Lesson notes on environmental education. Open lesson on environmental education for preschoolers

SP – Kindergarten “Beryozka” GBOU secondary school “OC” in the village of Avgustovka

Abstract of the integrated educational activities

on environmental education

Theme: “Protect our Earth”

IN senior group


Dmitrieva Elena Vyacheslavovna,

SP teacher – Kindergarten “Beryozka”

State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School "OC" in the village of Augustovka

g.o. SAMARA, 2016

Subject "Let's protect our Earth"

Type: Generalizing

View: Environmental education

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, socio-communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.



1. Expand children’s understanding of planet Earth and the surrounding nature.

2. To form the concept that everything in nature is interconnected, that a person should not violate this relationship so as not to harm the animal and plant world.

3. To form the idea that man is a part of nature and that he must preserve, protect and protect it.

4. Systematize children’s knowledge about ways to protect the environment

5. To consolidate children’s knowledge about trees growing in a given area, be able to classify them, find external similarities and differences.

6 . Improve counting skills within 10.Develop the ability to distinguish between the questions “how much”, “which”, “which” and answer them correctly.

7. Improve musical memory through recognizing melodies from individual fragments of works (introduction).

8. To form a desire to interact with peers when creating collective applications, to consolidate the skills of accurate gluing.

9. Improve children’s ability to conduct simple experiments, think logically, and draw conclusions.


1. To develop the ability to form adjectives from nouns.

2. To develop the ability to divide two- and three-syllable words into parts,develop the ability to hear and listen to spoken words.

3. Continue to develop the ability to answer questions posed and draw conclusions; develop coherent speech, the ability to answer a question in a complete sentence.


1. Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships that exist in nature,make logical conclusions.

2. Develop observation skills, create the need to share your impressions.

3. Develop cognitive interest in the environment.

4. Develop children's creative imagination and imagination.


1. Foster respect and love for the environment,understanding its significance in human life,desire to take care of her.

2. Form the foundations of environmental culture and safe behavior in nature.

Preliminary work

Teacher training:

I compiled a summary, selected visual and didactic material, and prepared an audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Sound of the Wind”, “Snowdrop”, prepared a presentation for the game “The Fourth Wheel”, equipment for experiments.

Preparing children: preliminary conversation on the topic of the lesson,conversations about the rules of behavior in nature,about air (the meaning of air, causes of air pollution, ways of purification), about water (the meaning of water, causes of pollution, ways to purify water), about wildlife (rules of behavior in nature)

Materials and equipment:

Globe, letter, pictureswith imagetreesforests

(birch, aspen, linden, oak, maple, spruce, pine, rowan, alder),sound recording"The Sound of the Wind""Snowdrop"P.I. Tchaikovsky.computer, presentation of the game “Fourth is odd” (trees), ball;for experiments: cups of water, straws, plastic bag, soap bubbles; tape recorder, medallions for the didactic game “Web of Life” (wolf, hare, bee, flower, tree, water, air, bird, carrot, sun); images of flowers of various colors and sizes, a ball,manual “Tsvetik-seventsvetik”,glue pencil, napkins, oilcloths, images of natural phenomena, for reflection, emblems of flowers: cornflower, poppy.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Logic of educational activities

Introductory part

09. 35-09.45

Draws attention to the state of the weather outside the window: “Guys, when you went to kindergarten, you probably noticed what morning it is today. The air is transparent, light and clean. The sun is gentle and warm. The sky is high and azure. What’s your mood on this wonderful morning?”

“Yes, today is a sunny and joyful day.

Good morning, to everyone who woke up.

Good morning, whoever smiled.

Open your eyes, look at us,

We love you all, and you love us.

Good morning, Sun!

Good morning, Heaven!

Good morning, Earth!

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in a globe with a letter attached.”

"Attention! Residents of planet Earth call the rescue service. We inform you: our planet is in danger: the air and water are poisoned, forests have been cut down, flowers and many animals have been destroyed; we appeal to everyone who can hear us. Help us tell everyone about our misfortune. Maybe then people will hear us. We really hope for your help! »

Educator: “Do you want to help the Earth, save it from destruction? Transform it into a green paradise, where birds chirp and clear water gurgles?”

Invites children to help planet earth: “Then let’s prove that we really are environmentalists. Who knows who environmentalists are?

