A conspiracy to enlarge breasts. Conspiracies and magical rituals for breast growth

). Therefore everything more women refuse this dangerous procedure. If earlier there was a queue at Plastic Surgery Centers for bust enlargement surgery, now there are fewer and fewer people willing. Doctors can no longer hide information about the disadvantages of this operation and the terrible complications, and not every one of us will agree to risk our health and even our lives.

But it's not all bad! There are several conspiracies with which you can enlarge your breasts without any surgery. Conspiracies are easy to carry out and do not have any bad consequences for health (with some exceptions...).

In this article I will talk about the three most powerful conspiracies that have proven their effectiveness and are time-tested. I want to say right away that no visualization or other techniques are required to carry out these conspiracies. Conspiracies work no matter what state you are in. Of course, it is advisable that you believe in success, but this will not essentially affect the result. So, let's move on to conspiracies.

Plot for breast growth with milk

This conspiracy is done once on the seventh night after the new moon. It is done exactly at midnight. To carry it out, you will need a glass of natural milk (milk from a cow); store-bought milk will not work.

Get alone and say the following to the milk:

“From the power of life and the beginning of growth, everything begins. And my breasts begin to grow, as they had not grown before. And they fill with great strength, as if I had to feed a child. Amen, amen, amen.”

You slander three times, and after that you rub your breasts with the spoken milk, and drink the remaining milk.

The effect appears on the seventh day, the breasts begin to grow and increase in size.

Key spell for breast enlargement

To carry out the conspiracy you will need some kind of key. You can take absolutely any key, even from some old lock. The conspiracy takes place on the third night after the new moon. It is enough to carry out this spell once for your breasts to increase by one or two sizes.

You need to completely undress and stand with your right heel on the key. Then say the following in a whisper:

“As I stood on the key late at night, my breasts began to grow. And night after night the moon will grow and my breasts will also begin to increase in size. And neither day nor night, nor an envious glance will stop my words. Amen.”

You need to repeat the plot three times, and then hide the key in some secluded place where no one will find it. The breasts will continue to grow over the next seven months.

Conspiracy for rapid breast growth

For this spell you will need a bottle of holy water. You can collect holy water in the church. They make a spell on the second night after the new moon and then drink this water a little every day for seven days. Conspiracy to do at night. Take the bottle, be sure to open the cap and repeat the words of the spell three times:

“I speak to the holy water, I speak the power of growth into it. As I drink this water, my breasts will grow, fill up and become attractive, to please the people and please everyone. My word is strong, sprinkled with holy water and indestructible from now on. Amen.”

Then drink this water little by little for a week. The breasts will grow within seven months after the conspiracy.

Very important point- you must learn the words of the spells by heart; don’t read the spells from a piece of paper or from a phone!
Especially for www.

One of the main women's problems, after excess weight, wrinkles and cellulite, the problem of small breasts remains. This problem makes both young girls and mature ladies seriously complex. You can cope with this problem in different ways: get plastic surgery, go in for fitness, choose a special diet, etc. Those who trust ancient magical recipes can also turn to this, not quite standard, but very effective method, as a plot for breast enlargement. This is a very effective ritual, like any white magic spells.

In order for the breast growth plot to work, you must follow certain rules for its implementation. A plot for breast growth in some cases may be difficult; special attributes, skills and knowledge may be required. That is why many people prefer not to carry out a breast enlargement conspiracy on their own, but turn to specialists in the field of esotericism for help.
For a breast enlargement plot to work, it is important to visualize the end result, that is, imagine specific size and shape, and for it to grow, you must adhere to other rules and recommendations:

