Leisure program of the teacher organizer. "Leisure Academy"

Program for organizing leisure time for children of primary school age “Pass the good in a circle”

Explanatory note

The importance of leisure in the formation and development of a child’s personality is great. He performs a series important functions in the sphere of free time, including communicative, creative, recreational, hedonistic. Through leisure, children are introduced to cultural values, traditions and customs. Leisure contributes to the successful process of socialization of children through various forms of cultural and leisure activities.

Today, more than ever, society's responsibility for educating the younger generation is widely recognized. National projects aim us to use all opportunities, all resources to increase efficiency educational process.

The program for organizing leisure time for children of primary school age “Pass the Good Around” has an undoubted value, as it stimulates the development of skills in children of primary school age, provides the right to choose and participate in various types of activities in accordance with motivational and need orientation. The program's activities contain various competitive tasks that will help children complete friendships, good mood and good deeds.

The proposed program is developed based on sociological research, which was based on an analysis of the activities of the House of Culture of the village. Borzovaya Zaimka, leisure preferences of children, possibilities of the socio-cultural environment of the village of Borzovaya Zaimka. The fundamental difference of the proposed program is:

  • · in a new approach to the organization of cultural and leisure activities;
  • · in choosing forms of cultural and leisure activities, based on the leisure preferences of children;
  • · in the development of amateur folk art by creating new circles;
  • · inclusion of more children in leisure activities.

The basis of the program is gaming activities. The game refers to an indirect method of influence, when the child does not feel like an object of influence from an adult, when he is a full-fledged subject of activity. Therefore, during the game, children themselves strive to overcome difficulties, set problems and solve them. Each program event introduces children to one or another type of games and is aimed at developing creative abilities, organizational and leadership skills, dexterity, intelligence and the ability to interact in a team. The competitive and game forms that make up the program shape children’s worldviews, broaden their horizons and knowledge, foster feelings of respect for the older generation, feelings of patriotism, and stimulate interest in history. native land, to the problem of ecology.

The work plan provides for the inclusion of such events as sports, theatrical, concert, educational, and entertaining game programs. The participation of children in regional public events is provided. The participation of children in the process of preparing events, in developing ideas, plots, and in making decorations will make the event a bright and memorable event in the child’s life.

Purpose of the program:

· creating conditions for organizing meaningful leisure and employment for children of primary school age.

Program objectives:

  • · improving the quality of activities for children of primary school age;
  • · use of traditional and innovative forms of cultural and leisure activities;
  • · implementation collaboration on organizing children's leisure between socio-cultural institutions of the village (MBUK "DK of the village of Borzovaya Zaimka", MBOU "Secondary School No. 96", MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 208");
  • · development of children's creative abilities as a result of participation in various clubs;
  • · nurturing a sense of empathy, developing motivation for unity and the ability to act in a team to achieve a goal;
  • · revival and preservation of folk traditions and rituals;
  • · promoting the physical improvement of children of primary school age;
  • · promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • · instilling in children a sense of respect and love for their native land, their history, nature and respect for it;
  • · through cooperative games reveal creativity every child.

Participants: children of primary school age and their parents, recreation center specialists, village residents.

Stages of program implementation:

The implementation of the program includes 4 stages:

  • 1. Analytical and diagnostic - May-June 2012 - at this stage, information is collected and studied about the leisure preferences of children of primary school age.
  • 2. Organizational stage - July-August 2012 - solving program problems, developing event scenarios, expanding connections with parents and educational institutions.
  • 3. The main stage - September 2012 - August 2013 - carrying out program activities.
  • 4. The final stage - August 2013 - analysis of the implementation of the program, analysis of proposals, search for new forms, development prospects.

The implementation of the program includes a number of fundamental conditions:

  • · funding the program in full;
  • · incentives for employees responsible for program implementation;
  • · improvement of the material and technical base.

Terms successful implementation programs are age-sensitive and individual characteristics, interests, abilities and capabilities of children; creating a situation of “success” to demonstrate creativity and overcome difficulties in achieving goals; logistics of the program.

Expected result:

The program’s activities form the spiritual and moral level of children, patriotic and civic consciousness, health care, introduce children to the traditions of folk culture, its preservation, revival and popularization, cultivate feelings of tolerance and respect for nature. Also, the results of the program implementation are:

  • · children’s understanding of leisure as a value, its significance for the development and self-realization of the individual;
  • · children's awareness of their capabilities and abilities, ways and means of their implementation in their free time from school;
  • · acquisition by children of practical skills in organizing leisure activities, the ability to spend their free time in a meaningful and varied way;
  • · children's mastery of basic means of communication, the foundations of spectator culture;
  • · improving the culture of relationships between children and peers and adults.

We believe that the successful implementation of the proposed program will allow:

  • · lay the foundations for a new approach to organizing cultural and leisure activities for children of primary school age in the village of Borzovaya Zaimka;
  • · to form certain traditions in the leisure sphere of the village of Borzovaya Zaimka;
  • · increase the leisure activity of the children's population;
  • · diversify the lives of village children.

Table. Plan of events, programs for organizing leisure time for children of primary school age “Pass the good in a circle”

Event name

Event form

Purpose of the event

Time and place


"First class party"

Competitive game program

Broadening your horizons; increase in intellectual

creative activity

"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Travel game

Broadening your horizons; increasing intellectual and creative activity


"Safe Wheel"

Travel game

Prevention of rule violations traffic; expanding children's horizons

"Turning through the pages of history"

Quiz for the 75th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Expanding knowledge about the history of the native land; instilling a sense of love for the small Motherland, a sense of patriotism


“What autumn gave us”


“Please accept our congratulations!”

Concert for the Day of the Elderly

Instilling respect for older people; ; realization of creative abilities

House of Culture (audience hall)

Concert master

"Russia! Rus! Protect yourself, protect yourself!

Quiz for National Unity Day

Fostering a sense of patriotism; instilling interest in Russian history

“Everything on earth is from mother’s hands”

Concert for Mother's Day

Popularization family holidays; realization of creative abilities

House of Culture (audience hall)

Concert master

"We'll have fun, we'll have fun New Year


Concert master

“Shine with lights, Christmas tree!”

Theatrical concert

Creating a festive mood

House of Culture (audience hall)

Concert master

"Under the Clear Christmas Sky"



“Aty-baty, the soldiers are coming!”

Competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Fostering feelings of patriotism, perseverance, courage, respect for the defenders of the Motherland; expanding knowledge about the history of the country

"Holiday of Little Princesses"

Realization of creative abilities


"For grandmothers and mothers"

Promotion of family; realization of creative abilities


Concert master

"Spring Trouble"

Theatrical performance

Acquaintance with folk traditions and rituals, their preservation

Open area near the cultural center

Art director Cult

Concert master

“Both jokingly and seriously”

Improvisation game for April Fool's Day

Creating a festive mood


"Space Travel"

Travel game

Expanding knowledge about space

“Dad can do anything!”

Promotion of family; strengthening connections between generations


"We don't need war!"

Children's drawing competition

Forming feelings of respect and gratitude to veterans for their feats and defense of the Motherland; instilling interest in knowledge of the history of the country; realization of creative abilities


“The living need this!”

Evening-meeting of generations

Forming feelings of respect and gratitude to veterans for their feats and defense of the Motherland; strengthening connections between generations


"Boys and girls, and their parents"

Family competition

Promotion of family; strengthening connections between generations


"Rainbow of Talents"

Report concert

Realization of creative abilities; encouraging talented children

House of Culture (audience hall)

"Bad advice"

Dramatization game

Aesthetic education

"The Secret of the Old Witch's Spells"

Travel game

Open area of ​​school No. 96

"Ecology and Children"

Theatrical play program dedicated to Children's Day and Environment Day

Formation of a caring attitude towards nature

Open area near the cultural center


Concert master

"It's fun to play together!"

Theatrical relay race

Increased intellectual and creative activity

Yard area

"Ivan Kupala"

Theatrical concert

Acquaintance with folk traditions and rituals, their preservation

Bank of the Barnaulka River


“Come to our holiday!”

