Project on moral and patriotic education “Love and know your native land!” Project on moral and patriotic education of preschool children “Little patriots are the future of the entire Fatherland Project on preschool education on patriotic education

, Patriotic education

Project goal and objectives

Target: Creating a unified space for moral and patriotic education and development of children of senior preschool age through interaction with the family.


  • Increase the professional competence of teachers in matters of interaction with parents of students.
  • Level up pedagogical culture parents, their interest in the upbringing and development of children.
  • Joint creation by teachers and parents both in preschool educational institutions and in the family of a positive psychological climate.
  • Increase parents' interest in their interaction with preschool educational institutions.
  • To form trusting and partnership relations between subjects of the educational space.

.Project participants:

  • Parents
  • Educators
  • Musical director

Project type: group, long-term.

Relevance of the project

The relevance of this project is due to the social significance of the spiritual and moral development of a child’s personality, when his perception is open to the formation of spiritual and moral values. This task acquires particular relevance in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool education system.
The “My Family” project focuses on interaction with parents: parents must participate in its implementation, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Involving parents in participation in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers. Working in the context of the implementation of new Federal State Educational Standards requires integration family education and preschool education, changes in style and forms of interaction preschool and family, which will ultimately contribute to the development general principles in work on the development of the personality of a preschool child, the formation of a common educational space for a preschool child.

Novelty of the project

The novelty of the project lies in the development of new approaches to introducing children to family traditions, values ​​and interaction with family patriotic education child. Joint research activities of preschoolers, parents and teachers to study the history of family and clan contributes to the formation of patriotism, cultural and value orientations, and spiritual and moral development.

Research problem

  • loss of family traditions when raising children of senior preschool age, lack of knowledge about folk holidays and games;
  • lack of knowledge among older preschool children about their small homeland, their family and their ancestors;
  • misunderstanding by parents of the importance of moral, patriotic and spiritual education not only in conditions of the preschool educational institution, but also in the family.

Research hypothesis

The moral, patriotic and spiritual education of children of senior preschool age will be more successful if the interaction of children, parents and educators is joint.

Research results:

  • Joint work of educators, music director, parents and children “Long-term planning of cognitive-research, social-communicative and artistic-creative activities of children of senior preschool age for the 2014-2015 academic year: from September 1 to May 8.”
  • Questionnaire
  • Participation in competitions

Project organization

Stage I

Target: self-improvement on this topic. Organization and carrying out preparatory work for the implementation of project activities.

Work carried out:

  • Compilation long-term plan on project implementation;
  • Studying literature, new techniques and technologies on issues of moral, patriotic and spiritual education children;
  • Assessing your own capabilities and resources in solving the problem;
  • Establishing contact not only with parents, but also with close relatives of the preschooler;
  • Establishing contact with the children's library in the city at Tekstilshchikov Street, 21;
  • Reading folk tales, proverbs and sayings, memorizing them, using them in special moments. Reading fiction, poetry, learning songs, dances on a given topic;
  • Registration thematic corner dedicated to his hometown (map of the region, state flag, coat of arms, anthem, educational literature about the Vologda region and the city of Vologda, information about the most significant industry of the city)
  • Listening to and learning the text of the Russian National Anthem during music classes;
  • Selection of visual material;
  • Expanding and deepening children’s knowledge about their ancestors;
  • Drawing up a family tree together with parents and older relatives

In accordance with the hypothesis and research problem, children, together with teachers and parents, set tasks for further research of the problem:

  • Develop a long-term work plan for 2014-2015 academic year together with parents and children;
  • Study theoretical aspects on this topic;
  • Introduce children to the concept of “family tree”;
  • Master a variety of tree design methods;
  • Study your family history;

Research results:

Design of the exhibition “The Family Tree of My Family”
Consultation for parents “Family Traditions”
Development of questionnaires for parents on the moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age
Design of the folder “Our Family Traditions”

Stage II. Organization of research within the framework of the project: collective search for moral, patriotic, spiritual, artistic and creative education of children of senior preschool age in interaction with the family

Target: organizing and conducting project events.

