The “colorful week” project for the second youngest group is not. Educational - creative project in kindergarten in the second junior group “We draw a rainbow Thematic week - “Blue Week”

Project "Colorful Week" for children 1 junior group "Dandelions"

Completed by: teacher

Novoseltseva T.A.

Project participants :

Children, parents, group teacher.

Project type:

According to the dominant activity in the project: creative.

According to the number of project participants: group (15-21 people, everyone).

By duration: short-term

By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

According to the profile of knowledge: multi-subject.

According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Project goal:

Fixing all colors and the ability to find objects of a given color around you.

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of the color spectrum.
  • Teach children to correctly identify the colors of the rainbow and draw it.
  • Practice finding objects of a given color around you.
  • Practice your ability to talk about color.
  • Learn to group objects according to given characteristics.
  • Develop seeing skills characteristic features objects, imagination.
  • Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects.
  • Help to remember the location of the colors of the rainbow, develop speech and vocabulary Guys.

Expected outcome of the project

Children correctly distinguish and name colors.

  • Determining the theme of the project.
  • Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.
  • Selection of materials on the project topic.
  • Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project.

Main stage

Implementation of the “Colorful Week” project

I. Involvement in activities

Announcement of the implementation of the “Colorful Week” project.

Monday is red.

Tuesday – orange and yellow.

Wednesday is green.

Thursday – blue and blue.

Friday is purple.


"Let's get to know each other - I'm Red."

Deut. Nick

  • Educational activities according to OO " Artistic creativity" - drawing a rainbow.
  • creating a drawing “Multi-colored palette”.
  • In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children and parents accepted active participation in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.

What is a rainbow


When the sun is shining, and then it starts to rain, the sun goes behind the clouds. And when the rain stops falling, a rainbow appears, blue, yellow and shining brightly.

Vika V:

I saw a rainbow with my dad, it’s colorful, it appears when the rain has stopped, I really like it, I want to see it again.


Multi-colored, beautiful, rainbow-colored, appears when the rain has stopped, glows like the sun.


She has all sorts of colors there, beautiful, blue, purple, red, green, yellow, she appeared near the fountain at the top, huge, and small at the bottom.

Nastya I:

Every hunter wants

know where the pheasant sits.

I saw a rainbow in a cartoon.

Lisa S:

It appears after a rain, near the flowers, it is striped and colored.

Project in the early childhood group of the kindergarten “Soap is foaming, look!”

Completed: Garayeva E.N., Gudyreva A.V. educators.

December, 2016.


The child is inquisitive. Tends to observe and experiment. Elementary experimentation is available to children from an early age. The leading cognitive process in early age is perception. These children are trusting and spontaneous, easily involved in practical activities together with adults, and enjoy manipulating various objects. In order to interest children and awaken their creative activity, gaming methods and techniques, as well as artistic expression, are offered. For early children preschool age The principle of repetition is relevant, so we constantly return to many experiences and experiments.

Games with soap bubbles - this fun has been known for a long time, attracting both children and adults.
This unforgettable and exciting spectacle can bring excitement to any holiday.
To expand children's ideas about the world around them, to further involve children in project activities, I developed a project to introduce unconventional material- foam.

Target: Introducing non-traditional foam material through experimental games.

Tasks: Develop tactile sensations emotional perception, observation, skills experimental activities.

  • Encourage verbal communication.
  • Form ideas about the properties of foam: “airy”, “light”.

When implementing the project, visual, practical and verbal methods were used: demonstration by the teacher, questions, conversation, games with foam.

Project type: Short-term, group - 1 week.

Project participants: Children, parents, teachers.

Equipment: Bowls of water, straws, soap, soap bubbles, mirror, doll dishes, small toys (sinking).

Project product:

  • Photo report of the project.
  • Card index of experimental games with young children.
  • Team work with children. Working with parents:
  • Learning poems and nursery rhymes with children at home. Reading fairy tales.
  • Consultation: “Development of cultural and hygienic skills.”
  • Assistance to parents in selecting materials and equipment for the implementation of certain activities.
  • Supporting cultural and hygienic skills acquired in a preschool educational institution in a home environment.
  • Preliminary work: Reading fiction by K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, looking at illustrations; game situations, implementation of regime moments. Stages of project implementation.

