Determination of protein in urine: increased or normal? Proteinuria or protein in the urine as a sign of renal pathology. Acceptable norm of protein in the urine.

Hello, dear readers! Pathological processes that occur in the kidneys are primarily reflected in the composition of urine. Today I want to introduce you to another secret of laboratory research and tell you about increased protein in the urine, why it appears there, how much of it should be normal and what a deviation from the norm means.

This laboratory indicator is most important for the doctor to make a diagnosis. Normally, there should be no protein in the urine, but acceptable values ​​can be up to 0.033 g/l. Anything above this value is called proteinuria.

The biological value of proteins in the human body is extremely important. After all, proteins are building materials for building cells, protect the body from infections, help absorb vitamins and microelements, etc. Proteins - enzymes that make up enzymes help in biological and chemical processes in the body.

The kidneys filter our blood, removing from the body not only excess water, but also metabolic end products, inorganic and organic substances and toxins. The appearance of protein in the urine is one of the signs of a wide range of diseases that can be divided into three groups:

  1. When the permeability of the glomerular filter is impaired, the renal glomeruli cannot filter high molecular weight proteins. Glomerular (glomerular) proteinuria is a mandatory sign of many kidney diseases, with hypertension, atherosclerotic nephrosclerosis, and congestive kidney.
  2. Reabsorption disorder, when, during normal filtration in the glomeruli, reabsorption of low molecular weight proteins does not occur. Tubular proteinuria is observed in glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, renal amyloidosis, and systemic diseases.
  3. Proteinuria “overflow” is much less common and most often it is one of the signs of neoplasms.

Protein in urine is normal

As I have already noted, a healthy person should not have protein in the urine, but its acceptable values ​​are up to 0.033 g/l.

Increased protein in the urine (also called albuminuria) may be orthostatic in nature and may occur after severe physical work, in athletes, with increased sweating, in poorly physically developed schoolchildren and adolescents, in pregnant women.

Exceeding the norm may be due to improper collection of urine for research. Even improper toileting of the genitals before taking the test can affect the result. How to properly prepare for a urine test?

Increased protein in urine

The cause of increased protein in the urine can be various different diseases:

  • viral and bacterial infections,
  • prolonged fasting and
  • burn disease,
  • hormonal changes.

As a rule, after recovery from these diseases, the release of protein into the urine stops.

The main and most common cause is pathological processes in the kidneys and urinary tract themselves.

But albuminuria is possible not only with kidney diseases. This can be one of the signs of allergic reactions, leukemia, epilepsy and heart failure.

Depending on the amount of protein, there are 3 degrees of proteinuria:

  1. Initial – protein content in daily urine – 150-500 mg/l;
  2. Moderate – from 500 mg/l to 2 g/l;
  3. Macroproteinuria – more than 2 g/l, which occurs in severe kidney damage (glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis, tumors, amyloidosis, etc.). This level can lead to serious consequences, including kidney failure, when hemodialysis or an artificial kidney machine will be required to restore function.

If a slight increase in protein is observed for quite a long time, then this is also a reason for a more thorough examination by a doctor.

During pregnancy

As soon as a pregnant woman registers with the antenatal clinic, she needs to regularly, right up to the birth itself, have her urine tested before each visit to the gynecologist, including for protein. In the first half of pregnancy, urine is taken once a month, in the second half - once every 2 months. Why is this necessary?

Pregnancy is a special condition when, due to physiological characteristics The functioning of some organs and the body as a whole changes. Thus, an increase in protein in the urine tells the gynecologist about possible pathologies that can negatively affect both the health of the woman herself and the growing fetus.

Exceeding normal protein levels may be due to physiological reasons (stress, use of certain medications, increased sweating, cold shower etc.). Although experts say that a pregnant woman should not excrete more than 0.08 - 0.2 g/l per day. If exceeding the norm is observed once, then this does not cause concern. It is enough to regulate your diet and drinking regime. After eliminating the causes of protein in the urine, protein levels return to normal.

Existing kidney diseases can provoke increased protein in pregnant women, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure.