Work carried out:

  • Development of holiday scenarios for children and parents, lesson notes on this topic;
  • Creating presentations for thematic classes and holidays;
  • Carrying out events together with parents;
  • Participation in competitions dedicated to this topic;
  • Organization and holding of the final event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War “No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten."

Stage III. Final

Target: summing up, analyzing the results of the project implementation. Determining future prospects.

Presentation of research results

  1. Autumn matinee in the folklore genre “Autumn Folk Calendar”. Leader: Olga Sergeevna Kupreshina, presenter: Irina Yuryevna Terentyeva.
  2. Highlighting the “City where I live” center in the group (map of the Vologda region, books, sets of postcards, etc.)
  3. Entertainment for children and their parents for Mother’s Day “Warmth of hearts for dear mothers”
  4. Holiday New Year
  5. Tasting of culinary products made by the hands of mother (grandmother), with continuation New Year's party;
  6. Creation of a folder “Culinary products and recipes of our mothers”;
  7. Speech development: theme “New Year at the Gates”;
  8. Entertainment “Farewell to the Christmas tree”;
  9. Month of physical education and health activities. Open days for parents (from 17 to 25 February 2015)
  10. Open lesson for parents on moral and patriotic education on the topic: “A walk through our native Vologda”;
  11. Questionnaire for parents on moral and patriotic education “Family Traditions”;
  12. Entertainment for children and parents “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Giving gifts to dads;
  13. Entertainment for March 8th;
  14. Lesson on moral and patriotic education. Topic: “Word of Wise”;
  15. Drawing on the topic: “My beloved dad and mom”;
  16. An open lesson for teachers on moral and patriotic education on the topic: “Good deeds”;
  17. Exhibition " Family tree families";
  18. Participation in the “Mustachioed and Striped” competition;
  19. Speech lesson on the topic “Combat exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Second World War;
  20. Exhibition of books for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War;
  21. Learning poems and songs for the holiday;
  22. Lesson on moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age on the theme “Victory Salute”;
  23. Final lesson on moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age on the topic: “No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten";
  24. Exhibition of drawings for Victory Day;
  25. Participation of children in a concert for war veterans;
  26. Registration greeting cards for veterans;
  27. Children's participation in drawing competition, organized by the library at st. Textile workers -21.

Goals: Goal: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland. Educating preschoolers about citizenship and pride in their country and their people.

Objectives: 1. To clarify and deepen the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about Russia as the state in which they live, to cultivate love for the Motherland. 2. Cultivate a sense of pride for the Motherland, a sense of involvement in its fate. 3. Form a respectful attitude towards state symbols; consolidate knowledge about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow; natural symbol of Russia - the birch tree.

Read 02/10/20

Objectives: To form children’s ideas about the Second World War, the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.

Objectives: 1. Provide basic information about the Great Patriotic War. 2. Expanding knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland (soldiers). 3. Foster pride and respect for WWII veterans. 4. Form a sense of pride for the Motherland, for our people.

Read 02/19/20

Goals: to develop patriotic feelings of older preschoolers for the Motherland using the example of the heroic deeds of children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who stood up to defend the Motherland against the fascist invaders along with the soldiers of the Red Army.

Objectives: - creating conditions for the education of citizenship and patriotic feelings in preschool children. - nurturing love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, historical facts - nurturing attentive interest in child heroes; - development in children of curiosity, keen interest in the exploits of their ancestors, in particular in the exploits of child heroes; - introduce children to fiction on the topic: stories, poems, songs. Enrich and activate vocabulary children through new words.

Read 02/10/20

Goals: To promote the formation of moral and patriotic feelings in children through joint events children, parents, and teachers, through expanding their general horizons.

Objectives: 1. Contribute to the expansion and systematization of children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War. 2. To form a civic position, a feeling of love for the Motherland; 3. To instill in children pride in their Motherland, respect for the older generation, veterans of the Great Patriotic War; 4. Enrich and develop children’s vocabulary, introduce them to works of fiction and music of the war years; 5. Work with parents, involving them in patriotic education in the family.

Read 02/11/20

Goals: education of patriotic feelings, love for the homeland and pride in the Fatherland, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Objectives: - to form in older preschoolers a civic position, patriotic feelings, and love for the Motherland. - expand children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and its heroes; about military professions; monuments to the heroes of the Second World War, about heroic cities. - cultivate a sense of pride and respect for relatives and friends who took part in the battles, about the contribution of the residents of Surgut to the victory over the enemy.