I. Preparatory stage:
Supervision of children.
Discussion of the topic, determination of goals and objectives of the project.
Organization of subject-development environment.
A selection of literature, games, illustrations.
Discussion with parents about upcoming events.

II. The main stage of the project implementation:

1 day:
Finger game “Washbasin”
Goal: Development fine motor skills, activation of the dictionary.
We washed our hands (rubbing palm against palm). One, two, three. One, two, three (three claps each). And above the arms, like clouds (hands up). Bubbles... bubbles... (jumps, hands on the belt).

Game "Let's make foam"

Target: Clarify knowledge about the properties of water (water foams).
In a basin with warm water (add liquid soap to the bottom).
Invite the children to touch the water, then whisk the water, gradually foam begins to appear, more and more.
Invite children to touch the foam, play with it, or blow on it.
Conclusion - soap in water - foam appears.

Day 2:

“Experimental game “Foam on the palms!”

Target: teach your child to soap their hands from the outside and inside until foam forms “gloves”
Activation of the dictionary: (soap dish, soap, soapy)
Okay, okay, wash your little ones with soap,
Clean palms, here's bread and spoons!
Water gurgles in the tap. Very cool!
Mashenka herself washes her hands (the adult says the child’s name).
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding here?

Day 3:

Game-experiment “Catch the Bubbles!”

Target: Develop tactile sensations. To consolidate ideas about the properties of foam (light, airy). Children, together with the teacher, blow bubbles while listening to the poem.
Open the caps
Blowing bubbles
Here they are - look!
They are all airy!
And very naughty!
How can we catch them?

Hold it in your palm! Game-experiment “Tracks along the mirror”

Target: Develop creative thinking, fine motor skills.
Children, together with the teacher, soap their hands and draw straight lines.
Conclusion - you can draw with foam.

Day 4:

Game – experiment “Find toys”

Target: Development of experimental activities during the game.
Place toys in a bowl of soapy water - children look for them by pushing away the foam.
Conclusion - foam hides toys (it’s transparent)

Day 5:

Game "Moidodyr's Helpers"

Target: Enriching the gaming experience, performing and consolidating practical actions about the properties of soapy water.
Children, together with the teacher, “wash” the doll dishes, rinse them from foam, and dry them on a towel.
Conclusion - soapy water washes away “dirt”.

Unconventional drawing using foam and foam rubber “Soap Bubbles”


The children developed basic search skills and knowledge about the properties of foam.
As part of the project, it was possible to induce in children positive emotions from shared communication with adults and peers, the joy of reading works of art And finger games.
Parents became more active and began to take part in joint activities on the project.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 75 “Hare”


Deputy Head in HC and MR

“Kindergarten No. 75 “Hare”

V.A. Poluektova


Project: “Colorful World”

Group: “okay”

Date and location: February

Venue: group: “ladushki”

Lead teacher: Gorban E.O.

Participants: Pupils of the “ladushki” group and parents

Norilsk. 2018.

Relevance of the project:

The main component full development children of primary preschool age is sensory development. Sensory development, aimed at the formation of a full perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for knowledge of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e., on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and touches the environment.

Project goal:

To consolidate children's knowledge of the names of colors (red, blue, yellow, green) in various types activities. Give the concept - “multi-colored”.

Project objectives:

1. Educational:

Learn to distinguish and correctly name primary colors;

To develop in children visual ways of examining objects;

2. Developmental:

Develop a visual reaction to objects in the surrounding world, notice their shape and color.

Develop cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory).

Develop fine motor skills.

3. Educational:

Develop the ability to play with each other;

Develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher.

Age of participants: children 2-3 years old.

Project type: medium term (1 month).

Composition of the project team: teacher, pupils of the 2-3 year old group, parents.

Forms of project organization:

1. Classes.

2. Game situations.

3. Work with subject and plot pictures.

4. Didactic games and games with elements of experimentation.

5. Exercises to develop fine motor skills.

6. Consultations for parents

7. Exhibition of children's drawings

Project implementation stages:

Stage I – preparatory

Work planning

Selection and study of literature

Selection methodological material

Selection of game material

Stage II – basic (practical)

    Introduction into the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about color

    Development of a consultation “Development of sensory abilities of children of early preschool age”

    Exhibition of “didactic games”

    Exhibition of children's drawings “multi-colored palms”

    Children and parents making laptops together

Stage III - final

    Processing of project implementation results

    Parents meeting

    Presentation of the project “Colorful World”

    Fun with parents “Balloons are very naughty”

Expected results of the project:

Children: children will learn to distinguish and correctly name primary colors, learn to associate colors with objects

Parents: promotion pedagogical culture parents, establish trusting and partnership relationships with them.