Who knows what the environment is?

To prove that we are true environmentalists, we need to know a lot. Now let's check if you know everything.

There are many different wonders on our Earth: high mountains, deep rivers, icy seas, and hot deserts. But perhaps the greatest miracle is the forest. - But how do we get into the forest, how can we get to it?

Let's turn into clouds.

We will turn into clouds

Let's rush to the nearby forest.

To see from above

Trees, grass and bushes"

Establish the relationship between weather and mood.

Answer the questions: “Good, cheerful and joyful”

Observe the actions of the teacher,

The children discover the envelope.

They answer questions: “Yes, we want to help.”

They respond emotionally and answer questions: “These are people who stand up for protecting our nature, protecting the environment.

This is everything that surrounds people on Earth, water and mountains, sky and earth, plants and cities, factories and factories. These are the places where we live, relax, and work.”

By bus, on foot, by car.

Children close their eyes and “turn” into clouds

Establishes the relationship between weather and mood

Observation develops, and the need to share one’s impressions is formed.

Interest in the upcoming GCD is formed. Cause an emotionally positive response to the game situation.

Develops a caring attitude and love for the environment, a desire to take care of it.

Main part


He invites you to sit on the chairs and look at the illustrations of trees: “The magic forest has prepared a test for us.What trees do you know?

What is the name of the forest in which these trees grow?

How can you call trees in one word: spruce, fir, pine, cedar? And why?

Guys, what other kind of forest is there? What trees grow in a mixed forest. Look how fun it is on earth with plants."

1. Spruce - spruce forest (spruce forest).

2. Oaks - oak grove (oak forest).

3. Pines - pine forest (pine forest).

4. Aspens - aspen forest (aspen grove)

They look at the illustrations and answer the questions: “Rowan, birch, poplar, aspen, maple, alder.


Conifers because they have needles instead of leaves.


Deciduous and coniferous»

The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships that exist in nature develops.

consolidate children's knowledge about trees growing in a given area, be able to classify them, find external similarities and differences;

Game "Fourth wheel"

Group objects by elimination, according to common characteristics

Attention, memory, and the ability to compare are trained, highlighting similarities and differences between objects. Enriches knowledge about the world around us. Developing logical thinking. The ability to combine objects according to common characteristics is developed.

"Tell me in one word"

(ball game)

“I will throw the ball and name the leaves and fruits of the trees, and you tell me what it is called in one word

birch leaf - birch

aspen leaf - aspen

maple leaf – maple

oak leaf – oak

linden leaf - linden

alder leaf - alder

rowan leaf - rowan

poplar leaf - poplar

spruce cone - spruce

pine cone - pine"

Under the supervision of the teacher, words-attributes are selected for words - objects.

The ability to form adjectives from nouns is formed, word formation skills are consolidated

"Put the flowers in order"

"What count"

“The earth likes it when there are a lot of flowers in the forest, we ended up with you in a flower meadow

How many beautiful flowers in the clearing! Let's count them. (Children count.)

Are all flowers the same?

That's right, they differ in color and size. What is the small orange flower on the left? Which one is on the left? blue flower? ...red flower? Let us now arrange them in ascending order.”

Compare flowers and name distinctive features(size, color), count flowers from left to right and vice versa. Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Improved counting skills within 10.The ability to distinguish between questions is formed

“Which”, “Which one” and answer them correctly.

Physical exercise "Snowdrop" with musical accompaniment by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Imagine that you are a small seed and you are deep in the ground. And now you will begin to grow, slowly but surely. One - we rise, two - we open up, three - our leaves reach out to the gentle sun. Our buds are blooming. We beautiful flowers. We smile at the sun. And suddenly a cold, gusty wind blew. It disturbs the flower field, sways: forward, backward, right, left, but we hold on tightly to the ground. No wind can destroy beautiful flowers. This is how good conquers evil! Well done! You were real flowers

Let's continue our journey, there is a lot more interesting here

Children squat in a circle with their heads bent toward their knees and their arms clasped around them.
Perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music

Musical memory is improved through the recognition of melodies from individual fragments of works. The ability to imagine oneself in the role of an object is formed, to use various means expressiveness corresponding to the nature of the music

"Divide into syllables" (birch, poplar, chamomile, oak, rose, cloud, water, sun, magpie, crow )

“Take the pictures and name what is shown on it.