Read 02/07/20

Goals: Expand children's knowledge about history native land, about the traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

Objectives: to introduce teaching staff with modern methodological literature on patriotic education; conduct a series of classes and events on the topic of the project for parents and children; create a corner in the “Young Patriot” group; introduce children to literary, artistic and musical works on the topic; develop files of games, notes, consultations, brochures on the topic of the project.

Read 02/26/20

Goals: Formation of patriotism and culture, which are of great importance in the social, civil and spiritual development of the child’s personality.

Objectives: To develop cognitive activity and curiosity, to form primary ideas about war and victory, based on specific facts accessible to children, to cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for everyone who defended the Motherland, to develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults.

Read 12/28/19

Goals: To instill in children a friendly attitude towards their dad, to instill a feeling of pride and joy for their loved one, for their Motherland. Help fathers understand their role in the development of their child's personality.

Objectives:  Introducing children 2-3 years old to the holiday “February 23” through illustrations, songs, and various games.  To update the image of the father as a defender of the family and the Fatherland;  Form primary gender ideas (instill in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, and become defenders of the Motherland);  Develop accuracy, fine motor skills hands, ability to interact with each other.  To develop motor skills and abilities in children to improve their health;  Fix the names of the primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green.  To develop the ability to perform appliqué by gluing ready-made forms, to develop children’s imagination and artistic taste;  Foster feelings of love and respect for dad.

Read 02.06.19

Objectives: To develop and test a model for educating preschool children through introducing children to Russian national culture, aimed at developing ideas about Russian traditions and holidays.

Objectives: Objectives of the project implementation To create conditions for the implementation of the main directions of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education ( educational field - cognitive development aimed at developing ideas about the small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays). To cultivate children's interest in Russian national culture, folk art, folklore, customs, traditions, rituals, folk calendar, folk games. Instill a love for traditional national holidays, develop an understanding of the names of holidays and celebration traditions. To create a developing subject-spatial environment necessary for the formation of ideas about domestic traditions and holidays in children, using the interaction of all participants in the educational process. To develop the desire and ability to apply acquired ideas about the historical past of one’s people in productive creativity and experimental research activities. Develop cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge, initiative, independence, imagination, curiosity, interest in cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to actively interact with peers and adults; use the potential of folk culture to accumulate gender role experience among preschoolers. To instill in children a sense of self-esteem as a representative of their people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, emotional responsiveness and a sense of empathy. To increase the competence of teachers and the awareness of parents in the direction of forming preschoolers’ ideas about domestic traditions and holidays.

Read 02/10/20

Goals: The goal of the project: To educate moral and patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age through familiarization with family values, the small and large Motherland. Formation of positive attitudes in the education of citizenship, patriotism, development of social-emotional intelligence in the study of the facts of the history of the native land.

Objectives: Objectives of the project: 1. To form a positive attitude in the education of patriotism. 2. Help children understand themselves as a member of the family. 3. Raising a child’s love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, hometown. 4. Familiarize children with the symbols of their hometown and state. 5. Formation of a caring attitude towards native nature and all living things. 6. Fostering respect for work. 7. Development of interest in Russian culture and national costumes. 8. Development of a sense of responsibility and pride in the country’s achievements; 9. Continue to introduce children to the sights of their native land; expand knowledge about its history. 10. Foster feelings of citizenship and pride in one’s small Motherland. 11. Foster a desire to be useful to your city. 12. To create a desire among children and parents to take part in patriotic education activities

Read 01.02.20

Goals: Goal: Creating conditions for preserving the physical and moral health of children, introducing them to spiritual, moral and civic values, instilling readiness to follow them.

