"methodological development on the topic. Scenario for the holiday in elementary school "March 8 - Women's Day!" Fun scenario for March 8 in elementary school

Children enter the hall and take their seats. There are 2 girls standing at the entrance handing out sweet spring bouquets.
A musical greeting card sounds in the hall.
Student 1. The beautiful spring walks across the planet,
Student 2. She brings blossoming and awakening to the earth.
Student 3. In spring, both lily of the valley and lilac bloom.
Student 4. And women bloom on spring Women's Day!
Student 5. On the day of March 8, we welcome the red spring, Everyone. And happy spring holiday to all women!
Student 6. Our best and most beautiful, kindest mothers,
Student 7. Our beloved grandmothers, who read fairy tales to us,
Student 8. The smartest and best school teachers of all,
Student 9. And our glorious girls, who are more beautiful and sweeter than all of them.
Student 10. On International Women's Day, we decided not to be naughty, That's it. Congratulations to all of you on the holiday and give you a concert.

Presenter 1:
-Hello. We sincerely welcome and congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity - our wonderful women Happy March 8th!
Presenter 2:
-This is a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude and boundless appreciation for everything that our mothers, grandmothers, and teachers do for us for their love and understanding.

On this day, warmed in spring, All the flowers smile on you! On this day, warmed in spring, we congratulate our mothers!
Presenter 1:
-Mother. This is the most precious thing we have in life. The closest and dearest person. Mom gave us life and loves us not for any merit, but simply because she has us. Mothers love us successful and problematic, smart and stupid, happy and unhappy, and we can always come to them for help, advice, support, understanding and sympathy.
Presenter 2:
-We cannot find words to express all our love, respect, gratitude for everything that our mothers have done for us and continue to do. However, our first-graders found such words and want to say them to all the mothers in this room.
Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice, kind, smart and radiant, I will give you happiness in the palms of my hands, I tell you “thank you” for everything.
Live, smile at the adversity - the years, we will share the worries with you in half. Forget about illnesses, forget about worries, let us illuminate your life path with love.
3 .
You will part the clouds with strong hands and teach goodness with wise words. You will come to help - just call. God bless you
To our dear mother,
God bless her
Happiness and love! (ALL)
There are so many different events and funny incidents that happen in every family, and only the mother can understand and forgive. And often translated into a joke:
Scenes from family life The children will be shown by 4th grade students.
1 scene:

Mom looks at the first-grader's diary. And there the two is crossed out, and there is a four next to it. Mom, with horror: - Vanechka! What is this?! Vanechka, calmly looking at his mother: “The teacher told us that if we want, we can correct the bad grade!”

Scene 2:
In the morning, a mother tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school. Mother:
- Get up, son, you'll be late for school again! Son:
- Don't want! Petrov always fights with me! Mother:
- Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school when classes start! Son:
- Well, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me! Mother:
- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again! Son:
- I won’t go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot! Mother:
- Son, you have to go to school, you are the director after all!

Song about mom
Photos of teachers and educators appear on the projector

Sweet and charming teachers are our cool mothers! Let me sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you
so that your students always love and respect you, and your management appreciates your hard, but so noble and important work! Take care of your health and smile more often!
Let there be a sea of ​​joy in your life, and let there be only short moments of sadness! And to lift your spirits, please accept our congratulations!

With the warm spring sun, a glorious day is coming to us. We hasten, unanimously, to congratulate the teachers.
We wish you success, Glory, honors, victories, So that you don’t know grief, So that troubles disappear without a trace.

Be happy, healthy, May your dreams come true. This day, so cheerful, will be remembered for the rest of my life.
Let the country respect you, appreciate you very much, and let your salary increase be a big deal.

So that you dress fashionably, You are incomparable, So that fabulous sums are waiting in the bank.
To move into a house, With a lake and a forest, To get to work, Come on... with a Mercedes.

So that you can see the world: Beaches, coasts, So that you can have a great vacation in foreign countries.
You are all so kind, rejoice, love,
And flowers from us, dear ones, please accept them with warmth.

The ensemble "Grace" will perform the dance "Inseparable Friends"

Presenter: - What about our girls? After all, although they are small, they are also future women! And today we are excitedly awaiting congratulations from the boys!

Today is a holiday for girls, We congratulate you today, We read poems for girls. You are as beautiful as mimosas, But you have thorns like a rose.

All of you girls are good, We tell you from the heart. As they were selected for selection, they gathered into one flower.

15 beautiful petals, 15 satin ribbons, 15 pairs of arms and legs, Perhaps this is an octopus?

Such cool girls And some have freckles. Braids, bows and bangs And the looks are clear and sharp.

Conquer with just one glance, But just don’t look strictly. You will think that we are in the way and sometimes call you names.

You are our girls, dear ones. You are not strangers to us at all. Such handsome men as ours cannot be found with fire now.

All you need is a prince. We congratulate you on the holiday, we wish you happiness and joy. You are beautiful flowers and beloved by all daughters.

Host: And how smart and quick-witted our girls are! They can find the answer to any question! Let's check it out now!
Girls answer questions or solve riddles.
1. A small bird will dive with its nose, wiggle its tail - lead the path. (Needle.)
2. A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes. (Colander.)
3. There is a bath in the stomach, a hole in the nose, one hand, and that one on the back. (Kettle.)
4. As soon as he plunges into the water, he will turn invisible. (Sugar or salt.)
5. How much milk is in one package? (1 liter or 0.5 liter.)
6. How much salt is in the pack? (1 kilogram.)
7. How much oil is in a pack? (200 grams or 180 grams.)
8. How to grow green onions without soil? (In the water.)
9. How to brew tea correctly?