The word needs to be repeated

And divide into syllables"

Divide words into syllables

The ability to divide two- and three-syllable words into parts is being developed.

The sound of the wind sounds .(audio recording)

« What is this?

What is wind?

What is air for?

Let's check if there is air on our planet? - invites children to conduct an experiment with air “What’s in the bag?”

"Take plastic bag. What's in it?

Look how thin he is. Now you fill the bag with air and squeeze it.

What size is the package? What's in the package?

Now unclench the bag and release the air from it. The package became thin again. Why?

The air is transparent, to see it, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it."

Glass of water, straw. Blow into a tube placed in a glass of water.

“Blow into a tube placed in a glass of water. What's happening?

You see! Conclusion: this means there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and he comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and we get bubbles.

Cover your noses with your fingers? Well, how can you not breathe for a long time? What do we breathe?

This means our invisible friend is the air.

Guys, what other bubbles can you blow?

Let's blow soap bubbles too.

Yes, there is still air on Earth, but there are many microbes in it. Why is it sometimes very difficult to breathe on Earth, do you think?

What else can you not live without on Earth?

If our hands are waxed,
If there are blots on your nose,
Who is our first friend then?
Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?
What mom can't live without
No cooking, no washing,
Without what, we will say frankly,
Should a person die?
For the rain to fall from the sky,
So that the ears of bread grow,
For ships to sail -
We can’t live without...”


It's air movement

Our Earth breathes air, like all people living on Earth.

Accept active participation in conducting the experiment.

It's empty.

The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag.

There is no air in it.


Bubbles come out.

Express their guessesabout the need for air for life, they predict the conclusion: “Without air there is no life on earth”


Children give reasons for the results of experiments


An interest in cognitive- research activities, learn to draw conclusions based on the experience.

Game "Good - bad"

“Children, when is water good?”

“We did an excellent job. Let’s listen to the answers to the second question: “Water is bad. Why?".

They talk about a given topic and express their own assumptions.

Water is needed for drinking, cooking, washing, washing dishes, floors, toys, washing the car and washing clothes. They are hardened with water. Water is needed to water flowers and plants in the garden. Various animals and fish also live in the water, and birds live near the water.

This is good!

If you get drunk in the heat cold water, then it’s fashionable to get sick. Hot water can burn you. If you do not handle water carefully and spill it on the floor, you can slip and fall, large puddles after rain. If you water your plants too often, they may die. If you don't know how to swim, you can drown. There are floods and then the water destroys everything in its path, sparing no one or anything.

The ability to speak in complex sentences is improved, to see positive and positive aspects in one phenomenon. negative qualities. teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships and make logical conclusions.

Game "Web of Life"

Children stand in a circle. Everyone receives a badge and begins the game.

A child with a badge depictingbee (any character), takes a ball of thread.

Educator: what does a bee need?

Child (with "flower" ): flower! I'm needed!

The “Bee” child passes the ball to the flower child. The end of the thread remains with the "Bee".

"Flower"-child: what do I need for life?

"Water"- child: I need water!

By the end of the game, all children find themselves entangled in twine, symbolizing the numerous food and non-food connections between the components of the forest.

“The threads that connected you exist in nature, only they are invisible. These threads inextricably connect one natural object with another, which is why they are called “connections.” More precisely, “interrelations”, because these objects mutually need each other. Relationships intersect, become entangled, and a web is formed that connects everyone to everyone.

Guys, pull your strings. Are the connections strong? "Flower" let go of your thread. What's happening?"

“This can happen if at least one species of plant or animal dies.

Well done, guys! We wind up a ball of thread.

They talk about the necessity of such factors for life.

The web begins to crumble.

The concept is being formed that everything in nature is interconnected, that a person should not violate this relationship so as not to harm the animal and plant world.

Didactic game

"If I Were a Wizard"

Children take turns giving gifts to the forest, explaining their meaning, passing a magic wand or taking petals from a seven-flowered flower.

1. Earth, I give you the sun, let it shine brightly and warm you.

2. Earth, I give you rain, let it give water to all your inhabitants.

3. Earth, I give you grass so that insects and animals can return.

4. Earth, I give you trees so that the birds will return.

5. Earth, Earth, I give you flowers, let them decorate you.

6. Earth, I give you animals, because you are a home for them.

7. Earth, I give you birds so that they will delight you with their singing.

8. Earth, I give you insects so that they will decorate you with their bright outfit.

10. Earth, I give you berries, because birds feed on them.

11. Earth, I give you mushrooms, because animals eat them.

The ability to solve a problem situation is formed, creative imagination is activated.