But the most dangerous condition during pregnancy, accompanied by excess of the norm, is gestosis. With gestosis, the placenta begins to function incorrectly, as a result of which the growing fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Possible outcome – premature birth, stopping the development of the fetus and even its death.

As a form of late toxicosis, a woman, combined with high blood pressure, can develop very life-threatening conditions: nephropathy, preeclampsia and eclamsia.

If during pregnancy you experience dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, darkening of the eyes - these are serious symptoms that should never be ignored, you should immediately inform your gynecologist about the appearance of these symptoms.

In children

Normally healthy child There should be no protein in the urine. But its appearance should alert both parents and doctors. Because this may be one of the symptoms of a serious pathology.

In young children, exceeding the indicators can occur not only due to reasons that are also typical for adults. This is possible due to overheating, when the child is dressed very warmly, elevated temperature, with excessive physical activity, even in infants, when they move their arms and legs very actively, with the use of certain medications, allergies, injuries and burns.

Orthostatic proteinuria may occur in adolescents. With increased physical activity, the protein level can reach 1.0 g/l, this is observed more often in teenage boys.

To be sure of the correctness of the analysis result, a portion of urine is collected after a thorough morning toilet and it is best to take the middle portion of urine.

In men

It is necessary to separately note the deviation from the norm in urine analysis in men. In addition to the reasons described above for the appearance of protein in the urine, its appearance can be provoked by excessive consumption of protein foods and proteins.

Elevated levels can tell the doctor about the presence of prostatitis and urethritis in men. With a thorough examination, protein can be observed not only in kidney pathology, but it can be a symptom of hemolytic anemia, myocardial infarction, obliterating atherosclerosis with gangrene of the extremities, oncology, muscle injuries.

Symptoms of increased protein in urine

If the indicators in the analysis do not slightly exceed the norm, then people do not make any special complaints. However, a significant and long-term deviation from the norm may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain and aches in joints and muscles, night cramps in the legs,
  • general weakness, loss of appetite, pale skin,
  • fever and chills,
  • high blood pressure,
  • the appearance of edema,
  • bad dream,
  • loss of consciousness.

Visually, flakes can be seen in the urine and white coating, the urine itself becomes cloudy.

If elevated protein is detected for the first time, it is necessary to retake the test, paying careful attention to the toilet of the genital organs, since remaining discharge in women or lubricant under the foreskin in men can get into the urine and the result will again be unreliable.

Dear readers, increased protein in the urine is a serious sign. If there are characteristic symptoms and changes appearance urine, you must tell your doctor about this in order to begin timely treatment.

General information about the study

Total protein in urine is an early and sensitive sign of primary kidney diseases and secondary nephropathies in systemic diseases. Normally, only a small amount of protein is lost in the urine due to the filtration mechanism of the renal glomerulus - a filter that prevents the penetration of large charged proteins into the primary filtrate. While low molecular weight proteins (less than 20,000 daltons) freely pass through the glomerular filter, the supply of high molecular weight albumin (65,000 daltons) is limited. Most of the protein is reabsorbed into the bloodstream in the proximal tubules of the kidney, with the result that only a small amount is ultimately excreted in the urine. About 20% of the protein secreted normally is low molecular weight immunoglobulins, and 40% each is albumin and mucoproteins secreted in the distal renal tubules. Normal protein loss is 40-80 mg per day, the release of more than 150 mg per day is called proteinuria. In this case, the main amount of protein is albumin.

It should be noted that in most cases, proteinuria is not a pathological sign. Protein in the urine is detected in 17% of the population and only 2% of them cause serious illness. In other cases, proteinuria is considered functional (or benign); it is observed in many conditions, such as fever, increased physical activity, stress, acute infectious disease, and dehydration. Such proteinuria is not associated with kidney disease, and protein loss is insignificant (less than 2 g/day). One of the types of functional proteinuria is orthostatic (postural) proteinuria, when protein in the urine is detected only after prolonged standing or walking and is absent when horizontal position. Therefore, with orthostatic proteinuria, an analysis of total protein in the morning urine will be negative, and an analysis of 24-hour urine will reveal the presence of protein. Orthostatic proteinuria occurs in 3-5% of people under 30 years of age.

