Eye of Sauron or eye of the lizard. Eye of Sauron (All-Seeing Eye) Why such an installation was needed

1. "Monument to the war of 1812 near Vyazma. A medal is driven into the monument: the eye in the triangle has pimples around the skin, leaves no doubt - the eye of a lizard. Medal of 1818:" NOT TO US NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME "- your name is "YHWH" - the inscription on the back of the medal. And this is the answer to the question: in whose interests was the war of 1812. In the interests of YHWH-LIZARD. YHVE ("YHVE") in the Refectory Church of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra at the altar to the right, and to the left of the altar in the triangle is the word "OFEOS - serpent". "Only small secrets need to be guarded. Big secrets are kept by the disbelief of the crowd." (stat. Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard)

VOLHA: YHVE- transcription of the reading of the name of the god of the Jews YHWH. from VA - the principle of changing everything and everything \u003d "the principle of water" of Mary - Mother Ra in the pantheon of Ra). YHWEVA - Yaha. god. Still, in the Temple of Amon Ra (Temple of the World of the Dead) there was a department-cult of the moon god Ahu, in which the templar-priest Moses, the founder of the teachings of "TORA", served from childhood, where there is volume No. 2 - "BIBLE" .Moses created a secret MOON DEATH CULT Yahweh, for which he was expelled from Egypt by the pharaoh. Holy Spirit" in Christ. TRINITY. YHVE - "The path of the changing (changing appearances-faces) of the Spirit." Hence Yahweh is a derivative of Yahweh.
LIZARD - "I" (spirit) + "SCHE" (the letter "Sh" is not in the proto-language, - "S; SE-this; SE-abbreviation from SET-SAT-Satan, the god Death of the deserts of Arabia) + "R" (birth , born, parent). LIZARD - "Spirit of the born Seth"; LIZARD (reverse reading of the Jews) - "Birth of Set-spirit". The 3rd option with "this" does not pass the test. - SAYING Next, we apply Kabbalah: SAYING - ANOTHER - YASHA. What, "neo-pagans" from the school of Svarog, PRIZE-HAVE the name of their "god": Yashak - Yusha ?? YASHA = SET = SAT = SATAN = Devil of the pantheon of the Temple of Christ (in Russia, the Kyiv Russian Orthodox Church). WHOM they took into the pantheon of Svarog, the sorcerers, after all, there is no whip on you ..
"The eye is precisely the lizard: the skin around it is in pimples, the eye itself with a membrane is not human." It is clear whose: the eye of a REPTA-reptiloid.

OFEOS- Serpent. .the coast of Asia Minor. It was located southwest of Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey). Currently, it is a historical monument-ruins. the sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea). The bible came from Ionica. IONA (male name-character of the "Bible") - "dove" (Hebrew), a prophet who was from Gafhefer in the north of Galilee, 2 hours from Nazareth , in which, after about 8 centuries, J. Christ lived. The book of the prophet Jonah, which is part of the Old Testament, contains prophecies about the fate of the Israeli people. J. Christ, in a conversation with the scribes and Pharisees, who demanded a sign from Him, said that other sign, except for the sign of Jonah the prophet (Matthew 12:40), that is, 3-day death and the subsequent Resurrection of the Lord.
(recognition of REPTOV as their gods), but then the Temple of Christ was called, I remember, the cult of Death Ahu-AKU (where the main gods - Death were SHARK (a fish is a sign of I. Christ!) and AKKAD (later AK GAD) - Serpent, nag ..And you, the reader, are being told that the Temple of Christ was born in Israel, as the Jewish religion, the department of CHRISTIANITY (Judaism is only for Jews; for non-Jews, Christianity) ..shortly after the death and resurrection of J. Christ.

2. "The next medal is "For the capture of Paris in 1814": the same eye in a triangle. As you remember, the capture of Berlin in 1945 ended with its occupation, and the capture of Paris by Freemason Alexander 1st - nothing. Why? Because that "eye in a triangle"!
As well as the capture of Berlin by Elizaveta Petrovna in 1762-63 is also nothing. Elizaveta Petrovna also has a medal with an eye in a triangle. Elizaveta Petrovna, by the way, also after great successes and the capture of Berlin in the Seven Years' War, judging by the clinic, successfully poisoned, after which Peter the 3rd and Catherine the 2nd, brought from Germany (a defeated country!) Withdrew the troops. About the mysterious "Seven Years' War", which was not at all covered in the fatherland. now find one more eye in the triangle: a medal for the coronation of Nicholas 1st. That is, these are all events supervised by English-speaking lizards. different things that you won’t dream about even in a nightmare. That’s why the Protestant theologian Darwin was so replicated with his theory of biology: all people descended from one vegetarian monkey. THE ROMANOV DYNASTY in Russia.

VOLKHA: The author of the article adheres to the theory of coexistence in human civilization of lizard-human hybrids introduced there (1% of DNA - from a person responsible for appearance; otsatno-lizard), including the last Romanovs in Russia. Well, he is not alone: ​​David Hayk ( journalist) considers the royal dynasty in Great Britain, the Rothschilds in the USA, etc. THE INTRODUCTION of secret (lizards) into our planetary society in order to "erasure" humanity from the face of the planet and the triumph of the settlement of lizards on it. .On Earth, the society of MASONS (who owns the sign "lizard's eye", it is also on any DOLLAR bill) contributes to this: a society of hybrids.

3. "After the Russian troops, having defeated Napoleon in 1814, entered Paris, England's attitude towards Russia changed dramatically. England no longer needed Russia at its borders." The Moor did his job, the Moor may die ".The sudden death of Alexander in Taganrog with symptoms of poisoning. It is amazing that this was done by the personal doctor of Alexander the 1st, an English Jew," a personal friend ". The fact that documents about the sinister role of England in the fate of Russia have not yet been made public , says only that she still holds control over Russia. Medal for the Coronation of Catherine the 2nd 1762, medal for the coronation of Nicholas 1, St. George's Hall of the Kremlin, where the President of Russia was inaugurated; on the medal of Catherine 2 th 1766 - we already know a truncated pyramid, like on a dollar, only instead of an eye in a triangle - "Crown" - do not forget that this is a golden "CROWN OF THE TORAH"! On the other hand, the monogram of Catherine the 2nd. Pyramids with the Crown of the Torah instead of the usual Lizard Eye! The symbolism is all quite clear and unambiguous; you just have to see then look." (v. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")
VOLKHA: So, the Romanov dynasty is lizard-headed hybrid REPTS. England secretly controls Russia until now (through, I think, a secret order of freemasonry) ..

4. "Medal of Nicholas 1-o 1849" For the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania ": the eye of the Lizard in the Triangle; The Crown of the Torah as a symbol of the Jews. And who is on top? And this medal clearly shows the hierarchy of existence - THE EYE OF LIZARDS IN THE TRIANGLE ABOVE THAN THE CROWN OF THE TORAH! That is, HIGHER THAN THE JEWS! Absolutely unambiguous meaning! So, the lizards on Earth have not become extinct? It turns out that all this is a little different, as we can visually imagine. ", is clearly in the hierarchy above the Crown of the Jewish Torah! Colossal significance for understanding. Someone is hard pushing us to the core with a version of death, death, death, death .. lizards from some catastrophe, catastrophe, catastrophe .. - about 66 million years ago. And this is understandable, because those gigantic lizards do not exist on Earth. But maybe there is no need to look for giant lizards now? Why then the Eye of the Lizard OVER the Jewish Torah? Why do the epics of all nations feature the fight against Dragons? "(v. Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")

VOLHA: I think this part of the text does not need my analysis. I will refrain from my own opinion for the time being.