Tasks: Tasks. To form in children the concepts of “Motherland”, “Fatherland”, “small Motherland”. To cultivate love for the small Motherland and patriotic feelings. Form a habit of healthy image life. To cultivate a love for nature and the animal world of Russia. Foster a caring attitude towards the nature of your native land. Introduce children to the life, customs, and activities of our ancestors. To develop respect for Russian traditions, for the hard worker, to maintain interest in national clothes. for Russian holidays, fairy tales, nursery rhymes. Introduce children to how bread was grown in the old days. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread. Provide knowledge about the professions of people in their hometown and their place of work. To instill in children respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the desire to learn. To consolidate children's knowledge about the history of their hometown and its attractions. Foster a sense of pride in your city, a desire to make it better. To form an idea of ​​who the defenders of the Fatherland are. To foster a sense of patriotism, pride for the Motherland, for the past of our country. To instill love for the difficult but honorable duty of defending the Motherland. Develop an idea of ​​heroism. To instill in children an emotionally positive attitude towards soldiers. To form a child’s self-awareness associated with mastering basic knowledge of history, geography, and Russian culture. Raise children on a continuous connection between the history of the past, present and future. Help increase value family values, increasing the social role of the family as the child’s first mentor in moral and patriotic education.

Read 01/25/20

Goals: aimed at strengthening traditions national unity and unity, instilling in children a patriotic feeling and respect for the history of our Motherland.

Objectives: Expand children’s understanding of their native country, public holidays, deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland-Russia; maintain interest in studying the history of your country, the history of your native land.

Read 01/25/20

Objectives: To give children a general idea of ​​the diversity of migratory birds; - Clarify the name of frequently encountered migratory birds, their characteristics, and highlight significant differences; - Introduce the concept of “flying in a wedge”, “shoal”, “flock”; - Learn to answer the teacher’s questions.

Objectives: To cultivate a kind attitude towards birds; - Create a desire to help them, make plasticine grains for the birds; - Strengthen children’s ability to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and roll them into round balls - grains.

Read 04/18/17

Goals: Improving educational work, strengthening patriotic orientation and love for the Motherland.

Objectives: 1. Organize the co-creation of children, parents, teachers in the joint development of this topic; 2. Form ideas about the Victory Day holiday. Introduce children of war, heroes of the Great Patriotic War; 3. Cultivate courage and courage, the desire to defend one’s homeland.

Nurturing patriotic consciousness in preschool children through cooperation with parents

Read 09.14.17

Goals: Getting to know the history and traditions of the holiday.

Objectives: to form the idea that in peacetime our country is protected Russian army. Introduce the branches of the military, military professions, and equipment that helps to serve. develop speech activity, replenish and activate vocabulary. to instill in boys a desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland, and a sense of pride in the Russian army.

Project, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland

Read 09.14.17

Goals: to cultivate respect for the history of your village, a sense of belonging to its bright and tragic pages

Objectives: -to expand ideas about the history of our village; -instill a sense of pride in the centuries-old history of our small Motherland


Goals: The goal of the project is to create, with the help of folklore, conditions for the education of a truly Russian person - a patriot who knows and respects Russian culture, building his life on the basis of love for the Motherland, kindness and responsiveness

Objectives: Objectives - creating conditions for the formation of the foundations of national identity and love for the Fatherland with increasing mutual understanding, respect and friendship between people; - formation of common cultural interests in the joint activities of children and parents using museum pedagogy; - restoration of continuity in the perception and development of traditional national culture with the help of folklore forms.

Pedagogical project"My Russia..."

Read 09.18.17

Goals: Promoting the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation through variable forms of work in close cooperation with the families of students.

Objectives: To form in children an idea of ​​the family, of a moral attitude towards family traditions, expand knowledge about your immediate environment, teach you to understand family ties; -Develop children's horizons, their communication skills (enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech, develop the ability to coherently and consistently express their thoughts, activate children's attention and memory, develop logical thinking); -Develop creativity parents and children in the process of joint activities - Develop positive emotions from collective work activity - To instill in children love and respect for family members and the work of adults; show the value of family for every person and show care for loved ones. - Enrich with materials a subject-development environment for plot-role-playing games. -Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with a child in a family and kindergarten setting. -Improve the quality of work of the kindergarten in interaction with parents, through the involvement of parents in project activities in order to strengthen parent-child relationships. - Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.

moral and patriotic education of preschool children ( middle group)

Read 06.06.19

Goals: Continue to develop children’s interest in their native nature; generalize knowledge about birch; expand children’s ideas about the image of the birch in poetry, music, works fine arts; cultivate a love for Russian birch.

