How to recharge your life with positive energy. How to recharge your life with positive energy How to maintain an optimistic outlook on life

Where do you get resources when you don’t have enough strength and zero motivation? It is no secret that energy is determinative of our lives; the solution lies in discovering a source of energy and for different people ways to be energetic - your own.

There is no universal means for “recharging”, but there are certain guidelines that will help you achieve energy and a cheerful state. It is important to remember that motivation is always associated with energy, a state in which you can achieve maximum effect, results and generally feel great. So, what are these guidelines: Internal attitudes determine our state. If the core belief, for example, is that “people live for joy,” then joy will be available, and many events will be seen as an opportunity to get something good, positive.

If the leading belief is that “life is difficult and joyless”, “you can’t get happiness at an easy price,” then access to energy will be blocked, and behavioral strategies will begin to be built on the principle, as Alla Pugacheva’s famous song says: “If you suffer for a long time, something will work out.” Is burnout surprising in perspective then? As long as you have the mindset that there is little good in the area, joy is not for you, energy is not your strong point, any methods and techniques for increasing motivation and developing energy in yourself will be ineffective. And most likely, they will further strengthen the belief that “there is little joy in life.” Set yourself up in a positive way. A positive mood does not mean “flying in the clouds”, living in “ pink glasses“, this means paying attention to the good things that surround you, to what makes you smile, even small ones, but victories and the results of your work. Knowing your needs provides access to a good mood.

As a rule, when you are not in the mood: blues, apathy, melancholy - this means that some need is not satisfied. Here it is useful to answer yourself the question: “What do you want”? Suppose there is a lack of communication with loved ones. Question - what does communication with loved ones give? For example: a feeling of support, approval. Having identified an unfulfilled need, it would be correct to determine when, where, with whom and how the need can be realized? The more solutions are found, the better. As soon as the need is realized, the mood is lifted and energy is released. Having worked on yourself, fulfilled a need, achieved a result, you receive a charge of energy. If the result is achieved and positive emotions no - this may be a consequence of the fact that the need was not accurately defined (something was not taken into account), or the goal was achieved by ignoring a number of important conditions. For example, if you ignore such simple things as daily routine, good nutrition, normal sleep, physical activity, then energy will decrease. Each of us, of course, has our own physiological, genetic characteristics, energy given from birth: some need to do practically nothing, others have to make an effort to develop some quality in themselves, good habit, which will promote energy and vigor.

But no matter what level of energy you initially have, if proper attention is not provided to the body, resources will sooner or later be exhausted. If you know that in order to feel good, you need to go to bed at 11 pm and sleep at least 7 hours, then this is your norm. Or every hour active work you need to take a break for a couple of minutes (drink water, turn your attention to something, walk, chat, just do nothing) and this is important for maintaining energy reserves - follow this rule. Having spent some of your energy, you need to restore it, or, in the best case, increase it. With emotional exhaustion, what happens is that you waste energy without having time to recover, and as a result, the body wears out. Due to the correct regime, good sleep, nutrition, etc. balance is maintained in the body, physical activity develops vigor, endurance, mental activity - flexibility and variability of thinking.

“We reflect our lifestyle: what we eat, wear, use, do and don’t do.” The ability to concentrate on what you love, on what is interesting to you and useful to others, will not allow you to fall into melancholy and sadness. Have you noticed how people who are passionate about something radiate energy? As soon as they appear surrounded by other people, the “movement” immediately begins. How do you know if it's your business? - When you can say: “Oh, this is mine”! If it’s difficult to understand your guidelines, try, look. It’s scary that you start different hobbies and give up - don’t give up trying, what you give up just means that it’s not yours. From 100% various types activity, you may be inspired by 10% to find yours - look, stop, you definitely won’t find it.

When starting a business, ask yourself: what is interesting to me in this business, how can it be useful? This way you will understand yourself better. A prerequisite, an entry point into a state of energy, is communication with energetic people. Your environment influences you, so surround yourself with those who will support you, instill confidence, and motivate you by example, and not the other way around - demotivating. Be open to communication with active people, be charged with positivity from them. Pay attention to how they speak, what they say, how they move, and other verbal and nonverbal characteristics. They usually walk quickly, their movements are light, their voice is cheerful, they speak loudly, their gestures are wide and open. Successful, energetic people know how to draw energy from themselves, realizing their goals without shifting responsibility to others, expecting miracles, and actively getting involved in the process of what is interesting and important. Learn to take and give - mutual exchange, mutual enrichment gives doubly.