  1. For rapid bust growth, rituals must be carried out taking into account the phases of the moon: usually this is the full moon or new moon and the waxing month. Only on the waxing moon can rituals be performed on the chest. Otherwise, the effect may not be exactly what you need.
  2. In order for the bust to grow, rituals that will help enlarge the breasts should be performed only in women's days– Friday, Wednesday, Saturday.
  3. It is important to formulate your request. Questions about external breast data can be posed in different ways. One woman wants to increase her bust size, for another it is important to lift her breasts and give them more tone, while others just want to correct their shape. You must first carefully select a suitable ritual according to your goals.
  4. The time of reading the spell is important - the beginning of a new day: late at night or early morning, when the energy of all living things is activated.
  5. The text of the spell cannot be read from sight: it is learned by heart and pronounced without errors, quietly or silently.
  6. Reading the verbal formula should be accompanied by a certain internal state of the woman, her thoughts and feelings. It is worth using a conspiracy in order to increase the volume in the chest only when this method is beyond doubt. Reading a conspiracy “just in case” without much faith in its power can be not only useless, but also dangerous.
  7. Before starting the ritual, you need to evaluate the feasibility of the entire event: if a woman already has size 3 or 4 breasts, is it worth enlarging them?
  8. Before the procedure, you need to imagine the end result as accurately as possible, and it must be realistic and achievable. Visualizing and dreaming about a colossal increase, of course, is not prohibited. But you need to understand that the body’s resources are simply not enough for such growth. As a result, the desired can be fulfilled, but due to some pathological processes.
  9. A woman can use a spell for breast growth not only in relation to herself, but also in relation to her daughter.
  10. You can enhance the power of words with the help of a stone or a female rune, which should be held in your hand during the ritual.
  11. It is impossible to charm your breasts to grow during breastfeeding or for any diseases of the mammary glands.

A spell for large breasts helps them grow bigger. Depending on the specific purpose, the enchanted bust will increase at different periods of time. For example, if you only need to tighten your shape, the ritual will work faster than if you need to increase the size.

Effective rituals

Ritual during bathing

An effective ritual is carried out every time you visit the bathhouse, during a shower or bath. It can be carried out by a woman for herself while bathing or for her daughter. The following words are whispered:

“Like from a small seed, a round, plump, ripe and beautiful apple grows. Just as a heifer grows a mark, and sunflowers grow from small grains, so a girl grows into a woman. God told this woman to bear and give birth to a child and feed it with her own milk. And for this she needs a bust that is strong and elastic, lush and beautiful. And let me (my daughter), God’s servant (name), have breasts that increase in size, become lush and strong. So be it."

While pronouncing the magic words, you should lightly stroke your chest with your fingertips, imagining how it grows and becomes lush.

For food and drink

There is a very effective, but at the same time simple ritual for acquiring the desired shape and size of the breast. You can read the plot several times a day, before the main meal. Say out loud or to yourself, placing your hand on your chest:

“Eat, eat up. Let everything go to the chest, and higher powers They will help me with this. So be it."

Repeat the words three times. Another effective magical action is a ritual over food or dishes. The ritual with yeast dough is especially effective. During the waxing moon, prepare yeast dough, knead it well and say:

“As this dough grows and swells, turns into sweet buns, so let my breasts grow, become round and fill with splendor. Amen!".

Say the words both after the buns are baked and after eating them. It is recommended to repeat this ritual three times.

For apple grains

This magical effect will be very effective for those ladies whose bust has already begun to sag and lose its former elasticity. To carry out the ritual, red ripe apples are required, 12 in total. The procedure is carried out during the waxing moon. With the first rays of sun, take the previously purchased apples and carefully cut them into two parts. Remove all the grains from each. Place these bones in a clean, beautiful handkerchief, tie them, and whisper the following text on them:

“As I pour goverst, I can smell a mile away: there is dust swirling on the road, in whom the great will turn. The apples were filled with juice and browned. So the sun rises and slowly moves across the sky. And near the river bank there are pebbles, big and hard. They glow with light, and under the sun they are full of heat. Now my goversta will crumble, but the pebbles will remain. That river will always run, I, God’s slave (say my name out loud), will show off, and everyone around me will admire my magnificent breasts. Key, lock. Amen!".

Tie the apple seeds tightly. Gently rub clockwise over each breast. After such a massage, hide a handkerchief with grains in a cache. It's best to sew it into your own pillow. Unnoticed by others, rub the seeds on your chest in the morning and evening every day. When the breasts grow, hide the talisman in a secluded place so that no one will find it. Eat apples, preferably during the first day, so the ritual will take effect faster.

Full moon ritual

The following magical actions take place exactly at midnight during the full moon. The sky should be starry and clear, moonlight should penetrate the window. At midnight, open the window, undress, put your bra and blouse on the floor, and stand on them with your bare feet. Looking at the light of the moon, say:

“I cast the magic key and hold it under my heel. Just as the moon shines in the night sky, how beautiful, lush, round and full it is, let my breasts also become round, lush, rich and thick. As it was said, let it come true. No one can remove my slander. I’ll lock it with a magic steel key and hide it far from prying eyes. Let no one know how beauty came to me.”

