Photoepilator: reviews from doctors and buyers. Photoepilation: contraindications and consequences

A home hair removal device is no longer a luxury, but a skin care product accessible to everyone. The owner of a laser, photo or ELOS epilator no longer needs to spend time and money visiting beauty salons, and the market offers an increasing number of different models to suit every taste and budget. All that remains is to make the right choice.

Speed ​​of light or laser precision - which is better?

Both laser and photoepilation cope with hairs, thanks to their ability to absorb light waves. The energy of light penetrates deep into the hair follicle itself, heating it to 70°C and clogging the feeding vessels. The hair “turns off” and no longer grows in this place. Both types of epilators allow you to remove unnecessary hair without pain and extra effort until it is completely eliminated. What type of device should you prefer?

Piece scanning or area work

A laser epilator targets the hair shaft without affecting the skin. Some models (RIO Scaning x20, Rio Salon Laser X60) have a scanning function, thanks to which the device itself finds and processes individual hairs. For the sake of precision, you have to sacrifice speed: one laser beam can simultaneously cover no more than 1 cm2 of skin surface .

A photoepilator has a working window area that is many times larger and can reach 6 cm2. For example, treating one leg will take no more than 15 minutes, while a laser epilator will cover such a volume in no less than 30-35 minutes.

The photoepilator not only removes hair, but also rejuvenates the skin

But with a laser epilator you will achieve the desired smoothness in fewer sessions. Its beam with a wavelength of 808 nanometers gives all the energy to the hairs, while in a photoepilator part of the radiation is scattered over the surface of the skin. In turn, a photoepilator (and, to an even greater extent, ELOS devices) provide an additional effect such as skin rejuvenation: heating the deep layers of the dermis stimulates increased production of collagen and elastin in fibroblasts.

The flash of the laser epilator is generated by a semiconductor diode, which in good condition does not require replacement. The main working tool in a photoepilator is a xenon lamp with a limited resource. If this resource is small, you will have to take care of a spare lamp. However, today there are models on the market with a lamp life of up to 400,000 flashes (even unlimited lamps have appeared), which allows you to use the device indefinitely.

In addition to red and gray...

Laser hair removal is only suitable for people with fair skin and contrastingly dark hair. The less pigment in the hairs, the less they absorb harmful rays, and the greater the chance for further growth. Photoepilation has a wider range of effects. Depending on the technology used (IPL, HPL, ELOS) fair, red and even gray hair. And dark skin is not an obstacle, especially if your photoepilator is equipped with a UV filter.

Comparative table of laser and photoepilator properties

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the difference is small, including in the cost of the devices. Each type of epilator has its own advantages and limitations, but the photoepilator is more versatile and requires less time for each procedure. If you have fair skin with sparsely growing dark hairs, then a laser epilator is the optimal solution. Well, for owners of light brown, ashen, blond, red, gray hair and darker skin tones, we offer a wide selection of photoepilators and ELOS epilators.

A photoepilator is a device for removing hair from the face and body. Unlike conventional mechanical models, it allows this procedure to be carried out almost without pain and makes the skin smooth for a long time.

Until recently, photoepilation could only be done in beauty salons, but now compact devices for home use. How do they work and what should you pay attention to when choosing such a device?

Operating principle and features

Hair removal devices are divided into three main types:

  • mechanical;
  • laser;
  • photoepilators.

Mechanical model it is arranged very simply. It is equipped with a rotating head with discs or tweezers: during epilation they close, grab and pull out hairs from the roots. This procedure is quite painful, and you can get rid of body hair in this way for a not too long period: within 2-4 weeks.

Laser And photoepilators They work on a different principle: they remove hairs using light pulses. Under their influence, the dark pigment melanin contained in skin cells or the trunk and root of the hair is heated to high temperature. As a result, the nutrition of the root is weakened, the follicle is destroyed, and some time after the session the hair falls out.

This procedure only works on hair that is in the growth stage. Therefore, to completely remove hair, it is usually necessary to carry out 5-10 epilations with a break of 2-3 weeks. After this, the appearance of new hair slows down significantly: sometimes the skin remains smooth for several years. And when hairs do appear on it, they look sparse and thin.

Despite the strong similarities, there are significant differences between laser and photoepilators.

Firstly, the operating life of the laser model is not limited, but the photoepilator lamp fails after a certain time. Not all models have the ability to replace it and, moreover, requires serious costs. The cost of this “consumable” is sometimes 30-50% of the price of the device.