5. "You know, during this loss of time - a" black hole "in the history of the Earth 66 million years between the disappearance of the lizards and the appearance of man, the lizards could not die, as we are assured by some very, very suspicious "PEOPLE" in this regard. Lizards had a lot of time (66 million years) against 6,000 years that human civilization exists: 10 million times (!) more time than humanity; more than enough to, let's say, develop into higher intelligent beings, in general to teleport to another dimension and from there observe us with your own eye: for some reason, the eye must be “in a triangle”, if it has any specific physical meaning, a triangle? two-headed mutant: a symbol of the Habsburgs. Question: who should be understood and who should be obeyed? god." (v. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")

VOLHA: The text is similar to panic. TRIANGLE - symbolism from Hermes Trismegister:
"the name of a syncretic deity that combines the features of the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and writing Thoth and the ancient Greek god Hermes. In the Christian tradition, the author of theosophical teachings (hermetism). The oldest mention of Hermes Trismegistus (Mercury) is contained in Cicero's treatise "On Nature of the gods", where it is reported that there were actually 5 Mercurys, and the one "worshipped by the Fenets (the city of Phenea in Arcadia), is said to have killed Argus, fled to Egypt and informed the Egyptians of laws and writing. The Egyptians call this Thoth, and they also call the first month of the year according to the lunar calendar, corresponding to the beginning of the flood of the Nile "(encyclopedia)" Thoth (Teut, Tut, Tuut, Tout, Tehuti, Dzhehuti) - the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, knowledge, the Moon, the state and world order .It is believed that Maat was the female complement of Thoth. The staff of Thoth with a knob: the head of an alasaurus or a pterodactyl. During the cult of Thoth in Hermopolis, of all the sacred animals (baboon, snakes and 8 frog deities), they continued to revere only the baboon as the embodiment of Thoth." (encyclopedias)

THAT - "T" (Darkness, mystery) + "OT" (distortion from At, the main god-Creator of Atlantis, Ancient Egypt).
TOT - "The Secret of ATA". At - "grandfather" Ra and "father" Pta. - The dynasty of the sun gods of Ancient Egypt. by dialect! The Egyptian god THAT is Tit-TITAN! (Ancient Greece, Titanomachia ..). BABOAN - "P" (ancestral) + "AVI" (distortion from Abel - human first sacrifice in the Temple of Christ: the myth "Cain killed his brother Abel in the name of J. Christ") + "AN" (he). BABOAN - "Ancestor of Abel he" (priests of the Temple of Christ). of the city of Hermes) they chose the totem of Thoth, as it should be, the SNAKE! The serpent Ap-Apop and .. the god Apollo are one and the same person. -th disk of the SETTING sun, and Pta - a red-orange disk of the RISING sun (resurrected Ra) and .. RA - YELLOW disk of the daytime sun. There was also Am-AMON - THE WHITE DISC OF THE NIGHT sun in the World of the Dead ("deceased Ra"). .AND EVERYWHERE THAT-AP! Before us is the cult of the Serpent (see text above). power over the life-death of a HUMAN!

MAAT- "MA At" (Mother Ata): "the one that gave birth to ATA." he is also in Dr. India YAMA) or Amon Ra (the main god of the World of the Dead). everything came together: At became AM. Here is the "female incarnation of ATA", gentlemen Egyptologists. There is a wonderful word APOCRYPHUS; it is in them that the "originals" of many doctrine-trin-positions with their explanations of Christianity and the Torah are written.
Apocrypha - from RA) + "F" (there is no such letter in the parent language, the interchange is "F-S-T"). ). Is the author of the article and D. Ike really "crazy"?! In Titanomachy, the Olympian gods DEFEATED them, I remember .. Is that so ?! What, the reader, calmed down and became serious? ..

6. "Medal of the Crimean War, one side of the medal with an eye in a triangle; on the Russian medal of the Japanese War of 1905, also "Eye in the Triangle". You yourself can find it in numismatics on the Internet. Medal of the Turkish War of 1877-78." “It’s not visible, but golden rays are burning because of the Orthodox cross and again the same appeal:“ Not to us, not to us, but to your name. behind the whole world. "The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" in the Winter Palace of the Austrian Habsburgs in Vienna; the Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg .. Why would it be through, supposedly, the "Russian" government, with all authorities from the royal to the democratic., Keep in in the very main hall of Russia - the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin An eye in a triangle? And why the Main Hall of Russia named after "Zhory"? Dobrynya Nikitich? - As with St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. don’t ask about anything. How and by whom it was built is none of your business. The Orthodox Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg: the chic "Eye in the Triangular ike "inside. And this is the eye of the" Lizard in the Triangle "over the Orthodox icon in the cathedral, of course, of Isaac in St. Petersburg: the Orthodox got into lizard affairs up to their ears, of course, as victims." (Art. "The Eye of Sauron or the Eye of the Lizard" )

VOLHA: but it’s worth thinking in general: why are the names George, Yegor and Zhora “just a different sound of ONE name”? ..

GEORGE - GEORGE - GEORGE ("E" - a favorite insertion into the word of the Temple of Christ during the action of Kabbalah) - GORG - "G" (path) + "OR (primate-island near the North Geographical Pole of the Earth, the world of TITANS-TITS, allegedly the great-ancestors of the "Slavs", AROV-Aryans for sure!) + "G" (path). GEORGE - "All ways to OR." Recall the analogue: "All paths lead to ROME." The word GORG is the basis of the Medusa Gorgon from the myths of Dr. .Greece (the gorgon was a whole people, by the way) - also NAGI (chimeras are snake-people with heads, where snakes are also instead of hair).
EGOR- "EG" ("E"-insert according to Kabbalah, therefore simply G-Way) + "OR". EGOR- "The path to OR". ZHORA- "F" (interchange "ZH-Z-D"; D- ancient) + "OR" + "A" (end). ZHORA- "Ancient OR2, or" OR of the ancients ". That's why all 3 names are and the same": they all have the same purpose - "to lead to the OR." I will say right away: all 3 names were invented for the glory of the name-word by the Temple of Christ, its supreme PRIEST. And the word PRIEST? EAT - eat "like an animal": mouth-mouth).
ZHOR- ZHRO- PRIEST (insert CE reversed, -THIS, ROC). PRIEST- "Tse J (O) R! So WHAT does the PRIEST really do? - Energy vampirism = DEVORING the bioenergy of a living person. , terrible rumors about you, the reader are known: devouring the blood-flesh of babies, etc.
GRAIL- "G" (path) + "RA" (read in reverse as AR-sun god OR) + "AL" (ALA- scarlet blood of Ars). GRAIL- "The path of RA (k) scarlet blood of Ars". GRAAL and I know that he is not "WHAT", but "WHO": a man from the Ars.
BLOOD - "K" + "RO" (reverse OR, so the Jews read) + "B" (power of penetration-penetration into the DNA of the object). BLOOD - "By virtue of the OR".
BODY- "T" (darkness, mystery) + "ELO" (El-Eli; god from the pantheon of the Family, god BOR- World of the Sun (OLa) on the Kola Peninsula, on which in Lake Imandra (after the death of OR) Mother Ra ( MARA) gave birth to the sun-god Ra from his father Pta-Ptah-Per-Pir .. Perun, finally. By the way, KOL is the proper name of God under the nickname Rod.