Hide the said clothes and repeat the procedure on the next full moon.

On the water

The ritual with water is effective and universal, suitable for women of any age. Take holy water and chant it at dawn every day during the waxing of the moon:

“I whisper, I enchant the magic, healing, key water! As the moon grows in the sky, so let my breasts grow and fill with beauty. Let everyone envy and admire her, but for my joy!”

With milk

With the help of magical influence, you can part with a small bust and in return acquire lush, beautiful shapes. The next plot requires the use of fresh cow's milk. Rubbing warm milk into your chest, say:

“In a wide open field, in a clean field, under a bright sun, under a red sun, a cow walked in the wind, dropping milk from her udder onto the grass. That milk fell on my chest, the servant of God (name). It fell so that I, the servant of God (name), would bloom with riotous color, bright beauty, to my joy, to the envy of others. As I said, so it will come true. Amen".

Carry out such manipulations for each breast seven times. Do not wash off the milk. Drink the remaining drink to the bottom. Repeat these steps for seven days.

Using simple and readily available means, you can get the desired size, shape and firmness of your breasts. At the same time, it is very important to believe in positive result, carrying out a plot for breast growth.

Beautiful breasts attract the eyes of men and make other women jealous. We don’t always naturally get the size we want. It can be increased by reading a simple plot for breast growth. You'll be surprised how well it works. Exists a whole series conspiracies that help you achieve the forms you strive for.

You can enhance your attractiveness, shape your breasts beautifully, and make them more noticeable. The man of your dreams will not pass by such a woman. You have the power to do everything without surgery and pills - appeal to the forces of beauty and health, make your breasts the way you dream. Suitable for young girls too.

Important to know before starting rituals

You pronounce your wish, perform a ritual, read a conspiracy. The Universe will definitely pay attention to you and consider your problems. But you definitely shouldn’t make such a conspiracy if:

  • You already have quite large breasts. The forces of justice will not understand why a woman with a size 4 needs to increase it.
  • There are some diseases of the mammary glands.
  • You are bleeding regularly.
  • If you have given birth to a child and are breastfeeding, you should not read these conspiracies. Wait until you finish breastfeeding.

These restrictions are important because you want to stay healthy. If your breasts are already large, then look at yourself in the mirror more often. Evaluate yourself from the outside, understand what exactly you don’t like. You have every opportunity to fix this. Exercising will help you get in shape.

These conspiracies only work to increase size. If there are diseases of the glands, along with the increase in size, your troubles will increase. But for women with small breasts, conspiracies will be an excellent solution. Positive energy beauty, femininity, attractiveness will respond to your call.

Charmed rose oil for rapid breast growth

It takes a huge number of rose petals to get just one drop of this oil. You need to buy something expensive good oil. The ritual is performed at night from Wednesday to Thursday, when the moon is in its waxing phase. You will need:

  • Two pink candles.
  • White tablecloth.
  • Mirror.
  • A bottle of rose oil.

Lay out a tablecloth, place a mirror, candles and a bottle on it. Take off your clothes.

  1. Light the candles.
  2. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your body critically.
  3. Place a bottle of oil between the candles and say the spell while looking at yourself in the mirror:

“As the moon grows, so do my breasts. As the moon wanes, so does my illness. Amen".

The rose oil should warm up slightly from the candles. Take a drop and apply to your chest, rub in with gentle movements. The positive feminine energy of the Moon will interact with this drop of nature - the result will surprise you. You will get bigger breasts. Apply this oil once a week after bathing - it will effectively maintain the result and accelerate growth.

How to speak milk

An excellent, very effective ritual is performed using milk. The conspiracy to enlarge breasts using milk has been known for a long time. Back then, fresh milk was taken early in the morning, but now it is difficult to get. Buy natural, fresh milk, not something that has been stored for a long time. If you can buy fresh food in the village, that’s great. In order for everything to learn, you need to visualize the result well.

Answer the following questions mentally:

  • What breast size would you like to get? Naturally, it will not be possible to increase immediately from the first to the fourth. You will get gradual results.
  • How do you see yourself after achieving what you want - imagine the image well.
  • What dresses, blouses, underwear you can wear - imagine your new wardrobe.
  • Feel the admiring glances of men.

