Which oil is better to choose for newborns, application and sterilization at home. Types of baby oil for newborns: sterilization secrets and rating of the best manufacturers What kind of oil can be used for newborns

Massage is a procedure that is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Each such manipulation helps to restore physical condition and emotional balance. It is with the help of massage with babies that the mother first establishes psychological contact. Many pediatricians recommend using various oils for massage. It is they who will help the hands to easily glide over the skin. It will not cause discomfort or damage to the skin. Consider the main options.

Types and properties

For babies, it is especially important to choose the right oil for massage. After all, at this age they are very sensitive to smells. If it is unpleasant for your child, it can also affect his nervous system. It is better to choose a product without pungent odors, or even without them at all.

There are many types of oils that can be successfully used when you massage your baby:

    Vaseline. This massage tool was used by our grandmothers. Many people can find Vaseline in the first aid kit. This tool is a liquid paraffin. It has no taste, no smell. That's why it's hypoallergenic. Pediatricians advise using it when massaging babies. This cosmetic product will help moisturize the skin. It perfectly heals wounds, microcracks, protects the delicate integuments of the dermis.

When such a substance is applied to the skin of a child, a thin invisible film appears. Worth a little liquid agent to prevent clogging of pores. Massage with such a component should be carried out periodically to prevent the appearance of microcracks on the skin when rubbed with a diaper.

Interestingly, vaseline oil can be perfectly combined with other oils. This will help you get the most out of it.

    Peach and apricot. These liquids are perfect for massaging children. Peach oil is allowed to be used for babies. It will help to effectively moisturize the skin, will be the prevention of skin diseases. Apricot kernel oil will promote muscle tone. This liquid stimulates the baby's immune system, the activity of the nervous system. All vegetable oils should be preferred. In this case, the main thing is to choose one that will become not only effective for the child, but also loved. This will stimulate the harmonious development of your child.

  • Olive. This oil contains linoleic and oleic fatty acids. They help to strengthen the protective barrier of the skin, soften the dermis. The substance is perfectly absorbed and enriches the cells with vitamins and minerals. However, do not use the remedy when there are diseases of the skin or there is damage to it.

  • Camphor. Camphor oil is usually rubbed on the baby's back and chest. Such a warming compress based on the product can be used for colds. The liquid penetrates deep into the tissues, warms well. It is worth noting that if the child has a temperature, then you should not use this product. The oil can be used for children from 2 years old who do not have allergies, epilepsy, wounds and skin lesions.

  • Essential. These oils will help calm the baby. However, it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to use this product for children who are not yet 2 weeks old. And even after this period, you should be especially careful when using such liquids. It is better to consult a pediatrician before use.

    Wheat. Wheat oil will be an excellent remedy that can help with rashes in the first stage of life, especially if the skin is quite dry. You can actively moisturize the skin of the child, carrying out simple manipulations. Each tactile touch will be pleasant and comfortable.

Which is suitable

It's no secret that the right massage oil will help not only improve the whole process, but also set the vector for the correct and harmonious development child. For newborns, it is better to use vaseline. It will be the safest and best remedy. Also for babies, apricot kernel oil, avocado, olive, peach are well suited.. It is not necessary to use camphor oil and essential oils for babies. It is best to consult with your pediatrician, who will help you choose the right massage tool. Coconut oil will be an excellent massage tool for up to a year. Children will love its light pleasant aroma. At the same time, this tool will help to effectively moisturize the skin, acts as an antiseptic.

Rating of the best

When choosing the best product for your baby, you should pay attention to the best brands that have already earned the trust of customers.

  • Mustela. The massage oil is intended for babies. It will help to perfectly soften the skin, facilitate the massage process. Your baby will only enjoy. The composition includes vitamins E and C. The product has a calming effect, has a relaxing effect. The natural composition is perfect for periodic massage.

    Johnson's Baby. This quality product has won the trust of parents. It helps to actively moisturize the dermis, makes it tender, eliminates redness. Natural ingredients have a calming effect. The line incorporates funds with the addition of chamomile, aloe, lavender. Parabens are not used.

  • Bubchen. German quality is the basis of the product. The oil has a particularly gentle effect on the skin. A wide range of products is represented by a product with calendula extract, shea butter, sunflower. The tool will help remove peeling, moisturize the skin. The product absorbs well and leaves no residue. An excellent moment will be the optimal combination of the price-quality parameter.