10. How to remove a grease stain right at the table? (Using salt: sprinkle it on the stain and brush it off after a while.)
11. How to pierce a hole in a baby's nipple? (Glowing the needle on the fire.)
12. How to cook semolina porridge? (Pour the cereal slowly into boiling milk, stirring continuously with a spoon.)
13. How to boil a soft-boiled egg? (Put in cold water, bring to a boil and cook in boiling water for 2 minutes.)
14. What can you do to reduce crying when peeling and chopping onions? (Wet the knife with water.)
15. How to correctly place these cutlery on the table: spoon, fork, knife? (Spoon and knife are on the right, fork is on the left of the plate.)

Host: Our festive concert is coming to an end, we hope that we gave you good mood all year!!
Let me once again congratulate you on the holiday of March 8, wish you beauty, kindness, love of your neighbors, success in your work
We wish all the ladies sitting in the hall, All mothers, women, girls and mothers, Cousins, grandmothers and sisters, Relatives and friends, our godparents,
Teachers and cooks, Housewives and dressmakers, Accountants and engineers,
Doctors, business women, pensioners, And also others, others, others... We love you all very, very much! We wish you everything that life is rich in, Health, happiness, life many years! Let this holiday - March 8th - leave a good mark on your soul for the whole year!

Competition program for March 8th for primary grades “Holiday for Mothers”

The hall is decorated with balloons, drawings and children's handicrafts. Mothers and grandmothers are sitting in the hall. Children enter the hall to the music. The girls sit down and the boys stand in a semicircle.

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Hello dear guests! Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the most gentle hands, they know how to do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. And today we have a holiday! The children were looking forward to this day to congratulate their beloved mothers, grandmothers, and sisters.

Boys' performance.

Invited to visit us

We are both grandmothers and mothers,

We promise, we promise:

You won't be bored here.

Everything is ready for the holiday -

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Song "Spring Song".

We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

Happy spring holiday,

Tenderness and beauty.

We dressed up today

The shoes are on fire,

They gathered as if for a parade.

The sun peeked through the school windows,

A slanting shadow lay from the table,

New and cheerful on the threshold

It's a nice, bright day in March.

Day of joy and beauty!

And on this day men to women

Flowers also give smiles.

And today we are on a solemn day

Here, on women's name day,

We want the first congratulations

It came to you on behalf of men.

We are starting our performance,

Dear girls, congratulations to you,

We would write poems for everyone,

It’s just that we write poetry, it doesn’t matter.

How we offended you, I'm sorry

And please accept our congratulations.

Long live girls

With or without braids!

May the sun smile on you

From blue skies.

Long live the skinny ones,

Long live the fatties

Everyone with earrings

And there are freckles on my nose.

And you get A's in school!

And praise you at home!

So that all film actors

We fell in love on the spot.

We wish our girls

Never be discouraged

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And we are less likely to be offended!

We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy

So that you study well,

We were never beaten.

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no such thing in the entire school.

Why are we all dancing here?

Why are we singing here?

Because we are girls

Happy Women's Day!

Congratulations girls

And please don't be angry:

Not everyone succeeds

To be born boys.

You, dear girls,

Happy Women's Day,

Clap your hands louder

We'll sing ditties.


There is a magazine on the table,

Well, it has A's,

Because in our class

Smart girls.

You're lucky, girls!

You are already happy.

Because you have us

The most beautiful.

I want to tell Dasha,

Moving his shoulder towards her,

About the weather, about football,

And you never know about anything.

I admit, I won't lie,

I'm telling you the whole truth.

As soon as I see Lena -

In my heart, I feel it, I’m burning.

Olga is there - the soul will perk up,

Olga is not there - she looks sad.

I'm so drawn to Olga

An impressive magnet of feelings.

As soon as I see Katya,

I don't care about others

Both in fact and in fact

You couldn't find Katya better.

I look at everything as if it were an icon.

I can't take my eyes off the lovers.

Ah, Alyonochka, Alena,

How I love you!

Am I a gentleman or what?

He helped Svetka take off her coat.

The briefcase was brought to her desk,

Let's stand together in a circle,

Let's shake hands with each other.

And for all women now

We will perform a waltz dance.

A waltz sounds, boys invite girls, mothers, grandmothers. After the waltz, the boys each escort their lady to their place and return to the stage.

Come on, admire how light it is all around,

Winter icicles are melting outside the window.

March goes by, stubbornly pushing apart the ice,

And he brings the sun as a gift to mothers.

Do we love our mother? Do we love or not?

All. We love you.

We all said in unison,

What help she needs!

What a gift for mom

Will we give on this day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom

This is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the bathtub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers,

It would be nice if the ceiling

It's a pity I'm not tall.

Our dear mothers!

We ourselves admit

Which of course we are not always

We behave well.

We often upset you

What we sometimes don’t notice.

We love you very, very much.

Let's grow up kind.

And we will always try

Behave yourself!

May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you!

We want it for no reason

Everyone gave you flowers,

Make men smile

Everything from your beauty!

Let the sun shine for you,

Lilacs bloom only for you,

And long may it last

The best women's day!

You are such mothers!

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you!