When you can visualize yourself, start. Early in the morning, put a mirror on the table and heat the milk. Rub it into your chest saying:

“In a wide field, in an open field, under the clear sun and in the free wind, a cow was walking, she knew no troubles, she dropped milk from her udder. On my chest, the servant of God (name), that milk fell! So that I may blossom and become prettier, my breasts will fill with health, become larger and more beautiful! My word is heard, my wish is fulfilled! Amen!"

This ritual is performed for 7 days in a row. You can't skip days. Believe in yourself - milk will give you necessary help, and the words of the conspiracy will help you achieve results quickly. Our great-grandmothers actively used this method - look at old photographs. This method is natural and harmless. Drink what's left in the cup.

To make your breasts grow bigger

Go out into the fields at night if you want your breasts to grow quickly. The energy of the earth gives rapid growth to all trees, grasses, bushes, and it will help your chest too.

  1. Take the key, go to the field when the Moon is in the sky. Always choose the growth phase - the female energy of the Moon will gladly fulfill your desire.
  2. Place the key on the ground and stand on it with your bare heel.
  3. Read the plot while looking at the Moon:

“I hold the key under my heel. As the moon grows, so will my breasts grow! So that she is lush and fat and I have a rich bust! Amen!"

The key will need to be buried in the ground next to a large, strong tree so that it transfers some of its growth energy. It is done in the summer or late spring, but not in the fall - then nature prepares for sleep, freezes, and all processes stop. This conspiracy exceeded many expectations. Simple yet powerful - the forces of nature itself answer your call.

Breast cancer conspiracy

Every woman dreams of beautiful, large, lush breasts. But very often we forget that it must also be healthy so that it does not cause trouble, but only joy. To do this, carefully monitor what underwear you wear and visit a doctor. A great way to support the health of your breasts is an old Russian conspiracy. It should be read regularly, especially if there have been cases of serious diseases in the female part of your family. Don't neglect these tips.

You need to look in the mirror at your bare chest while saying:

“From this day until Holy Saturday, cancer is not a fish, a tumor is not meat. I will come to an empty field, where it is not sown, not reaped, not called by the owners, where there has been growth that was not asked for, but worn by the body, put on the chest. An unsown field gave rise to burdock and spiked wheat. As that wheat dries, the tumor will fall away from the born and baptized servant of God (name), that field will dry up, and there will be no tumor on the chest. Amen".

Breast health needs to be monitored. Never do a growth spell if you have even a tiny benign tumor. It’s better to repeat the words of this conspiracy regularly, they will protect your health and protect you from terrible diseases. You can read it only for yourself, but it is better to teach a friend or relative the plot.

Everything that can help you

You will need faith in yourself. The same way you spoke rose oil, you can use any body cream to apply it regularly. Visualize your impact:

  • When you massage your chest with a charmed cream, imagine a powerful radiance emanating from your hands, penetrating under the skin.
  • You will feel how your beauty grows - even if just a little, imperceptibly.
  • Use the energy of the Moon in the growth phase to improve the effect and accelerate a pleasant increase in volume.
  • White or pink candles are suitable for the ritual. They attract a lot of soft positive energy.

Whatever your breast size, remember: you are beautiful. These proven conspiracies will help improve the situation, and the ability to visualize will speed up the result. When starting the ritual, think that the wish has already begun to come true. Words of strength will only bolster your confidence.

Every woman strives to hide her shortcomings, especially in front of the stronger sex. Most often, girls are concerned about the appearance and size of their breasts. If funds allow, you can seek help from a plastic surgeon. If not, they use a conspiracy to enlarge or reduce breasts.

Women are often unhappy with the size of their breasts

Magic in the fight for the perfect body

The problem with bust size often worries modern women. Some do everything to reduce it, while others are ready to increase the size of the bra they wear. In the era of artificially creating the image of a woman with ideal forms, the problem becomes even more complex. Due to the current situation, women with shortcomings have a decrease in self-esteem, and this leads to others

In search of a solution to problems with acquiring the desired forms, people often turn to magic. For such unconventional methods of correcting your appearance to produce the desired effect, you need to believe in their power and hope for a positive result for yourself. Other features of the success of conspiracies are also taken into account:

  • they are read only on the rising moon or on the full moon;
  • you need to dream about a new body part constantly;
  • You need to clearly determine the shape and size of your bust.

Any mistakes in preparing and performing rituals are prohibited. You need to do everything as stated in the instructions.