“That’s how many wonderful encounters the fairytale forest has prepared for us.

What needs to be done to prevent disaster from happening on our planet?”

“Guys, you know that in addition to the rules traffic, which we all observe, there are rules of conduct on planet earth that we must also observe. We need to teach everyone how to lead in nature correctly. Let's environmentalists remember the rules of behavior in nature.

And now we will make prohibitory environmental signs with you so that people know what not to do on planet earth. Let's put up prohibition signs and hang them on the ecological trail.

Look at these environmental signs: What do the signs warn us about?

What do they mean?

Preserve, protect, protect nature

children's answers

Under the supervision of a teacher, they carry out work on making environmental signs.

A desire is formed to interact with peers when creating collective applications. Accurate gluing skills are reinforced.

Summing up



Is what you learned today important? Why is this useful in life? What was the most difficult task for you? Why?

Environmental defenders, who today were very interested in saving our earth from pollution, take a red poppy as a gift, and those who were a little at a loss or thought this was a very difficult matter, take a blue cornflower.

Why did you take the red poppy?

Why did you take blue cornflower?

Today I am very pleased that you helped our Earth - saved it from destruction. And I think that in the future you will protect and preserve the world around us every day!

Thanks for your work, guys!

Choose pictures with poppy or cornflower

The ability to independently summarize the results of one’s work is formed, and self-control skills are improved.

Author: Prokudina Evgenia Aleksandrovna
Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work:
Location: Kemerovo region, Belovsky district, village. Mencherep, st. Central

Integration of areas: " Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Software tasks:

Educational: expand and . To form an interest in, introduce children to the norms and.

Developmental: develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the population, develop their horizons, thinking, and coherent speech.

Preliminary work: Video presentation “Life of Reservoirs”, reading fiction, .

Materials: decorated hall, large basin with water, nets, buckets, drawn travel map, transport and chairs (corresponding to the ticket), musical accompaniment.

GCD move:

Guys, we received a letter, we are invited to visit. Yes, there is something else here. What is this? (children card). Well done, right. Do you know what is shown on the map (path). Let's take a look together. What a trip, would you like to go on a trip? First you need to calculate the distance, and how to calculate (measure) it. Correctly what is used to measure (ruler, tape measure, meter). Well, we don’t have any of these items. Here's what it is. Let's check our pockets. Machine, hairpin, comb. Is it possible to measure distance with these objects? Yes (they do). That’s how cool we now know that to the station …………………….and to the station……………………….and to the station……………………………………A where is the greater distance between which stations………..and where is the shorter distance. Well done guys. You can go on a trip by any means of transport (car, train, bus, plane). We'll go by bus. But it’s not easy because for the trip you need to buy something... (tickets). Please come to the box office, tickets are bought for money...we will be there for you magic words. Remember. Hello. Please give me 1 ticket. Thank you.

Now take your seats according to your tickets (geomert.figugam). Everyone is ready, let's go, let's sing (chorus: We go, we go, we go to distant lands …).

1 The first station “Vesennyaya Polyana”.

What a clearing this is. Spring. Guys, what do you think happened here? Vacationers littered. What rules do you think vacationers should follow (children’s answers). What should we do now? Of course, we will help and restore cleanliness and order (collect all garbage in garbage bags). We’ll be leaving now, but what if vacationers come again? Let’s leave a “No Littering” sign here in the clearing. Here it is clearly missing something (red sign - cross out means don’t throw ). They put up a sign.

Now we're on the road again. We take seats according to our tickets. They go and sing a song. We've arrived. Where have we ended up?

2 This is the Water World station

Let's see. What's happened swamp?

1. child - This is a very overgrown lake that has become polluted. There are snakes and frogs here. Water lilies and reeds grow - moisture-loving plants that need a lot of water. Stork birds live in the swamp. And also water striders and dragonflies, they glide through the water as if on skates.

What is it spring (answers).

2. child - Rodnichok. And they also say the key. This is not the one that opens doors. The key comes out of the ground. It contains clean fresh water. There are no big fish in it.