  • The world of childhood. This tool is represented by a balanced combination of natural peach oil and almonds. Your hands will glide perfectly over the skin. The oil softens the dermis and soothes it. You will feel only fruity aroma.

  • Affectionate mother. This preparation does not contain preservatives and dyes. Baby oil is ideal for delicate skin. It has a general strengthening, healing effect with daily care. The oil will help moisturize the dermis, nourish it with useful substances, maintain elasticity, and relieve irritation. Thanks to vitamin E, the process of cell regeneration will be accelerated. Anti-inflammatory and protective action is the basis of this bottle. Can also be used by adults with sensitive skin.

  • Natura Siberica. This remedy includes rosehip and evening primrose oils. It will help to actively restore and moisturize skin cells, has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply a small amount of liquid to the baby's skin. Do this with light massaging movements, then continue the procedure.

  • Eared nanny. This option is budget, but no less effective. This brand has established itself as a quality manufacturer. The basis of the product is a calming and healing effect. One bottle will do the job perfectly. Your baby's skin will become moisturized, cleansed, all diaper rash will go away. The composition of the product includes aloe and a string.

It should be remembered that no matter how good a cosmetic product is, and no matter what famous brand you come across, you should always ask your pediatrician for advice. AT childhood the skin is quite soft. Even the most suitable product at first glance can provoke an undesirable reaction in a child. Thus, you should study in detail the composition of the product that you buy in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

The appearance of a child in a young family is considered one of the most memorable and unforgettable events. After all, how much joy and happiness such a tiny miracle brings to a married couple. But along with vivid emotions and awe in the heart, young parents have to face a lot of problems and troubles. The baby, like no other, needs proper care and attention, so any loving mom and the pope must treat such matters with special responsibility.

Baby oil for newborns: Which is better

In addition to proper nutrition, healthy sleep and related exercise, the child needs certain cosmetic procedures, including: treatment of the most delicate skin with special oil for newborns. This tool is used almost every day and is indispensable in providing comfortable conditions for growth and development crumbs.

Baby oil applied for various purposes, including:

  • cleansing;
  • protection;
  • as well as nourishing the delicate skin of the crumbs;

It is important to remember that the baby is exposed to a wide variety of environmental influences, so careful observance of the basic rules of hygiene can keep the skin in good condition, making it velvety, beautiful and elastic. We will talk about how to choose oil and how to use it in action in today's article.

A little about baby skin

Every mom knows that a newborn baby has extremely sensitive and delicate skin, which can serve as an alternative for the organs of vision and hearing. Tactile contacts allow the baby to explore the world around him and get used to his mother. For this reason, in order for the development of the crumbs to take place fully, you should carefully consider such features skin like:

It is no secret that the so-called mantle is located on the baby's skin, which is presented in the form of a surface water-lipid layer. Its purpose is to provide effective protection of delicate skin from the effects of the outside world, temperature extremes and other possible pests. In addition, such a substance causes the active production of vitamin D, which is very important for normal baby growth.

If the body does not have the necessary amount of keratin, the stratum corneum is too thin, and the blood vessels are very close, the skin condition may worsen, and it will become dry, flaky and vulnerable. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to ensure effective protection from exposure from the first days of life of the baby. In this case, it is reasonable to use oil for newborns.

Varieties of oils

For many years, people have valued oils for their rich concentration of vitamins, including vitamins E and D, trace elements, antioxidants, and minerals. To create vegetable oils, the fruit of the plant and seeds are used, which are rich in oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids.

If we consider aromatherapy and cosmetology, then representatives of these industries treated essential oils in a special way, created by extraction or distillation of flowers, fruits, leaves and rhizomes. This is due to the pleasant aroma of the final product and the absence of any side effects from use. In the manufacture of such products apply plants with an intense smell, including: calamus, juniper, camphor, anise, oregano and others.

In addition, oils have found their application in the medical field, where they serve as injections and independent medicines, which is explained by the abundance of valuable substances in their composition. For example, vaseline oil is a powerful mineral a medicine that can heal wounds and cracks or soften hardened skin. Also, these oils perfectly clean cold nose crusts and infant crown crowns.