Secondly, the laser beam directly heats the hair itself, affecting a fairly small (about 1 cm²) area. Hair removal is highly targeted and effective, but it takes a lot of time.

But the pulsed light that comes from the photoepilator lamp heats the skin cells. Due to the high temperature in the surrounding tissues, the hair follicle gets burned and dies. In this case, the area of ​​the treated area will be several times larger than when exposed to a laser. Due to this, the procedure is faster, but the effect on the hair is less intense - which means you will have to wait longer for the result.

Another limitation is related to hair color. If they are very light, gray or red, with a low amount of melanin, most likely neither a laser nor a photoepilator will help you.

Characteristics of photoepilators

One of the main characteristics of the photoepilator is lamp life, which is installed in it. Depending on the model, it can vary from 70 to 350 thousand flashes. The larger this parameter, the longer you can epilate without spending money on buying a new lamp.

However, even devices with a relatively short resource work for quite a long time. Depending on the type and thickness of hair, an average of 600 to 1500 flashes are required for full body hair removal. It turns out that the most “low-resource” lamp in such conditions will conduct at least fifty sessions and last several years.

Another parameter affects the duration of the lamp: flash intensity or power, which for household photoepilators can range from 2.5 to 7 J/cm². The larger it is, the faster the follicles will be destroyed and the longer your skin will remain smooth.

For most models, the power can be adjusted to a certain level. The lower the value you choose, the longer the lamp can operate.

Number of flash intensity modes for different photoepilators it varies from 3 to 7 pieces. They should be selected in accordance with your skin type and hair color: a table with the recommended power value for different cases is usually given in the operating instructions for the device.

During the procedure, also focus on your sensations: if you feel a burning sensation and discomfort, reduce the power. For the right choice The epilation area also matters. On delicate areas such as the face, armpits or bikini area, it is better to work with minimal intensity.

Many devices have such a useful option as skin color sensor. With it, you don't have to study the instructions trying to choose the appropriate mode. The device itself will scan and determine the type of epidermis, and then set the desired flash power. Such models are as safe as possible: they minimize the risk side effects, because they simply won’t work on too dark or tanned skin.

Another function is responsible for security: skin contact sensor. It is necessary to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of a laser beam or pulsed light flash. When the device is pressed tightly to the body, it works. As soon as the contact is lost, the sensor instantly turns off the epilator.

Epilation area for laser models it usually does not exceed 1 cm², and for photoepilators it varies from 2 to 7 cm². The greater this characteristic, the faster you can process the desired areas.

Some epilators are only designed for the body, however most of them can also be used on the face in the area below the cheekbones. You cannot correct the shape of your eyebrows using a laser or photoepilator: this will lead to serious damage to your eyes.

The photoepilator kit sometimes includes a special face attachment. It has a reduced light window for a more targeted effect and is equipped with a built-in filter for working with sensitive skin. Some models come with other attachments: for the armpits and bikini area. Such accessories have a curved shape, which provides a tighter fit to the body.

To carry out the procedure, laser and photoepilators are connected to an electrical outlet. They also release wireless models: they can work not only from the mains, but also from a battery.

Criteria for choosing photoepilators

When planning a purchase, first study your body. Do you have fair skin and dark hair? Then a photoepilator would be the best option. It will not work on dark skin - in this case it is better to purchase a laser model.

For those who have blond, gray or red hair, none of these devices may be suitable - you will have to use a regular epilator.

Need to remove hair above your lip, cheeks or chin? Choose a model that can be used for the face.

It is advisable that it have a small epilation area: from 1 to 2 cm² or come complete with a special attachment. Since the processing area will be small, you can save money and buy a model with a short lamp life: 70-100 thousand flashes.

Are you planning to perform the procedure on your legs? Then it will be more convenient to use a device with an epilation area of ​​3 cm².

Do you need a model for different areas? Choose a photoepilator that is suitable for both the face and body, and will have a solid lamp life: from 150 thousand flashes or more.

In order not to experience discomfort during the procedure, it is better to give preference to a device that has 5-7 intensity modes: this will allow you to select the optimal power for areas with different sensitivity.

Do you want to protect yourself as much as possible from possible consequences related to improper operation of the device? Check that the epilator you choose has a surface contact sensor.

Are you afraid that you won't be able to correctly determine your skin tone? A model with a built-in color sensor will suit you.