What's happened sea, ocean (answers).

3. child - The water in the sea and oceans is salty. It's impossible to drink like this. But jellyfish and the largest mammals, whales, swim there. I like sharks - they are predators. And dolphins - they are called rescuers, the smartest ones treat people and children.

What's happened 4 lake?

4 . child - The lake may not be very big or small. But there is also the largest lake, Lake Baikal. The water is the cleanest there. Its underwater inhabitants are listed in the Red Book.

We looked carefully at this….lake. But, in my opinion, there is a problem with our lake... look (someone caught all the fish, shells, pebbles and algae). Let's help (children launch fish, shells, pebbles and algae). Well done. It became so great. I’m just thinking now that we will soon leave, and our lake will remain without such wonderful helpers. How to be... (let's put up a sign to protect the beauty of a living body of water - the Lake).

Are you ready to hit the road? (ride, sing).

3 Here we are station "World of Animals and Birds". Looks like something bad happened here. You saw what happened to the clearing, what happened to the lake. So the animals, the birds, couldn’t live as before, they left. Here at this station everyone now lives together. Yes, it’s just not clear. Let's help. Listen carefully to who is asking for help (phonogram sounds. Cuckoos - yes, this is a WOLF, children NO this isCUCKOO) . Well done right. ,,tell me what you know about this cuckoo bird (children's story)

6 . child - Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo cuckoo, Cuckooing at the edge of the forest.
The foliage hides it, protects it from eyes.
The cuckoo is calling for summer, which is lost somewhere,
The sun asks for heat, Let the wind carry away the rain.
She counts the years, And knows how long we should live.

Let’s listen again - it’s a CROW asking for help (the bear roars). Who...that's right bear.……… tell me what you know about the bear

7. child - A giant sleeps in winter, In a warm den.

Waiting for spring warmth, And the blossoming of nature.

Clubfoot is very dexterous and loves to catch fish.

To taste the sweet honey, You can destroy the hive.

Let's listen again (WOLF howls) Who is this? tell me what you know about him.

8. child -In our Kuzbass forests there are wolves. They also say about them: “Gray sharks.” They are very evil and dangerous. Wolves eat everything; they are predators. All forest dwellers protect their young. The she-wolf will not save her wolf cubs if they are in trouble, she will save herself.

And who are the GRASSHOPPERS... tell me what you know O Woodpecker.

9. child - The trees have their own doctor, Not an ordinary one, but a forest one,

He speaks simply, He speaks with birch and pine trees.

Without drugs and tools. He will heal the patient

He flew in and sat on a branch - How are you? here, here, here...

And who is this NIGHTINGALE. Correct. tell me what you know about the animal 10 . child - This is not an animal, this is a bird. She is not a domestic animal, she lives in the forest, or rather flies to us in the spring. Small and not very bright. She has wonderful songs. When the nightingale sings, everyone loves to listen.

2 gnomes come out.

1gnome: I'm afraid... And I'm afraid Ved: Who is this? Well, be bolder.

2 gnome: We are gnomes. I'm Tim. And he is Tom.

1 gnome: We came to thank the guys on behalf of all the forest inhabitants and on behalf of Mother Nature to say a big THANK YOU to you.

Ved: Guys, what will we answer... please (whispers in the presenter’s ear). Dwarves are very shy... they have prepared a gift for you.

1 gnome: We have a favorite game. We will give it to you now. We'll teach you how to play, and you can take it away and teach other kids how to play (a game is being played).

Gnomes:(they carry a large candy). We know that all the guys have a sweet tooth. Here's a gift for you (children, thank you).

Ved: We became so good friends. But it's time to go home. Let's say goodbye and go (driving, singing). We arrived (go to the map). Did you guys enjoy the trip? Which stations have you visited?

We helped everyone. Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

Well done! Now you can go eat sweets.

Article title: GCD summary for environmental education in the senior group “Journey to the world of living nature”


Educator: Prokudina E.A.

In class was used integration of areas: " Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Software tasks:

Educational: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature. To develop an interest in the problem of nature conservation, to introduce children to the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

Developmental: to develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the environmental education of the population, to develop their horizons, thinking, and coherent speech.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work has been carried out:

Video presentation “Life of Reservoirs”, reading fiction, didactic games about nature.


a decorated hall, a large basin with water, nets, buckets, a drawn travel map, transport and chairs (corresponding to the ticket), musical accompaniment.