Theatrical play program

Increased intellectual and creative activity

Yard area


Concert master

"Weekend hike"

Ecological action

Formation of a caring attitude towards nature

Bank of the Barnaulka River


One of the main objectives of the “Pass the Good Around” program is to promote the physical, psychological, intellectual, and creative development of children, foster patriotism, and realize the child’s personality in the interests of society. In the “Pass the Good Around the Circle” program, the main emphasis is on game programs, since it is through the game that results can be achieved. Children play - occupy their free time, and also learn something new. The program uses different directions: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, environmental campaign, educational quizzes, entertaining game programs.

Municipal educational institution

additional education children

"Children's Creativity Center"

village of Vishnegorsk

Kasli municipal district



on pedagogical council CDT

Director of Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "CDT"

V.V. Mokerova



"The future begins today"

duration of development – ​​3 years

age range 5-18 years


Olga Sergeevna's sitar

Explanatory note

For the comprehensive development of personality, along with education, a special role is played by meaningfully rich rest and leisure for the child. Leisure activities are an integral part of every person’s life. Starting from a young age, there is a need for active, interestingly rich communication, creativity, self-realization, intellectual and physical development Thus, the character of the individual is formed.

The modern world is beautiful and amazing, it would seem that it is oversaturated with various leisure programs, things, objects with the help of which a person, and in particular a child, can organize his own leisure and recreation. However, most adults, and especially children, do not know how to use this potential for various reasons. These reasons are two-sided – subjective and objective. Reasons of a subjective nature are family relationships or the child’s personal reluctance to organize his leisure time meaningfully, while reasons of an objective nature are the socio-economic situation of our country. That is why today the problem of organizing and implementing leisure for children and adolescents is acute. Consequently, there is a need to clearly show children and adolescents how interesting and varied properly organized leisure and recreation can be. It is the system of additional education, which has the conditions for the development of the creative potential, aesthetic taste, morality and patriotism of the child, that can and should create a properly organized world of leisure. At the same time, leisure activities within the framework of additional education cannot be divorced from the educational process and parental upbringing, since only with the influence of all spheres of life is the comprehensive development of the individual possible.

Today, children's and adolescent leisure centers are being built throughout Russia, accessible leisure programs are being developed, but, nevertheless, the severity of the problem of additional education is practically not being alleviated.

The Center for Children's Creativity in the village of Vishnegorsk is a center for leisure activities for children, where all the conditions for organizing accessible leisure time for everyone have been created.

This program makes it possible to organize leisure activities so that each child can reveal and realize their creative potential, and the constant involvement of their parents in children’s leisure activities helps strengthen mutual understanding and value orientation of the family.

As a result of activities under this program, pupils must develop their independence, their creative abilities, and the program also helps to make a choice, which subsequently leads to self-realization of their own “I”.

To implement the program, certain conditions are required:

1. Joint activities of children and adults, teachers, parents, and the public.

2. Involving passionate creative individuals with great creative potential in organizing and conducting events under the program

4. Self-realization of the creative and individual potential of the Center’s students.

This program includes a plan of leisure activities taken at the beginning of each academic year. Traditional in this regard are:

Leisure activities within the Center’s associations (birthdays of creative groups, dating games, mini-concert for parents, competitions, quizzes, conversations, promotions, etc.);

Holiday programs dedicated to certain calendar dates and organized for CDT students and their parents (Mother’s Day, New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.);

Competitive, game programs for individual classes;

Students of the Children's Creativity Center are directly involved in the implementation of the program.

Target: Creating favorable conditions for organizing meaningful, interesting and useful leisure time for children and their participation in activities under the “The Future Begins Today” leisure program.

    Nurturing a sense of beauty, developing aesthetic taste, artistic thinking, realizing the creative and individual abilities of children; Development of physical, and mental abilities students; Uniting the center's students through joint leisure activities; Fostering civic responsibility, respect for the history and culture of one’s country; Formation of communication skills, satisfying children’s needs for communication; Popularization of family leisure; Preserving the spiritual and moral health of students, introducing them to moral and spiritual values.
Expected results:
    Development of a system of leisure and traditional activities; Improving the culture of leisure communication among students; Development of a system of educational and entertainment public events; Increasing the level of cohesion of student associations of CDT; Improving the quality of leisure activities.
Ways to check expected results:
    Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the event. Monitoring student satisfaction with participation in the event. Diagnosis of the emotional background at the beginning and end of the event (conversation, feedback, observation, questioning). Self-analysis of organizational activities. Quantitative indicators (number of events held, coverage of event participants, coverage of spectators). Social indicators (student interest). Accounting for requests for traditional events.
Forms of leisure activities:
    competitive and educational programs; competitive and entertainment programs; competitive game programs; theatrical performances; concerts; conversations, quizzes, debates.
Modern technologies, methods, principles and forms used in leisure activities: When implementing this program, modern pedagogical technologies, created on the basis of strengthening social and educational functions, humanization and democratization of relationships: person-oriented; differentiated approach, as well as collective-creative, playful ones.The following methods and forms of education are used:Method of formation of consciousness, which refers to a group of methods of educational influence on various aspects of consciousness - on intellect, feelings and emotions, will. Behavior shaping method implemented through educational situations at events.Positive methods and forms of behavior and moral motivation that meet the intended educational goal are identified, consolidated and formed in the experience of children and adolescents. Method of stimulating activity and behavior : encouragement– the actions of each student are positively assessed, which results in a surge positive emotions in the child, instills confidence in him, creates a pleasant mood for the event, and increases responsibility in the student.punishment– negative manifestations in the behavior or actions of the pupil are prevented and suppressed, this is done tactfully, without humiliating the child’s own dignity, so that he has a need to change his behavior.competition– conditions are created for the realization of children’s natural need for competition, which gives effective results in achieving educational goals, a powerful mobilization of all the strengths and skills of pupils. The educational process is built in the form of educational affairs (ED). An integrated approach is used at the basis of VD, in which moral and patriotic behavior, an aesthetic attitude towards nature, the history of the small Motherland, the whole country, work, behavior, art, and a respectful attitude towards Russian folk traditions are formed.All work with children and adolescents is based on the following principles of education:The principle of social orientation of education, which objectively connects the tasks of education with the process of socialization of the individual. The acquisition of socially significant qualities by an individual is the general goal of the educational process and socialization. The principle of relying on the positive, which requires the use of any positive personality traits in the educational process, even if they are minimal, when negative qualities should not be the focus of the teacher’s attention. The principle of humane education, which considers the human personality as the highest value, where humanism is initially presented as “philanthropy”, creates the prerequisites for the self-realization of the individual.Personal approach as a principle of education, which requires taking into account all the personality characteristics of the person being educated: be it age, psychological characteristics, value orientations, life interests, dominant motives of activity and behavior, etc. The principle of unity of educational influences, which is based on the real interaction of all institutions and agents of education: family, school, public organizations, educators, parents, public representatives, etc. To solve the problems of the leisure program, various forms in the work of organizing events:.

    forms of organizing events: mass, group, individual-group.

    the main forms in communication with children and adolescents: monologue (to a lesser extent), dialogue (to a greater extent), discussion, polylogue (exchange of opinions).

In educational work with children, a complex is used variably methods: method of story, conversation, discussion, demonstration, video method, practical, cognitive game method, creation of problematic educational situations. For development independence and creativity of studentspartial search method is used, which consists in organizing an active search for solutions to put forward cognitive tasks using route maps and sheets based on heuristic instructions.

When developing activities, diverse and varied activities of students are provided for (cognitive, intellectual, environmental, creative, physical), and their age and psychophysical capabilities are taken into account. Educational and entertainment programs and activities are developed taking into account the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. The possibility of making adjustments to event scenarios by including new tasks and props in the plot is thought out in advance and provided for.

At the end of each program, reflection is carried out: opinions and impressions are exchanged between characters and students, new knowledge is consolidated. IN pedagogical activity A democratic style of education is used, a friendly disposition, patience, tact, and respect for students are demonstrated. The atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation, which prevails at every event, allows us to activate the creative abilities of students.