Protein in the urine also appears as a result of its excess production in the body and increased filtration in the kidneys. In this case, the amount of protein entering the filtrate exceeds the possibilities of reabsorption in the renal tubules and is ultimately excreted in the urine. This “overflow” proteinuria is also not associated with kidney disease. It can accompany hemoglobinuria with intravascular hemolysis, myoglobinuria with muscle tissue damage, multiple myeloma and other plasma cell diseases. With this type of proteinuria, it is not albumin that is present in the urine, but some specific protein (hemoglobin in hemolysis, Bence Jones protein in myeloma). In order to identify specific proteins in urine, a 24-hour urine test is used.

For many kidney diseases, proteinuria is a characteristic and constant symptom. According to the mechanism of occurrence, renal proteinuria is divided into glomerular and tubular. Proteinuria, in which protein in the urine appears as a result of damage to the basement membrane, is called glomerular. The glomerular basement membrane is the main anatomical and functional barrier to large and charged molecules; therefore, when it is damaged, proteins freely enter the primary filtrate and are excreted in the urine. Damage to the basement membrane can occur primarily (in idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis) or secondary, as a complication of a disease (in diabetic nephropathy due to diabetes mellitus). The most common is glomerular proteinuria. Diseases accompanied by damage to the basement membrane and glomerular proteinuria include lipoid nephrosis, idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis and other primary glomerulopathies, as well as diabetes mellitus, connective tissue diseases, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis and other secondary glomerulopathies. Glomerular proteinuria is also characteristic of kidney damage associated with certain medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillamine, lithium, opiates). Most common cause glomerular proteinuria is diabetes mellitus and its complication – diabetic nephropathy. The early stage of diabetic nephropathy is characterized by the secretion of large quantity protein (30-300 mg/day), so-called microalbuminuria. As diabetic nephropathy progresses, protein loss increases (macroalbuminemia). The degree of glomerular proteinuria varies, often exceeding 2 g per day and can reach more than 5 g of protein per day.

When protein reabsorption function in the renal tubules is impaired, tubular proteinuria occurs. As a rule, protein loss with this option does not reach such high values ​​as with glomerular proteinuria, and amounts to up to 2 g per day. Impaired protein reabsorption and tubular proteinuria are accompanied by hypertensive nephroangiosclerosis, urate nephropathy, intoxication with lead and mercury salts, Fanconi syndrome, as well as drug-induced nephropathy when using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and some antibiotics. The most common cause of tubular proteinuria is hypertension and its complication – hypertensive nephroangiosclerosis.

An increase in protein in the urine is observed when infectious diseases urinary system (cystitis, urethritis), as well as renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer.

The loss of a significant amount of protein in the urine (more than 3-3.5 g/l) leads to hypoalbuminemia, a decrease in blood oncotic pressure and both external and internal edema (edema lower limbs, ascites). Significant proteinuria provides an unfavorable prognosis for chronic renal failure. Persistent loss of small amounts of albumin does not cause any symptoms. The danger of microalbuminuria is the increased risk of coronary heart disease (especially myocardial infarction).

Quite often, as a result of a variety of reasons, the analysis of morning urine for total protein is false positive. Therefore, proteinuria is diagnosed only after repeated analysis. If two or more tests of the morning urine sample are positive for total protein, proteinuria is considered persistent, and the examination is supplemented by an analysis of 24-hour urine for total protein.

Testing morning urine for total protein is a screening method for detecting proteinuria. It does not allow assessment of the degree of proteinuria. In addition, the method is sensitive to albumin, but does not detect low molecular weight proteins (for example, Bence Jones protein in myeloma). To determine the degree of proteinuria in a patient with positive result analysis of the morning urine sample for total protein; daily urine is also examined for total protein. If multiple myeloma is suspected, 24-hour urine is also analyzed, and it is necessary to conduct additional research for specific proteins - electrophoresis. It should be noted that analysis of 24-hour urine for total protein does not differentiate the variants of proteinuria and does not reveal the exact cause of the disease, so it must be supplemented with some other laboratory and instrumental methods.