Another guideline that will help you get in the right mood is your image and clothing style. Dress for the goals you want to achieve: dress for the job you want to do, etc. Have clothes in your wardrobe that make you feel... good mood. For example, wear a suit that makes you feel confident and great, where you need to feel confident; you have a favorite watch or other accessory, perfume that lifts your spirits - and this is a good anchor to your resourceful state. With the help of things, you can easily create a cheerful mood for yourself and those around you. When confidence and strength are not enough, challenge yourself: “I can!”, “Can I?” Expand the boundaries of your comfort if you are working and there is no exhaust. Prove to yourself that you are capable of more, of better! Be open to what you want!

In what mood do we start a new day? As a rule, it sounds like this: get up again, go back to work, but you still want to sleep. Dissatisfaction is not the most best start day. Nowadays, you can find yourself in a stressful situation on your way to work. But you can help yourself. To feel good during the day, you need to learn how to start the morning correctly and set yourself up in a positive way. It won't require special effort and a lot of time.

Where does a good day start?

Let's look at several ways to help recharge positive mood from the very morning:

  • When we wake up in the morning, we think only about good things. Remember something pleasant that does not cause anxiety or irritation. Remember an event with which you have positive emotions.
  • Your favorite music lifts your spirits in the morning. Calm or invigorating - decide for yourself. The main condition is that you like her. Classical music lovers can listen to Tchaikovsky's Barcarolle or Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata - these works relieve irritation. Works by Chopin and Strauss add confidence. Bach’s “Italian Concerto” will help get rid of resentment and envy, if any.
  • Exercising to your favorite music will help you finally wake up and recharge your batteries. In addition, it also has health benefits.
  • A shower is not only refreshing, but also gives you a good mood.
  • Give yourself enough time in the morning to drink a cup of tea or coffee slowly, with pleasure and pleasant thoughts that a wonderful day awaits you today.
  • You can use aromatherapy to help you. For example, the smell of orange gives you a joyful, romantic mood and helps you feel the taste of life. By the way, suitable for this purpose are cosmetics with that smell. But you can choose any pleasant scent.
  • Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down your achievements every evening, even the smallest successes. In the morning, re-read your notes made the day before - it’s great inspiration.
  • Don't turn on the TV or read the news on your computer in the morning. The media are oversaturated with reports of criminal incidents, tragedies, and disasters. You can't change anything anyway, so why think about it all day?
  • To tune your mind to the positive, do a little auto-training. Just repeat that today a wonderful day awaits you, interesting things, events, meetings. This mood will help you pay more attention to nice little things, which we tend not to notice, focusing on the negative.

If you take care of peace of mind and balance in the morning, you will feel better and you will be able to enjoy every day of your life.

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It is no secret that almost any mechanism requires periodic recharging to continue its functions. As a child, everyone had at least one toy that moved thanks to the energy of a battery inserted into it. As soon as the energy supply was exhausted, the toy lost its ability to move and ceased to be so interesting for us.

No matter how strange it may sound, each of us (to some extent) can also be compared to this toy. We function safely in all our manifestations exactly as long as we have sufficient life energy present in us.

This refers not only to brute physical strength, which accumulates through rest and adequate nutrition, but also to the spiritual and energetic potential of our essence.

Some people waste it faster, some more slowly – that’s not the point. The essence is the ability to learn to replenish energy reserves in your own body in order to fully enjoy the life given to us on this Earth.

Cut your losses

First, I would like to draw your attention to reducing the loss of energy already available in the body. We spend our precious reserves often completely unjustifiably, “thanks” to ignorance, imperfection, as well as external vampiric influence. This happens as follows.

The cause of energy loss may be:

  • Communicating with or being surrounded by “energy vampires”
  • various kinds of diseases;
  • body postures that lead to energy loss (stooping, tightness, excessive openness);
  • chaotic movements, synchronous imitation of another person (vampire), for example, in gait
  • in case of insufficient inflow fresh air, little contact with nature;
  • the presence of internal emotional conflicts;
  • emotions manifested in aggressive and depressive states;
  • desires that are mutually exclusive (interfering with their implementation);
  • unresolved problems from the past;
  • emotional trauma;
  • short sleep time, which does not allow one to gain a sufficient amount of subtle life-giving energy.

