How to start a correspondence with a man after a pause. Internet - correspondence with a man

Most girls communicate with men through SMS or correspondence on social networks. But few people know that correspondence is actually a very powerful weapon for intriguing and making men fall in love, even before you have met. And there are even fewer girls who use these weapons correctly. Now you will learn how to use SMS correspondence to fall in love and seduce any man.

SMS correspondence allows you to embed some commands and launch cool short thought viruses, as a result of which he will think about you while you sent it and forgot.

If you send him a catchy SMS and forget about it, he will think, call back, answer you. And at this time you are minding your own business. You work, study, communicate with friends, and he has already called and peed on you. And he wants to see you, he thinks about you and is emotionally invested in you! Beauty!
It’s especially cool to use SMS to avoid calling the guy first. No, I’m not saying that you should never call him first, but I’m saying that there are situations when you don’t know if he can talk on the phone right now, if it’s convenient for him - then you just send him a “special” SMS, after which he starts calling you as soon as he reaches the phone.

In SMS you can write something that you cannot tell him, that you are uncomfortable, or some kind of frankness. Therefore, SMS has a number of advantages over real communication.

Let's look at the basic rules and techniques in SMS correspondence, which, if you use them, will give results almost immediately.

1. He should always wait longer for an answer from you than you waited for an answer from him. And NEVER do you answer him right away. Even if you are free, even if you were really waiting for his answer, even if you really want...

2. Your messages should be shorter than his messages. Writing whole stories to him in prose is the lot of women who lack communication. This is exactly what he begins to think when he sees an SMS from you the size of an A4 sheet and filled with emoticons and other crap. The fact that you communicate and correspond with him already speaks of your interest.
In order to create correct image in SMS, your messages should be twice as short as his. This will indicate that he wants to communicate with you more. Yes, it seems simple and banal, but in practice it gives a powerful result in the form of his real interest in you.

3. SMS messages should only contain letters combined into words. And nothing more. Never. No one. No emoticons, no other punctuation marks, not even periods or question marks.

You will learn about the remaining 10 rules of correspondence that will simply blow your mind at one of my online trainings. Here are some of them:

Image in SMS
- Emotional swing
- Intrigue

Purpose of SMS

You will also receive 30 specific examples of SMS, after which a man begins to think about you, fall in love with you and strive to meet you as soon as possible.

The main rules of correspondence with a man

It surprises me why girls miss so many opportunities to make a man intrigued by you, so that he starts thinking about you and falling in love, so that he starts giving you gifts, tries to get you out on a date, etc.
SMS correspondence or correspondence in social networks is one of the most powerful tools that correct use will cause a man to fall in love with you and want to ask you out on a date. Any man.

Correspondence rules

At first glance, it may not be clear why I do this great attention devoted to correspondence. But now you will understand.
Don’t forget to write in the comments below how you corresponded with men before, whether you did it correctly and how you will act now, after reading this article.
In general, you will learn how to correspond correctly, what exactly to write to make guys fall in love with you, in my training or coaching.

Well, now, I’ll just give you basic and very valuable recommendations. If you use them, they will give you results today, and today he will invite you to a class romantic date, or will drag you into some pleasant and emotional adventure.


Most women use correspondence as a means of informing
each other and men about anything.

Do you really think that he is interested in what you did today? Or, after you answer his next question, will he become more interested in communicating with you and will he want to see you as soon as possible?

NO! NO! NO! and again NO!
Remember, every SMS, every message, must have its own specific purpose. The general goal of all communication with men is to evoke emotions for you in their heads!

Therefore, the purpose of every SMS is to evoke some emotions. Not informing him about something that seems interesting to you, but CHALLENGING EMOTIONS!

When he starts to feel emotions towards you, he starts to get attached to you, he starts to want you. Men don't want the most beautiful, not the smartest, men want those - WHO CAUSE EMOTIONS. Although...they will never tell you about it.....because... They themselves don’t realize this, otherwise everyone would marry only beauties.