Project implementation schedule.


Stage 1


Conducting a series of themed colorful weeks with children:

- “Red Week”

- "Blue Week"

- "Yellow Week"

- “Green Week”

Consultations for parents.

Stage 2 Main

Thematic week- “Red Week”

- Consideration illustrations, subject pictures, toys and objects - red

- Didactic games: “Sun” - with clothespins “Magic spoon”, “Jar - piggy bank”, “Lay out red flowers” ​​- mosaic, “Edible, not edible”.

- Modeling: “Beads for Katya’s doll”, “Berries for the birds”, “Apples”, “Strawberry”.

- Drawing: “Red Balls”, “Apples for a Doll”, “Ladybug”.

- Reading: r. n. the song “Our Masha is little...”, “Ladybug fly to the sky...”, N. Pavlova’s fairy tale “Strawberry”.

- Plot-based games a: “We invite you to tea” - red tea utensils.

- Speech games: “Find and name” “Magic chest.”

- Construction: “Red Tower”, “Dog House”.

- Physical culture : game exercises : “Bring the red flag,” “Knock down the red pins.”

Thematic week – “Blue Week”

- Looking at illustrations, object pictures, toys and objects - blue

- Didactic games: “Flowers” ​​- with clothespins, “Magic spoon”, “Tail for a cockerel”, “Lay out the blue path” - mosaic, “Comparison of fish”.

-Modeling: “Blue bowls for three bears”, “Blue balls”.

- Drawing: “Blue rings for the pyramid”, “Fish swims in the water”, “Sea waves”, “Rain”.

- Reading: M. Krasev “Fish”, A Barto “Boat”, call “Rain, rain, more fun...”, A. S. Pushkin excerpt from the fairy tale “The wind walks across the sea...”.

- : “We invite you to dinner” - blue dishes.

-Speech games: “Find and name”, “Where does the fish live?” (photo 6, playing the game “Where does the fish live?”).

- Construction: “Blue Path”, “House for Fish”.

- Physical culture: game exercises: “Bring the blue flag”, “Knock down the blue pins”, “Jump over the stream”, “Puddles”.

Thematic week - “Yellow Week”

- Consideration illustrations, subject pictures, toys and objects - yellow

- Didactic games: “Sunshine”, “Dandelion” - with clothespins, “Piggy Bank Jar”, “Lay out the yellow path” - mosaic, “Find your place”.

- Modeling: “Kolobok”, “Bagels for the cat”, “Rays for the sun”, “Pie for the cat”, “Gingerbread for the bunny”, “Cheese for the mouse”.

- Drawing:“Dandelions in the grass”, “The sun is shining”, “Yellow lumps”, “Sunny bunny”, “Let’s color the turnip”.

- Reading:E. Blaginina “Dandelion”, A. Barto “The sun is looking through the window”, p. n. fairy tale "Turnip", b. n. the nickname “The sun is a bucket”, G. Balla “Zheltyachok”, A. Brodsky “Sunny Bunnies”.

- Plot-display game: “We invite you to tea” - yellow teaware

- Speech games: “Find out and name”, “Sunshine look out the window”, “Magic bag”.

- Construction: “Yellow Tower”, “House for the Sun”, “Yellow Paths”.

-Physical culture: game exercises: “For flowers”, “Collect yellow balls”, “Run to the yellow cube”.

Thematic week - “Green Week”

-Looking at the illustrations subject pictures, toys and objects – green

- Didactic games: “Give the cockerel a feather”, “Grass” - with clothespins, “Jar piggy bank”, “Lay out a green path” - mosaic, “Find green shapes”

- Modeling:“Twigs for a goat”, “Balls for kittens”, “Spring grass”, “Cucumber”.

- Drawing: “Dandelions in the grass”, “Grass in the meadow”, “Grass for the cow”, “Green leaves on a branch”.