What is the research used for?

  • For the diagnosis of lipoid nephrosis, idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis and other primary glomerulopathies.
  • For the diagnosis of kidney damage in diabetes mellitus, systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus), amyloidosis and other multiorgan diseases with possible kidney involvement.
  • For the diagnosis of kidney damage in patients at increased risk of chronic renal failure.
  • To assess the risk of developing chronic renal failure and coronary heart disease in patients with kidney disease.
  • To assess renal function during treatment with nephrotoxic drugs: aminoglycosides (gentamicin), amphotericin B, cisplatin, cyclosporine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac), ACE inhibitors (enalapril, ramipril), sulfonamides, penicillin, thiazide, furosemide and some others.

When is the study scheduled?

  • For symptoms of nephropathy: edema of the lower extremities and periorbital region, ascites, weight gain, arterial hypertension, micro- and gross hematuria, oliguria, increased fatigue.
  • For diabetes mellitus, systemic connective tissue diseases, amyloidosis and other multi-organ diseases with possible kidney involvement.
  • With existing risk factors for chronic renal failure: arterial hypertension, smoking, heredity, age over 50 years, obesity.
  • When assessing the risk of developing chronic renal failure and coronary heart disease in patients with kidney disease.
  • When prescribing nephrotoxic drugs: aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cisplatin, cyclosporine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE inhibitors, sulfonamides, penicillins, thiazide diuretics, furosemide and some others.

Testing urine for the presence of protein is an analysis that can be used to diagnose a specific kidney disease. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to identify the disease and draw up an effective treatment plan. The procedure requires special training, which prohibits taking certain medications and products, because they may affect the protein content in the urine.

What are traces of protein in urine?

The protein molecule has a very large size, so it cannot leave through the renal corpuscles. In a healthy person, the urine does not contain this substance. After taking the test, the doctor notifies the patient about the presence of protein in the urine. What does this mean? This process is called proteinuria. This is a very alarming symptom, indicating the presence of serious kidney pathology. If traces of protein are detected in the urine, immediate additional diagnostics are required.

Physiological limits of normal

In healthy men and women, its concentration reaches 0.14 g/l. If this value is exceeded to 0.33 g/l, then it can be argued that there is a disease in the body, the symptom of which is proteinuria. It can occur in three stages: mild, moderate and severe. In a child, the protein norm reaches 0.036 g/l. When it increases to 1 g/l, moderate proteinuria occurs. During pregnancy, the norm of protein molecules is 0.03 g/l. An increased rate is a sign of problems in the genitourinary system and kidney disease.

How is urine analysis performed?

The biomaterial is delivered in the morning. This diagnosis is called a screening study. A false positive result is achieved when urine is collected incorrectly or due to insufficient hygiene before collecting the material. If the amount of protein in urine exceeds the norm, another study is prescribed, which involves daily collection. Thanks to this examination, it is possible to establish the degree of proteinuria and identify specific proteins using the electrophoresis method.

To accurately establish a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of additional studies to obtain more accurate information. If proteins and leukocytes were detected during the diagnosis, this is a symptom of an inflammatory process. If protein and red blood cells are detected, it is likely that the doctor will make a diagnosis of damage to the urinary system or passage of a stone.

Why does the level of protein in urine increase?

The reasons for the formation of protein in the urine can be very diverse. Often this specific disease or in general such a process is transient (transient) in nature. If temporary proteinuria occurs, it is a clear symptom of fever or dehydration. It can also be caused by frequent stressful situations, burns or hypothermia. In men, increased protein content may be associated with significant physical activity. Experts identify the following causes of proteinuria:

  • glomerulonephritis or lupus nephritis;
  • myeloma pathology (urine contains a specific protein M-protein);
  • arterial hypertension, existing for a long time;
  • diabetes mellitus (urine contains albumin);
  • renal processes of an infectious or inflammatory nature;
  • malignant kidney tumors;
  • chemotherapy;
  • mechanical kidney injuries;
  • poisoning by toxins;
  • prolonged exposure to the cold;
  • burns.