A powerful plot to enlarge your bust

If a woman’s goal is to enlarge her mammary glands, a conspiracy can help her with this. clean water. In order for the breasts to grow and become the way the girl wants them to be, you need to fill any container with clean spring water at dawn. You can also use a saint. Having typed it, they read the plot:

“I’ll speak, I’ll enchant pure spring water! So that after drinking it, my strength will awaken! So that my chest fills with beauty, grows, becomes bigger! For others to admire, and for others to envy! Amen!".

The words are read, wanting the breasts to grow. You can achieve the desired size and shape of the mammary glands if you drink the enchanted water every morning.

Full moon ritual for breast enlargement

An old proven ritual for large breasts is performed on a full moon. This time is best for enlarging the mammary glands, since the powers of magic increase several times during the full moon. The ritual is carried out like this:

  • strip naked;
  • go to the window, visualizing themselves with a new part of the body;
  • looking at the moon, they read the plot:

“The moon is beautiful, the moon is full, let my breasts please me with its fullness and beauty. In gratitude, I will remember you, moon, every time I look at myself in the mirror. May I too glow with your mysterious light. Let everyone look at me, at my mammary glands, and remember you, a plump beauty. I will enchant everyone, I will enchant them. Beauty to me, thank you very much to the moon always. So we agreed. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After the words are spoken, they go to bed. It is important that no one sees the girl until the morning, and she does not speak to anyone.

The full moon has increased magical power

How to make a bust beautiful

Breasts may lose their usual shape and firmness. Such changes occur with age or after childbirth. Wanting to get back beautiful shape mammary glands, women are ready for any action. The most popular for these purposes will be a conspiracy to gain beautiful breasts.

The plot is read during the ritual using a key and clothes. Before the magical action, you need to get a key (it should look like gold), collect holy water and pick up any item from the wardrobe. After waiting until midnight, the ritual itself is performed:

  • the prepared item is thrown onto the floor;
  • stand on it with the heel of your right foot;
  • read the plot:

“Under my heel lies a golden key. You, the moon, are round, and my breasts are lush. I’ll wash it with holy water and close it with a key on top. Amen!".

After reading the plot, you need to step on the floor with a rag, wash your chest with water, take the key and wrap it in your clothes. The resulting package is hidden in the house away from loved ones. If this spell is used correctly, a woman will receive beautiful breasts after just a few months of waiting.

How to reduce it

Those women who have large breasts always find it difficult to choose clothes for themselves, they experience discomfort in everyday life, etc. Even the increased interest of the stronger sex in such ladies cannot stop them from wanting to achieve a more modest size of the intimate part of the body.

If you decide to use magic to reduce your bust, you don’t need to run for church candles or stock up on some occult objects and herbs. Everything you need is always at hand. A girl concerned about her large bust size should wait until evening. All alone, she needs to take off all her clothes and go to the mirror. Looking at your reflection, you need to imagine your new self with reduced and toned breasts. At the moment of greatest concentration, read the plot:

“So that my chest does not become exhausted, I do not say goodbye to men, it will become elastic and alluring, trembling from the caresses of my beloved. Oh, Beauty, come into me, free me from heavy thoughts. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The text of the conspiracy is repeated 13 times. After finishing the ritual, you need to keep it secret. After 3-4 months the first changes will be noticeable. Big breasts will be replaced by a more fit and compact one.

Sometimes there is a need to reduce breasts: in this case, a conspiracy will also help

How to make her healthy

The mammary glands are a part of the body that requires increased attention. It is necessary to monitor their condition and health. There are many diseases that can make the bust not only less attractive, but also problematic. Unpleasant symptoms in the form of neoplasms, painful lumps, may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes, the development of which is dangerous for a woman’s life.

To help traditional medicine in the fight for bust health, spell treatment is often used. The most common type of magical therapy is the ritual with cabbage. It is carried out like this:

  • put cabbage on a cutting board;
  • take a knife in both hands;
  • with a sharp movement, cut the head of cabbage into 2 halves (with one blow);
  • read the plot:

“I, servant of God (name), will stand on the threshold, I will take an aspen pole in my hands, I will go beyond the horizon to the east. I’ll find the sub-eastern side; There is a barn there, I’ll look into that barn, I’ll count the udders of all the cows: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, Five, four, three and two, Like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name). Let chiriya and vereds dry up, disappear, die. Let the tumors not eat me up. May you, my body, be pure and white. Get rid of all the tumors on my chest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After the spoken words, you need to separate the cabbage leaf and put it in the bra cup. Cabbage leaves are changed every 15-20 minutes so that they do not have time to dry out.