Oil for newborns. Which one is better

Today you can find a wide variety of oils for newborns. All of them differ in their advantages and disadvantages, therefore, in order to choose the appropriate option, you will have to work hard and revise a lot of proposals. It is important to understand that not all products are able to provide high-quality care for the delicate skin of a child, and sometimes even, on the contrary, lead to side effects and cause negative consequences. Each oil has its own beneficial features or contraindications.

Should be paid Attention for the following types of oils:

How to apply oil for newborns

To avoid any trouble in the process of using baby oil, you should study a number of rules and subtleties. When conducting necessary procedures after the morning toilet, you should carefully examine the baby and wipe the problem areas of the baby's skin with clean sterilized oil. It is used as vegetable or a vaseline version, which is applied to a cotton turunda and quickly cleans the nose and ears.

If the neonatologist or pediatrician has not found more effective remedy to combat diaper rash, after bathing, problem areas should be lubricated with an oily cotton pad. The crown behind the ears, skin folds, neck, ass, groin and elbows are also treated with a cotton pad previously soaked in oil. Oil treatments will be beneficial for premature babies. They perfectly clean the folds and folds, relieve the skin of redness, peeling, diaper rash, and also lead to rapid healing infantile crusts on the crown.

If you wear a baby for massages, you should lubricate the skin with oils and thoroughly rub them. To do this, you need to take a small amount of the mixture, apply it on the palm of your hand, warm it and rub it.

Testing and sterilization

Before applying baby oil to newborns, it is important to make sure that it does not lead to an allergic reaction. To do this, just put a drop of the product on the delicate skin of the crumbs and check it for any changes. Observation is carried out throughout the day. If there is redness or a rash in the place where the oil was applied, you should refuse from application. Ignoring testing is strictly prohibited. Any allergy is accompanied unpleasant sensations, discomfort and the appearance of diseases of varying complexity.

It is important to understand that all oils are pre-sterilized and cooled before use. In no case should you buy oil in a grocery store, even if we are talking about the usual sunflower version. Do not try to smear them with crumbs without prior sterilization. Only after such a procedure can the selected product be used as a valuable tool for hygiene procedures and dealing with skin problems.

A good option sterilization involves the use of the water bath method. Do not sterilize large quantities of baby oil as it will prolonged storage adversely affects the properties and composition. Over time, useful substances are destroyed, so it is better to prepare a small amount of the mixture and process it correctly.

In the process of preparing baby oil for babies, it is necessary to move the dishes with cold water and a container of oil on the stove. The oil is placed in a glass jar or bottle from some medical preparation. The main thing is that the container can withstand the impact high temperatures. The water level should not exceed 1/3 to the top. The mixture is boiled over low heat until it boils completely.

Young mothers often ask themselves: how much time do you need purify baby oil. As a rule, 20 minutes of thorough heating is enough for this, until air bubbles appear in the container. Leave the dish with oil in a large container until it cools completely, after which it must be closed with a tight lid and placed in a dark place. It is known that the sterilized product can be stored for a long time, which is its important advantage.

Manufacturers of baby oil for newborns

Today you can find a large assortment of baby oils for newborns. Each product has its own features and benefits. When choosing the right option, you should pay attention to brand recognition and market popularity. quality, popular and environmentally friendly products from the German brand Bubchen are in high demand.

The fact is that when creating them, the brand uses the advanced achievements of the modern cosmetology industry and takes into account all the subtleties of proper protection of the most delicate children's skin from any aggressive influences. The oils of this brand are created on the basis of natural ingredients, so there are no preservatives and other substances in their composition. The product perfectly fights the problem of dry skin and gently cleanses dry areas of the body.

In addition, funds Bubchen quickly relieve irritation and restore the skin after inflammation without clogging the pores with impurities. In addition, they are famous for their pleasant aroma and can be used from the first days of a baby's life.

Oils from the German brand are considered no less popular. Weleda, which are represented by a whole line of high-quality products from calendula and sesame oil. Children's products, which contain calendula flowers, very carefully and reliably protect the skin from inflammation or aggressive influences, activating natural skin functions. The brand is working on growing a medicinal and cosmetic plant named calendula in its own garden in southern Germany.