Mother! The word is dear,

There is warmth and light in that word,

Our (all) HELLO to our mothers!

Children sing the song “Mom’s Drops.”

Leading. Now let's find out which of you has the biggest sweet tooth.

Here's a crispy cookie

And milk chocolate.

If you don't even want jam,

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X

Well of course it's... ("Twix")

But what is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle - it will touch your soul.

Printed it out - chew it quickly,

Our favorite... (“Milky Way”).

It has everything that is possible,

It's impossible to pass by.

Named after one planet,

And we love with all the white light.

He is a support - just great!

Everyone knows what it is... (“Mars”).

I smile like a mother

I frown just as stubbornly,

I have the same nose

And the same hair color

I'm shorter, but still

Eyebrows and eyes are similar!

Mom and I walk in step,

So similar, they say.

Only mom looks straight

I am left and right

And I still look back.

I don't want to argue with you

Believe me anyway

My mom is the best

The best in the world.

Mom fries pies

Mom glues masks

And tells me

Fairy tales every evening.

I also know

Song "Bayu-bayu"

Mom will just start singing -

I immediately fall asleep.

If only I could become a tit.

I would sing with the sun all day long,

And in the evening, to my mother’s palms

It would fly in and peck at the crumbs.

If I could suddenly become the breeze,

I would whistle all day without stopping,

And in the evening it’s quiet and tired

She fell asleep in her mother's arms.

If I could become a star,

Day and night would shine over the earth.

But how can I part with my mother?

No, I’d rather stay as a daughter.

Everyone sings the song “Sunny Drops”.

Leading. Now let's see which of our girls is the real mistress.


1. Make a vinaigrette.

For three participants, cards with the names of products are laid out on the table: beets, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, eggplant, peppers, meat, herbs, vegetable oil.

The girls, on command, select cards with vinaigrette ingredients. The girl who chose the right cards correctly and fastest won.

2. “Cinderella” competition.

The same amount of mixed cereals (rice, buckwheat, peas) is poured into three plates. The girls share the cereal as a team. The one who completes the task faster wins.

3. Competition "Cleanliness".

2 girls participate in the competition. 5 inflated balloons for each of them are laid out on the floor. Girls, using brooms, must sweep all their balls over the line. Whoever sweeps away all the balls the fastest is the winner.

4. Competition "Who is faster."

The girls are divided into 2 teams and line up one after another. The first participants are given a tablespoon and a potato. On command, girls must put a potato in a spoon, run, holding the spoon in an outstretched hand, to a chair, return and pass the spoon to the next participant. The team that runs the fastest without dropping the potato wins.

Leading. But March 8 is a holiday not only for our girls and their mothers, but also for mothers’ mothers, that is, grandmothers.

The children again stand in a semicircle on stage.

On this day, grandmothers are especially honored,

On Women's Day, mom bakes a cake for grandma,

Well, we’ll sing a song for grandma,

You will let this song into your house as a guest.

Children sing "Song about Grandma."

Mom has work, dad has work,

They still have Saturday for me,

And grandma will never leave me,

She, my grandmother, is always at home.

He will sit you down and feed you:

Don't rush!

Well, what's wrong with you?


I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,

He sits sorting out grains of buckwheat,

We feel good together like this,

What would a house be without a grandmother?

So I sat and out of boredom

It seems he even took a nap

But in grandma's hands

I accidentally looked here.

She doesn't have ten of them,

And just two hands.

They sew, they wash, they knead the dough,

Pies are fried with meat.

Give it to me, grandma, for you

"You'll see, I can do it."

So she beamed

No surprises,

And I watched furtively

How hard I tried.

My dear grandmother,

I wish you happiness!

Go around the whole world,

There is no better person than you, no!

Boys come out in sundresses and scarves.


We are funny nesting dolls,

Okay, okay,

We have boots on our feet,

Okay, okay.

And we have earrings in our ears,

Okay, okay,

And we have handkerchiefs in our hands,

Okay, okay.

In our colorful sundresses,

Okay, okay,

We look alike, like sisters

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.

We wish you happiness and joy,

Okay, okay.

We sing a song to mothers,

Okay, okay.

And hello huge helmet,

Okay, okay.

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. We congratulate you once again:

With the first drop

With the last snowstorm,

Happy early spring holiday!

We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you

Joy! Happiness! Hello! Love!

“Congratulations to our mothers!”


To instill love for the closest person on earth - mother;

Develop memory, artistry;

Diversify the leisure time of children and parents;

To unite the team of children, parents and teachers.

EQUIPMENT : computer, multimedia projector, balloons, drawings for mothers and greeting cards, presentation “Our Mothers”, slide show “Congratulations to our Mothers!”

Progress of the event SLIDESHOW of photographs, song from the movie “MOM”

(on a black flash drive).

I. Children of grade 2-A enter the hall to the music

Leading: March 8 – our planet celebrates Women's Day. We are accustomed to it as a good and cheerful holiday. On this day it is customary to give flowers. Please accept from us, dear women, an unusual spring bouquet on this holiday, which consists of songs, poems and words of congratulations.

1. Dear women!

2. Mothers and grandmothers!

3. Sisters and classmates!

4. Teachers and students!

5. It’s good that at this hour

You are not at work, not at work,

In this room, look at us!

6. How many of you, kind and gentle,

Today it's time for the holiday.

The snowdrop blooms for you,

And the sun gives warmth.