Symptoms of proteinuria

A temporary increase in the level of proteins in urine does not give any clinical picture and very often occurs without symptoms. Pathological proteinuria is a manifestation of the disease that contributed to the formation of protein molecules in the urine. With a prolonged course of this condition, patients, regardless of their age (children and adolescents, women, men), have the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the bones (a common manifestation of multiple myeloma, which is characterized by significant protein loss);
  • with proteinuria, anemia is accompanied by fatigue, which becomes chronic;
  • dizziness and drowsiness;
  • poor appetite, feeling of nausea, vomiting.

Treatment for high protein levels in urine

When urine contains a high concentration of protein, this can cause a decrease in its level in the blood. This process contributes to a rise in blood pressure and the occurrence of edema. Here it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to prescribe effective therapy. The treatment regimen is drawn up taking into account the main diagnosis and includes the following groups of drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • cytostatics;
  • decongestants;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • reducing blood clotting;
  • hypotensive.

Therapeutic methods may also include extracorporate methods of blood purification - plasmapheresis and hemosorption. An important role in the treatment of proteinuria is played by proper nutrition. Often protein increases due to eating too salty, fatty, spicy foods. The diet must include the following conditions:

  1. Limit salt intake to 2 g per day.
  2. Monitor the volume of urine excreted relative to the fluid consumed. You are allowed to drink no more than 1 liter per day. For these purposes, it is better to use a decoction of rose hips, fruit juice with black currants.
  3. Reduce intake of fish and meat for a period of 2 months.
  4. Include milk, beets, fruits, vegetables, raisins, and rice in your diet.
  5. An anti-inflammatory decoction has a good effect. To prepare it, you need to mix black poplar buds, initial grass and tricolor violet in a 1:1 ratio. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and use throughout the day. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.

Disease prevention

It is very important to prevent proteinuria from becoming chronic. To do this, you need to follow certain rules of prevention and monitor your well-being all the time. If you suddenly notice any changes related to the quantity and quality of urine, immediately go to the doctor. It is important to understand the root cause of proteinuria in order to eliminate it in time and prevent the development of a more severe disease.

Very often the cause of increased protein is hypertension, as well as diabetes. If we're talking about If you have high blood pressure, you need to constantly monitor your blood pressure, take medications, and reduce your intake of sugar, protein, and salt. If a high protein concentration is associated with diabetes, in addition to special medications, the doctor will prescribe a diet for the patient. If the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, congenital kidney anomalies or other systemic diseases is confirmed, it is necessary to constantly monitor the nephrologist.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Protein in urine what does it mean


There should be no protein in the urine, or it can be detected by analysis in trace amounts - up to 0.033 g/l.

If traces of protein are detected in the urine or the amount of protein slightly exceeding trace levels, a repeat analysis is performed.

Insignificant protein levels in the test results can be explained by insufficient patient hygiene before collecting urine, taking certain medications, or eating protein foods. Why is this value, 0.033 g/l, considered the normal limit? Lower protein concentrations are difficult to detect using existing laboratory testing techniques.

The norm of protein in urine in men is up to 0.033 g/l, maximum up to 0.05 g/l. Protein in the urine can occasionally appear due to stress, muscle strain, eating large amounts of meat or eggs (protein foods), sometimes protein can get into the urine with sperm. If there is a persistent excess of the protein norm, this indicates the presence of a pathological factor.

The norm of protein in urine in women is no more than 0.033 g/l. When collecting urine for analysis, it is necessary to exclude vaginal discharge or menstrual blood from entering it - this will give a false positive result. During pregnancy, the protein content in the urine can increase to 0.14 g/l (according to other sources up to 0.3 g/l), such a concentration is not yet considered abnormal and is usually explained by mechanical compression of the kidneys by the enlarged uterus.

If the protein content in the urine is higher, it may be a symptom of kidney disease or gestosis (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy)With gestosis, permeability increases blood vessels, and the fluid leaves the bloodstream into the edema. The mechanism for increasing blood pressure is activated to maintain its level in the vessels; the fluid goes into edema, the pressure rises. This vicious circle is extremely dangerous for mother and child.