During the NOD, the pupils visited 3 stations: 1 POLYANA, where they cleared it of garbage and prepared a model for vacationers - Reminders of caring for nature; 2 Lake - we restored the balance in nature, put it in order and released live fish, we also made a model - Reminders of caring for reservoirs; at station 3 - Forest residents returned their houses to all animals and birds. And as a reward they received a large sweet candy from the forest gnomes.

The students showed their knowledge of environmental education. They were active and creative in completing tasks.

Title: Abstract of educational activities on environmental education in the senior group “Journey to the world of wildlife”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, ecology, Extracurricular activities, Master classes

This thematic section summarizes the experience of preschool teachers in the field of environmental education of children. Here you will find a large number of practice-tested notes and scenarios for classes, entertainment, games, virtual travel environmental orientation. They will help consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the environment, instill in them a conscious, careful attitude towards natural resources. It is in our power to raise a new generation, cultural and highly moral in relation to our native nature. A generation of people who will live in harmony with the world around them.

“The ABCs of Ecology for Children” - this section has everything you need to study it.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Sea, ocean, underwater world. The depths of the sea and its inhabitants

Showing publications 1-10 of 7468.
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Abstract of educational activities on environmental education in the senior group Topic: “We are friends of nature”

Integration of areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Musical and artistic activity”

Form of activity: joint activities adult and children.

Software tasks:

    Educational: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, develop interest in the problem of nature conservation, introduce children to the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

    Developmental: to develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the environmental education of the population, to develop their horizons, thinking, and connected speech.

    Educational: to cultivate a joyful, caring attitude towards the awakening nature.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, asking riddles, observations, conversations.

Materials and equipment: decoration of the hall - attributes of the spring forest, cards with signs “rules of behavior in nature”, CD - disc “Voices of the Forest”.

GCD move:


If you save money,

You can buy a lot

House, clothes and factory,

Airplane and ship.

Guys, is there anything that you can't buy?

Children : You can't buy the sun, grass... etc.

Educator :

But you can't buy dew

Birds singing in the forest,

And don’t hide it in your wallet

Spring and poplar.

You cannot buy the beauty that nature gives us, it is priceless. No amount of money can buy a big beautiful green tree. You need to plant it and make a lot of effort so that it does not die in the first year, takes root and grows. How rarely do we think about this! They break bird cherry trees to make huge bouquets, and sometimes kids use trees instead of sports equipment, climb them, pull themselves up on branches, forgetting that they are alive.

Educator : Guys, who knows what benefits trees bring?

Children : They purify the air, decorate the streets, and you can hide from the heat under a tree.

Educator : That's right, children, trees bring great benefits: they decorate our streets and courtyards, purify the air by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, reduce wind speeds, increase air humidity, provide shade and coolness, thereby softening the heat. Guys, do you want to go with me to the spring forest?

Children : Yes.

Educator : A forest is a multi-storey building for a variety of residents, in which everyone needs each other and everyone depends on each other, and a person comes to visit them and should not disturb the routine of their lives.

I have prepared signs - these are the rules of behavior in nature. Let's take them with us, in case they come in handy. We'll go to the forest by train. And you need to get tickets, and for this you must guess riddles about spring, because we will go to the forest in spring.

The teacher asks each child a riddle and gives a “ticket”.

Educator: Now you have your tickets. Take your seats in the trailers. Let's count who ended up in which carriage (quantitative count: first...)

Educator: Guys, why is it so quiet? What happened in the forest?

The teacher shows a model of a dry birch tree.

Educator: What do you think happened to this tree?

Children: It gets sick and may die.

Educator: In early spring, many people collect birch sap: they make a cut and the sap flows out, collect the required amount of sap and leave. And the juice continues to flow. After some time, a red stripe forms in this place. People say: “the birch tree cries tears of blood.” Guys, who knows how we can help the birch?

Children: it is necessary to cover the wound on the trunk with clay or earth.

The children, together with the teacher, cover up the wound on the trunk.

Educator: Now the birch tree will definitely recover. And now, guys, let's put up a sign so that other people, when they come to the forest, will not do such things.

Sign “Do not damage tree bark!”

