How to knit stocking stitch. Stocking knitting: diagram and description of technique

Learning to knit is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to master a number of basic elements. The rest of the patterns are knitted on their basis. For beginning craftswomen, it is extremely important to master them - the front loop, the purl loop and the yarn over. You need to start mastering knitting with the simplest types of knitting, for example, stocking stitch. We will look at stocking knitting pattern and knitting description in this article.


Why stocking stitch? Yes, because stockinette stitch is the simplest and is perfect for practicing knitting and purling stitches. You may be interested in the origin of the name of this knitting - why stocking? Stockings, if knitted without patterns, are knitted in exactly this way. On circular knitting needles, all rows were knitted in stockinette stitch, since all rows were knitted in stockinette stitch. loops without alternation. This fabric can be called knitted.

Stocking stitch is an alternation of knit and purl rows. As a result, it turns out that one side will be completely done only with knit stitches, and the second side only with purl stitches.

In this picture you see the result of knitting. The front stitch is the side where all the stitches are knitted, and the purl stitch is the side where the stitches are purled.

The knitting pattern is extremely simple. In the figure below you can see alternating rows of the same type of loops.

When knitting in the round, the rows do not alternate, since the knitting does not turn over, but goes along one side. This is a very important point.

Purl loop, knit stitch and yarn over

Let's remember how all the basic elements fit together.

Let's start with faces. loops This is most clearly shown in the picture. There are two ways - grandma's and classic. Each knitter chooses the one that is convenient for her, or the one to which she is accustomed. If this is a diagram or description, then under knitting This usually means the classic way of knitting such loops.

Now look at how to knit the purl stitches.

Attention! Persons the loop should be knitted behind the back wall, and the wrong side behind the front. If you do not follow this rule, the loops will twist.

Now let's talk about yarn overs. They come in two types - direct and reverse. In the figure you can see that the yarn over is different in the location of the loop on the knitting needle.

If you learn how to quickly and deftly knit these three elements, then we can say that you have already overcome the first stage. All that remains is to practice and improve your skills.

Description of knitting

We cast on any number of loops on the knitting needles. We knit the first row with knitting needles. loops, knit the second row purl. loops, third person again. and so on until the end of the mating.

Look at the picture to see what features there are when knitting with stockinette stitch.

  1. The bottom of the product is folded towards the front side. This is true. Sometimes this feature is used specifically for knitting various products, for example, sweaters. To avoid this, it is necessary to knit the bottom with a different knitting stitch, in which l.p. and from.p. alternate or crochet the bottom.
  2. The front side is smooth, and the back side is embossed.
  3. The edge of the product is rolled up.

Any yarn is suitable for stockinette knitting, but items knitted using sectional yarn look especially good.

The fabric is in stockinette stitch; you need to master the skills of knitting knit and purl stitches. Moreover, they can be knitted on any knitting needles - two, five or circular. The stockinette stitch consists of alternating rows with purl and knit stitches. From the latter side a smooth canvas will emerge.

Face loop. For the sample, cast on 20 loops. Slip the first (edge) stitch onto the needle in your right hand. Then insert the knitting needle into the middle of the loop, grab the thread located behind the work and pull it out. At the same time, carefully remove the “old” loop with the index finger of your left hand. Repeat the same steps with subsequent loops.

Purl loop. Continue working with the same pattern, especially since the next row will give you the opportunity to knit the purl loops. Remove the first stitch, which is the edge stitch. Now move the thread so that it is located in front of the work. Insert the knitting needle into the middle of the loop, grab the working thread “from yourself” and pull it through the same loop. After this, use the index finger of your left hand to carefully remove the “old” used loop. Do the same steps with the remaining loops.

Continue working the pattern, alternating knit (odd) and purl (even) rows. Knit at least 20 rows, resulting in a smooth knitted fabric. To make the knitting look perfect, you can process the sample. To do this, wash it with a detergent suitable for the selected yarn. You can also make the sample smooth and even by holding it over steam. After this, carefully spread the piece (or product) on a flat surface and leave until completely dry.

Knitting stockinette stitch on circular or slightly different stitches. Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles. Begin knitting the first and each subsequent row with knit stitches only (no purl stitches). Please note that in this case there is no edge loop. Knitted, row by row, loops will give the fabric in the form of a stockinette stitch.

Useful advice

To obtain ideal smoothness of the fabric, it is advisable to use yarn with an even structure.


  • facial surface

Face loops are much more common. As a rule, the product looks smooth on one side and embossed on the other. In order to knit stockinette stitch correctly, it is necessary that the working thread is constantly behind the knitting.

