the connection with the Reiki egregor and, for the purity of the experiment, decided not to tell the second girl, Vika, who was waiting for her turn, about the events that occurred in the first session and about everything that we managed to find out in order not to impose someone else's experience and results for a new session. And now, 15 minutes later, I turned on the relaxing mumbling mode again to immerse Vika in a trance state, but strange things began to happen already at the stage of immersion ...

To be continued...

My comments are in italics.

So what conclusions can I draw about the current Reiki system, its facilitators, and the Reiki energy itself based on the results of these two sessions, as well as all the information that I had before them?

Reiki is a rewired multi-level egregorial Corporation disguised as “light, love, nirvana, healing, etc.” All Reiki adepts, from the first stage to the last, are just its working cogs, often not realizing this because of the huge number of external blockages and filters installed in their subtle bodies.

In the process of working with Reiki energy and healing other people with this energy, the initiate is paid an energy salary in the form of a certain portion of energy, thanks to which the Reiki user begins to feel better and “in the flow”. Also, the egregor provides followers with its double-acting energy channels, its databases and vision of the world, and, if necessary, can expand the subtle vision through implants.

Of course, for some people, joining Reiki can be a step up in personal development, and such an installation of egregore channels will allow them to begin to feel the subtle world, improve their vision*, allow them to understand themselves and even get some results in the esoteric sphere.
* not the fact that it will improve, it will rather show what is beneficial to him. in many cases it will be a hassle and hiding unprofitable information, we have already encountered this in other instances, for example, DEIR and thetahealing

But for conscious people who work on their pure channels and with their Soul space, connecting to Reiki will be a significant energy degradation down several steps, which was confirmed in these two sessions.

The egregore itself is very muddy and is controlled by technogenic civilizations, mainly of the insectoid and reptilian type, with a large number of technogenic low-vibration implants. Even during the sessions I always had a metallic taste of lead in my mouth*.

* there are a lot of egregors of reiki, we counted at least 5 main branches and competing groups. moreover, these branches are not necessarily associated with different Reiki traditions, they grow in any territories. sometimes, when receiving one initiation, an adept can be upgraded by 2-3 groups at once, and not just the main one.
the taste of lead is a hallmark of one of the man-made varieties of gray fog / fear virus

To briefly describe the work of the egregore: 1 kg of CREDIT energy is given through the Reiki channels to heal some disease or work out a specific client request, BUT after some time, for example, a week, the reverse pumping of energy towards the egregor in the amount of 2 kg of energy begins through the connected channels. The degree of pumping out and the percentage of downloading / pumping out depend on the degree of initiation, personal activity of a person and his work with other people through the energy of Reiki.
Also often given is the energy of "abundance", ie. the initiate magically establishes a financial flow, earnings increase, but the money begins to flow somewhere on its own. It seems that you earn more, but there is almost no left for life, some unforeseen expenses constantly arise

If the initiate does not use the Reiki channels very actively, then the percentage of energy pumped out can increase significantly, which will certainly affect physical health, financial well-being and other areas of real life.🙄

The most interesting thing that I managed to learn from sessions and dialogues with Reiki representatives is that at the current moment in time, the Reiki system is not at all what it was at the beginning, not at all the knowledge and energies that the founder of Reiki received in his time.

Right now Reiki energy is quite technocratic, cold and rough in its vibrations. As is often the case with large energy structures, over time, serious guys came with their own interests and gradually crushed the system that once worked for the benefit of themselves, while wrapping the reflashed system in a beautiful and bright candy wrapper to attract more people.

To understand, I will give a simple analogy: you come to the store and see Lays, Pringles chips and chocolates ala Sneekers. As a rule, in the supermarket they stand in the MOST visible place near the cash register or in the center of the shelves, where the largest number of people walk. On beautiful packages, fabulous slogans about incredible taste, benefits, 100% natural composition, etc. flaunt in large letters.

And so you, falling for marketing tricks and a shiny candy wrapper, buy yourself a couple of packs of your favorite chips and another Snickers for change. With anticipation, you open the cherished pack, from which the tickling aromas of artificial flavors immediately spill out. You greedily grab the first handful of potato slices and put them into your mouth with a bold movement... A well-chosen cocktail of spices, flavors and glutamates is already fully interacting with the taste buds of your tongue, causing ecstasy and pleasure, accompanied by a release of dopamine in the brain.