CONCLUSIONS Volkha: So, all the WAYS along the Temple of Christ lead to the sunken OR (Arkt-Arktida of Dr. Greece, its alleged Hyperborea, which is "behind the wind Boreas", and in my opinion behind BOR-OL - the World of the Sun of the Kola Peninsula ( where is the real Hyperborea of ​​the Greeks) .. And there lived TITS-TOTS-TITANS, who were defeated in Titanomachy by the gods of Olympus, led by Zeus (ZEV-opened in the word of speech ROT-ROD! .. And the Temple of Christ, conquering the "crusades" slowly moved further to the North with his "serpentine efforts of the repts" ("WITH THE JEWS UP" - to EP = north) .. closer and closer to the OR and its peoples who were saved during the global Flood 12.8 thousand years ago on the northern shores of Europe, in the World of the Sun BOR .. to the ARAM-Aryans, along the way DESTROYING them in every possible way. The Temple of Christ LIES: if the Ora (titans) titans were REPTA-nagas, then WHY is it to kill them .. the descendants of the people they created ?! I doubt that repty. The temple is LIE, because it itself is REPTILOID AND IS. Non-white races also hedgehog .. DO NOT STOP, do not appease with any victims .. PRIESTS from the Nagas are merciless. ) a symbol of POWER over the USA, Russia once .. until 1917. Modern. Russia has been occupied by the Temple of Christ for a whole 1000 years or so .. Everything is not so fantastic, reader, if by REPTS we mean not intelligent animals-nyh- reptiles, and .. the peoples of the Serpent (totem Serpents). Read more yourself. Do not believe, like a child, in repts, understand by them "HUMANS" who hate the rest of humanity. You will learn the rest from my other articles ..

7. "There is an Orthodox icon" The All-Seeing Eye": so if the Orthodox flock, due to their dullness and stupidity, are not in the know, then the shepherds are quite and perfectly aware. "The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" on the Orthodox Chesme Church in St. Petersburg - also like packs of cherubs. And this is the “Eye in the Triangle” at the base of the Alexander Pillar sung by Pushkin on Palace Square in St. Petersburg; “The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle” on the well-known Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg and Samsonievskiy; its namesake is the Cathedral of Isaac in St. Petersburg. The Sklifosovsky Institute in Moscow, the former Sheremetevsky House - the Sheremetyevs, too, judging by the coat of arms, are not goyim; Trinity Church in Serebrenniki. Moscow; a triangle in the courtyard of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, from where they brought to the reign of the boy Mikhail Romanov .. A photo from Kostroma demonstrates another information about the connection between "Eyes in the Triangle" with England: "Kostroma is the starting point of the Romanov dynasty. All the kings visited our city and the Ipatiev Monastery for this reason. In Kostroma there is a very curious Church of the Resurrection on the Debre. A curious legend is connected with the Church of the Resurrection: Kostroma merchants were actively trading with the West. And then one day, in a batch of paints sent from England in exchange for linen goods, the clerks of the merchant Kirill Isakov found a barrel of gold coins .An honest merchant reported the find to London, from there they answered: let the gold go "to charitable deeds." Then Isakov built a church near his Volga pier, on the outskirts of the city, in 1652. So, apparently, it was no coincidence that on the portal of the gate of the fence churches next to the Owl and the bird SIRIN are placed heraldic. LION and UNICORN from the English royal coat of arms. "Even in Soviet times, every new British ambassador to the USSR came to Kostroma and visited this temple. Lev and Sirin still exist - I saw I don’t remember the unicorn myself. In general, the temple stands out for its non-standard architecture and decoration. We don’t have such anymore. ”- So, about the connection of the“ merchant Isakov ”with England. "You see that the dark forces protect her and take care of her. These are satanic dens. The Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. - and inside the Eye is another symbol - a golden thorn - charm, and with taste: a fountain, an obelisk - a rod - a golden thorn - the Eye. The Cathedral in Aachen, Germany. There are similar ones in Moscow! It seems that the authorities are competing in front of the Invisible The Collective Lizard, whose "Eye of the Lizard" is bigger and spares no expense in this matter. Why do we need such a life under the Lizards? Everything is already clear. Here, our "comrade-in-arms" took, on my order, a photo of "Names in Triangles", which are located in front of the altar of the Refectory Church (in which lizards in human form apparently eat). There is a large hall in front of the altar for laying tables and, apparently, the ritual eating of human flesh by "sarcophagi". Here on the right is the altar of the Refectory Church of the Lavra in the triangle, mind you, in Hebrew, the collective name of the Lizards "YHWH" is written. And this is the "Triangle" in the Catholic Church, a triangle with the name " YHWH" is located inside the iris of the "EYE" itself. In the same "Trotsky-Sergius Lavra" - this terrarium, in the center there is an obelisk with a golden triangle: "The Eye of the Lizard in the triangle" on the Masonic apron of the President of the United States, who dropped nuclear bombs .. That's why one of the "chosen ones" - Dante Alighieri wrote the work "The Divine Comedy" - in the sense, a human tragedy. The official coat of arms of the Grand Lodge of Russia. But in addition, the emblem of the Ministry of Emergencies, their structure .. ")
VOLKHA: The author has a clear bias in a kind of fear-paranoia, but .. I saw his photo of buildings in the article - that's right.

8. "Let's get acquainted with the original meaning of signs in Judaism. Here are illustrations from Eliphas Levi's book "Dogma and Rite of Higher Magic": A 5-pointed star is placed on the forehead of the monster, as a distinguishing symbol of the one who, according to Masonic tradition, is depicted in this idol, that is, Satan. The Palladium of Freemasonry is this Baphomet. Kabbalist-Masons have the name of this seal - "The Star of Magi, the holy mystical pentagram." .In 1880, a large demonstration was organized in France - a procession of occultists, spiritualists, Masons with black and red banners, on which images of the "Baphomet of the Templars", Satan were embroidered, pentagrams and the sign of an eagle with a star were embroidered. Sacred for the Jew - This seal is called in the ritual of Jewish worship "Mochin-Dovid", which means "Shield of David". It is placed in a coffin on a corpse on the heart of every Jew, as a pledge of his afterlife communion with his "god." To put an end to the "mystery of lawlessness "Jewish Kabbalah and Freemasonry, I will present s here is its symbolic formula from the book of the same Kabbalist-Mason and warlock whom I quoted above. The image of this formula, or, as the aforementioned author calls it, is "axioms": in the center is "Solomon's new seal" with the sign] ( wrestling in Kabbalah). In this seal, we see that the triangles are already arranged in the reverse order: the light one turned with its apex up, the dark one with its apex down. with the sign "p" in the center: "the end and completion of the great creation." K", meaning "the end of the great creation." Considering everything that was revealed above in exposing the Masonic secret, one cannot help but see in this axiom the conclusion of the cross, as it were, in the center of the globe (circle) - in the "lake of fire" and the ascension of the devil on the throne under the name of God. Such is the "axiom" of the black book Freemasonry." (Art. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")
VOLKHA: Judging by the photo in the article, everything is so.