7. We love you very, very, very much,

Very, endlessly - this is not a secret;

However, to put it briefly:

There was no one more beloved than you, and no!

8. Everything is ready for the holiday,

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Song "Mom's Holiday" (performed by 2nd grade)

The holiday of our mothers is coming,
A whole day for mom dear!
We'll wake up early and smile at mom.
The dear man will be happy!
Congratulations to our grandmothers,
After all, they are the mothers of our mothers!
We hug tightly and sing a song.
We are so glad, very glad to see you!

Chorus. Holiday, holiday, holiday we give you!
All the flowers are for our mothers.
Let the sun smile in the morning
And will disperse all sadness and sadness!

Grandmother and mother are the best!
Mommy will always help us.
Grandma takes pity and warms you with warmth,
Even if he scolds us sometimes.
Well, we'll clean up all the houses,
Let's prepare a cake and brew some tea.
Let's hide all the pillows, we are three girlfriends.
There is no time to be bored on Mother's Day.


We promise not to upset you
And learn from your kindness.
Don't worry, moms, we are stubborn to a certain extent,
We can always be on top!
We want to congratulate you on the holiday,
Wish you good luck and warmth.
We give you flowers, but we don’t put an end to it,
This is how things are with us!

Leading: March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women,

Your smiles and flowers!

II. Performance of 1-B class

When everything around is shining,

Let us congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day!

2. Mom! The kindest on earth.

Mother! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter.

Mother! Sometimes it makes us sad.

3. Mom! He will regret and forgive!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun.

Mother! There is no better word in the world.

Dramatization of a poem. "Three Moms"

Tanyusha came home from a walk in the evening

And the doll asked:

How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be like a match, thin,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Tanya's mom came home from work

And Tanya asked:

How are you, daughter?

She started playing again, probably in the garden.

Have you managed to forget about food again?

“Dinner,” granny shouted 100 times,

And you answered: “Now, yes now”

These daughters are just a disaster.

Soon you will be like a thin match

Go to lunch, spinner!

Here grandma, my mother's mother, came

And I asked my mother:

How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again, you didn’t have a minute to eat?

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't sit all day without lunch.

I’ve already become a doctor, but I’m still restless

These daughters are just a disaster.

Soon you will be like a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters,

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Leading: Every second three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child’s life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The sun warms the earth and all life on it, and mother's love warms the baby's life.The most important word on EarthMother.

III. Class 1-A performance

1. What a pity that weeks
They fly so slowly!
And that, having been born, children
They don’t say it right away!

2. Otherwise it would just be
I saw my mother
As if right there, right away
"Thank you!" told her.

3. Because I was born!
Because I'm alive!
For being with dad
Let's go home now!

4. For opening the door,
And we know in advance
What mom hums
And it’s waiting for us for lunch!

Song "Dear Mommy, My Mom"

The dawns are more beautiful and the sun is miles away
The one who is called my mother.

Mommy, dear, my mother,

Mommy, dear, my mother,
It's so good that I have you!

The wind will howl, there will be a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.

Mommy, dear, my mother,
It's so good that I have you!
Mommy, dear, my mother,
It's so good that I have you!

The matter is in dispute, the fun is in abundance -
Mommy, that means, is next to me.

I love my dear mommy very much,
I will give this song to her.
I love my dear mommy very much,
I will give this song to her.

Leading: Different children live on the planet,
But all children in the world love their mothers.

It happens that we don’t listen to our mothers,
And mothers teach us good deeds.

IV. Performance 2-B class Sketch “Assistant”.

The girl Sophia diligently sweeps the floor, singing “a grasshopper sat in the grass.” A dressed mother comes through the door, a bag in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, dropping his keys in fear,asks:


- Sophia, what happened?

WITH. : Nothing!

M.- Like nothing? Why are you sweeping the floor?

WITH.- But because he was dirty.

M.- Sophia, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a bad grade for behavior, and the second to last time, when they wanted to leave you for a second year.

WITH.- Mom, I wiped the dust everywhere.

M.- Have you wiped off the dust too?

WITH.- Wiped it off!

M.- Herself!

WITH.- Herself!

M.- Sophia, tell me, what happened? Tell me what have you done?

WITH.- Yes, I’m saying nothing! It was just dirty, so I cleaned the room.

M. (suspiciously) Why did you make your bed?

Sophia.- Just like that. I removed it and that's it.

M.- (ties her head with a towel and sits on a chair) Sophia, tell the truth!!! Why am I being summoned to the school principal?

WITH. - Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, ate lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

M.- Herself?

WITH.- Herself.

Mom faints.

WITH.- (scared) Mommy! What's wrong with you? Now I'll bring you some water.

(pours water)

WITH.- March 8, March 8!!! Look at it! (points to mom) I should have said right away that this was only for one day.



Now I will talk to my mother in poetry.

(Mom comes in with heavy bags.)


I can't even find the words

How can you, mom?

Carry weights in bags

Ten kilograms?

I see you came very early

Today from the supermarket...


Son, so what should I do? Any advice?


Go twice, mom!

Sing ditties (7 pieces)

Leading: Everyone is in a hurry to celebrate the spring holiday today,

Just don’t forget to congratulate the grandmothers!

V .3-A class sketch “Don’t forget to congratulate the grandmothers”

Little Red Riding Hood:

I came to your holiday, friends,
With a large bouquet of red roses.
I'm glad to congratulate you
Moms, grandmothers, sisters! (Scary music sounds)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Oh! This is a wolf. He's always chasing me.
We'll have to hide here. (Hiding)


Was Little Red Riding Hood here?