If you can reduce these losses by removing unnecessary things from your life, you will thereby help maintain the necessary energy balance.

Where to start

In order to replenish the energy reserves of your body, you need to make a decision - to work on yourself. This should be done not only with your head or at the emotional level, but with your whole being.

Including consciousness, which allows you to clearly understand that your goal is the only correct and necessary one.

The mind is capable of transforming (crystallizing) understanding into a clear form.

A heart that can imbue your decision with emotional power.

The will that gives opportunity the decision taken constantly retained in memory and transforming it from desire into action, in spite of all obstacles.

Only then does your decision become a behavioral attitude and acquire vitality.

Energy Storage Basics

They are quite simple and natural, but they should be strictly adhered to if you really want to be constantly filled with the energy of life:

  • Avoid contact with energy vampires, and people who are unpleasant to you. On the contrary, try to surround yourself with people you enjoy being with.
  • Try to get rid of diseases. News healthy image life (observance of daily routine, proper nutrition, normal sleep, exercise).
  • Contact nature as often as possible.
  • Overcome the tendency to be aggressive and depressive states. Learn to control yourself.
  • Be open to love for God, yourself, people and the environment. Learn to stop the chaotic flow of your own thoughts. Remove negatively colored thoughts, depriving them of the opportunity to live in your mind. Master positive thinking.
  • Free yourself from unnecessary, disturbing information, memories filled with stressful situations.
  • Overcome your own laziness. Cultivate will and perseverance in achieving your goals. Learn to rejoice and find satisfaction in the process of creation (not to do work mechanically).
  • Get rid of incorrect attitudes such as: humiliation, uselessness, as well as arrogance or permissiveness.
  • Avoid excessive frankness and talkativeness.
  • Overcome the desire for self-criticism and self-examination.
  • Learn to see in other people the manifestation of the Divine foundation. Strive for energy sources in nature, creativity, spiritual teachings, advanced people.

This is not a complete list of where you should start your journey in accumulating life energy. Try to complete it!

Recharge from natural sources

To obtain recharge (recharge), you can use natural sources: earth, water, trees. Do the following exercises and get energy:

Earth Energy: Sit cross-legged on the ground with your index and index fingers together. thumb(on both hands), touch the ground with the remaining fingers. Breathe evenly and deeply. Focus on the thought that as you inhale, you draw in the energy of the earth through your fingertips, and as you exhale, you transform it into your own bioenergy.

Water energy: immerse your whole body in the water, establish rhythmic breathing and tune in to receive water energy through the pores of the body as you inhale, and convert it into bioenergy as you exhale.

Tree energy: Choose a tree with a straight trunk and feel its favorable location towards you. Stand at some distance from it (but so as to feel its influence).

Start with the "rinsing" process. To do this, identify yourself with the chosen tree, and imagine how energy approaches the roots from below from the Earth, moving up the trunk.

Then feel the energy of the cosmos, entering through the crown and moving down to the roots. Imagine how it “washes” your entire being.

Having achieved a feeling of inner purity, go to the tree and, placing your palms on it or hugging it, ask to give you life-giving energy. With each inhalation, feel it flowing in.

Many people do not know that the primary reason for the success of most people is energy. The good news is that each of us can charge ourselves with positive energy, like a battery.

There is very large number ways to cheer up in the morning and charge your energy in such a way as to attract money and good luck. By the way, one of the best and most versatile helpers for stable energy cleansing is a cat. We previously wrote about how a cat affects the energy of the house. A person is part of the house, since we are energetically connected with the place in which we live, so cats clean not only the house, but also you and me.

How to charge yourself with luck

In the morning, not only before work or before an important event, but also on a day off, it is important to get a boost of energy in order to be ready for any difficulties and attract success.

Lack of the right mood can turn even a busy day into a cloudy night. Conversely, recharging your energy first thing in the morning can put you on the road to success, even if everything is stacked against you.