Ok, let's get back to the correspondence.

There are 10 main rules of correspondence. Now we will consider only 3, but the effect of them will pleasantly surprise you, like many of my students.
Rule No. 1. Never respond to a text message about him as soon as you read him. He must wait. The longer the better. When he waits, he thinks about you. He starts to get nervous. He has questions: why don’t you answer, what are you doing that is so important and interesting. This is very good for you! Just remember yourself when you were waiting for a message or call from someone, remember your state, how glad you were when he finally called or wrote.

You can respond to SMS within 30-60 minutes, or better yet within 12-24 hours. This will warm up his interest in you even more.

1 SMS per day is the norm.

Rule No. 2. Your SMS text should be shorter than his.
Noticeably shorter: he has 2 sentences, you have one, he has 2 words, you have one. The length of the text during correspondence shows your level of interest in it. It may sound stupid, but that's how men perceive it. Play by these rules, and his interest in you will grow.

Also remove all signs and emoticons! The text of the message contains only words! ONLY WORDS. And nothing more. Extra characters show the wrong image of you in SMS. You probably think something like: he won’t understand anything without punctuation marks. So that's great! Let him think, wonder what you wrote - it plays in your favor. And if he doesn’t understand anything at all, he’ll start calling back, but you won’t pick up the phone.

This will be a cool intrigue out of nowhere.

Rule No. 3. And a few words about the image. When you write a message to a man, always remember what image of yourself you put in the SMS text.
As you write, he will understand!

If you convey to him the image of an insecure, unlucky woman who has everything bad with men and life is hard, then he simply will not want to take such a woman out on a date. And if you create the image of a cool woman who everyone loves, who is lucky in life, who is looked after different men who always knows what to do and who to spend a great time with - this is where he will begin to think about how to make such a woman his. And he will begin to act for this. You will learn the rest of the rules and techniques of correspondence in my seminar “Falling in Love by Text”. You will also receive 30 specific examples and SMS templates that will make men go crazy and fall in love with you from a distance.

Do you know how to correspond correctly? Do you know what to chat with a girl about?

It often happens that you are handsome and got the number of a girl you like. But what to do next? What to write to a girl about?

You need to write in such a way that she wants to answer you. So that you only fuel her interest in you. So, what should you write to a girl to make her like you?

Principles of correspondence with a girl:

1. Be original.

Do you know what your problem is? The fact that you are tedious, boring, monotonous and stereotyped. Why would she want to waste time on you?

You think you're right. You are afraid of offending her, of losing her. You're like an excellent student. But this does not evoke any emotions in her. And that's your big problem.

You write to her standard phrases: "Hi, how are you?", " Good night», « Good morning, did you sleep well, what did you dream about?”, “How was your day?” I'm tired of all this, thousands of men write this way!

Firstly, wit is important: jokes, jokes, non-standard answers. You should put all this in a small SMS, or in correspondence on social networks.

Write outside the box: “May you dream about pink penguins”, “Did you dream that you robbed a bank?”, “Have you already conquered space today?” and so on. Act according to the situation and be unlike anyone else. That's what rules. The first contact is very important, remember this.

2. Ask the right and open questions.

Open questions are those that she cannot answer in one sentence. For example, yes/no/ok.

These are questions like “What did you do today?”, “What emotions did this film evoke in you?”, “What aftertaste did you have after our meeting?”. She will begin to list and answer you in detail. And you will start a conversation.

And one more thing. Don't ask her how she's doing. Better ask how she's feeling. You are communicating with a girl and want to evoke emotions in her. So appeal to these emotions, ask about them! “Why did this interest you?”, “What feelings remained after this event?”

3. Write ambiguously.

When a man wants to say something to a man, he says it. And the second man hears what you told him.

A woman always looks for subtext in your words. What message do you want to convey to her? What did you want to say with this phrase?