The probable cause of the appearance of protein in the urine is cystitis, a common disease in pregnant women.

In children, protein should not normally be detected in the test results, although pediatricians allow its occasional appearance in concentrations of up to 0.036 g/l. Protein in the range of 0.7 - 0.9 g/l can be observed in boys 6 - 14 years old with high physical activity, and only during the daytime (orthostatic proteinuria). The boy's morning urine test immediately after sleep does not detect protein.

This condition is not considered pathological. Sometimes protein is detected in infants when they begin complementary feeding with cottage cheese, meat, and in children who are sick or have just had ARVI. After 7 to 10 days of recovery, the protein should return to trace levels.

Causes of protein in urine

High protein levels in urine are caused by:

  • kidney diseases (acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrosis, nephropathy of pregnancy, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis);
  • poisoning with a number of toxic substances;
  • degenerative changes in the kidneys with hypertension, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries, diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder and urethra (cystitis, urethritis), urolithiasis, prostatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chemotherapy of oncological diseases;
  • allergic and autoimmune reactions;
  • significant injuries to muscle tissue, extensive burns;
  • severe stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • functional reasons associated with increased blood flow in the renal arteries. A larger volume of blood than usual enters the kidneys per unit time, and accordingly more protein is filtered. This explains the increase in protein concentration in the urine with significant physical activity.

As already indicated, increased protein content in the urine can appear in healthy people after significant physical stress, including excessive sweating, and dehydration.

An important diagnostic indicator isdaily protein in urine (the amount of protein excreted in urine per day).

A test of 24-hour urine for protein is carried out after a repeat general urine test has again confirmed its presence. The permissible amount of protein in the daily volume of urine is 0.08 – 0.24 g/day. The urine excreted by the patient during the day is collected in a 2.7 liter container (sold in pharmacies), or in a well washed and dry, preferably sterilized 3 liter jar. The day before urine collection, you should avoid taking diuretics. acetylsalicylic acid. Before each urination, both women and men need to wash themselves thoroughly.

If a woman is menstruating, it is best to wait until it ends. When urinating, it is better for women to cover the vaginal opening with a sterile cotton swab. The first portion of morning urine is not collected, they start with the average one, but note the time of the first trip to the toilet in order to finish collecting urine for analysis after about 24 hours. The urine collected per day is thoroughly shaken and about 100 ml is poured into prepared containers, preferably into a sterile pharmaceutical container. However, when directed by your doctor, bring everything you have collected.

Normally, protein excretion (protein in daily urine) should not exceed 50–80 mg (0.05–0.08 g) per day. At extreme physical activity(athletes, loaders, etc.) physiological maximum 250 mg/day. In pregnant women, the physiological maximum is 300 mg/day, in later stages up to 500 mg/day (if edema and arterial hypertension are not observed).

Increased protein in urine, what does this mean?

Proteinuria is a persistent increase in protein content in the urine, protein excretion in the urine. First of all, it can signal a violation of the filtration function of the kidneys and is most likely caused by:

  • increased permeability of glomerular membranes to plasma proteins;
  • an increased amount of proteins in the blood plasma above the normal level;
  • impaired reabsorption (reabsorption) of plasma proteins in the kidney tubules;
  • the entry of kidney tissue proteins into the urine during inflammation or traumatic damage.

Daily protein loss, or the degree of proteinuria, is of diagnostic importance:

  • up to 0.5 g/day – moderate. Occurs in chronic pyelonephritis;
  • from 0.5 to 4 g/day – high. Characteristic of acute pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis (disorders of protein metabolism, in some cases associated with an autoimmune reaction - an insufficiently studied disease with serious consequences), toxic nephropathy (poisoning with a number of toxins), as well as kidney damage due to diabetes mellitus or heart failure;
  • more than 4 g/day – typical for degradation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys.

The combination of proteinuria with an increased content of leukocytes indicates inflammation, infection in the urinary tract, the presence of blood - the possible presence of ulcerations of the mucous membrane or an increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels of the mucous membrane, or injury. Attention is also paid to the molecular weight of the detected protein.