Psychological method: Everyone knows that if you set yourself up for failure from the start, your chances of achieving success in any field are significantly reduced. Psychologists explain this simply. The fact is that thinking abilities deteriorate during experiences, or when we give up. The brain simply has no incentive to continue working at full capacity. That is why it is necessary to set yourself up in the morning so that even in the most difficult situations there is still a chance to win or find something positive even in the worst ending.

Meditation method: If you have half an hour in the morning, give preference to meditation, which will improve your mood by charging you with positivity. Meditation is the construction of internal images in the mind. You choose a specific meditation, or simply relax in complete silence and imagine something pleasant and motivating. The results for those who meditate for at least a month are stunning. Many people note a noticeable improvement in their well-being and a positive effect: good luck at work, in business, in love. This does not happen by chance, since the aura of these people becomes stable and positive.

Affirmations method: You can charge yourself with luck for the whole day thanks to affirmations. Their advantage and disadvantage at the same time is that it is impossible to set yourself up for positivity in the right way the first time, but later this method allows you to achieve stability. Affirmations are initially a prototype of our thoughts, that is, what you repeat to yourself regularly every day should become a part of you, and not just motivating words. They are remembered best in the morning and before bed, so don’t forget to tell yourself the right words. The best affirmations for every day are described in a separate article. Check them out and choose the ones that are right for you.

General Tips: When you wake up from sleep, don’t rush to run for coffee. If you have bad habits, it is better to leave them for the second half of the day. Learn to greet the morning without cigarettes, alcohol or coffee. Always go to bed on time and always get up early. First you will need to take a contrast shower, and then drink a glass clean water. After a while you can have breakfast. If possible, eat an apple. The fact is that apples contain substances that invigorate much better than the strongest coffee. They are also harmless.

Meet the morning correctly to make your energy strong and positive. This will prepare you for any challenge. Don't forget also about amulets and talismans. For example, you can choose a talisman stone based on your Zodiac Sign. This is the easiest way to provide yourself with additional invisible protection from harm. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2016 07:11

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How to set yourself up for positivity? How to break out vicious circle hopelessness?

The way we relate to our life, whether positive or negative, largely determines the entire further course of our destiny. Anyone who constantly whines, whines and nagging, as a rule, never achieves anything significant in life. Conversely, those who are optimistic and go through life with a smile are easily able to overcome all difficulties. They confidently move towards their chosen goal and achieve it, and those around them say: “How does he manage to do everything?”

People can look at the same thing, but see it differently...

How does a positive attitude “work”? It has long been known that we all live according to the laws of “mirror reflection” and receive from the world around us the energy that we ourselves give to it. Are you irritated by repeated failures? Do you not notice anything good in life and focus all your attention on the negative aspects? Think about what statements you repeat more often: “I can do it,” “Everything will be fine,” or “I won’t succeed,” “I can’t handle this,” “Nothing good can be expected”? If there is more dark negativity in your thoughts and words, then you should not be surprised when it appears more and more often in your life - it simply returns to it!

“Trouble does not come alone”, “Not a person, but thirty-three misfortunes” - this is how folk wisdom aptly describes repeated failures. Have you noticed how positive people who joyfully greet any new day attract luck like a magnet? They know how to rejoice at good news, enjoy every positively charged minute, and their cheerful “charges” spread to those around them - with positive people everyone wants to communicate, they are always surrounded by friends.

But as soon as you succumb to depression even a little and start to “lose yourself,” failures will immediately begin to pour out, as if from a holey bag.

The structure of our world is such that for some reason people first of all pay attention to the bad, but, on the contrary, they often do not notice the good, it seems to them not so significant. But then the worldview changes to a positive one, and gradually it begins to seem that there are more joyful, good moments in life, and problems fade into the background. Very soon a person begins to notice that his positive attitude is materializing, and this does not happen by chance - anyone who strives to achieve any heights in life must firmly believe in the best. If you love life, sooner or later you will expect reciprocity from it!

Amazing things are nearby! Love life and it will love you back!