Prayer-amulet for health

Mammary glands, which can be put in a bag and carried with you, are very popular among girls. For strong protection against diseases, materials of natural origin are suitable. You can use beeswax or a piece of wood. The prepared amulet requires activation.

They give the amulet strength away from city amenities, in nature. You need to retire with the thought of your health, go to the forest or planting. Approaching the tree, you need to take the magical accessory in your right hand and touch the plant with your left. It is important to say:

“Lord Almighty, I ask for blessings and forgiveness! You created the sky and the stars, the earth and the water, and me, the Servant of God (name). Just as you have strengthened your creations, so strengthen my body, so that pain and illness do not touch my heart, bones, or veins.”

After the prayer has been said, you may feel slightly unwell. This amulet is powered by the energy of nature. The girl herself is a guide. Powerful forces fill the body through one hand and leave through the other. After such a ritual, a woman will not be afraid of any diseases of the mammary glands or other diseases.

An amulet can be made from beeswax


Using a spell for beautiful breasts to grow, you need to believe in its effectiveness. No matter how big or small, without hope of success in the struggle for an ideal body, all efforts will be in vain. You need to visualize something new, be proud of it as a gift from above (even if there is no result yet).

If you are unhappy with something in your figure, then this can always be corrected with the help of magical spells. But it must be said that almost every woman critically evaluates her figure; it always seems to her that there is something to improve. Women in particular are not always happy with the size of their breasts. Many people want this part female beauty was more. In such cases, you can safely use a plot for breast growth.

The Importance of Visualization in Magic

If you want the breast enlargement spell to work especially well, then you need to master the skill of visualization. This is a skill that will be essential.

Visualization is when you imagine what you want to get very clearly before your eyes. If you do this directly during the conspiracy, the effect of the magical ritual will be much higher.

Moreover, during visualization it is very important not only to keep before your eyes a picture of what you want, but also to feel the emotions in your body that you will have in the future. Everything here is very closely tied to emotional sphere. The fact is that if you manage to generate emotions of happiness in this way, then your body will remember them and in the future it will attract the fulfillment of what you want to you. Because it is from the fulfillment of desire that the body will again experience happiness.

So, if you use a spell for breast growth, then be sure to imagine your breasts of the desired size. And imagine that you already have it and you are very proud of it. Sincerely rejoice at your breasts and their enlargement. It is very important to experience emotions as if what you want has already happened. It is in this case that the breasts will slowly and surely grow to the desired size.

Rules for casting a spell

There are also general rules, which will help make conspiracies for breast enlargement even more effective. Be sure to use them:

  • The first such rule is that it is better not to tell anyone that you are doing a conspiracy for breast growth. The fact is that magic really likes when its affairs are kept secret. She takes it as a kind of respect. Secret conspiracies work much better.
  • For the breast growth spell, there is a condition that it be reproduced during the waxing moon. Conspiracies where you are asked to bring something into life should always be done during the period of the waxing moon. This is especially true for conspiracies where a woman asks for something. The fact is that the moon is the patroness feminine energy therefore, a woman has a unique opportunity to enlist the support of the moon. This is also a significant factor.
  • If a woman does not understand at least one word in a magical text for breast growth, then she must definitely find out its reliable meaning. When a girl reads a plot for breast growth and understands every word in it, this increases her awareness in reading. And the more consciously the text is read, the more soul and feelings are put into it, which means the conspiracy will work much better.
  • There's no point in doing a breast growth conspiracy if you don't believe in it. This is a very important criterion. Magic simply won't work if you don't believe in it. So, if you are doing a conspiracy just for show, then don’t even waste your energy on it.
  • Say the magic text with feeling; the more feelings and your desire you bring into the ritual, the better it will work.

Plot for breast growth using cabbage leaf and honey

The strongest conspiracy for breast growth will work if you combine it with folk remedy to enlarge this part of the body. There is one folk recipe, which involves applying a cabbage leaf with honey to the chest. In the evening, when the moon is very high, take a cabbage leaf, spread it with a thin layer of honey, apply it to your chest, and put on a sports bra on top. The underwear must be sporty so that movement is not restricted. Then place both hands on top of the bra and say the following spell:

“I put cabbage and honey on my lush, high and beautiful breasts. It will be as sweet and appetizing as honey. As fresh and fluffy as cabbage. It was medium, it became big, it wasn’t mine, but now I have it so beautiful. May you grow magnificently, may you grow beautifully. I ask for myself, not for anyone else. I speak to a lush chest, to a high and beautiful chest.”