Guys:(in unison)

She's long gone!


But I’ll still look, what if I find it here? (Searching)
I'll deceive everyone at once,
I'll sit here, under the tree,
I'll dress up as grandma
And I’ll take up knitting a scarf. (Changes clothes and starts knitting)

Little Red Riding Hood: (comes out)

So the wolf left!
But he didn’t find me. (Looks at grandma)
And here is my grandmother!
She's just weird. (Come closer to her)

Hello, grandma.


Hello, granddaughter!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Grandma, grandma!
Why are your ears so big?


To hear you better, my child!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Grandma, grandma!
Why are you like this big eyes?


To see you better, my child!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Grandma, grandma!
Why are you like this big teeth?


And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

(The wolf is chasing Little Red Riding Hood, the leader gets in his way.)


How come you, wolf, aren’t ashamed to offend little girls?

Now the boys and I will call the hunters!


Grandmothers - don’t be afraid, mothers - calm down!
I'm not evil, I'm not evil at all,
I won’t eat your girls and boys.
I don’t live in the thicket, I’m not real.
I came to remind you, friends,
About our beloved grandmothers,
About kind and beautiful grandmothers!
Everyone is in a hurry to celebrate this bright holiday today,
Only you forgot to congratulate the grandmothers!

Leading: They say that the earth rests on women. These words have a direct bearing on our grandmothers. Grandmothers deserve respect and love for their work, love for you, their grandchildren, and care for you. Love and appreciate them tenderly, be kind and sensitive to them.

VI. Performance by 3-B class S. Danchenko« WONDERFUL GRANDMOTHER"

I know one grandmother
The one who, while walking in the morning,

"Senkyu, please, ha yudu yu do!"

Repeats on the go.

Maybe grandma is a tourist?
But why then alone?

Maybe it's English

And is she visiting Moscow?

Or maybe this lady
Directly from Los Angeles?

No and no - you didn’t guess right!

This lady is Baba Valya!

And she lives there,
Walks in the park in the morning,

He goes shopping with a bag,

Washing, cooking and baking,

Well, for those who are sad,
He will find a good word.

But why did she then

Repeats English words:

"Senkyu", "ha udu yu do" and "please"
And also “goodbye” and “miss”?

She's just a grandma

And all the granddaughters - not just one! -

Lesya, Innochka and Olya -
They study at an English school.

Grandma is with them

Repeats all lessons

Arithmetic and Russian
And he studies English.

Very little remains

She needs a few minutes to rest,

Rarely watches TV -
The series will wait!

Doesn't waste time -

She needs to know English

After all, it will be necessary very soon
And study French.

Yes, it's not easy being a grandma

Educated children

But, of course, more interesting
And much more fun!

VII. Class 4-A performance

On this March day we invited guests.
They seated their mothers and grandmothers in the hall.
Dear grandmothers and mothers, all women in the world.
Children congratulate you on this great holiday!
We sing songs and read poems.
Happy Women's Day, Happy Women's Day

Together: We congratulate you!!!

(amateur performance numbers)

VIII . 2 people per class leave (14 people in total with bouquets of snowdrops)

Leading: Most of the teachers at our school are mothers, grandmothers, and sisters! On the spring holiday, March 8th, we want to congratulate teachers! And wish you all great happiness from the army of children in love with you.

1. Dear teachers! On this spring and sunny day, allow me to congratulate you on March 8th!

2. We wish you harmony in your family and at work, mutual understanding and great patience!

3. May all your efforts to put science into our “bright” heads pay off handsomely and bring long-awaited fruits!

4. Create, construct, erect and, at the same time, teach... These are the goals, sometimes difficult and unrealistic, that teachers face!

5. But you move forward easily and beautifully, teaching and creating!

6. Thank you for your love and devotion, for your understanding and desire to help, to come to the rescue!

7. To my students
You give your heart!
Thank you for everything,

Good luck in your work.

8. Spring and warmth,
Smiles, understanding,
Let your dreams come true
Wishes will come true!

9.And forgive me for that

that sometimes in learning,
Delivered - by accident! - you're upset.

10. For noble work,
For your great work,
Accept today
Our bouquet is modest.

Leading: Our dear beloved teachers! Your work, like the work of a scout, is not noticeable. But it does not bear fruit immediately, and mistakes are valued just as highly. Every day you build a house, brick by brick, the house of our future. This is a great responsibility, but also a great happiness. For every pedagogical success of yours is a contribution to our common future.

Dear teachers,
A grain of pure truth!
There are few men among you,
But, as is destined for you,
You are burning with work -
Sometimes scolding, sometimes praising,
You are making people out of us!
So, viewers, stand still:
Happy Women's Day, teachers!

X. All elementary school students perform a song.

My gift to mom
Words and music by Stepan Buldakov

1. What should I give my mother?
On the Eighth of March?
Maybe buy her a cake?
Or lemonade?
Maybe I should buy her some candy?
And even cookies?
Mom will like them
These treats!

Dear mom!
How I love you!
This song is yours
I sing for you.
Dear mom!
Kind eyes!
You are the best in the world
My mommy.

2. I am for my mother
I'll paint the sky
I'll decorate the sun
Golden color,
Blue clouds
They dance over the gardens.
I'll give you my drawing
I am to my beloved mother.