This leisure program is implemented within the framework of the educational system “I am in the world….the world is in me.”

The leisure program consists of four modules: “Leisure, communication, creativity”, “Family”, “Holidays”, “Think about the future”.

Module 1. “Leisure, communication, creativity.”

Target: - nurturing a culture of celebration and communication among students of the Children's Creativity Center.
Tasks:- development of a system of leisure activities; - involving students in leisure activities; - development of the creative potential of children, taking into account the individual capabilities of each.
Expected results: - participation of students in leisure activities; - revealing the creative individuality of children.

Module 2. “Holidays.”

Target: Creating conditions for organizing leisure activities during the holidays.
Tasks: - promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of physical, mental and moral health of children; - prevention of delinquency among minors using variously organized leisure methods; - development of cognitive, creative and social activity of children.
Expected results: - fulfillment of children’s needs for communication with peers in various activities; - positive dynamics in the physical and moral health of children; - acquisition of additional knowledge in various areas of leisure activities.

Module 3. “Family”.

Target: Creating conditions for cooperation between children and adults.
Tasks: - interaction with the family for the purpose of harmonious development and education of a healthy personality of the child; - organization of family holidays; - fostering a caring attitude towards family traditions.
Expected results: - active participation parents in preparing and conducting events; - parents’ satisfaction with the created conditions for creative development the child’s personality and achievements.
Target: Creating conditions for the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, and spirituality.
Tasks: - educating the younger generation of high moral principles based on the spiritual, moral, aesthetic criteria of Russian culture; - development of interest in the history of one’s Fatherland; - teaching children the norms of social and collective life; - instilling in children a sense of pride, respect and veneration for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, Flag, Anthem of the Russian Federation, and other Russian symbols;- formation in pupils of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland.
Expected results: - development in children of the ability to choose a moral position, value-oriented activity, self-realization, and self-determination in life.

Traditional events within the program:

Module 1 – “Leisure, communication, creativity”:

“Initiation into the circle members”, “Birthday Day”, New Year's programs, etc.

Module 2 – “Family”:

"Mom's Portrait"; "Mother's Day", "Our dads are great"

Module 3 – “Holidays”:

Activities for children attending clubs during the holidays: “ Good mood", "It's fun to play together", etc.

Module 4 - “Think about the future”:

measures to prevent traffic rules, fire safety, to prevent water accidents, and to popularize state symbols of the Russian Federation.

The calendar plan of events for the year is drawn up taking into account the needs of the associations of the Children's Creativity Center.

Methodological support of the program.

Appendix No. 1

    “Calendar of events for the 2012-2013 academic year”

    “Calendar plan of events for the 2013-2014 academic year”

Appendix No. 2 “Methodological support of educational activities” /scenarios, conversations, quizzes, etc./ Appendix No. 2 “Diagnostics of the educational process: forms of diagnostics of good manners, criteria for the examination of educational measures.” Appendix No. 3 “Efficiency, analysis of educational work”


1. There will be a day and there will be a holiday. - Slutskaya N.B., Phoenix 2005.

2. Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education for children. – 2004. - No. 4, 6.

3. Non-traditional holidays at school. - S.A. Shmakov, Moscow 2005

4. Patriotic education of children (Games and programs). - M.: GOU CRSDOD, 2003. (Series “Library for teachers, parents and children”).

5. Stepanov E.N., Luzina L.M. To the teacher about modern approaches and concepts of education. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

6. Shlakov S.A. Game and children. – M., 1970;

7. Shlakov S.A. Games in the practice of modern school work // Region. ped. Readings. – 1979.


1. Education of schoolchildren. - Theoretical and scientific-methodological journal.

2.Children's creativity.- Illustrated magazine.

3.Preschool pedagogy. – St. Petersburg scientific and methodological magazine for teachers and parents.

4.Hoop. – Scientific and methodological journal.

5.Last call. - Newspaper.

6.Holiday at school. – Minsk “Krasiko-print”.

7. Scripts and repertoire. – publishing house “T&O”.

8. Theatrical parties, discos, KVNs./ Kuleshova N.V. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005.

9. How to entertain guests. - Magazine.

Calendar of events

for the 2012-2013 academic year

SEPTEMBER – organizational.

Motto: " Think collectively.

Work quickly.

Argue with evidence -

A must for everyone."

1. Holiday “Hello, school!” - 09/01/2012

2. Children's Road Injury Prevention Month

OCTOBER is a harvest festival.

Motto: Every business is creative, otherwise why?

1 . Drawing competition “Hello, Autumn!” 2.Holiday "Teacher's Day".

3.Day of the Elderly “Our good deeds”»

NOVEMBER is a world of hobbies.

Motto: “There is always a job for skillful hands,

If you take a good look around"

1. Visiting Samodelkin (exhibition of handicrafts by children and teachers)

2. Sports entertainment "Strong, agile, brave."

3. Events, dedicated to the Day Mothers:


    Celebration “You are the best in the world”

DECEMBER – Operation “New Year's Surprise”.

Motto: Do it with us

Do as we do

Do better than us!

1. December 1st is World AIDS Day. Competition of drawings and posters “We are against drugs”, conversation on the topic “For schoolchildren about AIDS”.

2. Publication of a general newspaper for the New Year.

3. Making New Year's gifts and souvenirs: "Father Frost's Workshop."

4. Carrying out New Year's holidays.

JANUARY – Vishnegorsk, my native land.”

Motto: Cherry Mountains,

There are no Earth relatives in the world

Cherry Mountains

Swimming in the sea of ​​love.

1. Drawing competition “My native land.”

2. Conduct quizzes: - Do you know your region?

What do you know about this country?

3. "Christmas"

4. Journey through the land of proverbs and riddles

5. In the world of fairy tales.

FEBRUARY – “Soldier’s Stars”.

Motto: " To serve the Motherland

You have to be strong and dexterous!

1. “Come on, boys” - game program

2. Month of heroic-patriotic education.

3.Festival of military-patriotic songs.

MARCH – “Hello, Spring!”

MOTTO:"May there always be sunshine,

May there always be heaven

May there always be a mother

May it always be me."

1. Contest " The best gift mother, grandmother, sister."

2. Matinee in the preschool group “Goodbye winter, winter”

3. Drawing competition: “I love my mother more than anyone in the world”

4. Competition program “Come on, girls”

5. Regional competition “Mosaic of childhood”

APRIL – “I want to know everything.”

MOTTO:"Tell me what you know"

Do what you can

At the same time, remember that you know

and being able to do more is not harmful to anyone.”

2. Spring has come, it's come, it's red - game program

3. “Labor landing” - improvement of the territory of the Central Children's Centre.

MAY – Hello Summer!

MOTTO: " Our motto is simple and short,

Where there is friendship, everything is in order.”

1. Lessons in courage.

2. “With all my heart” - meeting with WWII veterans

Calendar of events

for the 2013-2014 academic year

System analysis of educational activities Full name of teacher ________________________________________Purpose of visit __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date


Diagnostics of the upbringing of children's association students

Name of children's association_______________________________Teacher________________________________Last name, first name of the child________________________________________________Age_______Year of study__________



Rating system for named behavioral manifestations: 0 points - does not appear, 1 score – weakly manifested, 2points - manifests itself at an average level, 3 score – high level of manifestation.

Through the eyes of a circle member.

Purpose of the questionnaire: determine the degree of satisfaction of children with CDT.
Progress: Children are asked to read the statements and rate their degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:
4 – completely agree 3 – agree 2 – hard to say 1 – disagree 0 – completely disagree.
  1. I go to the Children's Creativity Center with joy. I'm usually in a good mood at the CDT. I have a good boss. I have a favorite teacher at the CDT. You can turn to our leaders for advice and help in difficult times. I can freely express my opinion in all classes. I believe that the CDT has created all the conditions for the development of my abilities. I have a favorite activity at the CDT. I believe that the knowledge gained at CDT will be useful for later life. During the summer holidays I miss the CDT.
Processing of received data: The indicator of children's satisfaction with life in the CDT is the quotient of the total score of all answers divided by the total number of answers. If U is greater than 3, then we can talk about a high degree of satisfaction, if Y is more than 2, but less than 3 or Y is less than 2, then this indicates an average and low degree of satisfaction.
In our CDT Fine Badly
  1. 1. 2.
Invite the children to write what they think is good and what is bad. What to like and what upsets you. In this case, no questions are asked.