9. "Here's a lot of evidence. So: God the Father = Yahweh = Jehovah = Allah = Tetra-grammaton = Lizard = Baal = Satan = Devil, which is confirmed both by the "sacred" writings of the Abrahamic religions, and the tragic history of peoples , given to him as a sacrifice. Well, and a dollar, of course. If you search the net, you will find many such eyes on different buildings, in different places. They look .. Not unreasonably. "dark" - thought only for people. But if conditionally still make a gradation, then it can be done like this: there are those who consider humanity as a pasture, food, arena for games - and there are those who would like to change all this. At one time, the one whom people call the "demiurge", using the support of the "creators" from the Outer World, made changes to the "functioning programs", set blockages that made it difficult for the Forces that were undesirable for him to come here. Now the situation has changed. It cannot be said that everything has become simple and unambiguous, but there are certain positive developments. Igvy - Daniil's description Andreeva "Rose of the World". There is a lot of information on the Internet about reptilians. The distinction is: reptiles, reptilians and reptoids. Reptilians are those who designed humanity. hybrids that have the ability to "wear" human "jackets". They rule this world, but they are no longer its owners, they are only "shepherds." Reptoids are already hybrids at the level of mixing energetically. contours. At present, the elite of the "God's chosen people."

IGVA - "Lord of the Way Va". I think that's enough. I set myself a task here: to make you THINK, reader.
Did it work, only you know.

The University of Leicester, famous for the Journal of Physics Special Topics with the publication of scientific articles by students with serious calculations on non-serious topics, again touched on the topic of Middle-earth. This time there was an article Eye See You Frodo, in which fourth-year students calculated what the minimum pupil size of the All-Seeing Eye of Sauron should be in order for it to be able to see the hobbit Frodo at Mount Doom.

In the third part of the film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Frodo Baggins, the chief keeper of the Ring of Omnipotence, and his faithful friend, the gardener Sam, reach Orodruin, a huge volcano, in the mouth of which Frodo will have to destroy the Ring forged by Sauron. There he is noticed by the Eye of Sauron, which rises above Barad-dur - the main fortress of the enemy.

The authors of this study decided to calculate what optical characteristics the Eye would have to have in order to notice two hobbits from such a distance. Since the pupil of the Eye has an elongated shape, in their calculations, the researchers considered the phenomenon of diffraction on a single slit. And in order to estimate at what pupil width the Eye can clearly see Frodo, the scientists applied the Rayleigh criterion, which sets the minimum angle at which two diffraction patterns are distinguishable. According to this criterion, this angle is directly proportional to the wavelength of the incident light and inversely proportional to the slit width. The researchers found the value of the angle, knowing the height of Frodo (1.07 meters) and the height of the Eye (1500 meters), as well as the distance from Barad-dur to Orodruin (48,280 meters). The wavelength that the Eye perceives, physicists have assigned a value of 555 nanometers, which corresponds to the light to which the human eye is most sensitive. Substituting all these values ​​into the Rayleigh Criterion formula, the students arrived at a minimum pupil width of the Eye of Sauron of 3.08 cm. This is approximately 26 times larger than a cat's pupil, which has a similar shape.

The authors of the study write that the resulting width is the minimum required width at which the Eye will be able to see Frodo at a distance of tens of kilometers. However, in the film, we see that the Eye of Sauron is much larger than these dimensions: its width reaches almost ten meters (the size can be estimated from the image of Barad-dur, knowing the height of the tower, which the researchers used in their calculations). Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Eye uses a different spectral range. Estimating the pupil width at 1 meter, using the same formulas, they obtained the far infrared region, that is, the longest light waves. Since Maiar Sauron is not a person, it is likely that his maximum perception does not fall into the visible area. The researchers also remembered that by putting on the ring, Frodo became invisible in the human visible range of the spectrum. It is possible that the Ring of Omnipotence magically "shifted" the wearer's optical characteristics to the long-wave region, making it visible to the Eye.

At the end of 2014, many media outlets reported that the All-Seeing Eye would flare up over the Moscow City towers. For many, this news caused indignation, bewilderment and rejection, although it was just an installation timed to coincide with the release of another Hollywood blockbuster.

international business center

The international business center, called Moscow City, is located on Presnenskaya Embankment. Some of the buildings have already been built and put into operation, but work continues on many sites.

Numerous high-tech towers sparkle with a mirror surface, and at night, brightly illuminated skyscrapers rise above the city, visible from many points in Moscow.

And it was on the roof of one of these towers that the Glow creative team decided to exhibit an art object called the Eye of Sauron. The site for the installation was to serve as a high-rise of the IQ-quarter complex, which has not yet been put into operation, consisting of three towers.

Why was such an installation necessary?

In recent years, the release of many high-profile film premieres has been accompanied by various large-scale promotions designed to draw attention to the upcoming film. Airplanes are painted in the colors of the upcoming film and characters are drawn on them, huge posters are hung out, and video installations are created on the walls of buildings. In this series, the "All-Seeing Eye of Sauron", burning in the night over Moscow, looks quite logical.

The installation of this art object was timed to coincide with the release of the final part of the Hobbit film trilogy created by Peter Jackson. This outstanding director from a small children's book created a large-scale canvas with a lot of special effects and battles, which must be watched on the big screen.

The Hobbit and his adventures

The Hobbit is a trilogy that has worldwide popularity. The action of both the book and the film takes place in the fictional magical world of Middle-earth. Here, in addition to people, elves, gnomes, evil orcs, goblins and even dragons live. And if all of the listed characters have already appeared more than once in various fantastic works or computer games, then hobbits are unusual creatures. These short men with hairy feet and habits of zealous stay-at-homes were invented by Professor Tolkien, the man who in many ways created the fantasy genre as such.

The Hobbit is a trilogy in which the main character becomes who, contrary to common sense, went on a dangerous journey in the company of gnomes and an old wizard. The goal of the campaign was the Lonely Mountain, once the possession of the dwarves, but captured by a dragon named Smaug.

As they moved towards the goal, more and more formidable dangers arose in front of the company, and in the final part of the trilogy, the main enemy turned out to be not the formidable Smaug at all, but the combined troops of orcs and goblins.

From another opera

Surely the reader is already wondering what role is assigned to the whole story of the "Eye of Sauron". Paradoxically, none at all. So where did the "Eye of Sauron" come from? The fact is that this image is taken from another work of Tolkien, also filmed by Jackson.

Plot "Lord of the Rings" is a continuation of the book "The Hobbit". Here the main role is also assigned to the hobbit, only not Bilbo, but his nephew named Frodo. During his journey, described in The Hobbit, Bilbo found a magic ring. And it is precisely this that becomes the driving force behind Tolkien's next, larger-scale and "adult" book.