So always use ambiguity: “I thought about you and my mood lifted, I want a hug”. When she went to shower, say: "You're wet, have a nice night."

Another advantage of ambiguous communication is that you give her the opportunity to figure out what you wanted to convey. And here the female fantasy comes into play. Women love to speculate.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

Get it 3 video lessons from a closed course

Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

Get 3 free video lessons -

4. Humor.

Where would we be without humor? In winter I write to girls: “There are carrots for the snowman, let’s go build it.” She will immediately have positive emotions from your message.

In the summer you can write something like: “We went to the zoo to feed the giraffe.”

When she doesn't respond to your message for a long time, don't write “Oh, where are you?”. Better say: "Are you alive?". She will immediately turn on her imagination to answer you in a more original way, and you will both laugh.

Don't be boring, boy. Use your brain. Because the brain is the sexiest part of a man.

5. Don't give a fuck.

In the literal sense of the word. You don't need to text her every hour. There is no need to ask whether she has eaten or not, how she is feeling, where she is going and whether something hurts or not.

There is no need to pester her with questions. Give her freedom and personal space.

6. Stop the correspondence first.

No cool correspondence can replace live, high-quality communication. While you are chatting with her, someone else will already invite her on a date and fuck her. Women don't like hookups, they love men who act.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”.



1. with someone or something. Write letters to each other, exchange letters with someone. Text with friends. We correspond with him often.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what “CORRESPONDENCE” is in other dictionaries:

    Correspond, correspond, chat, write off, be in correspondence, whitewash, whitewash, download, fight, exchange letters, correspond, rip off, write out, roll over, copy... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    CORRESPONDING, yes, yes; imperfect Exchange letters, write to each other. P. with friends. | noun correspondence, and, female Be in correspondence with someone. Secrecy of correspondence (official guarantee of inviolability and non-disclosure of content of all types... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Nesov. 1. Exchange letters with someone, write letters to each other. 2. decompression When signing up, you are determined to be enrolled in another category, in another group. 3. To be subject to rewriting or correspondence. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond, correspond,... ... Forms of words

    correspond- I’m texting, I’m chatting, I’m chatting... Russian spelling dictionary

    correspond- (I), copy/write(s), vaesh(sya), vaesh(sya)… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    correspond- Syn: see correspond... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    I. REWRITE, REWRITE; CORRESPONDING see Rewrite. II. I'm trying to CORRESPOND; nsv. 1. to Correspond. 2. Exchange letters with someone, write to each other. P. with friends. ◁ Correspondence (see) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    correspond- I see rewrite; is; suffering II see rewrite, rewrite III I think, I think; nsv. see also correspondence 1) to ... Dictionary of many expressions

    correspond- 1.5.4., SSM 3… Experimental syntactic dictionary


  • Favorites. Let's correspond with American speed... Correspondence 1880-1905
  • Favorites. "Let's correspond with American speed..." Correspondence 1880-1905, Safonov Vasily Ilyich. The proposed publication is the first in Russia publication of selected correspondence of V. I. Safonov, an outstanding musician, pianist and conductor, as well as a major public figure in Russian...

1. Sometimes leaving a letter without an answer means demonstrating to a man your serenity. If a man does more than a couple of sentences, or sends you his resume using a “wink” or “rose” (save/reply features that allow you to forward your resume in response to a selected ad with one click), or sends only a photo, then ignore his message, don't answer him. This will allow him to realize that he did not want to work hard to show his interest in you, and limited himself to a formal answer. Just delete his letter. Such men need online dating for entertainment, not for creating serious relationship.

2. If a man replies to you but does not attach a photo of himself, reply: “I would be pleased to see your photo. Thank you". This is quite enough. Do not enter into lengthy correspondence with this person, even if he sent an interesting and lengthy message. If he refuses to send a photo, there is usually a reason. And these are not empty words. When a man sends a response with a photo and you like his appearance, do not write: “Nice photo” or: “Nice appearance.” Limit yourself to the phrase: “Thank you for the photo” and answer his questions.