-Reading: A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”, p. n. song “Like in a meadow, meadow...”, p. n. nursery rhyme “Cucumber, cucumber.”

- Plot-display game: “We invite you to tea” - green tea utensils.

- Speech games: “Find out and name”, “Bring a green toy”, “Magic bag”.

- Construction: “Green garage for a car”, “Green house for a squirrel”, “Fence for kids”, “Green grass” - made from sticks.

- Physical culture: game exercises: “For flowers”, “Fairytale walk in the forest”, “Knock down the green pins with a green ball”.

Methodological product - “Presentation of the project “Colorful World”

Literature used

1. Alyabyeva E. A “Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten ", "Final days on lexical topics", 2006.

2. Afanasyeva S. Feed the soul with beauty// Preschool education. - 1997, № 7.

4. Vygodsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M., 1991.

6. Kazakova T. G. Development of creativity in preschoolers. - M.: Education, 1985. Kazimirova T. Blue Bird // Children's creativity. - 1998, No. 4.

7. Komarova T. S. Children in the world of creativity. - M., 1995.


municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Petrozavodsk urban district

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority

carrying out activities on physical development children No. 12 “Dolphin”

(MDOU "Kindergarten No. 12")

Project " Multicolored week »


"Pearls" (group no. 1)

Teachers: Kurilina E. A.

Yarovaya V. E.

Passport of the creative project “Colorful Week” for children of the second junior group “Pearls”

Project participants: Children, parents, teachers, specialists.

Project type:

    According to the dominant activity in the project: creative.

    Content: educational.

    According to the number of project participants: group (15-25 people, everyone).

    By duration: short-term (1 week).

    By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

    According to the profile of knowledge: multi-subject.

    According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Composition of the project team: The project leaders are educators.
Participants are children and parents of the “Pearls” group.

Project goal:

Fixing all colors and the ability to find objects of a given color around you.

Project objectives:

    Strengthen children's knowledge of the color spectrum.

    Learn to distinguish colors and compare them with objects.

    Practice your ability to talk about color.

    Develop imagination, the ability to see the characteristic features of objects.

    Learn to group objects according to given characteristics, learn to work according to a model.

    Learn to group objects by color.

    Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects.

Relevance of the problem:

Didactic games aimed at the sensory development of children (in particular, at developing a sense of color) have great potential: they allow children to be introduced to the qualities and properties of objects, in this case, color.

In the process of various didactic games, children learn to identify the color of objects, name shades and colors, compare objects by color, and group them by similarity in color. All these activities develop and consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about color and contribute to the formation of a sense of color. Didactic games preceding visual arts, prepare children for a more free and accurate reflection of colors and shades in drawing and appliqué.

Children operate with existing knowledge about color, which is acquired, systematized, and enriched during the game. With the help of the game, the child gains new knowledge about a particular color. At the same time, during the game, children's color vocabulary is activated.

The project includes 3 stages: preparatory, main, final.

This project is significant for all its participants:

Children : receive and put into practice safety rules.

Teachers: continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.
Parents: expand opportunities for cooperation with their children, prepare material for teaching their children.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

Educators: organize educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling parents
Children: participate in educational and play activities.
Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

Security project activities:

Fiction. Drawing paper. Coloring pages. Colored pencils, paints, gouache, brushes. Toys.

Expected outcome of the project:

Children correctly distinguish and name colors.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage

Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of goals and definition of tasks. Selection of materials on the project topic. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project.

Main stage:
Educational activities for the NGO “Artistic Creativity” - didactic game “Let’s get to know each other - (I am Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue,)”, didactic games: “Colored Ribbons”, “Funny Beads”. Examination of illustrations “What color is what”, O.s. “What is your favorite color?”

Educational activity for the NGO “Physical Culture” is the didactic game “Colorful Balls”. Reading fiction “Multi-colored fairy tales”, “The seven-flowered flower”.

Educational activity for the NGO "Trud" - didactic game "What are objects made of."
Educational activities for the NGO “Cognition\Ecology” - conversation “Favorite houseplant”.

Educational activities for the OO “Cognition\Mathematics” - d. and “Fold the pattern”.
Educational activities for the NGO “Safety” - p.i. "Traffic light".

Working with parents - creating visual material for children. Consultation on the topic “Studying colors with children 3-4 years old.”