We ask you to take part in evaluating our work. (Underline the answer)

    What do you think is our CDT:
- enjoys authority in the village. - does not enjoy authority. - has a bad reputation. - they don’t talk about him at all. - I find it difficult to answer.
    Your child goes to the CDT:
- with pleasure. - through force. - often with pleasure. - with desire. - I decided on my own. - on the advice of parents.
    Are you satisfied with the work of a teacher (leader of the circle)
- completely satisfied. - Partially satisfied. - not satisfied at all.
    Do you think that children at the Children's Center:
- gain interesting knowledge and skills. - they get it, but not enough. - don't get anything new. - I find it difficult to answer.
    Your awareness of the work of the CDT:
- complete - partial - I have no information at all
    You receive information about CDT:
- according to other parents. - from children. - from teachers. - I don’t receive it. 7. Wishes to the teachers and the institution.



Please select the correct answer for each question.

1. MY GENERAL IMPRESSION? 1.1.It was a wonderful event. 1.2.I have respect and gratitude for those who hold such events. 1.3.I could do all this better. 1.4.I was very interested in the event, as I can participate in interesting things. 1.5.I liked it because I was able to compete with others. 1.6.I liked it because it was very beautiful. 1.7. I was happy that I learned a lot of new things. 1.8. It was nice that such an event was prepared for me. 1.9.I was bored and tired. 2. WHAT MADE ME TAKE PART IN THE EVENT? 2.1. I wanted to help make the event go well. 2.2. I wanted to participate in the event with everyone. 2.3. I wanted to be praised for my effort. 2.4. I wanted to test my capabilities and compete with others. 2.5. I wanted to do something exciting. 2.6. I wanted to learn something new, to discover the wonderful world of the unknown. 2.7. I wanted to receive joy from the beautiful and sublime. 2.8. I wanted to relax and unwind. 2.9. I didn't want to offend or upset anyone. I had to force myself to participate in this event. 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO AFTER THE EVENT? 3.1. Help organize the next similar event. 3.2. Hold the same event with friends. 3.3. Take a more active role in the preparation and execution of the next event so that everyone knows about my abilities. 3.4. Try to do something similar yourself. 3.5. Hold some competitions or competitions or participate in them. 3.6. Read an interesting book on this topic. 3.7. Tell your friends how beautiful everything was. 3.8. Rest and relax. 3.9. Nothing. 4. HOW INTERESTING WAS THE EVENT? 4.1. The event was much more interesting than I expected. 4.2. I thought it would be interesting. 4.3. I hoped it would be interesting. 4.4. Everyone really liked it.

Today, typical practice is the organization of cultural and leisure activities based on simple planning of mass events, without proper software for this type of activity. This approach is a consequence of underestimating the educational potential of cultural and leisure activities. Full use of this potential involves a transition from its planning to programming, that is, the construction of this type of activity on the basis of special cultural and leisure programs.

We attempted to write such a program.

The purpose of this cultural and leisure program is to help teachers of additional education in preparing and holding a very important from the point of view of educational work, the first holiday within the walls of the Extracurricular Activities Centers - a holiday of initiation of children into the world of creativity.

The program provides information about the significance of this holiday for our institution, its goals and objectives, shows the algorithm for pedagogical management of the organization of this event, and talks about the various forms of its implementation depending on the age of the students.

Initiation at our Center takes place for younger and middle-aged children in the form of a game-travel with theatricalization.

The script we offer is a small theatrical performance, which is based on a single storyline that unites the characters and all the musical material into a single whole.

The material is accompanied by methodological explanations that will tell you how to make these dedications truly holidays - fun, interesting, and memorable.

Additional education is a golden key that allows a child to open the doors to an as yet unknown, interesting, bright world. It has been proven that it is extracurricular creative activities, when properly organized, that give each child the opportunity to realize and assert themselves, to experience a sense of success, a sense of usefulness, and self-confidence. According to Sukhomlinsky, “every child has bells hidden in the depths of his soul. You just need to find them, touch them, so that they ring with a kind and cheerful ringing.” And the task of additional education teachers is to touch the bells of creativity and talent in the souls of children.

After all, the problem of developing creative abilities is very multifaceted and difficult, but one thing is certain - creative abilities can only develop through creative activity - for example, playing music can awaken an ear for music, communication with poetic art can develop a poetic ear and taste.

One of the types of creative activities in the system of additional education for children are different types of cultural and leisure programs, in particular, holidays.

What is a holiday? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, but, most likely, a holiday is when all friends get together, when friendship, fun and mutual understanding reign, when there are songs, dances, jokes... In our opinion, the need for a holiday is the need of any person to joy shared with other people. As a matter of fact, the transformation of “one’s” joy into “common” one creates a holiday, multiplies the joyful experience through the empathy of others, makes it common. And the more holidays there are in our lives, the more fun and interesting life is.

Therefore, the teachers of our Center, without waiting for calendar dates, develop and conduct many original events for children of younger, middle and older age.

These are various holidays, collective creative activities, theme evenings, discussion club meetings, creative and educational games and much, much more. Without them it is no longer possible to imagine the life of our Center; they create a special educational environment for students. An atmosphere of trust that ensures the most free emotional contact of children with each other and with teachers, relaxedness leads to creative emancipation; abilities are developed, creativity and initiative are stimulated, and communication needs are satisfied.

And the first step in this direction for children who have crossed the threshold of our Extracurricular Activities Center for the first time is participation in the preparation and conduct of traditional holiday"Initiation of studio students into the world of creativity."

The significance of this holiday is very important in educational work, since the team of any studio begins to form from the first moment of interaction between children. If this first interaction takes place on a high emotional level, the studio manager will have a greater chance of creating a healthy, strong team. And one of the means of raising and maintaining children’s communication at a high emotional level is the holiday “Initiation of studio students into the world of creativity.”

We consider the algorithm for organizing this holiday as a technology for pedagogical management of the organization of activities.

1. Preliminary teacher training

This stage of organizational activity involves thinking and putting forward goals and objectives, thinking through the content and form of the event, and the expected result.

Goals and objectives:

  • creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities;
  • broadening the horizons of pupils;
  • expansion of the child’s emotional world;
  • developing skills to work in a group, fostering a sense of mutual responsibility, mutual support, uniting the children’s team;
  • expanding the scope of informal communication between teachers, children and parents.

We celebrate this holiday at the end of September – beginning of October.

The forms of organization of this event depend on the age of the students. For young and middle-aged children - a travel game with theatrical performances. For older studio students there is a show program.

The duration of the holiday is no more than 2 hours.

Expected results: development of interests in knowledge, formation of a socially active personality, development of student creativity, self-affirmation, expansion of the sphere of informal communication between teachers, children and their parents.

2. Planning

At the planning stage, the teacher responsible for holding the holiday discusses with the heads of all studios possible options for ideas for preparation and holding (Appendix 1). In turn, in each team, teachers hold a competition with children and parents for the best proposal for the plan, and a collective choice of options is underway. For example, when planning a travel game, the number of groups participating in the game, the names of the stations, questions at each station, the involvement of children in theatrical performances, etc. are discussed. In each studio they come up with and discuss a motto (Appendix 3), emblems

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

differences in costumes, creative groups are formed to participate in the holiday

Figure 5

3. Current organizational activities (preparation)

During the preparation process, the scenario is fully developed and approved, an event preparation plan is written and approved, where everything is described organizational issues and those responsible for them are indicated. The more children are included in the “responsible” column, the greater the educational and socializing significance of the event. Preparing a holiday is a big and important matter, collective and creative, requiring work and imagination, invention and ingenuity of adults and children. The joint development of an idea, a plot, its construction, and a detailed study of its content make the holiday itself a bright and memorable event in the life of every child.

4. Holding the event

The celebration is carried out in accordance with the scenario developed at the preparation stage.