Do you want to carry out the procedure in the most comfortable position and not depend on an electrical outlet? Pay attention to wireless models.

Do you focus on price first?

The most inexpensive category includes devices with a small number of flashes and an epilation area of ​​within 3 cm².

For photoepilators with a resource-intensive (from 250 thousand flashes) lamp or an epilation area of ​​4-7 cm². you will have to pay more, just like for laser models.

Wireless devices of any type are the most expensive: both with a laser beam and with pulsed light flashes.

Thanks to high standards modern beauty, hair removal holds one of the first places in the ranking of the most popular salon procedures.

There are more and more clients wanting to remove unwanted hair. Men have also joined the ranks of smooth skin supporters.

They are also tired of shaving every morning and enjoy using the services of a cosmetologist. In addition, new effective and, most importantly, painless methods of hair removal have appeared on the beauty market - photoepilation and laser hair removal.

Both of these methods are similar and are based on the action of light rays of different spectrums on certain areas of the skin. These options for eradicating unwanted vegetation help solve the problem, if not completely, then for a long time. But what are the advantages of one method or another, what is better and more effective, what is the difference between photoepilation and laser hair removal, what to choose? Let's try to figure it out.

Both types of hair removal are based on the same principle of action, light irradiation of problem areas.

And that is why some misunderstanding arises among potential clients of beauty salons who want to remove unnecessary hair.

It is not clear what kind of procedure is needed, how many times you need to visit a cosmetologist to get the desired effect, how much it will cost smooth skin in the final result. To clarify the questions that arise, it is worth comparing photoepilation and laser hair removal and find out what the difference is between them.

The essence of the methods


This is the name for removing unwanted hair using Intensive Pulse Light (IPL) devices - intense pulsed light. The device emits light in a wide light range from 500 to 1200 nm.

For safety reasons, the range is regulated by special filters that cut off light waves harmful to human health.

The flash, which lasts milliseconds, warms up the hair shaft and heat passes through the hair to the follicle. The hair follicle heats up and dies.

But in this way you can remove hairs that are in a state of growth. After some time, the steps must be repeated with the next batch of awakened bulbs.


The action of laser hair removal is based on the destruction of the hair follicle using light energy generated by a laser. In this case, exposure to a monochrome beam of a specifically defined wavelength is used.

There are several types of devices for this procedure, differing in the spectrum of emitted waves:

  • alexandrite;
  • ruby;
  • diode;
  • neodymium.

The target of laser devices is melanin, a pigment that colors skin and hair. When exposed to heat, it heats up, transfers heat to surrounding cells and destroys the tissue in which it is located. The exception is the neodymium laser. It affects hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin, destroying the vessel that feeds the hair follicle. Deprived of nutrition, the hair quickly dies.

Differences in Impact

Both procedures are visually similar - they are short flashes of light with a powerful release of thermal energy, which has a detrimental effect on the hair follicle, destroying the hair and preventing its further growth.

Photo procedure

This is a complex effect of several rays of different spectrums at once, which makes the procedure universal. The devices use filters that prevent the penetration of rays that are hazardous to health. The treated surface area is larger than when using a laser.

In the case of laser hair removal, the type of beam is selected individually, the effect on the hairs is more precise, and the treated area is small.

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Which is safer?

Since the principle of the procedures is the same, the degree of their safety is approximately the same. It may seem that the laser is safer, since the monochrome beam acts specifically on the bulb and does not affect nearby areas of the skin.

In a sense, this is true. However, when the photoepilation device is operated with wide range radiation, filters are used to protect the client from the unwanted effects of harmful rays. In addition, such devices have options that allow you to add or exclude one or another wavelength of light.


It is worth considering that there are general contraindications to the procedures:

  • age less than 17 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

If the client has any doubts about whether he should undergo laser or photoepilation, he should consult a doctor.

Duration of sessions

Since the photoepilation device can treat a larger area of ​​skin with one flash than is accessible to the laser, one photoepilation session will take half as much time. However, if you think strategically, you need to take into account that due to a more precise impact, the effectiveness of laser hair removal is higher, and therefore fewer sessions will be needed.

Price issue

It's hard to win here. Photoepilation is cheaper, but more sessions are needed. Laser is more expensive, but more effective. What to choose, everyone decides for themselves. It is difficult to name the specific cost of the procedure: prices for sessions of exposure to light rays in different regions differ slightly.