  1. The knitting needle with the stitches cast on and the working thread should be in the left hand, and the empty knitting needle in the right. The tip of the right knitting needle is threaded through the first loop on the knitting needle in the left hand, in front. The tip of the knitting needle in your right hand should be under the left knitting needle.

  2. The working thread of the left hand is draped over the index finger. Then the working thread is hooked with the right needle in the right direction.

  3. The tension of the working thread is constantly maintained with the left hand, and with the right knitting needle the working thread is pulled through the loop on the knitting needle in the left hand.

  4. Now a new one has appeared on the right spoke. The loop of the previous row is dropped from the tip of the left knitting needle. It is worth noting that the knitted ones should remain on the right needle, unlike the cast-on row.

All subsequent rows, starting from the second, are knitted in the same way as the first row.

  1. After you knit the entire row, you need to turn it over. The knitting needle is passed to the left hand.

  2. The working thread should come out of the outer loop. To do this, place the right knitting needle in the first loop and knit a row of knit stitches.

Once you learn how to knit stockinette stitch, you can easily knit stripes.

  1. Knitting the fabric is done with facial loops behind the front wall, while the shade of the thread should be changed every 2 rows; in this case, there is no need to break the thread.

    There is a second way to knit stockinette stitch - behind the back wall. In this case, the position of the fingers when knitting the front stitch behind the back wall is exactly the same as knitting over the front: the edge thread is removed, a knitting needle is inserted into the next loop from right to left and, taking the thread from the index finger, it is pulled into the loop, then a new loop is transferred from the left on the right knitting needle.

  2. Taking a thread of the shade, you need to use it to knit an edge stitch. It is worth noting that this option refers to the rare case when the edge loop is not removed, but knitted.

Video on the topic

Any beginning needlewoman should learn how to knit with stockinette stitch. This knitted fabric pattern will become the main one for making many models - from socks and mittens to pullovers and blankets. One side of this knitting is called the knit stitch, and the other is called the purl stitch. You need to practice properly so that you get exactly the “stitch”: even, one-to-one, stocking stitch stitches on the canvas - this is an indicator of the skill of any craftswoman.

You will need

  • - yarn;
  • - two straight knitting needles;
  • - circular knitting needles;
  • - a set of five double needles.


First, master the knit and purl stitches - it is their alternation that is the basis for performing stocking stitch. For the sample, cast on 25-30 stitches on straight needles. To make your knitting more visual, it is best to take large-diameter knitting needles (from No. 3.5) and thick white threads. This will make it easier for you to control the work process and ensure that all the loops are smooth and neat.

Remove the first loop unknitted - this will be the edge of your work. To make the next knit stitch, insert the working needle into the loop on the left needle from left to right; hook the thread at the top and pull it through the loop.

You can make a knit stitch in another way: the right working needle enters the bottom of the loop (located on the left knitting needle), then the thread is grabbed and pulled through - you get a neat knit stitch.

Knit knit stitches one way or another until the end of the row. Try to keep them the same size. When all the stitches on the right working needle are knitted, turn the knitting over and begin purling the row.

Place the thread around your index finger; move the working needle to the left (the thread is between the left and right). Hook the thread at the top and pull it through the loop. You can make a purl loop this way: the thread lies on the working knitting needle and your index finger; the right needle enters the loop on the left side of the work under the thread; The thread goes under the right knitting needle and is pulled in the form of a loop. Knit the purl row to the end in this way.

So, you perform only knit stitches from the “face” (this is stockinette stitch or stockinette stitch), and from the back – only purl stitches (this type of knitting is usually called reverse stockinette stitch or purl stitch). Keep in mind that if you are working with five stocking rows (circular rows), then to perform stockinette stitch, only knit stitches will be worked in all rows.

Useful advice

Usually purl loops are weaker than knit stitches. To ensure even, smooth knitting, make the loops on the purl row a little tighter than the loops on the “face” of the product. Please note that the fabric knitted with front and back stitch is curled at the edges. To ensure that the bottom of the work is even, it is usually done not in stockinette stitch, but in a more fixed pattern (ribbing, garter stitch, cat teeth, etc.). If you need to measure your knitting density, carefully lay out the stockinette stitch sample on a flat surface and pin the corners.

Stockinette stitch is the most popular knitting method. Odd rows are made with knit stitches, and even rows are made with purl stitches. The result is a smooth, homogeneous surface.
The process of fabric formation occurs by knitting loops of yarn using two knitting needles.