The film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was made back in 2001-2003. She brought Peter Jackson not only the title of one of the best directors of our time, but also numerous awards, as well as significant profits. A few years after the release of this picture, also consisting of three parts, Jackson refused to shoot a prequel, the same "The Hobbit", but as a result he agreed.

Great magician and villain

What is the meaning of the "All-Seeing Eye"? The embodiment of evil in the world of Middle-earth, described in The Lord of the Rings, was the sorcerer and magician Sauron. He was not a man, but a powerful spirit, Maya, who took on a human form. Long before the action of both books, he was defeated and disembodied. Over time, he regained his strength, but he could no longer take physical form. His incarnation was the fiery "All-Seeing Eye".

He tirelessly watched over his slaves and conquered peoples, he embodied the concentrated willpower of a sorcerer.

But even the "All-Seeing Eye" could not see everything. As befits the legends, evil was destroyed, Sauron fell and his "Eye" collapsed along with all his magic.

"The All-Seeing Eye" in the movie

In Jackson's picture, the created image of the "Eye" was an eye blazing with fire, located on the very top of the sorcerer's stronghold in Mordor, the land of evil and fear. Eternal darkness reigns here, in which the "Eye" shines like a bright ominous beacon, watching everything around. This is the territory of death, where everything dies and falls into decay.

In fact, Sauron was not all-seeing and all-powerful, otherwise a small group of brave representatives of different people would not have been able to defeat him. And the "All-Seeing Eye" embodied the sorcerer's ability to turn his attention to individuals and win them over to his side, playing on their weaknesses. The victims of Sauron's treachery, who turned into his obedient puppets, were many strong and proud rulers and magicians who turned away from good.

"The All-Seeing Eye" as an art object

Why was this image chosen by the creative team to create an installation on the roof of the tower? There are two reasons for that:

  • This image is much more famous among fans of Tolkien, Peter Jackson and fantasy in general, as it repeatedly appeared in the mega-popular Lord of the Rings. There are no such vivid and memorable images in the new trilogy.
  • A bright, glowing eye in the night, regardless of the context, looks extremely impressive and certainly should have attracted everyone's attention.

The physical embodiment of the "All-Seeing Eye"

The creation of this object was supposed to be a demonstration of modern technologies. As a frame, it was planned to create an inflatable eye, onto which a video installation of the burning "Oka" is projected. The construction was to be created by GiveAR, a company specializing in the development of virtual reality objects.

According to the creators of this installation, the "Eye of Sauron" was supposed to appear only for a short time, and then disappear, which was supposed to show the victory of the forces of good over evil. However, this idea was not destined to be fully realized.

And the ROC is against!

The announced action caused a lively discussion. If fans of the book and the film reacted to the idea mostly positively, then other opinions were divided.

The Russian Orthodox Church was categorically opposed, and its representatives condemned such an object. The Russian Orthodox Church saw a demonic image in this installation. The "All-Seeing Eye" is a symbol of evil and oppression, the appearance of which over Moscow can bring negative consequences.

Representatives of the Moscow mayor's office also did not approve of the idea. And their arguments turned out to be stronger - after all, permission from the authorities is required to coordinate the installation of such facilities.

Political background

A significant part of those who were categorically against the temporary appearance of the "Eye of Sauron" referred to the already negative perception of Russia by many Western countries. And the appearance of the "All-Seeing Eye" above the high-rise tower could visually turn Moscow into Mordor.

At first glance, such a judgment seems frivolous. However, everything is not so simple. The fact is that The Lord of the Rings was created during and immediately after World War II. And although later Tolkien himself constantly denied these parallels, it is difficult not to see an allusion to Nazi Germany in Mordor. And during the Cold War, the Soviet Union was occasionally associated with Mordor, opposing it with a positive and noble West. Indeed, in Tolkien's geography, the East has always been a land captured by evil, and only good forces from the West could resist it.

And now, at the time of the next confrontation between Russia and Western states, albeit not so sharp and obvious, our country again claims the title of Universal Evil. So there is a certain reason for such a ban - there is no need to give political opponents an additional reason to accuse Russia of all sins.

In addition, "The All-Seeing Eye" could evoke an association with another well-known work, "1984" by Orwell. It is from there that the famous expression "Big Brother sees you" came from. And the fiery eye, capable of finding any person in a huge metropolis, could well give rise to jokes about total control in the country.

The show didn't work

As a result, having received a large number of negative responses, as well as a refusal from the Moscow City Hall, the creative studio was forced to back down. The loud and scandalous action was canceled.

However, a loophole was found. On the wall of one of the towers of the IQ-quarter complex, albeit for a short time, a sparkling and frightening image of the "Eye of Sauron" nevertheless appeared. How to see it? This could not be done without the help of special tools. Smartphones and tablets capable of recognizing a QR code (a kind of barcode) could see a blazing image of the "All-Seeing Eye" on their screens.

Was it a boy?

It is possible that all the fears of the protesters were in vain, and in fact no installation was planned to be erected. There is no reason to refuse the version that all this hype was a banal PR campaign of a company that creates such virtual effects and because thanks to the scandal, many first learned about the existence of GiveAR, which managed to attract so much attention to itself.

This version is also supported by the fact that by the time the installation was abandoned, its physical form had not yet been created.

The Herald of Sauron (also known as the Voice of Sauron) is a minor character in the Lord of the Rings universe. This once powerful warrior swore allegiance to the lord of darkness, gained immense power and became the commander of the orc troops. Fans of creativity should know all the information about this person.

Character appearance

In the author's books, Herald of Sauron is described as a huge warrior who sat on a horse of incredible size. His face looks like an ugly mask, even though this is his real appearance. The clothes of the commander of the armies of darkness were completely black. In it, he resembles a ghost, but at the same time, he is a living person who swore allegiance to evil forces. At first glance, the character is disgusting, because on the lower part of the face, which is not hidden, a grin with terrifying teeth froze. No one saw the herald of Sauron without a mask, and therefore the upper part of his face remains a secret for all admirers of the fantasy universe.

Origin and further history

The real name of the film character is unknown, and it is not given in Tolkien's books. It is known for sure that once a man belonged to the race of Numenoreans, higher people. For the most part, they all swore allegiance to the lord of darkness, and Herald of Sauron was no exception. He did this immediately after the rebuilding of the Dark Tower. At the time of the events described in the film trilogy, he has been in the service of the forces of evil for 68 years and has achieved a lot during this time. Through his mouth Sauron spoke to his subordinates and enemies. The character himself was so consumed by darkness that he forgot his own name and called himself the ambassador of the will of the lord he worships. Until the moment of the war in Middle-earth, the Herald was the governor of Barad-Dur - the main fortress of the forces of darkness. The all-seeing was located on the upper tower. In his reign, he was noted for incredible cruelty. Even the orcs could not compare with him in the art of torturing living beings. All subordinates were afraid of him, and with the help of fear, he controlled them.

native race

In the universe of The Lord of the Rings, the Herald of Sauron was descended from the Black Numenoreans. These were the heirs of the first people who settled in the world of Arda and were once allies of the Valar. They broke away from the entire community during the fall of the main state of Numenor in the Second Age. They settled in Umbar, but they could not stay there for a long time, because soon they were attacked by King Eärnir. The black Numenoreans were forced to retreat in order to gain strength. Soon they laid siege to Umbar and after a long five-year struggle they returned their home. During this period, they have changed a lot. Nothing remains of the former greatness of the Numenoreans. The main occupation of the people was piracy and constant raids on Gondor. They retained their hatred for this province. The black Numenoreans responded to the call of the lord Sauron for war with the combined forces of Gondor and Rohan, because at that time they faithfully served him.