5. Analysis

The analysis is carried out at the stage of summing up the results of the holiday.

Our institution has developed an event analysis map, which is used to summarize (Appendix 4). Also, participants, teachers, and studio students answer the following questions in the questionnaire: “What worked out most successfully and what didn’t work out?”, “What suggestions do you have for the future?” etc. (Appendix 5).

6. Aftereffect

This is the final stage of organizing the event. The teacher organizing this holiday analyzes the effectiveness of achieving the set goals and objectives, and determines the prospects for such events in the future.

All participants in the travel game are divided in advance into teams of no more than 15-20 people (preferably taking into account the specifics of the team).

In advance, the organizers determine checkpoints or stations that the children must visit,

For example:

1. dance mosaic;

2. beading;

3. tourism;

4. chess, etc. 15 in total (according to the number of teams).

The journey game starts, each team is given a route sheet (Appendix 2) and the team, led by an accompanying teacher, goes on a journey. Trained teachers are waiting for the children at the stations and are given tasks taking into account the specifics of the given station. The task should not exceed 2 minutes in time.

Options for rewarding, encouraging and summing up the results of the travel game may be different.

Option I

At the last station, each team is given a key (or a piece of the overall puzzle). After the game-journey, from all the mosaic fragments brought by the teams, under the guidance of the artist, representatives of the teams assemble one common mosaic. This mosaic depicts a kind of creative “heap” (the specifics and types of activities of each team).

Option II

When something (a key, a puzzle piece, or something else) is given out at each station.

For example, if we take the idea of ​​a spectacular collective stage design as a basis, then at each station we can provide elements of this design. Let's say we decided to design the backdrop of the stage in the form of a sunny, cheerful meadow. (Part of it will already be completed, and the guys will bring the missing elements if they complete the task correctly). Then at one station they will produce rays for the sun, at another - fragments of the rainbow (numbered at the back), then flower petals, butterflies, mushrooms, tree leaves, etc. etc.

If there are 15 teams and 15 stations, then there should be 225 items. Designing such a number of items is labor-intensive and probably not everyone can do. Then you can limit yourself to issuing design elements only at the last station (as a conclusion).

Dedication to the TsVR studio students “I am entering the world of creativity”


Terribly interesting
All that is unknown!

That is why every year more and more children come to our Center, the most inquisitive, active and talented. We are glad to see you, hello! (musical beat)

Today, in this hall for the first time, everyone gathered together:
Theatergoers and tourists
And dancers, vocalists,
Knitting masters,
Embroidery and drawing,
And, of course, guitarists.
Local historians, chess players.

(addresses one of the participants in the hall)

Have you mixed up anything? We are glad that you did not confuse anything and found something to your liking. It is so important when a person has a favorite, interesting hobby that brings joy, satisfaction, and success. You are always welcome here, you are always welcome and loved. Here you will definitely make new loyal friends. (musical beat)


Well, baby,
It's time to start the holiday
Oh, guys, trouble,
Evil Grandmother Yaga
She wanted to harm us
Snow White defeated
Snow White, come out,
How many children, look.
Deceived, lured
And she put me in a hut,
You can save her!
You are in your spacious hall
There she is in anguish, sadness,

Presenter: What should we do, explain.


Oh, I'm afraid Yaga is coming,
Back, bye!

(the song of Baba Yaga is played, you can use the song “Well done, well done!” solo Shapoklyak and chorus from the musical “An Incident in the Country of Multi-Multi” (B. Savelyev-A. Khait)

Baba Yaga jumps out, dances, pesters the children.

Baba Yaga:

The Russian spirit smells here,
And there are countless people here.
Why did you come here?
There will be no holiday
I have Snow White
He will live from now on.
I won't let her go
I won't let you have fun.
So that she doesn't run away
You won't find them now.
I locked the door tightly
And I scattered the keys,


Really, Grandmother Yaga,
Never see Snow White?

Baba Yaga:

Opening my hut is not easy,
The door has fifteen locks,
Keys in fifteen circles.
To find my keys
But not everyone will get the key,
You must go around all the studios,
But only the dexterous, smart, courageous.


Will you try, friends?
I really hope for you!
May luck be with you
Come back soon with the keys.
And remember that not everyone will get the key,
And only to the most dexterous, intelligent, courageous.
And you, leaders, help,
Take the guys to the studios.

(the travel game “I am entering the world of creativity” begins. There is a roll call of teams, the issuance of route sheets, an explanation of the travel game)


Hey guys, well done!
You brought all the keys

Baba Yaga:

And I must admit, I don’t believe you,
I'll check the keys myself now.
Count their number.
Come on, everyone lift them up together,

Children: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15.

(the presenter collects keys or puzzle fragments)

Baba Yaga:

I'll be honest, I didn't expect it
I didn’t know that you were so smart.
I admit defeat
And I give away Snow White.

(music background)

The gnome comes out, leading Snow White by the hand.

Snow White:

Thank you, dear friends!
For saving me!
I ran to you for the holiday,
But Grandma Yozhka interfered.
I wanted to cancel the holiday
Turn fun into tears.
But you guys are great!
You collected it for me.
Fifteen keys without difficulty
You have shown yourself

(the names of the teams are sounded and each team representative solemnly brings his key onto the stage and a lap of honor is made to the accompaniment of ceremonial music)

Presenter: Each team managed to win this golden key. And now with this key you can open any door to the world of creativity, art and fantasy.

Snow White: The most solemn moment of our holiday has come. To become full-fledged students of our Center, you need to take an oath. Are you ready?

Oath: I, a pupil of the Center for Extracurricular Activities, in front of my comrades, swear to visit the Center for Extracurricular Activities in rain, snow, heat and cold. I swear!

(children repeat)

To love the type of creativity we have chosen as ourselves. I swear!

Absorb like a sponge everything the teacher teaches and try to squeeze even more out of it.

Give people joy with your successes. I swear!


Our doors are always open
For faithful, reliable friends,
You have now become members of the circle.
Congratulations, guys, I,

(children of 2 and 3 years of study give the first-year students a festive concert)


The difficulties are all behind us
And a disco is ahead.
We invite everyone to have fun,
Relax and dance and frolic!


1. Emelyanova I.S. The role of holidays in raising children.- Cl. Hand., 2008, No. 5, p. 23-26.

2. Zolotareva A.V. Additional education of children: Theory and methodology of social and pedagogical activities. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004.

3. Kupriyanov B.V. Forms of educational work with a children's association. - Kostroma: KSU Publishing House, 2000.

4. Malaya V.Ya. Theater projects. I am entering the world of art. - Repertory and methodological library. - 2001, No. 6.

5. Makarova L.P. Theatrical holidays for children. - Voronezh: Uchitel Publishing House, 2003.

6. Ozerova O.V., Bulgakova E.V. To develop the creativity of each student.- Cl. Hand., 2008, No. 5, p. 77-81.

7. Oparina N.A. Pedagogical management of cultural and leisure activities of schoolchildren. - M.: September, 2007.

9. Scenarios for play and theatrical performances for children of different ages: Neskuchaliya. - M.: Guman. ed. center "VLADOS", 2001.

10. Torgashov V.N. We play on holidays. - M.: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2001.

Aliya Aimukhambetova
"Academy of Leisure" Leisure club program day stay


Summer holidays are the longest children's holidays. Rest should be active, creative, educational and, of course, interesting. At this time, the child needs to realize his physical activity, the lack of which accumulates over the course of the school year.

In 2015, the following worked on the territory of the Fedorovsky settlement: camps:

1. school summer health and educational camp "Safety Island" based on MBOU FSOSH No. 1 (June)– 55 people;

2. school summer health camp "Sun" based on MBOU FNSOSH No. 4 (June, July)– 250 people;

3. health camp "Akhtiurye" based on MBOU DOD "Fedorovsky Center for Continuing Education" (June, July, August)– 150 people;

4. health camp "Stalker" based on MBOU DOD "FDSHI" (June)– 30 people;

5. short-term summer playground stay"Golden Key" based on the center social assistance family and children "April" - 174.

85 children had a rest outside the Surgut region.