“Ahh…. how delicious they are!” - you think, holding out your hand for the next portion of the cherished potato. And now, a couple of moments later, you are sitting with a blissful face with an empty pack in your hands, looking at the chocolate bar lying next to you with a grin. You repeat this process for several months, devouring whole packs of fast food on both cheeks.

But SUDDENLY at one fine moment you begin to feel incomprehensible pain in the stomach - gastritis or an ulcer, and your face and body are covered with purulent acne. I think you understand perfectly where these symptoms come from? That's right: because under the bright label and beautiful slogans, a real poison for your body is masked, slowly destroying it from the inside.

Unfortunately, with the majority of large egregorial structures “carrying light, enlightenment and absolute love”, things are similar ... At first you will feel new currents, you will be given a vision, you will feel like part of a large team, you will be carefully wrapped in pink clouds of artificial euphoria and ecstasy, but after a while you will begin to notice strange Symptoms of new, carefully disguised processes within yourself, and perhaps and your loved ones.

And the symptoms can be very diverse and very tragic for the adept and his environment, when the changes and manipulations of the egregore and his representatives inside the subtle bodies become so serious that they begin to manifest themselves in the physical body and real life.

*** *** *** *** ***

Summing up all the above written and revealed, I will say the following: be very careful and careful when you decide to fit into this or that esoteric structure. DO NOT BELIEVE beautiful words and sweet promises that you will be diligently fed. Often this is all just dust in the eyes and a skillfully created superficial illusion, the main task of which is to cling to the desires of your Ego, after having lulled your Mind, intuition and ability to critical analysis.

Be vigilant and look into both eyes. Collect information and feedback from practitioners from various sources, analyze it, listen to the response inside and take your time, ESPECIALLY if you are in an unstable emotional state, because at such moments you become the most suggestible and trusting. Try to look to the very essence, confidently brushing aside annoying promises of quick happiness, healing, financial well-being and a magic pill for all problems.
My friends, be aware and work in your personal channels.

*** *** *** *** ***

The main danger that adherents expose themselves to is that the egregor forms and actively feeds disbelief in their own strengths and capabilities. The adept believes that only the egregor and the master can provide the necessary solution and the required amount of energy for its implementation, although they can work dozens of times faster and more efficiently at their own facilities, without turning to anyone but themselves.

Of course, you can ask for the help of your mentors and higher aspects, but it is almost never needed, especially since one of our main lessons here is called SELF-SUFFICIENCY, and its successful development is strongly encouraged.

To begin with, let me remind you that ANYONE can be reflashed and, as practice shows, almost all egregors are predatory to one degree or another. Here, naturally, an objection will arise: “what about the egregor of the family, clan ?!”. Again, the degree is different for everyone, many give more than they take, and it is not always possible to refuse to participate. It is necessary to realize that all entities feed on someone and feed someone. If you know about exceptions, please feel free to. Egregors are psychoenergetic entities that have their own consciousness and transmit this consciousness to adepts. The egregor of the family, for example, can give strength, but it also takes a lot of them, you see. This is neither good nor bad, everything is experience and development, it just needs to be understood and taken into account.

Now, let's take, as a vivid example, the egregor of reiki, about which there was also a recent correspondence about him:

Q: I left reiki - in my subjective opinion, the energy of reiki is not quite what is attributed to it (but it is attributed to: light, love, nirvana, etc.), it is rather cold, prudent and technocratic - it dawned on me after two years of hard daily practice…) But someone doesn’t feel it, or maybe different masters and different settings are transmitted, I don’t know.

A: Look who is in charge of thin. Just ask them to come. Just don't buy into the masks, they need to be removed to see the true essence (with a ray from the heart, for example). You will thank yourself for leaving

Q: And what to do with them further, these curators - when will they come? What, just look and send home?
And here is the question - is there this channel that opens during initiation - after leaving the system, they can pour in something unnecessary through it, control it, etc.? If a person does not use the channel and has never used it, and does not believe at all (my husband) - in this case do they have “access”? Or is it better to say something like “I am closing the Reiki channel, etc.”?

A: Yes, send home and demand to break all contracts + take all your subs/channels. If you are ready, of course, that is, you don’t feel sorry and there are no internal objections, otherwise you will block.
Any control, even through the smallest astral entity, is carried out only if the person allows it. Remember that everything has free will.