You will need

  • - yarn;
  • - knitting needles.


Knitting any product or pattern always begins with a set of loops of the initial row. Cast on them on two needles placed together. This is done so that the yarn overs stretch easily and fit well in the next row. When knitting sweaters, jumpers, shawls, scarves and other things, knit the first row from right to left. This will be the front side of the product, and the other row goes back. You will get the wrong side. To create a stockinette stitch, knit odd rows with knit stitches and even rows with purl stitches.

Facial loops can be knitted in two ways:

Classic knit loop

Take the knitting needle with the cast-on stitches in your left hand. Throw the working thread over your index finger and bring it to work. Insert the right needle into the first stitch from your left to your right. Gently pick up the main thread with the tip and pull it forward.

English or granny loop

With this method, take a knitting needle with the loops that need to be knitted in your left hand. Hold the working thread on your index finger behind the product. Insert the right needle into the first stitch from your right to your left. Gently grab the yarn and pull the loop through. Knit the front row to the end. Then turn the work and purl the next even strip.

To do this, hold the knitting needle with the cast-on loops in your left hand. The working thread should pass in front of the item. Pass the right needle under it and insert the tip into the loop from right to left. Grab the warp yarn in front of the needle and pull the yarn over away from you. In this way, the purl loop is knitted behind the front wall.

If you are knitting a crossed purl stitch, then leave the working thread in front of the product. Insert the right knitting needle from left to right towards you. Wrap the main yarn around the right needle from bottom to top and pull the yarn over. This method is used to knit a purl loop behind the back wall.
Continue working further, knitting alternately the front and back rows.

Knitting is the process of creating a fabric from yarn using two working knitting needles. The action is to draw the working yarn on the right needle through each stitch on the left needle. As a result, a set of new loops is formed on the right knitting needle, giving growth to the finished knitwear.

If you have only recently learned how to cast on loops, then you should not immediately take on complex patterns; practice making neat front and back rows. Stocking stitch is best suited for this. With the help of it, you can hone the skill of typing basic (knit and knit) In addition, you will get better at knitting and will soon be able to knit so that they will all be even. You don’t need to think that you won’t need this skill. You will have beautiful and neat products can only be achieved if you learn how to knit identical stitches. In addition, stocking stitch will help you learn how to quickly knit.

For those who are taking their first steps in mastering the technique of creating interesting things from ordinary threads, detailed instructions will be useful. So, if you are interested in the technique of stocking knitting, then most likely you have already learned how to cast on loops. Now is the time to find out what needs to be done next. So, cast on at least 20 or 30 loops on 2 knitting needles. A smaller quantity, although it will help save a little time and labor, will not make it possible to create samples of knitting on knitting needles that are suitable in size, adequately evaluate the result obtained and qualitatively practice skills.

Having cast on the required number of stitches, pull out one knitting needle and look at what you've got. On one side (the front) the work should be smooth, but on the other, a number of knots have formed. Taking into account the fact that knitting must be turned over after casting on stitches, it is better to start the first row with purl ones. Remove the first loop, insert the right knitting needle into the next one towards you, grab the thread that should go before the work, and pull it into the loop. Don't forget to remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle. But this is not stockinette stitch yet, this is just the first row.

Having turned the future canvas over, start working on the front side. Remembering to slip the first stitch, place the thread at the back of the piece. Now we need to figure it out, face to face. Insert the right needle into the second stitch in front of its front wall, grab the thread and pull it through. As on the wrong side, do not forget to remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle afterwards. You need to finish the entire row in this way.

Once you have mastered a set of knit and purl stitches, you will realize that stockinette knitting is quite simple. You just need to alternate rows so that only knit stitches go on one side and purl stitches on the other. As a result, the drawing of the finished canvas looks like ticks on one side and like dashes-knots on the other. Starting with purl stitches, remember that you will have to knit all the odd rows this way, while the even rows will need to be knitted with knit stitches. By the way, be prepared that the bottom of such a canvas will curl. That is why when creating products it is recommended to start with an elastic band or make a hard edge.

Stocking stitch helps to identify all the mistakes of beginners. Loops that are too tight or, conversely, loose, their curvature and unevenness are evident from the front side of the product. You can get rid of them only over time, when you start knitting without thinking about how, where and when you need to insert the knitting needle, grab and pull the thread. Then the process will go much faster, and the loops will only become neater.