The level of the salon and the qualifications of the cosmetologist also play an important role in shaping the pricing policy. Plus, inflation regularly makes adjustments to all areas of life, including the beauty industry.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table, which roughly shows the prices for treating certain areas of the body.

What is non-injection facial mesotherapy, pros and cons, read reviews about the procedure.


The number of visits to a cosmetologist is influenced not only by the choice of device, but also by the individual hormonal characteristics of the body and, so to speak, the degree of neglect of the problem or the amount of unnecessary hair.

For some, four sessions of photoepilation are enough, while others will be hooked on laser for the rest of their lives.

Despite the generally recognized effectiveness of the procedures, no one will get results the first time. The reason lies in physiology. There are hairs that are in the active growth stage, and there are also dormant hair follicles.

Epilation removes active hairs, but does not affect dormant hairs. Consequently, the effect of light rays must be repeated after some time, when the next batch wakes up.


Having compared the two most progressive methods of removing unnecessary hair, we can draw the following conclusions: photo and laser hair removal are equally effective.

And when choosing one or another method of dealing with excess hair, you can be guided by personal preferences, convenience and the amount of available time.

The cost of both procedures ends up being approximately the same. Again, the client can choose for himself whether to attend short photoepilation sessions for a long time, or decide on long laser visits, which will solve the problem faster.

Which hair removal is better - photoepilation or laser - is up to you to decide, but although exposure to light rays is safe if the procedure is performed properly, it is advisable to begin any intervention in the life of the body, even if it is a simple extermination of vegetation, with a consultation with a specialist.

Video about photoepilation and laser hair removal:

For many centuries in a row, smooth skin has been the standard female beauty. Modern cosmetology offers a whole range of services for removing excess hair. However, after they are carried out, the hairs return sooner or later, and each of the procedures must be carried out regularly. Not so long ago, truly radical methods of hair removal appeared, leading to the destruction of the follicle using light energy. It's about about photoepilation and laser hair removal. Novelty and similarity often puzzles the fair sex about which method to choose.


Operating principle

Both methods are based on radical hair removal using light radiation. This similarity often confuses the patient: what is better - photoepilation or laser hair removal. To make the right choice, you need to know the main differences between the procedures and how suitable each of them is in a particular case.

Both photoepilation and laser hair removal affect hair that is visible above the skin, that is, hair that is in the active growth phase. Under the influence of light radiation, the dark pigment, melanin, located in the trunk and root of the hair, is heated. This leads to heating and destruction of the capillaries feeding the follicle. After some time, the hair falls out along with the follicle, and a new one will never appear in this place.

The photoepilation device is configured individually for each patient. The settings depend on the color and thickness of the hair in the depilated area, on the density of its growth, and on the color of the skin. If the power is insufficient, the procedure will have no effect; if the power is too high, you can get a burn.

Laser hair removal uses one beam (as a rule, it is alexandrite or diode, which are most suitable for the phototype of Russians). For very dark hair Diode laser is more often used, but it is considered more painful. The Alexandrite laser is not as aggressive, but it cannot cope with some types of hair.

No additional settings are required for laser hair removal. In addition, modern devices are equipped with a special melanin scanner, which allows you to set the exact power automatically. Such devices completely prevent the possibility of negative effects on the skin.

The effectiveness of photo and laser hair removal

Until recently, laser action was effective only for dark hair on light skin, but the development laser cosmetology made it possible to use the method for almost any hair color. However, for gray-haired and very blonde hair, as well as thin vellus hairs, the laser is not effective enough.

Of particular importance is the beam chosen. After treatment with an alexandrite laser, hair falls out almost immediately; after diode laser, slight swelling remains around the hairs, and they themselves begin to fall out 5-10 days after the procedure.

Photoepilation is applicable to any hair type, except gray hair, since gray hair does not contain the pigment melanin. Immediately after the procedure, charred white dots remain in place of the hair, which are clearly visible under the magnifying glass of a cosmetologist. For some time after the session, it may seem that the hair continues to grow, but the disruption of the follicles’ nutrition does its job, and after 1-2 weeks the hairs begin to actively fall out.

Important to know: In case of unstable hormonal background (for example, when taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, for gynecological diseases), photo and laser hair removal is ineffective.