Leading: We wish you everything that life is rich in:



Long life!

It will leave a mark on your soul for a whole year!

VIDEO “TO YOUR BELOVED MOTHER” (on a black flash drive)

“We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother” M. Jalil
1st student. There is turmoil and din in our school!
Rustle of movements, arguments, giggles.
Maybe the generals will come?
Maybe a hero who has flown around the world?
Stop guessing in vain! Look. Here are our guests.
Hello, mothers and grandmothers!
2nd student. Our lovely ladies, our miracle, our decoration! Just think, getting up early in the morning, getting the kids ready for school, my husband off to work, swallowing a small piece on the run, having time to comb my hair, scribble something on my face. Come to work and look your most beautiful.
And after work, run home, feed the children, and at the same time the husband... and wash, iron, sew. And everyone runs, runs, runs. And they love you not for this, everyone is used to this, they love you for something else - for your skin, eyelashes, lips and weakness, for your tenderness.
So let's entertain them a little, make them smile, because when a woman smiles, the whole world smiles.
3rd student. Mom, I love you very, very much!
I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.
I peer into the darkness
I'm hurrying Zorka.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love you.
So the dawn is shining,
It's already dawn.
No one in the world better than mom No.
4th student. On Women's Day March 8
Spring begins
Women's Day celebrates
Our glorious country.
5th student. Spring day, not frosty,
The day is cheerful, not mimosa.
All. It's mom's day!
6th student. Cloudless day, not snowy,
The day is excited and tender.
All. It's mom's day!
7th student. The day is spacious, not capricious,
A gift day, a surprise.
All. It's mom's day!

1st student. Mom has work, dad has work,
They still have Saturday for me,
Grandma is always at home,
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you:
“Don’t rush!
What happened to you, tell me!”
I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,
He sits sorting out the buckwheat grains bit by bit.
We feel good - just the two of us,
What would a house be without a grandmother?
Girl. There is a women's holiday in the world,
He is, of course, in plain sight.
It’s a pity – March 8
Only once a year.
Boy. This is probably how it is written
Men are already born -
Give them flowers approximately
Only once a year.
Boy. Popular wisdom says: “Whoever grows flowers brings joy to himself and others.” Every mother has her favorite flower. For one it is a carnation, for another it is an aster, for the third it is a chrysanthemum. There are a great many flowers on earth. And now we will make a magical bouquet of flowers for our mothers.

1st student. On this holiday, on the day of flowers,
Everyone is ready to give them,
Get ready to receive -
Answer exactly in rhyme!
I'm holding a bouquet of flowers
There aren’t any of them here...
Here's to Tanya and Jackdaw
Here's to Sasha and Fenya
Foamy branch……. lilac.
And for Katya and Alisa
Yellow and white...daffodils.
Here's to Olya and Oksana
Multi-colored... tulips.
Here's to Yulia and Emma
A hat of lush... chrysanthemums.
Here's to Nastya and Rosa
Branch of March... mimosa.
And for Ksyusha and Alla
Blooming... calla lilies.
Here's to Anya and Irina
And for Valya and Natasha
Wonderful... daisies.
Here's to Sveta and Larisa
Very delicate... irises.
Here's to Sonya, Veronica
Bright red... carnations.
And for Zina and Nina
A branch of white... jasmine.
2nd student. Well, of course, everyone knows the most magical flower. This is...a seven-flowered flower!
Let's say the cherished words together:
Fly, fly petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground,
Have it my way!
(Moms tear off a petal and make wishes).

3rd student. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
I begin to congratulate!
Right from the morning:
Mom, grandmother, sister.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
I continue to congratulate you!
I didn’t forget to congratulate my aunt!
(You won't find a better aunt)
And my neighbor Aunt Natasha,
And our teacher.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
I continue to congratulate you!
All the girls in our class
And I’ll be the watchman for Aunt Asya.
In the store and on the tram
Congratulations, congratulations!
There are already wrinkles on the forehead,
I’ve lost weight, I walk like a shadow...
Oh, it's hard to be a man
Be a man on Women's Day.
Boys dance. Boys, holding green handkerchiefs in their hands, perform a dance-song to the tune of the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.”
We dressed up as birches
And everyone loved it!
Lyuli, Lyuli, dressed up,
Lyuli, Lyuli, fell in love.
We walked in a smooth round dance,
To become famous among the people!
Lyuli, Lyuli, in a round dance!
Lyuli, Lyuli, in a round dance.
We congratulate our mothers,
We dance this dance for them!
Lyuli, Lyuli, dance the dance,
Lyuli, lyuli, dance the dance.
4th student. They sat me and the girl at a desk.
She smiled:
- Call me Martha.
And I smiled:
- Are you, perhaps, the Eighth?
She laughed:
- No, that's the name.
And I laughed:
- And I am Cornflower,
But not the one
What a flower in the field...
We laughed at each other for a long time.
But very happy
They remained each other.
5th student. What are the girls talking about so much?
All lessons and changes all in a row!
They laugh so happily together,
They rattle their desks so loudly.
I keep thinking: why do I love them?
There are other girls, maybe
Which need to be protected
To fight with enemies for them,
Which, well, at least something.
Are you even a little afraid?