Final stage: Educational activities for the NGO “Artistic Creativity” - drawing competition, drawing up a project portfolio.

Interim report preparatory stage project.

The first stage of design is preparatory, during the period of this stage: This stage was implemented over three days.
Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.
Selection of materials on the project topic. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project. A plan for the main design stage has been drawn up.

Interim report of the main stage of the project.

This stage was implemented within 1 week, during which time the following was organized: (list of completed activities).

Interim report of the final stage of the project.

Design of material in parent's corner. Drawing up a project portfolio. Preparation for the final event - a holiday for mothers.

Report on project activities:

In the process of various didactic games, children learned to identify the color of objects and group them according to their similarity in color.

The project gave a great impetus to development children's creativity and imagination, the level of coherent speech increased.

Children's sympathy has increased, and the group's team has rallied.

The children received psychological relief and relief from emotional stress.

Parents were involved in pedagogical process, interest in cooperation with preschool educational institutions has increased.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children and parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.

Implementation of the “Colorful Week” project

I. Involvement in activities.

Announcement of the implementation of the “Colorful Week” project.
Monday - red.
Tuesday – green color.
Wednesday– blue color.
Thursday – yellow color.
Friday - Colorful day. The final event is a holiday for mothers.

II. Living the theme of the week.

Event names


The first day of the red gnome. (Red)

Lesson on speech development “Visiting toys.”

Telling “colorful” tales; "Journey to a Red Fairy Tale."

Didactic games "Colored Cups and Saucers", “Put a butterfly on a flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Manufacturing Ladybug from cardboard and plasticine (plasticine).

Outdoor games “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens and an Angry Cockerel”, “Planes”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”.

Homework: Draw a red fruit or vegetable at home.

Second day of the green gnome. (Green)

Application "Frog".

Telling “colorful” fairy tales: “Journey to a green fairy tale.”

Reading poems that mention color;

Coloring chickens with paints

Outdoor games “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens and an Angry Cockerel”, “Airplanes”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”

Homework: Bring a craft using green.

The third day of the blue gnome. (Blue)

Drawing " Blue flowers».

Telling “colorful” fairy tales: “Journey to a blue fairy tale.”

Reading poems that mention color;

Didactic games “Match the dishes by color”, “Put the butterfly on the flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Coloring flowers with paints.

Outdoor games “Chickens and an angry cockerel”, “Planes”

Homework: Draw cornflowers or bells at home.

The fourth day of the yellow (orange) gnome. (Yellow)

Lessons on the formation of elementary mathematical representations"Shapes and Colors"

Telling “colorful” tales; "Journey to the Yellow Fairy Tale."

Reading poems that mention color;

Didactic games “Match the dishes by color”, “Put the butterfly on the flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Coloring chickens with paints

Outdoor games “Shaggy Dog”, “Bunnies and Fox”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”.

Homework: Color or design as a chicken applique.

Different colored day.

Final event. Holiday for mothers “Multi-colored flowers for mothers.” Fixing all the colors of the week.

Carrying out outdoor games:

“Assemble toys by color” (in a group).

How to play: Scatter toys on the floor. Place a basket or box on a chair and offer at the signal, collect toys of the color that I name.

“Shaggy Dog” (on a walk).

This game is more fun to play with a group. One child pretends to be a dog. At the same time, he sits on his haunches and pretends to be sleeping. The rest of the children walk around him. Someone reads the lines:

Here sits a shaggy dog

Wrapping your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he sits:

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens.

On the last lines, the “dog” wakes up and begins to “bark” and catch up with the children. The one caught first becomes a dog.

The game “Flower - seven-colored”, “Jumping from hoop to hoop”, “Find your color”. Giving gifts to mothers (holiday crafts - cards). Treats for children at the end of the event.


    Let's play./ Ed. A.A. Joiner. M.: Education, 1991.

    Kalinina T.V. First successes in drawing. Flowers and Herbs. – St. Petersburg: speech, educational projects; M.: Sfera, 2009. – 64 p.

    Nishcheva N.V. Multi-colored fairy tales: A cycle of classes on speech development, the formation of color perception and color discrimination in preschool children: Teaching. methodological manual summary – 48 p.

    Useful tasks for children 3-4 years old.