In 2012 in summer period out of 2694 children studying in secondary in general educational institutions town of Fedorovsky, during the summer holidays on the territory of the settlement left:

June – 1365 people,

July – 1083 people,

August – 1409 people.

Practice shows that not enough teenagers are covered by organized summer recreational activities.


1. Not all parents have the opportunity to pay for the proposed camps outside the district.

2. Many camps have a target group "gifted children" and age limit

3. School camps are only open in June. (from 9.00 to 15.00) and cover the age category up to 11 years.

Consequently, many teenagers are not fully covered by summer forms of recreation and recreation.

Since 2008 at MKU "KMC" "Reserve" works leisure day club"Star". Every year, during the work process, the approach to organizing and conducting leisure club: forms of work, working hours, age of participants, types of activities that could satisfy the desires and needs of teenagers.

Development and writing programs« Leisure Academy» based on systematization of previous experience in conducting day club"Star" for children and adolescents during the summer holidays, taking into account their psychological and age characteristics, giving them the opportunity to choose various forms of recreation and employment.


Target: creating conditions for good rest, realization of creative and sporting potential of adolescents.


1. increasing the coverage of children with organized forms of recreation;

2. development of a sense of collectivism, friendship, responsibility, independence, mutual assistance in children and adolescents;

3. instilling healthy lifestyle skills through playful, educational and competitive forms of activity;

4. development of intellectual and creative abilities;

5. formation of a gaming base (floor, board games);

6. training, retraining and advanced training of performers programs;

7. dissemination of experience, effective forms and methods in the media about implementation programs.


Venue: premises of the building of MKU "KMC" "Reserve"(assembly hall, sports hall, museum, sports, playgrounds and natural area of ​​the Fedorovsky settlement, Surgut district.

Time: June-August.

Number of shifts: 3.

Our motivations

(or why we do this)

We feel grateful.

We have room for growth.

We see our own ability to change something.

We have new friends and interests.

We feel like we are part of a larger whole.

We solve problems that we consider relevant.

Program« Leisure Academy» will allow each child to test himself in something new, try his hand at a previously completely unknown activity, and make a discovery in himself. And we are called upon to help him with this, to create conditions for the manifestation of these opportunities, abilities and talents, for the satisfaction of requests and needs. Let summer become a time of discovery for him. After all, summer is a small life! The choice of children's activities is based on principles: voluntariness, interest, pleasure, creativity, psychological comfort, choice of various types leisure activities, which is the key to developing a positive attitude towards life. And this one program will help organize it in an interesting and meaningful way leisure time for children and teenagers.

Program provides for the organization leisure, promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing the creative, cognitive and communication abilities of children and adolescents, developing skills in primary tourism and military sports training.


Stage I - preparatory (April-May):

Adjustment programs,

Determination of staffing,

Conducting PR campaigns to recruit participants,

Conducting a consultation seminar for teaching staff,

Preparation of material and technical base.

Stage II – organizational stage (May):

Preparation and decoration of the premises,

Stage III – ensuring the safety of participants (May-August):

Preparation of TB briefings for teaching staff and participants;

Providing information to parents about the venue and operating hours club with contact numbers;

Providing parents with a statement of consent child's stay in the club with contact numbers;

Conducting TB training for participants depending on the type of activity.

Stage IV - main (June-August):

Implementation programs.

Stage V – analytical (September):

Performance Analysis day club.

Areas of activity programs

Sports Creative Civil-patriotic Moral-aesthetic

Morning exercises,


Outdoor games,

Team games,

Drawing competition on sports themes. competitions,


Theatrical performances,


Competitive gaming programs,

Dance shows- museum excursion programs,


Watching movies, videos,

Initial military training (disassembly and assembly of AK, shooting from an air rifle);

Initial tourist preparation (packing a backpack, setting up a tent, survival school, orienteering), teaming games,

Holiday “Let's live together!”,

Help Desk "Welcome",

School of Communication


These stars are for everyone living

shine for millions of years.

Where are the sources of joys and sorrows

this impossible beauty?

The secrets of life are hidden behind the seal

the most generous star...

Legend club

Far, far away in the Sky lived a lonely Star. She was cold and sad alone, and she traveled a lot in the hope of finding friends. One day, moving in the night silence of Space, far below, on Earth, she saw perky and restless people. These people set up in the Reserve institution leisure club. In the evenings they were inspired by dreams of how children would come here, and how their cheerful ringing laughter would excite the walls.

Later, among the bustle of people and the hum of cars, the Star heard the clear voices of children. In a cozy, spacious children played at the leisure club. Oh, how the Star wanted to come down to Earth and witness this earthly miracle, born on the basis of the Reserve youth center! But the law of the Cosmos is harsh! Stars must not fall to Earth, otherwise they will die, they will certainly die! However, the desire was stronger, and the Star rushed towards the Earth.

Many years have passed since then. Leisure club"Star" Every shift is filled with cheerful children's voices, and every time the Star goes on an amazing journey.

No, she didn't die. Having reached the children's country, the Star scattered into thousands of small sparks. The children of G. P. Fedorovsky still find sparks of that Star that give them Happiness.

Growth system

An individual growth map is created - "grade book", which is located in the dean’s office and is filled out for each child daily.

Daily at the gathering of participants club the results of the day are summed up. The position of children's participation in affairs is noted club during the day: overslept, observer, performer, organizer, active participant and other positions. Children receive stickers. At the end of the day, teachers count the stickers and display "stars" V "grade book".

And so every day the guidebooks are lit stars:

Red star - everyone admires you, you tried hard

to the fullest program;

Pink - a little short of rejoicing, but you are worthy today


Yellow - something didn’t work out today, you won’t get your second breath


At the end of the shift, children receive academic titles « Leisure academies» : bachelor, master, Academician of the 1st degree, academician of the 2nd degree, academician of the third degree, leisure academician. Children also receive incentive prizes.

*Financing programs is expected through various multi-channel sources: budget of the Surgut region, grant support from UKMPTiS, sponsorship.


Main predicted result of the program is seen in the implementation of a maximum increase in the coverage of adolescents and employment of children during the summer holidays.

Conditions for successful implementation programs:

Timely adaptation of participants programs.

Creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

Trust and cooperation in relationships between children and adults. Ensuring reasonable discipline and order as conditions for the protection of each participant and adult.

Daily analysis of what is happening.

Organic combination various types activities.

Logistics, information and methodological support programs.

Upon implementation of the project, the following are expected: results:


Increasing the reach of adolescents in summer time (up to 150 teenagers);

Satisfying the needs of children and adolescents for a bright, full-fledged, rich rest (monitoring "Pocket of impressions");

Reducing the growth rate of negative social phenomena among adolescents, strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages and nationalities (daily conducting psychological trainings);

Formation of a temporary team with a favorable microclimate.


Introducing teenagers to various types of creative activities;

Development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

Active recreation for teenagers, their acquisition of positive emotions;

Instilling useful personality traits and communication skills.


Acquisition of skills and abilities based on the choice of activities based on interests;

Expansion of the information field in the field of healthy lifestyle;

Acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities in tourism and military sports activities.


Obtaining skills and abilities of individual and collective creative activity;

Formation of a responsible approach to one’s own health;

Formation of aesthetic and moral qualities through socially significant activities.


Development of new methodological materials, scenarios for the organization leisure activities for children and teenagers;

Generalization of work experience in the organization leisure time for teenagers.


To identify the effectiveness of the project, a working group, which monitors performance after the end of each shift programs. The effectiveness of activities is assessed by the degree to which specific problems are solved.

Main criteria:

Increasing the number of participants;

Availability of a permanent composition of participants;

According to written reviews of gratitude from parents, teenagers;

Efficiency is assessed based on in various ways (mechanisms) assessments: oral surveys, questionnaires, sociometry, as well as in the process of observation and expert assessments.



Mass character.

Demand among teenagers.

Availability of human resources.


Support at the municipal and district levels.

Availability of material and technical base.