"Sweet" competition for girls
Try to remember the name of the chocolate.
I’m not used to lying, I adore...Picnic
You will be strong, like a leopard, if you eat a bar...Mars
Very tasty chocolate girl...Alenka
If you're tired and sour, eat a double crunchy...Twix
You can take delicious chocolate with you on a hike...Road
Don’t buy a bandage from the pharmacy, you’d better eat a candy bar... Feint
You believe in fairy tales, my friend, every time you eat... Shock
If it's not easy, please eat...Sweet
It will immediately become more fun if you eat... Milky Way
It’s not a whim at all to buy for yourself...Surprise
Mr. Kickers loves to eat a sweet bar...Snickers
Experience bliss while eating...Perfection
Without a hint, everyone will like chocolate with the name...Fairy Tale
In cities and villages, children eat...Nestlé.
1st student G. Branlovskaya
Happy International Women's Day
I congratulated my mother
And to the previous cards in the album
I added a new one.
Mom will throw away the binding,
Beautiful cover
And he sees how from year to year
I'm growing little by little.
Under every card of mine
The date and year are marked.
I want to grow faster
Fly towards the years!
I try to celebrate them
Good deeds
To make it fun to meet
Your own women's holiday for mom!
Spring morning binding
Mom will throw back the blue
And he will say: “This is how my son grows up!
It was not in vain that I raised my son.”
Our dear mothers! We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations on March 8th and a grand slam to you!

Oh, thank you, mom, for giving birth to me like this.
Mischievous, combative - and she called her Mashutka.
Chorus: Oh, business, oh, business, and she called it Mashutka.

Alla went mushroom hunting and chose a beautiful mushroom.
I collected it at random - every mushroom is a fly agaric!
Chorus: Oh, things to do, oh, things to do, I picked up fly agaric mushrooms.

Misha’s mother instructed her to take the pits out of the cherries.
Misha managed to do everything, took out the bones. Ate cherries.
Chorus: Oh, what's up, oh, what's up, the cherry let Misha down.

Larisa assured us: “These are daffodil bulbs,”
And green onions suddenly began to grow in our flowerbed.
Chorus: Oh, what's up, oh, what's up, Larisa let us down.

Volodya helped weed in the garden
After his help, nothing grows there.
Chorus: Oh, what's going on, oh, what's going on, the nettles are blooming there!

Marina picked some flowers and gave them to the calf.
He did not understand the beauty, took and ate her flowers.
Chorus: Oh, what's going on, oh, what's going on, it's a pity I picked so little.

I found a broom in the kitchen and swept the entire apartment.
There were only three straws left of him.
Chorus: Oh, what's going on, oh, what's going on, I swept the whole apartment.

Congratulatory telegrams from celebrities
I wish I could sing more often with the guitar!
Have a good company... Rotaru
I wish you a lot of music and laughter,
Love and eternal youth….Pyekha
You look like a painting today!
I hand over the key to happiness...Pinocchio
Let the white fluff fall to the ground,
And you bloom like a rose... Winnie the Pooh
Be in the fields and forests more often
Good health to you... Alsou
Don’t get into emergencies and troubles
We wish you a long life...Strelki group
May there always be plenty of money
And chicken legs...Baba Yaga
Girl. Mom is in the kitchen all day.
At work and in the garden.
Resting on this holiday
Only once a year.
Boy. Rocking us in the cradle,
Mothers sang songs to us.
Let's grow up and be ourselves
We take care of mom.
In the meantime, we'll deliver it to her
Joy with your song.

1. There is a mystery in our class
So sophisticated
Who will guess the riddle -
Will be included in scientists:
The cold will drive away, he will smile brightly,
The kindest.
If at work,
Let him come back quickly.
The warmest, kindest!
Maybe you think
Is it spring?
You guessed wrong, it’s not her at all!
This is my mom!
2. Why does the sun shine brighter on March 8?
Together. Because our mothers are the best in the world!
3. Announcements – Congratulations!
The snow is melting on the street, drops are dripping,
May everything come true for you
On this bright day.
Let the beautiful spring knock on the door,
He will give you happiness and a smile and laughter.
4. Happy beginning of spring!
Happy holiday to you,
So charming
Full of generosity!
May your every day
It will be the most cherished
Let it be significant
Every year!
5. Congratulations on March 8th!
We wish you happiness and joy!
6. We are closing our holiday.
What else can I tell you?
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!
Don't get sick, don't get old!
Never get angry.
So young
Stay forever!


  • cultivate love for mother, family, show the connection between generations;
  • to form in children a caring attitude towards family and friends;
  • develop a sense of mutual assistance and friendly relations between boys and girls.


  • development of memory, attention, organization, independence, creative abilities;
  • formation of community in the team, eliminating disunity between boys and girls.

Preliminary preparation:

Making cards with words (the “Proverbs” set), a selection of musical accompaniment for the holiday, prizes for rewarding active participants.


festive decoration of the classroom; doll, vase with cheesecakes, samovar, saucers and mugs (for the mini-scene “Three Mothers”), computer.

Celebration progress:

Teacher: Hello, dear guests! Today we met again in our festive hall to celebrate the first spring holiday - a holiday of goodness, light, life and love!

Student 1:

Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers and teachers!

Student 2:

Our respect, dear girls!

Student 3:
Today, on the eve of the spring holiday, we, men, want to express to you our deep love, respect and great gratitude.

Student 1:

When everything around is shining,

Let us congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day!

Student 2:

We wish you health and happiness,

So that you never feel sad,

May you always prosper

In the name of happiness and goodness.