“If a person does not use the channel and has never used it, and does not believe at all (my husband) - in this case they have “access”?- why did he receive it at all, if it's not a secret, if he doesn't believe it?

I apologize for the direct answer, but here again we are faced with another “eternal spiritual student”: I want a channel, I want to open the middle chakra and the fifth eye, but I don’t know why. Such people are obviously controlled by definition and without any channels, tk. forget to think for themselves, but only indulge fashion trends. And, of course, by doing so, they open access to themselves to everyone who is not lazy.

To break the connection with any egregor:

First of all, you need to be ready to break up, to let go, to understand that the connection is no longer needed and why, and not to regret, not to doubt and not to experience ambivalent feelings *. You can throw away or burn certificates / diplomas / certificates and other waste paper, erase the contacts of masters and colleagues in the shop

Sit down, relax, immerse yourself in a state of contemplation or meditation (if possible). For advanced users - activate crystals / crist. body (although if CT is already activated, then the possibility of connecting super predatory egregors tends to zero)

*Commentary of a colleague on the topic:

In recent St. Petersburg sessions, there were a couple of people who go just for constellations. One goes to, and the other called it the "Esoteric Theater". Scanned them and everything was clean. There is a girl and a guy they practice reiki, maybe that's why there is protection

Let me remind you that a person must remove the plugs from himself and as far as personal readiness. There have been many cases when the immersed person himself does not see this or that implant/entity, but the leader does. In most cases, the presenter is forbidden to remove them, because. the person is simply not yet ready and / or has not worked out the reason, the elimination will not work, the connection will return. We cling ourselves, we must remove it ourselves, and not shift the responsibility onto others.

In addition, if a person is confident in his "purity and inviolability", he will subconsciously block his own vision of alien energies. Recently there was a case: the ward works on TV, a fairly well-known personality with abilities and considerable magical baggage in other incarnations. If you've ever been to a TV studio, you know how "clean" it is. Personally, I (and I don’t have special sensitivity) immediately have a feeling of a viscous mask on my face, and after such trips we remove hats and other technogen.

In the session, the ward was constantly thrown out of the state, the images were confused, but he could find little on himself. I had to interrupt the session and ask a colleague to look at it / clean it. After a 10-minute check and removal of several implants, I again plunged him into a session and this time the cleaning lasted about 7 hours in 2 visits.

Conclusion: no protection is absolute, any option must be allowed if we really want to get rid of the accumulated rubbish. Faith in protection is good, but it also has a blinding effect.

This is very similar to sending the “dead” to the spiritual worlds: you cannot force them to leave, they must themselves understand that they have lost their physical shell and are now hindering their evolution, remaining in the fields of 3D, and express a desire to leave.

Reminder from a recent post:

Try to avoid the big ones at all costs! As the practice of colleagues and my own shows, the larger the organization, the easier it is to reflash and influence adherents / patients through a common information field. Such things as reiki, cosmic energy, DEIR, various magical schools and other egregors are extremely dangerous. Of those listed above, in almost EVERY case we are faced with a mass of connections and pumping out energy. Yes, they treat, but the price of the issue does not end with money and healing, then they simply milk the energy.

Of course, one cannot equate everyone with the same brush and say that every healer who uses "channels and settings" for certain energies is a dummy. Much also depends on the personal level of the master and many should go through this experience for personal development, but this does not make the influence of the egregor less. It is for this reason that many “first steps” (for example, reiki) are now being distributed free of charge, because more naive adherents need to be recruited, and people are still greedy for freebies.

For example, I recently worked with a girl who, at the age of 18, has several initiations (reiki, cosmo + something else). She repeatedly turned to various healers, fortune-tellers, senses, summoned spirits with a candle, etc. The number of connections, entities and implants removed from it simply went off scale and greatly interfered with the session; it was impossible to work. When a person comes to a session with such a track record, the first reaction of the hypnologist is a viscous premonition of a long and hard cleansing, far from guaranteeing clear results, because. You cannot remove the rubbish collected in dozens of initiations in one session, especially since in such individuals the craving for magic and similar practices can be traced from life to life. At the same time, many themselves do not know why they need it! Everyone wants to open the third eye, unwind the chakras, show off hundreds of channels to friends, but few people understand WHY (?!) and even more so pay attention to the egregorial essence of the channel.

Conclusion: do not rush to the first available source of new practices and initiations. First, ask yourself: do I need it? What should I do with this and what is the price of free cheese? Everything is already in us, so is it worth it to connect to brokerage houses?
Read entire post:

Additions, rebuttals, ideas?