Events in the film

In the director's version, the authors of the legendary film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" still did not leave a bright representative of the forces of darkness without attention. The herald of Sauron appeared in one scene, which attracted attention. It happened when the forces of the combined army of Gondor and Rohan decided to advance for the last battle to the Black Gate (Morannon). They were the only entrance to Mordor, where a huge army could prevent Frodo from carrying out his mission. The army under the command of Aragorn came to the gates. An incredible army of orcs came out to meet them, and the Herald rode ahead. He rode on his great horse to the hosts of Gondor and Rohan. The voice suggested that they retreat and allow the lord of darkness to freely conquer Middle-earth. In exchange, he offered the life of Frodo, who is allegedly captured and held in the main tower of Barad-dûr. To confirm the argument, he showed the things of the hobbit, which he lost during the penetration into Mordor through a secret hole. Gandalf immediately exposed the fraud in the speeches of the ambassador and then Aragorn came to the fore. Sauron's representative told him that it was not enough to become king. After that, the heir of Isildur simply cut off his head.

Place in the book and other works

The events connected in the book with the Herald of Sauron were almost exactly reproduced in the film. The only exception is that Aragorn does not kill the ambassador, but is simply denied by Gandalf after being exposed. Then, in a rage, the Voice orders an attack on the army of Gondor and Rohan. This character often appeared in various computer games that were made in the universe of John Tolkien. In the works of the strategy genre, he is the governor of Barad-Dur and leads the army of the forces of evil. It can be controlled in war against humans, elves and dwarves. In other games, he is the boss of a level such as the Black Gate, where he must be defeated to advance. The last appearance of the character in the gaming industry was recorded with the release of the MOBA game Guardians of Middle-earth. You can choose him as a character and test your strength on the battlefield.

"Gortaur" - from "ngor" - "horror" and the root "THUS", meaning "evil haze, fog". He was also called "Gortaur the Cruel".

"Annatar" - "Lord of the Gifts." So he appeared to the elves in the Second Age.

"Artano" - "Noble Blacksmith" and "Aulendil" - "Servant of Aule". By such names Sauron was known in Eregion.

"Wizard", "Necromancer" - so Sauron was called during his stay in Blackwood, when his true name and origin were not known.

"Zigur" (Zigŭr) - the name of Sauron in Adunaic, means "wizard".

In Old English, Sauron was called "se Malsca", "Saweron".

And also - Sauron the Great, Viceroy of Melkor, Wolf-Sauron, Dark Lord, Lord of the Rings, Ring-Maker, Sauron the Liar (as Amandil called him), King of Men and Lord of the Earth, Sauron Redivivus (lat. - resurrected), the Waking Eye , Lord of Mordor, Lord of Barad-dur, Dark Power, Nameless, Enemy.



Before the overthrow of Numenor, Sauron could assume a beautiful form, majestic and full of bodily power, and looked and behaved like a king.

In The Lost Path, when Sauron arrived in Numenor, he was in the form of a man, but taller than any Numenoreans, and the inhabitants of the island were afraid of the light of his eyes. To many it seemed beautiful, to many it was terrible, and to some it was evil.

After the overthrow of Numenor, the mask of Sauron became terrible. His hands were black and yet glowed like fire.

The Eye of Sauron was eyeless, framed in flames, and yellow like a cat's.

In the Third Age, Sauron also had a terrible appearance; his height was taller than a human.

Character, knowledge, skills

Sauron had vast knowledge. He was the greatest, most powerful, dangerous, terrible and most loyal being that served Melkor. In anger, he was only slightly inferior to his master.

Over time, Sauron lost his power. So, for example, at the end of the Third Age, he was much weaker than in the Second).

Sauron was the lord of the necromancers and, being non-incarnate, knew how to expel the feah from the body, or he could subjugate the will and body of the Living One if he could make friends with him. And he taught this to his followers.

Sauron used gold for "magical" activities, as it was Morgoth's element in matter, necessary for such activities.


The Primal Age and the Age of the Trees

Sauron was originally a great master from the people of Aule. It is not known exactly when Melkor won him to his side, but it is said that Sauron was the chief among the Maiar - Melkor's secret friends on Almaren.

Sauron, by order of Melkor, commanded the fortress of Angband, while his master was at Utumno. But in the war that followed the awakening of the elves, Angband quickly fell, but it is not known whether Sauron took refuge in the dungeons of this fortress or fled with the rest of the minions to Utumno - it is only said that the Valar did not find Sauron.

First Age

When, at the beginning of the Age, Melkor went to the people, he instructed Sauron to wage war against the Eldar.

In 457 of the First Age, Sauron marched against Orodreth, who held the fortress of Minas Tirith. At that time the servant of Melkor was a sorcerer of monstrous power, the lord of shadows and ghosts, vile in his wisdom and cruel in his strength, corrupting everything he touched, everyone he ruled. He was the lord of werewolves, and his dominion meant torment. Sauron took Minas Tirith by storm, for a dark cloud of fear fell on his defenders, and Orodreth was driven from this stronghold and fled. Sauron turned the fortress into Morgoth's watchtower, a stronghold of evil and danger, and the beautiful island of Tol Sirion became cursed and was named Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves. No living creature could pass through that valley without being seen by Sauron from the tower.

Morgoth sent Sauron to find and destroy Barahir and his band. Knowing that Gorlim was constantly coming to his former home, Sauron created the ghost of Eilinel and placed him there. When Gorlim came close to the house, Sauron's servants seized him and brought him to their camp (autumn 462). They subjected him to terrible tortures, but he did not reveal anything to them until he was offered to release him and Eilinel in exchange for betrayal. Then Gorlim's loyalty was shaken, and he was taken to Sauron. Sauron asked what the prisoner wanted in exchange for news of Barahir. Gorlim told him that he wanted to find freedom with Eilinel. Sauron laughed and agreed to do so. Gorlim tried to retreat, but, terrified by the look of Sauron, told him everything. Then Sauron laughed and revealed to him that he saw only a ghost and his wife was long dead. But the promise of the servant of Morgoth fulfilled - Gorlim was brutally killed and thrown to the ground, in which Eilinel had long been lying. This is how Barahir's hideout was discovered.

By order of Morgoth, Sauron began hunting for Beren, who, during one of his sorties, wounded Sauron in the hand (apparently, Sauron was in the form of a wolf). However, Sauron and his warriors forced Beren to leave Dorthonion (in 464).