3. Do not tell a man that you have reviewed his resume, even if this is true. Reply to him: “Thanks for the message” and anything along these lines that you consider appropriate. You shouldn’t write: “I read your ad. My brother also works as an accountant, and when he was in college like you, he played basketball. I also like skiing and playing tennis... We seem to have a lot in common.” Being the right girl, you're too busy to keep the text of men's ads in your head, remember that? Even if you actually have everything memorized.

4. Don't view his resume as an opportunity to find common ground. For example, if you read that he recently got divorced, don’t write: “I’m sorry about your marriage... Why did it break up?”, and if you learn that he has two children, you don’t need to ask him about their ages. At this stage this does not concern you. Save these topics for the time when you start dating or he himself wants to talk about it. Also, don't be curious about his work. This is clearly a ploy to find out how much he earns and whether he can provide for it in the future. If you like him, try to find happiness with him and don't think about his income. Give him the opportunity to question you himself. Women tend to play question and answer games with men on the Internet for a long time, and this is a waste of time because in most cases it doesn’t even get to date zero.

5. If a man left your letter without attention, do not send him a second message, even if you see in him your future husband or close friend. Absolutely do not do this! Writing to a man twice is a gross mistake that destroys your image as Unique. He may not answer because he is busy or change his mind about communicating with you, and you will go out of your way and fall into despair. In this case, do not hold it!

Don't convince yourself that he or you have a faulty computer. Some systems allow you to determine whether a sent message has been read. Don’t write to him: “I’m not sure if my last message arrived...” It arrived! If he doesn't answer you, well, that's his decision; delete this recipient and move on to the next one! However, remember: if you contact him twice in a row and he answers you, then you will find yourself in the position of a stalker. He will understand that he has hooked you, and the relationship will develop exactly according to this scenario.

7. In the first three months, you should not take the initiative; limit yourself to responding to his messages, and only if his letter deserves an answer to the question. Don't respond to a joke or phrase like, "Did I tell you you're charming?" Even if he regularly sends such flattering messages, wait until the third and write back: “Thank you, I’m very pleased.” Just take a break for a day before answering.

8. Don't burden yourself with your problems. If you’re having a bad day, your job is hanging by a thread, you’re struggling with money, or you’re not feeling well, you shouldn’t share your problems with a man you don’t know well in the hope of arousing his sympathy. For example, don’t write: “Crazy week. 30 people were laid off at work. I could be next. My mother has just been diagnosed with cancer. My ex-boyfriend was a jerk, I hope you’re not like that.” Such communication is acceptable with your girlfriends and even when meeting another woman, but it will absolutely not bring you closer to a potential partner. On the contrary, in this case, an ordinary man will think: “Crazy” or: “Why do I need her problems?” - and will never ask you out on a date. Instead, write something like this: “Hey, got your messages... Very busy at work... I'm going to work right now to walk... I want to burn off the calories from last night's Italian dinner... have a nice day...”

9. After three to four months, you can write a short funny message, a joke or something like that, to remind you of yourself, but in no case touch on the topic of sex, one small innocent message. For example, if he is a basketball fan and the night before his favorite team got eliminated from the playoffs, you can text him: “Hey! Hope you're doing well. Sorry about the Knicks 1 . Maybe luck will smile next year?
1 New York Knicks is the name of the basketball team participating in the NBA championship.

10. Remember the words and phrases that should not be used in your messages, as well as the range of topics that are prohibited from being discussed in email correspondence (even if he does so):

soul mate;
the man of my dreams;
fear of commitment;
references to sex;
his or your long-term plans;
intimate life;
references to (notorious) games (e.g. “I don’t play games”).