Reader comments on the topic:

1. At the beginning, reiki made me feel the reality of what was happening, made me feel the energies, feel some kind of, but still POWER, the ability to influence the surrounding space with thoughts. It was annoying that the people who were "in Reiki" - they were somehow ... equally subtly strange, as if under masks, or as if in corporate ties)) something was the same in them, feigned.
Not so long ago, I realized that I don’t need other people’s channels, that I need to work out my own channel, to conduct the energy of my EJ .. and not some incomprehensible slats. And immediately confirmations of the correctness of this decision rained down (random articles, conversations, etc.) ... I broke off the connection with the reiki egregor exactly as described in the article above. I’m not sure that I managed to do it to the end .. In meditation, I saw such a contraption attached to the thymus region (something in between a brain slug and the head of an “alien”), cords from it all over the body, to each vertebra! I tried to tear it off, asked the guardians and VYa, tore up contracts (maybe I should have asked her to leave? I had a feeling that she didn’t want to leave at all) .. but I still feel that something is left. The next day, where this f-nya was attached, a bright red rash broke out in me, it either aggravated or disappeared, and only a couple of days seemed to pass.

Advice: we usually find such gizmos with fasteners on the back in reykists. after cleaning, you can burn the affected area with a violet flame and do not forget to fill it with light (you can ask for VY) so that the regeneration process starts and there are no holes in thin bodies for new installations

2. When I started doing bioenergy (no dedications or initiations), many people asked me - is it like Reiki? I decided to go to Reiki, to see what kind of practice it is. The initiation plunged me into despondency - a clear connection to some incomprehensible egregore. The lady-master also called the archangels for initiation. Everyone was delighted, except for me. I'm glad I went anyway, but I know what kind of sect this is.

3. I read the comment and remembered! Exactly, because when the 3rd symbol is placed in the aura at the first step in attuning to the Reiki flows, it passes through the crown and rises into the spine. I clearly saw and felt - something entered the spine and instantly lined up there like at home, covering each vertebra. Nightmare, then I didn’t have a thought that something alien was inserted.

None of the masters mentions implants and plugs in the Reiki flow training. We are talking about pure energy coming from the absolute, etc. Many are convinced, and convince their students, that Reiki is not an egregor, and therefore cannot hang anything. The question then is why settings? The answer is to get the skill of working with this energy. But the founder of the system got access to this energy in a special way. No one knows what happened on Mount Kurama, but Usui did not make adjustments to his students, but helped them reach a certain state of consciousness, when they received access to this energy in much the same way as he did. So why did we decide that in 15 minutes of tuning we can get what genetically other people have been achieving for years? None of the "reiki masters" gave me the answer to these questions. The Western system of Reiki, in my opinion, is an outright fool and a scam for money and energy. Friends, if you work with your ancestral memory, you can open the layers where there is information about our Slavic system of energy development and healing, it works and does not require any initiations and connections, only the purity of consciousness.

4. When I had a chance to get acquainted with Reikists, there was a question: what's next??? We raise energy, we ourselves are clean and we help others (does everyone need it so according to karmic rules?)))) but there is a dead end of development ...
The initiation did not tempt me in any way, simply because the SENIOR in the Spiritual Hierarchy, and not the more experienced practitioner, should initiate. There is another question - who will “initiate” whom and where and whose egregor will outweigh ...)))) By the time I met, I was in the process of activating the 4th body with all the energy gifts, but the Reikists DID NOT NOTICE this, they only reported the “news”, that they LIKE my energy!!! AND IT'S ALL!
Those. the practice of that IM did not bring any evolutionary processes. Then there is no point in practice ...
And somehow I didn’t like the “taste” of that egregor ... there’s no point in doing a deep analysis, since it DID NOT GO))) but for myself it’s clear that there is a field alien to me.

How to get rid of the influence of egregors?

UPD 07.08.16. from correspondence:

Q: There is a question about egregores - how to understand that I came out of it? I was trained Oberezhye -Characteristics-Spas, they activated the Stan - that is, the “state” in Ukrainian, which is necessary for work. They said that now alcohol will not work. Rather, a peculiar reaction appeared - dullness, drowsiness and a heavy head, the point here is not alcohol, but subtle interference, which is still alarming. As the cosmoenerget said later, on a subtle plane it looks like a zombie, it seems to have been removed. Cosmoenerget had as a client. Did I understand correctly that residual connections can be removed at the preparatory session?
I read the list of egregors, of course. But how exhaustive is it? When there are so many new systems ... and there are more leaders than Indians?) Thank you for your answer.