After this, go straight to bed. It is advisable to perform this ritual for twenty-one days. During this time, you will learn the spell by heart. The more feelings you put into the text, the better. It is not worth doing such folk extensions for more than twenty-one days. Within a month you will notice that your breasts have become much larger.

Water spell

Water absorbs information very well. Therefore, you can also cast a magic text on her so that her breasts grow. This ritual is very simple and useful. Every morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water. By the way, this in itself is very useful rule. And, if you also want to enlarge your breasts with water, then read the following magic spell on the water before drinking it:

“I want everything, I get everything. My breasts are already beautiful, but they will be even more beautiful. I conjure some water to increase her beauty and health. Healthy big, beautiful big. As I drink some water, beauty will come to my chest.”

These words must be pronounced as joyfully as possible, then they will have a very high effect. After this, drink the water in small sips. In fact, such a ritual can be carried out until the breasts reach the desired size. But you definitely need to start such a ritual during the waxing moon.

Milk spell

Eat effective conspiracy for breast enlargement for milk for breast enlargement. To carry out this ritual, you need to warm a glass of milk to room temperature. The main thing is that it is not cold. In the evening on the day of the waxing moon, start rubbing milk into your breasts, but in a certain way. Use your left hand to rub the milk into your right hand and vice versa. Three times for each breast you need to read the following plot to enlarge it:

“In a wide field, in a green field, a beautiful cow walked and walked. I ate green grass and gained strength for beauty. And her udder is beautiful, full. Milk fell from the udder in drops onto the grass. That milk dripped onto my chest. It will increase the beauty of my breasts. For my health, for my beauty, my mammary glands will increase with God's help. As milk dripped onto my breasts, they became beautiful and plump.”

Read this text with maximum gratitude and love for your future beautiful mammary gland. It is advisable to repeat this procedure three times. Every time there is a new moon, then as the moon grows, your breasts will grow.

Bathing spell

When you take a shower or bath, or wash in a bathhouse, it is also very good to cast a spell to enlarge the mammary glands. At this moment you are alone with yourself. In addition, water is very relaxing for the body and mind. And under these circumstances, a conspiracy to enlarge the mammary glands will work even better. So, during water procedures, pay attention to the mammary glands and read the following plot:

“From a small flower a whole fruit grows. It is sweet, fragrant, and seems lush and beautiful to everyone. This is how a girl grows into a child beautiful woman with lush and attractive breasts. She needs breasts to feed a small child. And for this it must be large and elastic. So let her be like that. Strong, tall, beautiful, mine. The flower is blooming, the breast is blooming. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

You can do this ritual every time you take water treatments. Until you achieve desired result. It is very good to do such a ritual while taking a bath. When your body is relaxed, there is languor. At this moment it is very easy to generate feelings that, together with visualization, will help attract what you want to you.

breast enlargement spell

Breast augmentation method from Vera Lion

Full moon spell

The full moon is a particularly magical day. On this day you can make a variety of conspiracies, including conspiracies for breast enlargement; they will be very powerful. A conspiracy to enlarge the mammary glands can be carried out as follows. You need to go out at midnight as soon as possible, or right at midnight in a light nightie. It is important that you are not wearing underwear at this moment. Look at the full moon, take a deep breath and exhale. Then you need to clearly visualize the effect you want to get from the spell. That is, imagine yourself with lush, beautiful breasts and imagine how happy you are about this circumstance. It is very important to catch this feeling of joy in the body, then what you want will be attracted easily and quickly. When this happens, then read the following plot while looking at the full moon:

“The moon is beautiful, the moon is full. Let my breasts please me with their fullness and beauty. In gratitude, I will remember you, the moon, every time I look at myself in the mirror. May I too glow with your mysterious light. Let everyone look at me, at my mammary glands and remember you, your plump beauty. I will enchant everyone, I will enchant them. Beauty to me, thank you very much to the moon always. So we agreed. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After this, you can go straight to bed. It will be better if you don’t talk to anyone this evening. On this night, direct contact with the full moon can cause amazing dreams, this also means that the conspiracy to grow your breasts is working.