Implementation program promotes:

Increasing coverage of children and adolescents in the summer;

Development by teenagers of various types of creative activities, new skills in primary tourism and military sports training;

Increasing the number of children and adolescents leading a healthy lifestyle;

Reducing the growth rate of negative social phenomena among adolescents;

Increasing the number of participants clubs, clubs, sections of military sports and tourism from among the participants day club.

Department of Education of the Varnavinsky Municipal District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth” r. Varnavino village, Nizhny Novgorod region


Director of the Center for Children and Youth:

Order No. ____ dated

"_____"_____________ 2011

Program of cultural and leisure activities for children and adolescents TsRDYu “Leisure, communication, holiday”

R. p. Varnavino

This program is based on the secondary vocational education (FDO) program “Game is a serious matter”, the megaproject of the Center for Aesthetic Education of Children of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “My Fatherland”

“The ability to intelligently fill free time is the highest level of personal culture”
Bertrand Russell

Explanatory note

In modern conditions, a clear contradiction has emerged between the established system of cultural and leisure activities and the forms that give children the opportunity to express their inner world and emotional perception of the surrounding reality. In fact, children are experiencing a change in cultural patterns, idols, and norms. At the same time, destructive tendencies are actively manifesting themselves in culture, expressed in the self-emergence, self-development, and self-disintegration of cultural and leisure forms. And this, naturally, affects children’s leisure activities. Therefore, the issues of organizing children's leisure are very relevant today, as well as the problem of organizing cultural leisure.

A child’s free time is an important social and pedagogical problem, covering a range of issues related to the needs, creative potential of the individual, the development of abilities, organizational skills, and emotional and value-based attitude to the world as a whole. The socialization of the child’s personality is facilitated by active forms work on organizing children's leisure time.

Human activity, including pedagogical activity, is always realized within a certain space-time framework and carries the corresponding properties of space and time as universal forms of the existence of matter. Space characterizes the extent, structure, coexistence and interaction of elements in all material systems.

The socio-cultural space of an educational institution is a specially organized territory on which training, education, and development of the child are carried out, as well as professional self-realization and development of teaching staff, and improvement of the pedagogical competence of parents. The substantive meaning of the concept of “sociocultural space” is associated with the process of formation and development of the individual as a subject of culture.

The degree of development of the sociocultural space of an educational institution is determined by what part of the children of the nearby society is covered by its educational system; what areas of their life does it develop; how developed and efficient are other components of the space; the extent to which the connections between its components are formed and the extent to which they give integrity to this space affect the effectiveness of the socialization process of the younger generation.

The sociocultural space of UPSC forms its specific types of activities. As you know, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1992) approved a new legal status in relation to out-of-school institutions - palaces and homes of pioneers and schoolchildren, stations for young tourists, technicians, naturalists, clubs at the place of residence, etc. Now they are called institutions additional education for children (ECEC) and are specialized institutions created to provide additional educational services and organize meaningful leisure time for children.

Structurally in its modern form Additional education for children (ECE) is represented by two main volume blocks: educational and cultural and leisure. At the same time, educational activities perform, first of all, cognitive and orientation functions, cultural and leisure activities - recreational and communicative. At the same time, both types of activities create real opportunities and for self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization of the child, however, they do this in various ways.

The system-forming component in this unity, and this significantly distinguishes additional education for children from out-of-school work, is a large-scale educational block. Its purpose is to satisfy the diverse needs of children in cognition and communication, which cannot always be realized within the framework of subject education at school.

Children are taught on the basis of educational programs (DEC programs), developed, as a rule, by the teachers themselves; The range of activities on which such programs are created is extremely diverse.

Cultural and leisure activities, as before in out-of-school institutions, continue to be a very significant part of the work of the ECSD, an important component of its socio-cultural space. Today, more than ever, the problem of children and adolescents mastering ways to organize their free time and the ability to spend their leisure time meaningfully and interestingly is relevant. All cultural and leisure programs of ECEC are aimed not only at filling children’s leisure with socially significant meaning, but also at developing in the children themselves practical skills for meaningfully spending their own leisure time with their peers.

What is usually understood by cultural and leisure activities of UPOD? As a rule, this concept denotes the organization and implementation of various kinds of collective creative activities (mass leisure events) - holidays, festivals, concerts, competitions, sports competitions, themed days and weeks, evenings, etc.

As an example, we can give a list of the main areas of cultural and leisure activities implemented in the educational institution “Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth” in the village of Varnavino, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Table No. 1

The main directions of cultural and leisure activities of the Center for Children and Youth for 2013-2014.

Socially -











"With faith, hope, love"

"Together a friendly family"

"Old Person's Day"

"Mother's Day"

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

"Victory Day"

"Family Day"

"Gift for a little friend"

"Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood"

Concerts at the social security center

Thematic hour, as part of events dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia, “Do good throughout the whole earth, do good for the joy of people!” Thematic meeting of two generations “Komsomol answered - yes!” “Creativity and Friendship” “Play with us”

“There is an inner music of the soul”


Open day "Masters. Alas, they are not born"




"High School Summit"

“And in our yard”

"Union of hearts and the joy of communication"

Creative report to the population

Exhibition of children's creativity "Rainbow of Talents"

Participation in the festival “Constellation of Talents”

Participation in the competition “I also want to sing!”

Participation in the competition “I give my heart to children”

At first glance, the coexistence and interpenetration of these two blocks quite adequately reflects the palette of the main areas of work with children in early childhood education centers and the types of activities available to them. However, a closer analysis of the place and role of cultural and leisure activities, its real status in educational institutions, as well as the whole variety of modern activity forms in the system of additional education for children shows that the practical implementation of cultural and leisure activities is accompanied by a number of problems and contradictions that require immediate solutions.

Goal setting:

Target :

· Fostering a culture of leisure and communication among pupils of the Center for Children and Youth.

· Development of leisure activities through the possibility of self-realization of the child’s personality, development of his artistic and intellectual inclinations.

· Identification of a new, non-traditional experience of a children's group based on game practice.

Tasks :

· formation and development of a system of leisure activities;

· creating the necessary conditions for nurturing a culture of leisure and communication;

· creation of a special internal environment that promotes the development of friendly communication in teams of teachers and students;

· development of children's creative potential, creation of conditions for intensive creative activity of children;

· preservation of the traditions of the MD&Y; creating new ones.

Structure of cultural and leisure activities in the field

additional education of children in the Center for Children and Youth Education in the village of Varnavino, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Cultural and leisure activities (CLA) in the UDOD system of the CRTDiYu are represented by five blocks. Among them:

I. Mass leisure events(or mass leisure programs - exactly what today is usually called cultural and leisure activities of UPOD).

II. Recreational and recreational activities(carried out mainly during the holidays).

III. Socially productive activities of children on transforming the surrounding reality (social creativity of children).

IV. Club work with children and parents.

V. Children's social movement, associated with the development of self-government and the formation of leadership qualities in children.

Public-State Associations" href="/text/category/obshestvenno_gosudarstvennie_obtzedineniya/" rel="bookmark">public associations "Raduga" (SDOO);

· “Gift for a Little Friend” campaign. Work with preschoolers and kindergartens in Varnavino;

· social project “Varnavushka” to revive folk traditions of the Varnavinsky district

What benefits does participation in this kind of social projects give to children?

Firstly, such projects make it possible to direct the activities of educational institutions (both teachers and students) to transform the surrounding reality. Children - project participants, having become involved in real social practice, social creativity, declare themselves as full-fledged subjects of the development of their city, village, and develop the qualities of a patriot and citizen.

Secondly, participants social projects manages to embody their creative abilities in active types of life activities that are in demand by society, and understand their role and place in modern society.

Thirdly, positive experience the implementation of these projects with the support of municipal authorities and representatives of politics and business indicates the possibility of a practical solution social problems one or another territory using ideas expressed by young people.

IV. Club work with children and parents

This area of ​​socio-cultural activity has now almost completely become part of the educational block of UPEC. The vast majority of club work programs have been transferred to the category of educational programs for additional education of children, and the activities of the clubs themselves are organized mainly according to the principle of work study groups DOD systems.