At this time, Luthien and Huan came to Tol-in-Gaurhot and sang a song that the stone walls could not contain. Beren began to sing in response, and she heard him. Sauron also heard her and planned to capture and give Morgoth, for the reward would be great. So he sent a wolf, but Juan silently killed him. Sauron sent wolves one by one, but the dog of Valinor killed them all. Then he sent Draughlin, the leader of the werewolves of Angband, and for a long time he and Huan fought. Finally, Drauglin managed to escape and, running to the feet of Sauron, he said "Huan is here" and immediately died. The lord of the island knew the fate of the Valinor dog, and he decided that it was he who was destined to fulfill the prediction. Therefore, Sauron took the form of the most powerful of the werewolves and went out to Juan. Great terror accompanied him, so Juan jumped back. Then Sauron sprang upon Lúthien, who, because of the vile breath and the malice in the eyes of that spirit, fainted, but, falling, unfolded her cloak before him, and he hesitated, seized by a fleeting drowsiness. And then Juan jumped on him, and a fight began between them, and the sounds of it were heard even by the guards on the slopes of Ered Wethrin on the other side of the valley. But neither sorcery, nor enchantment, nor fangs, nor poison, nor the skill of the demon, nor the power of the beast, helped Sauron overcome Huan. The dog grabbed him by the throat and knocked him to the ground. Then Sauron began to change shape, from a wolf becoming a snake, and then taking on his usual form, but he could not get rid of Juan's grip without leaving his body. Before his spirit left his body, Lúthien approached Sauron and said that he would be disembodied, and his spirit would go trembling to Morgoth, where she would suffer under the torture of his contempt, unless he gave her power over this fortress. Then Sauron submitted, and the island came under the rule of Lúthien. He took the form of a bloodsucker bat, big as a dark cloud obscuring the moon, and flew, dropping drops of blood from his throat onto the trees, and, having flown to Taur-nu-Fuin, remained there, filling the forest with horror.

When Thangorodrim was defeated in the War of Wrath (545-587), Sauron took on a beautiful appearance, appeared to Eonwe and paid respect to him, and renounced his evil deeds. And they say that Sauron really repented, terrified by the fall of Morgoth and the great wrath of the Lords of the West. But it was not in the power of Eonwe to grant forgiveness to his peers, and therefore he ordered him to return to Aman and wait there for the decision of the Valar. Then Sauron was ashamed and did not want to return humiliated and, perhaps, to receive a command from the Valar to serve them for a long time, proving his good will, for his power was great under the hand of Morgoth. So when Eonwe left for Valinor, Sauron fled to Middle-earth.

Second Age

Sauron reappeared in Middle-earth in 500 of the Second Age, and then his power began to be felt, hostile to the Edain and the elves.

Very slowly, starting with good intentions, with the transformation and restoration of the ravaged Middle-earth, Sauron again turned to evil and began to turn into a new incarnation of Evil, striving for absolute power (1).

Seeing the desolation of the world, Sauron mentally told himself that the Valar, having defeated Morgoth, again forgot about Middle-earth, and his pride quickly increased. He was concerned about the strengthening of the Numenoreans and decided to make Mordor his fortress, where around 1000 he began to build Barad-dur (the construction was completed in 1600). He aspired to dominion over Middle-earth, to become a king over kings and a god to men.

Sauron looked at the Eldar with hatred and was afraid of the people of Numenor, who sailed at that time to the shores of Middle-earth. But for a long time he hid his feelings and hid the black plans that were born in his heart.

Sauron tried to seduce the elves (in 1200 of the Second Age), and in the form of a beautiful and wise he wandered among them, not going only to Lindon, for Gil-galad and Elrond did not believe him, although they did not know who he really was, and were not allowed into their possessions. But in other places he was welcomed with joy, and few heeded the messengers from Lindon, who advised him to beware of him, for Sauron called himself Annatar, Lord of the Gifts, and friendship with him was very useful to the elves. He urged the elves to make the lands of Middle-earth as beautiful as Eressea or even Valinor, and spoke of his love for Middle-earth.

His speeches were most eagerly listened to in Eregion, for the Noldor who lived there desired to improve their art, and Sauron could teach a lot. He called himself a messenger of the Valar (two more names are also known - Artano "Noble Smith" and Aulendil "servant of Aule") and said that he was sent by them to Middle-earth in order to help the elves. He immediately felt that Galadriel would be his main opponent, and therefore he tried in every possible way to appease her and patiently endure her neglect. Thanks to the secrets he revealed to them, Gwaith-i-Myrdain soon surpassed all their previous creations and conceived the idea of ​​creating the Rings of Power (in 1500 of the Second Age). Sauron directed their labors and was aware of all that they had created, for he wished to subdue and watch over the elves. The Elves created many rings (Seven and Nine Rings were forged with the help of Annatar), and Sauron created the One in secret on the Mountain of Fire in Mordor (in 1600) to rule over the rest. He put much of his strength and will into it, and while wearing it he could comprehend all that was done with the lesser rings and see and control the thoughts of those who wore them (2). But he failed to deceive the elves, for when Sauron put the One Ring on his finger and cast a spell, they knew that he wanted to enslave them, and removed their rings. Then Sauron was overcome with anger, because he considered himself betrayed and could not deceive the elves, and he declared war on them and demanded that they give him the rings, because without his knowledge and advice they would not have been able to create them.

In 1693 Sauron's war with the elves began. In 1695 his troops invaded Eriador and moved towards Eregion. Celeborn came forward to meet him and even pushed back the advance parties, but although Celeborn managed to link up with the army of Elrond, which was sent by Gil-galad, Sauron had enough forces to besiege Eregion and repel their onslaught. In 1697, his warriors broke into Ost-in-Edil and captured the House of Mirdain. Celebrimbor fought Sauron himself in despair on the steps of the House, but was defeated and captured. Sauron found the Nine Rings and other less valuable creations of the Mirdain, but the Three and the Seven were not there. Then he ordered Celebrimbor to be tortured and found out from him where the Seven Rings were, but he could not find out anything about the Three, but he guessed that Galadriel and Gil-galad might have them. Sauron ordered the execution of Celebrimbor by shooting from bows. Seized with black anger, he returned to the battle, and before him, on a pole, like a banner, the body of Celebrimbor was carried. Sauron attacked the army of Elrond and was almost defeated by him, as the dwarves of the kind of Durin and the elves of Lorien attacked him from the rear. He decided not to pursue Elrond, turned on the Dwarves and Elves and drove them back, but they took refuge in Moria, where Sauron could not enter. Therefore, from then on, he forever hated Moria and ordered the orcs to pursue the dwarves in every possible way. Sauron began to ravage Eriador, which he captured in 1699, and disperse the few people and hunt for the surviving elves. He intended to capture Lindon, where he hoped to find at least one of the Three Rings, and so gathered his scattered forces and moved there, devastating everything in his path. But he had to reduce his army and leave a large detachment in order to restrain Elrond and prevent him from attacking from the rear. Sauron also called on new forces that were coming from the southeast. In 1700 he approached Lindon, and had nearly defeated its defenders, when a huge fleet of Númenórean sent by Tar-Minastir arrived. Sauron suffered a crushing defeat and was driven back. After a great battle at Sarn Ford, the forces of the Elves and Númenóreans pushed him back to the southeast. At Tharbad Sauron managed to connect with his reinforcements, but suddenly an army of Numenoreans appeared in his rear, which landed at the mouth of the Gwathlo. At the Battle of Gwatlo (1701), Sauron's army was finally defeated, and he himself barely managed to escape. What little detachment he had left was surrounded in the east of Calenardon, and Sauron fled with a handful of bodyguards to those places that later became known as Dagorlad. From there he returned to Mordor, vowing vengeance on Numenor.