Video: Principles and effectiveness of laser hair removal in the “Live Healthy” program

Number of sessions and course duration

The laser acts directly on the melanin contained in the hair. In one pulse, an area from 4 to 19 mm in diameter is processed. The area depends on the depilation zone. During photoepilation, broadband light is used; the area of ​​the treated skin surface depends on the working tip of the device and on average ranges from 3 to 5 cm2.

Photoepilation will take several times less time than laser hair removal. Thus, laser hair removal of the upper lip takes 15-20 minutes, while photo hair removal will last from 3 to 7 minutes. Photoepilation deep bikini will be carried out in an average of 15 minutes, laser hair removal can take up to 2 hours.

The interval between the first and second photoepilation procedures is 2-3 weeks. Each subsequent procedure is carried out with an increase of 2 weeks: after 4, 6, 8 weeks and so on. After five procedures, most people experience permanent hair removal.

The effect of the first laser hair removal procedure lasts 1-1.5 months. The specific interval depends on individual characteristics and when new hairs begin to appear from dormant bulbs. To obtain the desired effect, 5-7 sessions are necessary. The entire course will take about a year, for some people it lasts up to 1.5-2 years.

After a full course of photoepilation or laser hair removal, it is necessary to carry out maintenance procedures, the frequency of which also depends on the characteristics of hair growth specific person. For some, it is enough to remove emerging hairs once a year, while others will need 2-3 visits to a cosmetologist in the same period of time.

Epilation zones

With laser hair removal, the area of ​​skin surface treated at a time is smaller, since only one laser beam is used. The directionality of this beam is higher, and hair removal occurs with greater precision. Thanks to this, hair removal can be performed on any part of the body, but due to the duration of the procedure, it is most often used on the face (eyebrow area, above the upper lip), chest and armpit area.

With photoepilation, the area treated at a time is much larger, so it is extremely rarely used on the face. If necessary, the procedure can be performed above the upper lip. It is never used to remove eyebrow hairs, since there is a high probability of corneal burns.

When can hair remain after the procedure?

There are cases when, after photo- and laser hair removal, single hairs remain on the treated skin surface. Many people think that these are missing hairs, but this is not entirely true. Hair can remain for several reasons:

  1. Sometimes hair follicles are located in fatty tissue. In this case, the laser cannot penetrate the follicle, and such hair cannot be removed. Such cases are rare.
  2. Red hair remains during laser hair removal because it contains the pigment pheomelanin, which has a reddish tint that the beam does not see.
  3. Ingrown hairs also remain if it is time to become overgrown. If such a hair is removed before the procedure, the procedure will be effective for it too.

Painfulness of the procedure and side effects

Many salons claim that laser hair removal is painless. In fact, during both photoepilation and laser hair removal, the skin is exposed to light radiation, so the sensations with any of these methods will be approximately the same.

Before photoepilation, a transparent gel is applied to the treated surface, which serves as a contact medium. It conducts light, thereby achieving the best effect. In addition, it cools the skin, relieving pain and preventing burns.

Modern laser devices are equipped with a built-in head (cooling sapphire, vacuum attachment) that has an anesthetizing effect. However, in particularly sensitive areas (bikini area, for example), many patients experience quite severe pain. People with a low pain threshold can take a mild pain reliever before the procedure.

TO side effects This may include redness and irritation that appear immediately after the procedure. It is worth noting that after laser hair removal the recovery period is shorter, swelling and redness disappear after a couple of hours, and decorative cosmetics You can use it in half an hour.

Laser hair removal has a less aggressive effect on the skin, and burns are practically excluded. But when carrying out photoepilation, due to incorrectly selected device power, they are a fairly common complication. Often, pigmentation subsequently appears at the burn site. That is why, when choosing a salon, special attention should be paid to the qualifications of the specialist who will carry out the procedure.

Video: Live photoepilation. Carrying out the procedure, sensations and impressions

Contraindications for procedures

Absolute contraindications to photo and laser hair removal are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • redness, irritation, herpetic infection in the acute stage at the site of hair removal;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Laser and photoepilation should not be performed on skin that is too dark or tanned. At least 2 weeks must pass from sunbathing.

Cost of services

The cost for one hair removal session is calculated by each clinic and salon individually. This depends on the cost of equipment and medications used during the procedure. As a rule, devices for photoepilation are universal and are in great demand in the service market, which is why the price for the photoepilation procedure is higher than for laser hair removal.

For example, process upper lip or a laser chin will cost about 1.5 times less than photoepilation. Photoepilation of the bikini line will cost almost twice as much as laser hair removal of the same area. Process armpits a photoepilator is 500-800 rubles more expensive than laser treatment, and both legs will cost 2-3 thousand rubles more.