If you treat the delicate skin of the crumbs with this remedy, then it will quickly recover from various wounds and injuries, acquire a healthier, radiant appearance, and also become beautiful. Mom and baby will especially appreciate this oil during daily cosmetic procedures.

When choosing baby oil for your baby, be careful and responsible. Do not forget that not all drugs are suitable for a particular case, because. the baby may have an individual intolerance to any ingredients from the composition of the product, which can cause a number of side effects.

Moms know or guess that oiling the delicate skin of a newborn to cleanse, protect and nourish. Tiny children are defenseless and subject to influence from outside, they are not able to take care of themselves. The responsibility for the health and protection of the infant rests with the parents. Careful observance of hygiene rules will keep the baby's skin clean, tender, velvety, elastic, healthy.

Newborn skin

The skin of babies in the first time after birth partially replaces the baby's organs of hearing and vision. With the help of tactile contacts, the baby learns the world around him. Therefore, it is so important to keep the skin of the crumbs clean, dry, and at a comfortable temperature.

Nature has created on the surface of human skin the so-called mantle, that is, the surface water-lipid layer. This layer is designed to protect the skin from environmental influences, temperature changes, and promotes the production of vitamin D.

Keratin deficiency in infant skin, thin stratum corneum, proximity blood vessels makes it dry, easily flaky, vulnerable. To avoid irritation, diaper rash, diathesis, protect the baby's skin from birth. Oil for newborns will help take care of the health of children's skin.

What are

Oils have long been valued as the focus of vitamins, especially vitamin E, D, trace elements, and antioxidants. Vegetable oils squeezed from seeds and fruits of plants, used for food: sunflower, olive, nut, sesame, cocoa, avocado. They are useful in the content of oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids.

In aromatherapy and cosmetology, essential oils are valued, which are produced by extraction or distillation of flowers, fruits, leaves, rhizomes. They have pleasant aromas. The raw materials for cooking are plants with a bright smell: eucalyptus, calamus, juniper, camphor, anise, oregano.

For hygiene procedures for children and adults, vegetable, medical, mineral, essential oils are suitable.

In medicine, oil for newborns is used on a plant or mineral basis, for example, castor, petroleum jelly, based on sea buckthorn, which have analgesic, wound healing, antiseptic properties. The therapeutic effect on the skin is determined by the substances dissolved in them.

Use in medicine as a solvent for injections and as independent medications due to beneficial properties. For example, mineral vaseline oil is used as a remedy for healing wounds and cracks, softening hardened areas, it is used to clean cold nose crusts and infant crown crowns.

For babies

Among the many manufactured by the industry, it is difficult to choose one oil for newborns that meets all the requirements of baby care. Each has some useful property, often unique to this variety.

So let's look at the following types.

  • Sweet acacia is a good antiseptic, nourishes and soothes the baby's skin.
  • Apricot kernel oil promotes tissue regeneration, helps with dermatitis.
  • Vanilla - has balsamic properties.
  • Clove oil deodorant, antihistamine, antioxidant, bactericidal.
  • St. John's wort - anti-inflammatory for skin diseases, relieves itching from insect bites.
  • Ginger - softens the mucous membrane during colds, relieves inflammation.
  • Cocoa - softens lips, relieves muscle pain.
  • Sea buckthorn ─ wound healing, especially for burns.
  • Olive ─ light antiseptic, moisturizes, softens the skin.
  • Peach - relieves irritation and redness of the skin.
  • Sunflower ─ moisturizes and regenerates the skin.
  • Rosemary is an analgesic antidepressant.
  • Tui - relieves itching, allergies, wound healing antiseptic.
  • Tea tree ─ against insect bites, anti-inflammatory, strong antiseptic.


The use of oils for the hygiene of the child is necessary and justified. During the morning toilet and after water procedures, the mother carefully examines the baby, wipes problem areas with clean, sterilized oil. Vegetable or petroleum jelly, applied to a cotton turunda, gently cleans the nose and ears.

If the neonatologist or pediatrician has not recommended another remedy to prevent diaper rash, immediately after bathing, the problem areas are smeared with an oily cotton pad. Temechko, behind the ears, skin folds, neck, armpits, elbow and popliteal folds, groin and ass are also lubricated.