Perhaps it was because of the renewed malice of Sauron that the Balrog awoke in Moria (in 1980).

In 2060, the power of Dol Guldur increased and the Wise began to fear that Sauron had once again taken on a visible form.

In 2063 Gandalf entered Dol Guldur and Sauron withdrew and took refuge in the east. The Wise have learned that the Necromancer is Sauron. With the departure of Sauron, the Watchful Peace began.

In 2460 Sauron returned to Dol Guldur and the Watchful Peace ended.

Around 2480 Sauron began to populate Moria with his servants. He had a strong desire for mithril, and so the orcs of Moria paid tribute to him in this metal.

By the end of the Third Age, Sauron managed to return three rings that previously belonged to the Dwarves (he took the last one from Thrain in 2845).

In 2850, thanks to Gandalf's penetration into Dol Guldur, it became known to the Wise that it was Sauron who had returned to his former stronghold.

At first, Sauron intended, as soon as he regained his power, to attack Lorien and Rivendell and reclaim the lands of Angmar and the northern passes.

Sauron plotted to bring together all the Rings and began to search for information about the One, as well as about the heirs of Isildur.

In 2939, Sauron's servants searched the Gladden Flats, for he knew how Isildur died.

However, Gollum was shortly thereafter captured by Aragorn and taken to the Northern Blackwoods; and though Sauron's spies followed him, they failed to free Gollum, and he was handed over to safe hands. Therefore, when he learned that Gollum had fallen to the leaders of his enemies, Sauron was frightened and realized that he had to hurry. But ordinary spies could not bring him any news (because of the vigilance of the Dunedain and the betrayal of Saruman, which Sauron knew about, but hid that he knew). Therefore, Sauron decided that only the Nazgul, the most powerful of his servants and completely subordinate to him, could help him (10). Therefore, Sauron prepared two blows - in them many later saw the beginning of the War of the Ring. They were applied at the same time. Thranduil's kingdom was attacked by orcs who were ordered to recapture Gollum; and the lord of Morgul was openly sent to battle against Gondor (at the end of June 3018). So Sauron tested Denethor's powers and his readiness for war, and found that Gondor was stronger than he expected. But this did not bother him much, since insignificant forces were involved in this attack, and Sauron's main goal at that moment was to pretend that the appearance of the Nazgul was connected only with the war against Gondor. He also wanted to catch and kill Gollum (or at least wrest him from the hands of his enemies), and capture the bridge of Osgiliath so that the Nazgul could cross the river).

Therefore, when Osgiliath was taken and the bridge destroyed (June 20, 3018), Sauron stopped the advance, and the Nazgul were ordered to begin searching for the Ring. But the Dark Lord could not help but take into account the vigilance and power of the Wise Ones, and the Ringwraiths were ordered to act as stealthily as possible.

Although Sauron did not know where the Shire was, he assumed that this land was not very far from the Misty Mountains and the places where Gollum lived (11). The Nazgul who searched the Shire in the valleys of the Anduin found nothing, and as the summer drew to a close, Sauron's anger and fear increased. In the Wold, the Nazgul met messengers from Barad-dur, who delivered threats from their Lord that horrified even the Morgul lord. By this time, Sauron already knew about the words of the prophecy heard in Gondor, about the departure of Boromir to the north, about the deeds of Saruman and about the capture of Gandalf. Based on this, Sauron decided that while neither Saruman nor any of the Wise have taken possession of the Ring, Saruman at least knows where it can be hidden (12). Therefore, secrecy was abandoned and the Nazgul rushed headlong to Isengard.

Unlike Melkor, Sauron was never against the existence of the world, as long as he could do what he wanted in it. In Sauron there were still remnants of good intentions with which he began: his dignity (and the reason for his fall) was that he loved order and consistency and did not tolerate confusion and useless quarrels (initially, Sauron was attracted in Melkor by will and power, suitable as it seemed to Sauron, for the quick and unquestioning execution of his own plans). In fact, Sauron was very similar to Saruman and therefore quickly understood him, and could find out what he would think and do, even without the help of palantiri and spies; Gandalf was a mystery to him. But, like other minds of this kind, Sauron's love (and later simple understanding) for other individuals was weaker. And although (out of a desire for good or rational motives) all these plans, orders and organizations were aimed at good for the inhabitants of Arda (even if it included the right of Sauron to be their supreme Overlord), the "plans" of his lonely mind became the only goal of his will, selfishness. But Sauron's ability to seduce souls and even put them at his service was a remnant of the fact that his original desire to "rule" really meant the well-being (especially material) of his "subjects".

Sauron would not have served Morgoth without being infected by his passion for destruction and hatred of God (which ended in nihilism). Sauron was not, of course, a "sincere" atheist. One of the younger spirits, created before the World, he knew Eru. He probably convinced himself that the Valar (including Melkor) had failed, and Eru had simply left Ea, or at any rate Arda, and would no longer remember her. This can be seen from the way he imagined the "change of the world" after the Fall of Numenor: the Valar (and the elves) are removed from real control, and people are under God's wrath and damned. If he thought of the Istari, especially Saruman and Gandalf, he thought of them as the ambassadors of the Valar, wishing to restore their former power and "colonize" Middle-earth without the knowledge and blessing of Eru. His cynical assimilation (sincere) of Manwe's motives to his own found confirmation in Saruman. Gandalf remained misunderstood. But, being evil and therefore stupid, Sauron suggested that Gandalf's strange behavior was due to a weak mind and lack of a clear goal. According to him, Gandalf is only a little smarter than Radagast - after all, it is more useful to study peoples than animals.

Sauron was not a "sincere" atheist, but preached atheism, as this weakened the resistance and dispelled the fear of his servants before the actions of God in Arda. This is precisely what is seen in the case of Ar-Pharazon. But there was an effect of Melkor on Sauron: he described his master in the words of Melkor himself - as a god or even God. It could be a shadow of good, that is, the remnants of the former ability to allow the power of another over oneself. Melkor, and still more Sauron, often used this darkened shadow of goodness and the service of "admirers." But it is doubtful whether even this shadow of good was at work in Sauron at that time. His cunning designs can be described as follows. To distract a God-fearing person from his devotion, one must offer him another, invisible object of devotion and another hope of reward; offer the Lord, who approves all desires. Being a mere prisoner, Sauron could not nominate himself to this place; but any worshiper of Melkor will make a high priest out of a prisoner, if the prisoner is a servant and disciple of the Lord of Darkness. Although the ultimate goal of Sauron was the destruction of the Numenoreans, it was mixed with the desire to avenge Ar-Pharazon for humiliation. Sauron (unlike Melkor) would have been pleased with the living Numenoreans in his allegiance. And many he seduced into his service and commanded them