How to start enjoying life: taking the first steps

  • To change your life and “tune” it to a confident positive wave, first, stop complaining all the time about failures and bad luck, cry to everyone you meet about your problems, and always expect only the bad.
  • Break up with envy - a faithful companion of a negative attitude towards life. Did your work colleague get a promotion? Has your neighbor returned from the store again with huge bags full of new clothes? Your friend got her license and is going to buy a car? Believe me, this is not a reason to be upset at all! Maybe now, in a new position, your former colleague will put in a good word for you? And you haven’t looked at your neighbor for a long time, maybe she can tell you the addresses of stores that are currently having very good sales? As for your friend, think about what prevented you from completing a driving course with her and now walking around car dealerships together? It’s not too late to fix everything and become a full-fledged driver, and your friend, seeing your positive attitude, will be happy to help you master the rules of the road!
  • Start to have a positive attitude towards yourself, looking with approval in the mirror and not focusing on visible shortcomings. Go to a stylist or makeup artist and forget all the unpleasant life situations that happened to you because of your appearance. Or maybe you just lacked confidence and you actually look great!
  • Never remember the phrase “I will never achieve this.” Think about it, perhaps you thought so, imagining completely unrealistic prospects? Review your plans, set real, truly achievable goals and boldly begin to implement them! Yes, you may not become the Minister of Finance, but the position of head of the accounting department is definitely up to you!
  • Bring back little joys into your life - put on a CD with your favorite music, buy and eat delicious ice cream with pleasure. To overcome possible chronic fatigue, ask for a day off from work or take a day off - maybe you just need to get some sleep? Call your friends and arrange a fun meeting in a pleasant place - the fulfillment of small wishes will allow you to restore the lost positive attitude!

The best time to speak affirmations and positive attitudes is before bed and immediately after waking up.

Effective methods of positive psychology

  1. How to attract positivity into your life? This can be done with the help of special settings with which we “program” our destiny. These attitudes are powerful positive statements, which, when spoken, you gradually make them an integral part of your life. These attitudes are individual for each person, and you may well develop them for yourself. In some ways, this technique is reminiscent of auto-training, only you yourself determine how important this or that statement will be for you at each specific moment. Let’s say you really want to attract the attention of an attractive employee, but before you didn’t dare to do it. Now you can, with the help of the statement “I am very attractive, and today I will definitely say hello to him (I will invite him for coffee, give him a compliment),” set yourself up to achieve your goal, and be sure that you will definitely be able to achieve it!
  2. Visualization is a mental representation of your dreams, your aspirations. Imagine every night before going to bed that your goal has been achieved and in your thoughts “examine” it from all sides. The clearer the picture, the more powerful the effect of this exercise will be!
  3. Personal horoscope - only it should be compiled not by a professional astrologer, but by you yourself. Think about what you would “predict” for yourself for the near future and the long term? Predict all your dreams and desires, set specific dates for them (at least roughly).
  4. “The Magic Card of Desires” is a great way to set yourself up for a positive, creative, exciting process. On a large sheet of paper, make a collage of your ideas about the future, what you would like to achieve, what to buy, where to go on vacation. Let these not be dry phrases “Sea”, “Fur coat”, “Defense of thesis”, but colorful, bright pictures. Where can I get them from? The best thing is to cut it out from unnecessary “glossy” magazines, carefully stick it on a paper base and attach it in a conspicuous place so that you can see your dreams every day. Remember - everything is achievable if you really want it!

To have a successful day, it is important to be positive in the morning!

How to Maintain an Optimistic Outlook on Life

Do not under any circumstances become complacent, do not “give up” and do not rest on the results achieved! Constant active actions and the next steps to implement your next aspirations - this is what should now be in your life every day. And there is no longer any doubt that you can achieve everything, because you were able to do the most important thing - you set your destiny on a positive wave, brought it back to life bright colors and overcame bad luck. Now all your actions will be filled with joyful moments, pleasure, and whatever you do, you will certainly succeed!

Giving others warmth, care, smiles and pleasant moments is so important both for maintaining a positive attitude and for surrounding yourself with a kind, bright aura. Do not demand gratitude from anyone, do not expect anything in return. And very soon you will see how fate, in response to your selfless positive actions, will generously bestow good luck and favor.

Positive mood video

Try not to lose the skills that we talked about today, use them constantly, let simple exercises to attract positivity become part of your life. People around you will soon notice that you are becoming an energizing optimist, and the statement “Everything will be fine” practically turns into your life motto. Everything will change for the better, it is only important to sincerely believe in it! Good luck!