Objectives: Continue to develop children’s interest in their native nature; generalize knowledge about birch; expand children’s ideas about the image of the birch in poetry, music, and works of fine art; cultivate a love for Russian birch.


Objectives: To acquaint children with the feat of the hero of the Soviet Union of the Second World War Nazarov I.S.

Objectives: 1. To cultivate love for the Motherland, devotion to it, a sense of pride and compassion for one’s people, their military merits. 2. To form will, endurance, courage, knowledge of traditions, study of labor and military exploits. 3. Generalize and expand knowledge about war heroes and the exploits of heroes, about military equipment. 4. Develop creative abilities within the framework of the project. 5. Organize joint activities of adults and children to educate patriotic feelings. 6. Foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, the memory of fallen soldiers, and WWII veterans.

Interesting photo reports and advice on developing thematic projects with a moral and patriotic orientation. Long-term and short-term thematic projects dedicated to the small and large Motherland; the exploits of our compatriots during the Great Patriotic War; customs and traditions of the peoples of our country; spiritual and moral education and upbringing of children.

Experience of teachers in creating an appropriate subject-development environment (corner “My Motherland - Russia”, didactic and role-playing games, fiction, paintings, illustrations).

Thematic projects - stages of education of patriotism.

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All sections | Patriotic education. Projects

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Patriotic education. Projects - Project on moral and patriotic education of preschool children

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Project on moral and patriotic education of preschool children “Little patriots are the future of the entire Fatherland”

Teacher of the 1st category:

Karnaukhova L.Yu.

MBDOU "DSKV No. 102" Bratsk

“Love for your native land, native culture, native speech begins small - with love for your family, for your home, for your kindergarten. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all humanity”...

L. S. Likhachev

Project type: thematic

Children's age: Senior preschool age.

Project participants: children, parents of students, group teachers, music director.

Project implementation period: Long term, from September to May


Motherland, Fatherland. ... The roots of these great words contain images that are close to everyone: mothers and fathers, in a word, parents, those who give life to a new, unknown creature and are nearby, laying in him the origins of a future personality.

To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in preschool childhood, when the foundations of a value-based attitude towards the world around us are laid, and is formed in the child gradually, in the course of nurturing love for his neighbors, for kindergarten, for his native places, his native country.

Preschool age as a period of personality formation has its potential for the formation of higher moral feelings, which include a sense of patriotism, which includes a sense of responsibility to society, a feeling of deep, spiritual attachment to family, home, homeland, native nature, as well as tolerant attitude towards other people. The family plays a key role in the formation of patriotic feelings, since it is the family that performs a number of functions related to the needs of the child’s personality and society: reproductive, educational, economic, spiritual and emotional, etc. The position of the parents is the basis for the family education of the child. Thus, from an early age, a child can feel involved in the life of his people, feel like a son not only of his parents, but of the entire Fatherland. In order for a child to grow up as a worthy son of the Fatherland, we adults need to teach him to love his parents, and in turn surround them with care, love and attention.

Teach to love sincerely, actively, refracting your love into action

If we teach him to love this way, it means we will be able to raise a citizen who can be entrusted with the country.


Childhood is a daily discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery becomes, first of all, knowledge of man and the Fatherland, so that the beauty of a real person, the greatness and incomparable beauty of the Fatherland enters the child’s mind and heart.

Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of personality and its moral sphere. A favorable pedagogical environment created in a timely manner helps to instill in children the foundations of patriotism and citizenship.

The concept of patriotism is diverse in its content - it is respect for the culture of one’s country, and a feeling of inseparability with the outside world, and pride in one’s people and one’s Motherland.

From the first years of life, a child must love his native land, culture with his heart and soul, and experience a sense of national pride, which is called “putting roots in his native land.” Preschool age, according to – the best period for the formation of love for your small homeland.

Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content - it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of one’s inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s homeland.

The project “Little Patriots – the Future of the Whole Fatherland” includes 18 thematic blocks. Each block is designed for 2 weeks with a total of

is a united activity with parents, as a result of which joint events take place, such as holidays, excursions, as well as homework: conversations with children, participation in mini-projects, holidays, exhibitions, making wall newspapers and etc.