A: It all depends on the egregore, its rapacity, your involvement in it, defenses, and so on. Well, on a subtle plane, you need to look at the presence of residual connections. Many egregors cease to influence if they are not addressed, others continue to pump energy in one form or another. Everything is individual.

Of course not, the list is not exhaustive.

Of course, this is often overlaid with any more or less hidden sectarianism, which is easiest to veil under the pretext of some good intentions, tribal rites, traditions, and so on.
if a person does not see what is happening and cannot check on his own, this opens up a lot of loopholes. in the session, you see it and control it.

it cannot be guaranteed that in one session all the influences of egregor can be removed, just as it cannot be guaranteed that all caries can be removed in one session of the dentist. a person is a multidimensional consciousness, which layers were affected (by this or other egregors) and how easily you can detect them the first time - it is not known, EVERYTHING IS INDIVIDUAL!

in addition to egregore, there can be a lot of other things, incl. and from other lives. all this you find and shoot yourself.

in any case, if you are in training, you can do as many sessions as you want and achieve a complete cleansing.

From the comments:

One of my tasks was to look inside network marketing, his egregor. Hmm, I did it earlier, but I realized now.

Another story how I got there. Intuition led me) I was 18 years old, I was interested in yoga and meditation, network marketing (SM) saw it from a bad side and would not have climbed there in my life. Once I noticed some announcement on a pole with an invitation to a lecture on Buddhism. I called out of boredom and found out that the cost of the entrance ticket was like my scholarship and ... went there. It seemed like complete nonsense. In the exhibition complex for a long time I could not find the entrance to the event. As a result, my attention was attracted by a man who seemed to me familiar for a long time, trying to sell an extra ticket. When I found out that this was a ticket to a seminar on SM, I wanted to turn around and leave, but I thought that then life would go on as usual, but I wanted changes, and decided to go. For about two years I went to such seminars, but in the so-called. business has not progressed, and it is not surprising: for this you need to agree to literally give yourself into the clutches of egregor.

What personal experience I got: broadened my horizons, changed my attitude to money and to the material side of life. I learned to overcome fear and be the first to meet and communicate with completely different people, on all topics. A great opportunity to observe others and learn from their experiences. And also try to inspire them, and watch how they begin to change something in life, how their eyes light up. But if you do it through the prism of egregor SM, then it jars.

About egregore.

Powerful and predatory, and cunning - camouflages behind the masks of virtue: a wonderful friendly team without competition, everyone is like one big family, they support and develop each other; high-quality ecological products, etc. The scheme was originally taken well-known: one spreads the idea among his surroundings, and each of them - among his friends, and so on in the form of a grid. The question is what to pour into such a scheme. Concepts to replace - easier than ever. If seasoned with good intentions, plus good security, then many are carried on.

It is important for him that a person consciously makes a choice to join. Best for live bait, i.e. one who leads by example. Therefore, they openly say that the main resource is people. With great potential, open and trustworthy, natural leaders who will be drawn to others. In general, many things are given in plain text: “if you want to succeed, trust and follow the system, be committed to it”, I generally keep quiet about the techniques for building probability branches and other magic.

The signing of the contract is the first stage for identifying "friend" / "stranger". If a person agrees to give himself to an egregor, then there are several options. Whoever has enough potential grows at a rapid pace, from level to level; who has little or who hesitates with the decision - Sisyphean labor. About fanaticism, I think, too, everything is clear.

Is everyone united by a common idea? Tales about a large and friendly family crumble at the first attempt to end up with someone from another branch (clan). A polite wall of cold and alienation. These are the rules of the control system. But in their branch, everyone is obliged to help each other, learning to build relationships in any situation, and this is even a useful skill. By the way, such branches resemble a genus.

Egregor draws a lot of energy, and therefore he endows his successful adherents so generously. As long as a person is in an egregore, then a good cash flow is provided to him and his family. For some, this is an opportunity to change their lives for the better, because having a good passive income and constantly learning something, people begin to think about other things, to look for their destiny. So again, it all depends on a particular person, and even interaction with egregors is a means and tool for achieving your goals.