Student 3:

Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers, teachers! We congratulate everyone on the first spring holiday, Happy International Women's Day. This is a holiday glorifying a woman, a working woman, a mother, a homemaker.

Student 4:

There is nothing brighter and more selfless in the world than the love of a mother. Mother's love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires heroism. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, a great word - mother!

All the children sing the song "Mom".

After the song, a group of children read a poem:

With the first rays of this bright hour!

Dear mothers, we love you very much

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Student 1:

Today is Mother's Day, but grandmothers are also mothers?!

Student 2:

Of course, and so now is the time to say kind words and for our grandmothers.

A group of children reads poems for grandmothers:

Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers,

A woman's heart cannot grow old

Don't let mental wounds bother you

And you shouldn’t regret the years!

Very much my grandmother,

Mommy, I love you!

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand.

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss!

Guys, I'm not rude to grandma.

Because I love grandma!

So let's congratulate the grandmothers,

Let's wish the grandmothers not to get sick!

Poem "Grandmother's Years"

Our grandmother is walking

Knocking with a stick.

I tell my grandmother

Call the doctor!

Will give you medicine

You will become healthy!

If it's bitter, -

What's wrong with this?

You'll be patient for a while

And the doctor will leave,

You and I are on the street

Let's play ball!

Let's run, grandma,

Jump high!

Do you see how I jump?

It's so easy!

Grandmother smiled:

What do I need a doctor for?

I'm not sick

I'm just old!

Just very old

The hair is gray.

I got lost somewhere

The years are young.

Somewhere beyond the huge

Behind the dark forests,

Behind the high mountain,

Beyond the deep water.

How to get there

People don't know...

I tell my grandmother:

Remember this place!

I'll go there

I'll swim, I'll go!

Young years

I'll find yours!


Dear mothers, dear grandmothers, how wonderful your children are, how kind and caring! But, unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Our children are often so stubborn!

Every mother knows this.

We say something to our children,

But they don’t hear their mothers at all.

Scene "Three Mothers"

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs. There is a doll on one of the chairs. On the table there is a tablecloth, a dish with four cheesecakes, a samovar, mugs, and saucers.

Tanyusha came home from school one day

She lowered the heavy briefcase.

She sat quietly at the table

And the doll Manyasha asked:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter? How's your day, fidget?

You're probably quite tired of waiting for me?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

Walking without a hat? You'll get a belt.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Eat everything, get better while you're young.

For dessert there will be cheesecake!


Tired mom came home from work

And she asked her daughter Tanya:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair next to Tanya.


Hello dear! How are you, daughter?

What did you get in your school diary?

Perhaps you were walking in the garden again?

Do you have to walk through puddles?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

And so on endlessly, every day!

Oh, these daughters are just a disaster,

Let's go to lunch, spinner!

Granny has already called us twice,

For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Grandma, my mother’s mother, came in here

And I asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?

Tired, probably, after a day?

Just half a minute to rest,

The profession of a doctor is very difficult,

But my daughter needs you at home healthy.

You can't go all day without lunch.

You know it yourself, you fidget.

Oh, these daughters are just a disaster.

Soon it will be as bad as a match.

Let's have lunch, spinner!

For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Everyone eats cheesecakes and drinks tea.


Three mothers are sitting in the kitchen having tea,

They look at their daughters with love and affection.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!


That's how restless all mothers are! And you and I all know that mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart, love never fades, it does not remain indifferent to anything. If you get sick, it will heal, if you are sad, it will comfort you. And if it gets scary, it will definitely save you.

Guys, appreciate this concern. You all probably already know that to make your mother happy, you don’t need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers yourself, help with household chores, and speak kind words to mothers. And, of course, to please with school successes.

Student 3:
And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate

We congratulate you on this important day.

And wishing for beautiful, fabulous days

We will sing a song for mothers.

All the children sing a song"All the flowers are for you."

Moms don't sleep many nights because they want you to be healthy and kind. Their hands work constantly to make it cozy and warm.

Look around - here at school you and I live on an amazing planet, on the planet of “Caring Moms”. The sun always shines on this planet, because kind, affectionate, but moderately strict, caring and cheerful mothers live on it. These are yours school moms.

Student 1:

These are our favorite teachers!

Student 2:

The eighth of March is a solemn day,

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women,

Your smiles and dreams.

Student 3:

Let the spring rays on this day

People and flowers will smile at you.

Student 1:

And may they always go through life with you

Love, health, happiness and dreams.

Student 2:

Dear teachers!
As a sign of gratitude and respect, please accept these spring flowers from us.

Congratulations from boys to girls:

We continue today's holiday,

We congratulate our girls!

We would sing separately for each one,

As long as we sing, let’s say it doesn’t matter!

If you were ever teased offensively,

Honestly, We are very ashamed.

And I’m not out of anger, out of habit

He often pulled your pigtails!

We are all badasses, because you know it yourself

But we won’t offend you anymore!

We ask you very much, you will forgive us

And please accept our congratulations!

Dance "Daria"

Student 3:

Happy Women's Day to everyone,

With the desired spring and drop,

And a bright ray of sunshine,

And spring birds with a ringing trill!

Student 1:

We wish you happy, clear days.

More light and goodness,

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth!


Our holiday is ending. Once again, we congratulate everyone on the beginning of spring, may the sun always shine in your families!

Children sing the song "May there always be sunshine!"