Such procedures are especially useful for premature babies. Lubrication cleans folds and folds, prevents redness, peeling, diaper rash, promotes the speedy healing of infant crusts on the baby's crown.

During the massage, both the baby and the mother are more pleasant if the skin is lubricated. Do not pour oil on the skin of the crumbs. It is used like this: mom puts a small amount ─ a few drops ─ on her palm, rubs it and warms it. With palms rubbed into the delicate skin of the baby.

Baby hygiene includes wiping the folds and folds of the body with oil, this is especially true in the presence of diaper rash, redness, peeling

Testing and sterilization

Before using any products for a baby, check them for allergies. Apply a drop of the product to the child's skin and observe the smear. This test will show the reaction within a day. If redness or a rash appears in this place, this remedy should not be used categorically. Do not ignore such testing, take it as a rule. Allergy is a very unpleasant disease, do not provoke it.

Remember that all oils are sterilized and cooled before use. You can’t buy it at the grocery store (even if it’s a simple sunflower) and immediately smear it on your baby. After sterilization it the best remedy for hygiene procedures and solving skin problems.

The ideal sterilization method is in a water bath. It makes no sense to sterilize a large portion, since the beneficial substances are destroyed during storage. Sterilizing it at home is not difficult and does not take long, so prepare a small portion for the near future.

To prepare a remedy for babies, put a small container of oil in a bowl of cold water. It can be a small glass jar or a medicine bottle. Make the water level in a large container not reaching 1/3 to the top of the jar or bottle. Lay a cloth in 3-4 layers under the dish with oil to protect the oil from overheating and burning. After the water in a large container boils, continue sterilizing over low heat.

Young mothers ask how much to boil the oil for sterilization. Do not boil at all, keep it on low heat without boiling. For a small amount, 20 minutes of warming up is enough. When air bubbles appear on the surface, sterilization is stopped.

Leave the dish with the oil in a large container until it cools completely. When it cools down, close it with a tight lid, put it in a cool dark place. So sterilized oil is stored for a long time. It is not recommended to pour the cooked oil into another dish. Use as needed.

Bübchen oil is the most popular. German manufacturers have taken care of the delicate skin of babies by creating an environmentally friendly oil without preservatives and any other harmful substances.


Some companies produce special baby oils that mothers lubricate the skin of babies.

High-quality, natural, environmentally friendly products of the German company Bübchen are developed on the basis of the latest scientific developments and are designed to actively protect the skin of babies. The products of this company are made from natural ingredients, without preservatives. Oils for babies up to a year gently and delicately cleanse, soften, moisturize all parts of the body.

Bübchen products actively protect, relieve irritation, restore after inflammation, while not clogging pores, the skin remains clean. They have a pleasant delicate aroma, are used from birth.

The German company Weleda has released a line of oils for babies based on calendula and sesame oil. Baby oil with calendula not only carefully and reliably protects the skin of the crumbs, but also activates the natural skin functions. The company grows the medicinal and cosmetic calendula plant in its own garden in southern Germany. Skin treated with Weleda with Calendula quickly recovers from wounds and is in a natural healthy state. Mom and baby will love the oil, it can be used daily and for massages.

Another German product that can be used for a newborn without fear. Weleda with calendula will provide gentle and gentle skin care for crumbs

Which one to choose

In pharmacies, children's and cosmetic stores, vegetable, essential and mineral oils are presented in a large assortment. Moms are thinking about which one to choose for their baby, which one to use all the time, which is better for infant hygiene.

An ideal baby product without preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, fragrances. Experienced moms with kids advise what they have already tried. Some people like peach or St. John's wort oil, others recommend sea buckthorn or vaseline, and some people like regular butter.

There are many oils - and it is difficult to make a choice. There are cleansing, nourishing, massage, relieving irritation and so on. For home care of a newborn, cold-pressed vegetable unrefined oils are suitable. Such a product is obtained from raw seeds, without heating, after pressing it is only defended and filtered. Therefore, it contains more useful substances than refined ones. The usual vegetable - olive or sunflower, bought in a trusted store - is healthy and safe.

When choosing any means for a newborn, consult your doctor, look carefully at the body of the crumbs, think about what you need this remedy for. Read the instructions for what ingredients are included, for which it is recommended to use. If the composition contains not only oil, but also other components, it should be discarded.