When choosing a hair removal method, you should remember that both methods are used to achieve different goals. Which one is more suitable depends on the area of ​​depilation, hair and skin color, the presence of a tan and the time of year, as well as the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient.

With both photoepilation and laser hair removal, it is necessary that the visible hairs are no more than 1-2 mm, then the energy will be directed inward, to the follicle, without wasting money on the outer part. The temperature of the impact on the follicle will be higher, and the effect will be better. To do this, 2 days before the procedure, the hair in the area where the removal will be performed must be shaved.

It is important to remember that neither photoepilation nor laser hair removal provides a 100% guarantee that after a full course of procedures, hair will disappear forever. Their growth slows down significantly, but the remaining dormant bulbs can enter the active phase at any time. Hairs, if they appear, become thin and weak. You should not shave such hairs, as this can lead to strengthening of the follicle. It is better to visit the salon again and carry out a maintenance hair removal procedure.

Video: Expert opinion on photo and laser hair removal: what determines the choice of method

Laser and photoepilation are the most popular and modern methods hair removal. Despite the fact that the mechanism of action is similar, each method has its own specifics. In both the first and second cases, the melanin contained in the hair is heated, which leads to its destruction. It is necessary to approach the issue of removing vegetation using such methods selectively. To understand what is better for each individual person - a laser epilator or a photoepilator, it is necessary to take into account some factors and characteristics of the skin.

From the very early age girls and women are concerned about the problem of excess hair. Modern technologies make the hair removal procedure painless and without consequences. Both laser and photoepilator will allow you to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. Let's take a closer look at the differences between the methods.

Laser hair removal

The principle of operation of a laser epilator is the action of a laser wave on melanin. In this case, the pigment heats up and is destroyed along with the hair follicle. The light beam has a certain wavelength, and the radiation is narrowly directed. This is the main distinguishing parameter in comparison with the photoepilation system. The laser acts exclusively on the melanin of the hair, but does not affect hemoglobin and melanin, which is contained in the skin around the hair.

Home laser epilator NO!NO! PRO5!

After a few days, the hair falls out and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Taking into account the peculiarities of hair structure and color, 90% of unwanted hair can be removed in 5 procedures. If the hair is thick and dark, the number of manipulations will be greater and they will last longer.

The laser wave has a limited coverage area. When treating the skin on your legs, you need to be patient, as the procedure takes a lot of time.


The action of a photoepilator differs from a laser one in that it emits a lot light waves of different lengths. Due to this specificity, it simultaneously has a destructive effect on an entire area of ​​hair follicles. The number of procedures in this technique is greater than when working with a laser epilator. Due to the different wavelengths of light, the degree of its effect on melanin is not the same, and it may be necessary to treat the same areas in several sessions, on average 2-3 times with a break of 3 weeks.

Photoepilator Philips Lumea IPL SC1992/00

The use of photoepilation has many restrictions associated with the presence of diseases and skin characteristics. It is also impossible to carry out manipulations during the reception. medicines. Before doing the procedure, it is advisable to consult with your doctor regarding the safety of hair removal.

How to make the right choice

Hair removal can be done at home using a portable epilator. If you are afraid of harming yourself, it is better not to doubt it, but to consult a cosmetologist. If there is a need to purchase a device for home use, it is necessary to compare the initial data (hair color and thickness), as well as financial capabilities.

The photoepilator has a wider coverage area and processes more hair in one action. The power of the heat beam can be adjusted in the device. If the skin is dark, the power must be reduced. Problem may occur with gray hairs: hair removal with such a device will not be very effective. In this case, when choosing a laser or photoepilator, you should lean towards the first option.

The difference with a laser device is the regular replacement of the lamp. It needs to be changed every 2-3 sessions.

A photoepilator differs in its action from a laser in that it is equally effective for blondes and brunettes, and there is no difference what color the skin is, and this is its great advantage. Considering the fact that hair removal is carried out faster due to a larger hair coverage area in one flash, the device can be considered almost universal. The most popular models among users are HPLight and Sensepil.

Photoepilator Silk'n SENSEPIL XL 65

Thus, it is obvious that laser and photoepilation are highly effective methods to combat unwanted hair. Which epilator is better to choose is up to you to decide, guided by your own preferences and the specifics of your body.