The final link of this project is the holding of a holiday for children and parents: “Our Motherland – Russia.” At the final event, active participants will be not only children, but also parents who have taken on the role of “ Creative group»

Project idea:

To establish mutual trusting relationships between teachers and parents to develop the patriotic qualities of the child’s personality in different types activities.

To activate and enrich the educational skills of parents in introducing preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

Project goal:

1. Formation of patriotic qualities of a child’s personality through introducing children to family traditions and values.

2. Raising a citizen and patriot of his country, who loves his family, home, and people close to him.


Create favorable conditions for successful implementation project.

Develop content, methods, techniques, forms of organization cognitive activity, promoting the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Develop a system forward planning events.

To form patriotic values ​​in the minds of adults and children: love for your family, home.

Enrich children's knowledge about their family. Give an idea of ​​the concepts: “clan”, “parents”, “pedigree”, “family”, “relatives”, “relatives”.

Broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary with terms of family relationships, develop children’s coherent speech.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Revive moral traditions in the modern family.

Forms of work:

With children:



Examination of family albums, illustrations;

Exhibitions of children's works;

Learning poems, proverbs, sayings;

Creative speech activity;

Matinees, entertainment, competitions;

conducting outdoor games; games - dramatizations;

conducting didactic and role-playing games;

reading fiction;

writing stories and fairy tales about family;

creating mini-projects together with parents.

With parents:


Conversations, consultations, parent meetings by project topics;

Open days;

Excursions, visits to museums, exhibitions

Photo competitions


Family mini projects

Preparation for project implementation.

1. Study methodological, fiction and children's literature;

2. Select illustrative material;

3. Conduct a selection musical compositions on the topic of the project;

4. Organize an OOD on the project topic;

5. Questioning parents. Survey of children.

6. Involving parents in joint activities within the framework of the project “Little Patriots - the Future of the Whole Fatherland”

System and sequence of work on the project:

1. “A name is a great treasure”; “Name day is a holiday every year”

2. “The house where I live”; "Family circle"

3. “My favorite kindergarten”; "Mother's Day"

4. “We are helpers”; “All professions are needed - all professions are important”

5. “New Year - family holiday"; "Dad, Mom, I - sports family»

6. " Winter fun"; “My dad is Defender of the Fatherland”;

7. “Mom is the first word”; "Meeting the Past"

8. “Our Motherland – Russia”; “My city Naberezhnye Chelny is the Great Autograd”

9. “Great Victory Day”; “Going anywhere without difficulty”

Expected result:

1. Children will expand their knowledge of the sections of the project.

2. Children will have value and moral qualities, which are the foundation for the further education of a humane, spiritual and moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens of Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all project participants will increase.

4. The relationship between children, parents and teachers will be strengthened.

5. A subject-development environment will be created that will promote the moral and patriotic education of children.


Currently, the project is relevant and especially difficult; it requires great tact and patience, since in young modern families Issues of educating patriotism are not considered important and significant, and often only cause bewilderment. When implementing a project for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children based on spiritual and moral traditions, the problem may arise that parents do not want to be its participants, therefore the main condition of the project is voluntary participation, but it is also worth remembering that the teacher’s competence must be at top level during the implementation of the project and the participation of all its planned persons. Involving the family in the patriotic education of children requires special tact, attention and sensitivity from the teacher to each child. Patriotic education forms in a future person love for other people, teaches him to help people, and cultivates nobility in a person. Therefore, today the primary task of all teachers and parents is to instill in children a love for their homeland, for their city, for their family and friends, to teach them to help each other, in general, to raise a real worthy person - a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is preschool age that is a favorable period of education: patriotism, love for the small Motherland, education of such moral qualities that allow a preschooler to grow up as a person - a citizen of his country, a patriot who knows how to appreciate and preserve historical and cultural heritage Russian people. One of the solutions to patriotic education is the organization of a unified educational space for pupils, which is supported in preschool educational institutions and the family.

Literature used:

1. Burmistrova I.K., Evdokimova E.S. “Education of a little citizen”

2. Vinogradova N. F., Zhukovskaya R. I. “Native Land”

3. Vinogradova N. F. “Country Russia”

4. Kondrykinskaya L. A. “Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten”

5. Kazakov A.P., Shorygina T.A. “For children about the Great Victory”

6. “My home” Program for moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.