Educator: And now let’s start a round dance around the birch tree “Chernozem Earthling”.

Educator: Guys, look who's hiding behind the bushes? Yes, it's a squirrel! Don't be afraid of us, squirrel, we are friends of nature and will not harm you.


Just say the word

If you are ready to help,

"Welcome" to you!

I'll be happy to say

All paths are secret

I'll show you in the forest.

Educator : Do you guys agree to help?

Children : Yes, we agree.

Squirrel : I hid because I couldn’t run, I hurt my paw. But we don’t have a pharmacy in the forest.

Educator: Squirrel!

The forest is a fairy-tale kingdom!

Where medicines grow all around!

In every grass, in every branch,

And the medicine and the pills,

Well, what, how to treat what,

We can teach you.

Guys, how many of you know what plant can help a squirrel heal its paw?

Children: Plantain. You need to put it on the wound blank slate plantain, and the pain will go away, and soon this place will heal. Educator: It’s not difficult to heal a paw, here’s our advice from the heart: Carefully apply Plantain to a fresh wound.

The teacher and the children apply a plantain leaf. The squirrel is dancing.

Squirrel: Thank you guys! You truly, friends of nature, are our friends!

Educator : Now, let's play. The game “Word on the Palm” is played.

Squirrel: Listen to my story, maybe you can help the forest dwellers. There was one very picturesque place in our forest - a spring where animals went to drink. It is located in the wilderness, and it seemed that people would never come here. But then one day tourists came: they lit a fire, the clearing near the spring was heavily trampled, the grass was cut out, they cut down trees, not sparing the beauty of the forest. After lunch they left trash.

Everyone approaches the spring together.

Educator : It’s painful and insulting to see such a beautiful place ruined. Forest springs are often the only source of water for animals to drink. Let's all put things in order together.

Educator: Children, who knows what we should do with the garbage? What harm do fires cause?

Children: The earth gets burned and grass does not grow in this place. The fire needs to be put out properly.

Educator : Fires are not lit unless necessary, but if fires cannot be avoided, old fire pits are used so as not to burn the ground again. The fireplace should not be near dry trees.

Educator : Guys, why can’t you make loud noise in the forest?

Children: Noise and music greatly frighten animals. Birds are afraid to fly up to their nests to feed their chicks. And without parents, the chicks may die.

Educator : That's right, guys! In the forest you need to listen to the breath of the forest, the sounds of the forest and the silence.

Educator : Guys, there is no money that can replace the fresh breath of the forest, the transparency of the blue sky, clean rivers and lakes with green shores. It is necessary not only to treat nature and its riches with care, but also to stop adults when they treat nature in a consumptive manner and desecrate it with their lack of culture.

Let’s leave here the signs that we took with us: “Don’t cut down trees!”, “Don’t make noise!”, “Try to walk quietly and carefully along the paths!”, “Don’t light fires!”, “Don’t leave trash!”).

Everyone stands in a circle and sings the song “Wider the Circle.”

Squirrel : Thank you guys, today you really helped our forest and its inhabitants. You know how to behave in nature so as not to harm it. And now we have signs - rules of behavior in the forest. I want to treat you to my supplies.

The squirrel distributes mushrooms (baked goods) to the children.

Educator : Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's all say "Goodbye" to the squirrel.

Goal: To enrich children’s environmental knowledge, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, and to develop a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

Educational: introduce children to the concept of “ecologists”, clarify the idea of ​​​​the inhabitants of the forest (animals, birds), about trees; enrich the understanding of the relationship between living beings and environment; to develop practical environmental skills; contribute to the formation of ideas about air pollution when conducting experiments; introduction to the method of water purification using filtration.

Developmental: develop children’s cognitive interest in research activities, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to draw conclusions; develop speech, thinking, curiosity, observation.

Educational: To instill in children environmental behavior, a responsible, humane, careful, emotionally positive attitude towards nature. Instill labor natural history skills.

Integration of areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Security”.

Activate children's vocabulary with words: ecologists, laboratory, filters.