It seems that such an organization of club work does not in all respects correspond to the very idea of ​​a club as a voluntary association of people with common interests for the purposes of communication, recreation, and entertainment.

The main principles of organizing the club’s activities:

 voluntary membership,

 self-government,

 unity of purpose, joint activities in direct contact with each other;

 openness of the activity system;

 combination of various types of activities (cognitive, informational, communicative, recreational, practically transformative);

 lack of mutual pressure;

 special spirit of democracy and friendly atmosphere;

 personal comfort of club members;

 wide opportunities for choosing like-minded people.

The undoubted advantages of club associations are informal communication (not bound by regulations and strict obligations), unacceptability of a template, accessibility for wide range people due to the openness of the club and the variety of forms of activity.

One of the main principles of the club’s activities is the openness of the system. This means that any child can become a participant, regardless of social status, experience prior to entering the club’s activity program, abilities and interests.

The work of the club is managed by the club council, elected at a meeting of club members and acting on the basis of the Charter or Regulations of the club. In an institution of additional education for children, the work of the club is usually led by a teacher-organizer, who is also the chairman of the club council.

As main activities of the club may become:

1.Implementation of educational programs (special courses in teaching life skills according to the club’s profile).

2.Implementation of research programs (using special knowledge and information from club members, participation in research projects related to the club’s profile).

3.Implementation of practice-oriented social and creative projects.

4.Implementation of leisure programs (common events for all club members, as well as the creation creative groups in various areas: music, sports, etc.).

Thus, the organization of the work of clubs in UPOD is associated with the most different types activities and cannot be reduced only to the implementation of one of them. The most interesting experience of just such organization of club work is demonstrated by “Zateya”, for many years “Weekend Club”. His joint activities are expeditions and hikes, Health Days; creative games, competitions; cycles of classes with parents.

Work plan of the club "Zateya" for 2013-2014.





Questioning. Approval of the work plan for the year. Introduction to the MD&Y program “Leisure. Communication. Holiday."


Teacher-organizers, counselors

Additional teachers education, organizers, counselors

“Waiting for the New Year” - methodological assistance in conducting New Year's performances in children's institutions

Additional teachers education, organizers, counselors, high school students

"Family round table meetings" Topic: "Hello, New Year!" (how to organize a holiday at home), work of a creative workshop for making Christmas tree decorations.

“Christmas meetings” - festive tea party, meeting with the rector of the church Kutumov P., New Year's concert.

Health Day. Visit to Foka "Bogatyr"

"Family round table meetings." Topic: “Magic dough” (testoplasty lesson)


Health Academy. Training on simulators.

"Family meetings at a round table" Topic: "Bouquet of sweets"

Competition program “Culinary gatherings”

“If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones!” - Day of health in nature.

Creative report of the MD&Y.

Closing the pressure build-up. Festive tea party. Games, competitions

V. Children's social movement

During the Soviet period, out-of-school institutions accumulated enormous positive experience in the development of children's self-government in educational institutions and the formation of leadership qualities in children. The desire for personal development and leadership in the chosen field of activity is the most important basic human need.

The most important directions of the current stage of revival of the children's movement are: the creation of new children's and youth public organizations, the formation of mechanisms for children's self-government in educational institutions, the development and implementation of educational programs for the targeted education of leaders among youth.

For this purpose, the Center for Children and Youth has developed and is successfully implementing the program of the Union of Children's Public Associations "Rainbow". Her tasks: to understand and improve the world around her, to be a worthy citizen of her Fatherland. There is a interesting experience organizing work to develop leadership qualities in adolescents. The “School of Leaders” project has been developed, the purpose of which is to train youth leaders to work in public and government organizations.

The children's social movement is one of the important aspects of the formation of civil society in Russia. Here there are all the necessary conditions to provide each child with real opportunities to test their abilities and inclinations, to gain personal experience of living in various situations and determining their position in these situations. Through collective creative activities of educational groups, mass leisure events, club activities, special programs for the development of leadership qualities and other forms of UDOD can and should set themselves the task of forming in students a vision and understanding of the culture of collective interaction and trust, the formation of communicative competence, and mastering the position of a leader , acquisition of self-management skills. Then the UPSC itself will be able to become a center of social attraction, an active participant in the “network of civic engagement.”

The main tasks of the UPEC for developing leadership qualities in children:

 Develop leadership qualities in students by direct and indirect methods through the educational process and other forms of activity.

 Provide students with the opportunity for real-life activities with the participation of adults who can serve as models of leadership, allow students to experience themselves in as many real life situations as possible, which will allow them to realize their calling and develop in their chosen direction.

 Build a culture of challenge, smart risk-taking, innovation, achievement and respect for success in institutions.

 Teachers and administration of institutions provide examples of leadership, promote the successes of students and the experience of their achievements, maintain relationships with graduates of past years.

 Organize special training for students to develop leadership competencies.

Conduct events (hikes, competitions, trips to specialized camps, etc.) that help identify the most important leadership competencies in the process of overcoming real difficulties.

The listed areas can form the basis of activities in the “Children's Movement” block as an integral part of the socio-cultural activities of UPOD.

Mechanism for implementing the cultural and leisure program

Implementation plan for the LEISURE program for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Open Day at the Center for Children and Youth “Alas, masters are not born.” Work of creative workshops.


Thematic hour, as part of events dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia, “Do good throughout the whole earth, do good for the joy of people!”


“And the music sounds again!” educational and entertainment program dedicated to Music Day.

Thematic hour for children primary school“For children about the Constitution”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Meeting of generations. “Komsomol - my destiny”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Komsomol.

“And let the gray hair silver the whiskey” - a festive program dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

“Constellation of Friendship” is a concert program dedicated to the Day of Russian Unity.

“Autumn collage”, a game program for pupils of the Center for Children and Youth Education

“We value your love, we say thank you for everything” - a festive program dedicated to Mother’s Day.

Competition of professional skills of additional education teachers “I give my heart to children”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of additional education

Environmental talk show “Our Earth is in our hands!” (on the formation of environmental culture among teenagers), dedicated to summing up the results of the Year of Ecology in Russia.

“On Snowy Paths” is a New Year’s entertainment program for children.

“Baba Yaga’s Travel Agency” is a game program for junior level TsRDYU students.

“Wishes Fulfilled” is a New Year’s entertainment program for pupils aged 11-14 years.

“The New Year is marching across the planet” - a New Year's evening of relaxation for high school students.

Game program "New Olympic Games", dedicated to the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

“We are together!” - the reporting concert of creative groups and soloists of the Central Theater and Youth Theater.

“The Seventh Sense” is a game program for pupils of the Center for Children and Youth Education.

Regional competition “Counselor of the Year 2014”.

Regional amateur art show “Constellation of Talents”.

“Culture and Personality” is a thematic hour, as part of the implementation of events dedicated to the Year of Culture in Russia.

"Easter Chime" competitive program for pupils of the Center for Children and Youth

“The whole family over a cup of tea!” - an educational program dedicated to Family Day.

“If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones!” - Day of health in nature.

Creative report of the MD&Y.

“Children laugh with a good laugh” is a holiday dedicated to Children's Day.

Work of the summer camp of the Scarlet Sail activist group.


Thus, the proposed structure of cultural and leisure activities in the Center for Children and Youth shows that, on the one hand, beyond the actual educational activities of the ECDC associated with the implementation of educational programs, there is a very extensive field of self-realization for the child; on the other hand, most specific types of activities within the framework of socio-cultural activities are to one degree or another related to educational activities, and, therefore, have a pronounced educational potential.

The challenge is to “link” socio-cultural programs and projects with educational programs additional education for children. This, in turn, rests on the practically unexplored problem of determining the content of the pedagogical results of socio-cultural activities, correlating them with the results of educational activities, identifying ways to track these results and recording them when documenting various types of socio-cultural activities of UPEC through plans, scripts, programs, projects.

Expected results:

List of used literature:

Ariarian and leisure culture // Family in the mirror of socio-cultural activities. – St. Petersburg: Special literature, 2004, p. 87.

Asafova T., Klenova N. “Hope of Russia”: support for social creativity of children // Public education, 2005, No. 6.