The low molecular weight of the proteins indicates that their filtration by the kidneys is only slightly impaired. High molecular weight of proteins is a sign of severe pathological changes in the kidneys.


A general urine test is an initial study, the results of which determine the need for further diagnosis. If a protein is detected in repeated general analysis First of all, a daily urine test is prescribed. If it confirms proteinuria, then they carry out:

  • general blood test (primarily the number of leukocytes and ESR);
  • blood sugar test;
  • enzyme immunoassay blood test (possibly);
  • blood test for lipid spectrum (possibly);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract (required).

Ultrasound with an increased concentration of protein in the urine is very informative.

If pathological changes in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract are not detected, further searches for the cause of proteinuria continue.

We remind you that proteinuria can signal a developing cancer disease (leukemia, myeloma).

How to get rid of protein in urine, including folk remedies

The question is posed fundamentally incorrectly.

Proteinuria is not a disease, but a symptom of possible diseases. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to determine the causes of proteinuria.

Depending on the reasons, treatment is prescribed. Having identified the cause, you need to influence it, including, possibly, folk remedies.

In any case, if increased protein is detected in the urine, it is necessary to facilitate the work of the kidneys as much as possible:

  • limit salt intake;
  • give up spices, pickles and canned food with vinegar, sausages, smoked meats, meat and fish broths;
  • exclude alcoholic drinks, including beer;
  • refrain from physical activity.

The presence of protein in the urine can be a signal of a malfunction of the body, since in a healthy person, when analyzing urine, it is absent or present in minimal quantities. How to decipher the analysis, and in what cases is it appropriate to use the expression “deviation from the norm”? Let's look further.

Protein levels in urine - what do they mean?

The indicators by which the presence of protein in urine is determined depend on how much protein in milligrams is excreted in the urine per day:
  • Within 30-300 mg - indicate microalbuminuria, that is, the presence in the urine of one type of blood protein - albumin. This diagnosis may indicate earlier kidney damage or become a reason to suspect diabetes mellitus and hypertension;
  • From 300 mg per dose to 1 gram per day – this is a mild degree of proteinuria. It occurs in patients with inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, chronic nephritis, and urolithiasis;
  • From 1 gram to 3 grams of protein in urine per day – they talk about moderate proteinuria, which is diagnosed in acute tubular necrosis and hepatorenal syndrome;
  • From 3 grams per day – this means the patient has severe proteinuria. This means that the patient's glomerular filtration barrier function in relation to protein size is impaired or the patient suffers from nephrotic syndrome.
The urine of a healthy person may contain small amounts of protein. These indicators usually do not exceed 0.033 g/l, and are considered normal for protein in the urine. Often such indicators are recorded as a complete absence of protein in the urine.

The normal levels do not differ depending on a person’s gender, which means that the normal level of protein in the urine of adult women and men is the same and amounts to up to 0.033 g/l.

Any deviations from the norm are a reason to undergo a full examination in order to exclude or prevent the risk of developing such serious diseases as diabetes, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome and kidney disease.

Causes of protein in urine

The following common causes of protein in the urine are considered:
  • arterial hypertension at a progressive level;
  • inflammatory or;
  • mechanical damage to the kidneys;
  • prolonged exposure to the cold;
  • poisoning by toxins;
  • high severity burns;
  • cancer or tumor diseases of the kidneys.

You should not try to diagnose yourself. Only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of the appearance of protein in the urine.

Symptoms of increased protein in urine

As a rule, the presence of protein in urine does not have its own symptoms. You can even say that protein in the urine is a symptom that signals a malfunction of an organ such as the kidneys. Proteinuria can only manifest itself with a concomitant disease or with a pathological condition.

But, proteinuria may be accompanied by symptoms that indicate problems with the kidneys. These symptoms include:

  • Painful sensations in the hands;
  • Anemia (see also - ?);
  • Fatigue and decreased performance;
  • Edema;
  • Chills and high fever;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Change in urine color;
  • Drowsiness ().

Finding one of the above symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor and give all the necessary tests, including a urine test.