Remember: the wider the list in the composition, the more allergens it may contain.

Some growers mix two or more varieties. That is, one acts as a basis, and the second is an active substance. So more often they mix vegetable and essential oils, where the essential acts as an active substance.

You need to look at the terms of production and storage. If essential sealed oils are stored indefinitely, then others are not more than a year. Choose clean, cloudy, with a pleasant natural smell, and your baby's skin will always be healthy, smooth, radiant.

For a mother, it is imperative to know everything about oils for babies, since mineral oils and those restored after extraction can cause serious harm to the health of the baby, and it is better not to use some essential oils for up to a year.

So what can be used to massage and moisturize baby's skin? Naturally, it will be better to use all natural. So let's talk about the ten most useful oils.

  1. Coconut oil. It is recommended to use only refined products and add up to 30% to finished cosmetics. Used as an excellent moisturizer, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis. It is hypoallergenic and odorless. Creates a barrier on the skin that protects the child from the effects of adverse environmental factors. It has bactericidal properties, suitable for the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Ideal for dry skin, but should not be used on the face and neck.
  2. Corn oil. It is produced from corn seeds, it is transparent and practically odorless, which is very good for a child. It contains vitamin E in an amount exceeding 10 times the content of the same vitamin in olive oil. Used as a base for massage, if desired, you can add a couple of drops essential oil: lavender - to calm the nervous system, chamomile - to relieve flatulence. If the child does not sleep well, you can rub corn oil on his feet, hands, back of the head, knees and elbows for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Peach oil. Can be used in its pure form for children from two weeks of age. If the baby has dry skin, then peach oil in this case will be indispensable. With constant use, the skin will become soft and velvety. You can also instill 1-2 drops into the nose before cleansing it. Suitable for the prevention of various skin diseases.
  4. Apricot Kernel Oil. For massage, you can use it in its pure form, which is very convenient and practical, because daily massage promotes muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, thereby accelerating the flow of lymph, stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Perfect for moisturizing and eliminating rashes, to combat seborrheic dermatitis and prickly heat. Usually does not cause allergies.
  5. Sweet almond oil. Contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, suitable for use in its pure form. Helps in the fight against diaper rash in babies, helps with abrasions and dermatitis. Suitable for massage of all skin types, it is used only in a refined form, which reduces the risk of allergies.
  6. Shea Butter. Solid oil, can be used for sensitive and flaky skin. The oil contains a large amount of vitamins that help it fight dermatitis and diaper rash and produce a healing effect. Used to relieve inflammation, irritation and redness. In a vulnerable place it is necessary to apply every day.
  7. Olive oil. Great as a food supplement. It is better to choose oil of the first cold pressing. You can start giving it to children from six months, adding it to ready-made dishes so that there is no thermal effect on the oil, in which it can lose its beneficial properties. In its composition, olive oil contains Omag-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D and K, which help the baby in his development. It should be added to food gradually, starting with 1-2 drops, bringing it up to half a teaspoon by the baby's first anniversary, and be sure to observe the child's reaction. Olive oil will help to easily transfer the child to adult food.
  8. Avocado oil. It is used in mixtures for application to the skin up to 10-15%. It has a healing effect - heals wounds, fights viruses, fungi and bacteria. It can be used in complex therapy in the treatment of skin diseases. Increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation. It can also be added to baby creams to protect the baby from the sun's rays.
  9. Lavender essential oil. You can add it when bathing a child or for a massage, after these procedures the baby will calm down and fall asleep easier. For body application, add just 4-5 drops to 2 tablespoons of base oil. Massage will help relieve inflammation and irritation, and improve skin resistance to adverse factors.
  10. Wheat germ oil. Very fatty oil, therefore, it is used on its own for rubbing children with excessively dried skin. It may also have a beneficial effect on oily skin, because it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing dirt from entering the skin pores. Accelerates metabolism, detoxifies and improves elasticity.

In order for the massage to bring a pleasant sensation to the child, the following rules must be observed:

  • hands should move easily over the skin, that is, with poor sliding, additional irritation may occur;
  • we apply the oil on our palms, rub it and warm it so that it is by no means cold;
  • start standing from the feet and continue to move up;
  • when using oil or ready-made formula for the first time, first apply a small amount on the wrist, and the next day check if the child has allergies;
  • be sure to follow the reaction of the baby, it is very important that all procedures evoke only positive emotions in him.