Material: letter from Ekoluchik; backpack, blanket, gloves, garbage bags; pictures of trees, cardboard leaves of oak, maple, rowan; magnetic board; Eco-ray toy; dummies of grass, fire, river, hummocks; ; candles, saucers, matches, cups, funnels, dirty water, filter material. Projector, screen, audio recording of the sound of water in the river, birdsong, the motto of environmentalists. Green ties.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: - Hello, guys! Today we received a letter to our kindergarten from Ekoluchik, an assistant to ecologists. Do you know who environmentalists are? (these are conservationists). Ekoluchik writes that there is a problem in the forest, and he needs the help of young ecologists. Do you want to become environmentalists and help him? Then we go on a hike. What should we take with us to the forest? (we collect a backpack, take a blanket, matches, bags, gloves).

Educator: - We've packed the backpack, let's hit the road.

Environmentalists have a motto, repeat after me:

We are young ecologists

Rather, we want to become.

We will love nature

Protect and protect.

(we approach the screen, nature music sounds)

- Here we are in the forest, sit in the clearing. Look how beautiful our forest is, our region is rich in forests, fields, mountains, rivers, ponds and lakes.

Tell me what animals we can meet in the forest (answers).

Look what we have under our feet (tree leaves)? Take a piece of paper each. Tell me, what tree is your leaf from? So what is he like? (from oak - oak).

Now go with the leaves to your tree (children apply leaves to pictures of trees).

Question: - Guys, but all the inhabitants of the forest: animals, birds, plants need clean air, water, soil and our love, expressed in caring behavior, to live.

The teacher shows signs:

· Do not break branches or pick flowers;

· You cannot litter in the forest;

· You cannot leave a fire unextinguished;

· Do not destroy nests and anthills.


We follow each other

Forest and green meadow.

We are walking along the path,

Let's cross the stream.

Let's go over all the bumps and holes -

Here we are in the clearing.

(They approach a clearing with a fire and garbage, Ekoluchik appears).

Ekoluchik: - Hello, guys, I am Ekoluchik, assistant to ecologists. I keep order in the forest. But the trouble is, the tourists left behind an unextinguished fire and garbage. I can't do it without your help. I heard that you want to become young ecologists? Who are environmentalists? (Children's answers)

Educator: -What can we do? How to help Ekoluchik? (children's answers). We have garbage bags in our backpack, let's collect the garbage and clean the clearing and the river. (children collecting trash)

- How can we put out the fire? (children's answers)

Most best way putting out a fire is covering it thick fabric. The air supply will be blocked and the fire will go out. (“putting out” the fire).

Ekoluchik: - Thank you guys for helping to clean up the clearing and the river. Do you hear them say thank you? (sounds of river and birds).

Vosk: - Guys, if you don’t put out the fire, what could happen? (answers)

That's right, trees, grass, flowers will burn. Animals and birds will be left without food and without shelter. And if you leave garbage on the ground, nothing will grow in this place.

Educator: -We helped the eco-little boy, it’s time to continue on his way. Young ecologists not only help nature, but also work in the laboratory. Let's go to the laboratory. (children sit at table 1)

Educator: - We have already said what harm fire can cause to nature, but that’s not all. The flames of the fire also pollute the air. Now I’ll light the candles, but first I remind you of fire safety rules: don’t touch the flame with your hands, don’t expose your clothes.

Educator: - Place a saucer over the candle and hold it for several minutes. Turn the saucer over, you see: a black spot has appeared - this is soot. This is how soot particles are released into the air during combustion. People and animals inhale these soot particles along with the air and can get sick.

— What else pollutes the air? The smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories and enterprises, exhaust gases, also pollute the air and harm the environment. Enterprises also dump waste into the river and pollute the water.

Educator: - Let's move on to the second table. Look at the dirty water in your glasses. Can I drink it? No. It needs to be cleaned. Now we will purify the water through filters. Repeat. We will have filters from different materials: cotton wool, bandage, sand, gravel. Pour dirty water through your filters. Look: has the water been purified? This is how water, before entering our house, undergoes special purification through filters.

- And now it’s time for us to return to the kindergarten. Guys, did you like our trip? What did you like? And Ekoluchik and I really liked you. We initiate you into real ecologists and give you green ties (the anthem of the ecologists plays, the singer ties the ties for the children). If all people like you follow the rules in nature, then it will always delight us with its beauty. If every person strives to make their yard, street, city cleaner: all people will breathe fresh air, drink clean water, admire the beauty of the Earth. After all, well-groomed land belongs to those who value and protect it. .And now it’s time for us to say goodbye, goodbye (the children leave).