Protein in a child's urine

Young children, as I rule, if there are no other indications for this test, donate urine during the vaccination period twice a year. The results of the analysis are interpreted as follows:

  • Normal indicators can be considered if the level of protein in the urine does not exceed 0.036 g/l;
  • When this indicator increases to 1 g/l per day, we can already talk about moderate proteinuria;
  • When a urine test shows a protein level of 3 g/l or higher, this is severe proteinuria, which means the development of some kind of kidney or urinary tract disease.
When children have high levels of protein in their urine, there may be a decrease in the level of this substance in the blood, which leads to high blood pressure and edema. In such cases, you should not postpone consultation with a specialist.

Protein in urine in pregnant women

There are often cases when protein is found in urine in women who are expecting the birth of a baby. The causes of this phenomenon can be temporary (external factors) or permanent (inflammatory processes).

The main reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine of women during pregnancy include:
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Pressure of the uterus on the kidneys;
  • Preeclampsia.
  • In more late dates Pregnancy, the cause of protein content in urine may be the pressure of the uterus on the kidneys. This is a normal physiological process, but in order to exclude more serious pathologies and kidney diseases, the indicators cannot be ignored; you still need to establish the exact cause and undergo an examination.

    But gestosis can cause dysfunction of the placenta, which will lead to the fact that the fetus in the womb will not be able to receive enough food and oxygen for full development. This condition is dangerous because it does not manifest itself outwardly, that is, a pregnant woman may not even be aware of the presence of this problem.

    It is important to understand that during pregnancy, all test readings can change every day. Thus, it is possible to determine that protein in the urine of pregnant women indicates the development of pathology only after a complete examination.

    Often, by the time of birth, the protein in the urine is completely gone, and the mother meets her baby in this world already completely healthy and strong.

    How to take a urine test correctly?

    Its reliability depends on how urine is collected for analysis. Only urine collected in the morning, and on an empty stomach, will be suitable for analysis.

    For analysis, you need to prepare a container for urine - a special jar with a wide neck. It can be bought at a pharmacy. But, even if the container was purchased at a pharmacy, it must be thoroughly washed and dried before analysis.

    If a urine test is required for an infant, a special urine bag can be used as a container for urine. Such bags are put on the child’s genitals under a diaper.

    You cannot use the contents of unscrewed diapers for urine analysis, as this will not bring a reliable result.

    The genitals of both adults and children must be clean. Therefore, before urinating, you should wash yourself using soap.

    All these procedures are done in the morning, immediately after waking up. The day before, it is not recommended to eat fried foods, as well as foods that contain a lot of protein.

    Treatment of increased protein in urine

    Only by establishing the exact reason why proteinuria occurred can one choose effective treatment. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with diabetes, he is prescribed a special diet. If you do not follow this diet, your blood protein levels will either remain the same or increase, which can lead to serious kidney problems.

    The doctor prescribes individual treatment, which depends on the stage of a particular disease, how it progresses and what is caused.

    It is impossible to find treatment options on your own, but you can take some measures to reduce protein levels in your urine. Such measures include traditional methods, how to reduce the level of protein in urine.

    Cranberry juice

    Squeeze the juice out of a handful of cranberries and cook the skins of the berries for 15-20 minutes. Wait until the resulting broth has cooled and add berry juice to it. For sweetness you can add 1 tsp. honey or granulated sugar. Drink fruit juice a few minutes before breakfast.

    Parsley seed infusion

    20 grams of parsley seeds should be crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water. This drink is infused for 2 hours, after which it must be drunk throughout the day, dividing the entire volume received into several doses.

    Birch buds

    Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds into a glass of plain water and bring to a boil. While the broth is hot, pour it into a thermos and leave for an hour and a half. When the decoction is infused, it should be taken 3 times a day, 50 grams.

    Fir bark tincture

    The third part of a 1 liter jar should be filled with fir bark. Fill the rest of the jar with boiling water. This medicine should be infused only in a water bath for 1 hour. You need to take 50 grams of infusion half an hour before each meal.

    Decoctions for prevention

    It is also appropriate to take various herbal tinctures as preventive measures. The most suitable are decoctions made from corn, oats, pumpkin seeds and golden mustache leaves.