Among those obligatory things that must be bought for the birth of a baby is children's cosmetics. Due to the fact that the skin of the child is very delicate, it requires special care, so you should take care of the means to protect it in advance.

Immediately after birth, the work of the sebaceous glands of the crumbs is not established, so the skin suffers from dryness if moisturizing preparations are not used. One of the most popular products is baby oil.

How is it used

This tool is useful in various situations. Typically, baby oil is applied to clean skin child:

  • after bathing;
  • before putting on a new diaper;
  • before the start of the massage session;
  • while cleaning the nose;
  • to remove crusts from seborrhea.

Due to its special texture, the product is easily applied to the skin. It does not leave a greasy sheen due to the fact that it is quickly absorbed. Since baby oil does not form a greasy film, the skin can breathe.

Types of oils for babies

A large assortment of a product sometimes confuses parents who choose a product. In order to facilitate the choice, it is necessary to understand that all drugs can be divided into several groups:

  1. Nutritious. These cosmetics are designed to enrich the baby's skin with proteins, vitamins, useful acids. They have a softening effect. It is imperative to take care of the purchase of this product before the onset of winter.
  2. Soothing. They exhibit healing and antiseptic action. If the child suffers from allergic or diaper dermatitis, then the best baby oil for him is the soothing nature of the action.
  3. Purifying. These are drugs that are used to remove dirt from the ears, face, genitals and perineum of crumbs.
  4. Massage. These oils are applied before the start of the massage, thanks to which children will be able to get more benefit and pleasure from the procedure.

Baby oil for newborns

This tool must be selected with great care. It is necessary to choose a product that meets quality standards and does not cause allergies.

Almost every baby oil contains vitamin E, which positively affects the skin's ability to maintain softness and elasticity. Thanks to it, the appearance of inflammatory processes is prevented and microcracks and scratches heal faster.


The first thing you need to familiarize yourself with is the composition of baby oil. It is important that it includes only permitted and useful substances.

The natural ingredients, the presence of which is allowed in the preparation for children, include:

  • chamomile;
  • rose flower;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • calendula;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • almond;
  • succession;
  • apricot.

These components have different effects. For example, the string acts as an antiseptic, its use will help to cope with existing redness and irritation. For the same purposes, calendula is added to the composition of the product. promotes regeneration processes, is an excellent antispasmodic.

In order for a product based on natural ingredients not to cause allergies, it is necessary that coloring pigments be eliminated from plants during the processing stage. Determining whether this has been done is quite simple: purified cosmetics are transparent and colorless.

It is important to avoid products that contain:

  1. Lanolin. It causes excessive dryness of the skin and can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Glycerol. Despite the fact that it moisturizes the skin, in dry air it has the opposite effect, thereby causing irritation and peeling of the skin.
  3. mineral oils. Despite their name, these oils are not made from minerals, but from products of the petroleum industry. They can provoke the appearance of a rash even in adolescents.
  4. propylene glycol. This component is dangerous because it can cause acne, as it clogs the pores.

Baby oil. Reviews

A large number of positive feedback about baby oils testifies to their great popularity as a skin care product for crumbs. Parents report that regular use of funds helps to avoid diaper rash, irritation and redness of the skin. The advantage of this remedy is that it is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy marks, and does not interfere with the normal breathing of the skin.

Pediatricians are also unanimous in their opinion: baby oil is one of the most sought after cosmetics for kids.

In order for the tool to be useful, you must be able to choose it correctly. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done:

  1. Buy the drug should be in a pharmacy or children's store. You should not buy baby oil in the market, where the storage conditions of the product are not always properly observed.
  2. You should not buy oils with a pronounced odor. A high-quality product will have a subtle aroma or no smell at all.
  3. The choice of means should be made in accordance with the age of the child.
  4. You can not buy oil, the composition of which is written in a foreign language and is not duplicated in Russian. This product may contain harmful substances.

The right approach in choosing the means to care for the baby will allow you to buy a quality product. At the same time, attention should not be paid to bright design packaging materials, but on the composition. Do not forget that the quality of the product is not affected by the amount of money invested in advertising.