All this may look good on paper, but take my word for it, you won’t be able to steer things in the right direction by resorting to the expression “soulmate.” A soul mate is someone who responds to your ad, keeps in touch with you, tries to get your phone number to ask you out, and is your loving and cheerful companion. Unfortunately, you cannot achieve all this by simply writing a certain word on paper, just as you cannot achieve wealth by writing the word “money”. Please be patient. Over time, everything will change. Only it will show who the real soul mate is. Not to mention, you'll just look like someone who has lost hope. Remember that the phrase: “Waiting for my soul mate” is an empty shake of the air.

11. Avoid talking about sex. If he allows this in the very first letters, this is most likely exactly what he needs, so delete this addressee and move on to the next one. If he is interested in your previous relationship, answer: “It didn’t work out.” Don’t go into details, like he didn’t want to take on obligations, cheated on you, etc. What really happened is none of his business.

12. Don't discuss your virtual dating successes via email. Sometimes a man may be curious about how long you have been corresponding with men via the Internet, whether you like this activity and whether you have already met someone. Perhaps he is simply collecting information, being completely uninterested in communicating with you. There is a way out of this situation: write that you are new to online dating and have not been interested in it before, or simply leave the questions unanswered. If he writes something negative (for example, all the women he has dated are irritable and shallow people, etc.) and is simply looking for someone to cry to about the difficulties of the search, answer that you like virtual online dating because it you are being entertained. Remember: girls like Unique are always happy and positive. Perhaps he just wants to talk; well, great - but not with you. Dating on the Internet, as in real life, is not a course of psychotherapy, so do not take this path. You need a man who will invite you on dates, and not start disputes.

13. Even if you are in a relationship, do not discuss private matters via email. It is not given to you to know what the consequences may be. According to an article published in the New York Post in December 2000, a 26-year-old English woman, a PR executive, sent an erotic message to her lawyer boyfriend from her work computer. Big mistake! She described in vivid colors how their intimacy went and how she enjoyed intercourse. He forwarded her revelations to six of his colleague friends, adding the comment: “What a nice compliment from the girl you love, wouldn’t you agree?” His colleagues forwarded the message to their friends. Within 24 hours, the obscene messages were copied, forwarded and sent to millions of people around the world, including Australia and Japan. As a result, the lovers were so depressed by this that they began to hide. The Post sums it up: "This couple's sad story is a cautionary tale in how quickly your most intimate emails can spread." In other words, don't be the butt of ridicule. Don't discuss sex on the Internet. If you do intend to talk about it, save the topic for the date.

14. Another topic that cannot be discussed over email is your needs. Talking about this means alienating men!

“Rules of online dating. How to find true love" E. Fein and S. Schneider (EXMO, 2017)

A new book from the authors of the bestseller "The Rules. How to marry the man of your dreams." The authors of the book have developed for you a unique system consisting of 25 rules and 18 special techniques that will help any woman (regardless of age, social status and computer skills) find the man of her dreams online, make acquaintances and successfully move on to a permanent relationship in the real world.

The employee and the employer communicated via social network or instant messenger chat. One of the interlocutors posted screenshots of this correspondence online. Can you be held accountable for this?
Let's clarify one point right away. Does this correspondence contain any information that may be personal or family secret? If yes, then it is illegal and criminally punishable - liability comes under Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
No, there is correspondence on work matters, nothing personal. Maybe this refers to Art. 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation about violation of the confidentiality of correspondence?

It is useful to know that if you file a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, then when considering such cases, judges are guided by. It defines the dissemination of information discrediting the honor and dignity of citizens or the business reputation of citizens and legal entities as “publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television, demonstration in newsreels and other media, distribution on the Internet, as well as using other means of telecommunications, presentation in official characteristics, public speeches, statements addressed to officials, or communication in one form or another, including oral, to at least one person.”

If there is a risk that someone's honor or dignity (usually individuals) or business reputation (usually legal entities) has been damaged due to published correspondence, then this is punishable. If not, then publishing correspondence on the Internet is within the realm of personal responsibility and morality, but not legal.

Natalya Yakimovskaya