The second main stitch in knitting is the purl stitch. Knowing the two basic stitches: knit and purl, you can knit many simple and beautiful patterns that use a combination of only these stitches. Today we are learning how to knit a purl stitch in the classic way. Just as in the front classic loop, in the classic purl wall the loops are located parallel and the right wall of the loop is located in front. Knitting a purl stitch is somewhat more difficult than a knit stitch. But you will definitely succeed!

We put the loops on the knitting needle and knit the first (front) row with front loops, as we did in the previous lesson. We are turning the work around. Remove the first loop without knitting.

We will knit the second (purl) row with purl stitches. Insert the right needle into the middle of the loop on the left needle. The working thread should be located in front of the knitting needle.

Using the right knitting needle, we pick up the working thread and wrap it around the knitting needle, making a circular motion clockwise.

Pull the working thread through the loop top down holding the thread with the thumb of your left hand.

Pull out a new loop.

We throw off the old loop from the left knitting needle. We continue like this until the end of the row.

Knitting a classic purl loop in the diagram:

Turn the work to the front side again. We see that the first loop of the row is the front one. To form a pigtail edge, you also need to remove it, just like we removed the first purl loop, but you need to do it differently. We insert the right needle from left to right behind the front wall of the loop.

We adjust the size of the edge loops by tightening the working thread. It is necessary to ensure that the edge is smooth and not too loose, but also does not pull the side edge together.

Rule: To form an edge in the form of a pigtail, remove the first loop of the row, if it is a knit stitch, by the front loop without knitting.

We continue to knit further: front (odd) rows with front loops, and purl (even) rows with purl loops. As a result, we will get a fabric knitted with stocking stitch. It is also called stockinette or jersey. Take a close look at the stocking and garter stitch samples. Unlike garter stitch, stockinette stitch is not double-sided. It has a front and back side. The fabric turns out thinner and less loose. Stockinette stitch tends to curl, especially along the cast-on edge. To avoid this, use finishing knitting along the edge of the product (for example, elastic) or other types of loop casting. In addition, twisting is reduced after

IN stockinette stitch A fairly simple technique is used. You just need to be able to pick up stitches and make knit and purl stitches out of them.
The name of this type of knitting comes from the fact that it was used when knitting stockings in the round using 4 knitting needles.

How to cast on loops:

To cast on the loops, you need to unwind a certain amount of thread (from a thread equal to the length of the knitting needle, you can cast on about 15 loops). We put the thread on the index finger (one end of the thread should be to the left of the finger, and the second to the right), then take the end closest to the thumb. We wrap it around the bottom of the finger clockwise, forming a loop. We pull up both remaining ends of the thread (from the thumb and index fingers) and clamp them with the remaining ones: the middle, ring and little fingers. With the second hand, the working one, we take the knitting needles and put them together. We use them to hook the thread going from the bottom of the thumb. Next, we pick up the thread located on top of the index finger with knitting needles (it is located obliquely from the first thread). And we thread the knitting needles into the loop obtained next to the thumb. We tighten it. This is the first loop. The rest are typed in a similar way: we take the thread passing from the bottom of the thumb. Next, we pick up the thread running from above along the index finger. And we dive into the loop that has formed at the thumb. We continue until the required number of loops is cast.
Then you need to pull out one knitting needle (we will knit with it), but all the previously cast-on loops will remain on the second one.

Let's introduce definitions and rules:

Let's agree that the first knitting needle is the one on which the cast-on loops lie. The second knitting needle is the one with which we will knit the loops and cast on the next rows.

  • We hold the first knitting needle in our left hand, place the thread with which we will tie the loops behind the knitting needle and pull it over the index finger. We take the second knitting needle in the other hand.
  • You should always move the first stitch to the second needle without knitting.
  • We always purl the last stitch.
  • Knit stitch - use the second knitting needle to pick up the loop from the side closest to us from below. Next, grab the thread from your index finger, pass it through our loop, and remove it. A knit stitch was created on the second needle.

  • Purl loop - place the thread lying on the index finger in front of the first knitting needle. We thread the second knitting needle into the loop from above on the side closest to us. Next, we grab the thread with a knitting needle and pull it through the loop, remove it. The result is a purl loop.

Stocking technique:

1st row: facial loops; 2nd row: purl loops; 3rd row: repeat 1; Row 4: repeat 2.

Stocking stitch is usually used to knit socks, blouses, and stockings. It is quite simple if you remember an important rule: even rows always run away from the thread, and odd rows, on the contrary, tend to the thread.

We hope everything worked out for you.

Even loops for you.

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