7. Novitskaya M. Yu. “Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten"

8. Pozdnyakova E. A. “Civic education in preschool education: planning, development of classes and events”

Internet resource:

1.http://solnet/ru Children's portal “Sun”. 2. Social network teaching staff

Love for the native land, native culture,

native speech begins with small things - love for your family,

to your home, to your kindergarten.

Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for one’s native country,

to its history, past and present, to all humanity.

D.S. Likhachev

Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

Project type:group, informational, practice-oriented, long-term.

Implementation period:one year.

Relevance of the project

The concept of “patriotism” includes love for the land where one was born and raised, attachment to one’s home, a sense of deep spirituality and pride in the historical achievements of one’s people.

Patriotic education of preschool children is love for the Motherland. Love for the Motherland begins: with the attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother; with love for your home, the street on which the child lives; with love for kindergarten, school, city; with love for the nature of his native land. Patriotic education also includes fostering a respectful attitude towards: the worker and the results of his work; to his native land; to the defenders of the Fatherland; to state symbols; to the traditions of the state; for national holidays.


1. Education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, formation of moral values.

2. Orient parents towards the patriotic upbringing of children in the family.


1. Raising a child’s love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.

2. Formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things; instilling respect for work.

3. Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

4. Formation of basic knowledge about human rights.

5. Expanding ideas about Russian cities; introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

6. Development of a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the family and country.

7. Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

All our work was based on the main areas of preschool education

Social and personal development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development;

Cognitive and speech development.

Preliminary work:

setting goals and objectives;

acquisition of visual teaching material;

work with educational and fiction literature (selection of illustrations, books, fairy tales, stories, riddles, poems);

selection of didactic, mobile and finger games;

plans for joint educational activities;

reminders for parents;

purchasing a disc with recordings of Russian cartoons.

Stage I – preparatory (collection and accumulation of information)

preparation of a questionnaire for parents on the topic “Patriotic education of a child”;

development of a long-term plan for project implementation;

development of GCD plans;

selection of visual material (illustrations, toys) to create a developmental environment in the group;

selection of fiction and literary words for reading and retelling during educational activities, conversations and independent activity children;

selection of didactic, active and finger games on the topic of the project.

Stage II – basic (practical)

Reading poems and stories about the nature of Russia. Discussion of what you read.

Conversation “I love you, Russia”, conversation “My Motherland”, conversation “Big and Small Motherland”, conversation “State Symbols of Russia”, conversation “Family and Family Traditions”.

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Nature of Russia”, “Natural zones of Russia”.

Dance movements to the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field...”.

Finger game "Native Land".

Travel game “Novosibirsk – our favorite city.”

Mobile folder for parents “Our city Novosibirsk”.

Examination of illustrations on the theme “Novosibirsk”.

Game "Symbols of the country."

Drawing with gouache “Flag of Russia” and “Flag of Novosibirsk”

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Russian Army”, “Our Defenders”, “Military Equipment”.

Participation with parents in a sports and entertainment event dedicated to February 23 (from musical director and physical education instructor).

Design of the photo album “Memorable places of our city.”

Consultation for parents “The importance of Russian folk tales in raising children”, consultation for parents “The role of songs in the patriotic education of preschool children.”

Creation of a card index: “Poems about Russia”, “Proverbs and sayings”, Russian folk games", exhibition "My native Novosibirsk".

Layouts: Exhibition of children's works. “Flag of Russia” “Nature of our region.”

Creation of a subject-development environment: “My Russia”, “My Novosibirsk”, “My Family”.

Quiz “Russia is my Motherland.”

Stage III – final

Literary lounge “I love you, my native land” (participants are parents and children).

Cognitive and speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Sports entertainment: “Everyone is young in the winter cold”, “Tourist hike”.

Social and personal development

Expected result:

Children feel proud of their country and are interested in the history of their homeland. They know the traditions of their native people, the symbols of Russia, their region, the history of their small homeland. Children have a deeper knowledge of Russia and Novosibirsk.

Parents began to understand the importance of instilling patriotic qualities in preschool age.